Universe and brain

The well-known scientific assumption that the structure of the Universe resembles a system of neurons in the brain takes place. The Internet has been circulated with photographs, which very clearly show how amazingly the microscopic model of the countless network of neurons is similar to the macroscopic model of the Universe. The matter of different galaxies in it interacts with each other, developing and growing.

Amazing Brain Imaging

There is another important similarity between brain cells and black holes.- both create electromagnetic radiation. Researchers are convinced that the macrocosm is accurately displayed in a biological cell as a microcosm, therefore the complex structure of the Universe is compared with a cell. They are sure that this similarity is not accidental.

Scientists believe that any networks, starting from and ending with the grandiose Universe, develop according to uniform fundamental natural laws. These guesses were prompted by the same patterns in the constant growth of networks.

Channeling. Archangel Michael - Morea. Consciousness as viewed by an extra-universal observer

Objective reality

Can our infinite Universe be one of the cells of one living giant organism in this case? Let's go back to school for a physics lesson and remember that a cell consists of molecules, molecules - from atoms, and atoms - from a nucleus and electrons revolving around it. If we compare with the Universe, then it turns out that electrons are the same planets, nucleus- this is Sun, a solar systematom. And if you look deeper, it turns out that galaxymolecule, a Universecell .

If you look even wider, then, in fact, the Universes, like cells, are countless, they have no number. All of them are in certain time are created, exist for some period, and then are necessarily destroyed. This is confirmed by the ancient Vedic scriptures and, you see, is very reminiscent of this, which is also created, lives and dies.

Just as a cell is considered alive, because, so the Universe is alive, because living beings are infused into it. Back in the last century, one of the scientists who studied a living cell and, marveling at its most complex structure, said that it could not be created without the intervention of the mind.

This scientist immediately believed in God, because there is no one else, except the Lord, to so prudently “furnish” the life of the simplest cell from beginning to end, a cell that in itself is the beginning for creating a living organism. The theory - "what is in the big - that - and in the small" - is fully confirmed.

Channeling. Archangel Michael - Morea. Soul and consciousness

Interesting facts about the brain

It has been proven that a neuron and a separate section of the Universe have the same unit of vibration frequency, however, to a different extent due to the difference in structures and sizes. From this, their work can be safely compared with music, the sound of which either increases or decreases. And if a person correctly tunes his thinking, then the Universe for him is like a tuning fork.

If there is a connection with the cosmos, then this knowledge can be used to expand consciousness. - this is a whole story of creation, in which "amazing events" take place inside the skull in order to make people who they are. An infant is born with myriads of neurons, and its brain forms trillions of connections.

A nerve cell in the brain generates and stimulates other neurons. They, in turn, become excited and reproduce their signals, which run to other neurons, forming a network that performs a single brain function. What a grandiose sight, if you imagine all this in an enlarged size!

However, neighboring neurons in the brain communicate better not with each other, but with nerve cells that resemble knots. In the same way, when the Universe expands in space and time, the number of connections between the elements of matter in galaxies increases. Comparing , one can see that the natural dynamics of their growth is identical.

Holographic likeness

The 20th century was a century of significant discoveries and experiments. A group of French scientists found that such elementary particles, like electrons, are able by some miracle to instantly, no matter how far apart they are. Each particle miraculously "knew" exactly what the other was doing.

  • Based on these data, one of the London scientists "luminaries" suggested that the Universe is a giant hologram. The principle of the hologram, which says - "everything in every part" convinced researchers that electrons at any distance interact not because they exchange mysterious signals with each other, but because their separation is apparent. If you look from some other level of reality, then these particles are not separate, but, on the contrary, a continuation of something global.
  • Scientists are convinced that there is a higher dimensional level of reality hidden from us. And we see the particles as separate only because only a small part of reality is available to us. The particles themselves are facets of one deep unity. And since everything is contained in a small part, then the Universe is a projection and a hologram. This means that any objects in the world at a deep level are infinitely interconnected and all natural phenomena and nature itself is an unbreakable web.
  • One of the neurophysiologists, who is closely involved in the study of the brain, also believes in the theory of the holographic world. He came to this conclusion by puzzling over the riddle of which area of ​​the brain is responsible for memories. His numerous studies have shown that information is dispersed evenly throughout the entire volume of the brain. It turned out that memory is not in groups of neurons, but in discharges of nerve impulses that flash throughout the brain, just like a small piece of a hologram shows the entire image.

Then the question arises: if both the Universe and the brain are a hologram, then what is the real objective reality? Scientists have yet to find out, but for now they are reassured by the fact that the theory of the hologram of the brain and the Universe explains many paranormal and psychophysical phenomena, such as, for example, telepathy.

There are countless universes, just like there are cells in the human body. Like cells, they are formed, exist and disappear.

Some physicists are pushing the idea that the universe could be a giant brain. Could this be true? In fact, our brain and the universe are somewhat similar. The brain is growing, the universe is also growing and expanding. In the brain, electrical discharges occur among its neurons every fraction of a second. Similarly, in the Universe, electric discharges arise between its "cells" - expanding galaxies. The brain is the most mysterious object in the universe. The universe is the most mysterious object for the thinking human brain. We don't know exactly how the universe works, and we can't decipher the mysteries of our own brains.

The brain consists of two hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum. Their surface is covered with numerous folds and convolutions, which have an uneven, bumpy surface. Each of the hemispheres is a separate self-developing organ. Each of them is responsible for certain actions of a person and in its own way controls the organs of his body.

The hemispheres of the brain can be thought of as separate individuals with their own dreams, memories, knowledge and emotions. Based on this theory, it can be assumed that the functioning of the entire brain consists of two separate equal worlds. This is very reminiscent of what is happening between our Universe and the alleged parallel Universe. They are connected as a whole, but at the same time they are completely different.

The brain contains up to 100 billion neuron cells. This is about 100 times the number of stars in milky way. Each neuron is a body with a nucleus and dendrites and axons extending from it. They pick up various signals. Axons are the networks that conduct these signals. When scientists modeled the universe, they noticed that its structure of time and space is graphically similar to the network structure of the human brain.

The neuron generates an electrical signal and stimulates other neurons, which also reproduce their signals, which run to subsequent neurons. Thus, a network is formed that performs a single brain function. In the same way, when the Universe expands in space and time, the number of connections between the elements of matter in galaxies increases.

There are countless universes, just like there are cells in the human body. Like cells, they are formed, exist and disappear. There is another theory of the structure of the Universe. According to her, the brain cell is the Universe for another world. And we are in the Universe, which is a brain cell of some creature.

The black hole of the universe resembles the nucleus of a cell. The space that exists around black holes is like a nuclear membrane. This space, like the membrane, is two-layered. It does not allow anything that has gone inside the hole to come out of it. The cell membrane does the same. It protects the cell and regulates the exchange of substances between the nucleus and its environment.

The idea of ​​the universe as a "giant brain" has been proposed by scientists - and science fiction writers - for decades. But now physicists are saying that there may be some evidence that this is actually true in some sense.

This was shown by computer simulations. The researchers modeled the life of the very early universe, just after the Big Bang, by seeing how quantum units of "space-time" smaller than subatomic particles form a network with each other during the development of the universe.

They found that the simulation is a mirror image of other networks. Some links between similar nodes were the result of limited growth, while others acted as nodes for a wide variety of links. For example, some connections are limited and similar - like a person who loves sports and visits many sports websites - and some are large and connect to very different parts of the web, such as Google and Yahoo.

It turned out that the "natural growth dynamics" - the path of systems development - is the same for various kinds networks - be it the Internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole. The co-author of the study, our former compatriot Dmitry Kryukov from the University of California at San Diego, says that these emerging systems are very different, but they developed in a very similar way. As a result, the scientists argue, the universe is indeed evolving like a brain.

Maybe the Universe "thinks"?

Or maybe the universe is just a game of super-civilizations. A serious philosopher, winner of many prestigious awards, Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom admitted in one of his interviews that the film "The Matrix" made such an impression on him that he wrote a book in a month called "Are we living in a computer simulation?"

The scientist argued that with a probability of 25 percent, our world is now a matrix - a computer simulation of reality. The philosopher had in mind a program that simulates the consciousness of one, several people or the whole of humanity.

“And the simulation was created by the so-called post-human civilization, consisting of the descendants of modern people, but internally and externally so changed that it’s hard to call them people,” Bostrom explained.

The scientist considered these superbeings to be representatives of "true humanity." And endowed with extraordinary abilities - for example, computing, acquired as a result of the fusion of the brain with supercomputers.

“It cost nothing to such cyborgs to create a virtual world,” the philosopher argued. He even suggested why they needed it. To study your own past.

“Our descendants faced gaps in their history and decided to fill in the gaps by launching a lot of simulated faces into the game - you and me,” Bostrom enthusiastically built his extraordinary theory.

Almost ten years have passed since the publication of Bostrom's book. It would seem that the crazy fantasies of the philosopher should be forgotten. So no. On the contrary, physicists undertook to prove that computer supersimulation is possible. And our world is just a matrix.

In the eastern traditional teaching of Taoism human body viewed as a small universe, as a microcosm. In the course of large-scale studies of the human brain, which were carried out in Europe and the USA, it turned out that the organization of the neurons of the human brain is very similar to the organization of the galaxies of the universe.

This similarity can be seen in the next two pictures. The first image shows a network of neurons in the brain, the bottom image shows the distribution of dark matter in the universe, which was modeled by the Millennium Simulation team.

Modeling a system of neurons in the brain. Photo: transductions.net

Galaxy system modeled by the Millennium Simulation team. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

In the pictures, one can notice the similarity of the connections between the elements of these systems (the brain and the universe) and the distribution of matter in them. The first illustration depicts microscopic objects, while the second is macroscopic, extremely large.

Scientific works

The similarity between the structure of the brain and the universe has been noted in several scientific papers.

Last year, a group of scientists led by Dmitry Kryukov of the University of California created a computer simulation of the development of the universe, in which this universe was broken into its component parts. Over time, it developed and grew, and new units were added to it. The interaction of matter in different galaxies was similar to the interactions in the neural network in the human brain, according to Live Science.

The discovery shows that there is a fundamental law governing these interactions, said University of Houston physicist Kevin Bassler, who was not involved in Kryukov's study, Live Science reports.

Even earlier, in May 2011, studies on the similarity of the universe and the human brain were published by Iranian scientists led by Seyyed Hadi Anamruz from the University of Medical Sciences in Kerman. Their work has been published in the international journal Physical Sciences.

In it, they argue that a black hole resembles the nucleus of a cell. The event horizon that exists around black holes is a kind of point of no return where gravitational attraction sucks objects into black hole, - resembles a nuclear membrane.

The event horizon is two-layered, like the nuclear membrane. Just like the event horizon, which prevents anything that has entered the hole from leaving it, the nuclear membrane protects the cell and regulates the exchange of materials between the nucleus and its surroundings. One more common feature is that both black holes and body cells create electromagnetic radiation.

The researchers wrote: “Almost everything that exists in the macrocosm is reflected in the biological cell as in the microcosm. Simply put, the universe can be depicted as a cell."