Asteroid TS4 flies towards Earth, latest data: collision on October 12, 2017, astronomer Judith Rus from the USA called inevitable. NASA scientists deny this.

An asteroid flies to Earth on October 12, 2017: Astronomers do not know exactly what will happen on October 12, 2017, when a celestial body, possibly larger than the Chelyabinsk meteorite, is dangerously close to our planet, writes KP.

It is known for sure that the asteroid 2012 TC4, discovered on October 4, 2012, is now approaching the Earth. And on October 12, 2017, it will cross its orbit from the outside. However, the minimum distance at which a celestial body will be from our planet is not known. Astronomers did not have time to collect enough data about this asteroid to have no doubt about the parameters of its orbit.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has the most encouraging forecast: 2012 TC4 will fly 43 thousand kilometers from the Earth.

NASA also claims that 2012TS4 will fly by, but may be very close to the Earth - at a distance of 6800 kilometers. Satellites in orbit are under threat.

The exact dimensions of the approaching asteroid have not yet been determined. Astronomers believe that it is at least 12 meters across and no more than 40.

Data on speed also differ celestial body. Europeans estimate it at 14 kilometers per second, the website at 7.6 kilometers per second. NASA has not yet evaluated.

From approximate calculations, it follows that until 2050, earthlings, as they say, can sleep peacefully. The chances of an asteroid crashing into the Earth will be scanty - less than one in a million. But the next 100 years cause concern - the probability of a catastrophe rises to 1:630.

Even if suddenly this 2012 TS4 for some reason changes its trajectory and crashes into the Earth, then there will be no big trouble and, of course, there will be no end of the world. The celestial body is close in size to the Chelyabinsk meteorite that fell in February 2013. He was very frightened, the blast wave damaged about 7 thousand buildings, the Rosregistr website reports. But there were no casualties or major damage.

Asteroid flies to Earth on October 12, 2017: in the event of a TC4 collision, a catastrophe will be inevitable - experts

Astronomer Judith Rees of the University of Texas claims that the size of the asteroid that will approach Earth on October 12, 2017 is 40 thousand kilometers, and its collision with our planet is almost inevitable.

As Poliexpert writes with reference to the researcher, if an asteroid falls on Earth on October 12, 2017, irreversible catastrophic changes await our planet. It is specified that we are talking about the giant asteroid 2012 TC4, called Florence, which is twice the size of the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite.

The exact distance at which 2012 TC4 will pass near the Earth is unknown, but experts from NASA and the European Space Agency say that the chances of an asteroid colliding with the planet on October 12 are almost zero.

According to Russian scientists, the minimum distance that Florence will approach our planet will be 44.9 thousand kilometers, which is about 10 times less than the distance of the Moon from the Earth.

"The asteroid, which is about 40 meters in diameter, will fly past the Earth on October 12, 7:42 a.m. Ural time. Compared to other TC4, it is quite small, but it is the only one that will fly so close to the Earth," the Department of Astronomy, Geodesy and Monitoring said in a statement. environment Ural Federal University.

At the same time, Russian astronomers denied rumors spread on the Internet that a giant asteroid will fall on Earth on October 12. According to experts, on this moment all potentially dangerous celestial bodies are known, and they are located at a sufficiently large distance from the Earth. The scientists urged Russians to "filter" all predictions about the end of the world and be skeptical about them, since in most cases such rumors are spread by those who are looking for popularity.

In turn, the leading engineer of Tomsk state university said that about the collision of asteroids large sizes with the planet will be known long before the incident.

The meteorite, whose diameter is estimated at about 17 meters, and the mass - at 10 thousand tons, entered the Earth's atmosphere over the Chelyabinsk region on February 15, 2013 and exploded at an altitude of 15-25 kilometers. As a result, 1,613 people were injured, and material damage amounted to almost 500 thousand rubles.

Asteroid on October 12, 2017 flies to Earth: Scientists commented on the "fall to Earth asteroid" on October 12

According to the observations of specialists from the European Southern Observatory in Chile, an asteroid 2012 TC4 moving towards the Earth with a size of up to 30 meters will approach our planet as close as possible on October 12 at a distance of about 43,000 kilometers (which is comparable to one eighth of the distance from the Earth to the Moon), reports RG.

This is close enough by astronomical standards, but quite safe for humanity, Mirror reports with reference to NASA experts. The latter are interested in the approaching celestial body exclusively from a research point of view.

The asteroid will approach the Earth and safely pass by. We are preparing to collect data to study TC4 as well as previously observed similar objects. We also plan to use the approach of a celestial body for the first time to test the worldwide network for detecting and tracking asteroids,” explained Michael Kelly, head of NASA headquarters for the TC4 observation campaign.

Earlier, NASA admitted that it was difficult to accurately determine the distance between the Earth and asteroid 2012 TC4 at the time of closest approach, which was perceived by some media as a "wake-up signal". However, NASA explained that in any case, the object will approach the planet by a maximum of 6800 kilometers.

On the twelfth of October this year, the asteroid 2012 TC4 will pass for a relatively long distance from the earth. Previously, scientists have already stated that this space object does not threaten our planet in any way, but with the approach of the asteroid to Earth, specialists managed to establish the exact distance at which TC4 will pass.

In the event of the fall of the asteroid 2012 TC4 to Earth, the climate of the planet will change dramatically. In the early days, most of the animal and flora will die out. Days and nights will last for six months, an unbearably hot day will be replaced by "eternal winter" at night.

October 12 meteorite: scientists deny possibility of Earth collision with TC4

Over a long period, all scientists of the world carefully observed the movement and behavior of the asteroid 2012 TC4, while taking into account all possible factors influencing its trajectory. The specialist managed to find out that the diameter of a space object approaching the Earth is forty meters. An asteroid of this size is not capable of burning up in the Earth's atmosphere during a collision, which means that if it falls, it can cause great destruction.

Experts suggest that the asteroid 2012 TC4 formed in the Kuiper belt, which is considered one of the most dangerous space regions for the Earth. In this belt there is an accumulation largest number space objects that fly apart in a chaotic manner.

Usually, asteroids formed in this belt rarely reach the Earth, but sometimes this does happen, the C-ib website reports. The facts about the fall of this kind of asteroids are not publicly disclosed, because they usually land in deserts and do not pose any danger to human life.

Dangerous is only that asteroid mass, which reaches thirty tons. Despite the fact that the asteroid 2012 TC4 has a dangerous mass, scientists have found that it will pass at a large enough distance from the Earth that it would not hook it. According to the latest data that appeared in the media, this space object will pass over the surface of the earth at a distance of fifty thousand kilometers. This is a safe distance, so the asteroid will pass by the Earth without consequences for its inhabitants and infrastructure.

Meteorite October 12: in the event of a collision, the consequences will be tragic

Although scientists claim that there will be no consequences for the Earth from the passage of asteroid 2012 TC4, they nevertheless calculated the consequences that may be in the event of a collision with this cosmic body. According to them, this asteroid is capable of punching a huge hole in the atmosphere, which itself will not recover. This will change the time of day. Every day, like night, will last half a year.

The level of solar radiation in the daytime will rise to catastrophic values, the air temperature will also cross all permissible limits. This will lead to the death of most plants and animals. Scientists suggest that during sunny days, all glaciers will completely melt. With the night comes "eternal winter".

Asteroid TS4 flies towards Earth, latest data: collision on October 12, 2017, astronomer Judith Rus from the USA called inevitable. NASA scientists deny this.

An asteroid flies to Earth on October 12, 2017: Astronomers do not know exactly what will happen on October 12, 2017, when a celestial body, possibly larger than the Chelyabinsk meteorite, is dangerously close to our planet, writes KP.

It is known for sure that the asteroid 2012 TC4, discovered on October 4, 2012, is now approaching the Earth. And on October 12, 2017, it will cross its orbit from the outside. However, the minimum distance at which a celestial body will be from our planet is not known. Astronomers did not have time to collect enough data about this asteroid to have no doubt about the parameters of its orbit.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has the most encouraging forecast: 2012 TC4 will fly 43 thousand kilometers from the Earth.

NASA also claims that 2012TS4 will fly by, but may be very close to the Earth - at a distance of 6800 kilometers. Satellites in orbit are under threat.

The exact dimensions of the approaching asteroid have not yet been determined. Astronomers believe that it is at least 12 meters across and no more than 40.

Data on the speed of a celestial body also differ. Europeans estimate it at 14 kilometers per second, the website at 7.6 kilometers per second. NASA has not yet evaluated.

From approximate calculations, it follows that until 2050, earthlings, as they say, can sleep peacefully. The chances of an asteroid crashing into the Earth will be scanty - less than one in a million. But the next 100 years cause concern - the probability of a catastrophe rises to 1:630.

Even if suddenly this 2012 TS4 for some reason changes its trajectory and crashes into the Earth, then there will be no big trouble and, of course, there will be no end of the world. The celestial body is close in size to the Chelyabinsk meteorite that fell in February 2013. He was very frightened, the blast wave damaged about 7 thousand buildings. But there were no casualties or major damage.

Astronomer Judith Rees of the University of Texas claims that the size of the asteroid that will approach Earth on October 12, 2017 is 40 thousand kilometers, and its collision with our planet is almost inevitable.

As Poliexpert writes with reference to the researcher, if an asteroid falls on Earth on October 12, 2017, irreversible catastrophic changes await our planet. It is specified that we are talking about a giant asteroid 2012 TS4, called Florence, whose size is twice the size of the known Chelyabinsk meteorite.

The exact distance at which 2012 TC4 will pass near the Earth is unknown, but experts from NASA and the European Space Agency say that the chances of an asteroid colliding with the planet on October 12 are almost zero.

According to Russian scientists, the minimum distance that Florence will approach our planet will be 44.9 thousand kilometers, which is about 10 times less than the distance of the Moon from the Earth.

“The asteroid, which is about 40 meters in diameter, will fly past the Earth on October 12 at 7:42 am Ural time. Compared to others, TS4 is quite small, but it is the only one that will fly so close to the Earth, ”the Department of Astronomy, Geodesy and Environmental Monitoring of the Ural Federal University said in a statement.

At the same time, Russian astronomers denied rumors spread on the Internet that a giant asteroid will fall on Earth on October 12. According to experts, at the moment all potentially dangerous celestial bodies are known, and they are located at a fairly large distance from the Earth. The scientists urged Russians to "filter" all predictions about the end of the world and be skeptical about them, since in most cases such rumors are spread by those who are looking for popularity.

In turn, the leading engineer of Tomsk State University said that the collision of large asteroids with the planet would be known long before the event.

The meteorite, whose diameter is estimated at about 17 meters, and the mass - at 10 thousand tons, entered the Earth's atmosphere over the Chelyabinsk region on February 15, 2013 and exploded at an altitude of 15-25 kilometers. As a result, 1,613 people were injured, and material damage amounted to almost 500 thousand rubles.

According to the observations of specialists from the European Southern Observatory in Chile, an asteroid 2012 TC4 moving towards the Earth with a size of up to 30 meters will approach our planet as close as possible on October 12 at a distance of about 43,000 kilometers (which is comparable to one eighth of the distance from the Earth to the Moon), reports RG.

This is close enough by astronomical standards, but quite safe for humanity, Mirror reports with reference to NASA experts. The latter are interested in the approaching celestial body exclusively from a research point of view.

The asteroid will approach the Earth and safely pass by. We are preparing to collect data to study TC4 as well as previously observed similar objects. We also plan to use the approach of a celestial body for the first time to test the worldwide network for detecting and tracking asteroids,” explained Michael Kelly, head of NASA headquarters for the TC4 observation campaign.

Earlier, NASA admitted that it was difficult to accurately determine the distance between the Earth and asteroid 2012 TC4 at the time of closest approach, which was perceived by some media as a "wake-up signal." However, NASA explained that in any case, the object will approach the planet by a maximum of 6800 kilometers.

On October 12 this year, asteroid 2012 TC4 will pass at a relatively short distance from the Earth. Previously, scientists have already stated that this space object does not threaten our planet in any way, but with the approach of the asteroid to Earth, specialists managed to establish the exact distance at which TC4 will pass.

In the event of the fall of the asteroid 2012 TC4 to Earth, the climate of the planet will change dramatically. In the early days, most of the animal and plant world will die out. Days and nights will last for six months, an unbearably hot day will be replaced by "eternal winter" at night.

October 12 meteorite: scientists deny possibility of Earth collision with TC4

For a long period, all scientists of the world have carefully observed the movement and behavior of the asteroid 2012 TC4, while taking into account all possible factors influencing its trajectory. The specialist managed to find out that the diameter of a space object approaching the Earth is forty meters. An asteroid of this size is not capable of burning up in the Earth's atmosphere during a collision, which means that if it falls, it can cause great destruction.

Experts suggest that the asteroid 2012 TC4 formed in the Kuiper belt, which is considered one of the most dangerous space regions for the Earth. In this belt, there is an accumulation of the largest number of space objects that scatter in a chaotic manner.

Usually, asteroids formed in this belt rarely reach the Earth, but sometimes this does happen, the C-ib website reports. The facts about the fall of this kind of asteroids are not publicly disclosed, because they usually land in deserts and do not pose any danger to human life.

Dangerous is only that asteroid mass, which reaches thirty tons. Despite the fact that the asteroid 2012 TC4 has a dangerous mass, scientists have found that it will pass at a large enough distance from the Earth that it would not hook it. According to the latest data that appeared in the media, this space object will pass over the surface of the earth at a distance of fifty thousand kilometers. This is a safe distance, so the asteroid will pass by the Earth without consequences for its inhabitants and infrastructure.

Meteorite October 12: in the event of a collision, the consequences will be tragic

Although scientists claim that there will be no consequences for the Earth from the passage of asteroid 2012 TC4, they nevertheless calculated the consequences that may be in the event of a collision with this cosmic body. According to them, this asteroid is capable of punching a huge hole in the atmosphere, which itself will not recover. This will change the time of day. Every day, like night, will last half a year.

The level of solar radiation in the daytime will rise to catastrophic values, the air temperature will also cross all permissible limits. This will lead to the death of most plants and animals. Scientists suggest that during sunny days, all glaciers will completely melt. With the night comes "eternal winter".

October 12, 2017 - new date end of the world. Scientists have stated this. Rather, experts simply reported that the Earth was flying huge asteroid, which can destroy all life on our planet. The latest news, unfortunately, on this occasion is disappointing.

October 12, 2017 - Asteroid:

According to information from scientists, on October 12, 2017, an asteroid should fly to Earth - it is of such a huge size that it can easily break through our atmosphere, they are sure. The size of the asteroid TS4 2012, according to scientists, is several times larger than Chelyabinsk meteorite. Now it is very difficult to estimate what damage it will cause to our Planet, however, the assumptions, as you can understand for yourself, are disappointing.

According to the research of Western astronomers, on October 12, 2017, the asteroid TS4 2012 will collide with the Earth. It is now known that the diameter of this celestial body is 40 meters, but it is moving towards us at a speed of 28 km / h. The fact that the threat is real is confirmed by an urgent meeting to be held on October 10, 2017, that is, tomorrow, at 15:00. Professionals will come together to answer questions such as: how big is the risk of a collision, how terrible will the consequences be, can this lead to cataclysms, which, in turn, will start the end of the world, and many others.

Now it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that the end of the world is waiting for the Earth on Thursday due to the fall of an asteroid, and even that it will fall at all, but scientists intend to consider all situations. While the Space Apocalypse on this date is not cancelled.