On our planet there are a huge number of forms of manifestation of life. Scientists estimate that there are about 1.5 million animal species and at least 500,000 plant species on Earth. Where did these plants and animals come from? Have they always been like this? And has the planet always been the same as it is now? How did we find out what was on Earth before the appearance of man?

We know human history from written sources, historical records that have survived to this day. But after all, writing arose in 4-3 millennia BC (Egypt, Mesopotamia). And the Earth, as you know, has about 5 billion years in its age! And can everything be learned from the same written testimonies? Sometimes more than books tell ancient things found during excavations, objects used by the first person. For the historian-archaeologist this is often of decisive importance.

For geology - a science that studies the past of the planet - the earth's interior plays the role of "written documents". After all, the remnants of life have been preserved in the earth's layers, which can “tell” what this life was like not thousands, but millions of years ago. In the bowels of the Earth, one can find traces of raindrops and sea waves, the work of winds and ice. Based on rock deposits, scientists restore the contours of the sea, rivers, swamps, lakes, deserts of the distant past.
How could the remains of the organisms of the past survive to our time? Yes, even so distant from us - for millions of years?

When an organism enters a river, lake or coastal strip of the sea, it is quickly covered with silt, sand or clay. Being saturated with salts, the remains of organisms “stony”. And in this form they are found today by scientists. They can use the skeleton and other preserved parts of the animal to restore not only the appearance, but also its way of life. Modern methods research and technology make it possible, using only one part of the skeleton (skull, jaw, leg bones) of a vertebrate, to restore the structure of its body, its closest relatives both among fossils and among modern animals.

The data of geology and paleontology (the science of fossil animals and plants) made it possible to systematize the accumulated knowledge. They became the basis for dividing the history of life on Earth into five segments, which are called eras. Each era is divided into periods, and a period is divided into epochs and centuries. In each of them, different geological events and changes in the development of wildlife took place. The most ancient is archean era. It began about 3.5 billion years ago and lasted 1.6 billion years. It was replaced by the Proterozoic era (beginning - 1.9 billion years ago).

The era in which we live is the youngest. It is called the Cenozoic - the era of new life. This era began 70 million years ago and continues today. This was established through the study of sedimentary rocks of the earth's crust (sand, clay, limestone, etc.). The upper layers are the youngest, and the lower, the older they are. According to the remains of organisms preserved in them, true life on Earth in remote times was established.

But to establish the exact dates, it is not enough to study the layers of the earth's crust. A kind of "geological clock" helped to create physicists and chemists. They discovered that the atoms of certain elements - uranium, thorium, radium - change all the time. This change is called "decay". This creates other elements.

Such a transformation is accompanied by radiation (release or emission of small charged particles), and the process itself is called radioactive decay. It always flows at the same speed. Different elements have different speed, and hence the time of complete decay. For example, rubidium-87 decays in about 50 billion years, uranium-238 - in 4.5 billion years. But radium - for 1590 years. Permanent for everyone radioactive element decay rates have made it possible to use them as an accurate clock for measuring the age of rocks. And to determine a shorter time, they learned to use the radiocarbon method. Indeed, in the tissues of living organisms, along with ordinary carbon (atomic weight 12), a small amount of its isotope is found. This is the same substance, but its atomic weight is 14. Its half-life is 5760 years. It was possible to verify this method by comparing it with dated archaeological sites.

Even before the appearance of man, events took place on Earth that changed our planet for millions of years. The seas repeatedly attacked the land, eroding and destroying it; mountain ranges rose from the waters of the sea. They, in turn, were washed away by rain and snow waters, rivers that cut into their slopes, and were worn out by glaciers descending from mountain peaks. At the bottom of the seas, on islands and on the continents, volcanoes erupted molten lavas that covered vast areas and changed the face of the Earth beyond recognition. Winds in the deserts dispelled mountain ranges to dust, transported and deposited powerful layers of sand that accumulated over vast expanses of our planet. But how could a person know what was happening on Earth before his appearance?

All those changes that the globe has undergone since the formation of the earth's crust on it and up to the present time are studied by historical geology. She finds out where in the past there were seas and where land, where volcanoes erupted, where mountains rose. Historical geology establishes not only the events that took place many millions of years ago on Earth, but also their sequence: what happened before and what later. Rocks as monuments of past events Observing the surrounding nature, a person noticed that every event that occurs on Earth leaves a trace, a memory of itself in the form of certain mineral accumulations that turn into rocks.

On land, due to the work of rain and flowing waters, clayey-sandy sediments accumulate, containing small pebbles, and often freshwater mollusk shells. Winds in deserts, destroying mountain ranges, contribute to the accumulation of thick layers of barkhan sands, which differ in composition from sands washed up with water. In salt lakes in a dry and hot climate, rock salt accumulates, in the seas off the coast, pebbles and sand are piled up, and further, in the open sea, lime and clay sediments, which subsequently turn into limestone and shale.

Each volcanic eruption provides a huge amount of mineral material. Volcanic ash, compacted and caking, turns into volcanic tuff; lavas, solidifying, form various volcanic rocks: basalt, obsidian (volcanic glass), etc. Thus, each rock arose as a result of various events that took place on Earth. The features of rocks, their mineralogical composition, structure, and the nature of their occurrence provide geologists with material for clarifying the conditions under which rocks were formed. Observing the changes taking place on the Earth in our time, and studying how various precipitations are formed, we can conclude that in the distant past, our Earth changed in general under the influence of the same processes that are happening now.

But in different parts of the world, these processes proceeded differently. Near Moscow in ravines, on the slopes of river valleys, right under the soil, one can observe strata of peculiar red-brown coarse loams with many rounded stones - boulders of various sizes and composition. The boulders consist of crystalline rocks: granites, gneisses, quartzites, etc. These rocks do not occur in the bedrock near Moscow, but are widely distributed in Finland, on the Kola Peninsula. Scientists have established that boulders and ancient boulder loams are deposits of a huge glacier that once advanced on the Russian Plain from Finland. Destroying and abrading rocks made of granites, gneisses and other crystalline rocks, the glacier took the debris with it and dragged them for many kilometers to the south. Melting and gradually disappearing, the glacier deposited these worn fragments together with clayey and sandy sediments in the form of boulder loams - moraines. Where the edge of the glacier was located for a long time, whole shafts of terminal moraines accumulated.

“Elder Race” is the name given to the mythical predecessors of today's people who existed on Earth long before dinosaurs and apes, as well as with them and even after them. Representatives of this race could find "our" people, to whom they could partially transfer knowledge and skills. About this incredibly developed and technologically advanced race, the legends of almost all the peoples of the world tell.

Mysterious find - direct evidence of the existence of the "older race"

About 10 years ago, in the Alps, in the permafrost, the corpse of a man was discovered, which was relatively well preserved. Scientists have determined that the deceased was no more than forty years old. They were especially surprised by the age of the remains. An unknown man froze to death several thousand years ago.

The clothes and shoes of the deceased could not be identified. He did not belong to any known people who theoretically could exist in that area once. The appearance of the man was unnaturally perfect: clear and harmonious proportions, surprisingly regular facial features (later determined using computer modeling), no flaws. When scientists examined his bones, the version regarding his age was confirmed. The man really was 40 years old, but the most surprising thing is that his body at this age corresponded to the body of a teenage boy. His bones were in the process of formation, like the current teenager at 16 years old. Thus, a 40-year-old man had to “grow up” only at 100 years old. After the news about the find spread in the scientific community, scientists became interested in the ancient legends about the "older race".

People with stunning, perfect looks

Legends and myths of various peoples of the world describe the "older race" almost identically, which is alarming. The “senior” differed from us, first of all, in height: they were much taller, or shorter modern people. Some legends describe them as dwarfs - elves and so on. Others are like statuesque giants, fair-haired and very strong. In any case, they are credited with an ideal appearance: harmonious proportions, unearthly beauty, harmony, and so on.

Some legends claim that the "elders" lived up to 500 years. Others say that they never died a natural death at all. By the way, representatives of the "older race" were born extremely rarely, and most often after a certain "miracle", which could well be artificial insemination.

The "older race" caught people. The first people idolized her, treated her representatives with respect and accuracy. The "elder" settled in places inaccessible to the average person - in the mountains, caves, inside hollow hills, in forests and on secluded islands. Representatives of the super race were able to produce various things of excellent quality. For example, legends about elves say that they were skilled weavers. In absolutely all myths, the "older race" has magical powers.

Contacts with our race - "Slavic divas"

The Slavs also talked about the "senior". They were called "divas", "samodivs" and "samovils". This name comes from the word "divo", which means "miracle". Unfortunately, before the advent of Christianity, the Slavs did not write down their legends, but transmitted them orally, so very little information about the "divas" has survived to this day.

It is known that the "divas" were incredibly beautiful. The fair sex of this race always had long hair to the toes, which they never tied. "Divas" built their houses in the trees, or high in the mountains. They mastered levitation, but for some reason sometimes lost this ability. For example, in the "Tale of Igor's Campaign" there is an excerpt "the divas will crash into the ground." This probably means that during the flight a certain "div" lost his balance and fell.

"Divas" treated people, predicted events, found water underground with the help of their magical talents, and were excellent artisans. They were not immortal, but they never died by their own death.

One of the real last mentions of "divas" refers to the twenties of the last century. At that time, the famous traveler Mikhail Belov explored the most inaccessible regions of the Urals. After talking with the locals, he learned that they deeply believe in the "divas", who allegedly still live in mountain caves that are inaccessible to the average person. Sometimes "divas" come to villages and talk about what is happening in the world. The traveler at first laughed at the "grandmother's tales", but then he changed his mind dramatically when he learned that the locals, being completely isolated from civilization, know completely everything about Russia: the main news, recent events, and so on. By the way, in that village there was no radio, no televisions, no electricity.

Material evidence

A very ancient bowl is kept in one of the museums in England. Its reliable age could not be determined, but it is known that in those days people did not have the technologies that would allow it to be produced. The thicket was made around the 12th century. An interesting legend is associated with it:

A certain peasant, returning home, heard beautiful singing and saw an open door. Approaching her, he looked into the house in which the singers were. They were very nice and friendly. The peasant was invited to his table, serving him an intoxicating drink in the same bowl. After the bowl was presented to the peasant. It was taken from him by the lord he served. For several decades, it was inherited, and then ended up in a museum.

Another amazing find was found on the territory of Ukraine. Bones for divination were found there, the age of which is 17 thousand years. Someone struck them with jewelry accuracy moon calendar. The tribes of nomads living at that time on the territory of Ukraine did not have the slightest idea about space.

Who are they - the "older race" and why did they leave our planet

Specialists studying the above findings are building a variety of theories as to who the representatives of the "older race" were. There is a theory that they were ordinary people, which at one time began to develop separately from the bulk of the world's population. They retired with nature, thanks to which they received their superpowers.

However, there is another theory. As you know, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were completely different types Living creatures. Perhaps the "older race" consisted of other "people" - more developed, devoid of diseases and various genetic abnormalities. Because of this, their appearance seemed ideal to our people.

Scientist E. Deniken, who created the film "Memories of the Future", believes that the "older race" are aliens, which may be creatures who lived before us and left our planet at one time, and then returned again, but partially. He also admits that these creatures could appear from the marriages of ancient people with aliens.

Starting from the 17th and 18th centuries, the "older race" was no longer mentioned at all. Thus, it can be assumed that this people disappeared somewhere from our planet. Some legends tell about the mythical country "Avalon", to which all the "elders" supposedly went. Scientists, in turn, explain everything much more simply: the “senior” could merge with our people, as they were not able to maintain their originality due to the extremely low birth rate. In addition, it is generally accepted that the "senior" came to us with parallel worlds. They continue to exist there, but for some reason they no longer want to contact us.

The history of our planet still holds many mysteries. Scientists from various fields of natural science have contributed to the study of the development of life on Earth.

It is believed that the age of our planet is about 4.54 billion years. This entire time period is usually divided into two main stages: Phanerozoic and Precambrian. These stages are called eons or eonoteme. Eons, in turn, are divided into several periods, each of which is distinguished by a set of changes that have taken place in the geological, biological, atmospheric state of the planet.

  1. Precambrian, or Cryptozoic- this is an eon (time interval of the development of the Earth), covering about 3.8 billion years. That is, the Precambrian is the development of the planet from the moment of formation, the formation of the earth's crust, the proto-ocean and the emergence of life on Earth. By the end of the Precambrian, highly organized organisms with a developed skeleton were already widespread on the planet.

The eon includes two more eonotemes - katarche and archaea. The latter, in turn, includes 4 eras.

1. Katarchaeus- this is the time of the formation of the Earth, but there was still neither the core nor the earth's crust. The planet was still a cold cosmic body. Scientists suggest that during this period there was already water on Earth. The Catarchean lasted about 600 million years.

2. Archaea covers a period of 1.5 billion years. During this period, there was no oxygen on Earth yet, deposits of sulfur, iron, graphite, and nickel were being formed. The hydrosphere and the atmosphere were a single vapor-gas shell that enveloped the globe in a dense cloud. The sun's rays practically did not penetrate through this veil, so darkness reigned on the planet. 2.1 2.1. Eoarchean- this is the first geological era, which lasted about 400 million years. The most important event of the Eoarchean is the formation of the hydrosphere. But there was still little water, the reservoirs existed separately from each other and did not yet merge into the world ocean. At the same time, the earth's crust becomes solid, although asteroids are still bombarding the Earth. At the end of the Eoarchean, the first supercontinent in the history of the planet, Vaalbara, is formed.

2.2 Paleoarchaean- the next era, which also lasted approximately 400 million years. During this period, the core of the Earth is formed, tension increases magnetic field. A day on the planet lasted only 15 hours. But the oxygen content in the atmosphere increases due to the activity of bacteria that have appeared. The remains of these first forms of the Paleoarchean era of life have been found in Western Australia.

2.3 Mesoarchean also lasted about 400 million years. In the Mesoarchean era, our planet was covered by a shallow ocean. Land areas were small volcanic islands. But already during this period, the formation of the lithosphere begins and the mechanism of plate tectonics starts. At the end of the Mesoarchean, the first ice age occurs, during which snow and ice form for the first time on Earth. biological species are still represented by bacteria and microbial life forms.

2.4 Neoarchean- the final era of the Archean eon, the duration of which is about 300 million years. Colonies of bacteria at this time form the first stromatolites (limestone deposits) on Earth. The most important event of the Neoarchean is the formation of oxygen photosynthesis.

II. Proterozoic- one of the longest time periods in the history of the Earth, which is usually divided into three eras. First appears during the Proterozoic ozone layer, the world ocean reaches almost modern volume. And after the longest Huron glaciation, the first multicellular life forms appeared on Earth - mushrooms and sponges. The Proterozoic is usually divided into three eras, each of which contained several periods.

3.1 Paleo-Proterozoic- the first era of the Proterozoic, which began 2.5 billion years ago. At this time, the lithosphere is fully formed. But the former forms of life, due to the increase in oxygen content, practically died out. This period is called the oxygen catastrophe. By the end of the era, the first eukaryotes appear on Earth.

3.2 Mesoproterozoic lasted approximately 600 million years. The most important events of this era: the formation of continental masses, the formation of the supercontinent Rodinia and the evolution of sexual reproduction.

3.3 Neo-proterozoic. During this era, Rodinia breaks up into about 8 parts, the super-ocean of Mirovia ceases to exist, and at the end of the era, the Earth is covered with ice almost to the equator. In the Neoproterozoic era, living organisms for the first time begin to acquire a hard shell, which will later serve as the basis of the skeleton.

III. Paleozoic- the first era of the Phanerozoic eon, which began approximately 541 million years ago and lasted about 289 million years. This is the era of the emergence of ancient life. The supercontinent Gondwana unites southern continents, a little later the rest of the land joins it and Pangea appears. Climatic zones begin to form, and flora and fauna are represented mainly by marine species. Only towards the end of the Paleozoic does the development of land begin, and the first vertebrates appear.

The Paleozoic era is conditionally divided into 6 periods.

1. Cambrian period lasted 56 million years. During this period, the main rocks are formed, the mineral skeleton appears in living organisms. And the most important event of the Cambrian is the appearance of the first arthropods.

2. Ordovician period- the second period of the Paleozoic, which lasted 42 million years. This is the era of the formation of sedimentary rocks, phosphorites and oil shale. organic world Ordovician is represented by marine invertebrates and blue-green algae.

3. Silurian period covers the next 24 million years. At this time, almost 60% of living organisms that existed before die out. But the first cartilaginous and bone fish in the history of the planet appear. On land, the Silurian is marked by the appearance of vascular plants. Supercontinents converge and form Laurasia. By the end of the period, ice melting was noted, the sea level rose, and the climate became milder.

4 Devonian is characterized by the rapid development of various forms of life and the development of new ecological niches. Devon covers a time interval of 60 million years. The first terrestrial vertebrates, spiders, and insects appear. Land animals develop lungs. Although fish still dominate. The kingdom of flora of this period is represented by ferns, horsetails, club mosses and gosperms.

5. Carboniferous period often referred to as carbon. At this time, Laurasia collides with Gondwana and the new supercontinent Pangea appears. A new ocean is also formed - Tethys. This is the time when the first amphibians and reptiles appeared.

6. Permian period- the last period of the Paleozoic, which ended 252 million years ago. It is believed that at this time a large asteroid fell to Earth, which led to significant climate change and the extinction of almost 90% of all living organisms. Most of the land is covered with sand, the most extensive deserts appear that have only existed in the entire history of the Earth's development.

IV. Mesozoic- the second era of the Phanerozoic eon, which lasted almost 186 million years. At this time, the continents acquire almost modern outlines. A warm climate contributes to the rapid development of life on Earth. Giant ferns disappear, and angiosperms appear to replace them. The Mesozoic is the era of dinosaurs and the appearance of the first mammals.

The Mesozoic era is divided into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.

1. Triassic period lasted a little over 50 million years. At this time, Pangea begins to split, and the inland seas gradually become smaller and dry up. The climate is mild, the zones are not pronounced. Nearly half of land plants are disappearing as deserts spread. And in the realm of fauna, the first warm-blooded and terrestrial reptiles appear, which became the ancestors of dinosaurs and birds.

2 Jurassic covers a gap of 56 million years. A humid and warm climate reigned on Earth. The land is covered with thickets of ferns, pines, palms, cypresses. Dinosaurs reign on the planet, and numerous mammals have so far been distinguished by their small stature and thick hair.

3 Cretaceous- the longest period of the Mesozoic, lasting almost 79 million years. Almost ends the split of the continents, Atlantic Ocean increases significantly in volume, ice sheets form at the poles. An increase in the water mass of the oceans leads to the formation of a greenhouse effect. In the end Cretaceous a catastrophe occurs, the causes of which are still not clear. As a result, all dinosaurs and most species of reptiles and gymnosperms became extinct.

V. Cenozoic- this is the era of animals and Homo sapiens, which began 66 million years ago. The continents at that time acquired their modern shape, Antarctica occupied South Pole Earth, and the oceans continued to grow. Plants and animals that survived the catastrophe of the Cretaceous period found themselves in a completely new world. Unique communities of lifeforms began to form on each continent.

The Cenozoic era is divided into three periods: Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary.

1. Paleogene period ended approximately 23 million years ago. At that time, a tropical climate reigned on Earth, Europe was hiding under evergreen tropical forests, and deciduous trees grew only in the north of the continents. It was during the Paleogene period that the rapid development of mammals takes place.

2. Neogene period covers the next 20 million years of the planet's development. Whales and bats appear. And, although saber-toothed tigers and mastodons still roam the earth, the fauna is increasingly acquiring modern features.

3. Quaternary period began more than 2.5 million years ago and continues to this day. Two major events characterize this time period: the Ice Age and the advent of man. The Ice Age completely completed the formation of the climate, flora and fauna of the continents. And the appearance of man marked the beginning of civilization.

The science

Life has existed since before the appearance of the Earth and, possibly, was outside the solar system scientists say.

Two geneticists applied their knowledge of computer science and biology and came to the conclusion that organic life first appeared long before our planet.

Alexey Sharov from the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, USA and theoretical biologist Richard Gordon applied the scientific Moore's law to make a mathematical calculation.

Moore's Law states that the complexity of computers is increasing exponentially, that is, the number of transistors on a chip chip is doubling every 2 years. Geneticists have replaced transistors with nucleotides - the building blocks of DNA and RNA and calculated when life arose on Earth

The results showed that life appeared about 10 billion years ago, that is, much earlier than the estimated age of the Earth - 4.5 billion years ago.

How is this possible? Scientists explained that when our solar system, organisms similar to bacteria or simple nucleotides from the old parts of the galaxy came to Earth along with comets, asteroids and other inorganic space debris.

In science, this process is called panspermia.

Although many may be skeptical of such an idea, scientists believe that bacterial spore pollution from space is the most plausible hypothesis for the origin of life on Earth.

"We are 99 percent sure that life appeared before the Earth, 1 percent is left for some ridiculous accident that we did not take into account," Sharov explained.

Origin of life on earth

How did life originate on earth? There are several theories on this.

Development of life on Earth

The earth has been around for a little over 4.5 billion years. The beginning was quite brutal, when meteorites constantly fell to Earth. When this period ended, the Earth cooled and a crust formed on its surface.

As such, there were no continents - only the oceans with small islands. Erosion, sedimentation, and volcanic activity eventually created small primary continents that grew until they reached their current size 2.5 billion years ago.

Throughout history, the earth has undergone many geological and biological changes.

Brief stages of life on Earth:

- 3.8 billion years ago the first form of life appeared - prokaryotes

- 2.1 billion years ago multicellular life forms appeared

- 1.5 billion years ago eukaryotes appeared - cells containing a nucleus

- 200 million years ago appeared kind Homo sapiens(smart person)