His feet slipped on the snow that had been compacted during the day. The villagers hurried across the square in all directions, glimpsed in the light of the street lamps. When the door of the pub opened, music and laughter came from there; Christmas carols were heard from the church. "Harry, it's Christmas Eve today!" Hermione exclaimed. - Is it? Harry had long since lost track of time. They had not seen the papers for several weeks. "That's right, Christmas Eve," Hermione said without taking her eyes off the church. “They…they must be there, right?” Your mom and dad ... There is a cemetery, behind the church. Harry was overcome with a feeling that was more like fear. Being so close to the goal, he no longer knew if he really wanted to see their graves. Hermione seemed to sense what was happening to him as she grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, taking the lead for the first time. In the middle of the square, she suddenly stopped. - Harry, look! Hermione pointed to the obelisk. As soon as they approached, he was transformed. Instead of a stele with many names, a sculpture appeared before them. Three people: a tousled man with glasses, a woman with long hair and a baby in her arms. On the heads of all three white fluffy hats lay snow. Harry stepped closer, peering into the faces of his parents. He could not even imagine that a monument had been erected to them ... It was so strange to see himself in the form of a stone statue. A happy, cheerful kid without a scar on his forehead ... - Let's go, - Harry muttered, having seen enough, and they again turned towards the church. Crossing the road, Harry looked over his shoulder - the statues again turned into an obelisk. Closer to the church, the singing was louder. Harry's throat tightened, he was reminded so vividly of Hogwarts: Peeves singing obscene carols while hiding in his empty armor, twelve Christmas trees in the Great Hall, Dumbledore wearing a flowered hat he pulled out of a cracker, Ron in a hand-knitted sweater... A narrow gate led to the cemetery. Hermione opened it as quietly as she could, and she and Harry squeezed inside. On both sides of the slippery path in front of the entrance to the church lay drifts of untouched snow. Harry and Hermione circled the building, leaving deep furrows behind them and trying to stay in the shadows under the brightly lit windows. Behind the church stretched rows of tombstones, covered with a bluish snow blanket, flecked with scarlet, gold and green sparks from illuminated stained-glass windows. Harry walked to the nearest grave, clutching his wand in his jacket pocket.<...>For the third time, Hermione's ringing voice came from the darkness: "Harry, they're here... right next to each other." Harry knew from his intonation that this time it was his dad and mom. He went to the voice, feeling that some kind of heaviness squeezed his chest. He had the same feeling when Dumbledore died, grief weighing heavily on his heart and lungs. The grave was just two rows from Kendra and Ariana. The tombstone was white marble, like the Dumbledore's, and seemed to glow in the dark, making it easy to read. Harry didn't have to kneel or even bend down to read the words carved into the stone. James Potter. March 27, 1960 - October 31, 1981 Lily Potter. January 30, 1960 - October 31, 1981 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Harry read slowly, as if he would no longer be able to understand the meaning of the inscription. Last words he spoke aloud. - "The last enemy will be destroyed - death" ... - A terrible thought suddenly doused him with cold. "That's the slogan of the Death Eaters!" Why is he here? "That's not the same meaning as the Death Eaters, Harry," Hermione said softly. “I mean… well, you know… life after death. But they're not alive, Harry thought. - They are not here!" Empty words cannot change the fact that the mortal remains of his parents lie here, under snow and stone, knowing nothing, indifferent to everything. Suddenly tears flowed, he did not have time to hold them back; hot, burning, they instantly froze on the cheeks and there was no point in wiping them. Let it flow, what's the point of pretending? Harry pursed his lips as he stared at the snow hiding Lily and James' final resting place. Now only bones or ashes are left of them, they do not know and do not worry that their living son is standing here, so close, and his heart is still beating thanks to their self-sacrifice, although he is already ready to regret that he does not sleep with them under snow-covered ground. Hermione took his hand and squeezed tightly. He couldn't look at her, only squeezed her hand in response and convulsively swallowed the night air, struggling to control himself again. It was necessary to bring them something, how could he not have thought of it, and here, in the cemetery, all around were bare, frozen branches. But Hermione moved her wand and a wreath of Christmas roses bloomed in front of them. Harry picked it up and laid it on the grave. As soon as he straightened up, he immediately wanted to leave; he couldn't stand it for another minute. Harry put his hand on Hermione's shoulders, and she put her arm around his waist, and they both silently walked away, through the deep snow, past Dumbledore's mother and his sister, past the dark and silent church to a narrow, invisible gate in the distance ...

For twelve long years in Azkaban - the gloomy prison of the wizarding world - the well-known prisoner named Sirius Black was kept by everyone. He was accused of killing thirteen people and was considered the heir to Lord Voldemort. And so he fled, and from the traces he left it is clear that this time the killer set out to get rid of Harry Potter. Now Harry is in danger, even outside the walls of his magical school, even surrounded by friends - because among them there is a traitor who is ready to open the way to Hogwarts for the killer.

Excerpt from the book

By all accounts, Harry Potter was a very unusual child. Take, for example, that he hated summer holidays. Or the fact that he sincerely wanted to do his vacation homework, but was forced to do it secretly, under the cover of night. And he was also a sorcerer. It was almost midnight, and Harry was lying on his stomach on the bed, covered with a blanket over his head and holding a flashlight in his hand. In front of him, propped up on a pillow, stood an open leather-covered book (The History of Magic by Bathilda Jukpuk). Harry moved the tip of his quill over the page and, raising his eyebrows, searched for something in the book that would help him complete his essay on The Nonsense of the Fourteenth Century Witch Burns - A Discussion. The pen hovered over the appropriate paragraph. Harry adjusted his round glasses on his nose, brought the flashlight closer to the book and read: Non-magic people (better known as Muggles) in the Middle Ages were especially afraid of witchcraft, but did not have the gift of recognizing it. In those rare cases when they managed to catch real witches or sorcerers, burning did not bring the expected result. The sorcerer or witch in this case would cast a basic Flame Freeze Spell and then feign yelling in pain, in reality only feeling a slight tickle. For example, Lucky Wendelin loved to roast on a fire so much that she allowed herself to be caught at least forty-seven times, of course, under different guises. Harry clamped his quill between his teeth and reached under his pillow for an inkwell and a roll of parchment. Slowly and very carefully, he unscrewed the cap, dipped the quill into the inkwell and began to write, constantly stopping and listening - if one of the Dursleys had heard the creaking of the pen on the way to the bathroom, then Harry would most likely have been locked in a closet under the stairs all the way to end of vacation. Because of the Dursley family, who lived at number 4 Privet Alley, Harry hated the summer holidays. Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and their son Dudley were Harry's only remaining relatives. They were Muggles and had an eminently medieval attitude towards witchcraft.

Harry's dead parents - and they were just a sorcerer and a witch - were not supposed to be mentioned within the walls of the house on Privet Alley. For many years, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were convinced that if you keep Harry as downtrodden as possible, you will be able to beat magical abilities out of him. To their great dismay, nothing came of it.

. Owl mail
. Big mistake Aunt Marja
. grandulet
. In "The Leaky Cauldron"
. Dementor
. Claws and tea grounds
. Ghost in the closet
. Fat Aunt's Escape
. A disastrous defeat
. Marauder Map
. flash
. Protector

Lesson of extracurricular reading in literature in grade 7

"The Wizarding World of Harry Potter"


    To introduce seventh graders to Joan Kathleen Rowling's novel "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" as a work of children's literature.

    Repeat the definition of the concept of "fairy tale", recall the features of this genre.

    To form the ability to interpret the read text

    To systematize students' knowledge of proverbs and sayings,
    to teach children to use the knowledge gained in the lessons in independent work.

    Expand the horizons of students; develop speech and imagination;

    To cultivate interest in reading, a sense of beauty, a strong understanding of the norms of human behavior in society, of true friendship, love, courage - their role in the eternal confrontation between Good and Evil.

    Help promote the book.

    Promote interest in the subject

1. Asterisks-chips, plates with the names of teams, task cards, an exhibition of books, an excerpt from the fairy tale "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."
2. Presentationpowerpoint.
Additional training: Familiarize yourself with the work in advance.

During the classes.
1. Organizational stage. Set to work.
"There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
And it is impossible in the world
We can live without them.

Teacher: Let's find out how this bestseller was created? I suggest you read the article about its author and find out who wrote this wonderful book? Joan Kathleen Rowling. We will not just read, but for a moment imagine ourselves in the place of the writer. The story about the heroine is in the third person, and we will change it to the first - “I”. When reading, change the face of the hero. (Words to be changed are highlighted in blue)

6. (An exemplary story. My name is Joan Kathleen Rowling. I am an English school teacher who invented the Harry Potter boy in 1990. I was then 25 years old).Slide (photo by D.Roling)

(Students take turns reading the article with a face change).
A story about a writer with a face change.

Sample story. My name is Joan Kathleen Rowling. I am an English school teacher who invented the Harry Potter boy in 1990. I was then 25 years old.

Joan Kathleen Rowling- English school teacher, invented the boy Harry Potter in 1990.Herit was then 25.
The prototype of Harry Potter was
Joan Kathleen Rowling herself. She iswas born July 31, 1965 in Bristol. In the town of WinterburnJoanmet children from an unusually charming family named Potter. After 30 yearsshe isthanked these people by perpetuating their surname. Meanwhile at the age of Harry PotterJoanne Rowlingit was hard to call even just “pretty”, becauseshe iswas a fat, freckled, red-haired, boring girl.
At the age of six
she iswrote her first story. Favorite subjectsJoanwere languages ​​and English literature,she isI read a lot and had absolutely no idea whatwantsengage in the future.

Teacher . Joan married journalist Jorge Arantes. And in 1993 they had a daughter, who was named Jessica. Divorce followed almost immediately after the birth of Jessica. Joan had no job and no money, but she had a tiny daughter and a deep-seated dream - to publish a novel that still had to be completed. She didn't have a computer or a typewriter because she didn't have money. There was no heating in her tiny apartment, so she put her daughter in a stroller and went to the nearest cafe. (Slide) A cup of coffee with milk was enough for the whole day, my daughter slept peacefully, and Joan wrote a novel; when the next notebook ended, she scribbled on paper napkins. She became seriously interested in working on a book. The invented world was inhabited completely real people with its history, with its past. The main villain remains unsolved until the last minute.
Harry Potter brought Rowling both fame and fortune.
According to The Sunday Times, JK Rowling is the richest woman in the UK after the Queen. Her fortune is about 70 million pounds (according to the end of 2001).
7. Work in groups:
Let's fantasize and fast forward to Hogwarts in the days of the Philosopher's Stone. (Slide).

But for this, we first check if we can study at the famous Hogwarts? Let's pass the tests.
How many faculties were there? (student answers)

We will be divided into 4 faculties. Distribution.

Hogwarts has four houses. Each got its name in honor of its founders: , , , . Each faculty has its own colors, its own ghost and its own talisman. House Mascots: Hufflepuff Badger, Ravenclaw Eagle, Slytherin Snake, Gryffindor Lion.

Tasks for faculties.

Exercisefor Gryffindor:
Remember 3 spells from the book "Harry Potter"

Exercisefor Hufflepuff:
What do these words mean?
1) Quidditch -
2) A. Dumbledore -
3) Hagrid-
3) Basilisk -
4) mandrake-

Exercisefor Ravenclaw:
Prove that the Harry Potter books are a fairy tale and

Harry Potter is a real wizard.

Exercisefor Slytherin:
Make up a poem with these lines.

I have read all the Potter books diligently.
Then, I decided to send my letter to Harry.
To do this, I strive to learn English.
And my reading speed immediately increased.

Examination. Well done!!!
8. Physical education for the eyes .

We poke our eyes.

Let's draw a big circle!

Let's draw a window

And a big log.

Draw an elevator run:

Eyes down, eyes up!

Everyone blinked: one-two!

Head is spinning.

We blinked our eyes

Instantly, the garlands sparkled.

Looking straight ahead

This is a plane flying...

Blink once, blink twice

Our eyes are rested!

Performed sitting at desks:

children “draw” a circle with their eyes,

without turning your head

draw” window

draw” log.

9. Work on an excerpt from the work. (The texts are all on leaflets)

Teacher: Before we start reading, we will get acquainted with the dictionary of incomprehensible words.

Dictionary of obscure words.
- A popular book that sells faster than others.
Philosopher's Stone - a mysterious, miraculous stone that can turn all metals into gold and cure all diseases.
Mat (in chess) - such a position of the king in which he has no protection; complete defeat.
spellbound - bewitched, bewitched.1) Reading an excerpt from the work "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by roles.

In short, so, - finally raised his head Ron. - Do not be offended, but I play chess much better than you...
"We're not offended," Harry put in quickly. “Just tell us what to do.
- You, Harry, stand in the place of that elephant. And you, Hermione, take the place of this boat.
- And you? both asked with one voice.
"And I'll be a horse," Ron said confidently.
It looks like the pieces were listening to their conversation, because in the next moment the knight, bishop and rook turned and left the board, freeing three squares. And Ron, Harry and Hermione took them without hesitation.
"White always starts," said Ron, looking at the other side of the board. - Yeah... that's it...
The white pawn moved two squares forward.
Ron began to lead the black pieces, who obediently stood where he pointed them. Harry felt his knees tremble. Only one thought was spinning in my head: what will happen if they lose?
"Harry, move forward four squares!" Ron commanded.
For the first time, all three of them felt uneasy when the enemy attacked their second rider. The white queen knocked him to the floor and dragged him off the board - the knight lying face down did not move.
"I had to sacrifice it," whispered Ron, although he looked like he too was shocked, not by the unexpectedness of what had happened, but by the cruelty of the massacre. "Hermione, now you can take this elephant."
The white pieces were ruthless. Soon, a whole mountain of motionless black bodies was already lying at the board, which means that their turn could soon come. Twice already, Ron only noticed at the very last moment that Harry and Hermione were in danger. Ron himself was constantly rushing about the board, and it was necessary to admit that, despite the cruelty of the opponent, there were not much more white pieces on it than black ones.
"We're almost there," Ron suddenly whispered feverishly. – Let me think... Let me think...
The white queen turned her absent face towards him.
"Yes..." Ron said quietly. “This is the only way… I will have to sacrifice myself…”
- Not! Harry and Hermione protested in unison.
- But this is chess! Ron yelled back. “There are sacrifices to be made here!” I'll take one step forward and she'll pick me up, and then you, Harry, can checkmate the king!
"But..." Harry began.
- Do you want to stop Snape or not? Ron's voice was firm and confident.
"But Ron..." Hermione interrupted.
-Listen, if you don't hurry, Snape will have the stone!
Ron was right, and Harry and Hermione couldn't help but admit it.
- Ready? Ron asked, his pale face full of determination. - I went, and when you declare checkmate to them, do not waste time.
Ron stepped forward and the white queen darted towards him. Swinging, she brought her stone hand down hard on Ron's head, and he fell heavily to the floor. Hermione screamed in horror, but remained on her cage and watched in fascination as the white queen pulled Ron off the board. Harry thought Ron had passed out.
Feeling tremors throughout his body, Harry moved three squares to the left.
The white king pulled off his crown and threw it at Harry's feet. They won. The white figures, bowing, parted. The path was clear. AT last time Glancing back at Ron with a pained look, Harry and Hermione opened the door and found themselves in the next hallway.
2) Discussion.
Why did the heroes win? (Guys are careful, know how to be friends, brave)
Teacher: This is how you should behave in life. Would you like to have such friends? Why?
10. Homework(optional):

1) Prepare a message on the topic "Magic Zoology". Based on the materials of the Harry Potter books, prepare a story about the magical animals that inhabit the magical land.

2) Write your own story.
11. Lesson summary : What does a fairy tale teach? What have you learned? Have you achieved your goals? What books would you like to read? Did you like the lesson?

12. Grading. Guys, let's celebrate those who did a good job in the lesson. What ratings will we give them? Does everyone agree with their assessments?

Final word from the teacher.

True friendship is both a gift of fate, and a reward for courage and loyalty, and the ability to live for others. Courage and loyalty are wonderful personality traits that need to be nurtured in oneself. When it comes time to make a choice between the easy and the right, you have to choose the right one. In conclusion, I want to tell you: “Add a little magic to your life, and you will see how beautiful this world is!” Thank you for the lesson!

a lot but there are cool moments (not vulgar you can not read)

Excerpts from "Harry Potter and the Triwizard Tournament", spelling retained. Get horrified in anticipation of the new film adaptation! :)

You nasty, nasty, vile perverts! With that, Ginny dragged Harry into the office.

And why is Draco writhing in pain? Draco, are you all right?

Ah, ah, thought Hermione, I am seventeen years old and still single. So my whole life will pass me by. It will fly like an arrow shot from a chorde_ballet.

Snape left without a solo sip.

Harry neighed like a mare until finally, after the tyranny of laughter, he fell to the floor and felt a GREEN tree exactly green

I laughed and lifted the hem of my skirt, exposing my tree.

I really fainted with the TV...

Landing on the ground was successful, although Ron threw up through the open window.

It was just a passion that flared up as a result of an injury, moreover, a serious one and on the head.

Did something hot burn your hand? someone else's blood. Harry suddenly fell into a depression. Blood. A lot of blood.

She couldn't figure out which hand he was holding his wand with, the right hand or the other...

Under the rumble of the elements, the Weasley twins were poking at the Hogwarts elves

She wiggles the elements and combines them in herself.

With the left half of his face, he noticed an awkward swarming in the corner

Miss Granger, would you kindly remove your body from Longbottom's cauldron.

Harry stared silently at the pile in front of him.

Her long brown hair swung out on a pillow, the bangs were starting to get in the way of her eyes a little, and Germ decided that she could be cut, like all her hair.

Hermione was as light as a carrot

When Malfoy began to rudely molest Hermione, she hit him with the "Impotenta" spell, and all desire immediately fell from him.

A sly smile appeared on Malfoy's face.

Harry just lay on the floor and smiled, pretending to be dead.

... dreamily closing his eyes and dreaming that he had that dream about the grass.

When Ginny came up with a plan, the most mysterious things could happen.

Dumbledore looked very angry, because he loved all the children, all

There was a teacher such as Professor Quirrell, so he was a traitor and shared his body with You-Know-Who

Well…yes,” Hermione said softly, “that gave me the idea… But mind you, I decided to carve the date on metal things, not on the skin of our cocks.

Men are different from women, it could be seen from afar. But close...

But since my parents died before my brother was born...

Her snow-white, body-matching, long mane and tail, powerful croup, strong legs, and here is the next one, Ania was most proud of.

When Lucius opened his eyes, he realized that he was standing behind him. (dot)

It seemed to Harry that his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets and jump off into the blue distance.

Well, Draco, like a true gentleman, immediately drooled and fluffed his tail.

Pansy Parkinson was a cow, but, admittedly, a sexy cow

Listen to more of these boogers, - said Harry. He had no other decent word and he just said the first thing that came to mind. Gini burst out laughing. Harry noticed the spinach for dinner, the same began to laugh. No one understood the reason for the laughter, and Gini and Harry were hysterical to tears. They said either boogers or spinach. And then they generally looked at the plate and it all started from the beginning.

Harry Potter - in the same way, he preferred to walk as a scab

It just dawned on him that he and Granger were sitting like that, or rather, they were almost lying in the middle of the corridor, and they were already starting to look with interest

“Mr. Malfoy, you have a visitor…” the nurse stuck her head in the doorway.
"What does she look like?" Draco muttered, parting his lips with difficulty. "Fat cow?"
No… Young, slender, with long wavy brown hair…
Malfoy's first thought was, "The Lord hasn't abandoned me!!!"...

At that moment, at 11:24 in the shower, Draco realized that he had matured.

The blond-haired Slytherin was having fun with the players on his Quidditch team, who were too afraid of him.

He woke up in a cold sweat and looked into a hazel chocolate eye.

In the 5th year boys' room in Gryffindor Tower, there was a soft sniffle and the rustling of blankets.

Just been in the hospital with a diagnosis of the birth of a child

Inspired by his pessimism, the squad flew after their leader.

The Forbidden Forest turned green, and nearby Hagrid's gatehouse was visible - the school forester himself had already woken up and was now performing some strange manipulations with the nearest tree

Suddenly, the flow of thoughts in the girl's head was interrupted.

Professor McGonagall hesitated again, but Harry misled her.

Listen, Tanya, do you want to be friends with us? - suggested Lavender.
“I want!” Tanya answered smiling, and all the girls began to rummage through her things.

Yes, she is a special girl, very smart, attractive, sympathetic, good friend and gets married.

We decided to take a walk, thought it was getting dark, but it turned out to be morning! Harry blurted out.

From such a kiss, Liina's legs sour.

And Dumbledore was carried to the opposite end of the hall and gently, like an unintelligent child, hit the wall.


Meanwhile, Hermione's males thumped on the floor as she stepped over the tiles with her dainty feet.

Snape screwed up his right eye severely...

Harry twisted his neck and saw that she was standing right behind the back of his chair.

Harry remembered V, then Dave, and accidentally, unmanly, started crying.

On the way, her blanket flew off and somewhere just stammered.

Then Snape showed her what he had under the cancer.

The director takes out a greatly reduced Talmud from the bowels of the mantle and begins to read. The ancient, forbidden, dark language was first spoken at Hogwarts.

The table, of course, is the presence of the press, spreading with seductive cubes in the lower abdomen.

They are real ladies and will remain ladies, no matter how the world around them changes.

He, Ron and Hermione were accepted into the Order, although they did not receive what they expected from the order. Harry was looking for something to eat. But so far without success.

The young magician got to his feet, squeezed his wand in his hand and turned to his opponents and hated the whole world for how cruel he was ...

Tell Thomas, do you believe in the existence of witches, sorcerers, vampires, werewolves and any other wickedness?
- I will be brief - NO.

- [Do you want to die?]
- Not.
- Well, if not, then I disappear, said the angel of death and disappeared.

Moonlight streamed in through the window, rolling down the uneven, ribbed window sill.

Harry walked along the wet piron, not noticing the trash around him.

The sky was covered with impenetrable clouds of smoke, whose name is clouds.

The marauders themselves went from hand to hand in the morning

Her cheekbones blended amazingly with her body.

Harry started to run with a jerk, but then regretted it with a hard breath.

What if this is a skillful machination of Voldemort?

My body of knowledge impressed him

The bathroom will be theological

Normal blue eyes teeming with embarrassment

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes.

Snape pushed Draco roughly at the Lord's feet, with deep respect.

I am a kind of fisolovskaya personality

The train was running along railway, making languid, heart-rending beeps,

His eyes filled with anger, they squinted, then opened until they turned blue.

His eyelids were slightly closed,

First, a leg appeared, then the entire lower body, then a stately chest and face followed ...

Harry coughed and spat out a black liquid that looked a lot like liquid.

Hermione fell in love with the coach of the school team. Will Oliver survive or not?

Such beauty appeared before us that at least fall back on this floor and enjoy life ...

He thought that it was Voldemort, but this thought immediately flew out of his head, because the Dark Lord immediately killed him.