Part 2

(1) Sasha Belov was the nineteenth child in the family of a small estate gentry from the Tula province. (2) The Belovs were tenacious, and the Lord took away only four children, and the rest got married, got married and settled in the neighborhood of the parental estate. (3) All the lands around were Belovo, but the landlords often lived no richer than their serfs.

(4) Sasha's father, Fyodor Pakhomych Belov, once served in infantry regiments sergeant, and retired according to the custom of that time in the rank of officer. (5) He was a simple, kind and gentle man. (6) His beloved wife died in childbirth, giving birth to the last, Sashenka, and he alone remained the support of a large family.

(7) The Belovs barely made ends meet. (8) Children, sons-in-law, grandchildren, as if competing in perseverance, endlessly shared their father's pension, the estate, thirty souls of serfs, and even the simple belongings of the parental home. (9) The desire to help numerous relatives forced Fyodor Pakhomych to do something that seemed not at all characteristic of him - he began to write letters, and this epistolary work soon became the main occupation in his life.

(10) "All-merciful count, father and benefactor! (11) I most humble ask Your Excellency to forgive me, the wretched one, in my boldness to testify to my due respect and devotion ..." - he wrote to important addressees, with whom he was previously in fellow soldiers. (12) He also remembered all his relatives from Lithuania to the Urals, correctly believing that they could be of some use.

(13) It is unlikely that the illustrious addressees needed an expression of respect for the wretched Tula landowner, but so many letters were written that the abundant sowing began to bear fruit and the zealous correspondent began to slowly shove children and grandchildren into shelves and educational institutions.

(14) Two chests were filled to overflowing with his drafts, letters, answers, and Fyodor Pakhomych kept writing and writing, no longer out of concern for posterity, but finding innocent joy in such communication with the world.

(15) Through unknown patronage, Sasha was also placed in a navigation school. (16) The father did not really understand where and why his youngest offspring was going. (17) Together with a skinny purse and a parental blessing, he gave his son a plump little book filled with surnames and addresses. (18) "You will find help in them," were the last parting words of the parent. (19) In addition to the book, Sasha received a pack of letters of recommendation.

(20) He was doubtful about the parental gift, but upon arrival in Moscow he decided to check some of the addresses, armed himself with letters of recommendation and went on visits.

(21) Sasha had a pleasant appearance, at the same time he was sociable and self-confident, and although the parental home did not give him a proper upbringing, the quick wit, ability to adopt and lively disposition given to him by nature, easily filled in the gaps in education. (22) Soon he was received in many houses, and welcomed. (According to an excerpt from the book by N. Sorotokina "Three from the navigation school")

2. Which sentence contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Fedor Pakhomych Belov start writing so many letters to important addressees?”

1) He liked to write letters.

2) He wanted to arrange the fate of his children.

3) He had nothing to do.

4) He only wrote letters to rich relatives to ask for a loan.

phraseological unit.

1) The Belovs could barely make ends meet.

2) He also remembered all his relatives from Lithuania to the Urals, correctly believing that they could be of some use.

3) All the lands around were Belovo, but the landlords often lived no richer than their serfs.

4) Soon he was received in many houses, and received cordially.

4. From sentences 2-3, write out the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by the rule: “At the end of the prefix, -С- is written if it is followed by a deaf consonant.”

5. From sentences 16-17, write out the word, the spelling Н (НН) in which it obeys the rule: “НН is written in full passive participles of the past tense”.

6. Replace the obsolete word SCARB in sentence 8 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word.

7. Replace the phrase WITH THE PARENT HOMESTEAD (sentence 2), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 15.

9. Among sentences 16-19, find a sentence with a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.

The desire to help numerous relatives forced Fyodor Pakhomych to do something that (1) would seem (2) not at all characteristic of him, (3) - he began to write letters, (4) and this epistolary work soon became the main occupation in his life.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 21. Write down the answer with a number.

I humbly ask Your Excellency to forgive me, (1) the wretched, (2) in my boldness to testify to my due respect and devotion ... "- he wrote to important addressees, (3) with whom he was previously in fellow soldiers.

13. Among sentences 12-14, find difficult sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 20-22, find a complex sentence with a coordinating and subordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

Form start

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) As already mentioned, the cadet stipend was a ruble per month.

(3) Belov tutored the son of a wealthy widow. (4) However, his life proceeded in a sphere inaccessible to the understanding of the cadets. (5) He had connections, walked like a dandy, and at the same time was secretive, and in conversation he knew how to let in such a fog, to hint so significantly at his belonging to the highest circles, that no one would be surprised to learn that the widow was invented by him to avert his eyes, for explanations for sudden disappearances and pocket money.

(6) The princely offspring Nikita Olenev ended up in a navigational school due to some family troubles, but he received help from home regularly, and a lot, which helped his friends out in difficult situations.

(9) Alexei got into the theater by accident. (10) One of the amateur actors lodged in the neighborhood and persuaded Alyosha to go to the performance. (11) In the intermission, for fun, Alexey tried on a woman's dress, and it must happen that the trustee of the theater, an extremely influential and active woman, saw him in this outfit. (12) "Where did you find such a beauty?" the trustee asked enthusiastically. (13) "This, your Excellency, is not a beauty, but a handsome man," the prompter grumbled. (14) The last remark did not embarrass the trustee at all. (15) In the theater all female roles were played by men. (16) "You will play Kaleria with us," said an important lady. (17) Alexei refused with all his might. (18) He is de talentless, shy, but nothing helped.

(19) A week after the fatal fitting, he was summoned to the directorate of the navigation school and hinted that if he refused to play in the theater, then, a small bird, he might fly out of his native Sukharev walls in the next day. (20) And Alexei resigned himself.

(21) The benefactor did not leave him with her attention. (22) After each performance, he received money and rich gifts from her. (23) For each performance, he had to put on all the presents, which caused envious and evil ridicule of the actors. (According to an excerpt from the book by N. Sorotokina "Three from the navigation school")

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which sentence contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Alexei begin to play in the theater”?

1) He liked to play female roles on stage.

2) He liked smart suits.

3) He was paid a lot.

4) He was threatened with expulsion from the navigation school.

3. Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech isphraseological unit.

1) For Alexei, fate has prepared the most unreliable and exotic extra money.

2) He had connections, walked like a dandy, and at the same time was secretive, and in conversation he knew how to let in such a fog, to hint so significantly at his belonging to the highest circles, that no one would be surprised to learn that the widow was invented by him to avert his eyes, to explain sudden disappearances and pocket money.

3) After each performance, he received money and rich gifts from her.

4) "Where did you find such a beauty?" the trustee asked enthusiastically.

4. From sentences 4-5, write out the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by the rule: "At the end of the prefix, -З- is written if it is followed by a voiced consonant."

(4) However, his life proceeded in a sphere inaccessible to the understanding of the cadets. (5) He had connections, walked like a dandy, and at the same time was secretive, and in conversation he knew how to let in such a fog, to hint so significantly at his belonging to the highest circles, that no one would be surprised to learn that the widow was invented by him to avert his eyes, for explanations for sudden disappearances and pocket money.

5. From sentences 5-6, write out the word, the spelling H (HH) in which obeys the rule: "In short passive participles of the past tense, H is written."

6. Replace the ambiguous word TABLE in sentence 2 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word.

(2) With this money, everyone had to provide himself with a uniform, an apartment and a table, and since most of the students were sent very little or nothing from home, in order not to die of hunger, sea pets worked on the side as best they could.

7. Replace the phrase ENJOYEDLY ASKED (sentence 12), built on the basis of the adjunction, with a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

(12) "Where did you find such a beauty?" the guardian asked enthusiastically.

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.

(7) For Alexei, fate has prepared extra money for the most unreliable and exotic

9. Among sentences 11-13, find a sentence with a separate common application. Write the number of this offer.

(11) In the intermission, for fun, Alexey tried on a woman's dress, and it must happen that the trustee of the theater, an extremely influential and active woman, saw him in this outfit. (12) "Where did you find such a beauty?" asked the trustee enthusiastically. (13) "This, Your Excellency, is not a beauty, but a handsome man," the prompter grumbled. (14) The last remark did not embarrass the trustee at all.

"This is, (1) Your Excellency, (2) not a beauty, (3) but a handsome man," (4) the prompter grumbled. "You will play Kaleria with us," (5) - said an important lady.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 2. Write down the answer with a number.

(2) With this money, everyone had to provide himself with a uniform, an apartment and a table, and since most of the students were sent very little or nothing from home, in order not to die of hunger, sea pets worked on the side as best they could.

12. In the complex sentence below from the read text, punctuation marks are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between its parts connected by a coordinating link.

In the intermission, for the sake of a joke, Alexey tried on a woman's dress, (1) and it must happen, (2) so that the trustee of the theater sees him in this outfit, (3) an extremely influential and active woman.

13. Among sentences 5-8, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.(5) He had connections, walked like a dandy, and at the same time was secretive, and in conversation he knew how to let in such a fog, to hint so significantly at his belonging to the highest circles, that no one would be surprised to learn that the widow was invented by him to avert his eyes, for explanations for sudden disappearances and pocket money. (6) The princely offspring Nikita Olenev ended up in a navigational school due to some family troubles, but he received help from home regularly, and a lot, which helped his friends out in difficult situations.

(7) Fate has prepared for Alexei the most unreliable and exotic extra money. (8) He played in the theater, the troupe of which consisted of cadets of the artillery school and seminarians of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.

14. Among sentences 1-4, find a complex sentence with a coordinating and subordinating connection. Write the number of this offer.

(3) Belov tutored the son of a wealthy widow. (4) However, his life proceeded in a sphere inaccessible to the understanding of the cadets.

Form start

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) Nikita Olenev rented an upper apartment in a rich old house on the corner of Sretenka and Kolokolnikov Lane. (2) A steep porch with two breaks led to the second floor. (3) Three warm rooms, two cold rooms, a spacious entrance hall and a balcony with intricate carvings - a truly princely room. (4) Under the stairs there was a bathhouse and the master's wine cellar with many oak and linden casks. (5) When Nikita was with money, Gavrila was constantly driven down with a jug, and then they went to the bathhouse in a crowd, breaking fresh birch brooms in the yard in order to properly take a steam bath.

(6) Nikita spent Sunday at home. (7) He lay in pillows on a bench, wrapping his legs in a blanket, and tried to read. (8) The other day he drank fruit drink from ice, and his throat hurt, he was tormented by chills, then fever, and he vented his anger for his forced idleness on the valet Gavril.

(9) - Why, warlock, did you bring these suspicious recipes into the house? (10) To poison people?

(11) - It's a sin for you, Nikita Grigorievich, to say this. (12) You know, I read these books from a natural tendency to mix various components in order to invent various drugs.

(13) - I learned the words - "components"! (14) Fu, what bitterness! (15) And sour, - Nikita frowned, drinking the medicine. - (16) Again "a small number of immature oranges"? (17) And why does it smell disgusting?

(18) - In this tincture there is a complex bouquet of herbs for warming the chest, - Gavrila solemnly said. - (19) Unripe oranges go for other uses.

(20) - I'd rather have a small amount of alcohol tincture with St. John's wort. (21) This will help me more.

(22) - Alcohol with your physique is very harmful. - (23) Gavrila sighed. - (24) He is poison in your physique. (25) You will take this drink, - he pointed to the glass, - mane et nocte, that is, in the morning and in the evening.

(26) Nikita laughed.

(27) - At least don’t translate Latin for me, Aesculapius. (28) Latin is poison for your physique!

(29) The valet stared out the window with a distracted look. (According to an excerpt from the book by N. Sorotokina "Three from the navigation school")

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which sentence contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Gavrila bring suspicious recipes into the house”?

1) For the invention of "various drugs."

2) Treat Nikita.

3) Make infusions for the bath when Nikita goes there.

4) He collected recipes.

3. Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech isepithet.

1) The other day he drank fruit drink from ice, and his throat hurt, he was tormented by chills, then fever, and he vented his anger for his forced idleness on the valet Gavril.

2) Under the stairs there was a bathhouse and the master's wine cellar with many oak and linden barrels.

3) This tincture contains a complex bouquet of herbs to warm the chest, - Gavrila solemnly pronounced.

4) You will take this drink, - he pointed to the glass, - mane et nocte, that is, in the morning and in the evening.

4. From sentences 8-10 write out the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by its meaning "approximation".

5. From sentences 4-5, write out a word in which the spelling H (HH) obeys the rule: “If an adjective is formed from a noun with a base on H using the suffix H, then HH is written in it.”

6. Replace the colloquial word STINKS in sentence 17 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word.

7. Replace the phrase LIME BAGS (sentence 4), built on the basis of AGREEMENT, with a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 27.

9. Among sentences 2-5, find a sentence with a separate common circumstance expressed participle turnover. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that indicate commas when referring.

- Sin to you, (1) Nikita Grigorievich, (2) to say this. You know, (3) I read these books from a natural tendency to mix various components in order to invent various drugs. - Fu, (4) what bitterness! And sourly, (5) - Nikita frowned, (6) after drinking the medicine.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 8. Write down the answer with a number.

12. In the complex sentence below from the read text, punctuation marks are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas between its parts connected by a coordinating link.

The other day he drank fruit drink from ice, (1) and his throat hurt, (2) he was tormented by chills, (3) then fever, (4) and he vented his anger for his forced idleness on the valet Gavril.

13. Among sentences 1-5, find a complex sentence with parallel (heterogeneous) subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 7-10, find a complex sentence with a coordinating and non-union connection. Write the number of this offer.

Form start

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(5) August in Moscow was dusty and hot. (6) Classes at the navigation school ended before autumn. (7) Missing friends and forced idleness, Nikita remembered his former hobby - drawing. (8) In the morning, taking cardboard and charcoal, he left for the whole day, so that, having settled down somewhere in a quiet lane, he would draw domes of ancient churches, white stone carvings on semicircular apses and patterned kokoshniks. (9) Successful drawings he hung in his room.

(10) The church of the Rzhev Mother of God, standing on the banks of the deep Sivtsev ravine, turned out to be especially elegant and cheerful. (11) Gavrila looked at the drawing for a long time, then sighed.

(12) - It looks like our St. Nicholas Church. (13) It also stands on a hill. (14) Do you remember, Nikita Grigorievich, the inscription above the gate on our church? (15) "Let your eyes be opened on the temple this night and day." (16) Your late mother, Princess Katerina Isaevna, this inscription was very touching.

(17) And as if realizing that he had said too much, he hurried out of the room.

(18) Nikita smiled gratefully after him. (19) Gavrila, without knowing it, felt in the drawing the mood in which Nikita had spent the entire previous day. (20) The alder rustled in the wind, the waters of the quiet Sivka river rolled over the pebbly bottom, the old bell tower hovered over the Sivtsev ravine. (21) Nothing in the district resembled the presence of a big city, and it seemed to Nikita that he was again on his parent's manor, his mother was standing behind him and, as he used to be in childhood, he was driving coal, clutched in his hand, and therefore the lines on paper lay clearly and evenly .

(23) Irina Ilyinichna lived on Tverskaya Street in a two-story stone mansion. (24) The house was built during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and met all the requirements of the architecture of that time, but a number of extensions, made in accordance with the latest fashion, completely changed its appearance, and now it was a strange mixture of a Russian manor estate and a Dutch bourgeois dwelling. (25) Tall windows with twelve-pane frames coexisted peacefully with the half-sighted, barred windows of the old part of the house. (26) A spacious courtyard, fenced off from the world with a log fence, was laid out like a flower garden and decorated with two miserable arbors.

(27) A shaggy dog ​​was chained to a rickety column of one of the pavilions. (28) At the sight of Nikita, he bared his teeth, burst into an angry bark, and pulled the chain so tightly that it seemed that he inevitably had to topple the flimsy structure.

(29) A young ruddy-cheeked peasant came out at a knock on the door, dressed somewhat unusually: a German-cut camisole and a dandy wig were a match for the foreign extension of the house, and canvas ports tucked into uncleaned boots evoked a firm conviction that no force could knock out Russian spirit from a man. (30) He looked gloomily at Nikita, as if considering whether to immediately slam the door or listen to the newcomer. (According to an excerpt from the book by N. Sorotokina "Three from the navigation school")

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2. Which sentence contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why was Nikita Olenev nervous”?

1) He couldn’t draw a beautiful church.

2) He was afraid to go to his aunt.

3) He was waiting for news from his father.

4) It was very hot in Moscow.

3. Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech isepithet.

1) Gavrila, without knowing it, felt in the drawing the mood in which Nikita had spent the entire previous day.

2) The church of the Rzhev Mother of God, standing on the banks of the deep Sivtsev ravine, turned out to be especially elegant and cheerful.

3) The thought suggested itself that the father did not want to see him, that he was weighed down by the very need to take care of his son.

4) Irina Ilyinichna lived on Tverskaya Street in a two-story stone mansion.

4. From sentences 29-30 write out the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by its meaning "attachment".

(29) A young ruddy-cheeked peasant came out at a knock on the door, dressed somewhat unusually: a German-cut camisole and a dandy wig were a match for the foreign extension of the house, and canvas ports tucked into uncleaned boots evoked a firm conviction that no force could knock out Russian spirit from a man. (30) He looked gloomily at Nikita, as if considering whether to immediately slam the door or listen to the newcomer.

5. From sentences 27-29, write out the word, the spelling H (HH) in which obeys the rule: “HH is written in the full passive participles of the past tense.”

(27) A shaggy dog ​​was chained to a rickety column of one of the pavilions. (28) At the sight of Nikita, he bared his teeth, burst into an angry bark, and pulled the chain so tightly that it seemed that he inevitably had to topple the flimsy structure. (29) A young ruddy-cheeked peasant came out at a knock on the door, dressed somewhat unusually: a German-cut camisole and a dandy wig were a match for the foreign extension of the house, and canvas ports tucked into uncleaned boots evoked a firm conviction that no force could knock out Russian spirit from a man.

6. Replace the book word TENDERING in sentence 16 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word. (16) Your late mother, Princess Katerina Isaevna, this inscription was very touching.

7. Replace the phrase LOG FENCE (sentence 26), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase. (26) A spacious courtyard, fenced off from the world with a log fence, was laid out like a flower garden and decorated with two miserable arbors.

8. Write down the grammatical basis from sentence 27.

(27) A shaggy dog ​​was chained to a rickety column of one of the pavilions.

9. Among sentences 14-17, find a sentence with a separate common application. Write the number of this offer.

(14) Do you remember, Nikita Grigorievich, the inscription above the gate on our church? (15) "Let your eyes be opened on the temple this night and day." (16) Your late mother, Princess Katerina Isaevna, this inscription was very touching. 17) And as if realizing that he had said too much, he hastily left the room.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that indicates the comma at the introductory word.

After (1) Sasha Belov's last time waved his hand and ran out of the gate of the house in Kolokolnikov Lane, (2) Nikita Olenev's life was filled with one thing - he was waiting for news from his father. It seems that (3) all the deadlines have passed, (4) but there were still no messengers from St. Petersburg with a letter and money.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 19. Write down the answer with a number.

(19) Gavrila, without knowing it, felt in the drawing the mood in which Nikita had spent the entire previous day.

12. In the complex sentence below from the read text, punctuation marks are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma between its parts connected by a subordinating relationship.

A young ruddy-cheeked peasant came out at a knock on the door, (1) dressed somewhat unusually: a German-cut camisole and a dandy wig were a match for the foreign extension of the house, (2) and canvas ports, (3) tucked into uncleaned boots, aroused firm confidence that (4) that no force can beat the Russian spirit out of a peasant.

13. Among sentences 1-4, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) After Sasha Belov waved his hand for the last time and ran out of the gate of the house in Kolokolnikov Lane, Nikita Olenev's life was filled with one thing - he was waiting for news from his father. (2) It seems that all the deadlines have passed, but there were still no messengers from St. Petersburg with a letter and money. (3) Nikita was languishing, nervous. (4) The thought suggested itself that the father did not want to see him, that he was weighed down by the very need to take care of his son.

14. Among sentences 19-22, find a complex sentence with an allied connection. Write the number of this offer.

(19) Gavrila, without knowing it, felt in the drawing the mood in which Nikita had spent the entire previous day. (20) The alder rustled in the wind, the waters of the quiet Sivka river rolled over the pebbly bottom, the old bell tower hovered over the Sivtsev ravine. (21) Nothing in the district resembled the presence of a big city, and it seemed to Nikita that he was again on his parent's manor, his mother was standing behind him and, as he used to be in childhood, he was driving coal, clutched in his hand, and therefore the lines on paper lay clearly and evenly .

(22) That evening he lay down with the firm intention of going to his aunt tomorrow and asking if she had any information about her father.

OGE in Russian. 2015 Option number 4











log fence


the dog was chained







OGE in Russian. 2015 Option number 1











with parents' estate


Sasha was arranged







End of form

OGE in Russian. 2015 Option number 2











asked with delight


fate prepared







OGE in Russian. 2015 Option number 3











barrels of linden


do not translate







The workbook contains a theoretical part and a workshop for preparing for task No. 8 of the Main State Exam in the Russian language, answers to tasks, analysis. All tasks correspond to the new demo version of the OGE-2020. The tasks are selected on the basis of the open bank of tasks FIPI

Workbook designed to prepare for
exam in the Russian language in the format of the OGE (task No. 7). It contains
systematized theoretical and practical material.
Tasks are selected on the basis of the open bank of FIPI tasks. The workbook will be useful for students in grades 8-9
educational institutions and can be used in 9th grade with
the purpose of systematizing knowledge on the topic “Task No. 7. Analysis of expressive means.

Target audience: for grade 9

In 2018 year OGE in the Russian language in the 9th grade will be not only written, but also oral - an interview will be added. In the article you will read how during the whole school year prepare students for new requirements and supervise the work of teachers. There is a cyclogram of control measures and examples of tasks. And to make it easier for you to tell teachers about the new rules, use the electronic presentation.

To make it easier for you to inform teachers, students and parents about the oral interview in Russian, use the comments on the slides.

Show teachers, students, and parents a demo of the oral interview tasks, as well as the specification and codifier of the level requirements.

Target audience: for teachers

Interactive simulator “Getting ready for the OGE. Phrase. Task 7" was compiled using materials from the FIPI Open Bank of Tasks.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to practice the ability to replace phrases of one type of connection with a synonymous one of another type of connection (task 7 OGE)

Target audience: for grade 9

An electronic educational resource provides material for self-preparation for task 11. The presentation contains theoretical material and tasks for self-examination on the topic. The material will be useful for both students and teachers.

Target audience: for grade 9

The work was done on the basis of the test designer A.N. Komarovsky. The resource provides for automatic output of the final grade, solution time and numbers of tasks in which errors were made. If desired, the test can be repeated again.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to test the ability to determine the types of subordination of subordinate clauses in the structure of complex sentences (task 13 of the OGE in the Russian language).

Target audience: for grade 9

Interactive test “Preparing for the OGE. Complicated simple sentence. Task 9” was compiled on the basis of the test designer A.N. Komarovsky with automatic output of the final grade, solution time and numbers of tasks in which errors were made. If desired, the test can be repeated again.

The test used materials from the FIPI Open Bank of Tasks.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to check the level of preparation for completing task 9 of the OGE in the Russian language.

Target audience: for grade 9

Interactive test “Preparing for the OGE. Expressive means vocabulary and phraseology. Task 3" was created on the basis of a template for creating tests in PowerPoint with automatic calculation of correct and erroneous answers, deriving a final grade.

The test used materials from the FIPI Open Bank of Tasks.

The resource can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to check the level of formation of practical skills in determining expressive means in the course.

Target audience: for grade 9

Interactive test “Preparing for the OGE. Spelling prefixes. Task 4 "can be used in a lesson or an elective lesson to check the level of students' preparation for task 4

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Simulator for preparing for the OGE in the Russian language Expressive means of the language Morozova Elena Ivanovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, MAOU secondary school No. 5, Belogorsk, Amur Region

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is the epithet. 1. He wants to say something good, choose some unusual word, bright and transparent, so that his mother feels good, so that she, not someday, but now, feels happy. 2. An aunt would have been like a mother, too, probably, she turned out to be unhappy. 3. Aunt Nina is not only beautiful, she is charming. 4. Mom is sometimes like a hot stone, splashing water will explode. one

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is comparison 1. He really was a hat. 2. I saw how cranes fly over the city to warm countries, - I merged into an open hatch. 3. And around the corner, near a closed stall, a horse is standing, a cab driver - a gray-haired old man - is sitting on a huge platform, reading a newspaper. 4. The horse was shaggy, like a plush, a dashing bang hung on his forehead. four

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is alliteration 1. Falling asleep, I hear everything rustling on a piece of iron outside the window, tapping sleepily, it’s softly spring, promising “drip-drip” ... 2. These are my balls curling behind the window, the second one is already day walk: I let them go for a walk in the wild, so that they could live longer. 3. I run, barefoot, to the window, jump onto a cold chair, and I am bathed in shine. 4. Chickens and pigeons roam around the wind-worn snowy yard, picking oats spilled by horses. one

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is the epithet 1. His parents constantly talked about this on the phone, and even on local television they reported about an unprecedented number of mushrooms. 2. In this regard, they warned about something dangerous, they did not recommend taking unfamiliar mushrooms and buying canned ones of unknown production. 3. He loved to peacefully walk through the forest, carefully taking every step, and suddenly find a mushroom among the grass, leaves and lacy shadows. 4. These football matches at the school stadium were an important ritual. 3

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is the antithesis 1. Almost immediately Volodya threw his nozzle, but hooked the rod on the willow. 2. But the tension of the fishing line suddenly weakened, and an empty hook jumped out of the water, smacking. 3. He wanted to prick Volodya with something, but suddenly the float had already moved. 4. And, despite the fact that their tops had already turned pink from the sun, here, by the water, it was damp, gloomy and cold. four

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is metaphor 1. The doctor stopped, examined it in all its details, smacked his lips, whistled, then grabbed the rope and dragged the blind man to his home. 2. He was thin, his ribs protruded, his back was sharp, and his shoulder blades stood upright. 3. But he rarely allowed himself to open up to the end. 4. When the owner began to tickle, stroke and laugh, what a pleasure it was! 3

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is comparative turnover 1. The gelding dutifully went ashore, stopped by the fire and looked for a long time, shaking his head, as we boiled tea in a pot, then sighed heavily. 2. For people - rest homes, but for him - what? .. 3. A quiet morning was full of such freshness, as if the air had been washed with spring water. 4. Flowers white as the first snow were reflected in the lake, small fish slowly swam under them. four

9 slide

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Read the text and do the tasks for it! Good luck!!!

1) We walked with the forester through the small forest. 2) In ancient times there was a large swamp here, but then it dried up, overgrown, and now only deep, age-old moss, small windows - wells in this moss and an abundance of wild rosemary reminded of it. 3) Every time I find myself in the undergrowth, it seems to me that it was in these places that the artist Nesterov found many features of his landscape. 4) Here, each stem and twig lives its own separate picturesque life and therefore is especially noticeable and good. 5) Somewhere in the moss, as I said, there were small round windows - wells. 6) The water in them seemed still. 7) But if you look closely, you could see how a quiet stream rises from the depths of the well all the time and dry lingonberry leaves and yellow pine needles spin in it. 8) We stopped at one such window and drank some water. 9) She smelled of turpentine. 10) - Spring! - said the forester, looking at how a frantically floundering beetle surfaced from the window and immediately went to the bottom. 11) Must the Volga also start from such a window? 12) - I'm a big fan of parsing words, - the forester suddenly said and smiled embarrassedly. – 13) And now tell me for mercy! 14) It happens that one word sticks to you and does not give you rest. 15) The forester was silent, straightened his hunting rifle on his shoulder and

asked: 16) – Do you, they say, write something like a book? 17) - Yes, I am writing. 18) - So, you must have a thoughtful consideration of words. 19) And here, no matter how I figure it out, I rarely find an explanation for a word. 20) You walk through the forest, go over word by word in your head, and so you estimate them and that way: where did they come from? 21) Nothing works. 22) I have no knowledge. 23) Not trained. 24) And sometimes you find an explanation for a word and rejoice. 25) Why rejoice? 26) It's not for me to teach guys. 27) I am a forest man - a simple lineman. K.G. Paustovsky

These places are extremely picturesque. These places are inspiring. What surrounds the author resembles that depicted in Nesterov's paintings. Nesterov often visited these places. 1. Which of the statements below contains the answer to the question: “Why does the author think that it was in these places that the artist Nesterov found many features of his landscape?” one

A correctly used word helps to understand the beauty of the world around. Wrong use of the word irritates, cuts the ear. There must be a certain order in everything. He believes that it will be easier for people to understand each other. 2. Choose the correct continuation of the answer to the question: “Why does the forester say that “the consideration of the word must be considered?” one

Personification. Metaphor. Grotesque. Antithesis. 3. What means of expression is used in the sentence: “Here, each stem and twig lives its own separate picturesque life and is therefore especially noticeable and good.” one

four . Choose an antonym for the word violently WEAK 5. Replace the phrase hunting rifle, built on the basis of the agreement connection, with a synonym for control connection. hunter's gun

6. From sentences 12-20, write out the word, the spelling of the prefix in which is determined by the rule: “The letter I is written in the prefix, if it has the meaning of attachment" will stick 12) - I'm a big fan of parsing words, - the forester suddenly said and smiled embarrassedly. – 13) And now tell me for mercy! 14) It happens that one word sticks to you and does not give you rest. 15) The forester was silent, straightened his hunting rifle on his shoulder and asked: 16) - Do you, they say, write like a book? 17) - Yes, I am writing. 18) - So, you must have a thoughtful consideration of words. 19) And here, no matter how I figure it out, I rarely find an explanation for a word. 20) You walk through the forest, go over word by word in your head, and so you estimate them and that way: where did they come from?

7. Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence 6. The water seemed still 6) The water in them seemed still.

8. In the sentences below from the read text, all punctuation marks are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory sentence. Somewhere along the moss, (1) as I said, (2) came across round windows - wells. So, (3) you must have a thoughtful consideration of words. 1.2

9. Among sentences 19 - 27, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this sentence 19) But no matter how I figure it out, I rarely find an explanation for a word. 20) You walk through the forest, go over word by word in your head, and so you estimate them and that way: where did they come from? 21) Nothing works. 22) I have no knowledge. 23) Not trained. 24) And sometimes you find an explanation for a word and rejoice. 25) Why rejoice? 26) It's not for me to teach guys. 27) I am a forest man - a simple lineman. 27

10. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 2. 2) In ancient times there was a large swamp here, but then it dried up, overgrown, and now only deep, age-old moss, small windows - wells in this moss and an abundance of wild rosemary reminded of it. 3

11. In the sentence below, from the read text, all punctuation marks are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas between the parts compound sentence. In ancient times there was a large swamp here, (1) but then it dried up, (2) overgrown, (3) and now only deep, (4) centuries-old moss reminded of it, (5) small windows - wells in this moss and abundance wild rosemary. 1.3

12. From 2-3 paragraphs, write out a word whose spelling is determined by the rule: “In the roots of adjectives, after hissing, the letter E is written”. 3) Every time I find myself in the undergrowth, it seems to me that it was in these places that the artist Nesterov found many features of his landscape. 4) Here, each stem and twig lives its own separate picturesque life and therefore is especially noticeable and good. 5) Somewhere in the moss, as I said, there were small round windows - wells. 6) The water in them seemed still. 7) But if you look closely, you could see how a quiet stream rises from the depths of the well all the time and dry lingonberry leaves and yellow pine needles spin in it. yellow

13. From sentences 1-4 write out a word in which the spelling of the dividing b is determined by the rule: “In the roots of words before letters E, Yo, Yu, I the separating b is written. 1) We walked with the forester through the small forest. 2) In ancient times there was a large swamp here, but then it dried up, overgrown, and now only deep, age-old moss, small windows - wells in this moss and an abundance of wild rosemary reminded of it. 3) Every time I find myself in the undergrowth, it seems to me that it was in these places that the artist Nesterov found many features of his landscape. 4) Here, each stem and twig lives its own separate picturesque life and therefore is especially noticeable and good. undergrowth

14. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence. Every time (1) when I find myself in a small forest, (2) it seems to me (3) that it was in these places that the artist Nesterov found many features of his landscape. But if you look closely, (4) you could see (5) how a quiet stream rises from the depths of the well all the time and dry lingonberry leaves and yellow pine needles spin in it. 1,2,3,4,5

15. Among sentences 18 -27, find a complex sentence with different types allied (composing) and non-union connection. 18) - So, you must have a thoughtful consideration of words. 19) And here, no matter how I figure it out, I rarely find an explanation for a word. 20) You walk through the forest, go over word by word in your head, and so you estimate them and that way: where did they come from? 21) Nothing works. 22) I have no knowledge. 23) Not trained. 24) And sometimes you find an explanation for a word and rejoice. 25) Why rejoice? 26) It's not for me to teach guys. 27) I am a forest man - a simple lineman. twenty

16. In 2-3 paragraphs, find a complex sentence with parallel and homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. 3) Every time I find myself in the undergrowth, it seems to me that it was in these places that the artist Nesterov found many features of his landscape. 4) Here, each stem and twig lives its own separate picturesque life and therefore is especially noticeable and good. 5) Somewhere in the moss, as I said, there were small round windows - wells. 6) The water in them seemed still. 7) But if you look closely, you could see how a quiet stream rises from the depths of the well all the time and dry lingonberry leaves and yellow pine needles spin in it. 7

Well done boys! I wish you good luck in your exams!!!