Dr. Joe Dispenza was one of the first to explore the influence of consciousness on reality from a scientific point of view. His theory of the relationship between matter and consciousness brought him worldwide fame after the release of documentary film"We know what the signal does."

The materialization of events in life begins at the quantum level

A key discovery made by Joe Dispenza is that the brain does not distinguish between physical and mental experiences. Roughly speaking, the cells of the "gray matter" absolutely do not distinguish the real, i.e. material, from the imaginary, i.e. from thoughts!

Few people know that the doctor's research in the field of consciousness and neurophysiology began with a tragic experience. After Joe Dispenza was hit by a car, doctors offered to fix his damaged vertebrae with an implant, which could later lead to lifelong pain. Only in this way, according to doctors, he could walk again.

But Dispenza decided to abandon traditional medicine exports and restore his health through the power of thought. After only 9 months of therapy, Dispenza was able to walk again. This was the impetus for the study of the possibilities of consciousness.

The first step on this path was communication with people who experienced the experience of "spontaneous remission". This is a spontaneous and impossible from the point of view of doctors, the healing of a person from a serious illness without the use of traditional treatment. In the course of the survey, Dispenza found that all people who went through such an experience were convinced that thought is primary in relation to matter and can heal any disease.

Neural networks

Dr. Dispenza's theory states that every time we have an experience, we "activate" a huge number of neurons in our brain, which in turn affect our physical condition.

It is the phenomenal power of consciousness, thanks to the ability to concentrate, that creates the so-called synaptic connections - connections between neurons. Repetitive experiences (situations, thoughts, feelings) create stable neural connections called neural networks. Each network is, in fact, a certain memory, on the basis of which our body reacts to similar objects and situations in the future.

According to Dispenza, our entire past is “recorded” in the neural networks of the brain, which shape how we perceive and feel the world in general and its specific objects in particular. Thus, it only seems to us that our reactions are spontaneous. In fact, most of them are programmed with stable neural connections. Each object (stimulus) activates one or another neural network, which in turn causes a set of certain chemical reactions in the body.

These chemical reactions make us act or feel in a certain way - run or freeze in place, be happy or upset, excited or lethargic, etc. All our emotional reactions are nothing more than the result of chemical processes due to the existing neural networks, and they are based on past experiences. In other words, in 99% of cases we perceive reality not as it is, but interpret it on the basis of ready-made images from the past.

The basic rule of neurophysiology is this: nerves that are used together connect. This means that neural networks are formed as a result of repetition and consolidation of experience. If the experience is not reproduced for a long time, then the neural networks disintegrate. Thus, the habit is formed as a result of regular "pressing" the button of the same neural network. This is how automatic reactions are formed and conditioned reflexes- you have not yet had time to think and realize what is happening, and your body is already reacting in a certain way.

The power of attention

Just think about it: our character, our habits, our personality are just a set of stable neural networks that we can weaken or strengthen at any time thanks to our conscious perception of reality! Focusing consciously and selectively on what we want to achieve we.

Previously, scientists believed that the brain is static, but studies by neurophysiologists show that absolutely every slightest experience produces thousands and millions of neural changes in it, which are reflected in the body as a whole. In his book The Evolution of Our Brain, The Science of Changing Our Mind, Joe Dispenza asks a logical question: if we use our thinking to cause certain negative states in the body, will this abnormal state eventually become the norm?

Dispenza conducted a special experiment to confirm the capabilities of our consciousness.
People from one group pressed the springy mechanism with the same finger for an hour every day. People from the other group were only supposed to imagine that they were pressing. As a result, the fingers of people from the first group became stronger by 30%, and from the second - by 22%. Such an influence of purely mental practice on physical parameters is the result of the work of neural networks. So Joe Dispenza proved that for the brain and neurons there is no difference between real and mental experience. So, if we pay attention to negative thoughts, our brain perceives them as reality and causes corresponding changes in the body. For example, illness, fear, depression, a surge of aggression, etc.

Where are the loot from?

Another takeaway from Dispenza's research concerns our emotions. Stable neural networks form unconscious patterns of emotional behavior, i.e. prone to some form of emotional response. In turn, this leads to repeated experiences in life.

We step on the same rake only because we are not aware of the reasons for their appearance! And the reason is simple - each emotion is “felt” due to the release of a certain set of emotions into the body. chemical substances, and our body simply becomes in some way "dependent" on these chemical combinations. By recognizing this dependence precisely as a physiological dependence on chemicals, we can get rid of it.

Only a conscious approach is needed.
Today I watched a lecture by Joe Dispenza “Break the habit of being yourself” and thought: “Such scientists should be given golden monuments ...” Biochemist, neurophysiologist, neuropsychologist, chiropractor, father of three children (two of whom, at the initiative of Dispenza, were born under water, although 23 years ago in USA, this method was considered complete madness) and a very charming person in communication. He reads lectures with such sparkling humor, speaks about neurophysiology in such a simple and understandable language - a real enthusiast from science, enlightening ordinary people, generously sharing his 20 years of scientific experience.

In his explanations, he actively uses the latest achievements of quantum physics and speaks of the time that has already come, when it is not enough for people now to simply learn about something, but now they are obliged to put their knowledge into practice:
“Why wait for some special moment or the beginning of a new year in order to start radically changing your thinking and life for the better? Just start doing it right now: stop engaging in repetitive daily negative behaviors that you want to get rid of, such as telling yourself in the morning, “Today I will live the day without judging anyone” or “Today I will not whine and complain about everything.” or “I won’t get annoyed today”….

Try to do things in a different order, for example, if you first washed your face and then brushed your teeth, do the opposite. Or take and forgive someone. Just. Break the usual structures! And you will feel unusual and very pleasant sensations, you will like it, not to mention those global processes in your body and mind that you will start with this! Start getting into the habit of thinking about yourself and talking to yourself like you would a best friend.

A change in mindset leads to profound changes in physical body. If a person took and thought, impartially looking at himself from the side:

  • "Who am I?
  • Why do I feel bad?
  • Why do I live the way I don't want to?
  • What do I need to change in myself?
  • What exactly is stopping me?
  • What do I want to get rid of? etc. and felt a strong desire not to react as before, or not to do something as before - this means that he went through the process of "realization". This is an internal evolution. At that moment, he made a leap. Accordingly, the personality begins to change, and the new personality needs a new body.

This is how spontaneous healings happen: with a new consciousness, the disease can no longer remain in the body, because. the whole biochemistry of the body changes a (we change thoughts, and this changes the set chemical elements involved in the processes, our internal environment becomes toxic to the disease), and the person recovers.

Addictive behavior (i.e. addiction to anything from video games to irritability) can be defined very easily: it is something that you find it difficult to stop when you want to.

If you can't get away from your computer and check your social network page every 5 minutes, or if you understand, for example, that irritability interferes with your relationship, but you can't stop being annoyed, know that you have an addiction not only at the mental level, but also at the biochemical level(your body requires the injection of hormones responsible for this condition).

It has been scientifically proven that the action of chemical elements lasts from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and if you continue to experience this or that state for longer, know that the rest of the time you artificially maintain it in yourself, with your thoughts provoking cyclical excitation of the neural network and the repeated release of unwanted hormones that cause negative emotions, i.e. you yourself maintain this state in yourself!

By and large, you voluntarily choose how you feel. best advice for such situations - learn: nature, sports, watching a comedy, or anything that can distract and switch you. A sharp refocusing of attention will weaken and “extinguish” the action of hormones responding to a negative state. This ability is called .

And the better you develop this quality in yourself, the easier it will be for you to control your reactions, which, along the chain, will lead to a huge number of changes in your perception. outside world and internal state. This process is called.

Because new thoughts lead to new choices, new choices lead to new behaviors, new behaviors lead to new experiences, new experiences lead to new emotions, which, along with new information from the outside world, begin to change your genes epigenetically (i.e. secondarily). And then those new emotions, in turn, start to trigger new thoughts, and that's how you develop self-respect, self-confidence, and so on. This is how we can improve ourselves and, consequently, our lives.

Depression is also a prime example of addiction. Any state of addiction indicates a biochemical imbalance in the body, as well as an imbalance in the mind-body connection.
The most big mistake people in that they associate their emotions and behaviors with their personality: we say “I am nervous”, “I am weak-willed”, “I am sick”, “I am unhappy”, etc. They believe that the manifestation of certain emotions identifies their personality, so they constantly subconsciously strive to repeat a response pattern or state (for example, physical illness or depression), as if confirming to themselves every time who they are. Even if they themselves suffer greatly at the same time! Huge misconception. Any undesirable state can be removed if desired, and the possibilities of each person are limited only by his imagination.

And when you want changes in your life, be clear about exactly what you want, but do not develop in your mind a “hard plan” of HOW EXACTLY it will happen, so that you can “choose” the best option for you, which may turn out to be completely unexpected.

It is enough to relax internally and try to rejoice from the heart with what has not yet happened, but will definitely happen. Do you know why? Because it has already happened, provided that you clearly imagined and rejoiced from the bottom of your heart. Exactly the emergence of materialization of events begins from the quantum level.

So start acting first there. People are accustomed to rejoice only in what “you can touch”, which has already been realized. But we are not accustomed to trust ourselves and our abilities to CO-CREATE reality, although we do this every day and, mostly, on a negative wave. It is enough to remember how often our fears are realized, although these events are also formed by us, only without control ... But when you develop the ability to control thinking and emotions, real miracles will begin to happen.

Believe me, I can give thousands of beautiful and inspiring examples. You know, when someone smiles and says that something will happen, and they ask him: “How do you know?”, And he calmly answers: “I just know ...”. This is a vivid example of a controlled implementation of events ... I am sure that absolutely everyone has experienced this special state at least once.
This is how Joe Dispenza talks about complex things in such a simple way. I would warmly recommend his books to everyone as soon as they are translated into Russian and sold in Russia.

“Our most important habit should be the habit of being ourselves.”
Joe Dispenza

And Dispenza also advises: never stop learning. Information is best absorbed when a person is surprised. Try to learn something new every day - it develops and trains your brain, creating new neural connections, which in turn will change and develop your ability to, which will help you model your own happy and fulfilling reality.


Psychology and quantum mechanics.

I'll tell you a parable. There lived a cowardly little mouse who was very afraid of a cat, although in the depths of his soul he imagined, even visualized how he was chasing this cat. And then a magician appeared, he took pity on him and turned him into a dog. And now this dog comes out to the edge of the forest, all self-confident, but at the sight of the cat it ran away again.

When the wizard asked the dog who had frightened him so much, the dog felt ashamed and lied that he had met a panther in the forest. Then the magician turned her into a tiger, because there was no one stronger than a tiger in the forest. And already the tiger comes out again, all self-confident, but at the sight of the cat it runs away and tries to hide in the hole. And then the magician said: The tiger, whose cowardly heart of a mouse beats weaker than a cat, turned him back into a cowardly mouse.

And now about quantum mechanics.

Postulate. Matter is made up of energy of a certain frequency.

String theory (the theory of everything) says that the smallest particle is a quark, which is formed by energy in the form of a string. And depending on with what frequency (tonality) this energy vibrates, this is how matter turns out. That is, the nature of the vibrations of the string sets the property of matter - charge and mass.

So in people, one mind is not enough, there must still be enough will in the form of energy to implement the plan. By changing the vibration of the psyche or the inner state of the spirit, you can change the outer side of life.

Those. depending on what frequency the human psyche is tuned to - such events occur in his life.
Energy of a certain quality attracts energy and vibration of the same quality. That is why they say that trouble alone does not come or money to money!

Postulate. The observer shapes reality.

The observer always influences what is happening, because he realizes his unconscious reflex expectations. Why always, yes, because we are always trying to foresee the outcome of events.
Unconscious desires and fears materialize.

The materialization matrix itself is in the unconscious. The matrix is ​​a template, like in a factory, with which banknotes are printed.

The matrix is ​​a reflexive worldview complex, in the form of unconscious attitudes, through which the surrounding reality is refracted.

Example: You won't find a good job without acquaintances!

In order for your destiny to change, you need to change the matrix that prints the same thing!
We strive to justify unconscious attitudes with our behavior.
How to change fate and get what you want!
From the sales training: “It is not the product that is being sold, but your inner state.”
Everything depends on the will (vital energy) and the position of the observer.
You can observe the world either from the position of a victim or from the position of a winner, there is no third way, because the brain divides into useful and useless, good or bad, it is unrealistic to remain neutral.

Your will depends on the frequency with which your psyche vibrates. Imagine radio waves. On one rock, on the other lounge, and on the third chanson.

Negative thoughts and doubts rebuild your psyche to a different wave, and you move to a different resonance. And, accordingly, they suppress the will, that is, the energy for the realization of the plan.

A person cannot influence the wind and the wave, but he can use them, an example of this is windsurfing.
“May it be done to you according to your faith” in principle it is so! Faith is a great motivation! But faith is not the result of freedom of choice, but the result of an acquired reflex.

You will be - according to unconscious fixed installations and according to your matrix!

No matter how much you say halva, it will not be sweeter in your mouth. The matrix is ​​fixed by neural connections, that is, by actions and our reactions. As I told in the parable about the little mouse.

Visualization and positive psychology do not work here. Because both I and you know rich people who spend their whole lives feeling down and complaining that there is no money. And we know poor people who, with their last strength, puff up and try to prove that everything is fine with them. They are just trying to deceive themselves.

By the way, why would the universe help them if everything is “well” with them and they even talk about everything in the present tense. And if visualization worked, then all the teenagers who went to porn sites would be married to models! Supporters of positivism, of course, will say that he visualized incorrectly))) Well, of course!

Only the difference in potentials, dissatisfaction with reality makes us get out of bed and do something!

Conclusion: Be sure that you deserve the best, but do not become attached to the goal, do not become its slave! The result does not always bring happiness, but it takes enough time and effort. Focus only on the process. If the process gives you vital energy then you are moving in the right direction.

If it takes energy, then it is not yours. What you need is easy, what you don't need is hard. Semyon Skovoroda.
Ignore negative thoughts - they suppress the will!

The world is like a game: rock, paper, scissors. And to achieve the desired result, you need to be able to change not only strategies, but also show different qualities, depending on the situation. Unconscious fixed programs often prevent us from acting adequately to the situation.

For example, you decide that you always need to be firm, but sometimes you need to be soft and give in somewhere, and so on. Or the henpecked man says: I will no longer bend under women, and he begins to oppress them, but in the end, as he was not interesting to women, he remained that way. The polarity has changed, but the result is the same.

Welcome to reality, man from the 90s, read slowly or your brain will explode

Since 2007, the Canadian company D-Wave Systems (English) has announced the creation of various versions of a quantum computer: 16 qubit - Orion, 28 qubit in November 2007, D-Wave One (English) with a 128-qubit chip in May 2011, processor Vesuvius at 512 qubits at the end of 2012, over 1000 qubits in June 2015. The company received investments from many sources, for example, 17 million US dollars in January 2008, distributed computing was also carried out [email protected](Adiabatic QUantum Algorithms) for testing optimization algorithms for D-Wave adiabatic superconducting quantum computers.

D-Wave computers operate on the principle of quantum relaxation (quantum annealing), can solve an extremely limited subclass of optimization problems, and are not suitable for implementing traditional quantum algorithms and quantum gates (Quantum Annealing).

D-Wave demonstrated the solution of some problems on their computers, for example, pattern recognition (December 8, 2009 at the NIPS conference (English) with the participation of Hartmut Neven (English), the study of the three-dimensional shape of a protein from a known amino acid sequence (August 2012).

The operating temperature of superconducting chips in D-Wave devices is about 20 μK, there is careful shielding from external electric and magnetic fields.

Since May 20, 2011, D-Wave Systems has been selling the D-Wave One (128 qubit) quantum computer for $11 million, which solves only one problem - discrete optimization. Among the customers of D-Wave is Lockheed Martin (since May 2011), the contract concerns the performance of complex calculations on quantum processors and includes Maintenance quantum computer D-Wave One.

At the same time, D-Wave Systems quantum computers are being criticized by some researchers. So, associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Scott Aaronson believes that D-Wave has not yet been able to prove either that its computer solves any problems faster than a conventional computer, nor that the 128 qubits used can be entered in a state quantum entanglement. If the qubits are not in an entangled state, then it is not a quantum computer.

In May 2013, Amherst College professor from Nova Scotia, Canada, Catherine McGeoch, announced her results comparing the D-Wave One computer based on the Vesuvius processor with a traditional computer with an Intel microprocessor. In the first test, one of the tasks of the QUBO class, well suited to the structure of the processor, was completed by the D-Wave One computer in 0.5 seconds, while the computer with the Intel processor took 30 minutes (a 3600 times speed gain). In the second test, a special program was required to "translate" the problem into the language of the D-Wave computer, and the calculation speed of the two computers was approximately equal. In the third test, which also required a "translation" program, the D-Wave One computer solved 28 out of 33 given problems in 30 minutes, while the Intel-based computer found a solution for only 9 problems.

In January 2014, D-Wave scientists published an article in which they reported that using the qubit tunneling spectroscopy method, they proved the existence of quantum coherence and entanglement between separate subgroups of qubits (2 and 8 elements in size) in the processor during calculations.

In December 2015, Google experts confirmed that according to their research, the D-Wave computer uses quantum effects. At the same time, in a "1000-qubit" computer, qubits are actually organized into clusters of 8 qubits each. However, this made it possible to achieve 100 million times faster performance (compared to a conventional computer) in one of the algorithms.

see also

This science is based on the laws of quantum physics, and the processes occurring both in an individual and in the entire Universe are considered as interdependent functions that manifest themselves in the contact of a person with the environment.

The very concept of "quantum psychology" appeared at the end of the 20th century. Famous authors in this field are the philosopher R. A. Wilson, the Gestalt therapist Stephen Wolinsky, the psychologist A. physicists M. Zarechny and M. B. Mensky. In America, an institute has been created and is functioning to deal with the questions posed to the new direction.

Quantum psychology is based on the concept that just as reality affects us, we can in turn change the reality around us. Moreover, science considers the evolution itself and the emergence of the Universe as a consequence of changes in our consciousness, and considers all objects of being integral units (quanta) of one complex.

Mankind acts as a single organism in which the individual is considered as a separate element of the system. AT new psychology the concept of "quantum consciousness" is used to explain the principles of connection between one person and a single common consciousness for people.

Man is understood as a discrete state of a quantum system. The conclusion (experience) obtained by one person is considered as a measurement produced by a single consciousness, its separate unit. Based on the information received from the individual, the whole system makes a choice for further movement along the path of its development. Reality is considered as a consequence of the chain of choices of the general consciousness in the process of evolution.

Thanks to this approach, the phenomena of clairvoyance, the simultaneous discoveries of scientists located in different parts of the planet, and many others become clear. If the consciousness of one made any measurement in environment, the whole body instantly knows about it. Moreover, the distance does not matter for obtaining information by all mankind instantly.

The function that connects both individuals with each other and the whole complex as a whole is thought. Considering society, we can conclude that people basically do not independently reflect on the events taking place around them, but are in correlation with the consciousness of a particular social group with which they interact. It is part of another, more extensive, association, and so on until a single consciousness.

It is quite logical to assume that the quantum consciousness of all mankind is part of an even larger global and further, ad infinitum.

Despite the criticism of this approach by physicists, who believe that psychologists incorrectly apply the principles of mechanics, the direction has gained its distribution as a new revolutionary approach to human knowledge.

How is reality controlled?

M. B. Mensky in his works admits the possibility of deviation of one individual from the choice of the entire system. It can increase depending on the energy potential of the world which differs significantly from the reality of the average majority. This can be explained by the emergence of a strong local anomaly, different from the consciousnesses of the average world.

When a large value of such a deviation is reached, the probability for the realization of some seemingly improbable event increases. This explains many phenomena.

For example, in war time a soldier could walk through a flurry of bullets, remaining completely unharmed if he needed to stay alive and complete any important task.

Since all human units of consciousness are simply separate parts of the whole, the “message” that arises between them can transmit such mental energy that, concentrating on one event, can make a person important to many people invulnerable.

Another important principle of direction comes from experiments carried out by quantum physicists, where it was observed that the result of an experiment depends on the expectations of the experimenter. It was concluded that "the observer influences the observed phenomenon."

The application of the principles becomes clear: “We ourselves create our own reality”, “Man is a mind that contemplates the Universe and creates it, attracting certain events and situations to itself.”

Psychologists say that the knowledge that has become the property of science today has been known for centuries and has been used in Buddhism, shamanism, the Vedas and Kabbalah. Experts have developed exercises to materialize desires and recommend getting rid of negative emotions, meditating, creating images of your dreams and directing them to the Universe.

And although quantum psychology is based on correct theories, but in its simplified interpretation of physics takes a person away from solving pressing problems and the true state of things.

According to orthodox scientists, empty dreams do not contribute to the resolution of crisis situations. Unsatisfied desires and experiences often lead a person to change and encourage action. This interpretation is consonant with the Christian concept, which is based on the principle of spiritual growth and development of a person through inevitable suffering.

If you drive emotions deep into yourself, refusing to recognize them and not giving them an outlet, such an approach (which is confirmed by modern research) will lead to the accumulation of negativity inside the body, and this can cause various diseases.

Quantum psychology is still at the very beginning of its development. It has yet to solve the difficult task of applying modern discoveries to everything.