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Every person, and a woman in particular, should be a little shy. The normal degree of shyness makes us more pleasant and correct in communication, gives some charm, which is simply absent in "people without complexes." Are you shy, and how?

Excessive shyness also harms communication, it makes a person notorious, it is difficult and not pleasant to communicate with such a person. Therefore, shyness should also be in moderation, like any other qualities in a person. How shy are you? Take a psychological test for shyness and find out if your shyness is within the normal range or would it not hurt you to correct your interaction with the outside world?

Shyness test: INSTRUCTIONS

The psychological shyness test contains two blocks of questions that will help you reveal your personality traits and find out how shy you are. Answer the test - only "yes" or "no" questions. Count the number of positive answers you gave to the test - block A questions, and the number of negative answers to the test - block B questions. Be honest and frank, do not try to guess the right answer, and then the psychological shyness test will help you figure out your true feelings, and tell you where your character can be improved.



1. It will be very unpleasant for me if someone wants to read my personal diary or my personal correspondence.

2. If at a party my outfit is strikingly different from how the rest are dressed, I will feel embarrassed.

3. It is difficult for me to decide to invite the person I like to dinner, because I am afraid of being rejected.

4. If I suddenly receive an invitation to participate in some game unfamiliar to me, I will most likely refuse.

5. During a speech in front of an audience, it is difficult for me to take my eyes off the text prepared in advance, even when I perfectly know the topic of the report and the words by heart.

6. At a disco or in a gym, I often stand modestly against the wall, I am embarrassed by my own slowness.

7. If I am late for a meeting, I will hardly dare to enter the same room, because all those present will look at me.

8. I try not to tell jokes or funny stories. I start to get embarrassed and lose the thread of the story when everyone is looking at me or listening carefully.


9. I usually take part in some competitions or competitions without pleasure, regardless of how prepared I am.

10. It gives me pleasure to appear in public places when I have new fashionable clothes.

11. When I am angry with someone, I always let the person understand this.

12. If after the lecture I still have questions, I misunderstood something, I ask the teacher to explain again.

13. In the pool or on the beach, I get dressed and I am in a bathing suit without the slightest shyness.

14. I enjoy listening to other people's feedback on my work.

15. When in a sports club or in a dance class, the coach chooses a partner to demonstrate exercises to others, I always hope that he will choose me.

16. If I suddenly become the object of a joke, then without any problems I will laugh at the situation along with everyone, without being offended at all.


Count the number of positive answers you gave to the test - questions of block A, and the number of negative answers to the test - questions of block B. Sum up the points received - this will be an indicator of the level of your shyness, the decoding of which you will find below, in the sections of the test corresponding to your answers on shyness. So, how shy are you?

NUMBER OF POINTS 14 - 16 - see the result

NUMBER OF POINTS 10 - 13 - see the result

NUMBER OF POINTS 7 - 9 - see the result

Your Shyness Test Results:

Shyness is your inherent character trait, but you are successfully fighting it and obviously to your advantage. Review the list of questions again and identify your most vulnerable areas. If the source of your shyness is intelligence, then you have “yes” answers to the test - questions No. 2 and No. 6; and “no” answers to the test - questions No. 12 and No. 15. If you consider appearance to be your problem, then you have “yes” answers to No. 1 and No. 5 in the questionnaire, and “no” to No. 10 and No. 13. Vulnerable point is social position, so you answered “yes” to questions #3 and #8; and said “no” to questions numbered 9 and 16. And if the “root of evil” is in your sports uniform, then you have positive answers to questions numbered 4 and 7; and also "no" to questions No. 11 and No. 14. Well, now you know "your enemy in the face" and you can fight him with great success!

Shyness Test

Below is a test developed by scientists at Stanford University. I recommend answering the questions of this test after a month, six months or a year of work on yourself in order to check how significant success you have achieved.

Complete the test quickly, then go back and reread it more carefully to determine exactly how shyness is affecting you.

Are you shy?

1. Do you consider yourself shy?

1 - yes, 2 - no.

2. If so, have you always been shy?

1 - yes, 2 - no.

3. If you answered “no” to question 1, was there a period in your life when you felt shy?

1 - yes, 2 - no.

If you answered yes to any of the three questions, please continue with the test.

The main properties of shyness:

4. What is the basis of your assumption that you are a shy person?

1 - you are always shy at any time and in any situation

2 - you are shy in most situations

3 - you are shy from time to time

5. How shy are you?

1 - extremely shy

2 - very shy

3 - very shy

4 - moderately shy

5 - somewhat shy

6 - only slightly shy

6. How often do you feel (have you experienced) a feeling of shyness?

1 - daily

2 - almost every day

3 - often, almost every other day

4 - 1-2 times a week

5 - less than once a week

6 - rarely, once a month or less

7. How desirable is it for you to be shy?

1 - very undesirable

2 - undesirable

3 - I don't care about this state

4 - desirable

5 - highly desirable

8. How shy are you compared to people in your circle (same age, gender)?

1 - much more shy

2 - more shy

3 - about the same shy

4 - less shy

5 - much less shy

9. Do you (or have you ever had) problems caused by shyness?

1 - yes, often

2 - yes, sometimes

3 - rarely

4 - never

10. When you feel shy, can you hide it from others?

1 - yes, always

2 - sometimes

3 - usually not

11. Are you introverted or extroverted?

1 - strong introversion

2 - moderate introversion

3 - slight introversion

4 - slight extraversion

5 - moderate extraversion

6 - strong extraversion

12. Do you feel shy when you are alone?

1 - yes, 2 - no.

If yes, please describe when, how, why:

13. Have you ever experienced discomfort when you are alone?

1 - yes, 2 - no If yes, describe when, how, why:

The attitude of others to your shyness:

14. How do others evaluate your shyness?

1 - overly shy

2 - very shy

3 - very shy

4 - moderately shy

5 - somewhat shy

6 - slightly shy

7 - not shy

8 - don't know

9 - inappropriate definition

Using the options above, answer the question if the following people consider you shy:

- brothers and sisters

- friends

- constant girlfriend (friend), spouse (wife)

- student friends

- neighbours

– mentors or employers, colleagues who know you well

15. Have others called your shyness indifference, detachment, poise, or something else?

Describe in more detail:


Internal causes of shyness:

16. What could be causing you to be shy?

- anxiety about negative evaluation

- fear of being rejected

- lack of self-confidence

Lack of certain social skills (describe in more detail):


- fear of intimacy with others

- preference to be alone

– your interests and hobbies are condemned by society

- inadequacy, defects:


– other reasons:


External causes of shyness:

17. Determine which situations make you feel self-conscious.

any social contacts

- presence in a large group of people

- presence in a small group of people united by one goal that is not related to entertainment (for example, at a work meeting or in student group)

– communication with a small group of people having a rest (at a party, dancing)

- one-on-one conversation with a person of the same sex

- one-on-one conversations with a person of the opposite sex

- you demonstrate that you are worse than others in some way (for example, asking for help)

- talking to people of higher social status

- situations in which you need to defend your rights

- you are in the center of attention of a large audience

– you are the focus of a small group

- you are evaluated, compared with others, criticized

- any situation that affects you personally

- a situation in which sexual intimacy is possible

18. Go back to the items that were selected in the previous task, and remember if your shyness manifested itself in similar situations last month.

1 - yes, and very strongly

2 - yes, quite a lot

3 - moderately

4 - just a little

5 - no, never

19. Who are the people with whom you are shy?


- brothers or sisters

- other relatives

- friends

- strangers or strangers

- Foreigners

– people in power (police officers, teachers, bosses at work)

- people with great knowledge

- people are much older than you

- people much younger than you

– members of the opposite sex when they are in a group

– members of your gender when they are in a group

– members of the opposite sex when you are alone

– members of your gender when you are alone

20. Return to the points selected in the previous task and remember if your shyness in the past month was caused by contact with one of these people (or several).

0 - no, only last month

1 - yes, and very strongly

2 - yes, quite a lot

3 - moderately

4 - only slightly

Manifestations of shyness:

21. What signs do you use to determine that you are shy?

according to your own feelings, thoughts

- according to their behavior in this situation

- according to the reaction of others

22. What physiological reactions reflect your shyness?

0 - never feel like this

1 - these reactions are normal for me

2 - they are expressed very strongly

- blush

- increased heart rate

discomfort in the stomach

- internal trembling

- heartbeat

- dry lips

- trembling of limbs

- labored breathing

- fatigue

– other reactions:


23. What thoughts and feelings does shyness cause in you?

0 - these thoughts and feelings never visit me

1 - they are common to me

2 - they capture me completely

– positive feelings (e.g. feeling happy with yourself)

- thoughts about nothing (dreams, vague sensations)

- excessive "obsession" with oneself, introspection

- unpleasant thoughts (“the situation is terrible, what a pity that I ended up in it”)

– distracting thoughts (I think about what will happen when the situation changes)

negative feelings (feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, inferiority)

– thoughts about shyness (about what it is, how to overcome it)

- worrying about what others think

other thoughts and feelings


24. If you have ever experienced a feeling of shyness, how did it manifest itself?

0 - I don't like it

1 - this is typical for me

2 - it manifests itself in a strong form

- refusal to interact with people

- inability to look directly into the eyes

silence (unwillingness to speak)

- stuttering

- incoherent speech

- demonstrative behavior

- evasion of responsible actions

- other manifestations:


Consequences of shyness:

25. What are the negative effects of shyness on you?


– creates social problems: I find it difficult to make new friends, communicate with people

- leads to feelings of loneliness, depression

interferes with other people's positive assessment of my abilities

- causes difficulties when it is necessary to defend one's rights, to be assertive, to express an opinion that is not shared by others

- contributes to the wrong negative assessment of me by other people (for example, they may decide that I am a snob, unfriendly or weak person)

- causes "fixation" on their thoughts and feelings

26. What are the benefits of being shy for you?


- creates an image of a modest, reserved person

- helps to avoid conflicts

- provides a comfortable state of security

- gives the opportunity to observe from the side, act carefully and carefully

- helps to avoid negative evaluation from other people (they think that I am unobtrusive, non-aggressive, do not have excessive ambitions)

- makes me stand out from others

- promotes privacy


27. Is it possible to overcome your shyness?

1 - yes, 2 - no

28. Do you want to seriously work on overcoming shyness?

1 - yes, of course

2 - yes, maybe

3 - don't know, not sure yet 4 - no

This text is an introductory piece.

Take the shyness test right now to get to know yourself better. There are different manifestations of shyness, and our test will help you find out if they are peculiar to you!
Literally a hundred years ago, shyness was considered one of the main virtues of a woman, and even now, in an age of widespread emancipation, this character trait can bewitch a representative of the stronger sex. The question is why and how much the girl is embarrassed, for example, sometimes the reason is complexes about her appearance, speech characteristics, behavior, etc. For some, and this will help to find out the test for your shyness, stiffness and indecision reach the absolute: it is difficult for them to talk to a stranger on the street, express disagreement with the opinion of another person, or be the first to call the guy they like. If shyness prevents you from living, loving and developing, then you need to do something!

Free shyness test for girls

The vast majority of girls love to go through virtual checks, and it is not surprising, because it is not only interesting, but also very useful. For example, after a shyness test, you can look at yourself from the outside and determine if such a character trait as shyness interferes in your personal life and career advancement. Shyness, no doubt, adorns the fairer sex, but excessive shyness, on the contrary, scares men away from her, so you should think about how to become more open. There are special tests and trainings for this, but the main thing is that now you know about the problem, and getting rid of it is only a matter of time.

Many people sometimes feel that they are too shy. Of course, this cannot but interfere: shyness prevents promotion at work, does not allow you to freely meet and communicate with people, makes you refuse to participate in interesting events ... The list of “side effects” of shyness is endless. In order to determine the degree of your shyness, you can use a specially designed shyness test.

What is shyness?

Shyness characterizes a condition that makes you literally feel uncomfortable in the company of other people. This feature is very characteristic of introverts and, one might say, determines their psychological make-up. It is difficult for a shy person to start a conversation, he often cannot find the right words. We can say that shyness is a feeling of constant observation of own behavior: it seems that for every wrong action a severe punishment is due, so you can’t make a mistake in any case. As a result, a shy person falls into a kind of stupor, being in a large company.

Is it good or bad? We can say that shyness is inherent in every person to one degree or another: sometimes anyone can get confused. But some people feel constrained, speaking in front of huge audiences, in other situations feeling quite comfortable, while others find it difficult to even ask a forgetful seller for change. Simple shyness test will help determine the degree of modesty.

Stanford Shyness Test

The most popular and widely used shyness test is the Stanford shyness test. The test is quite effective: more than five thousand people around the world took it at the development stage, and its results with to a large extent reliability allows you to determine how shy a person is.

The test contains a series of questions, answering which the subject assesses the degree of his own shyness. As a result, he will receive data on how much it interferes in life. Pass the shyness test certainly worth it to all those who are tormented by their own timidity. This will help identify issues that need to be worked on. You can take the test as often as necessary to evaluate the result of developing self-confidence.

A small test to determine the level of shyness

There is also an express method for determining shyness. It can be completed much faster than Stanford shyness test: just read a few statements and evaluate how they characterize your behavior.

  1. I dislike the company of strangers.
  2. I feel uncomfortable with most people.
  3. I feel helpless when surrounded by strangers.
  4. I don’t like holidays and corporate parties, because I can’t relax and feel constant tension while attending them.
  5. During a conversation, I am always afraid that I will say some stupid thing and cause disapproval.
  6. I feel very strong tension when I have a conversation with a famous or authoritative person.
  7. It is difficult for me to communicate with people of the opposite sex, even if they are part of my company.
  8. I try to make as little eye contact as possible.
  9. I do my best to avoid conflict situations.
  10. I often replay recent conversations and arguments in my head, thinking of what to say.

If you agree with six or more of the following, then your level of shyness is pretty high. It is considered normal to agree with two of the ten points listed above.

P.S. In order to take concrete practical steps, I recommend paying attention to the course on . In which in 5 weeks you will bring your state to openness, greater confidence, and among people you will feel comfortable and easy. And even, you will start to enjoy communication.
The course is based on thousands of hours of my practice of working with clients, and is based on real human mental processes. I highly recommend making time for this course.

Do you want to get rid of isolation as quickly as possible?
Waiting for !

Humility is rare in the world of the cult of the self, yet it is precisely this quality that is necessary for self-awareness in both business and personal life. Being humble means taking into account your shortcomings, soberly assessing your successes and acknowledging the contribution of other people to them. The Insight book offers a short survey that will help you gauge your level of humility.

Choose the option that best describes your behavior in general. Try to start from how you actually behave, and not from how you would like to behave.

1. I collect reviews, especially critical ones.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

2. I confess when I don't know how to do something.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

3. I am aware that others know more than me.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

4. I pay attention to people's strengths.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

5. I compliment people on their strengths.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

6. I appreciate the contributions of others.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

7. I am willing to learn from other people.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

8. I am open to other people's ideas.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

9. I am open to other people's advice.
1) Very rarely
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Always

Calculate the average of your answers and see your score.


1–2 (Very Rare/Rare)
You have a low level of modesty, so others may consider you to be arrogant and self-centered, which can negatively affect your relationships and prevent you from getting the best out of your team. Fortunately, if you allow yourself to have flaws, and also learn to recognize the virtues of other people, the effort invested in this will pay off in abundance.

3–4 (Sometimes/often)
You have an average level of modesty. While others may not perceive you as arrogant or self-absorbed, cultivating humility in yourself will improve your relationships and make them more effective. Start by focusing on the aspects of your behavior for which you got the lowest score from yourself. As for your most highly valued qualities, pay attention to them even more often.

5 (Always)
You have a high level of modesty. Since people around you consider you a sane person who is easy to work with, you get a big advantage. But as you well know, you are not perfect! Re-read the above statements and consider whether you can change enough to fit them even more. Also, think about how you can create a culture around you that encourages those around you to be humble at work, at home, and in the community.

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