Proverbs and sayings arose in ancient times, long before the advent of writing. The author of proverbs and sayings is the people. Someone once expressed his thought, other people picked up, remembered, passed on, contributed something of their own ... So proverbs and sayings were passed from mouth to mouth from generation to generation.

A proverb is a whole complete sentence with a deep meaning. Example: “Without labor, you can’t even catch a fish from a pond.” A proverb is just a phrase or phrase that can be replaced by other words. Example: "stay with the nose" - to be deceived, "a disservice" - help that turns to harm. The cat Basilio and the fox Alice left Pinocchio "with a nose".

Proverbs and sayings begin to be studied from the first days at school: they teach, advise, warn; praise diligence, honesty, courage, kindness; ridicule greed, envy, cowardice, laziness; condemn selfishness, evil; encourage diligence, nobility, perseverance.

All our great writers and poets learned the richness of the language from proverbs and used them in their works. Let's remember where these proverbs and sayings come from: ".... and the old woman was left with nothing ... "(" The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish "A.S. Pushkin)" Who is ordered to tweet - Do not purr! ” (“Confusion” by K.I. Chukovsky) “And things are still there.” (“Swan, Cancer and Pike” by I.A. Krylov)

Proverbs and sayings were invented a long time ago and have long been time-tested. Do as folk wisdom dictates - you will not make a mistake and you will easily find a way out of a difficult situation. The main thing in this matter is to understand what the proverb or saying says.

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Author: Murnukova Svetlana Anatolyevna Place of work, position: MAOU interschool educational complex of Kaliningrad, teacher of technology of the 1st category CREATIVE PROJECT Grade 5

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Lesson objectives: To introduce students to the concepts: “Creative project. Stages of the project. Preparatory stage"; To instill the skills of a clear and correct expression of one's thoughts, to be able to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare; contribute to the memorization of basic terminology; Contribute to the education of careful attitude to equipment, aesthetic qualities of the individual.

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Creativity - comes from the word "create" and means "to seek, invent and create something that has not been encountered in past experience." Creativity is the process of creating something new and beautiful, which fills life with joy, stimulates the need for knowledge, and enhances the work of thought.

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A creative project is an independent final work, as a result of which a useful product with novelty is created. For example, mastering new ways of processing or finishing a material, developing an original design or shape of a product, etc.

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The goal of any creative project is to transform the reality surrounding a person.

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Stages and content of the project Stages Content 1 Preparatory Selection and justification of the project topic. Historical and technical information 2 Design Development of design documentation (drawings, models, sketches, diagrams, drawings, etc.) 3 Technological Development of technological documentation (technological map or product manufacturing plan) 4 Manufacturing of the product Organization of the workplace. Execution of technological operations 5 Final Economic justification. Product brochure. Conclusions based on the results of the work. Project Protection

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Work on the project can be carried out individually or collectively (2-3 people). It specifically defines what each student does. When designing a product, you can use finished parts and mechanisms.

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Requirements for choosing a project topic: the essence of the work to be done should be clear; work must be interesting; you must be able to independently perform the main technological operations in the course of the project; the material and technical base must ensure the implementation of the project.

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Historical background - a small study on the history of the design object. This certificate indicates: the time and place of occurrence of the design object (if any); the history of its development and application (local history material); features of manufacturing technology; traditions of manufacture and use.

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The technical reference indicates: tools and materials necessary for the manufacture of the design object; shape, color, dimensions and other parameters of the product; traditions in decoration (in drawings, composition, technological methods); a brief description of technological methods (symbols, diagrams, illustrations, drawings); types and methods of finishing products.

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Questions and tasks Define creativity. What is a creative project? What is the purpose of a creative project? List the main stages of design. * The student completed the project - the panel "Chicken" from three-layer plywood, while the quality of work was excellent. The souvenir picture came out beautiful and everyone liked it. The student took the shape and drawing of the panel from a school textbook. The progress report was also submitted in a timely manner. In the process of work, the student diligently performed all tasks, observed labor safety regulations, correctly applying the mastered labor techniques, and kept order at the workplace. Do you think his work is creative?

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Questions and tasks What does the preparatory stage include? What does the term "project justification" mean? Tell us about the content of the historical reference. What information should be included in a technical note? List the main sources of information. *What sources of information did you use to complete your project?

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NEW CONCEPTS Creativity, creative project, Design stages Preparatory stage, Project justification, Historical information, Information, Information sources, Technical information.

Russian Federation


Administration of the municipality


Municipal BUDGET educational institution

additional education

"Children's art school"

Pedagogical project



teacher of the highest qualification category


Ulbaeva Gaisha Valiullovna

Megion - 2012

1. Brief summary of the project.

We all came to Earth with a specific mission. And in order to understand why we came here, you need to carefully look into your own childhood, so far and close.

P.I. Anofrikov.

The goal of modern art education is the development of the student's personal qualities, his abilities, the formation of an active, creative life position in him. Over the past years, the system of additional education for children has overcome the stages of an evolutionary transition to a new qualitative state, the formation of a state system, the modernization of this system in order to solve the main tasks of Russian education - accessibility, quality, efficiency. In 2011, thanks to the efforts of the entire cultural community and the active actions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation ( Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2011 N 145-FZ "On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"), art schools (children's art schools) have finally been determined the status worthy of their mission - pre-professional education. Pre-professional - means compulsory, the initial stage of vocational education, the foundation of vocational education in the field of culture and art.Proceeding from this, modern art education today should prepare students for rapidly changing living conditions, full self-realization in future educational and professional and work activities.An important condition for this is mastering the ability to independently, creatively, analytically work with various kinds of information.These skills are of particular importance for preparing the younger generation for life in the 21st century - the century of information technology.At the same time, the main attention should be focused on the development of the student's creative abilities, the possibilities of his self-development, the formation of a system thinking, readiness for innovative and professional activities.

In order to create the necessary conditions for achieving a new, modern quality of education, the "Concept for the development of education in the field of culture and art in the Russian Federation for 2008-2015" refers to the need to use an activity approach in teaching. The implementation of the Concept will become the basis for the spiritual revival of Russia, the assertion of its status in the world community as a great power in the field of education, culture and art, the development of human individuality, including its socio-cultural and creative side.

Outside the twenty-first century. The technical process is rushing us to who knows where at breakneck speed. New technologies appear almost every day. And, of course, an arsenal of means quality education child development has also increased. Animation is the most promising area of ​​pedagogy, maybe not entirely new, but it has become much more accessible in our time. After all, there is a computer in almost every home.

Animation technologies acquire great practical importance every year. For a short period of time in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, animation studios have been created and are successfully operating.

Since 2009, the list of subjects in the working curriculum of the MBOU DOD "Children's Art School" of the department "Early Aesthetic Education of Preschool Children" (from 4 to 6.5 years old) has included the subject "Fundamentals of Animation". Teachers and students of the department in the classroom perform animation sketches (works) "Gingerbread Man and the Fox", "Sea Voyage", "Beautiful Dream", etc. It turned out that the creative process of creating works in the translation technique is ideal for a novice young artist, and does not leave indifferent professionals. At the moment when the child presents the result of his own creativity to everyone's attention, he completely trusts the world. It is trust in the world, according to the well-known psychologist V.P. Zinchenko, is a basic condition for access to the information storehouses of both worlds - personal and environmental, internal and external.

Drawing the elements, details, structure, phenomena of the external world, the child builds his own world, comprehending its laws, opening a meeting with his unique "I".

The organization of a cultural space - a "Creative Workshop" for students aged 11 to 16 will be the first step on the Path along which a growing person will climb independently for the rest of his life. I assume that not all project participants will become specialists and professionals in the field of animation in the future, but I am simply sure that this activity will provide an opportunity for the development and formation of a creative personality in a comprehensive emotional and intellectual development based on screen and traditional arts.

2. Justification of the need for the project (analysis of the problematic situation through the identification of contradictions in existing practice).

You cannot change someone by passing on ready-made experience to him.

You can only create an atmosphere conducive to human development.

K. Rogers

An analysis of the work of practicing teachers in periodicals, my own ten-year work experience allow me to talk about the problems that a teacher faces in the process of reforms, the introduction of innovations, and especially when changing the concepts and paradigms of the educational space of the school. It is easier for any teacher to give ready-made facts, ready-made truth. It is much more difficult to teach to find the truth, but if it succeeds, then here it is satisfaction. Therefore, the goal of my pedagogical activity is to contribute to the formation of a socially successful personality of the student, through the organization of the creative activity of students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

At the present stage of the life of society and the functioning of the economy, the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students in the educational space are aimed not only at mastering the system of knowledge of art education, but also the ability to correctly navigate in it - to master, evaluate changes, transform the content and methodological principles of art education corresponding to the actual tasks of the development of Russian society, the world cultural process, the comprehensive satisfaction of the spiritual needs of the individual.The level of a person's spirituality is closely connected with his aesthetic culture, his attitude to art. Influencing, first of all, feelings, emotions, experiences, art makes profound changes in its spiritual sphere, projecting the inner state of a person onto behavior and actions. Of particular relevance in the education of the modern young generation is the provision of historical continuity of generations; preservation, dissemination and development of national artistic culture and folk art as its root principle.

Modern additional education is designed to fill the space between the two poles: on the one hand, it most fully ensures the realization of the spiritual and cultural needs of children and youth, on the other hand, it responds mobilely to the changing socio-economic information situation in the country.

At the present stage of our society, it is in the system of additional education that the most favorable conditions for the free development of the individual as an individual have been created.

At present, in the field of arts (by type of activity) - fine arts is acquiring a new face. Modern technical means, for example, a computer, an interactive whiteboard and a multimedia projector, open up new opportunities for the teacher and children to perceive, study and consolidate the information received.

Artistic activity (drawing) certainly plays an important role in the educational process, but modern technologies and advances in science and technology make the possibilities of studying the subject truly limitless.. In my work, along with traditional visual and illustrative, educational and methodological aids, including photographs, videos, tests and crossword puzzles, I use modern computer technologies. The formation of the need-motivational sphere of the child, the initiation of his activity and the formation of an initiative position in various spheres of life can be effectively carried out in the system of complex programs of aesthetic education. The proposed project represents such a system of activities that contributes to the development of skills of self-determination, self-organization, self-realization, self-esteem among students.

The project "Creative Workshop" is a kind of component in the formation and development of the ethno-artistic culture of the individual on the basis of the highest humanistic values ​​by means of national culture and art, the development and formation of a person as an integral personality and a unique creative individuality, by means of the moral and spiritual foundations of the individual, citizenship and patriotism , revival of national cultures. Offers students using the technology of project activities to create projects that reflect the creative heritage of writers and artists of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, by means of animation art.

Watching cartoons is interesting and exciting. But how much more interesting and exciting it is to come up with and shoot a cartoon with your own hands! About how to invent, draw, film and voice their own cartoon and learn the children in the classroom in the children's animation studio.

Being engaged in animation, the child gains experience in an unlimited number of activities. The expressive means of animation are the most natural for children and adolescents: they stimulate their creative activity and liberate their thinking. The ability of animation to teach and educate allows us to talk about the birth of a kind of animation pedagogy. The main pedagogical value of animation lies in the universality of its language, which makes it possible to organize a comprehensive system of integrated education for children of all age groups. After all, the ability to create something new is usually laid down in childhood. To create a cartoon on their own, children must compose a story or a fairy tale (literary creativity), write a script (drama), draw a storyboard, sketches of characters (fine art), make puppets and decorations (plastic, fine art, technology for developing various materials), come up with heroes movements, animate them (rhythm, theatre), make a film (film and photo business), voice it (music, noises, use of various equipment), mount and demonstrate (work with technology). It is impossible to refuse any type of activity without limiting and impoverishing the end result - a children's cartoon, and, consequently, the creative abilities of children, their ability to express themselves.

3. Goals and objectives of the project.

There is no end to perfection, only the beginning.

Each new achievement becomes the starting point

point for the next big step.

The purpose of the project is the formation and development of ethno-art education of students, providing appropriate conditions for their upbringing and creative development; introducing children to the values ​​of national artistic culture; development of the student's creative initiative.

Tasks specify the goal:

    develop a comprehensive program, program and methodological materials based on the experience gained, taking into account the main tasks of training and educating comprehensively educated members of society, able to understand and accept the features of the culture of the Ob Ugrians in a large family of peoples of Russia;

    create several animation projects based on the work of artists and writers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

    for a period of time to develop and remove design work to implement the idea of ​​continuous formation of information, communicative competence of students by means of modern educational technologies in the process of mastering subjects;

    to cultivate self-confidence in the student, the realization that the path to a professional career lies through creative activity.

The way to solve the set tasks is to optimize the educational process through the use of innovative learning technologies: information and communication technologies, activity approach; project method.

Their combination and systematic application make it possible to form the following competencies:

Informational (the ability to competently perform actions with information);

Communicative (the ability to enter into communication in order to be understood);

Social (the ability to act in society, taking into account the positions of other people);

Subject (the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice).

The activity of the "Creative Workshop" is based on the design organization of the educational process. It is planned to create working groups that will have a specific project theme for the academic year (2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016), which includes several local tasks.

The design and research activities of the "Creative Workshop" are divided into five areas:

    Educational activity - the acquisition of theoretical knowledge of an ethno-artistic and ethno-cultural nature, the study of the basics of animation, the development of the technology for making a cartoon in the technique of translation.

    Museum activity - the direction is characterized by the study of the material and artistic culture of the small peoples of the North, including Internet resources of educational, informational, cultural and educational sites.

    Design activity - the direction is directed to the creation of animation projects (etudes) based on the work of writers and artists of Ugra (Yu. Vella, Y. Shestalov, A. Tarkhanov, M. Anisimkova, G. Raishev, G. Wiesel, Y. Bychkov and others) .

    Methodological activity - the development of a comprehensive program, methodological and visual-didactic material for classes of ethno-cultural content.

    Social activities - participation in events (festivals, exhibitions, competitions) aimed at preserving, developing and promoting animation, ethnic culture of the peoples of the North.

For the development of design and research competence of students, the leading role is given to design technology and the following rules: With freedom of choice, openness, activity, mutual feedback, individuality.

The project method allows the least resource-intensive way to create a "natural environment" (i.e., activity conditions that are as close to real as possible) for the formation of students' competencies. The author of the work "Method of projects" W.Kh. Kilpatrick, whose experience I got to know during the preparation of the project, defended the thesis that the school should prepare students for life in a dynamically changing society, to face as yet unknown problems.

The project technology contributes to the creation of conditions for the formation and development of internal motivation of students for a better mastery of educational and subject material, the development of independence, the need for self-education, and responsibility for the result of their activities. Project activities allow students to become competitive in a variety of situations, in various teams

To do this, it is necessary to solve the following pedagogical tasks:

    make learning as active as possible;

    to increase the share of independent works of a creative, exploratory, research and experimental nature;

    create conditions for gaining experience and achieving goals, for reflecting educational activities;

    to strengthen the practical orientation of additional education.

4. The main content of the project (description of ways and methods to achieve the set goals, development of a mechanism for the implementation of the project, how information about the project will be disseminated

e, etc.).

The favorable microclimate of the educational environment of lessons and extracurricular activities allows each student to express himself as a subject of education: to express his opinion, arguing it; accept the point of view of another; enter into a business discussion; exchange practical experience; support each other; evaluate yourself and others. Education of emotional and valuable attitude to the world, to oneself; the formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines is carried out when students perform various creative differentiated tasks. The student, realizing his significance, feels a sense of pride in the significance of the result of his work.

Successful organization of socially significant, creative activity of the student, involvement of their pupils in active participation in the life of the educational institution. The project for me is a real opportunity to unite in one creative event all participants in the general educational process: teachers, students and parents, who are no less interested in the quality education of the younger generation.

In the conditions of the information society, in which knowledge about the world is rapidly becoming obsolete, it is necessary not only to transfer to students the amount of this or that knowledge, but to teach them to acquire this knowledge on their own, to be able to use the acquired knowledge to solve new cognitive and practical problems, i.e. to form competencies graduate personality.

Competence is understood as the willingness of the subject to effectively organize internal and external resources to achieve the goal. The formation of personality competence is based on such a result of education as key competencies, which is expressed in the student's mastery of a certain set of methods of activity. Every child should be prepared for the fact that he will have to study all his life: to study new materials, new equipment, new work technologies, improve his skills, receive additional education.

The processes of modernization of education are aimed at creating and developing the socio-economic and cultural life of Russian society, preparing a graduate of the 21st century school, who has not only knowledge, skills and abilities, but also such personal qualities that will give him flexibility and stability in the constantly changing conditions of the country's development . Achieving a new result of education should be based on new pedagogical technologies. The basic educational technology that supports the competence-based approach in education is the method of projects. The method of projects, in its didactic essence, is aimed at the formation of abilities, with which a school graduate is more adapted to life, able to adapt to changing conditions, navigate in a variety of situations, work in various teams, because “project activity is a cultural form of activity in which it is possible to develop the ability to make responsible choices”

It should be noted that the implementation of project assignments and participation in the project allows students to see the practical benefits of studying a particular subject. The result will be an increase in interest in the subject, research work in the process of “acquiring knowledge” and their conscious application in various situations, in solving problems, which means it will improve the quality of students’ knowledge, develop high motivation of students, and form their creative potential.

The project method always involves students solving a problem. The solution of the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a combination of various methods and teaching aids, and on the other hand, the need to integrate knowledge and skills from various subject areas.

Therefore, if we are talking about the method of projects, then we mean exactly the way to achieve the didactic goal (the subject of which is the teacher) through a detailed development of the problem (the subject of which is the student) and its solution, which should end in a very real, tangible practical result, formalized by otherwise.

The results of completed projects that students receive should be, as they say, “tangible”: if this is a theoretical problem, then its specific solution, formalized in an information product, if practical, a specific product ready for consumption. The result from the position of the teacher is a change in the level of formation of key competencies, which the student demonstrates in the course of project activities.

Project - a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently performed by students to solve a problem that is significant for the student, culminating in the creation of a product; the method of projects is the technology of organizing educational situations in which the student poses and solves his own problems, and the technology of accompanying the student's independent activity.

For an adequate construction of the pedagogical process using project activities, it is necessary to have an idea about the structure of the project. The structure of students' project activities is most often linear: need → research problem → initial ideas → evaluation of ideas → development of the best idea (ideas) → planning → production → testing → evaluation.

The structure of project activities can be summarized as the following scheme: idea → implementation → reflection. There are three main stages of work on the project: organization of activities, implementation of activities, presentation of the results of activities and its evaluation. Each stage is divided into stages. At each stage, certain tasks are solved, the nature of the activities of students and teachers is determined, and special (project) skills are formed.

5. General requirements for resource support.

Type of resource provision

Primary requirements




1. The presence of a school regulation on the project activities of students.

2. Making changes to the job descriptions of the deputy director, teachers related to the organization of students' project activities.

1. Availability of regulations on the project portfolio and regulations on the competition of projects.


1. The school has the opportunity to organize excursions, trips, field video filming, etc. with students.

1. The school has partnerships with other organizations (institutions).

Conceptual, scientific and methodological

1. The presence of a school working concept for working with project methods.

1. The introduction of special positions in the educational program, the school development program (in terms of implemented educational technologies).

2. The school has a leader on the problem of organizing students' project activities.


1. The presence in the school of teachers who have undergone advanced training in work in this area.

1. The presence of a deputy director who oversees innovative areas of work at the school.

2. The presence of a creative group of teachers for the implementation of the project method.

3. The presence of a methodological system of work with personnel on the organization of work according to the project method.

Program and educational-methodical

1. The presence in the school of methodological literature for teachers on the implementation of the method of projects.

2. Sufficient provision of the school library with reference literature (dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, etc.).

1. The presence in the school of a media library with audio, video, digital funds.


1. The presence in the school of a class equipped for animation activities in the transfer technique.

2. The presence of an equipped office (workshop) suitable for students to work on the project method in class and after school hours.

1. Availability of an exhibition hall for organizing the presentation of projects.

Information and PR support

1. Sufficient awareness of teachers, students and their parents about the goals, methods and conditions for implementation and pedagogical opportunities for working on the project method at school.

2. The presence of an information stand, a page on the school website, available for viewing by students and parents.

1. The possibility of attracting the resources of the parents of students for the implementation of projects, incl. for excursions, photo and video filming, publication of printed materials.


1. Inclusion of all major activities for the implementation of the project method in the annual work plan.

2. Inclusion of monitoring the effectiveness of students' project activities in the system of intra-school managerial monitoring.

3. The presence in the school of a system for stimulating teachers - project managers and consultants.

1. Availability of additional funding for project work (budgetary and extrabudgetary funds)

6. Partners.

    MBU "Centralized Library System" of the city of Megion.

    MAU "Regional Historical, Cultural and Ecological Center" of Megion.

    Structural subdivision of UIA "RIKiEC" - "Center of art crafts of national crafts" of Megion.

    MBOU DOD "Children's School of Arts. A.M. Kuzmina, Megion.

    MBOU DOD "Children's Art School No. 2" p.g.t. High.

    MOU secondary school No. 4 "SHI" Tuning fork ".

    General education schools of the city and preschool institutions of Megion.

    MU "Ethnographic Museum Complex named after. T. D. Shuvaeva. Museum of Russian life in Nizhnevartovsk.

    MU "Ethnographic Museum" Np.Agan.

    MU "Ethnographic Museum" np. Varyogan.

    MU "Ethnographic Museum" v. Vata.

7. Target audience (principles of selection; selection of participants; target group for which the project is designed, the expected number of project participants, their age and social status).

Project activity requires from the teacher not so much an explanation of “knowledge”, but rather the creation of conditions for expanding the cognitive interests of students, and on this basis, the possibilities of their self-education in the process of practical application of knowledge. That is why the following requirements are imposed on the project manager:

Must have a high level of general culture, a complex of creative abilities, developed imagination;

Must be the initiator of independent activity of students, authority and initiator of interesting undertakings.

In a certain sense, a teacher of a wide profile.

The most difficult issue is the selection of participants (creative group) of the project, it depends on many factors: on the age and individual characteristics of children, on their experience in project activities, on the complexity of the project topic, on the nature of relations in the group, etc. There are enough children with potential in the school. In the proposed project, it is possible to determine a number of factors, for example, the level of intellectual development, working capacity, the desire to achieve the goal, to win.

The project "Creative Workshop" is designed for students aged 11 - 16, involves classroom and extracurricular activities, as part of the implementation of an additional educational program of the subject of choice "The ABC of Cinema" (2 hours per week), and additional hours (1 hour per week) . The accumulation of groups is on average 6-8 people (due to the area of ​​the animation studio).

The experience can be addressed to teachers of additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation, teachers, educational areas "Fine Arts", educators of after-school groups.

8. Project implementation plan.

The main components of the project.

Cyclogram of the project carried out during the academic year.

Activity content


Expected results



1. Organization of activities

Meeting of the creative group of teachers on this project.

Determine the volume of the package of documents to be included in the experiment.

Coordination of the actions of the members of the creative group.


School administration.

Motivation, problem statement, project topic selection, goal setting, task setting.

Creation of creative groups. Joint planning of activities, choice of topic.

Planning, adjusting the activities of the teacher, taking into account data on the composition of the creative group


The leader introduces the meaning of the project approach and motivates students. Helps in setting goals, setting goals.

Identification of information sources, methods of its collection and analysis.

Choice of the method of presenting the final result (report form). Distribution of tasks (duties) between group members.

Dive into the project.

Set goals for each step of the activity

Discuss with the teacher the information proposed for study. Detect problems.

Put forward hypotheses.

September October

Creative team leader.

Develop an action plan, determine the timing, choose the form of presentation of the results. Distribute responsibilities in each group, depending on the chosen research topic


Offers ideas, makes assumptions.

Announces to students the composition of the advisory group of subject teachers.

October November

Creative team leader

2. Implementation of activities

Search for information

Gathering information, solving intermediate tasks. Project implementation. Search, selection and study of the necessary information in the scientific literature and the INTERNET. Conducting research.

Helps in the current search, analytical and practical work (on request). Gives new assignments when students need it. Organizes consultations with subject teachers. Observes, advises

November December

Creative Group.

Project implementation

Practical part of the project.

Provides technical assistance in installation, sounding and design of the project.


Creative Group.

3. Performance presentation and evaluation

Summarizing the results and conclusions of the project

Analysis and synthesis of the obtained results from the standpoint of the hypotheses put forward, formulation of conclusions.

Analyze information and draw conclusions. They draw up the results, prepare materials for the defense of the project and its presentation.


Unobtrusively controls. Provides advisory and methodological assistance in the preparation of the presentation.

Preparing a project presentation

An open report of the project participants on the work done.

Protect the project, participate in the discussion.


Listens, asks appropriate questions in the role of an ordinary participant.

Evaluation of the process and results of work on the project.

Analysis and generalization of the results of the work as a whole. Analysis of the achievement of the goal.


Evaluate the individual contribution of each member of the group to the implementation of the project, as a whole group.

Self-assessment of the implementation of the goals.

Analysis of the results achieved, the reasons for successes and failures.


Participates in the collective analysis and evaluation of project results. Conducts reflection.

9. Expected results and social effect (results-products).

1. Increasing the dynamics of students' educational achievements.

2. Development of educational motivation of students.

3. Development of subject competencies of students.

4. Increasing the creative abilities of students.

5. The growth of professionalism and professional activity of teachers, their orientation towards project methods of teaching students.

6. The formation of the components of professional and moral self-determination of students, their life plans.

Assessment mechanisms:

External criteria-based evaluation based on the results of the presentation of the project. Presentation of the project portfolio to external experts - a representative of the teaching staff, parents of students, students, members of school self-government, etc.

Self-assessment by designers during a reflective follow-up with the participation of the project manager.

Objects of evaluation:

project product;

Project presentation;

Project portfolio.

Approximate external evaluation criteria:

    Compliance with the essence of the project:

The relevance and social significance of the problem,

Availability of the product of the project (animation work).

2. Ownership of the topic (theory or history of the issue)

content literacy,

Sufficient coverage of the topic,

Answers to questions on the topic of the project.

3. The quality and significance of the result of the project activity.

The originality of the proposed project.

The quality of the project (literacy, thoroughness, detailing).

4. Presentation quality.

Persuasive entry.

Use of visual aids.

Sample questions for self-assessment by project participants:

    Has the goal of the project been achieved?

    Were your own goals achieved during the project implementation?

    What experience in working with information was gained during the work on the project?

    What is the personal contribution to the project (for each stage and as a whole)?

    What is the degree of satisfaction with the completed project?

The performance indicators of the project implementation will be:

    Satisfaction of parents, students, members of the public with the results of the workshop.

    Positive publications about the activities of the creative group in the media.

    The growth of students' achievements in competitions, festivals of various levels.

    Improving the material base at the expense of funds raised by participation in the target programs of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Grant projects of the President of the Russian Federation.

When using the project technology, the position of the teacher, teacher fundamentally changes. The main task of the teacher is to motivate students for initiative, independent activity. It is important to create an environment that encourages the acquisition or development of competencies within the framework of the project in order to obtain a result.

What conditions are necessary to create such an environment

    independent choice by students (level of difficulty of the task, forms and methods of work, etc.);

    independent educational work, activity (independent implementation of various types of work, during which the formation of skills, abilities, concepts, ideas takes place);

    awareness of the purpose of the work and responsibility for the result;

    realization of individual interests of students;

    group work (distribution of responsibilities, planning, discussion, evaluation and reflective discussion of the results);

    formation of concepts and organization of their actions on their basis;

    the use of an assessment system that is adequate to the required educational results (student success card, portfolio, etc.);

    supporting students when they make mistakes and helping them correct them;

    showing the relativity of any knowledge and its connection with the values, goals and ways of thinking of those who gave birth to them;

    demonstrating to students that the realization that I “don’t know”, “can’t” or “don’t understand” something is not only not ashamed, but is the first step towards “know”, “can” and “understand”.

Thus, the educational technology of the project method supports the competence-oriented approach in education, which is one of the most important areas of the modern school.

10. Prospects for further development of the project.

In the future, further development of the project provides for:

Meeting with the creative personalities of Ugra (writers, artists) - the new heroes of the plots of animation works.

Publication of the electronic textbook "Creative Workshop" (at the expense of financing the educational institution);

Publication of a booklet - a report on the activities of the "Creative Workshop" (at the expense of financing the educational institution);

Creation of a film about the work of the "Creative Workshop";

11. Literature.

    Bakhlykov P. Medvezhya Pad: Tyumen: Soft-Design, 1997. - 240 p.

    Bazhenova L.M. In the world of screen arts. - M.: Goskino, Association of Film Education Workers, 1992. - 74 p.

    Bondarenko E.A. Screen dialogue. - M.: Publishing house SvR-Argus, 1994. - 96 p.

    Vagatova M. Little Tundra Man: Poems and Tales. Tyumen: SoftDesign, 1996. - 208 p.

    Valla Yu.K. Talk to me. A book for the Nenets student and for those who would like to listen to the Nenets soul. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Mirall", 2007. - 152 p.

    Valla Yu.K. Breeze from the lake: prose - Khanty-Mansiysk: Printer, 2008. - 336 p.

    Valla Yu.K. Kinship threads. Khanty-Mansiysk: IIC YUGU, 2010. - 126 p.

    In the world of art. Glossary of basic terms in art history, aesthetics, pedagogy and psychology of art / Comp. T.K. Karakash, A.A. Melik-Pashaev, researcher ed. A.A. Melik-Pashaev. - M., 2001 uk. Yu.N.Usov. - M., 2000. - S.55-59.

    Igoshev V.A. Exhibition catalogue. M., "Soviet artist", 1988

    History of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug from antiquity to the present day. Textbook for senior classes. Ekaterinburg. NPMI "Volot" 1999.

    Lazareva L.G. Gennady Raishev: facets of creativity: materials of the scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the artist. Khanty-Mansiysk: GUIPP "Polygraphist", 2000. - 152 p.

    Levites D.G. Teaching practice: modern educational technologies. - M .: Publishing house "Institute of Practical Psychology", Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 1998.

    Kozlov V. Megionians are us: Essays and poems. Nizhnevartovsk: Priobye, 1997. - 190 p.

    Moldanova T.A. Ornament of the Khanty of the Kazym region: semantics, mythology, genesis. Tomsk. - 1999. - 260 p.

    Nazarov L.D. Art as a method of teaching various disciplines. -M.: TC Sphere, 2008. - 128 p.

    New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E.S. Polat. – M.: Academia, 2000.

    Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions. /Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F., Mishchenko A.I., Shiyanov E.N. – M.: school-press, 1998. – 512 p.

    Polonsky V.M. Dictionary of concepts and terms on education and pedagogy. – M.: 2000. -336s.

    Sazonov A.P. Pictorial composition and director's layout of a drawn film. All-Union State institute of cinematography. Scientific research cab. from.-scenery design of the film. M.: 1960.

    Spodina V.I. Methodical manual on ethnography, indigenous peoples of Western Siberia (Khanty). MGIEM Publishing House, Research Institute of the Revival of the Ob-Ugric Peoples. M .: 1995.

    Spodina V.I. Representation of space in the traditional worldview of the Forest Nenets. Nizhnevartovsk. 2001.

    Smirnov N. Crane Homeland: Poems, poems. Nizhnevartovsk: priobye, 1997. - 118 p.

    Modern Approaches to Competence-Based Education: Seminar Proceedings / Ed. A.V. Velikanova. - Samara: Publishing house "Profi", 2001.

    Selivanova TV Information and communication technologies in art education. M.: Art at school, No. 3, 2005.

    Selivanova T. V. Designing a book. M .: Young artist, No. 10, 2002.

    Selivanov NL The role of the computer as a creative tool in the process of socialization of the modern teenager. - // Pedagogy of art: network journal. 2008, No. 4. URL:

    Tarkhanov A.S. Fight day. Poems, poems. - Yekaterinburg: publishing house, 2005. - 320 p.

    Usov Yu.N. In the world of screen arts. - M., 1995. - 224 p.

    Usov Yu.N. Film education as a means of aesthetic education and artistic development of schoolchildren. Abstract dis ... Dr. ped. Sciences. - M., 1989. - 32 p.

    Usov Yu.N., Bazhenova L.M., Bondarenko E.A. Fundamentals of audiovisual culture. The program of training sessions for grades 1-11 of a secondary school. - M., 1991. - 62 p.

    Raishev G.S. Khanty legends. Middle Ural book. publishing house, Sverdlovsk, 1991

    Romanovsky I.I. Mass media. Dictionary of terms and concepts. M.: Ed. Union of Journalists of Russia. – 2004

    An animated film is a special kind of film art. M.: 1956,

    Some problems of animation film aesthetics. Abstract dis. for the competition scientist Art. cand. art history. All-Union State. Institute of Cinematography
    them. S. A. Gerasimova. M.: 1992,

    Golovnev A.V. Speaking cultures: traditions of the Samoyeds and Ugric peoples. Yekaterinburg: Ural. Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. 606 p.

    Kulemzin V.M., Lukina N.V. Vasyugan-Vakhovsky Khanty in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Tomsk: ED. - in Tom. un-ta, 1977. 225 p.

    Kulemzin V.M., Lukina N.V. Meet the Khanty. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1992. 136 p.

    Kurikov V.M. Russian North. Problems, questions, solutions: A brief socio-economic essay. St. Petersburg: Alfavit, 1996.104 p.

39. Erintur / Singing Lake /. Almanac of writers of Ugra. Issue No. 2. Khanty-Mansiysk, "Erintur", 1997

40. Erintur /Singing lake/. Almanac of writers of Ugra. Issue No. 1. Khanty-Mansiysk, "Erintur", 1996

41. Ecology of spiritual attachment: a collection of prose and poetry of writers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. - Shadrinsk: Publishing House of the State Unitary Enterprise "Shadrinsky Printing House", 2007. - 432 p.

42. Yugoria. Encyclopedia of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. 3 volumes. Khanty-Mansiysk. – 2000

43. Magazine "Ugra". Issue No. 1-4, Khanty-Mansiysk. - 2000-2011

44. Journal “Additional education and upbringing. Issue No. 1-6, Moscow. – 2005-2011

The family, being for them the primary social environment,

is itself immersed in a wider social context.

The ecological model includes the individual parameters of the organism and

features of the environment together with social and psychological characteristics into a single system.

The system-ecological approach makes it possible to assess the possibilities of the family to carry out

rehabilitation functions, and, on the other hand, to understand that not everything will depend only on the family.



BU KhMAO-Yugra

"Integrated center of social services for the population "Impulse"

Rehabilitation department for children and adolescents with disabilities

Uspehova I.A.

labor instructor

rehabilitation department for children and adolescents



Conceptual Approaches

At present, the problems of social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities are of particular importance and relevance in the light of ongoing changes in society, the humanization of education, the beginning of a new stage in the development of the axiological concept of attitude towards persons with disabilities.

In the context of this personality-oriented concept, a child with developmental disabilities or specific problems, regardless of his ability and usefulness to society, is considered as an object of special social assistance and care, focused on creating conditions for him (including pedagogical ones) for the most complete self-actualization his personality, the realization of all available opportunities for integration into society.

A family with a disabled child is a family with a special status, the features and problems of which are determined not only by the personal characteristics of all its members and the nature of the relationship between them, but also by greater employment in solving the problems of the child, the closeness of the family to the outside world, lack of communication, frequent lack of work »» from the mother, but the main thing is the specific situation in the family of a disabled child, which is due to his illness.

Children with disabilities do not live in isolation. The family, being for them the primary social environment, is itself immersed in a wider social context. The ecological model includes the individual parameters of the organism and the characteristics of the environment, together with social and psychological characteristics, into a single system. The system-ecological approach makes it possible to assess the possibilities of the family to perform the functions of rehabilitation, and, on the other hand, to understand that not everything will depend only on the family.

The success of integration is largely determined by the time of its onset: the earlier this or that sensory, physical, intellectual or mental disorder is detected in a child, the more productive will be the efforts of specialists and parents in overcoming barriers between the child and the surrounding microsociety.

The beginning of the process of pedagogical rehabilitation should coincide with the beginning of the process of including a child with disabilities in the environment of healthy people - adults and children. Positive results are achieved when conditions are met that ensure the possibility of gradually expanding the space for communication of children with disabilities.

Rehabilitation is social in nature, since its implementation takes place in specific social conditions and is aimed at achieving the social level of activity of the individual. With regard to a disabled child, his social activity can be quite fully expressed in creative activity. Creativity is fertile ground for self-realization, amateur performance, activity, self-confidence, adequate self-esteem of a sick child.

The leading role in the formation of the child's personality, the formation of his spiritual world belongs to the emotional sphere. It is with this feature of the psyche of a small person that the high power of the impact on him of art is connected - a phenomenon of emotionally imaginative in its essence.

The world of nature acts as an object of close observation and as a means of emotional and figurative influence on the creative activity of pupils. The system of artistic and creative tasks directs the work towards the formation in children of holistic ideas about nature as a living organism, which is the essence of ecological and artistic and sensory development.

The introduction of a child with disabilities into the world of art occurs by means inadequate to the nature of art.

The rapid development of sensations and perceptions occurs when a child with disabilities gets acquainted with a large number of new objects. Directing the child's attention to the characteristic properties of objects, they connect the newly perceived with past experience, indicate more rational methods of perception. Since cognitive and visual activity is carried out in the game, sensory takes on the character of didactic games and special classes in which various toys, pictures, modeling, drawing are used, and observations are made of natural phenomena.

Sensory processes are inextricably linked with the activity of the sense organs. The object that is considered affects our eye; with the help of a hand, its hardness (or softness), roughness, etc. is felt; the sounds emitted by any object are received by our ear. Thus, sensations and perceptions are direct, sensory knowledge of reality.

They contribute to the spiritual development of a child with disabilities, through the age-appropriate development of his motor and sensory skills. The child acts independently, his inner forces are released, so that gradually, step by step, he can become independent from adults. Individual and social development form a unity of opposites. Only it makes it possible for an autonomous and independent person to realize complex behavior in society.

The development of different types of activities, their improvement also provides sensory development: the formation of various systems of investigative actions, the development of a variety of standards. But each activity has its own sensory bases, so the improvement of any activity will depend on the level of development of sensory processes.

Nature and the disabled child and the nature of art are related in many respects. First of all, the sensory aspect of knowledge. But not everyone can perceive color and lines in painting.

It is necessary to introduce children with disabilities into the world of art by measuring their feelings and thoughts. Only then, when the children have interest and desire, can one begin to master the skills, study the means - through the game.

There is something in common in art and in children's play - this is a game process, as a result of which a reality created by the child's imagination arises. Reality and the magic of reincarnation coexist here. And one important emotional factor that makes children's play and art related: both are enjoyable.

In addition, during the whole life of children there is an accumulation of sensory experience, enrichment of their worldview, an increase in emotional tone, activation of positive emotions associated with the perception of the phenomena of the environment, arousal of interests, formation of needs.

The most powerful source of a child's mental development is hidden in art. the use of various types of arts as a means of rehabilitation of children with disabilities provides an opportunity for the social and personal, creative development of the younger generation. This creates favorable conditions for the entry of a child with disabilities into the environment of healthy peers and the use by children of the acquired skills in society.

The purpose and objectives of the creative project

Purpose of the creative project

social adaptation and integration into the society of children with disabilities through artistic, ecological and emotional and creative development.


Contribute to the social, personal and creative development of children with
disabilities through the development of children of various types
arts and crafts;

Raise interest and promote the active involvement of parents in the process of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities,
involve parents in participation in master classes, practical integrated classes, excursions, holidays.

Develop emotional-volitional sphere, communication skills,
promote correction, a sense of perception of works of art, expressiveness of facial expressions, movements, emotional state.

To increase the level of development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, independence in creative actions and manifestations using the materials of M. Montessori.

To form an emotional and aesthetic attitude to the fine arts in children with disabilities.

Contribute to the strengthening of informal, friendly relations between children with disabilities and their healthy peers.

Main content

“A child ... thinks in forms, colors, sounds,

Feelings in general.

Since everything that penetrates the human mind

Goes there by feeling

This is the first stage in the development of the mind -

This understanding is sensual...

Our first teachers of philosophy -

These are our eyes, hands, feet, hearing.”


The content of the creative project "Through creativity into life" is built in such a way that the development of children with disabilities occurs through the development of sensory experience and understanding of the artistic and aesthetic information that is embedded in the works of painting, through the enrichment of experience in transformative artistic and creative activity. This ensures the growth of the personality, due to the active communication of the child with various types of art through colors - nature, painting; enrichment of emotional, artistic and aesthetic experience; accumulation and disclosure of creative potential.

In this space, a child with disabilities is given the opportunity to express his personal attitude to the situation, for the emergence of his personal fantasy or image. It is necessary to encourage the child to creative activity, to search for artistic means, and only when the motivation for this kind of activity arises, it is possible to give the child the skills and abilities to implement the plan. For example: “find a warm sound, a warm line, a warm color”, “find a harmonious and disharmonious sound and color combination”, “draw a sad line, hear a sad musical intonation”, etc.

It is difficult for children with disabilities to analyze their feelings, it is difficult to translate them into visible images. In the classroom, we ask questions, help the child cross the line between his feelings, sensations, images that arose in the imagination, and a blank sheet of paper. For example: we ask the child what feeling he had and what color it could be. By mixing several shades on the palette, we suggest choosing the color that best suits his feelings.

The organization of the processes of contemplation, creation and communication - three types in the fine arts. Ways to involve a disabled child in the processes of perception and productive creativity are varied.

This is done in individual and group sessions.

1. Transfer and accumulation of aesthetically-sensual experience (emotional-value) attitude to the world - sensations, the formation of ecological
culture of the child, the upbringing of a spiritually rich personality.

2. Formation and enhancement of the experience of creative activity,
the formation of a "culture of creative personality" (self-realization

3. Teaching methods of activity, the formation of skills and
children's skills in fine, decorative and constructive forms of creativity, teaching the "language of fine arts".

4. Communication, taking into account the age characteristics of children, knowledge in the field of fine arts, familiarization with world artistic culture.

The priority role in the system of artistic and creative development of the personality has the first - the transfer and accumulation of aesthetically-sensual experience (emotional-value) attitude to the world.Since we are dealing with a complex, deeply sensual, sometimes contradictory inner world of a child with disabilities.

Developing and shaping in children:

The ability to spiritualize (humanize) "living" and "inanimate" nature;

The ability to identify oneself with objects and natural phenomena, the willingness to feel the "pain" and "joy" of living beings ("bugs, cockroaches", birds, animals, flowers, herbs, etc.),
empathize with them, express their indifferent attitude to rare
and endangered (listed in the Red Book) species of plants and animals;

The desire to take care of those who depend on man, to prevent violence against nature, to ennoble it as much as possible;

The ability to admire the beauty and diversity of natural forms, to notice in the inconspicuous - significant, in the unsightly - expressive, to admire the corners of native and exotic nature;

The ability to feel the nature and variability of natural phenomena, to express one's attitude towards them in mood landscapes (morning, afternoon, evening, night, autumn, winter, spring, summer);

Willingness to emotionally experience a figurative form, etc.

Solving the second task - the transfer and enhancement of the experience of creative activity, contributes to the self-realization of the child's personality in various types of artistic creativity, develops and forms abilities and skills:

Be original in the choice of plot;

Use adequate means of artistic expression (color, line, volume) to implement your idea.

Materials for the development of the senses, constructed in such a way as to develop separately the various spheres of the senses,such as touch, taste, smell.

On these materials, the child also learns to listen to silence and sounds, to distinguish the weight, color, shape of objects. Differentiated improvement of the ability to consciously perceive such sensations enables the child to concentrate on any one of them.

Thus, he learns to control his emotions and comprehend the world in all its diversity.

The situation is exactly the same with the principle “from simple to complex”, which is found in visual activity.

Montessori materials are widely used in the classroom. In Montessori materials, the possibilities of sensory refinement are concentrated. Each of them is designed primarily for the development of one isolated feeling, but indirectly, implicitly, it also works on the zone of proximal development of the child, as if pushing him to spontaneous perception of intellectual concepts: small - big, quiet - loud, smooth - rough. The child fixes the contrast, graduates, distributes in pairs, differentiates, distinguishes the shape, size, color, weight of objects, that is, the complex work of the intellect takes place - analysis and synthesis, the development of sensory and artistic and creative thinking.

Thus, we can talk about the close relationship and interdependence of the sensory development of the child and the development of various types of productive activities..

Effective implementation of purposeful work with children with disabilities will be carried out in the following areas:

1. During the diagnostics to study the level of development of fine arts, aesthetically-sensory experience (emotional-value) attitude to the world.

2. In the process of working in the classroom in the art studio, in nature - on decorative and artistic creativity, acquaintance with games: materials of M. Montessori, through (emotional-value) attitude to the world - sensations, the formation of a child's ecological culture, the upbringing of a spiritually rich personality.

3. In the course of direct acquaintance with art during excursions to the museum of the city of Urai;

To the school of arts - the art department, to get acquainted with the works of fine art;

To a music school - for children to obtain basic knowledge, skills and methods of musical activity.

4. As part of the participation of children in holidays, educational events, in the organization of games.

5. During the master classes for parents in order to familiarize themselves with the main methods and techniques in visual activity.


The target group for which the implementation of this project is aimed is children and adolescents with disabilities, aged 5 to 18 years old, registered with the department and their families.

Stages and terms of the creative project implementation

The creative project "Through creativity into life" is designed for 1 year and 7 months.

Stage 1 - preparatory - conducting research and identifying areas of the problem, information activities.

Stage 2 - the main one: the implementation of a set of measures aimed at obtaining results.

Stage 3 - final - summing up, analysis, identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the program. Publication of results in the media.

Mechanisms for the implementation of a creative project

The project is implemented by specialists of the rehabilitation department for children and

adolescents with disabilities in close cooperation with the parents of children, the media and public organizations.

The main mechanisms for the implementation of the project are:

Conducting master classes with parents and specialists to familiarize themselves with non-traditional methods of productive activity;

Excursions to the museum, art school, music school, children's library; familiarization with the materials of M. Montessori and actions with them;

educational activities; learning finger and visual, musical and rhythmic gymnastics;

Organization of exhibitions of children's works on fine arts and folk arts and crafts;

Conducting classes in the open air, with a trip to nature, using various means of expression: fine, natural, waste material.

Due to the phased scheme of work, including the systematic and consistent development of each area of ​​activity, it is expected to achieve the goal of the program.

Project activities

The creative project "Through creativity into life" is implemented by the labor instructor in close cooperation with the specialists of the department, with the parents of the children, and the media.

Preparatory stage:

  • Diagnostic studies of children with disabilities - diagnostics that reveals the levels of development of fine arts, the use of various means of visual activity, aesthetically-sensual experience (emotional-value) attitude to the world.
  • Development of methodological manuals for parents.

Stage of the main activity:

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at obtaining results:

  • conducting a system of classes:

On fine arts using the materials of M. Montessori;

Together with the production carpentry and sewing workshops of the BUSO "Zina";

  • psychological and pedagogical support for difficult families;
  • creation of clubs for parents: "Crazy Hands", "Dreamers";
  • excursions to the school of arts, music school, children's library, museum, vector M - modeling and construction;
  • organizing and conducting master classes for parents, teachers to familiarize and master various types of arts and crafts;
  • organization of master classes for parents in the rehabilitation department for children and adolescents with disabilities, on the basis of the CTYU (youth creativity center), in the NOCHUDOD "Center" "Spiritual Enlightenment".
  • Cultural and leisure activities in conjunction with the CTYU (youth creativity center), EBC (environmental and biological center), city children's library,

Final stage:

  • Summing up the results of the project implementation;
  • Carrying out activities to analyze the implementation of a creative project;
  • Publication of the results of work in the media

Work plan for the implementation of a creative project:

"Through creativity into life"




1. Preparatory and information block

Target: identification of the problem, preparation for the main activities.


Diagnostic studies.
specialists (health workers, psychologists,
teachers) families of children and adolescents with
who are registered with the department.
Organization of a round table of participants
project to identify the problem and how to



Seminar for specialists of the department:

"Innovative forms of work with the family"



Creation of methodological manuals for parents and teachers on the topic:

  • Unconventional drawing techniques: "Colored faces"
  • "Easel painting"
  • "Easel Graphics"



Working with the media: article in the city magazine Meridian

- "Non-traditional forms and techniques of visual activity at home";

Scientific and methodological journal Correctional pedagogy - social and moral development "How to live in peace with yourself and with others"

September - November

2. The main social - pedagogical block

Target: development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child, correction and compensation of limited opportunities by introducing them to art and participation in creative activities, the formation of skills of "healthy" social behavior, improving the psychological climate of the family.


Integrated lesson on the basis of the EBC on artistic, ecological and emotional and creative development: "Our smaller brothers"

1 time per quarter


Collage "Co-creation of mother and child" within

competitive - game program dedicated to the day of the family "".



"We are men" educational game program dedicated to February 23, together with dads and grandfathers

Making souvenirs for dads and grandfathers.



Lesson in arts and crafts: "Flower euphoria!" at art school

city ​​exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8! jointly CTYu "Mom's interestingness"



Excursion to the museum of the history of the city of Urai - the hall of nature.

1 time per quarter.


Master - class for parents and teachers on acquaintance with decorative art: "Country of Masters" (technique: corrugated tube)

1 time per quarter.



Practical integrated lesson with parents on the use of elements of M. Montessori technology at home "Magic and magic of M. Montessori games."



Master class for parents and teachers on the basis of the CTYU: "The Art of Wax Drawing" (technique: encaustic) invitation from the TV SPECTRUM.



Organization of the club "Crazy Hands"


2 times a month.


Organization of the club "Dreamers"


2 times a month.


Conducting a system of activities with children on
topic "Decorative and applied art"
Conducting workshops on various
arts and crafts for parents

1 time per week

1 time per month


"Parents' living room" - educational and game program for arts and crafts;

"Day of laughter" - a humorous program



Joint creativity of parents and children-exhibition of joint drawings "Children's future through the eyes of parents"



Excursions to the enterprises where they work
parents filming a video.

1 time per month


Practical lesson experimentation: "Magic and magic of M. Montessori's games"



Music therapy workouts.

Finger gymnastics.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Experimenting with paints.

Daily on



Competition - a game (with colored crayons, charcoal, gouache) "Fiction in the country - Charland", dedicated to the International Children's Day.



Master class for parents and specialists of the department: "Game of color" (non-traditional drawing techniques - with threads, feathers, sticks in the sand)



Informative quiz: "Yugorsky Krai", dedicated to the anniversary of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra.



Conversations about musical works of different nature, genre, artistic-ecological and emotional-creative development.

March -



Cognitive and practical lesson: "Fantisolnyshko!" dedicated to Mother's Day.



Master class for parents and specialists of the department: “Christmas star! Flowers!" (technique: corrugated tubes)


3. Interaction with public organizations

Target: maintaining old and expanding new social contacts of the family; strengthening the psychological level of intra-family relations, contributing to the strengthening of informal, friendly relations between children with disabilities and their healthy peers.


Excursion to the music school.

Development of emotional and aesthetic attitude to music.

1 time per quarter

3 . 2 .

Ecological quiz: "Flower - seven-flower" on the basis of the EBC (ecological and biological center)



Integrated lesson on artistic and environmental development: “Nature is a sorceress!” at the art school.



Traveling exhibition at the Children's Music School (Music School) dedicated to the Day of Music: "Musical rainbow of miracles!" TV SPECTR invitation.



Artistic and ecological exhibition of children's drawings in NOCHUDOD (Sunday school): "Snow, winter, cold!"



Joint exhibition with secondary schools of the city "Together we create miracles"



New Year's exhibition and sale of children's crafts, toys: "Winter Through the Looking Glass!" at the CTU



Traveling exhibition of arts and crafts "Message to Santa Claus!"


Quantitative and qualitative indicators of a creative project

The implementation of the creative project "Through creativity into life" involves:

Quantitative results:

Classes in decorative art, aesthetically sensual experience (emotional value) attitude to the world, will cover 45 children;

25 parents and 5 teachers will take part in master classes on the study of non-traditional methods of fine art, in practical integrated classes, excursions, holidays;

45 children and 25 parents will be covered in exhibitions on arts and crafts and fine arts;

A photo collage will be made in the window of the Central Bank “Together we will create a miracle”.

Qualitative results:

There will be dynamics in the social, personal and creative development of children with disabilities through the development of various types of arts and crafts;

The interest and desire of parents will increase to get involved in the process of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities, to take an active part in master classes, practical integrated classes, excursions, holidays;

Communication skills, emotional-volitional sphere will be formed, a sense of perception of a work of art, expressiveness of facial expressions, movements, emotional state will develop;

Coordination of movements, fine motor skills, independence in creative actions and manifestations in the use of M. Montessori materials will improve;

An emotional and aesthetic attitude to fine arts will be formed in 60% of children with disabilities;

Informal, friendly relations between children with disabilities and their healthy peers will improve and strengthen.

List of used literature.

M. Montessori. Help me do it myself / Compiled, introductory article by M.V. Boguslavsky, E.B. Kornetov .- M .: Ed. House "Karapuz", 2005.-272s., illus. (Pedagogy of childhood) Scientific editor SV Lykov.

M. Montessori. I Love Montessori: A Parent's Guide. - M .: Karapuz, 2004. - 72 p., ill. (Series "Man")

Recommendations for parents on the use of elements of M. Montessori technology at home / Municipal Institution "Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities", Langepas; Compiled by: N.V. Strebkov - Khanty - Mansiysk: State Unitary Enterprise Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug "Information - Publishing Center", 2002. -30s.

The program of correctional and educational institutions "Fine Arts" M.: - Enlightenment. 2003.

M. Montessori. Other children / Per. with German / Entry. And closing articles, comments. K.E. Doubtful. - M .: Karapuz, 2004.-336s., ill. (Pedagogy of childhood)

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natalia tsingler
Creative project "Territory of creativity"

Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education "Center for additional education"

creative project

« Territory of creativity»

Teacher of additional education

Highest qualification category

town of Mezhdurechensky


Project« Territory of creativity» :

By method: practice - oriented.

By number of participants: pupils of the vocal association "Siberians", vocal teacher, teacher - choreographer.

By nature of contacts: a center for additional education, contacts with the family, with a secondary school, with cultural institutions, social protection of the population, a church parish.

By time: long term (1 year).


The project focused on vocal and choral work with pupils of the vocal association (all age groups) and is aimed at popularizing folk and pop art. In conditions project a team of pupils of the vocal association is working on creating joint vocal numbers, i.e. pupils of different age groups do one common thing, which contributes to team cohesion, responsibility for a common cause, and also adult vocalists act as mentors for younger pupils. In the course of work, knowledge in the field of musical art is expanding. Favorable conditions are created for creative activities of the vocal group.


The project designed for pupils of the vocal association "Siberians". This community has children of all ages. (preschoolers and pupils of school age 7 - 17 years old). There are three age groups in the association, which are engaged in the educational - thematic plan corresponding to the age level. When working with vocalists, it was often necessary to perform a vocal number by the entire composition of the association, or by a duet of different ages, a trio. This working method fruitfully affected the work of vocalists and was very interesting to the pupils. In addition, it should be noted that when children of different ages perform a joint vocal number on stage, this carries a good message to the auditorium.

Thus, project -« Territory of creativity» , aimed at joint creation pupils of different age groups of the vocal association (this is a performance in a mixed composition of the ensemble and duets of different ages).

Relevance project- The musical development of children has an irreplaceable impact on the general development: the emotional sphere is formed, imagination, will, fantasy develop. Perception is sharpened, activated creative the powers of the mind and the energy of thinking even in the most inert children. The foundation of aesthetic culture is being laid for development, which requires the organization of new models of education, and, consequently, a new quality of the process of developing musical abilities. The solution of these issues is possible by introducing children to the art of music through singing as the most accessible type of musical activity. In the process of singing activity, the whole complex of musical abilities, emotional responsiveness to music is successfully formed, the child's experiences are enriched. In addition, educational tasks related to the formation of the child's personality are solved. Modern science has proven that children engaged in singing activities are more responsive, emotional, receptive and sociable. Possession of the voice gives the child the opportunity to momentarily express his feelings in singing, and this emotional outburst charges him with vital energy.

Novelty project lies in next:

Integrated approach to learning.

Integration - (lat)- restoration, completion, unification of parts into a whole (integer - a whole, moreover, not a mechanical connection, but interpenetration, interaction, mutual vision.

There are many types integration: by methods, techniques, methods, levels, directions. In this project integration consists in bringing together different age groups, or soloists of different ages. The results of integration training are manifested in the development creative pupils' thinking.

Target project- Formation in children of a sustainable interest in singing and performing vocal skills, through active musical and creative activity.



To form vocal skills (correct and natural sound production, singing breathing, correct articulation, clear diction, possession of different sound attacks, clear intonation, etc.).

To form the skills of adequate and expressive performance of vocal music;

Teach students the techniques of stage movement, acting.

Engage in concert activities (participation in competitions and festivals of children's creativity) ;


Develop teamwork skills;

Develop personal and communication skills.


To educate a team of like-minded people using individual, creative opportunities to achieve a holistic, harmonious sound in the process of performing.

To educate aesthetic taste, performing and listening culture.

Health-saving component programs:

To build an educational process that contributes to the strengthening, as well as improving the health of children;

To master ways of self-regulation, supporting a healthy lifestyle.

Staffing and management project

Implementation project Specialists of the center of additional education will be involved - director, deputy director for educational work, methodologist of the center of additional education, parents of pupils, teacher - choreographer.

Director - carries out general management project.

Deputy director for educational work and methodologist of the center of additional education - provide methodological support project, performs diagnostic methods: testing, comparison, questioning.

Supervisor project- is the organizer and implementer project.

Teacher choreographer - organizes work on mastering the skills of stage movement.

Cooperation with partner organizations (carry out concert activity):

FTC "Rondo"

RDKI "Conda"

Schools of Kondinsky district

CZN "Fortune"

Collaboration with a local Orthodox religious organization

The Parish of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

Description of activities during project

Preparatory stage (Term: September - 2015):

1. Selection of vocal material for performance.

5. Development of a plan for joint activities of a teacher with children, creating conditions for joint activities of children, planning interaction with partner organizations within the framework of project.

At this stage, work is being done on learning vocal works in groups, and then a summary rehearsal takes place. (on which all vocalists are present). Here, work is already underway on the staging of the work and the holistic sound of the team. These rehearsals are held as needed. (1 - 2 times a month for 2 hours).

To implement this project the work includes the works and events shown in the table (this plan is subject to change).

Planned work for joint performance Participants Events Dates

"Magnificent" Muses. Alexandra Ermolova, sl. Vadima Borisova Middle and senior groups District festival "Friendship of Peoples"

"Heart of my land" Duet - Tsyngler N. N. and Bidzheva Milana

"Holy holiday", from the repertoire of the children's ensemble "Rainbow" Junior group and group of preschoolers Concert program "Nativity" January

"Christmas Star Light", lyrics by Irina Filimonova, music by Anna Petryasheva. Junior, middle, senior groups.

"Christ the Child Had a Garden" Junior, middle, senior groups. concert event - "Holy Easter" April

"Angels of Hope" Junior, middle, senior groups. Reporting concert of the center April

The final stage (Term: May 2016):

Analysis of activities at all stages project, correlation of results with the tasks;

Creation of a bank of pedagogical experience (report).

In progress project the following problems may occur

Risk factor Ways to overcome

Lack of vocal repertoire Use of Internet resources

Insufficient preparation of pupils

(different age and psychological characteristics of pupils) Search for a suitable vocal repertoire, facilitating vocal parts.


due to illness

Other reasons Working together with parents

as finished product the project is planned

Replenishment of the card file of musical and performing repertoire;

A variety of vocal numbers, according to the composition of the performers and in the style direction

Prospects for the dissemination of results project:

Concert activity of the pupils of the association;

Competitive activity of pupils of association;

Dissemination of pedagogical work experience (pedagogical communities, seminars, teacher's website, etc.)