City of Buya, Kostroma Region

GOALS: 1. Explain the concepts of "psychoactive substances" (PSA) and "drugs".

2. Learn the rules and laws that restrict the use of psychoactive substances.

3. Find out the adverse effects of substance use.


EQUIPMENT: computer, projector, paper sheets, felt-tip pens.


1. Greeting of the presenter and the activator game "Line up along ...".

2. Explanation of the concepts of "drugs" and "psychoactive substances".

3. Rules and laws restricting the use of psychoactive substances.

4. Consequences of drug use.

5. The final circle "Interesting - useful".

6. Homework.


1. Greeting of the presenter and the game activator "Line up according to ..."

Leading: In our lesson today, we will talk about drugs, psychoactive substances and find out the question of what consequences their use can lead to. A little later we will talk about your homework, and now we will play a game.

(The facilitator invites the participants in the free space to line up as quickly as possible in ascending order by height, by birthday, by hair length and alphabetically by name).

Leading: This game clearly shows that the same person can occupy a different place, depending on the basis on which the arrangement is made.

2. Explanation of the concepts of drugs and psychoactive substances.

Leading: At present, many people have a rather weak idea of ​​what drugs are, what substances can be attributed to their number. Many find it difficult to answer the question of what to call psychoactive substances and whether drugs can be attributed to this group. Let's try to understand these concepts together.

Exercise 1. Try for a few minutes to define the concepts of "drugs", "psychoactive substances" and answer the question: "Can drugs be classified as psychoactive substances?".

Explanation for the leader. The host divides the participants into 2-3 groups of 5-6 people. After the discussion, each group offers their options, which are written down by the leader on a blackboard or sheet of paper. All options proposed by the groups are jointly discussed.

Leading: So, together with you, we found out the meaning of the terms “drugs” and “psychoactive substances”. It became clear to us that drugs, along with alcohol, are part of substances that are called psychoactive. However, it should be noted that alcohol and tobacco are not officially classified as drugs. In addition to alcohol and tobacco, there are also a lot of special medicines that are used to treat diseases or to relieve pain, soothing, but they are not officially classified as drugs.

3. Rules and laws restricting the use of surfactants.

Leading: There are many narcotic drugs that are used to treat diseases, relieve severe forms of depression, etc. These substances help people, so they are not classified as official drugs. Do you think there are rules and laws that restrict the use and use of drugs and psychoactive substances?

Explanation for the leader. Most likely, students will not be able to name any rules and laws. Therefore, students should ask leading questions, and if this does not help, then the teacher himself should list the basic rules and laws (it is better to write down these laws on a piece of drawing paper so that they can be used in the following classes):

· The Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” of 1998, which establishes the general procedure for drug trafficking.

· The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits the manufacture, acquisition, storage, transfer, transfer to others, sale of drugs and offer to use them to anyone.

· The Code of Administrative Offenses, which establishes liability for the use of drugs without the permission of a doctor, as well as for their illegal acquisition and possession in small quantities.

· Rules and recommendations for physicians who prescribe drugs to patients (substances and narcotic drugs are not allowed to prescribe to those who do not have certain diseases, for example, no one will prescribe sleeping pills to a patient with the flu).

· Trade regulations prohibit the sale of cigarettes to children and alcohol to minors.

· Traffic rules prohibit drinking and using drugs while driving.

Note. The facilitator should have materials relating to liability for drug-related illegal activities, as students often ask questions about drug-trafficking liability.

Leading: When a person adheres to these rules and norms, nothing usually happens to him. Things are much more serious for those who start using drugs. Over time, such people experience various troubles, which often lead to serious consequences. Now we will talk about some of them.

4. Consequences of drug use.

Explanation for the leader. The discussion of the consequences of human drug use is conducted against the backdrop of a specially prepared multimedia presentation that lists the adverse effects of drug use on human health.

Leading: Drugs adversely affect human health. But in addition to health, unpleasant consequences await a person in other areas of life.

Task 2. What other adverse effects can a person who has started using drugs expect?

Note. Students in the "brainstorming" mode begin to offer various answers. The facilitator writes them all down on a blackboard or a piece of paper and invites the guys to discuss the options that they proposed. During the discussion, all unnecessary and erroneous options are swept aside. The facilitator needs to unobtrusively, with the help of leading questions, focus the attention of the discussion participants on the impoverishment of a person’s personal qualities, on emerging problems in relationships with other people and at work. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that drugs push a person to commit crimes.

5. The final circle "Interesting - useful".

6. Homework.

Class hour "Consequences of my bad habits"

- To form a conscious attitude of students to their health;
- Teach active methods of maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

1. Multimedia board, projector, posters, presentation.

Class time course:

So the century is leaving, leaving us all

Pain, loss, tears, death
In this age of drugs and vodka
There is no chance to survive!
Our skies are filled with smoke
Alcohol soaked into the ground here,
But we know, we are lucky -
There is still hope.
- Guys, what do you think, what bad habits of people are mentioned in these lines? (answers)

What do you think a habit is? (A habit is a person's ability to get used to some action or sensation.)

What are the habits? (Good and bad, harmful and useful.)

We have already named bad habits, but what good habits do you know? (Brush your teeth, do exercises, play music, dance, play sports, pick mushrooms, etc.)

That's what we'll talk about today.

How do you understand the proverb: “Poverty comes from laziness, and disease from intemperance”? (If a person is not accustomed to work, he will be poor, and if he is not accustomed to fighting his bad habits, he will be sick.)

So, guys, we found out that bad habits appear from the inability of a person to restrain himself. Bad habits bring poverty and disease to a person.

Today we will also talk about how to become healthy and happy, how to deal with bad habits.

We know that mankind has got rid of the slavery of people. But slavery still exists today—it is voluntary slavery. It includes people of different nationalities, men and women, old people and children. All of them voluntarily become slaves of bad habits.

Look at the blackboard. This is the realm of bad habits. In this Kingdom, the largest cities are Nicotine, Alcohol, Drug . People who are captured by them become weak-willed, miserable victims of their bad habits: drunkenness, drug addiction, alcoholism. But why is it that people are drawn to this dark kingdom? What lures people into these bad habits. They stupefy us with their insinuating spells:

“Everything in life needs to be tried”, “There is such boredom around, you need to have fun”, “Look what a beautiful pack, bottle”, “Everyone is trying it, support the company of friends!”,

Can we resist these calls?

Test "Can you resist?"

Will you be able to fight back bad habits or will you not resist their onslaught? We will conduct a test that will help you evaluate your strengths.

The teacher reads the questions. Children write "yes" or "no".

1. Do you like to watch TV?

2. Do you feel like playing computer for more than 3 hours a day?

3. Have you ever wanted to try smoking?

4. Can you sit in front of the TV all day off, leaving all your affairs behind?

5. Have you tried alcoholic drinks?

6. Do you like physical education lessons?

7. If friends offer you to run away from lessons, will you agree?

8. Do you know how not to repeat your mistakes?

9. If a stranger offered you a box of chocolates right on the street, would you take it?

10. Friends invite you to play slot machines, but you haven't done your homework yet. Can you refuse?

Now count how many times you answered yes.

You said yes more than 3 times:

You know how to manage your desires. You have a strong will and strong character. You know how to refuse pleasure if it can be harmful, interfere with your plans, your relationship with parents, teachers.

You said yes 4 to 8 times:

You are not always able to control your desires. Lacks willpower. Because of this, you can become addicted to a bad habit.

You said yes 9 to 10 times:

It is very difficult for you to cope with your desires. You are irresistibly drawn to momentary pleasures. You need to evaluate your actions. You need to learn to say "no" to yourself.

Listen to stories about the impact of bad habits on the body:

The leaves of the Tabago Island plant were brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century and were called "tobacco". Smokers develop cravings quickly and are difficult to control. The Indians considered tobacco a calming substance and used it as a remedy. But now it has been proven that tobacco contains 400 chemicals, many of them are poisons, more than 40 substances cause cancer. Tobacco smoking is classified as a bad habit. Nicotine is a mind-altering substance and is the most powerful drug, cocaine is second only to nicotine.

  • Smoking 1 pack of cigarettes, a smoker clogs his lungs with 1 liter of nicotine resin per year.

  • Each cigarette shortens life by 8 minutes.

  • Every year in Russia, about a million people die from diseases caused by smoking.

  • Smoking not only shortens life, but also reduces its quality.

  • Nicotine causes a large number of diseases, such as stroke, myocardial infarction, diseases of the blood and arteries of the legs, affects the senses, digestion and respiration, affects the nervous system.

  • May 31 is celebrated as World No Tobacco Day around the world.

  • Some smoke to please others, that is, they do not want to excel in knowledge, not in the ability to work, but to show themselves as adults. Is there even an iota of masculinity in smoking? For example, Yu. Gagarin - the first cosmonaut, A. Suvorov - a brilliant commander - they became known thanks to such character traits as masculinity, purposefulness. And name at least one person who went down in history because he smoked. It is easy to start smoking, but it is much more difficult to say goodbye to this habit.
Collective solving a crossword puzzle


HORIZONTALLY: 1 - cough; 2- smoking; 3 - resin.

VERTICALLY: 4 - lungs; 5 - tooth; 6 - nicotine


  1. a nasty sound that interferes with speaking and listening just when it is;

  2. a bad habit that interferes with the normal functioning of the body;

  3. organic substances contained in tobacco smoke that cause lung diseases;

  1. the organ that suffers the most from smoking;

  2. an organ that acquires a yellow-gray color from tobacco smoke;

  3. a drop of this remedy is enough to kill a horse.

Alcohol is no less harmful. All internal organs also suffer from it, and especially the brain. Poisoning the brain leads to the fact that a person simply becomes stupid, his memory deteriorates, it is more difficult for him to learn new things. Alcohol is called the "mind stealer". The intoxicating properties of alcoholic beverages were known 8000 years before our era, when people made alcoholic beverages from honey, grapes, palm sap, and wheat. The word "alcohol" means "intoxicating". Previously, drunkenness on weekdays was considered a sin and a shame. Alcohol affects brain cells, a person becomes angry, aggressive, loses control over himself, becomes mentally unbalanced. Alcohol is an intracellular poison that destroys the vital organs of a person - the liver, heart, brain. 100 grams of vodka kill 7.5 thousand brain cells. 30% of all crimes are committed while intoxicated. A drunkard in the family is grief, especially for children. Children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely than other people to become ill with alcoholism and drug addiction. Alcohol is especially harmful to a growing organism, and "adult" doses for children can be fatal or lead to disability with brain damage. Drinking alcohol by a pregnant woman also poses a significant risk. Why? Let's look at the consequences first. Moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases the chance of miscarriage, and excessive alcohol consumption often leads to abnormalities in the fetus. Chronic heavy drinking during pregnancy can lead to a developmental abnormality in the fetus called fetal alcohol syndrome (PAS).

PAS is characterized by slow development of the child before and after childbirth, limb defects. In children of alcoholics, characteristic facial signs appear - a short flattened nose, a flat upper jaw, and strabismus. Children with PAS may also have behavioral problems. They often have speech disorders, inadequacy of motor reactions.

Guys, what are drugs?
Drugs are chemicals of plant and chemical origin. Often they are called "white death". The sooner a person gets used to them, the faster he dies. Chronic drug addicts generally live very little. Drugs completely suck out of a person all his strength. There is no courage in trying drugs. But if a person managed to refuse in a company, then he really has the courage and will.
. Their use causes drug intoxication, and people are called drug addicts. The purpose of drugs is for medical purposes to reduce pain during operations or serious illnesses. People get used to drugs very quickly, and addiction is very difficult to cure. Drugs change consciousness, causing hallucinations, delusions, illusions. The use of drugs causes chemical dependence of the body, and this is often a fatal disease. Drug addicts are bad workers, their ability to work is low, they cause a lot of material damage to the family, they are the cause of accidents. Drugs kill the mind, health, strength of a person.

It is wrong to think that the problem with alcohol and drugs has appeared only now. In ancient times, priests and shamans used drugs to make it easier to control people. Alcohol and drugs served as a reward for obedience and helped relieve fear of difficulties. A teenager who has tried a drug becomes a complete drug addict by the age of 25, his personality degrades, because his psyche is not yet formed, and it is much more difficult to cure him.

It is good that next to us there is another kingdom - the Kingdom of good habits. It is not easy to get into this kingdom: you need to work, work on yourself, force yourself to constantly train. But as a reward you will receive good health, good mood, successful work, respect for people.

And now let's look at this magic word "HEALTH". Think of health-related words for each letter of this word. (Z - exercise, D - diet, O - rest, P - daily routine, B - vitamins, E - food)

Classroom script for 9th grade students. Classroom script for 10th grade students. Classroom script for 11th grade students. Classroom script for high school students. The main purpose of this class hour is to promote a healthy lifestyle and harm with such evil as drugs.

Classroom script on the topic "The Truth About Drugs"

Classroom goals

1. Introduce students to the consequences of drug use.

2. To develop in schoolchildren a negative attitude towards the first test of any drug.

3. To teach to identify people with criminal intentions to get involved in drugs (formation of the skill of safe behavior and opposition to contacts with drug users).

Preliminary preparation

1. Familiarization with the material.

2. Whatman sheets.


Perhaps you were offered not drugs, but only a cigarette or a drink in the company. Didn’t you think at the same time: “Maybe the truth will become more fun, life will change, friends will begin to respect, girls will like me, this is it, happiness?” At this point, few people think that all this is a hoax. Not everything is as wonderful as the so-called friends paint. They don't really care about your well-being, but about how to trap you.

Today we will talk about drugs.

Main part of class

A short lecture on narcotic substances and preparations and the consequences of their use.

What are drugs. Their types, consequences of use . Drugs are substances of synthetic or natural origin, drugs, plants that are used to achieve an intoxicating state or relieve pain. The ways of using drugs are different: swallowing, inhaling, intravenous administration.

In Russia, the problem of drug addiction is one of the most acute. Every year the number of people who use drugs is increasing catastrophically. Today, according to rough estimates, there are about 3 million people. Worldwide, the number of drug addicts is estimated at 1 billion people.

At the same time, a significant rejuvenation of the army of drug addicts has recently been observed. The average age of people who use drugs is 18-22 years.

The number of underage drug addicts has also increased. In this regard, there is a sharp reduction in the average life expectancy of drug addicts from 40 to 25 years.

The problem of drug addiction is difficult to solve. To date, there are no sufficiently effective methods of drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation of patients, as well as ways to prevent the involvement of new people in this process. The reason is that this problem is not so much medical as social. In a democratic society, where citizens are given a lot of freedom, the problem of drug addiction is practically not solved. After all, it is a matter of human choice. A return to a totalitarian society built on fear is not an option. The main way to solve the problem is a personal one, cultivating in each individual an attitude of impatience and aversion to the drug. But our country has not yet created an effective system of anti-drug propaganda.

Cannabis preparations: anasha, plan, hashish, marijuana. Drugs are a mixture of substances that contains one or more narcotic components. The mixture can be in any form - liquid, solid, powder, etc.

Cannabis preparations have a sharp specific odor and a very bitter taste. They are commonly used in smoking, they are mixed with tobacco and make homemade cigarettes.

Smoking drugs from cannabis causes arousal. With prolonged use of the drug, drowsiness, absent-mindedness, and inattention appear.

Signs of cannabis use:

1) dilated pupils;

2) blood vessels protrude on proteins;

3) dry mouth, thirst;

4) gluttony;

5) causeless laughter;

6) increased heart rate;

7) severe dizziness;

8) loss of orientation in space and time;

9) hallucinations;

10) loss of control in behavior;

11) disorder of coordination of movements.

Consequences of using cannabis drugs:

1) mental activity decreases, school performance worsens;

2) sexual development slows down;

3) a person ceases to control his actions (this leads to injuries, accidents on the roads, etc.);

4) the risk of cancer of the lungs, oral cavity, intestines, etc. increases (and this risk is several times greater than when smoking conventional tobacco products);

5) with prolonged use, mental dependence develops;

6) regular use often becomes a stepping stone to the transition to stronger drugs.

Tranquilizers: sleeping pills and sedatives (barbiturates, radedorm, relanium, elenium, etc.). Tranquilizers are used in medicine to treat stress and insomnia. Almost all of these drugs cause addiction, both mental and physical, especially when used for a long time or when the recommended doses are exceeded. Among drug addicts, the use of the hypnotic drug reladorm is most common.

Signs of tranquilizer use:

1) drowsiness;

2) incoherent speech;

3) violation of coordination of movements;

4) speech disorder;

5) tremor (trembling of the limbs, mainly of the hands, especially noticeable when the hands are at rest; tremor is the result of the destruction of special brain cells);

6) tremor in the muscles (frequent and small muscle contraction, resulting in involuntary movements and trembling of the hands);

8) erratic eye movement;

9) with a sharp refusal to use the drug, respiratory arrest may occur.

Consequences of the use of tranquilizers:

1) can lead to severe physical dependence;

2) mortal risk (the state of intoxication with these drugs accounts for the largest number of deaths and accidents than with the use of other drugs).

Psychostimulants: ephedra, ephedrine, amphetamine, cocaine. This type of drug has a stimulating effect. As a result, there is an acceleration of thought processes, a person becomes more talkative, too active, shows anxiety, restlessness. There are different ways to use it.

Signs of the use of psychostimulants:

1) insomnia;

2) loss of appetite

3) dry mouth;

4) nausea and vomiting;

5) blurred vision;

6) hallucinations;

7) aggression;

8) exhaustion of the body.

Consequences of the use of psychostimulants:

1) develop cardiovascular diseases;

2) frequent suicide attempts;

3) a person loses a sense of reality;

4) ceases to control his behavior, which leads to accidents, including fatalities;

5) the body is quickly depleted and “wears out”, which significantly shortens life.

Opiates: poppy straw, methadine, heroin, morphine, codeine, khanka, khimka. These drugs give a feeling of happiness. They have a very strong effect, especially heroin. Habituation and addiction develop very quickly. This is the most dangerous and destructive type of drug. They are administered intravenously. Opiates are made in clandestine laboratories.

Signs of opiate use:

1) redness of the eyes;

2) constriction of the pupils to a point;

3) itching all over the body;

4) decreased appetite;

5) immediately after drug use, drowsiness and lethargy occur.

Consequences of using opiates:

1) overwhelmingly affect the work of the central nervous system;

2) very strong physical dependence quickly develops;

3) the first reaction - a feeling of happiness - passes quickly, with each subsequent time to achieve the same effect, an increasing dose is required;

4) when you refuse to take the drug, withdrawal occurs;

5) there is a very high risk of death in case of overdose or use of low-quality drugs with harmful impurities;

6) contribute to the occurrence of sepsis and anaphylactic shock;

7) high risk of contracting HIV infection, hepatitis;

8) develop severe liver disease;

9) there are mental disorders.

Hallucinogens: LSD, ecstasy, volatile narcotic substances (gasoline, glue, solvents). This group includes drugs of different chemical composition.

Hallucinogens affect the central nervous system, brain, and emotions. As a result, there are noticeable changes in sensations, feelings, thinking, self-consciousness. It seems to a person who uses drugs of this group that he himself and the world around him has changed, become different. The effect on humans of volatile drugs is similar to that of alcohol.

Signs of hallucinogen use:

1) mental deviations;

2) mental degradation;

3) increased sensitivity to color and other stimuli;

4) distorted perception of space and time;

5) unusual mental sensations;

6) hallucinations, visions.

Consequences of using hallucinogens:

1) mental disorders;

2) a strong dependence is formed;

3) the manifestation of mental disorders even several weeks and months after the last drug intake;

4) the development of mental illness;

5) genetic changes, defective offspring.

Role-playing game "At the doctor's office"

To consolidate the material, the teacher suggests playing a game.

Two students are selected to stage the situation: a drug addict patient at a doctor's appointment. The scene takes the form of a conversation. A sick drug addict should describe what he complains about, the doctor specifies the symptoms, while listing the signs of a drug addiction disease. They are written on a board or a piece of paper.

Instruct students to create a portrait of a drug addict using the “brainstorming” method (listing the signs of a drug addict). The teacher writes down the answers on the blackboard or on whatman paper in 5 columns:

1) a drug addict - a consumer of marijuana preparations;

2) a drug addict - a consumer of tranquilizers;

3) drug addict - consumer of psychostimulants;

4) drug addict - a consumer of drugs of the opium group;

5) a drug addict - a consumer of hallucinogens.

Why do young people start using drugs. A common misconception is that mostly children from dysfunctional families turn to drugs. In fact, very often the reasons are quite different. In what?

Let the high school students express what they themselves think about this. The teacher then sums up and adds something, systematizing the answers, for example, in this way.

1. rituality. This is one of the main reasons. Youth drug use is on the rise. It is becoming fashionable to use cannabis, psychostimulants, etc. Moreover, young people (both boys and girls) who are addicted to such substances often believe that the process of use is a kind of cult, and they, participating in it, thereby join some kind of “higher, special culture”.

2. Lack of meaning and interest in life. Not everything goes smoothly with friends and parents, or things don't work out at school. Having taken drugs, a teenager enters another world, and life becomes more colorful and interesting. So it seems to him at first glance.

3. suicidal tendencies. Some teenagers find it so difficult to endure failed relationships, failures, humiliation, alienation of peers that they do not want to live. When life loses its value, it is very easy to decide to try drugs. After all, it seems to him that he has nothing to lose. In fact, a teenager makes a choice between suicide and drug use. Having made a choice in favor of the latter, he discovers that the world is a little different, and he himself has changed, become bold, aggressive, more persistent, as it seems to him.

4. Soul feelings, which are very common at a young age. Experiences due to appearance, due to ongoing internal physiological and psychological changes, due to relationships with the opposite sex, friends, parents, etc.

5. Group pressure. The opinion of peers for teenagers is more important than the opinion of adults, including parents and teachers.

6. Search for yourself. A teenager cannot find his place in life, in a society of peers, he does not see prospects for himself in the future.

7. Curiosity. The student is simply interested in what one feels under the influence of drugs.

8. Escape from problems in an imaginary world. A teenager does not want to act, take responsibility, decide something in his life.

9.Boredom. The teenager has already experienced a lot, looking for new thrills.

10. Striving for freedom and independence. This feeling is common to all teenagers. They live in the present, seek to enjoy the here and now. Adolescents are not inclined to think about the future and consequences.

Role-playing game "Litigation"

Drugs are on the dock. The schoolchildren themselves act as accusers, defenders and judges, who must be divided into 3 groups for this.

Students must act out the lawsuit. Groups of lawyers and prosecutors express their position on drugs. At this time, on a piece of drawing paper or on a blackboard, the “pluses” and “minuses” of drugs are written in two columns. In conclusion, the judges sum up the speeches of the prosecutors and lawyers.

For some time the class discusses the results of the game.

Divide the class into groups and give the task: prepare an anti-advertising drug in the form of a picture, skit, song or poem.

How to resist an offer of drugs.

The answer to the first offer of drugs can be decisive for your whole life. What will you choose: try or not? Even if you choose to refuse, do you have the strength to stand your ground?

Abandoning the drug may mean for a teenager to refuse to spend an evening in a pleasant company of friends, the company of a loved one, and in extreme cases, a break with these people. It is not so easy to decide on this, and sometimes it is simply impossible to say “no”.

Here are examples of how you can refuse a drug test.

1. Say that the smell of the drug has a bad effect on you or you don’t like its color.

2. Refuse with an apology, that is, give a good reason why you won’t do it. For example: “I have an important meeting today”, “I keep fit”, “I am allergic to the drug”, etc.

Role-playing game "Press"

One student is chosen to play the role of the victim. A group of students of 5-6 people begins to persuade him to smoke a cigarette with a drug. He refuses.

After the game, you should discuss with the students what methods of group pressure are and how it feels to the person who is being pressured and who, despite this, tries to refuse.

The class teacher selects several students and gives them a task. The cards describe situations, each student must answer how he will act in them.

Exercise 1: you are in the company of guys smoking drugs.

Task 2: You are at a party and you see that the company present has decided to try the drug.

Task 3: you are at a birthday party, as one of the entertainments - a cigarette with a drug.

Task 4: You are in a nightclub and you see how the drug is being sold.

Drug addiction and crime. Crime is closely linked to the distribution of drugs. The drug mafia is one of the main reasons for the rapid development of drug addiction, including in Russia. The sale and production of drugs is the most profitable business. The retail price of drugs exceeds its cost by several thousand times. The income from the drug trade exceeds the income from the oil trade and is slightly inferior to the income from the arms trade.

In Russia, the drug market is divided between criminal gangs from Russia, the former Soviet republics, as well as Nigeria, China and other Asian countries.

The Chinese drug mafia is the most secretive in Russia. It is very structured and difficult to get into. The Nigerian drug mafia consists of foreign students who study at the capital's universities. This organization was the first to introduce drugs to schoolchildren and students. Free "trial" doses were distributed in schools and universities of the country. A month later, a huge drug market was organized in this way, consisting mainly of young people.

Currently, drugs enter Russia through the southern and eastern borders. Drugs are delivered to the territory of Russia mainly by couriers on trains, since airports have rather strict control.

In some countries, the drug mafia controls the state, for example in Latin America, or has its own armies (Afghanistan and the countries of Southeast Asia).

The younger generation is becoming more and more involved in this criminal world, becoming its active participant - a client and a merchant. Everything happens exactly as shown in the movies about the drug mafia.

The criminal world inspires young people with the opinion that there is nothing wrong with smoking a joint at recess, it is completely harmless, does not cause addiction. Many myths are generated by criminal structures so as not to scare away young frivolous people from their goods.

In nightclubs that are open to all young people. including high school students, all types of narcotic substances are easily accessible. Ecstasy-type drugs are especially popular in the form of tablets, chewing gum, the so-called “energy water”, stamps, stickers, etc. Well-wishers offer a way to get rid of complexes, timidity, stiffness, etc. However, they do not name the proposed remedy drug: “Well, what are you, what kind of drug is this! It's completely safe! And no consequences!” Timid, notorious teenagers try and transform. Everything seems wonderful, and I myself am so wonderful! And there is almost no hangover the next day. And the “friends” are right there: “You see, but you were afraid!” From that moment on, the teenager's fear of drugs disappears.

You have long been the target of drug dealers who seek to earn a lot of money at your expense, but they don’t give a damn about your state of mind.

Features of behavior and personality traits of those who use drugs . The teacher asks if the students know people who use drugs and what are their impressions of these people.

Usually people who offer to try a drug are themselves drug addicts, and with a strong addiction, although they hide it.

Drug addicts can be distinguished in the crowd by their appearance:

1) always wear long sleeves, regardless of the weather;

2) too narrowed or too dilated pupils, regardless of the incident light;

3) detachment in the look;

4) swollen hands;

5) stoop;

6) dark or broken teeth;

7) stretched speech;

8) slow movements;

9) irritability, irascibility, harshness;

10) irreverence in conversation;

11) if he was visiting, things and money may disappear in the house.

These signs are not universal and may be absent in drug addicts with little experience.

The teacher invites the children to say by what signs you can recognize a drug addict in a public place (at a party, at a party, in a club, etc.). Further, the teacher and the children discuss together how drug addicts seek to meet new people. If the students cannot answer the question, the teacher helps them. He emphasizes that the addict seeks to communicate, to expand the circle of his acquaintances. Often he tries to get to know the friends of someone he already knows. During an acquaintance, he immediately tries to captivate a person with his person, using various methods for this. So, they may have a bright, unusual appearance, clothes, interests or hobbies (for example, a famous photographer, blogger or aspiring director). They show interest in their new acquaintance, asking about his life, hobbies, etc.

The teacher then asks the students why they think the addict seeks to expand his social circle.

Traps for youth

1. Everywhere they talk about drugs, friends have already tried. It's considered prestigious, it's "cool." Friends will call you a “weakling” if you refuse to try. But at the same time, no one will say that very soon you will be dependent on the drug. Most often, friends offer to try the drug, because they themselves are already addicted and do not want to be in this state alone. Such a person does not want to be the only one who is in trouble, but will try to pull others along with him.

2. “Problems overcome? Do you want to find a way out? Don't slow down! Try, dissolve and forget everything!” At the same time, friends will not say that you will not only forget the problems, but you will begin to forget everything that you knew. And problems will increase - you will constantly need money for the next dose. For this you will commit a crime. You will really be indifferent to everything, even the fact that you can get AIDS, and in general you will not live more than 10 years.

3. "It's fun and not at all scary!" As a rule, drugs are offered to schoolchildren not in a dirty basement, but on a cheerful noisy dance floor, near the school, when you don’t want to go to a boring lesson or flunked an exam, at a party, in a cozy atmosphere where it’s so convenient to sit with friends on the couch and relax . But at the same time, no one will ever remind you of the consequences: fears, anxiety, conflicts with others, depression, prostitution, violence, weakness in the face of life circumstances, lung cancer, AIDS, overdose, death.

The teacher selects several students and gives them tasks on sheets of paper that describe the situation. Students should describe their actions.

Exercise 1: your friend invites you to spend time in the company where, you know for sure, there is a drug addict. What will you do?

Task 2: At a friend's birthday party, you saw and recognized a drug addict. How will you behave?

Task 3: you ended up in a company where, perhaps, you will be offered to try a drug. What reasons for refusal can you name?

Task 4: you know that at the party where you were invited, they may offer you to try drugs. What plan would you develop to get out of there in case a dangerous situation arises?


We all face difficulties in life, we are looking for satisfaction, happiness. But before you decide that your happiness and the meaning of life in the drug, think about the consequences. Remember also that treating drug addiction is very, very difficult. Know that you are being hunted. Those who offer to try drugs do not care about your state of mind, but are only looking for a victim who will give them the opportunity to quickly and earn a lot. Do not let yourself be deceived and lured into a maze from which you can never find a way out.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school №21"

Class hour

"Drugs and Substances and Their Health Effects"

7 "a" class

2013-2014 academic year

Class teacher: Poshtarikov A.A.

Class hour

"Drugs and Substances and Their Health Consequences"

Target: Help students understand the dangers of substance addiction and its consequences.


To consolidate in the minds of students the understanding that health is the most important social value, it is formed throughout life.

To equip students with knowledge about the dangers of drugs on human health.

To form a stable attitude towards the adoption by students of only a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: sheets of white paper, pens, colored pencils, posters with information about drug addiction prevention, a computer, a projector, a presentation "Dialogue on harmful temptations", leaflets, appeal cards, task cards, student drawings on the topic "We are against drugs!"

Event progress

I. Organizing time.

Participants of the business game are divided into three groups. Each group receives a sheet of drawing paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, pens, notebook sheets.

II. Introduction to the topic


It is hard to imagine the beneficial change
which would take place in all human life, if people
stopped intoxicating and poisoning themselves with vodka,
wine, tobacco and opium.
L. N. Tolstoy

Today our class hour will be devoted to drugs and the consequences of their use.

Guys, what are drugs?

Do you think that the use of drugs does not lead to anything bad? Why?

Why do you think many people start using drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol?

Why do you think teenagers are prone to bad habits?

The psychologist asks students to fill out anonymous questionnaires consisting of the following questions:

What's your gender.

Your age.

Why do you think young people use drugs?

How do you feel about drug use?

Have you had your own experience with drug use?

Do you have friends who use drugs?

Would you be able to say "no" to your friend who offers to try the drug "once"?

What do you think is the most common place for teenagers to use drugs or toxic substances today?

In your opinion, teenagers who use drugs or toxic substances most often get them from…

When do you think young people get acquainted with narcotic or toxic substances?

Who can you trust if you start using drugs and feel addicted to them?


Guys, the topic of our class hour is very complex and serious, so we will have the most diverse forms of work today, one of them is work in groups. To do this, we must establish certain rules for working in a group:

Everyone has the right to refuse the offer to speak, to miss the game;

Everything that happens in the group does not go beyond its limits;

Speak only on your own behalf;

Don't criticize the other's point of view;

Do not interrupt;

Speak only on your own behalf - "I believe", "I feel"

Sanctions for violators are proposed by the students themselves.

III. Related work

Teacher:The relevance of the problem of drug addiction prevention is determined by the situation in our country, the main trend of which is a catastrophic increase in the number of drug addicts, primarily among children and adolescents.

The spread of drug addiction, especially among the young population of Russia, has taken on rampant proportions over the past decade and has acquired the features of a social disaster. There is a steady “rejuvenation” of drug addiction. The age of initiation to drugs is reduced to 8-10 years. There have been cases of drug use by children aged 6-7 years.

Guys, what do you think, can drug addiction and substance abuse be called a disease?

Addiction - this is a serious illness, an incurable disease that destroys the brain, psyche, physical health of a person (especially a teenager) and ends in premature death.

Do you think alcohol and smoking are drugs?

Task number 1 (group work)

Draw a portrait of an addict (from tobacco, alcohol, drugs). Give him a brief description, sign what qualities he has. Group time is 10 minutes.



Teacher: Guys, and now we will have a debate on the topic: "Drugs: myths and reality."

Each group receives a myth, discusses it, expresses their agreement or disagreement with the proposed statement.

Myth #1: drugs are a necessary attribute of a beautiful life. In fact, not all that glitters is gold.

Myth #2: if you do not inject into a vein, there will be no dependence. In fact: any way of using surfactants leads to addiction.

Myth #3: to tie, you need to gradually reduce the dose. In fact: cutting off a dog's tail in pieces is much more painful than doing it all at once.

The teacher helps in the discussion of each myth.

Task number 2

The members of each team represent the editorial office of a youth newspaper or magazine. They receive letters of different content from teenagers.

Group task: write a response that they think will solve the problem. Working time 10 minutes.

Letter #1

“I was at a party in an unfamiliar company, and I was persuaded to take drugs (inject). I became interested, I agreed. Now I think: “What if I'm already a drug addict?”. The guys from that company were looking for me, they came to school. I have to hide, I stay at home.

What should I do now?"

Letter #2

“I have a friend, we study together. In the summer at the dacha, he met other guys who smoke and drink vodka. Now he spends most of his time with them.

I like him. I don't want to lose him. But it hurts and hurts me to watch him roll into the abyss. I really want to help him so that he does not turn into an alcoholic. Advise how?

Letter #3

“We have been friends for over a year now. Recently, my friend has changed a lot, she has new suspicious friends, they whisper about something, disappear for a while, and come back cheerful and carefree. She admitted that she has been dabbled in weed for several months and she likes it.

I shared this news with a friend whose brother died of an overdose last year. A friend advises asking for help from adults. But I'm afraid that my actions will ruin our relationship. What should I do?"

IV. Outcome

What does drug use lead to?

Do you think drugs and substance abuse can deprive a person of something?

What are the basic human values ​​you know?

In conclusion, I would like to tell you one parable.

In the distant, distant past, when tobacco was only brought from distant countries, at the foot of Mount Ararat, in Armenia, there lived an old man, a kind and wise man.

He immediately took a dislike to this intoxicating plant and urged people not to use it.

One day, the elder saw that a huge crowd had gathered around foreign merchants who had laid out their goods. Merchants shouted with each other: "divine leaf, divine leaf - it contains a remedy for all diseases!"

A wise old man approached the crowd and said: “This divine leaf brings other benefits to people: a thief will not enter a smoker’s house, a dog will not bite him, he will never grow old.”

The merchants rejoiced at the old man and turned to him smiling.

You are right, O wise old man! they said. “But how do you know so much about the miraculous properties of the divine leaf?”

The sage explained: “A thief will not enter the house of a smoker just because he will be coughing all night long. After a few years of using this divine leaf (smoking), the person becomes weak and will walk with a stick. And what kind of dog will bite a person in whose hands a stick?! And, finally, he will not grow old, for he will die young ... "

People moved away from foreign merchants, thought ...

I suggest that you also think about the fact that your health largely depends on you. Each of you is the master of your life and your health. No one will live your life for you: neither your parents, nor the teachers who surround you and care for you, nor anyone else. As each of you has decided, so it will be. And I hope that you can still choose the right path and follow it in life, no matter what, because your health is only in your hands.

Always remember that drugs take away hope, joy, freedom, and most importantly - they take away a person's life! (All participants of the event are given booklets on this topic).

All the best! See you soon!