Makarova S.E.

Lecture notes The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people

(in the context of World War II)

Introduction (Introductory Lecture)

Students of the correspondence department study the discipline "The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people (in the context of the Second World War)" in the 1st year. Lectures - 6 hours, practical classes - 4 hours are allotted for the study of the discipline. The form of control is offset.

The following lecture topics will be read at the orientation lecture and during the examination session:

1. Introduction. The USSR and the countries of the world on the eve and at the beginning of the Second World War. Beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Occupation regime on the territory of Belarus. Partisan and underground struggle in the occupied territory. Events on the fronts of the war. The collapse of the offensive strategy of the German Wehrmacht.

3. Liberation of Belarus from German invaders. The end of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. Results and lessons of the Second World War.

The following topics are covered in the practical sessions:

1. Beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

2. National struggle behind enemy lines.

3. A turning point during the Second World War.

4. The victory of the anti-Hitler coalition. Results and lessons of the Second World War. In preparation for practical classes and tests, students can use

the following literature:

1. Belarus at the bastard Vyalikay Aichynnay Vayny, 1941 - 1945: Entsykl, - Mn.:

BelSE, 1990.

2. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people (in the context of World War II): Proc. allowance for university students / Ed. A.A. Kovaleni, N.S. Stashkevich.

Mn.: Ed. center of BSU, 2004.

3. History of Belarus: at 2 o'clock//Pad red. Ya.K. New. - Minsk: Universitetskaya, 2003. -

Part 2 S. 217 - 279.

4. Kavalenya A.A. Belarus among the Producers of the Vaina (1939 - 1945): Vucheb.- metad. dapam. - Minsk: BSU, 2001.

5. Makarova S.E. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people (in the context of World War II). Method. decree. 41.2. – Mogilev, 2005.

6. Maltsev L. Great Victory: lessons and conclusions//Belarusian thought. - 2005. - No. 4.

- P. 4 - 15.

7. Sakovich V. Under the Sign of Trouble: Occupation//Belarusian Dumka. - 2005. - No. 3. - P. 116 - 123.

The subject of the course “The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people (in the context of World War II)” is a comprehensive study of the deployment of military events, their interdependence and impact on the fate of the peoples of the USSR, Europe, the whole world, the contribution of the Belarusian people to the defeat of the German aggressors.

The relevance of the discipline under study lies in the fact that the problems of war and peace today have not lost their sharpness. The current danger is that wars take place not only in time and space, but also in the minds of people, when an atmosphere of lack of spirituality, a negative attitude towards the historical past, a direct falsification of facts and events for the sake of certain ideological and political constructions is created.

Sovereign Belarus, showing concern for the moral health of society, has taken a course towards preserving the spiritual heritage, traditions, and patriotism. Propaganda of heroism, the sacred heritage of fathers and grandfathers awakens the conscience, elevates the spirit of the nation. In order to strengthen genuine patriotism, it is important to look through the brightest pages of our military epic written during the Great Patriotic War.

The USSR and the countries of the world on the eve and at the beginning of the Second World War

1.1. The international situation on the eve of the Second World War.

1.2. The beginning of the Second World War and events on the territory of Belarus.

1.3. German occupation of European countries.

1.1. International situation on the eve of World War II

Stabilization in the field of international relations in the 20s. was replaced by the world economic crisis (1929 - 1933). The way out is the growth of state intervention in the social and economic life of a number of European countries and the USA.

In Germany in 1933, as a result of democratic elections, the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) led by A. Hitler came to power:

- economic policy - to expand the living space, to achieve world domination;

- ideological support - propaganda of the idea of ​​racial exclusivity of the German nation, chauvinism;

The social base of National Socialism is small proprietors, the unemployed, part of the intelligentsia, workers and youth.

Changes in German Policy with the Rise of the Nazis: Withdrawal from the League of Nations (1933), Rejection of the Geneva Disarmament Convention, Rise of Militarism.

Military-political cooperation of extremist regimes:

October 1936 - "Berlin-Rome Axis" - an agreement between Germany and Italy, recognition of the annexation of Abyssinia, development of a common line of conduct regarding the war in Spain.

November 1936 - "Anti-Comintern Pact" - cooperation between Germany and Japan, directed against the Comintern. In 1937, Italy joined this pact.

By 1939 - the expansion of the anti-Comintern pact through Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, Finland, Romania, Siam, Manchukuo, Denmark, Slovakia, Croatia.

Under the influence of the reactionary regimes of Germany, Italy, Japan, an aggressive bloc is being created. The initiative of the USSR to create a system of collective security did not find understanding on the part of Great Britain, France and Poland. As a result, the Soviet Union was presented with an alternative: to face the threat of waging war in the west and east, or to sign the non-aggression pact proposed by Germany. The last option was chosen.

1.2. The beginning of World War II and events in Belarus

The attack on Poland on September 1, 1939 - the beginning of the Second World War. 61 states were involved in it. Military operations took place on the territory of 40 states.

In historiography, five main periods of the war are distinguished:

The first period (September 1, 1939 - June 21, 1941) - the capture by Germany and its satellites of the countries of Western Europe.

The second period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people, the collapse of the "Lightning War".

The third period (November 19, 1942 - December 31, 1943) - a radical turning point in the war, the disruption of the offensive strategy of the fascist bloc, the transition of the initiative to the fears of the anti-Hitler coalition.

The fifth period (May 9 - September 2, 1945) - the defeat of militaristic Japan, the end of World War II.

On September 3, 1939, Great Britain and France, bound by an agreement with Poland, declared war on Germany, the military situation of which was strong enough to stop the aggressor. However, the necessary military and economic assistance to Poland was not provided, and on September 16, the German army occupied a significant part of Polish territory, reaching the Curzon Line.

The Soviet government was careful, despite pressure from the German command, not to be accused by the international community of supporting the German aggressive policy.

On September 28, 1939, the USSR and Germany signed the Border Friendship Treaty (on the rivers Narew, Western Bug, San), which consisted of 5 articles and a secret supplementary treaty. The Lublin part of the Warsaw Voivodeship, inclusive up to the Bug, were in the sphere of German interests in exchange for Germany's renunciation of claims to Lithuania. A joint Soviet-German parade took place in Brest.

The results of the reunification of Western Belarus with the BSSR: the territory increased by 100 thousand km2, the population doubled; Soviet power was established in the western regions; eliminated unemployment; industrialization and collectivization began; free medical care; 4 universities, 25 secondary specialized educational institutions, 220 libraries, 5 drama theaters, 100 cinemas were opened.

Negative phenomena: resistance from the kulaks, siegemen to socialist transformations (nationalization, collectivization), the emergence of illegal organizations.

The beginning of repressions in order to prevent a wide wave of anti-Soviet speeches; deportation to Siberia, Kazakhstan 120 thousand people - osadniks, forestry workers, Belarusian leaders of the national liberation movement. This had a negative impact on the moral and psychological atmosphere in the region.

1.3. German occupation of European countries

The occupation of Poland gave the Nazi leaders self-confidence. The Western European countries, without providing assistance to the Polish people, conducted secret negotiations with Germany in order to direct the German "war machine" against


"Strange War" - the period from September 1939 to May 10, 1940 - the inaction of the Anglo-French and German troops. Germany used this period to bring the armed forces into combat readiness. With the help of various methods of "psychological warfare", public opinion in many European countries was disoriented, and the activity of the "fifth column" became more active. Using large-scale propaganda of Germany's peaceful intentions based on demagogy and lies, the aggressors were preparing a military campaign against Western Europe.

By the spring of 1941, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg were occupied by Nazi Germany, France was dismembered, Operation Sea Lion was being prepared against Great Britain, Yugoslavia was divided between Germany, Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria; occupied Greece and the islands of the Aegean. With the seizure of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, the aggressive bloc significantly strengthened its position.

On the eve of the aggravation of the military-political situation in Europe, the USSR seeks to strengthen the country's defense capability:

1. Accelerated construction of new heavy industry enterprises in the east of the country.

2. Strengthening labor discipline - assigning workers and employees to enterprises, criminal liability for the production of low-quality products; eight-hour working day and seven-day working week; obligatory minimum workdays for collective farmers.

3. Rearmament of the army and navy; the adoption of the Law on General Conscription, according to which the draft age was reduced from 21 to 19; large-scale defense-mass work of party and Komsomol organizations.

Topic 2. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

2.1. Germany's goals in the war against the Soviet Union. The attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR.

2.2. The activities of the Soviet and party organs to mobilize forces and means to fight the aggressor.

2.3. Combat operations in the summer - autumn of 1941. The reasons for the failures of the Red Army.

2.4. Battle near Moscow. Breakdown of the Blitzkrieg.

2.1. Germany's goals in the war against the Soviet Union. The attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR

The idea of ​​expansion to the east was justified by Hitler in his work “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”), formulated in December 1940 by the German command

Plans: "Plan Barbarossa" (Directive No. 21, December 18, 1940) - developed in line with the strategy of lightning war ("blitzkrieg"); plan "Ost" - a plan for the dismemberment of the European territory of the USSR after the war and the exploitation of its natural resources, the destruction of a significant part of the population of the Soviet Union

On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, violating the non-aggression pact, treacherously invaded the territory of the USSR, bringing down on our country the blow of an invasion army unprecedented in history. The western borders of the USSR were defended by 166 divisions and nine brigades - 2.9 million people (54% of all armed forces). Germany threw against the USSR 152 German divisions and two brigades, 29 divisions and 16 brigades of the allies of Finland, Hungary, Italy, Romania.

2.2. The activities of Soviet and party bodies to mobilize forces and means to fight the aggressor

The directive of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of June 29, 1941 strengthened the centralization of power, subordinated the work of party and Soviet authorities to the interests of the front.

State Defense Committee (GKO) (June 30, 1941) headed by the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR I.V. Stalin concentrated all power: transferring the economy to a war footing; mobilization of the country's human and material resources for the needs of the front; evacuation of enterprises and part of the population to the east of the country.

2.3. Combat operations in the summer - autumn of 1941. The reasons for the failures of the Red Army

On June 22, the Soviet border guards and advanced units of the covering troops were the first to take on the enemy's blows. Army Group "South" met with stubborn resistance from the Red Army in the Przemysl, Dubno, Lutsk, Rovno.

The heroic defense of the city of Mogilev lasted 23 days. More than a month there were battles for the city of Gomel. In early July, the Soviet command creates a new line of defense along the Western Dvina and the Dnieper. In the area of ​​the city of Orsha, the enemy was driven back 30-40 km.

Despite the stubborn resistance of the Red Army, the German troops quickly moved inland. Army Group "Center" struck the troops of the Western Front. Army Group "North" invaded the territory of the Baltic states, taking the direction of Leningrad. The Red Army suffered heavy losses, but the losses of the enemy were great. The "blitzkrieg" plan was clearly frustrated.

Despite the heroism and courage of the Soviet people, the Nazi troops occupied the Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, part of the RSFSR. In early September, the blockade of Leningrad closed. Kyiv fell on September 19.

Reasons for the failures of the Red Army in the initial period of the war:

1. The leadership of the USSR exaggerated the importance German-Soviet treaty and ignored reports of the likelihood of a German attack on the USSR.

2. Quantitative and qualitative superiority of the enemy in manpower, equipment, intelligence information.

3. Germany had a mobilized army and experience in modern warfare. The USSR had no such experience.

4. An erroneous military doctrine that excludes the possibility of the enemy breaking through to great depths. The Red Army was preparing for military operations on

Abstract of the history lesson "The Great Patriotic War"

Place of work: OGKOU Cherntskaya school - boarding school of the 8th type, Ivanovo region.
Material Description: I bring to your attention the methodological development of the lesson in a playful way. The lesson is intended for students of the 9th grade of the correctional school of the 8th type. This material can be useful for extracurricular lessons of courage, teachers of boarding schools.
Synopsis of a lesson on history in grade 9 "The Great Patriotic War"
Target: in a playful way, repeat and consolidate educational material on the history of the Great Patriotic War.
educational: consolidate knowledge about the battles, dates, the nature of the Great Patriotic War, the names and exploits of people in the war; the significance of victory in the Great Patriotic War;
correctional - developing: develop cognitive abilities when summarizing historical material; give students the opportunity to show resourcefulness, creative activity;
educational: to form in students patriotic qualities, pride in the exploits of their ancestors, who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland in the most difficult conditions.
Map "The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", portraits and cards with the names of war heroes, cards with dates and names of the decisive battles of the war, cards with tasks for independent work, exhibits for an impromptu museum, audio recording.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Knowledge update.
The teacher reads the poem:

We walked along the dusty roads with a fight.
From the bombs, the earth trembled, as if alive.
We are every meter of our native land
Defended by pouring blood.
Lead blizzard chalk,
Shells burst, mines howled ...

What is this poem about? (children's answers)
- What feelings does it evoke in you? (children's answers)
Why did we start our lesson with this poem? (children's answers)

III. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- Over the course of several lessons, we studied one big topic. What is it called? (children's answers) USSR in the Second World War.
- Today we are finishing the study of this section and we will not get acquainted with new material. What do you think the topic of the last lesson could be called after studying the section? (children's answers)
- The topic of our lesson: "Repetition. The Great Patriotic War".
- Considering the topic of the lesson, define the objectives of the lesson using key words:

So, today in the lesson we will consolidate our knowledge and repeat the studied material about the battles, dates, names and exploits of people in the Great Patriotic War.

Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,
And people went to bed peacefully the night before.
But in the morning the whole country already knew
That a terrible war had begun.
The country flourished. But the enemy from around the corner
Made a flight, went to war with us.
In that stormy hour
Becoming a steel wall
All youth took weapons
To defend the fatherland.

I urge you to active friendly work, call for help attentiveness, ingenuity. To battle.

IV. Repetition of the material covered.
Exercise 1."Tragic Beginning"
Listening (Levitan's announcement of the beginning of the war audio recording)
- Announcer Yuri Borisovich Levitan read about the hostilities on the radio. The whole country knew his voice. Millions of people froze and listened to him with bated breath.

Remember the dates when the Great Patriotic War took place?
(children's answers)

What was the name of the plan developed by the German command to capture the USSR? What was it? (children's answers)
(Answer: The "Barbarossa" plan, in accordance with it, Germany wanted to conduct a lightning war. That is, to suddenly attack the USSR and occupy a significant territory of it for several months. And then install its military control system on the occupied territory).

But as it was in reality, we will remember, we will complete the task:

D / and "True - not true"
1. The first months of the Second World War were successful for the Red Army. (-)
2. The Red Army retreated on all fronts. (+)
3. Soviet soldiers fought bloody battles for every piece of their native land. (+)
4. Thanks to the courage of the Soviet soldiers, the Barbarossa plan was on the verge of failure. (+)

Thus began the nationwide, the Second World War in the course of which decisive battles took place.

Task 2."Decisive Battles of WWII"
(on the board, the teacher hangs out cards in random order with the name of the battles and the time when they occurred)
- Remember the chronology of events and build a timeline.
Select a plate with the name of the battle, select the date of the event, name the meaning of the battle, find it on the map and show it by marking it with a flag.
name of the battle
date value (sample answers)
Brest June 22, 1941 The beginning of the Second World War. There were 3500 soldiers in the fortress. But they defended the fortress from the enemy with incredible courage and courage.
Battle for Moscow December 1941–
April 1942 The first major defeat of the Nazi army since the beginning of World War II. The first victory of the Soviet army, which breathed hope and confidence into the defeat of the enemy.
Siege of Leningrad September 1941-
August 1944 Leningraders survived and survived. In the most difficult conditions, they continued to work and produce ammunition for the defenders of the city. The population of the whole country was struck by the courage and heroism of the inhabitants of Leningrad. Their feat served during the war as an example of resilience for all Soviet people.
Battle of Stalingrad July 1942 -
February 1943 Soviet troops exhausted a large enemy grouping, and then surrounded and completely destroyed it.
Battle of Kursk. July 1943 A huge tank battle took place. A radical turning point during the Second World War in favor of the Red Army, Soviet troops advanced along the entire front.
Berlin May 8, 1945 The act of unconditional surrender of Germany is signed. End of the war.
Watching the video "Siege of Leningrad"

Not only the great battles will forever remain in the memory of the citizens of our country, but also the courage and determination of the Soviet commanders.

Task 3. Hall of Fame.
- I propose to organize a "Gallery of Glory to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War."
Students go out one at a time and choose a portrait (on the board) and a caption to it, and create an impromptu gallery of fame, having previously explained their choice.

1. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov: when the Second World War began, Zhukov was appointed chief of the General Staff and deputy people's commissar of defense of the USSR. He participated in the development and implementation of the largest military operations during the Second World War. Almost all of these operations were successful.
2. Ivan Stepanovich Konev Brilliantly organized and conducted a number of important operations, participated in the battle for Moscow, in the Battle of Kursk, the storming of Berlin, and liberated Prague.
3. Unknown soldier - your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.
4. Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich led major operations (the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad), as a result of which outstanding successes were achieved in the defeat of the Nazi troops.
5. Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich In 1943, he actively participated in the preparation and implementation of the defeat of the enemy on the Kursk salient.

Millions of Soviet people showed mass heroism.
Let's remember the names of the heroes by completing the following task: "Name the hero and his feat"
Card work:
Heroes Event
1. Scout Sergeant Pavlov a) For more than three years he was tortured, tormented, interrogated, but he did not betray his Motherland.
2. General Karbyshev b) They had to defend themselves for 58 days. Most of them died in an unequal battle, but the house was defended.
3. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya c) He got up, rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body.
4. Ivan Panfilov d) A young girl stood up for her Motherland. Before her death, she encouraged the villagers not to be afraid of enemies, to defend their land.
5. Alexander Matrosov e) For six days near Volokolamsk, 28 Panfilov's men repulsed continuous attacks and the enemy was stopped at the cost of their own lives.
Answer: 1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - d; 4 –e; 5 - c.
- These people showed fearlessness and valor, courage and resilience, the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others.

Task 4."Third wheel".

Test(the task is performed individually, students must cross out the extra word; after completion, they exchange with a neighbor on the desk and perform a mutual check)
1. World War II, Great Patriotic, Civil. (P Wars)
2. Liberation, fair, predatory. (Damn warrior Oh)
3. Chapaev, Zhukov, Rokossovsky. (Chapaev - division commander, Marshals B)
4. Fascists, whites, Soviet soldiers. (Soldiers E)
5. T-34, "Katyusha", cart. (Technique D)
6. K. I. Shulzhenko, A.V. Nezhdanova, L. Utyosov (Pevtsy A)
-What is the code word? VICTORY.

Conclusion: the holy faith in the just nature of the war and in the inevitable victory over the enemy helped the Soviet people overcome all the hardships and hardships of wartime.

Task 5.""Museum".
- What do you think people do to keep the memory of the hard days of the war? (children's answers)
- We have our own impromptu museum in the class. This is homework (you had to bring an item that resembled those distant war years)
- Let's take a closer look at the things that are stored in our museum.
(Perhaps this is: a bowler hat, a pouch, woolen socks, a sapper shovel, a letter - a front-line triangle, the book "Tanya Savicheva's Diary", 125 g of bread, etc.) Students one by one approach the stand with objects, the task is to take the object and explain, why is it in the museum.

Task 6. Define an event.
- What events of the Great Patriotic War are narrated by poetic lines.

“Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.
Who knew that between peace and war
All some five minutes left ... "(The beginning of the Second World War)

"We will remember the harsh autumn,
The rattle of tanks and the glare of bayonets,
And twenty-eight will live in the hearts
Your bravest sons ... "(28 Panfilovites)

“The runners creak, creak along the Nevsky,
On children's sleds, narrow, funny,
They carry blue water in pots,
Firewood and belongings, the dead and the living…” (Siege of Leningrad)
This is how poets talk about the war, about those tragic events, but there are digital indicators of those terrible events.

Task 7."WWII and numbers"
The teacher shows a plate with a number, the students name how it is connected with the Second World War.

6 years - World War II lasted.
1418 days - the Great Patriotic War lasted.
900 days - the blockade of Leningrad lasted.
200 days - the heroic defense of Stalingrad lasted.
27 million people - died during the war

V. Summing up.
- Our lesson is coming to an end. What did they talk about in class today? (children's answers)
- Guys, what conclusion can we draw after studying such dramatic and heroic events of this most difficult test for the USSR, which eventually led to a great victory? (children's answers)
Song "Victory Day"

This war showed that the people of the whole world must, in moments of danger, unite in the struggle against a common enemy.
- Today you made me happy, everyone tried very hard. I would especially like to note:

Let the cities sleep peacefully.
Let the sirens howl
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let not a single shell burst,
None of them scribbles an automatic.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children's voices.
May the years pass peacefully
May there never be a war!

The formidable and heroic events of the Great Patriotic War go further and further into history. But we must always remember the unprecedented feat of the Soviet people, who won a great victory at the front and in the rear.

This concludes our lesson.
1. Solovieva T.A., Rogaleva E.I. Historical themes of the course "The World Around": Activity-developing approach. Grade 4. - M .: VAKO, 2006. - 320 p. - (Teacher's workshop).
2. Puzanov B.P., Borodina O.I., Sekovets L.S., Redkina N.M. History of Russia: Textbook for 9 cells. special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type. - M Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2006. - 312 p.: ill.
3. Puzanov B.P., Borodina O.I., Sekovets L.S., Redkina N.M. History lessons in the 9th grade of a special (correctional) general education school of the VIII type: textbook. -method. allowance / Puzanov B.P., Borodina O.I., Sekovets L.S., Redkina N.M. – M.: Humanitarian. ed. center VLADOS, 2004. - 215 p. – (Correctional Pedagogy).

Topic: Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Military and labor feat of the people during the war years. May 9 - Victory Day.

Target: creating conditions forformation of students' ideas about the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. through a system of productive tasks, the development of students' creative abilities through organized project and research activities.


    show the courage and strength of the Russian people who fought to save the Fatherland and the world from fascism;

    to acquaint with the great battles of the Great Patriotic War;

    to cultivate feelings of deep patriotism, respect for those who survived all the horrors of the war, the country and the generations of our ancestors who lived in it,

    develop the ability to analyzethe military and labor feat of the people during the war years;

    systematize the resultdesign and research activities;

    improve the ability to work with sources of information.




    cards for working in pairs with additional material;

    tests for individual work;

    presentation for the lesson;

    presentation of students;

    musical accompaniment;

    research work of students;

During the classes:

1. Stage of motivation. Creating an emotional state.

Guys, so that you feel calm and confident, let's share positive emotions with each other. I ask a question, and you answer in chorus and give a thumbs up.

How are you doing?

(Like this!)

What are we?

(Like these ones!)

What is your mood?

(That's it!)

- Guys, I would like to start the lesson with the words:

Victory is on the shoulder of the brave,

A great success awaits

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will go into battle one for all.

Why do you think I chose these words for our lesson?

(student answers)

That's right, we have a responsible lesson today, we will continue our journey through the pages of history, and if someone gets confused or embarrassed, his comrades will always help him out.

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.

Purpose: to check the level of assimilation of previously studied material, to identify the experience of students on the topic, to lead to an independent definition of the topic

    Oral response of students.

What transformations took place in the Soviet Union?

    Creative responses of students.

- Who will read the proposal? (The proposal is made at home, unfamiliar words from the paragraph are used, new ones.)

How many of you have found answers to questions about the pioneer tie, badges of October and Komsomol member?

Where did you find answers, what did you use?

    Creation of a problem situation.

Listen to the lines from the work (screen):

War - there is no harder word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word

In the anguish and glory of these years

And on our lips is different

It can't be, and it isn't.

What do you think is the word "key" (main) here? Why?

    Goal setting stage

What are we going to talk about today? Try to formulate the theme of our lesson.

The topic of our lesson is “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Military and labor feat of the people during the war.

Why does the poem say "harder", "sader", "lighter"?

In the course of two lessons, we will talk about the difficult trials that have befallen our people.

5. The stage of perception and comprehension of new material.

Purpose: to give a general idea of ​​the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

When did WWII start and end?


On June 22, 1941 at 4 o'clock in the morning, the troops of Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler crossed the border of the Soviet Union. German planes began to bomb Soviet cities, military units, and airfields. The Nazis wanted to enslave our people, seize the natural wealth of our country, plunder and destroy cultural values. The most terrible in the history of our country, the Great Patriotic War began. It lasted almost 4 years (1418 days and nights) and brought the death of 27 million Soviet soldiers and civilians. Hitler planned to destroy the Soviet Union. For ordinary Soviet people, this attack was unexpected. People knew nothing and rejoiced at a summer Sunday. And suddenly the war was announced on the radio ...

- Listen carefully..

How did people feel when they heard the terrible news?

(student answers)

Guys, who stood up for our country?

(student answers)

Thousands of people volunteered for the army. All the people, all the peoples of the Soviet Union rallied in the face of terrible danger. For ordinary Soviet people, the attack was unexpected. On the first day, thousands of bombs fell on cities near the western borders, fascist infantry marched along the roads of our country, and tanks raced. Cities and villages blazed with fire. Many soldiers and civilians were killed in the first days of the fascist offensive. The troops of our army were not ready for the sudden offensive of the Nazis. The enemy expected to deal with us quickly, with one swift blow. But they miscalculated. All the people stood up to defend their homeland, and this war was called the Great Patriotic War.

Battles of the Great Patriotic War.

Cognitive goal: to acquaint students with the main events of the Great Patriotic War.

    Brest Fortress

- The feat of the defenders of the Brest Fortress will forever remain in the history of the Patriotic War. Guys, open your textbook to page 100. You have leaflets with additional material on your tables. You need to read the text of the textbook and fill in the gaps on the sheet so as not to violate the meaning of the text.

The border fortress of Brest was the first to accept the battle with the Nazis. A garrison lived in it - fighters, commanders with families - wives with children. This fortress was surrounded by such strong, strong walls that it was impossible to enter the garrison through them. And on __ June ______, at 4 o'clock in the morning, the Germans, hiding in dense thickets on the banks of the Bug River, opened fire on the fortress from cannons and machine guns, and immediately the planes began to bombard it from the air. The border guards put up fierce resistance. ___________ every day bombed the settlement - warehouses with ammunition, food, as well as water supply were broken. The summer was hot. People crawling with bowlers made their way to the river. They were fired upon with machine guns. Soldiers were dying of thirst and hunger. Unable to take ___________ by a sudden assault, the fascist troops bypassed it and moved on. The fortress and its valiant defenders found themselves deep in the rear of the fascist armies. But the glorious _________________ stood to the death to the last soldier. “I’m dying, but I don’t give up. Farewell, Motherland! - one of its last defenders wrote on the wall of the fortress with a bayonet. So the border guards did not submit to the Nazis. They fought to the last soldier, to the last bullet. For a long time ___________ cautiously walked around the ruins of the ___________ fortress, which did not surrender _______________.

- Guys, just recently we went through another war. What?

(student answers)

Let's compare how the Great Patriotic War of 1812 began and how 1941 began.

(student answers)

General: both the French and the Nazis built their attacks on Rus' or the Soviet Union on the rapid capture of Moscow.

    Battle of Moscow

The Nazis rushed to the main city of our country - to Moscow. Let's hear how the battle near Moscow took place.

(performancestudent )

The fascist invaders managed to inflict the first defeat only in the battle for Moscow. Hitler rushed to Moscow. Having started the war on June 22, 1941, he expected that by August 15 his troops would be in Moscow! And here, to Moscow, he moved huge forces to surround the city - not a single soldier, not a single inhabitant had to leave him. Hitler planned to flood the city. Where Moscow stands, according to his plan, a huge sea was supposed to overflow, which would forever hide the capital of the Russian state. Selected Nazi troops, the best tanks and aircraft from September to December 1941 stormed our capital. The fascist generals were already preparing for the victory parade, but the Soviet soldiers held firm. The words of Vasily Klochkov, one of the defenders of the capital, then spread all over the country: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow.” His detachment of 28 fighters from the division of General Panfilov had to fight 4hours with several dozen enemy tanks, tanks were followed by tractors, artillery and troops for the main attack . When the ammunition ran out, the soldiers with the last grenades in their hands threw themselves under the tracks of the fascist vehicles. This feat became an example for others.

You have just heard what Hitler was betting on capturing Moscow, and now remember the Great Patriotic War of 1812, what is the difference between the beginning of the battle for Moscow?

(children's answers)

- Guys, remember the words “With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost”, who is the author of these lines, and why were they said?

(The words of Kutuzov, the commander persuaded everyone to withdraw the troops, prepare "traps" in the form of setting fire to all warehouses with ammunition and food, leaving the enemy without heat, provisions for death;

and the words of one of the defenders - "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind" and no one took a step back)

In December, our armies under the command of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov went on the offensive. The Nazis were thrown back hundreds of kilometers from Moscow.

Let's die near Moscow

How our brothers died

And we promised to die

And the oath of allegiance kept ...

    Leningrad blockade

The siege of the city on the Neva lasted almost three years. Boris Gromov will now tell and show his presentation to us.

- Blockade of Leningrad - a military blockade by German, Finnish and Spanish troops with the participation of volunteers from North Africa, Europe and the Italian naval forces during the Great Patriotic War of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) lasted from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944 (blockade the ring was interrupted on January 18, 1943) - 900 days.

By the beginning of the blockade, the city did not have enough food and fuel supplies. The only way to communicate with Leningrad was Lake Ladoga, which was within the reach of the artillery and aircraft of the besiegers; the enemy’s united naval flotilla also operated on the lake. The capacity of this transport artery did not meet the needs of the city. As a result, the massive famine that began in Leningrad, aggravated by the especially harsh first blockade winter, problems with heating and transport, led to hundreds of thousands of deaths among residents.

After the blockade was lifted, the siege of Leningrad by enemy troops and fleet continued until September 1944. In order to force the enemy to lift the siege of the city, in June - August 1944, Soviet troops, with the support of ships and aircraft of the Baltic Fleet, carried out the Vyborg and Svir-Petrozavodsk operations. On June 20, Vyborg was liberated, and on June 28, Petrozavodsk. In September 1944, the island of Gogland was liberated.

For mass heroism and courage in defending the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, shown by the defenders of besieged Leningrad, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 8, 1965, the city was awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero City.

Thanks, Borya. Where did you get the information?


    Battle of Stalingrad

One of the most terrible battles was the battle for Stalingrad. I suggest you watch a fragment of a film about Stalingrad, now the hero city of Volgograd.

(fragment of the film about the Battle of Stalingrad)

The feat of the Defenders of Stalingrad is known throughout the world. It was here that in 1942-43 the future fate of the planet was decided. For the Nazis, this city was of particular importance not only as an important military-political, economic and transport center. They were well aware that the city where Stalin's star rose, the city-symbol bearing his name, plays a key role in the patriotic consciousness of the Soviet people. The defensive operation began on July 17, 1942 on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. Until August 10, fierce defensive battles of our troops continued, with the aim of seizing the initiative from the enemy in the entire South-Western direction. But, despite the steadfastness, courage and perseverance shown, the troops of the Stalingrad Front failed to defeat the enemy groupings that had penetrated, they had to retreat to the near approaches to the city.

On August 23, 1942, the enemy managed to break through to the Volga north of Stalingrad, after which the Germans tried to capture the city with a blow from the north along the Volga, but their attempt to break into the city on the move was thwarted. German troops were stopped on the northwestern outskirts of the city and only on September 12 came close to Stalingrad from the west and southwest, and fierce street battles unfolded in the city.

On November 18, 1942, the defensive period of the Battle of Stalingrad ended. For 4 months of fighting between the Don and the Volga, the enemy lost about 700 thousand people killed and wounded and a large amount of military equipment. Our troops lost over 640 thousand people.

Listen to the words of Pablo Neruda

Here the order of courage is worn on the chest of the earth,

No wonder this chest is torn by a shell,

Life fought with death, and enemies found death,

And life won in the fields near Stalingrad.

    February our country celebrated 70 years)

    Initial test of understanding.

Purpose: to form the ability of students to perform self-control.

- Guys, you have sheets of dough on your table, please answer the questions. (2 minutes.)

Subject: The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

    Who initiated the start of the war?

    When did WWII start?

    The defenders of which fortress were the first to fight the German invaders?

    Under what city did the Germans first defeat?

    How many days did the siege of Leningrad last?

    When was the act of surrender of Germany signed?

Who completed the task, thought and appreciated himself.


- Raise your hand, who's confident? Who is not sure? Who has a lot of questions? Now look at the board, check yourself by analogy and once again evaluate your work.


- Raise your hand, who got it right? Who answered correctly, but underestimated himself? Who has questions? I hope we learn to be confident.

    The stage of systematization of the results of design and research activities.

Purpose: to systematize the results of the project and research activities of students.

Our land is rich in people who can be called heroes of the spirit! That's what the Russian people are capable of! Commanders and fighters, women and children worked in factories, rescued the wounded, fought to the death and defeated the enemy. In this conciliar spirit is the main strength of our people, which in all trials helped our beloved Motherland to survive.

Let that fight not be mentioned

In the list of glory is golden,

The day will come - more will rise

People in living memory.

And in one immortal book

All will be equal forever -

Who fell for the city great,

That one in the whole country ...

A. Tvardovsky

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, officers, women and children showed heroism in defense of their Motherland. She did not bypass the families of our village. Each of you was engaged in research work in your family, share with us about war veterans and home front workers.

(children's performances)

- This is only a small part of the exploits of our fearless people who, not sparing their lives, defended their homeland. The country paid a huge price for its victory: about 27 million people died, millions were left disabled, a third of the national heritage was destroyed.

The merciless war lasted almost 4 years, but the long-awaited spring of 1945 came.

- In May 1945, after fierce battles, our troops stormed the capital of Nazi Germany and hoisted the flag of their fatherland over the Reichstag in the center of Berlin.

May 8, 1945 the surrendered generals recognized the complete defeat of Germany in the war, and on May 9, our entire country celebrated Victory Day with jubilation.

8. The stage of reflection of educational activity.

The fire of eternal memory burns without quenching in many cities of Russia. In every city and village in Russia there are monuments to the dead. On May 9, Victory Day, we remember with gratitude all those who fell and survived in the Great Patriotic War. 68 years the words of the famous song "Victory Day" have been heard

(song "Victory Day")

How do you understand why Victory Day is a holiday with tears in your eyes?

(children's answers)

Why did our country win the Great Patriotic War?

(children's answers)

And so our journey through the pages of history ends.

What was interesting about it?

What do you remember?

Who would you like to celebrate today?

    Relaxation stage

- Guys, what am I holding in my hands?

(children's answers)

- St. George's ribbon is a symbol of courage and memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. At the end of our lesson, I will give you ribbons and on May 9 we will meet at the obelisk to honor the memory of the dead.

Thank you all for your work in class.

    Homework stage

- For everyone: page ..., questions page ...

Creative task:

    message about Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (optional);

    material about Cities - Heroes (which cities, for which they received an honorary title) (optional);

    in the textbook on the page ---- there is a map of the Great Patriotic War, study how, what they meant and try to make up the path of your relative (for those who collected material about veterans);

    the library has material about pioneer heroes and october heroes, prepare a retelling of the work to choose from (second numbers).

The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) is a war between the USSR and Germany within the framework of World War II, which ended with the victory of the Soviet Union over the Nazis and the capture of Berlin. The Great Patriotic War became one of the final stages of World War II.

Causes of the Great Patriotic War

After the defeat in the First World War, Germany remained in an extremely difficult economic and political situation, however, after Hitler came to power and carried out reforms, the country was able to build up its military power and stabilize the economy. Hitler did not accept the results of the First World War and wanted to take revenge, thereby leading Germany to world domination. As a result of his military campaigns, in 1939 Germany invaded Poland and then Czechoslovakia. A new war has begun.

Hitler's army was rapidly conquering new territories, but until a certain point between Germany and the USSR there was a non-aggression peace treaty signed by Hitler and Stalin. However, two years after the start of World War II, Hitler violated the non-aggression agreement - his command developed the Barbarossa plan, which involves a swift German attack on the USSR and the seizure of territories within two months. In case of victory, Hitler got the opportunity to start a war with the United States, and he also had access to new territories and trade routes.

Contrary to expectations, the unexpected attack on Russia did not produce results - the Russian army turned out to be much better equipped than Hitler expected and offered significant resistance. The company, designed for several months, turned into a protracted war, which later became known as the Great Patriotic War.

The main periods of the Great Patriotic War

  • The initial period of the war (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942). On June 22, Germany invaded the territory of the USSR and by the end of the year was able to conquer Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus - the troops moved inland to capture Moscow. Russian troops suffered huge losses, the inhabitants of the country in the occupied territories were captured by the Germans and were driven into slavery in Germany. However, despite the fact that the Soviet army was losing, she still managed to stop the Germans on the way to Leningrad (the city was taken under blockade), Moscow and Novgorod. The Barbarossa plan did not give the desired results, the battles for these cities continued until 1942.
  • The period of a radical change (1942-1943) On November 19, 1942, the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops began, which yielded significant results - one German and four allied armies were destroyed. The Soviet army continued to advance in all directions, they managed to defeat several armies, start pursuing the Germans and push the front line back towards the west. Thanks to the build-up of military resources (the military industry worked in a special mode), the Soviet army was significantly superior to the German one and could now not only resist, but also dictate its terms in the war. From the defending army of the USSR turned into an attacker.
  • The third period of the war (1943-1945). Despite the fact that Germany managed to significantly increase the power of its army, it was still inferior to the Soviet one, and the USSR continued to play a leading offensive role in hostilities. The Soviet army continued to advance towards Berlin, recapturing the occupied territories. Leningrad was recaptured, and by 1944, Soviet troops moved towards Poland, and then Germany. On May 8, Berlin was taken, and the German troops declared unconditional surrender.

Major battles of the Great Patriotic War

  • Defense of the Arctic (June 29, 1941 - November 1, 1944);
  • Battle for Moscow (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942);
  • Blockade of Leningrad (September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944);
  • Battle of Rzhev (January 8, 1942 - March 31, 1943);
  • Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943);
  • Battle for the Caucasus (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943);
  • Battle of Kursk (July 5 - August 23, 1943);
  • Battle for the Right-Bank Ukraine (December 24, 1943 - April 17, 1944);
  • Belarusian operation (June 23 - August 29, 1944);
  • Baltic operation (September 14 - November 24, 1944);
  • Budapest operation (October 29, 1944 - February 13, 1945);
  • Vistula-Oder operation (January 12 - February 3, 1945);
  • East Prussian operation (January 13 - April 25, 1945);
  • Battle for Berlin (April 16 - May 8, 1945).

The results and significance of the Great Patriotic War

The main significance of the Great Patriotic War was that it finally broke the German army, preventing Hitler from continuing his struggle for world domination. The war became a turning point in the course of the Second World War and, in fact, its completion.

However, the victory was given to the USSR hard. The country's economy was in a special regime during the war, the factories worked mainly for the military industry, so after the war they had to face a severe crisis. Many factories were destroyed, most of the male population died, people were starving and could not work. The country was in the most difficult condition, and it took many years for it to recover.

But, despite the fact that the USSR was in a deep crisis, the country turned into a superpower, its political influence on the world stage increased sharply, the Union became one of the largest and most influential states, along with the United States and Great Britain.