The school is a public place. Therefore, both adults and children should adhere to the mandatory norms of behavior and internal regulations in the learning process. Knowing and following these rules of conduct will lead to discipline and order. Consider the basic rules of behavior in school.

Basic Rules:

All students of the school must arrive for classes 10-15 minutes before they start. Leaving outerwear in the locker room and changing shoes, students sit down at their jobs and wait for the lesson to begin.

Students are required to complete their homework within the time limits set by the school curriculum, as well as come to class with all the necessary supplies for studying.

At the request of the teacher, the student must present the diary.

It is forbidden to bring any types of weapons, explosives, alcohol, cigarettes, and so on into the territory of the school institution.

School rules prohibit the use of profanity during the entire educational process.

At breaks it is forbidden: to make noise, disturb others to rest, run up the stairs;

Students must show respect to all school staff as well as to their classmates.

Senior students should be attentive to junior students (do not offend the younger ones, help, protect).

Students are required to keep the school clean and tidy, even if you are not designated as the class on duty.

Students are required to respect the property rights of their classmates (textbooks, clothes, personal belongings).

When finding personal belongings, students are required to present them to the school administrator or the senior duty officer.

You can not miss or be late for classes without good reasons.

Pupils must treat school property with care.

Now let's get acquainted with the rules of behavior of students during classes:

To greet the teacher, students are required to get up from their jobs and say hello, they also get up when any adult enters the classroom during the lesson.

At the lesson, the student must behave quietly and calmly, not interfere with his classmates and not violate discipline.

To ask a question during the lesson, you must first raise your hand, and after receiving permission from the teacher, you can speak.

During classes, students have the right to use school supplies and equipment issued, which is then returned to the teacher.

Rules of conduct for students in the school cafeteria:

In the dining room, students must observe cleanliness, accuracy, adhere to the norms of behavior. - It is not allowed to come to the dining room in outerwear.

It is forbidden to distract neighbors, take away other people's food, etc. while eating.

Students are required to take good care of school cafeteria property.

Rules of conduct in pictures

Images can be printed and hung in the classroom, or used for a wall newspaper or presentation. To open an image in full screen, click on it.

slides for presentation


Basic rules for safe behavior in short breaks between lessons and after classes for younger and older students:

  • Do not run along the corridors, stairs, classrooms and any other school premises not intended for this;
  • · It is forbidden to slide down the railing, run along the stairwells, open the windows in the classroom and the corridor, climb on the window sills, on the attic and the roof of the school.
  • · It is forbidden to enter the auxiliary school premises, where communications, devices and mechanisms are located. It is dangerous to life and health.
  • · It is not allowed to enter the classroom without a teacher and take school supplies or belongings of classmates.
  • · During the lessons, all students should be in the classrooms, and not “travel” around the school and the school yard, and, moreover, run out onto the roadway.
  • · It is forbidden to run and make noise in the corridor, especially during lessons.
  • Don't push, don't fight, don't shout. Do not play active games in rooms not directly intended for this;
  • Any conflicts that have arisen between students should be resolved peacefully or through a teacher;
  • Be careful when moving through potentially dangerous places: stairs, slopes, icy surfaces, etc.;
  • In winter, do not come close to the walls of the school to eliminate the risk of injury from falling snow or icicles;
  • Do not throw or use hard objects in games that can cause injury: stones, sticks, ice, etc.;
  • Do not bring to school dangerous objects or substances that can harm others: pyrotechnic or explosive devices, sharp, cutting objects, any type of small arms (including pneumatic);
  • Do not climb trees, roofs, fences, greenhouses and any other high-rise structures;
  • Do not try to enter the territory of utility and technical premises. Do not climb into attics, basements and other places not intended for direct education or recreation of schoolchildren;
  • Do not approach places of increased danger: pits, trenches, pits, nearby roads, etc.;
  • Do not tease, chase away or feed animals (usually dogs) that are on campus. Report cases of the appearance of such animals to the teacher;
  • Do not leave the school grounds without the appropriate permission of the teacher;
  • Do not behave aggressively, do not provoke conflicts and do not take part in them. Report conflicts to the teacher;
  • Avoid all other hazards, always observe caution and life safety rules.

All the general rules of fire safety at school that exist today are a set of measures developed by state bodies, as well as by the administrative apparatus of the institution itself. The purpose of this set of rules is the most complete protection of students, school employees, personal and school property from.

The complex of fire safety measures in the school includes several areas of work at once:

  • purchase and maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment: fire extinguishers, sandboxes, etc.;
  • installation of an alarm system that will automatically detect a fire;
  • equipping the school with an "alarm system" that can be activated in the event of a fire;
  • availability and operability of exits for evacuation;
  • information stands with visual information on fire prevention;
  • conducting systematic work with school staff and students on the topic of fire safety. For this, special instructions are being developed on the rules of fire safety at school.

Full responsibility for compliance with the rules is borne by its head (director) and his deputies. At the same time, personal responsibility also lies with the heads of offices and production workshops.

Providing safety at school

It is the responsibility of the school administration to ensure that the rules are properly enforced, as well as to make regular checks to ensure that school staff and students comply with their own hours of operation and the school's hours of operation.

Fire safety measures that must be carried out at all times on school property include the following:

  • The prompt elimination of any factors that can provoke a fire;
  • Strict adherence to the schedule of briefings aimed at updating knowledge on fire safety;
  • Development and approval of an evacuation plan, and measures to alert students and school staff in case of fire;
  • Clear distribution of duties of school employees in case of fire;
  • Assignment to certain school employees of persons who will be responsible for fire safety during various events: rulers, school evenings, concerts, etc.

Teaching children safety rules at school

The systematic training of children in fire safety rules at school begins from the early grades. Children are given initial ideas about what fire is, for what purposes it is used and why it is dangerous. Basic knowledge is laid about the rules for handling fire, as well as what should be done during a fire.

Since the kids are not yet able to absorb a large amount of verbal information, teachers often conduct classes on this topic in a playful way, and also arrange excursions to the fire station. Schoolchildren are also shown educational filmstrips and videos from which they can understand the main causes of fires, as well as how to escape from fire. In addition, in elementary school, students memorize the number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, learn how to properly use electrical appliances, extinguish fires with water, etc.

Thus, all teaching children the rules of fire safety for younger students comes down to the fact that they are instilled with a few simple rules:

  • it is impossible to take and use matches;
  • it is unacceptable to play near fires or hot objects;
  • do not dry things over a fire or heaters;
  • making fires without adults is prohibited;
  • do not leave unattended electrical appliances turned on;
  • call, shout and in every possible way attract the attention of adults if a fire has been detected.

Fire safety for middle school students includes the following elements:

  • instilling knowledge and skills in handling various electrical appliances;
  • obtaining knowledge about flammable materials;
  • study of the rules for the use of fire extinguishers and other means of fighting fire;
  • basic knowledge about how to properly save your own life and the lives of other children.

Work on fixing all these elements is carried out in a playful way, various quizzes and competitions are held, as well as practical exercises.

Teaching the basics of fire safety to high school students takes the form of exercises, in which they receive strong practical skills in fighting fire, and also learn how to save people. Thus, completing schooling, a high school student must know exactly the answers to the following questions and be able to perform the following actions:

  • how to look for emergency exits where fire extinguishers are located;
  • what can cause a fire, and the ability to prevent its occurrence;
  • the basics of first aid;
  • prevent and stop children playing with fire;
  • never heat unknown materials with an open flame;
  • de-energize electrical appliances when leaving the house, do not wipe them with wet rags when they are plugged in, and do not extinguish them with water.
  • do not use flammable liquids to light stoves and fires;
  • fill the fire with water until the smoke stops coming out;
  • do not throw lit matches into dead wood, poplar fluff, into trash cans.
  • report fires immediately.

Rules of conduct for students in case of fire

The basic set of student fire rules looks like this:

  • the main signs of a fire in the form of smoke or a strong smell of burning indicate that it is necessary to carefully listen to a teacher who objectively assesses the situation and is engaged in ensuring the safety of children;
  • in no case should you succumb to any kind of panic;
  • you need to leave the premises and the school building quickly, but not running, in order to avoid falls and crush;
  • after the school building has been abandoned, you must follow the teacher, who will soon call all the students in your class.

So, we have given the rules of fire safety in secondary schools, which are the basis and result of the education of schoolchildren.

Having formulated the basic rules of fire safety at school for students, which they learn in the learning process. It should be emphasized that full-fledged fire safety in this case is not just a set of some rules that you just need to learn. It is the responsibility of teachers and parents to carefully control that all students master these rules and use them in everyday life.

Children are not only taught, they are also brought up, instilling in them the skills of proper handling of fire, telling and showing how to behave in case of fire, and what actions should never be taken.

Rules for safe behavior at school

The school is a specially built building, which is equipped with everything necessary for the study and life of children. The school has many rooms - classrooms, laboratories, workshops, sports and assembly halls. You can leave outerwear in the cloakroom, have lunch in the dining room, and get help at the medical center. Usually the school building has two or three floors and a basement.

For safety reasons, schools are not built with multi-storey buildings. In the event of a fire, it is very difficult to evacuate people from a high-rise building, especially small children. Therefore, elementary school classrooms are always located on the ground floor.

School life is subject to strict rules and daily routine. The director of the school is responsible for the implementation of all the rules, including the safety of children, and the administration helps him in this - deputy directors, teachers, a medical worker, a secretary, a janitor, etc. Each of them has his own duties.

After each lesson there is a break - a school break. This is the time when students of all classes go out into the corridors to rest, move from one room to another, and have a bite to eat at the buffet. It happens that schoolchildren play pranks during the break, run up the flights of stairs, shout, push. High school students on duty maintain order in the courtyard and corridors of the school. The requirements of the attendants are mandatory for all students. When moving to another office, you should stay closer to your classmates, and go along the corridor and stairs on the right side. Running, especially down stairs, is just as dangerous as running down the railing. You should walk at a pace, holding on to the railing with your hands.

During lessons in subject rooms, dangerous situations that threaten injury are also possible. At the lesson, teachers sometimes joke about a falling asleep student - you will fall asleep and break your forehead on the desk. Such an injury, of course, is unlikely even for a lazy person exhausted by the spring sun. But even in the classroom during the lesson, troubles happen. Fingers and toes can be pinched by flip-top desks or chairs, drawers, front doors or interior doors. Therefore, be careful! Do not sharpen pencils with a knife, blade, use safe sharpeners for this.

Be especially careful in laboratories. Follow the safety rules outlined by the teacher. Poisonous chemical compounds and their vapors, open flames of burners, sharp objects, electric current in case of illiterate actions can cause serious injuries.

There is a high possibility of injury in labor training classes. Mastering the simple skills of working with carpentry, locksmith and other tools, working on machine tools and with electrical mechanisms, you do a lot for the first time.

The fact that you have seen many times how they chop with an ax or drill with a drill is not enough. To acquire sustainable work skills, you will have to shed a lot of sweat and fill corns and bumps. The task of the teacher at the initial stage is to teach you how to work safely, avoiding injury.

During classes at school, a situation may arise in which it is necessary to quickly leave the school building, for example, a fire. Usually there is a panic, crush, children can jump out the window, get injured and even die. To prevent this from happening, both teachers and students regularly train to leave the school building in an organized manner without interfering with each other.

The rules of conduct in case of danger provide for the following:

Hazard alert. If you notice a fire, you should immediately report it to the teacher, janitor or any school employee.

Exit to a safe place (evacuation). You must know the escape routes from the school building. The schemes of these paths are located on the walls in the corridors of the school. You should familiarize yourself with them in a calm atmosphere, until nothing happens. Under the guidance of a teacher, students quickly take their things (if time permits) or leave the building without things along the indicated route. Having moved to a safe distance, everyone stands together, ready for further action.

Providing assistance to the victims. You should examine and ask your comrades how they feel. Are there any wounds, cuts, bruises, is anyone sick, is the head spinning. If necessary, call a teacher, a nurse, explain what happened. In addition, you must be ready to fulfill the instructions of adults - to bring water, a first aid kit, etc.

The teacher in the event of an urgent evacuation may not always notice the problems of each student. For example, when leaving the school, when the corridors are filled with smoke, it stings your eyes and it is difficult to breathe. You must be able to protect yourself, in this case, the eyes and respiratory organs. To do this, bend closer to the floor. It is even possible to move on all fours - hot air with smoke rises, and below it is cooler and less smoke. You should cover your face with a wet handkerchief, hat or mitten and, keeping up with your comrades, leave the building. If you feel bad and you cannot move, call loudly for help.

When each person defends himself from danger with the help of improvised or special means, this is called the use of personal protective equipment.

A situation is also possible when it is necessary to use not only individual means. For example, there was a danger of a hurricane. In the middle of the day, clouds came running, the wind grew stronger, it began to rain. The wind is even stronger, it is already tearing sheets of slate from the roofs of houses, breaking branches of trees. You can’t send your children home, it’s dangerous to stay in the classrooms: window panes can be broken. The director decides to save everyone in the basement of the school or nearby houses. In the basement, which must be prepared in advance for such a situation, the entire school staff can hide from danger.

Thus, if necessary, collective means of protection are used, such as shelters in basements or purpose-built shelters.

We have considered some rules of conduct at school in case of natural disaster or fire. Summarize. Protection from dangerous situations at school can be organized in three ways:

Exit from the danger zone - evacuation.

Personal protection.

Use of collective funds. All matters of protection are handled by the Civil Defense Service. The head of the civil defense of the school is its principal.

When dangerous situations arise, the school often cannot cope with the disaster on its own. Then experts from different services come to the rescue. In case of fire - rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For injuries, burns and wounds - emergency doctors. If the buildings are destroyed - the builders with their powerful equipment.

When bombs and shells from the time of the war are found, they are neutralized by military sappers. But in any dangerous situation, you can not do without police officers.

Often, citizens themselves, including schoolchildren, can help in the work of state security services. For example, if you see unfamiliar objects on the street or in the school yard, and these can be small containers, barrels, trunks, bags, bundles, ampoules, you should not try to open them or even come close to them. You should immediately notify adults about the find - parents, teachers, watchmen or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police and explain what was found and in what place, say your last name and wait for the rescuers to arrive.

Foreign objects can be planted by terrorists or hooligans, and they can contain both explosive and poisonous substances. If you try to open such an object out of curiosity, turn it, roll it, an explosion or release of a poisonous substance is possible, and not only you, but also other people will suffer. Arriving rescuers will understand and prevent an emergency.

Even if the alarm turns out to be false and the scattered citizen lost the bag, there will be no claims against you. After all, your call is not anonymous, and you acted to prevent an emergency.

Briefing No. 1

"Rules of Conduct at School"

Every student in the school must:
1. General rules of conduct:
1.1. Regularly attend classes and mandatory extracurricular activities (class hours, subject excursions, etc.).

1.2. Arrive at school early before the bell for the lesson, go to the office.

1.3. It is mandatory to have with you all the textbooks, notebooks, diary, pen and other accessories necessary for the day.

1.4. Prepare homework regularly.

1.5. Keep the school clean and tidy.

1.6. Protect school property. Do not draw on walls or desks.

1.7. Do not clog toilets with foreign objects, and after using drinking water, close water taps.

1.8. Be neat, wear neat clothes.

1.9. Have a sports uniform for physical education lessons.
2. Rules of conduct in the lesson and change:
2.1. Maintain discipline both in class and during breaks.

2.2. At the end of the lessons, leave the classroom in order to ventilate the classroom.

2.3. Be polite and helpful with other students and teachers, treat your comrades with respect.

2.4. Do not allow obscene language, expressions degrading the dignity of a person in the school premises.

2.5. Avoid cases of mental and physical violence against students, resolve all disputes only peacefully.

2.6. Comply with the requirements of on-duty teachers and students.

2.7. Comply with safety instructions in the classroom.

2.8. During changes, do not run, do not push, do not create traumatic situations.

2.9. Be extremely careful on the stairs: do not run on them, do not jump over the steps, do not ride on the railing, do not step over or bend dangerously over them. Stop violators of security rules.

2.10. In case of any incidents or injuries, immediately inform the nearest teacher, class teacher, head teacher, principal of the school.
3. Rules of conduct in the dining room:
3.1. Being in the school cafeteria, be careful not to leave food and utensils on the tables, do not litter on the floor.

3.2. When eating, behave calmly, do not wave cutlery, do not shout, do not push.

3.3. Wash hands with soap before eating.

Briefing No. 2
“Rules of conduct on the road. Safe way to school and home
1. Choose the safest route to school, the one where you need to cross the street or road less often.

2. When you walk through the streets of the city, be careful. Do not rush. Walk only on the sidewalk or the roadside.

3. Fewer transitions - less danger.

4. Walk slowly on the right side of the sidewalk.

6. Do not go out on the carriageway of the street or road.

7. When passing by the gate, be especially careful: a car can leave the gate.

8. Carefully walk past a parked car: passengers can suddenly open the door and hit you.

9. Before crossing the road, look left, then right. If the roadway is clear, go.

10. A street where there is no pedestrian crossing must be crossed from one corner of the sidewalk to another: it's safer.

11. Do not play on the roadway or near the road, do not ride bicycles, roller skates, etc. on the roadway.

12. Do not cross the street or road in front of nearby traffic.

13. Do not cling to passing vehicles.

Briefing No. 3

"Safety precautions at technology lessons when working with scissors, glue, plasticine, a sewing needle"
When working with scissors, observe the following rules:

1. Keep order in your workplace.

2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.

3. Do not work with loose scissors.

4. Work only with serviceable tools: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

5. Use scissors only at your workplace.

6. Watch the movement of the blades during work.

7. Put the scissors with the rings towards you.

8. Feed the scissors with the rings forward.

9. Don't leave scissors open.

10. Store your scissors in their sheath with the blades down.

11. Do not play with scissors, do not bring scissors to your face.

12. Use scissors for their intended purpose.
Rules for safe work with glue.
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

4. Wash the brush and hands well with soap after work.
Rules for safe work with plasticine.
1. Choose the desired color of plasticine for work.

2. Cut off the required amount of plasticine with a stack.

3. Warm a piece of plasticine with the warmth of your hands so that it becomes soft.

4. At the end of the work, dry your hands well with a dry soft cloth and only then wash them with soap.
Rules for safe work with a sewing needle.
1. Keep the needle always in the needle case.
2. Do not leave the needle in the workplace without a thread.
3. Pass the needle only in the needle bed and with thread.
4. Do not put the needle in your mouth or play with the needle.
5. Do not stick the needle into clothing.
6. Before and after work, check the number of needles.
7. Keep the needle bar with needles only in the same place.
8. Do not be distracted while working with the needle.
Briefing No. 4

"Fire safety"

1. Do not touch matches and play with them.
2. It is dangerous to play with toys and dry clothes near stoves, heaters with
open spiral.
3. You can not make fires and play near them.
4. If a fire is discovered, notify adults and call the fire department by calling 01.
5. Do not heat unfamiliar objects, powder and paint packages, especially aerosol packages.
6. Do not leave electric heaters unattended. When leaving home, turn off electrical appliances from the mains.
7. Do not light a stove or a fire with flammable liquids (gasoline, diesel fuel).
8. Do not leave unextinguished fires.
9. Do not set fire to poplar fluff or dry grass.
10. On the territory of the school it is forbidden to make fires, light torches, use fireworks and petards, other combustible compounds.
11. It is forbidden to bring matches, lighters, flammable liquids (gasoline and thinners), flammable substances and materials to school.
12. It is strictly forbidden to throw burning matches into garbage containers.
13. In cases of fire danger, the school is evacuated, the signal for which is a series of special calls.

Briefing No. 5

"Electrical safety"

1. When leaving home or even from a room, be sure to turn off electrical appliances (iron, TV, etc.)
2. Do not insert the plug into the socket with wet hands.
3. Never pull on the electrical wire with your hands - a short circuit may occur.
4. In no case do not approach the bare wire and do not touch it - it can cause electric shock.
5. Do not use the iron, kettle, tiles without a special stand.
6. Do not touch the heated water and the vessel (if it is metal) when the heater is connected to the network.
7. Never wipe the switched on electrical appliances with a damp cloth.
8. Do not hang flower pots over electrical wires.
9. Do not extinguish fired electrical appliances with water.
10. In the event of an electrical appliance fire, unplug it immediately and notify your parents.
11. Do not touch wires that are hanging or lying on the ground.
12. It is dangerous to climb on the roofs of houses and buildings where power lines pass nearby, as well as on supports (pillars) of overhead power lines.
13. Do not try to get into switchgears, transformer substations, power shields - this threatens with death!

Briefing No. 6

“Prevention of negative situations on the street and with strangers”

1. When spending time outdoors, stay away from the company of teenagers who are older than you, are in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, gamble, etc.
2. Never get into a car, motorcycle, etc. with strangers.
3. Do not carry valuables, money with you (without special need).
4. Do not climb basements, attics, roofs.
5. For the purposes of personal security (prevention of abductions) it is necessary:
- try not to be alone, especially on the street, on the way to school and back, from a place of leisure;
- never talk to strangers, and even more suspicious people;
- Never go anywhere with strangers. If someone tries to take you away by force, break free and call loudly for help;
- always put your parents on where and when you are going, with whom and how long you are going to be, when you are going to return (if possible, take a cell phone with you);
-If you are lost in an unfamiliar city, it is best to seek help from a policeman. You can approach mothers and grandmothers who walk with children like you.

Briefing No. 7

"Safety when working with garden tools"

When working with gardening tools (rakes, brooms, shovels), you should follow basic safety rules so as not to damage your health. Many garden tools (shovels, rakes) have sharp cutting edges, so care is advised when using them.
When working with garden tools, you need to pay attention to the following main points:

before starting work, check the serviceability of the tools (the cutting parts must be sharply sharpened, the handles must be securely fixed);
tools can only be used for their intended purpose;
when cultivating the soil with a rake, you should take care of your legs so as not to injure them with the sharp edges of the tools;
you can’t throw tools, you need to pass them from hand to hand;
not be near (behind) a person working with a rake;
to protect hands, it is recommended to use gloves and mittens;

when transferring shovels, rakes, pitchforks to sharp surfaces, a protective cover should be worn.

Briefing No. 8 "Beware of ice!"
How can you reduce the risk of injury in ice:

  • - walk slowly, slightly relax your legs at the knees, step on the entire sole. Remember that haste increases the risk of slipping, so leave the house slowly;

  • - in case of imbalance - quickly sit down, this is the most real chance to stay on your feet; at the time of the fall, pull yourself together, tighten your muscles, and when you touch the ground, be sure to roll over - the blow directed at you will stretch and lose strength during the rollover;

  • - do not keep your hands in your pockets - this increases the possibility of not only falling, but also more serious injuries, especially fractures;

  • - Do not walk on the very edge of the carriageway. It is always dangerous, and especially on slippery roads. You can fall and fly out onto the road, and the car can drive onto the sidewalk;

  • - do not cross the carriageway during snowfall and ice. Remember that in ice conditions the braking distance of the car increases significantly and a fall in front of a moving car leads, at a minimum, to injury, and possibly death;

  • - if you fell, hit your head and after some time felt pain in your head, nausea - immediately inform your parents and consult a doctor.

  • Briefing No. 10 "Rules of conduct on water bodies in winter"

  • Reservoirs are considered the most dangerous during the period of autumn freeze-up (November - January) and spring floods (March - mid-April).

  • Security Measures:

  • Do not cross a frozen body of water in places where it is prohibited.

  • Do not go out on the recently frozen and not yet strengthened ice.

  • Do not gather in large groups on the same area of ​​ice. If it is necessary to cross the reservoir in a group, spread out and walk at a short distance one after another. Walk slowly on the ice. When walking slowly, the ice will not break instantly. He will crack and sag. By changing its appearance, the shape of cracks and the appearance of water, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the reliability of the ice and the degree of risk of such a transition. With any alarming sign, you need to immediately go back. You should return in your own footsteps, sliding smoothly on the ice, without taking your legs off and without making sudden movements.

  • Do not approach ice-holes and polynyas.

  • Avoid solo walks near dangerous water bodies.

  • Do not slide on sleds, ice-sleds, skis from the shore onto thin, not yet strengthened ice and categorically prohibit children from doing this without supervision.

  • Do not ride on ice floes, bypass rifts, polynyas, ice holes, edges of ice.

  • Do not test the strength of the ice with a kick.

  • Rules of conduct in case of emergencies on ice:

  • Don't get close to the failed one.

  • Urgently inform about the emergency (place, time, causes of the emergency) and call adults.

  • Give the failed support (ski, stick, crossbar, etc.).

  • Remember, the time of critical hypothermia of the body in water in winter comes within 10 minutes. Try to drag the victim using a scarf, rope, belts and other available means.

  • Provide assistance after removing a person from the water (physical exercises for warming up, running).

  • It is forbidden to come close to the edge, give a hand to the victim.

  • If you fell into the water, you must: do not panic, try to get out on the ice surface on your own and crawl towards the shore, call for help, go ashore to prevent yourself from freezing.

  • Instruction listened to:

Instruction #9

"The Danger of Pyrotechnics"

  1. Pyrotechnic products are very hazardous to health.

  2. Buy pyrotechnic products only in specialized stores.

  3. Ask for advice from the seller.

  4. Do not use fireworks without adults.

  5. Read the instructions carefully before use.

  6. Do not use pyrotechnic products indoors, near buildings, with nearby people.

  7. Even seemingly harmless sparklers and firecrackers can be harmful to health.

  8. It is not allowed to bring and use fireworks in the school.

  9. Remember! By following the safety rules, you save your health and your life!

Briefing No. 10

"Caution, pyrotechnics! Safe New Year's Eve! Safety precautions and rules of conduct for students during the winter holidays »

How to properly use sparklers:
- Bengal lights, like any pyrotechnics, are flammable.
- Bengal lights should be used only after a thorough inspection for damage and familiarization with the instructions.
-Despite the routine, sparklers are very beautiful (and most importantly affordable) fireworks.
- It is recommended to use a Bengal candle, holding the part free from the pyrotechnic composition in your hand, the angle of inclination should be 30-45 degrees
-And colored Bengal candles should be used only outdoors, outdoors, because the composition of the pyrotechnic composition used in their manufacture contains aggressive oxidizing agents emitted by combustion products.
Rules for the use of pyrotechnics:
- Do not carry fireworks in your pockets.
- You can not burn pyrotechnics in a fire.
- Do not disassemble pyrotechnic products and expose them to mechanical stress.
- Do not allow open flames in the room where pyrotechnics are stored.
- Keep pyrotechnics away from heating appliances.
- Remember that fireworks are afraid of moisture, and this may affect their work.
Any pyrotechnics should be lit at arm's length.

Safety precautions and rules of conduct for students during the winter holidays.
1. You must be careful, attentive on the street, when crossing the road - follow the rules of the road.
2. Be careful when contacting electrical appliances, observe safety precautions when turning on and off the TV, electric iron, kettle, etc.
3. Observe safety precautions when using gas appliances and a stove.
4. Observe the time mode when watching TV and working on a computer.
5. When walking on the street, be careful with skis, skates, sleds.
6. At very low air temperatures, do not go for a walk in order to avoid frostbite on the skin.

  • 7. It is forbidden to be on the street unaccompanied by parents after 22:00

Briefing No. 8 "Rules of conduct during ice"

If the weather forecast indicates ice or black ice, take steps to reduce the chance of injury:

  • 1. Prepare low slip shoes.

  • 2. Attach metal heels or foam rubber to the heels, and stick an adhesive plaster or adhesive tape on a dry sole, you can rub the soles with sand (sandpaper).

  • 3. Move carefully, slowly, stepping on the entire sole.

  • 4. If you slip, sit down to lower your fall. At the time of the fall, try to group up, and, rolling, soften the blow to the ground.

  • 5. Do not walk on the very edge of the carriageway. It is always dangerous, and especially on ice. You can fall and fly out onto the road, and the car can bring to the sidewalk.

  • 6. Do not cross the carriageway during ice. Remember that in ice the braking distance of the car is significantly increased and a fall in front of a moving car leads, at a minimum, to injury, and possibly death.

  • 7. If you fell, hit your head and after some time felt pain in your head, nausea - immediately inform your parents and consult a doctor.

"On safety measures when snow falls from roofs"

  • In connection with the active melting of snow, snow masses and icicles from the roof of buildings are possible. The snow mass accumulated on the roof is very dangerous!

  • Remember: most often, icicles form over gutters, so these places on building facades are especially dangerous. They need to be bypassed.

  • Be careful and, if possible, stay away from the walls of buildings. If, while driving along the sidewalk, you hear a suspicious noise upstairs, you should not stop, raise your head and consider what happened there. Perhaps this is the melting of snow or ice blocks. You can't run away from the building either. It is necessary to press against the wall as quickly as possible, the roof peak will serve as a shelter.

Rules to follow to avoid injury:

  • 1. Refrain during this period of time from being near buildings with masses of snow hanging on the roofs.

  • 2. Bypass areas of the terrain marked with warning signs: “Danger zone”, “Snow mass is possible”, “Passage is prohibited”.

  • Briefing No. 8 “Rules of conduct on water bodies in spring»

  • Before the opening of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, the ice weakens, becomes loose, dangerous for crossing. It is dangerous to go out onto unexplored ice, and if you need to cross, you need to use a stick-pick to check the strength of the ice. You need to be especially careful when descending from the coast - the ice may not be tightly connected to the land, cracks are possible, there may be air under the ice. Also, the ice is fragile near the water runoff, in places where vegetation grows, under snowdrifts.

  • Beware:

  • - to go out on the ice to places with forbidding notices;

  • - admire the ice drift from the steep banks, as the current washes them away and collapses are possible.

Briefing No. 8
Rules of conduct on ice:
1. In no case should you go out on the ice at night and in poor visibility (fog, snowfall, rain).

2. In case of a forced crossing of a reservoir, it is safest to stick to beaten paths or go along an already laid track. But if they are not there, before going down to the ice, it is necessary to look around very carefully and outline the upcoming route.

3. When crossing a reservoir in a group, it is necessary to keep a distance from each other (5-6 m).

4. You can not test the strength of the ice with a kick. If, after the first strong blow with a log or a ski pole, even a little water appears, this means that the ice is thin, you can’t walk on it. In this case, you should immediately retreat along your own trail to the shore, with gliding steps, without taking your feet off the ice and spreading them shoulder-width apart so that the load is distributed over a large area. The same is done with the warning crackling of ice and the formation of cracks in it.

5. If you have a backpack, hang it over one shoulder, this will allow you to easily get rid of the load in case the ice falls under you.
Helping someone who has fallen through the ice.


Don't panic;

There is no need to flounder and lean with the whole body on the thin edge of the ice, since under the weight of the body it will break off;

Spread your arms wide so as not to plunge headlong into the water;

Lean your elbows on the ice and, bringing the body to a horizontal position, try to throw the leg that is closest to its edge onto the ice, pull the other leg out by turning the body and quickly roll out onto the ice;

Without sudden movements, crawl as far as possible from the dangerous place in the direction from which you came;

Call for help;

Keeping yourself on the surface of the water, try to spend a minimum of physical effort on this;
If you are helping:

Approach the polynya very carefully, it is better to crawl in a plastunsky way;

Tell the victim by shouting that you are going to help him, this will give him strength, confidence;

For 3-4 meters, stretch him a rope, a pole, a board, a scarf or any other means at hand;

  • - it is not safe to give a hand to the victim, because, approaching the hole, you will increase the load on the ice and not only will not help, but you yourself risk falling.

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