Elena and Boris Nikitin became known in our country as teachers, parents and authors who invented the original method of raising children. In addition, they are adherents of the idea that creativity is formed from early childhood. Nikitins are happy parents of seven children and grandparents of twenty-four grandchildren.

The essence of the technique

The Nikitins' methodology is based on the belief that every child already has colossal abilities for any activity from childhood, and the main thing is to have time to realize them. Otherwise, the ability will fade. According to the authors, the abilities and skills are better developed in kids who have been training almost from birth.

Boris Nikitin is the founder of the idea that it is the responsibility of each parent to create the right developmental environment and "advanced" conditions for children. That is, the space in which they are constantly located (house or apartment) should be filled with manuals and games that promote the development of creativity and intelligence, as well as equipment for physical exercises.

In addition, you need to devote a lot of time to activities with your child. The Nikitin methodology establishes that special attention should be paid to ensuring that the training aids for the baby are a little more difficult today than its capabilities.

Key Ideas

In order to better understand this technique, some of its main ideas should be considered.

  1. There is no need to do any special exercises, workouts or lessons. Each of the children does exactly as much as he wants. At the same time, gymnastic classes should be combined with other activities.
  2. Each of the parents, whether it be mom or dad, should not be indifferent to the skills and abilities of the baby. Adults should participate in competitions, children's games and in their lives.
  3. It is necessary to feed a newborn baby on demand, even if he wants to eat at night. You don't need to create any mode specifically. The same applies to children over the age of one year. Elena and Boris adhered to the rule not to force-feed the babies.
  4. The Nikitins' technique also confirms the need for regular hardening procedures, as well as air baths. Children should not be in an absolutely sterile environment.
  5. It is necessary to teach the basics of hygiene to babies from their very birth. For this child, you need to stand over the basin, including at night.
  6. You should give the baby special gymnastic exercises so that he is well developed physically. As Nikitin's methodology emphasizes, it is advisable for children to install a sports complex in an apartment or house so that they can train in their free time.
  7. Children need to be given complete freedom in order to be given the opportunity to fully know the world around them. This method will help the baby to take an active position in life.
  8. Each parent should introduce the child to the world of dangerous objects (for example, matches, scissors). The baby is allowed (under the supervision of one of the adults) to touch the hot pot or lightly prick his finger with a needle. According to Boris Nikitin, this way of education will teach children to be careful, and in the future they will carefully handle dangerous objects.
  9. If a large threat is encountered (for example, a car, a wide open window, or a train), exaggerated fear and apprehension should be portrayed. The kid should take this behavior of the parents as a model.
  10. Nikitin's methodology for children says that something cannot be categorically forbidden to a child. It is better to say that this new book cannot be torn, but this old read newspaper can be.
  11. For the first time, giving the baby a fork, spoon or pencil in his hand, you should immediately fix the correct position of the object. Otherwise, the child will have to be retrained.

Game "Unicube"

Nikitin used "Unicube" as the games supporting the described technique. He was liked by many followers of the named technique. This game includes 27 dice. Each of their faces is painted yellow, red and blue. With the help of them, the child learns what it is. And thanks to this game, in the future he will be able to better master such complex sciences as drawing and mathematics.

As additional materials, 60 types of tasks are attached to Unicubus, each of which has a certain level of difficulty.

The simplest is designed for children aged 2 to 3 years. As the Nikitins say, the early development methodology is designed for somewhat overestimated requirements for the child, giving him the opportunity to grow and develop. Many parents support them in this, but some experts believe that it is not worth giving Unicube to small children, since it makes no sense to develop spatial thinking at the age of 2 or 3 years. Experts advise younger students to play Unicube.

B. Nikitin's technique is based on the fact that parents should not force the baby to study if he does not want to do it - you should not force the child. This means that you need to start dealing with tasks from the game, which should take place in free form. The constructed model can be depicted on paper with the baby.

How to play Unicube

To begin with, adults should familiarize themselves with the rules of the game. The authors of "Unicube" advise parents to try to collect the faces of the same shades on their own. Should be a cube. The kid, of course, may need the help of mom or dad, but in the future he will be happy to play on his own.

If the child does not succeed in any model, then the adult should not help. It would be better if the kid puts off the game for a while, and then starts it with renewed vigor until he figure it out himself. According to the technique, any child will like it.

Nikitin in his book "Intellectual Games" give recommendations to start practicing with "Unicube" from the moment when the baby is 3 years old. Children can determine for themselves what their level of ability is when choosing tasks.

But, as mentioned earlier, some experts and teachers insist that this game is more suitable for preschoolers. "Unicube", in their opinion, will be an excellent tool for parents who are preparing children for admission to the first grade. Thanks to such activities, the baby will become more attentive and assiduous.

Game "Fold the square"

The next game, which is included in the Nikitins' educational system, is recommended for the development of logical thinking. According to the authors, it is suitable for kids in the age range from 3 to 7 years. "Fold a square" looks like a set of various geometric shapes from which you need to collect squares. Each of their details is painted in the same color.

The game has three levels of difficulty. In the first, the square is made up of two parts, in the second - of three. With each new level, the number of details increases.

The Nikitins' developmental methodology suggests that it is recommended that very young children be given no more than three items to collect. As for the older kids, they can deal with a square of five parts. And children who are preparing for school can take on tasks that are more difficult - from seven details.

How successfully the task will be completed depends primarily on the interest of the baby in the game and the level of his preparation. According to parents, it is best to start playing Fold the Square with ordinary tasks. This approach will awaken the child's interest in classes. In addition, each correctly completed task must be reinforced with praise. Nikitins convince that such a method will consolidate a positive attitude towards the game.

Principles of the game "Fold the square"

Each of the components is mixed by an adult, after which the baby sorts everything according to the desired colors. To do this, he selects a bunch of details of the same shade and gradually adds small squares. This should be done slowly, and each part should turn into a large square as a result. The game should be made progressively more difficult. The first three squares are made up of three parts, and the next ones are made up of four, etc.

With the help of such a game, according to the parents who acquired it, the baby can easily develop ingenuity and a sense of color. A child learns logic by thinking about what set of geometric shapes can be made into squares. You should gradually complicate the tasks using the “icebreaker method”. That is, you need to stop doing a difficult task for a while, so that it will be easier to cope with it in the future. This approach allows children to solve tasks on their own, without the participation of mom and dad.

Game "Fold the Pattern"

The next game, according to the Nikitins, can be played by children from 2 years old. Although, according to parents, it is also interesting for older preschoolers to create patterns according to the pattern.

The game is presented in the form of 16 cubes of exactly the same size, each of the faces of which is painted in a single color - blue, white, yellow and red - colors. The rest have a diagonal division. In addition, they have contrasting shades (yellow-blue and red-white).

In addition to the box with the game, an understandable instruction is attached, which presents the patterns of the Nikitin technique of varying complexity.

With the help of such educational entertainment, one can develop spatial and artistic and design abilities, as well as imagination and attention. The named game was to the liking of the parents of the kids, moreover, they found that they could create such cubes on their own. For this purpose, any cubes made of cardboard, wood or plastic are suitable. Their faces can be painted or pasted over with colored paper.

Basic rules of the game "Fold the Pattern"

Each of the tasks in the named developmental entertainment has its own level of difficulty, so the baby can choose the one that suits him best.

Each pattern can be invented independently or folded according to the existing sample. While observing the elders who create designs, the kid will begin to imitate them with pleasure, and then make his own drawings. Young children can first make a life-size pattern on paper, and then create their own images from geometric shapes.

Nikitins are advised to master the so-called icebreaker method, which was already mentioned earlier. This means that each of the classes should begin with a short pause, while going back a few steps in learning. After the baby is already able to repeat the task with which he is familiar, mom or dad offers him a new one.

By the way, having adopted Nikitin's "icebreaker method", the methodology and technology of the work of a social pedagogue will be of good help. After all, any difficulty in the life of a child can be solved in the same way. If the problem cannot be overcome immediately, it is better to leave its solution and deal with it after a while, with renewed vigor.

How to get a child interested in playing?

The question of how to interest the child in the game worries many parents. To do this, you should not deviate from some principles:

  1. Education should bring joy to both the baby and his parents. This is the basis of the Nikitins' teaching methodology. After all, every achievement of a child is also an achievement of his mom and dad. Victory has an inspiring effect on children, and this is the key to his success in the future.
  2. The kid should be interested in the game, but in no case be forced. Each task must be completed independently by the child. Parents should be more patient and not prompt the right decision. The kid must think and look for mistakes on his own. Gradually rising, he will begin to cope with tasks of increasing complexity. This technique of the Nikitins helps the child develop the ability to be creative.
  3. Before assigning tasks to children, adults need to try to complete them themselves. In addition, parents should record the time in which they can find the answer to a particular task. Not only the child, but also mom and dad must learn to do it very quickly.
  4. You should start with tasks that are within the power of the baby, or with the simplest parts. A prerequisite is the success obtained at the very beginning of the game training.
  5. There are cases, according to reviews, when the baby cannot cope with the task. This means that adults overestimated the level of development of their child. You should take a short break for a few days, and then start with easier tasks. The best solution would be if the baby can choose the required level on their own. In no case should you rush him, otherwise the child will lose interest in learning.
  6. The order of the game according to the Nikitin method is determined simply. It is best to start with the game "Fold the Pattern". Parents can join in such creativity with their children.
  7. Each of the baby's hobbies goes in waves. This means that if he begins to lose interest in learning, you should not be reminded of the game for several months. After this time, the child can be reminded of it, and he will again happily begin to complete the tasks.
  8. After the baby learns to fold models and patterns according to ready-made instructions, you can move on to new ones. To do this, experienced parents are advised to get a notebook and draw there (you can entrust this important task to the child) figures to complete.
  9. You can arrange small competitions. Children in this case solve tasks on an equal basis with adult participants. At the same time, one should not be afraid that the authority of the parents will suffer. The Nikitins' developmental methodology suggests that kids will enjoy competing with mom or dad.

controversial points

The described method still causes a lot of controversy. As emphasized by its opponents, Elena and Boris Nikitin focused on the development of the intellect, labor skills and physical abilities of children, but did not pay attention to the moral, humanitarian and aesthetic side of education. With the help of these activities, they say, there is an intense effect on the left side of the brain, and the right side is practically not affected.

That is, if the baby has an inclination towards the humanities, studying according to the system of Elena and Boris Nikitin, parents may miss the age that is sensitive to the development of such abilities.

Another important issue concerns physical hardening. Despite the fact that the technique of the Nikitin family highly recommends this, when carrying out such procedures, one should not overdo it. You need to take care of your child's health. There are children who respond well to temperatures of +18°C, but there is also a category that does not tolerate such conditions. In this case, conditions should be relaxed.

But in general, if you choose from the Nikitin methodology only what suits the child, as her followers emphasize, you can develop his abilities without much effort.

The Nikitin family was first mentioned in the late 1950s. The village of Bolshevo near Moscow, where teachers lived, was shocked by the way young spouses raise their children. The local public was surprised by the fact that the Nikitinsky children, who ran barefoot in the snow and were able to perform dizzying gymnastic exercises, simply boiled with health and amazed with their intellect. By the age of three or four, these kids had already mastered reading and the basics of mathematics, enthusiastically played logic games invented by their father, and, as soon as they started studying at school, jumped over the class. It was then, in the 1960s and 1970s, that the Nikitins laid the foundations of Russian parental pedagogy, which are still used today.

The basic principles of education "in Nikitinsky"

According to the Nikitins, adults traditionally allow two extremes in communicating with a child. The first one is overorganization. That is, super-caring care and continuous activities, entertainment, games. The child does not have time for independent activities. The second extreme is abandonment child. This means that communication with the baby comes down only to its maintenance (feed, drink, put to sleep). Such an approach leads to deprivation (psychological starvation), hospitalism (a delay in emotional and mental development) and, as a result, to mental retardation. The basis of the Nikitin system is, first of all, labor, naturalness, closeness to nature and creativity. The guys are masters of themselves, their actions and routine. Parents do not force them to anything, they only help to understand complex life and philosophical problems. Adults push, not ahead of children, enter into a dialogue with them. The main task of education, according to the Nikitins, is the maximum development creativity growing man and his preparation for life. The authors define the main principles of their methods as follows. Firstly, freedom of creativity of children in the classroom. No special training, exercises, lessons. Children play as much as they want, combining sports with all other activities. Secondly, light clothing and sports environment in the house: sports equipment is included in the daily life of children from early childhood, becoming their natural habitat, along with furniture and other household items. Third, parental indifference to what and how the kids get, the participation of adults in children's games, competitions, and in general - in the very life of children. Parents should have only one goal: not to interfere with the development of the child, but to help him, not to put pressure on children in accordance with some of their own plans, but to create conditions for their further development, focusing on the well-being and desire of the children. Lena Andreevna and Boris Pavlovich did not set themselves the goal of initially teaching their kids everything as early as possible. They noticed that the children develop those aspects of the intellect earlier, for which the appropriate "advanced" conditions are created. Suppose a child has just begun to speak, and among his toys there are already blocks with letters, a split alphabet, plastic letters and numbers among his toys.

How to make a child want to study?

So, the conditions for development should outpace this process. So, they need to be prepared in advance. That is, on the walls of the children's room, you need to hang a map of the hemispheres, tables of hundreds and thousands, printed and capital letters, measuring instruments, books. And first impressions can involuntarily arouse a child's interest in a certain field of knowledge and even develop certain abilities. Common work or work side by side is an obligatory interest both in the labor process and in its results for each other, and at the same time, an occasion for conversation, exchange of opinions. Here you should pay attention to one very important point: you should never do for the baby what he is able to handle himself, and not decide for him what he can decide on his own. In all activities of children, adults should try to encourage creativity, without imposing their opinions, and without rushing to necessarily prevent a mistake or point it out right away. And in case of failure - do not blame or shame the child. But success must be celebrated without fail and not skimp on praise. The main thing is that adults should never remain indifferent to what and how the guys do, what they do.

Physical development

Children should be ready to perceive knowledge not only mentally, but also physically. The child's body is, as it were, an instrument of knowledge in itself. Not overloaded with superfluous clothes, not burdened with super-caloric food, it easily and willingly "meets" the requirements of the mental order. Sports equipment almost from infancy should be part of a child's life. Nikitin paid special attention to hardening. And their experience has shown that this is an effective way to protect the child from most colds.

Intellectual games Nikitins


In addition to the advanced conditions for development, which were discussed above, Nikitin developed a number of educational games for children of any age. No specific educational program is imposed on the child. He plunges into the world of the game, in which he is free to choose the field of activity. No one explains the new rules to the kid, he just gets involved in the game with the help of a fairy tale, imitating the elders, participating in collective games. As a rule, the active participation of adults or older brothers and sisters is required at first, but then the child can do it on his own. So, naturally, the baby performs a number of tasks that are gradually becoming more difficult. In this case, the baby cannot be prompted. He needs to be allowed to think for himself. If the child cannot cope with the task, you need to return to easy, already mastered tasks, or temporarily leave this game. If it is noticeable that the baby has reached the ceiling of its capabilities or has lost interest in the game, it is better to postpone it for a while. This technique allows the child to independently seek a solution to unknown problems, create something new, that is, leads to the development of his creative abilities.


The main difference is the versatility of games and unlimited scope for creativity. They can interest and captivate all family members. Games teach children, moving from simple to more difficult tasks, to get joy and satisfaction from mental activity, to think, sometimes suffer, but always achieve a goal. Every game is task set, which the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares, details of the designer-mechanic. Tasks are offered to the baby in various forms: in the form of a model, a flat drawing, an isometric drawing, a drawing, a written or oral instruction, and thus introduce him with different ways of transmitting information. Tasks are located from simple to complex. There are several levels of difficulty: from accessible to a two-three year old to overwhelming for an average adult, so games can be exciting interest for many years. A the gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks allows the child to improve on one's own, that is develop their Creative skills. Using Nikitinsky educational games in classes with a child, certain principles should be followed:

  1. It is impossible to explain to the child the method and order of solving problems and can't be prompted Not a word, not a gesture, not a look. Realizing the solution practically, the baby learns to take everything necessary from the surrounding reality on his own.
  2. Can't claim and get the child to solve the problem on the first try. He may not have matured yet, and you have to wait a day, a week, a month or even more.
  3. The solution to the problem appears before the baby in the form of a drawing, a pattern or a structure made of cubes, bricks, designer parts, that is, visible and tangible things. This allows the child to check the accuracy of the task.
  4. Most educational games are not limited to the proposed tasks, but allow children and parents to make new options and even come up with new games, that is, to engage in creative activity.

So, the main feature of the Nikitins' educational games is that they managed to combine one of the basic principles of learning – from simple to complex – with a very important condition for creative activity - do everything yourself. The educational games developed by Boris Nikitin are described by him in the book, which is called “Intellectual Games”. Here are just a few examples of the most popular ones.

Frames and inserts

This game is for the little ones. It consists of 16 frames with inserts in the form of geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle, an ellipse (oval), a rectangle, and so on. It's better to start by showing inserts. Take a circle, an oval, a square, an equilateral triangle and, naming, show them to the baby. At the same time, it is better not to hold them in your hands, but to lay them out on a plain surface (not on a colored tablecloth or carpet, but at least on a sheet of paper). Showing one figure at a time, you can give them to the baby for independent actions - let him look at and play. It would be appropriate to offer him at the same time a box or a jar in which he can put it all, and then pour it back. Gradually, the little one will get acquainted with all 16 figures of the set. If you start with a small number of figures, you can attract the baby to the game, starting from 10-12 months. When the child grows up, you can complicate the tasks: trace the contours of the figures with a pencil, first along the frames, then along the inserts (this is more difficult), make a double contour, shade the resulting image, draw figures on the account (three circles, two squares), create story drawings ( herringbone of three isosceles triangles).

fold the pattern

This game consists of 16 wooden cubes with a 3 cm edge, where each face has a certain color. The cubes must be packed in a wooden or cardboard box (it is mandatory). Nikitin advises to start playing with them from a year and a half. At the beginning (especially with the smallest ones), you just need to sit next to the child and look at the cubes together: “Look, what beautiful cubes! So I took 4 cubes: one, two, three, four. Look, this is the blue side, and this is the yellow side. What a beautiful blue track I got! Let's take a bunny, see how he likes to jump on it? And now the path has become multi-colored: blue, yellow, blue, yellow. Perhaps the baby is no longer listening and looking around. So, acquaintance with the cubes should have been completed a few minutes earlier. The game should not bother the child. And one more thing: it, like any other, should be stored in a place where the baby can see, but he could not get it. When the crumbs have a desire to play, he can say or point to the box if he still does not know how to talk. These cubes contribute to "the development of spatial imagination, accuracy, attention, graphic abilities, the ability to analyze, synthesize and combine."

Fold the square

This game originated from a puzzle in which it was required to fold a square from several pieces of various shapes. It was a rather difficult puzzle, so Nikitin decided to make a number of easier tasks. It turned out to be a game for children from two years old. It has three categories of difficulty. Each includes 12 multi-colored squares. All 12 squares are located on plywood the size of a landscape sheet and are, as it were, inserted into the windows. For children 2 years and younger, leave the 4 simplest squares. Let it be a whole square, a square of two rectangles, of two triangles and - cut into two parts along a broken line. Now you can start playing with your child. The details must either be laid out in piles (in each - parts of the same color), or show how a whole square is obtained from two halves. Then the child is given the opportunity to act on his own. Gradually, the baby will master this level and move on to a more difficult one. According to Nikitin, this game contributes to the development of color perception, the assimilation of the relationship between the whole and the part, the formation of logical thinking and the ability to break a complex task into several simple ones.


The age for starting this game is different, from 3 to 5 years. It is a set of three plywood the size of an album sheet. Each of them has 4 circles. They are all the same size but different colors. The first circle is whole, the second is cut into two equal parts, the third into three, and so on, up to 12 “slices”. At first, only the first plywood with four circles is left for the game. With their help, you can repeat the colors, count the nested pieces, compare them with each other. With their help, you can repeat the colors, count the nested pieces, compare them with each other. Thus, the child gets acquainted with mathematical terminology. You can try to make a multi-colored circle. It is very interesting to build a ladder: at the bottom - a whole circle, then a half, then a third. With its help, you can clearly understand why one second is more than one third.


These are universal cubes that introduce the baby to the world of three-dimensional space. The development of spatial thinking will allow the child to master drawing, stereometry, and descriptive geometry in the future. It teaches clarity, attentiveness, precision, accuracy. "Unicube" is 27 small wooden cubes. The faces of each die are painted in such a way (three colors in total) that this combination of faces is rare, if not unique. That is why it is so difficult to complete tasks according to the proposed schemes. Nikitin offers 60 tasks for the unicubus. The author performed the first of them with children 1.5 - 3 years old, and the most difficult ones are not available to all adults.

Anna Nikitina

mother of four, grandmother of one granddaughter, aunt of 26 nephews, wife once, mother-in-law once, mother-in-law twice, pediatric nurse and doula

"And what? Where are these "children of the Nikitins"? What have they become? How many children do they have? How do they raise them? - these questions, if not literally in this form, are found on the Internet, then they literally hover between the lines of those who in one way or another speak of the “experience of the Nikitin family”

Well, I can answer briefly. Four families live in Korolev (in two private houses), one in Moscow, one in Yaroslavl and one in London. Four families of my brothers and sisters grew up two children each (from 30 to 15 years old), I have four (from 26 to 13 years old), one brother has five (from 12 to 4 years old), and my younger sister has nine (from 20 to six months). Since 2009, the great-grandchildren of the Nikitins also began to appear - so far three, but all were born at home (for comparison: out of 26 Nikitins' grandchildren, 12 younger ones were born at home).

Alexei, born in 1959, - all his life with electronics (Physics Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin);

Anton, born in 1960, is a chemist, has several patents for inventions in this field (Chemistry Faculty of Moscow State University);

Olga, born in 1962, - lawyer of a large firm (law faculty of Moscow State University);

I, Anna, born in 1964, - Nurse (Moscow Medical School No. 3); also a transport dispatcher (I work without special education);

Julia, born in 1966, editor-in-chief of one of the regional newspapers (Moscow Institute of Culture);

Ivan, born in 1969, - mechanical engineer (Royal Mechanical College) and videographer (higher courses of VGIK);

Love, born in 1971, - librarian with little experience (library college); mostly - a housewife, mother of nine children (no one went to kindergarten and does not go).

1976 In the front row: Anton, Anya, Boris Pavlovich, Lena Alekseevna, Lyuba, Olya, Alyosha. Behind - Julia and Vanya

Before universities, everyone received a secondary specialized education (five red diplomas). Lyuba and I didn’t enter universities - she didn’t even try, but I had 4 attempts: two at Moscow State University and two at medical institutes (twice I “failed”, and two more times I took the documents without passing the entrance exams to the end).

According to state diplomas, we can draw some intermediate conclusions about our education. But, as our mother says, it doesn’t matter which of us has become, it’s important which one. And who will determine it? There is our appearance, which can be seen in the photographs, you can list your achievements. It is much more difficult to talk about your inner growth, about your hobbies... Moreover, we are all so different! This can be seen in professions, because everyone was looking for his own - according to his character and aspirations. I am sure that all my brothers and sisters are good professionals, but few of us will say that they are completely successful - you have to study all the time.

I do not consider myself entitled to talk in detail about others. I will say one thing: my brothers and sisters are wonderful! But I’ll try to run through my autobiography - what, relatively speaking, professional skills do I have? Even the most interesting - what will happen?

I am 12 years old in the photo. And in my arms I have a newborn daughter of our good friends. Now this girl is already the mother of four wonderful daughters born at home, a talented architect, musician and slender beauty.

So, my education- as the most "average" child from the Nikitin family.

Preschool childhood is a lot of memories, and, apparently, the most important for my future education, but not about them now. I’ll only talk about two points: firstly, I don’t remember at all a time when I didn’t know how to read - the impression that I always knew how to read. And secondly, it turns out that I was 4 years old when I calculated how many weeks “fit” in a year (“52! As old as you are, dad!”). Before school, I can’t remember at all that I was taught something.

I can say about my studies: at the age of 7 I went straight to the 2nd grade, studied for 2 years. After graduating from elementary school, I went to the 4th, but six months later I "jumped" to the 5th (I was studying the 3rd quarter), and then I took exams for the 6th grade, and already consistently completed 10 grades.

After graduating from the Bolshevo School No. 1 (the average score of the certificate is 4.6), she entered the Moscow Medical School No. 3, and at the age of 17 (1981) she graduated with honors; for two years she worked at the Morozov Children's Hospital (CCH No. 1) in the cardio-rheumatology department. In April 1983 she got married, worked for half a year in the surgical department of the district hospital (Ocher, Perm region) as a procedural nurse (did up to 100 or more injections per day, including up to 10-12 droppers ... - a good "medical practice") , and in March 1984 she went on her first maternity leave.

By the age of 23, there were already three children (born in 1984, 1985 and 1987), whom I did not even think of giving to any nursery gardens. There were no grandmothers or nannies around, my husband worked a lot, and I took care of the children, although I never arranged special classes - there was practically no time for this. All things are done together: whether we cook food, wash, clean, dig and plant in the garden. Play-walk-travel, of course, also together! Doing everything with children is much more interesting than doing it alone (only slower - yes!). Teaching children math, reading, even writing - while doing business. Before school, I didn’t take any additional classes, but by school the children were smarter than after graduating from primary school. And they finished school well, and studied at universities for free, but about their children - again, not now ...

I went to work when my youngest daughter was 4 years old, in 1991, as a nurse at the school where our eldest son went to study. At first it was the gymnasium of Alexander Georgievich Ovchinnikov (school "Dialogue" - it was an amazing time and amazing people worked there!), then the gymnasium "Dialogue" became the core of the school of the APCN (Author's Pedagogical Center of the Nikitins) - a separate story about this time. I worked there until 1997, my last maternity leave. In 2001, she went to work in an international transport company - there was a need to earn money, because. her husband, after a serious injury at the end of 2000, was left without work for more than three years.

Now more and more I am “taken away” by another work .... I have been studying this profession - helping women in childbirth - for the 15th year. Since 1996 - 85 births, but 11 of them - after all, with an escort to the hospital. She herself gave birth at home only to the youngest son (now he is 13 years old). As a person with a medical education, I did not immediately come to home birth, and I am very grateful to all the people and circumstances that not only brought me closer to them, but also immersed me. This profession is turning me more and more towards myself: in 10.5 months of 2010 - 19 births (a lot for me! used to be from 3 to 11 per year). This topic is huge for me, and I would not like to talk about it in passing.

Something between work and passion - this is my profession as a typist. At the age of 12, she learned to type on a typewriter using a blind method, and at her best time (about 15 years old) she developed a speed of up to 300 characters per minute on it. In addition to me, my father and sister Olya also printed in the family (both also blindly), but I had to reprint all the manuscripts of future books. Olya had a serious study (law faculty of Moscow State University), and dad, of course, had enough other things to do. For me, printing was quick and enjoyable. Of course, she helped our acquaintances and friends in this (diplomas, term papers, articles), it was especially interesting to print the manuscripts of Zh.S. Sokolova - the book "To the Parents of the 21st Century" and G.P.

There was a short period of time when this work fed me: I sat at home with the children, and my brother Alexei threw up reprinting of texts in electronic form - that's when I felt the difference between a computer and a typewriter (the speed on a PC reached 600 characters per minute!).

Separately, I would like to say about my other hobbies. This is knitting (now it is very rare to knit, and when the children were small, I had time!), which was taught to me by one wonderful woman (about her and her six children - a separate story); and cooking homemade cakes (we love to make “special” cakes for birthdays with our daughters: in the form of a medal or a castle, a laptop or a lake, a window or a stump, up to a cake in the form of a guitar and even a voluminous stroller!).

But I am especially fond of my passion for music. I have always loved to sing and hum. From the age of 12, I took an example from Alyosha, when he studied piano at a pedagogical school: I learned from the notes (knowing only the basics of musical notation) the melodies I liked. I could never play well from sight, let alone sing solfeggio, but I mastered the piano stubbornly and independently. She loved to play waltzes (Strauss, Schubert, Gounod, Chopin, Griboedov), small etudes, polkas, Oginsky's polonaise, the first part of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata - everything is by heart, and everything is not quite right (in terms of hand setting, rhythm). However, such a performance helped me a few years ago to “melt” one person who was convinced that there was no place for art at all in the “Nikitin method” ...

At the age of 28, she went to learn to play the guitar, from scratch she passed a two-year course of classical guitar playing from scratch in six months, and songs and poems began to be composed. But I gave “concerts” in front of listeners unfamiliar to me only twice: once in front of fifth-graders (at the request of their class teacher), and the second time ... in front of professional writers - at the presentation of a book by a writer I knew who asked me to participate. She performed three songs based on the verses of A.S. Pushkin with a few comments; After the presentation was over, several people approached me and asked where I was speaking. I began to burst with pride (here it is - the opium of success!), It became fun, I wanted to invent something, but I honestly admitted that I was not a professional. In fact, these public appearances are not so much to show off as an attempt to get rid of their shyness in front of an unfamiliar audience.

What else did you study? Three years ago, I honestly went to driving courses - at the age of 42 I got behind the wheel for the first time. Barely, but I got a driver's license, but there is nothing to brag about in this field yet - apparently, NUVERS * affects ... More ... Yes, I would like to learn a lot. For example, I do not speak any foreign language at all. Perhaps, when the need arises, I will.

Everything that I write here about my “education”, in my opinion, does not represent anything special and outstanding. I know that every stubborn person can achieve much more. I just wanted to see from my own living example how much “official education” gives us and how many professions - without quotes - you can learn on your own.

And again I was amazed at how much my preschool childhood gave me - first of all, the necessary tools for further learning: expressive reading (and hence literacy), quick mental counting, good health and a great desire to work with my hands, as well as perseverance in learning new things together with the ability to calculate their strengths and capabilities. And what I was taught at school was useful in such a minimal amount that one can even say: apart from the experience of communication (which, of course, is necessary and priceless), she gave me nothing more. The medical school taught a lot - both practical skills, and the theory was interesting; working in hospitals is also an experience, but different! In fact, everyone has known for a long time: only practice really teaches. Why is our poor school still ... how to put it right? Dad called it "a dependent school." But this is a separate conversation.

Of course, it's great to know Fine to do one or more things, to be a professional in something. The work captivates, sometimes captures with the head - especially creative people! It takes a lot of time to do this kind of work.

But for me, family remains a huge and very important part of life. My whole big family: both my mom and dad, and brothers and sisters with their children, and my children. We continue to consider ourselves one big family - we often celebrate birthdays together, and now weddings; arrange competitions, concerts; We try to get together for a common cause. Sometimes it is possible to prepare performances. Our “artists” are usually all the younger ones, from 13 to 5 years old (for the sake of them, basically, everything is started), we don’t have so few of them (9 people!), Therefore, the organization is lame, which means that there are a lot of flaws in the output . But the last performance, which, rehearsing in secret, was preparing for the niece's wedding, was a real success. But here the main merit is one of my daughters. Basically, my kids...

They are already adults, I can’t even consider them “children”. They are my friends and constant teachers** And, by the way, they are quite good professionals, although everyone has different interests: the eldest son is an engineer (MSTU named after Bauman, honors diploma) – works in his specialty; the eldest daughter is a dentist (MGMSU named after Sechenov, one extra four for a red diploma), now a resident of the 2nd year; the youngest daughter is a teacher of history (PSTU - Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University) - works in her specialty at school; the youngest son goes to the 7th grade of a regular school, his favorite lessons are work and physical education, he does judo (1st youth category), he loves to cook (for some time he dreamed of being a cook). I can't predict what he will do in the future.

I never demanded excellent grades from the children, but everyone studied well. But I was more happy not with my daughter’s gold medal, but with the fact that she and her friend had prepared a wonderful musical and acrobatic number for their graduation (the costumes were sewn for themselves, and an acrobatics teacher helped them with directing, and, despite the fact that the girls were already two years were not engaged, the number turned out!).

I know that it was skills, and not grades, that their grandfather, our dad, would have been happy about. And for grandmother Lena, our mother, first of all, it is not so much “business qualities” that are important in her grandchildren, but their great friendship with each other, the desire and ability to come to the rescue, kindness and generosity. I have not only sons and daughters like that, you would know my wonderful nephews! I'm not talking about my granddaughter and my sisters' grandchildren. Indeed, one can write no less about everyone now than I wrote about myself.

Anna Ermakova (Nikitina) with her granddaughter Varya

* NUVERS - "irreversible fading of opportunities for effective development of abilities" - the hypothesis of B.P. Nikitin, according to which a person loses his ability to develop over the years.

**My mother called us, her children, "my seven universities." I agree: your children are a very good education, unless, of course, you run away from "seminars", do not hire "tutors" and do not avoid constant "trainings".

About us // Who are Nikitins

Nikitin Boris Pavlovich (01/21/1916, Suvorovskaya village, Stavropol Territory - 01/30/1999, Moscow) and Lena Alekseevna (01/31/1930, Bolshevo, Moscow Region) - Russian teachers, practicing teachers, early childhood researchers, parents of seven children, authors of many articles and more than 10 books about his experience of family education. They became famous from the 60s of the 20th century in the USSR, later in Germany, Japan and other countries. During the period of greatest popularity (70s - 80s of the 20th century), the Nikitins' books sold in millions of copies, up to 1000 guests came to their house every year, hundreds of people came to meetings and lectures in different cities of the Soviet Union. Many believe that it was the selfless activity of the Nikitins that drew public attention to the unique opportunities for the early development of children and laid the foundations for what is today called “conscious parenthood”.

Boris and Lena See you.

Boris Pavlovich Nikitin. Born on January 21, 1916 in the village Suvorovskaya Stavropol the edges , son of a military paramedic. Not far from the village were the villages of the highlanders. According to a family legend that loved storiesVat B.P., his great-great-grandmother was kidnapped by the Nogais, and a year later she returned with a child. The family did not refuse Xia from n heir, and thus, according to B.P., it contained “one sixteenth of the Nogai blood, which, perhaps, awarded him that very outstanding nose and “Saint-Simon profile”, which B.P. was completely childishly proud of all his life. (In 1997, the family legend was confirmed by documents, although Circassians appear in the documents).

Father, Pavel Mikhailovich Nikitin(12/21/1889 - 03/21/1981, Bolshevo), Kuban Cossack, bHe was the only son from his mother's first marriage. After the death of her husband, she remarried, and Pavel Nikitin had five Styopkin brothers and sisters. B.P.'s mother Zinaida Nikolaevna Vostrikova and her younger sister Zoya died early. Boris was very fond of both, painfully experienced the loss, and spoke little about them. Pavel Mikhailovich's relationship with his son Boris remained difficult all his life. From 1972 until his death in 1981, P.M. lived with his son's family. Pavel Mikhailovich was not interested in the ideas of Boris and his wife, expressing only tacit disapproval of excessive democracy in the family, but did not interfere either. His only favorite in the large family of his son was the youngest granddaughter Lyubasha. He never complained about his health, until the last days he worked in the garden, read newspapers.

Boris graduated from high school in 1934 with an excellent certificate, studied three courses at an industrial institute. Entered the Air Force Academy. Zhukovsky, in 1941 he finished the 4th course, but because of the outbreak of war, their entire course was released ahead of schedule (a year earlier), Boris received the specialty "mechanical engineer for armaments". From his youth, he was seriously involved in sports (artistic gymnastics, athletics).

In 1939 he married Elena Petrovna Rusanova, from his first marriage he has three children - Svetlana (1941), Pavel (1943) and Alexei (1946). At the insistence of his wife, the couple separated in 1954 (the official certificate of termination of marriage is dated 09/22/1956). For B.P. this was a serious shock, especially since the ex-wife did not allow him to communicate with the children. For a long timeB.P. supports his first family financially. Only the eldest son Pavel retains the surname Nikitin and, secretly from his mother, maintains relations with his father and his second family. After the death of B.P. in 1999, Pavel remains the oldest man in the Nikitin family and, together with his wife, paternally takes care of all his sisters and brothers to this day.

During the war B.P. serves in a reserve aviation regiment as an instructor at military pilot training courses near Saratov. Later he recalled that he came up with a simple simulator to improve the accuracy of cadets' shooting. Two of his students became Heroes of the Soviet Union, one of them wrote to him: “Boris Pavlovich, your“ wand ”(this is about that very simulator) helped ...”. Since 1946, he continues to serve near Moscow (in Noginsk), and is demobilized from the army in 1949, during the period of mass demobilization, with the rank of major engineer.

After his demobilization, the family moves to Moscow to his wife's mother. At firstB.P. works in the State Committee for Labor Reserves, from where he was fired in the early 50s for disagreeing with the official guidelines for educating young people. After that, he works as an engineer, teacher at a school, teacher of physical education, teacher of labor at school - according to B.P. more than ten professions.

Since the 40-50s, he has been very seriously interested in the ideas of A.S. Makarenko dreams of opening a “labor school”, where, along with studies, schoolchildren would be engaged in real production. This dream then lives onB.P. all life. In 1956-58. he is an active participant in a group of like-minded teachers to create such a school. A group of 23 enthusiasts is even promised to be given a specific educational institution for the experiment, but then they are quickly dispersed. About the "harmfulness" of such schools, an article "Projectors" was published in the central press - in April 1958.

But a little earlier, on December 10, 1957, at a pedagogical conference in Moscow, B.P. meets with Lena Litvinova.

Lena Alekseevna Litvinova was born on January 31, 1930 in the village of Bolshevo near Moscow (now the city of Korolev).

Mother - Evdokia Alexandrovna Litvinova(nee Allenykh) (02/22/1892 Yelets, - 03/10/1986 Bolshevo), a mathematics teacher with 50 years of experience, holder of the Order of Lenin, deputy of the village council, a well-known and highly respected person in the village. Senior dOne night in a large shoemaker's family (13 children). A capable girl was helped to get into a gymnasium, which she successfullyfinished. From the age of 10, she helped support her family with lessons. Dina (home name) began teaching A be even before the revolution, and continued all my life. I dreamed of going to medical school, but I had towork helping parents - raising brothers and sisters. She has been a teacher all her life, av uch e m. After retiring, she continued to “pull up” aboutprogressing students in math ati to e . Chairman p oselkovo th Council of Veterans (she was also trusted by the fund for mutual assistance of pensioners), chairman of the comrades' court, honorary citizen of the village of Bolshevo. Anyone could come to her for advice. For many years in their native village, the Nikitins Jr. were, for many, primarily the grandchildren of Evdokia Alexandrovna. The last years of her life, E.A. Litvinova lived in the family of Boris and Lena. According to the recollections of her grandchildren, in this large and complex family she showed herself as a wise, generous and very patient person.

Father - Alexey Dmitrievich Litvinov(02/16/1902, the village of Talitsa, Oryol region - 10/17/1941, the village of Mebottom of the Tver region), from a peasant family, was a student of his future wife, looked after her for several olc about years. The marriage was happy and strong. Military engineer, staunch communist. Daughter namel Lena (not Elena, namely Lena - in memory of the Lena events in April 1912, the execution of workers on gold atclaims of the Lena River). In 1941, kinda sheep went to the front (he, as an engineer, was left in the rear to work for the military m factory - he refused). Father's deathand in October 1941, on the Kalinin front, it became the most tragic event in the life of the Litvinov family, and had a strong influence on Lena and her older brother Vladimir. Father for liferemained for them a great spiritual and human authority. Both named their eldest sons Alexei. Vladimir said: “The film “Communist” is about my father.” Evdokia Alexandrovna steadfastly endured the loss, continued to work, disappearing at school from morning till night.Her parents and Aleksey Dmitrievich's parents lived in her house, other relatives lived for a long time, E.A.'s sisters, their children.

Brother Vladimir(06/22/1927 - 05/21/2012) - a famous architect, artist. Not studying in artschool, was able to enter the famous Moscow Architectural Institute. One of the authors of the projects of metro stations (together with friends-one But students L.V. Lil'e, M.F. Markovsky): "Nogin Square" (now - Kitay-gorod),Kyiv (Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line), University.

In 1948, Lena graduated from school with a gold medal. In 1950 - the Moscow City Library College (diploma with honors), in 1954 - the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Russian Language and Literature).

Lena was left to work in Moscow, but then Lena's “transverse”, as her relatives said, character appeared - she left as a teacher of Russian language and literature in the Altai village of Voevodskoye. While teaching village children, she found that the suggested patterns and techniques did not work, and began to develop her own methods and exercises. The Altai years (1954-1956) were the time of obtaining the most important life experience. Later, LA said: "I taught them the Russian language, and they taught me life."

From 1956 to 1960 she worked at the Moscow Railway School No. 40.

Meeting and early years

On December 10, 1957, Boris and Lena, two teachers, met at a pedagogical conference (meeting) in Moscow. According to the recollections, both really did not want to go to the event. The day of the meeting later became a favorite and the main family holiday (see Our Traditions). Both did not remember the date of marriage registration (June 1958).

Boris managed to invite Lena to work in the future "labor school" and introduce him to his like-minded people. But in April 1958, the article "Projectors" was published in the central press. A group of enthusiasts was dispersed (one of them, unable to withstand the pressure, committed suicide). However, with many members of the group, Boris and Lena maintained friendship all their lives.

In 1959, the eldest son Alexei was born to a young family. From the first days of his lifeB.P. begins to keep a diary of observations, where he enters the parameters of physical development, the results of medical examinations, psychological observations.

1960 - son Anton is born, 1962 - daughter Olga. Everyone has their own diary.

Both continued to work in turn (Boris in the morning, Lena in the evening). Both had no experience with newborns. It never occurred to hire a nanny, so both were shocked by the “Miracle, whose name is My Child” (quote from the book “We and Our Children”). There was no one to help either - all the relatives worked. They acted on intuition, carefully watching the reactions of the kids, rejoicing in their discoveries.

Excellent athlete and experienced coach,B.P. immediately began to treat the kids, as if training them. So in the house there were turnstiles, rings and other sports equipment. “Hardening” for both parents and children was not introduced on purpose, but was a way of life - the whole family was happy to walk barefoot and in light clothes. And observing how easily and quickly kids learn everything led to the appearance of cubes with letters, geographical maps on the walls, the availability of real tools, etc. Boris and Lena tried to match the speed of the child's comprehension of the surrounding world and organized the home space in such a way that, without the slightest violence, they could help him as much as possible in this. The results were inspiring: the children got sick an order of magnitude less and quickly developed intellectually.(The “Spartan” atmosphere was not specially created in the family - it was just that the family lived on very modest means, considering this to be quite normal).

40 years later, in 2002, Lena Alekseevna wrote: “Three whales”, on which our concept of child development grew. Firstly, from the very beginning of life, the environment is rich for a variety of activities. Secondly, the freedom and independence of children in classes and games. And, thirdly, our sincere interest in all their affairs.

Interestingly, while L.A. calls "early development" "not really early, but just timely" (see the rubric "Books and Articles". L.A. Opinion on Early Development). B.P. also spoke about “timeliness”.

open characterB.P. and the desire to immediately share what has been achieved, to show that it is possible differently, easier, better, quickly led to the fact that he began to actively talk about the new experience of the early physical, intellectual, creative development of children - an experience that did not fit into the then usual framework of ideas about upbringing and seriously contradicted popular childcare guidelines.

1962 - the first publication about a family where "children run barefoot in the snow", with a clearly positive assessment of the experience.

To the house at the School site, 51 journalists (hungry for sensations at all times) quickly trodden the road.B.P. he greeted them with enthusiasm, sincerely believing that this would enable more people to join his important discoveries and observations. At the same time, he does not spare money for books and collects a library of medical and pedagogical literature on early childhood, pregnancy and childbirth, caring for a baby, games and activities with children, carefully studying these books. As a rule, he finds confirmation of his conclusions in pre-revolutionary and foreign sources.

Anna was born in 1964, Julia in 1966, Ivan in 1969, and Lyubov in 1971.

Parents still keep detailed diaries of observations about each. All conclusions about good children's health and the possibilities for the rapid and versatile development of children before school are confirmed and supplemented in life, not only by the Nikitin family itself, but also by many who begin to follow their example.

From the mid-60s, the Nikitins began to be invited to speak to parents, teachers, and doctors. Close and warm contacts are established with many scientists, teachers, physicians who find the opportunity to come to the Nikitins' house. The press is increasingly writing about the family. The first author's publications are also successful. With the help of friends, in 1969, in the collection of scientific works of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, B.P. Nikitin.

Similarity and difference of characters

It is important to note that both of them never "imposed" their speeches, lectures, or publications of books. They were invited - and they tried never to refuse.

Teaching experience helped both of them - the performances were always lively, bright, and aroused great confidence among the audience. Sincerity, responsibility, self-criticism, as the key character traits of both, bribed even more.

B.P. acted first, carried away and infected with enthusiasm, openness, artistry (no wonder he was invited to film roles in his time), and at the same time with logic, a mass of illustrative examples, a huge amount of factual material. LA "disarmed" listeners with her openly critical approach, analytical mindset. Both charged with an invitation to creativity, the possibility of overcoming fears and clichés. According to the stories and recollections of the listeners, the overall impression of the couple was the strongest: “they are together” - thinking, searching, intelligent, hearing the interlocutor, ready to endlessly work and endlessly give.

Nikitins performed in front of a variety of audiences. As a rule, they were received very warmly, the meetings lasted a long time, at the end of the speakers there were always dozens of people around, asking “personal” questions. The most difficult were meetings with doctors, but by the end of the speech they often became allies of the Nikitins. The younger children remember how inspired and moved their parents returned after one trip. In the audience, where only doctors gathered, the performance lasted several hours, and when the couple had already left the stage, the whole audience stood up, seeing them off with sincere applause (against the general background of the Soviet “command applause”, characteristic of the era, the effect was, of course, the strongest). Lena Alekseevna said: “Sometimes they “drove” to our performances, as to party meetings. You go on stage: the hall is silent, the faces are wary, incredulous, tired, closed. And how these same faces are transformed by the end of the meeting, the views come to life, people smile, react!”

All articles and books were also written and published on the initiative, and sometimes under pressure, from editorial offices and publishing houses (after all, books were instantly sold out, and newspapers with articles by the Nikitins added popularity to publications). It was impossible to imagineB.P. "knocked the thresholds" to publish his manuscripts. Yes, he didn't have time for that.

It is interesting that Boris Pavlovich managed to organically combine almost incompatible things: he lived and worked in one area - in the family, continuing to treat what was happening in his own house as a subject of research, and, loving all his children very much, at the same time scrupulously measured, recorded and analyzed data of intellectual, physical and other development of all seven.

Lena Alekseevna perceived what was happening in the family and around the family much more difficult. An open house, accessibility for journalists, an abundance of guests to whom the kids were happy to demonstrate their skills, the need to communicate with a huge number of strangers became a great psychological stress for L.A., and later for most of the grown children. In addition, the attitude of many visitors to the family was, alas, either as an "object of experiment", or did not go beyond the bounds of ordinary curiosity.

After long family disputes in the late seventies, not far from home, on a noticeable thick birch, a huge announcement appeared: “Dear comrades! Excuse us, but we are no longer able to receive everyone in the house. Please come and visit us on the last Sunday of every month, any time of the day, after 10 o'clock."

The tradition of "last Sunday" in the Nikitin house continued until the early 2000s. Clear memories of the Nikitins Jr.: the last Sunday of the month comes - and on the usually deserted village street Grazhdanskaya, leading to the nearest suburban platform Valentinovka, numerous groups, couples and families of obviously not local people appeared, heading to their house ... Many came from other cities, and ForB.P. and L.A. it was perfectly natural to leave guests to spend the night, or even live for several days, and sometimes weeks. In the 90s, when families of grown children began to live in the house, meetings with "everyone who wanted to" began to take place at the nearby Valentinovskaya primary school. However, they often came on the other days of the month, and everyone was still received in the Nikitins' house.

Opposition to the system

After the first book, Are We Right? (1963) followed by numerous articles and publications.

The unusual way of life of a large family, books and articles by the Nikitins and about them, as well as steadfastness in defending their views, caused a very ambiguous reaction - until about the middle of the 70s.

The flow of young parents to the Nikitins' house did not dry up during these years. Relatives and neighbors, who at first condemned the "innovations" of the spouses, then preferred not to interfere. It is interesting that human relations with them always remained warm, children from the surrounding courtyards constantly “grazed” with the Nikitins, andB.P. I found time to organize useful and simply good deeds with them, arrange sports or intellectual tournaments for everyone.

"Official" Soviet medicine and pedagogy, at first seemingly not noticing the strange family, finally publicly condemned the "Nikitins' methods" (early 70s, publication "Caution, childhood!").

B.P. once again fired from another job. For some time the family lived on the salary of Lena Alekseevna, the head of the village library (90-100 rubles a month).

"Prohibition" caused a backlash. The family was sent things and helped as much as they could, numerous friends and complete strangers. Around the same time, B.P. started offering money for performances. He never refused, but never, until the end of his days, did not demand payment for his performances. Those who invited the Nikitins to other cities, as a rule, acted simply: the spouses were paid for the road and received as dear guests. They were invited all over the Soviet Union - up to 300 meetings a year.

Several prominent scientists protected and supported the family. Academician N.A. Amosov ( Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov (1913-2002) - Soviet and Ukrainian cardiac surgeon of world renown, scientist, author of innovative methods in cardiology, author of a systematic approach to health (“method of restrictions and loads”), works on gerontology, artificial intelligence problems, published many popular books on health) and Professor I.A. Arshavsky ( Ilya Arkadyevich Arshavsky (1903 - 1996) Russian physiologist, founder of developmental physiology. He put forward the negentropic (thermodynamic) theory of the individual development of organisms. For several years, the staff of his laboratory regularly (2 times a year) examined the health status of all children) came to the Nikitins’ house, wrote articles in their defense (the Nikitins’ book “We and Our Children” was first published, “protected” by Amosov’s preface and Arshavsky’s afterword). from the vicious circle of childhood illnesses and family problems. Many of them then called themselves followers of the Nikitins.

A significant role, as I think, in the assertion of their positions and the growth of the family's popularity was played by the opposition to the state, to which the Nikitins, in essence, were forced by the state system itself.

Some believe that it is largely thanks to the research and truly selfless activity of the Nikitins that society has awakened a keen interest in the early development of children, the period from birth to 7-10 years, when, according to Boris Pavlovich, a child’s abilities can be “launched” practically in any field of activity. “Do you want your child to be healthy and talented? It depends on you!" Nikitin assured. In the 1970s and 1980s, the movement of "family clubs" began. In essence, for thousands of people, these clubs have become an opportunity to realize their creative, independent beginning, independent of the state system. One way or another, by the beginning of the 80s, almost the whole country knew or heard about the Nikitins.

System? More like a lifestyle

B.P. and L.A. did everything that was then in their power (with extremely modest financial possibilities) in order to create for their children a "creative and healthy environment" in their own home. The Nikitins themselves did not call their way of life a “system of education”. Rather, it is a very great experience that has accumulated over many years of careful observation of not one or two, but seven babies, and then the children of its many supporters. ParallelB.P. continued to constantly study all the literature available to him, folk experience, and the achievements of his followers. As the eldest son Alexei wrote in 2005, “any special system has never existed. There were a number of principles taken from practice and common sense, based to a large extent on traditional approaches to the physical education of children from different nationalities, primarily Russia, and the work of teachers, including Montessori. There was an absolutely wonderful practical experience that proved the vitality and importance of these principles.

Now, in 2011, we have tried to formulate these basic principles.

- Minimum medical intervention into the natural process of pregnancy and childbirth, "return to nature", necessarily - breastfeeding from the first minutes of life. Responsibility from doctors passes primarily to parents - to their thoughtful, attentive, conscious attitude towards parenthood. Physicians should participate only as assistants with specialized knowledge.

- Natural physical culture of the body: a minimum of clothing and everything "unnatural" - ointments, rubbing, medicines, etc., maximum access to nature, sports and physical education from an early age. In this respect, the children of the Nikitins and their followers really looked like Mowgli at home: barefoot, wearing only shorts, tenacious, dexterous, strong, fast. Boris Pavlovich himself was a wonderful versatile athlete, at one time he taught physical education at school, maintained excellent shape until old age. The culture of the physical body entered the lives of children naturally, without coercion: simple and affordable sports equipment at home, common sports games and activities with the father, his interest and support in this direction. This also includes the so-called "hardening" - light clothing, dousing with cold water, walking barefoot in the snow, etc.; modest and simple food. The essential point here is that children, in general, simply did what their parents did.B.P. and L.A. easily content with the most modest in food and clothing.

- “Early start” (! When formulating this thesis, we had serious disputes. This option was accepted as a working one and will be refined).

The same "launch" of various abilities, which, according to Boris Pavlovich's firm conviction, are in abundance in every child from birth. Moreover, at an early age, they are so interconnected that the earlier the baby begins to crawl, walk, swim and explore, the more actively his consciousness and, accordingly, intellectual abilities develop (see books and interviews by I.A. Arshavsky about this). Therefore, Nikitin believed, it is necessary to create a very rich home environment, and the child will learn everything just like learning to breathe - there should be a workshop, a gym, a library, etc. in the house. Parents need to carefully, without violence and pressure, help the child develop and move forward.

- Early intellectual development- to himB.P. paid special attention. Boris Pavlovich was convinced that the kindergarten and school of his day were destroying creativity in a person, and he tried, firstly, to give the maximum BEFORE school, and secondly, to reduce the period the child was in school to a minimum. B.P. tried to substantiate this in his hypothesis about "NUVERS" - H irreversible At extinguishing IN opportunities E efficient R development WITH abilities (I.A. Arshavsky interpreted it differently: “irreversible extinction of the capabilities of natural reserve systems”).

Reading at 2-4 years old, an extensive library, various “educational games” created by the Nikitins, geographical maps, the periodic table, mathematical tables, etc. on the walls of the nursery - indeed, intellectually perfectly prepared the Nikitin children for primary and secondary school. This gave the father a reason to bring children to the first grade at the age of five, to transfer from the 1st to the 3rd, and from the 2nd to the 4th, and the mother to allow them to constantly skip classes. The emphasis on accelerated "intellectual" development, made in this way, made it difficult for some of the seven children to socialize. It is no coincidence that later none of them sent their children to school earlier, although the developing home environment, early reading, etc. in their own families has become commonplace for everyone.

And here is how Boris Pavlovich himself formulated the basic principles of education (approximately in the mid-90s):

"1. An earlier start of the development of all functions and abilities is possible, or rather, the search for an optimum (something is possible in the embryonic period as well).

2. Perhaps more versatile, or rather multilateral development, i.e. not only the musculoskeletal system, sense organs and abilities known to us, but also the ability to feel the state of another person, to capture the thoughts and desires of another, the ability to hypnosis, telekinesis, clairvoyance, etc.

3. A more perfect development is possible in terms of:

a) development methods;

b) start dates;

c) incentives for development;

d) development conditions;

e) the enthusiasm of the child himself.

4. A higher development is possible, i.e. top end result. If in relation to physical development we see the peaks of achievements (records), then in relation to mental qualities there are apparently no limits, just as there is no end to the development of matter.

These basic ideas were cultivated and promoted by Boris Pavlovich - sincerely, disinterestedly and enthusiastically.

aquarium house

In the 80s, the glory of the family became recognized. The books have been published abroad. Television and radio programs with the participation of B.P. and L.A. Spouses Nikitin actively performed. Lena Alekseevna led the “Home Teachers’ Council” column in Komsomolskaya Pravda for several years, where her outstanding literary talent was revealed, then she hosted the TV program “For You, Parents”. In 1986, Simon Lvovich Soloveichik gathers innovative teachers (Sh. Amonashvili, V. Shatalov, S. Lysenkova and others, including B. and L. Nikitin), who sign the manifesto of "collaboration pedagogy". Nikitins join the manifesto with significant reservations, since it does not say anything about the role of productive labor in the school.

The family life of the Nikitins was extremely complicated by publicity. Hundreds of new fans came to Last Sundays. On all other days, the house was also open to numerous friends, followers, and journalists. In 1988, the book “We and Our Children” was published with a foreword by her daughter Yulia: “Our beloved only home has finally become an aquarium,” she stated. The situation was difficult for everyone except Boris Pavlovich. The strength and peculiarity of his personality were such that fame and recognition did not change him, and he sincerely did not understand how serious problems publicity brings to the family. And for children whose adolescence and adolescence fell precisely at this time, the "aquarium" significantly complicated life.

In 1989, a book by the German journalist Marianna Butenschen "The Nikitins' Children Have Grown Up" was published in Germany, written on the basis of frank general conversations with the Nikitins Jr. in the spring of 1988. Young Nikitins (the eldest Alexei turned 28, Lyuba - 16) are self-confidently trying to evaluate the achievements of their parents in a young way. themselvesB.P. and L.A., also participating in the conversations, carefully, patiently and attentively listen to teenagers. The problems caused by family "publicity" are acute in these conversations. But turning the situation back, alas, is no longer possible.

The lives of all seven develop differently. The elder Nikitins never tried to “arrange” their children in any way, either when entering universities or when applying for a job (Nikitins used their name in the only situation - when grandchildren began to appear, and it was necessary to agree in maternity hospitals on a number of requirements for doctors and nurses). All children built their destinies themselves - as they say, "on a common basis." It is difficult to say how their lives would have turned out if it were not for the echo of family glory and the constant expectation of something unusual by those around them from the "Nikitins' children". Some of the seven coped with the constantly overcome pressure more successfully, some less. Some believe that only a huge charge of love and trust received in the family helped them survive.

One way or another, the impact of the “copper pipes”, which thundered early for the Nikitins Jr., turned out to be so serious for some of them that it is necessary to talk about it separately, and separate the “grain from the chaff”.

The achievements of our parents in the field of early childhood- this is what we support, what we are always ready to share, we want to develop further in our families and discuss, including on this site.

At the same time, while still suffering from the consequences of the forced publicity of the Nikitin family, we close our own families from such tests, and each of us answers questions regarding personal life as he sees fit.

And along the way, we want to warn all young parents who crave fame for their adored kids (and often through them - for themselves). Be careful. Be careful. Even a bright talent, even an already established personality, the severity of "copper pipes" is beyond their strength. And the fame that came at the most receptive age, when the child absorbs like a sponge and super-attention to himself, can lead to irreversible and very sad consequences. Excessive ambitions that have grown up, as if under a magnifying glass, at the point of view of television cameras, will block a sober self-esteem, and the personality will burn out without having time to properly form. In other words, let the person mature. Before you start demonstrating his accomplishments. And maybe it would be better if he chooses the right time for this.

APC. 1992-1997

In 1992, on the basis of the secondary school-new building in the city of Korolev (now Ilyushin School-Gymnasium No. 18), the Nikitins Author's Pedagogical Center (APCN) was opened as an open creative platform for the implementation of the ideas of young teachers.

However, Boris Pavlovich by this time was already 76, Lena Alekseevna - 62. They were simply unable to implement their ideas at school. They limited themselves to writing a short “pedagogical concept of lifelong education”, but they did not deal with the “methods” necessary for the functioning of the center.

More detailed material about the center and its work is being prepared.


On January 30, 1999, Boris Pavlovich died in the intensive care unit of the Moscow Hospital No. 31. This was a surprise to everyone. Even 2 weeks before this date, as usual, he could pull himself up on the horizontal bar and push out the weight with one hand ... On January 20, an aortic aneurysm ruptured, losing about 2 liters of blood. Calmly and in a clear mind, he says: “Apparently, my time has come. I already lived more than the average ... ". At first, Boris Pavlovich was adamant to the persuasion of his relatives to go to the hospital: “No, thank you! I lived without the help of doctors, and I will die somehow without their help! Only in the evening, taking pity on his wife and children, he agreed to go to one of the best clinics in Moscow. The operation to replace a segment of the aorta on the day of his 83rd birthday - January 21 - is going very well (The vascular surgeon who performed the operation said: "The body of a forty-year-old man"), on January 24 visits to relatives are allowed. And this day for many will remain the last conversation-meeting with Boris Pavlovich. On January 25, the condition worsens, cardiopulmonary insufficiency increases. The night from 29 to 30 January becomes his last.

The loss completely changed the life of the family. Serious reasons, primarily of an ethical and psychological nature, did not allow Nikitin Jr. to immediately start “continuing the case”B.P. - in relation to the release of educational games, books, sports equipment, meetings with young parents.

Firstly, Lena Alekseevna was categorically against any kind of "PR" and making money for children on what their father unselfishly served. And since each of the seven by this time had their own families with small children, it was simply unrealistic to engage in the form of a hobby, for example, the release of "grandfather games".

Secondly, all the children are very tired of the “aquarium” situation and some “fixation” of family communication on topics related to early childhood. Each had their own professional interests and a circle of friends not related to pedagogy and medicine.

Thirdly, many of the developments and proposals of B.P. and L.A. By this time, one way or another, they had already entered or were gradually entering life. Developing games" were released by many (with copyrights for games and their protection, unlike books, the situation is much more complicated), books were published in millions of copies and were quite accessible, numerous friends and acquaintances could ask a question at any time.

Present day

2011. The appearance of the site became possible as the next generation matured - the grandchildren of Boris Pavlovich and Lena Alekseevna. It is they who are our "pushers" and inspirers. Their babies are already growing up, and they were able to look again at the experience, books and ideas of their grandparents. And they help us in this - Nikitin Jr. of the first generation :).

We make this site all together. It is very difficult to find a common language and common solutions for a multiple, dispersed, complex, many-sided family. A big thank you helps usB.P. and L.A. and never-ending trust in each other. In addition, we think that the case itself is definitely worth it.

Our parents have done a lot. But the "original sources", that is, the books of B. and L. Nikitin, can no longer be found in printed form, and not all of them are on the Internet. Inquiries about the Nikitins, "Nikitins' methods", etc. information is often given, to put it mildly, untrue, and sometimes just a lie. Under "educational games", sometimes with reference to the Nikitins, which is not offered. At the same time, the most interesting information about the development of children continues to flow to family members, more and more new people come who are interested in the Nikitins' experience, and in one way or another continue it. The creation of the site is overdue. And we are happy about it.

As far as possible, we want to make available all worksB.P. and L.A. in the field of family and childhood studies. Alexey Nikitin (the eldest son) once very well formulated on one of the Internet forums: “The Nikitin books should be read as an invitation to reflection, a fresh look at the child and his capabilities, as well as our duties towards him. Do not look for “systems”, think with your own head, approach things creatively, and always remember that the main criterion is the child himself, his mood, condition, reactions, successes and achievements that he has achieved by himself.

In addition, this site is for communication of all those who are united by “conscious parenthood”, who value the word “family” and everything connected with it, who want to live joyfully and freely with their children, perceiving coexistence not as a heavy duty, but as one of the most creative and happy periods of life.

June-December 2011. Korolev, Moscow, Yaroslavl, London.

Alexey, 1959 . born, live in London, UK

Education: higher, diploma of a teacher of physics and astronomy, graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin in 1982. The main profession is an engineer-developer of electronic equipment. I am currently working as an electronics design consultant.

He chose the profession out of interest, "early development" had nothing to do with this choice, the workshop in the house and the father's engineering ingenuity had a greater influence. Favorite pastime in childhood - Reading.

We have two children - Natasha (born in 1980) and Alexander (born in 1984). Both graduated from universities, Natasha has a degree in art history and, in addition, the highest translation qualification (Diplomain Translation), she works as a translator in a law firm. Alexander has a degree in information technology and works as a consultant for a computer company in the City.

Much of what my father did, may his memory be blessed, is still waiting for its time, it is so far ahead of modern child psychology. One of the amazing things that he essentially proved with his research is that a child develops not due to external influences and conditions, but primarily due to the creative principle, essentially the likeness of God, inherent in him. The impulse of development comes from within, not from outside, and what we do as parents can help or hinder development, but cannot create this impulse. Therefore, a necessary condition for development is freedom for this inner creativity and providing it with the right conditions, information, and example.

Our parents never treated anyone with prejudice. Whoever came to us - for many years a huge number of people passed - and there was never an initially bad attitude towards a person. And this is very deeply rooted in us.

Even in our family, independence of thought was respected from the very beginning.

The school of wrestling, which we went through in childhood, made me able to mobilize all my strength at the right time, to fully concentrate. I mean the ability to instantly react, to pull yourself together, regardless of whether you are tired or not. And secondly: to be able to distribute your forces, not to overestimate yourself. And in the physical sense, and in the moral, and in the intellectual.

I will note one important feature that is generally characteristic of a normal family, and for the family of our parents in particular. This is the same absolutely frank atmosphere within the family. Healthy, honest environment. Trust and good human relations: between parents, between parents and children.

I am very grateful to my parents for the fact that I had such a childhood, for the physical health, psychological strength and ability to think that it gave me. And I think that we should owe a lot to early development: both the saving of time and the opportunity to go through the school path, having suffered relatively little from it, both morally and mentally.

I must say that there are many myths in the information about the Nikitins, and one can only hope that someday a true story will be written about how it all happened.

Anton, born in 1960, live in the Moscow region.

Graduated from school No. 444, Moscow (1974), Shchelkovo Chemical-Mechanical College (with honors, 1977), Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1982). Specialty - chemist. I am currently working as a Deputy early production department.

How did you choose your profession? Did “early development” help you with this?

The periodic table on the wall probably contributed :).

What gave you the "early development" of creative and other abilities? And what else did your family “arm” you with as a child?

My family gave me everything:) . But seriously, I think that almost everything related to the development of a child depends on the parents, or rather, on the environment in which he is and what kind of people surround him. So I (I'm talking only about myself now) was very lucky.

Favorite activity as a child? Favorite game (toy)?

Favorite activity (individual) – reading:) . And he always loved any activities and games with dad. Favorite toy is big wooden bricks.

How did you perceive the fame of the family - did it help or hinder you?

Most likely, it interfered.

What do you consider the main thing in the work of BP and LA as practical teachers, innovators? What book (game) by Nikitins do you like the most?

I would like to draw an analogy with poetry:) . A poet is not one who answers questions. A poet is someone who helps us look at the world from a different perspective, from a different perspective, and see what an ordinary person does not see. So is Nikitina. They taught many people (and especially their children) to look at the relationship between adults and children with a new look, very different from the traditional:) . My favorite game is Unicube.

What elements of the “Nikitin education system” did you transfer to your own families? What did you not repeat from the experience of Nikitin Sr. and why?

This approach has been moved. And what they did not repeat was skipping classes at school. Although, of course, this jump cannot be attributed to the “Nikitin education system”.

How many children do you have?

There are two children. Alexey (1983) and Daria (1986).

A website is essential for many reasons. First, as a means of continuing the Nikitins' cause. Secondly, as a place where everyone who considers themselves to be successors of the cause can communicate, who simply read the books of the Nikitins and are trying to take something from there for themselves, who disagree with the Nikitins in some way and want to express their point of view. Thirdly, in order to, if possible, put an end to the huge number of myths, gossip and slander that surrounds our family, the Nikitin family. Fourthly, in order to understand the demand in modern society for other approaches to education and upbringing (especially in the conditions of degradation of both :().

Olga, 49 years old, Korolev.

After the 8th grade of the school, she entered the Moscow Pedagogical School at the office management department. She graduated with honors and entered the full-time department of the law faculty of Moscow State University. The school gave me good typing skills and the ability to work with documents, while the university gave me everything else necessary for successful professional activity in my specialty. I have been working as a lawyer for more than 25 years in various fields and quite successfully. Now - deputy head of the legal service in a large joint-stock company.

“Early development” helped rather not in choosing a profession, but in mastering it: the ability to read quickly and meaningfully, good memory (especially visual), logical thinking skills, literacy (both in oral speech and in writing), the desire to complete the work begun - all this, of course, helped a lot in my studies, and still helps in my work. And I am sure that all this is not due to teaching at school, but precisely as a result of the so-called "early" development and, in general, the whole situation in our house.

And the choice was quite random. Maybe Dean's grandmother, her mother's mother, had an influence. She has always been a model of calmness, confidence, respect for people, enjoyed great respect and indisputable authority among a huge number of residents of our village - Bolshevo. Having worked for more than 50 years at school, being already retired, she was the chairman of the comrades' court, and people came to her in an endless stream for help and advice. And she supported my intention to try to enter the law faculty and was very happy for me.

Of course, the family (parents) gave me health (I still do not complain, although because of laziness I do not make any efforts to maintain it) and the ability to love and appreciate close people. Be confident in the love and support of relatives. It helps a lot in life.

The fame of the family in childhood rather interfered - it’s rather unpleasant when they literally “poke a finger” and speak with surprise and disapproval about both your parents and about you, respectively. With age, I began to take this more calmly, you already begin to understand that people are different and not only not very tactful, but simply not very good. And just then, children's "hardening" helped to learn to more calmly perceive someone else's, even negative, opinion and be able to defend one's own.

I consider this to be the main thing in our family. Both BP and LA were very sincere, thoughtful, open and loving in their lives and relationships with us and people in general. Their personal qualities and characters complemented and balanced each other, which allowed them to strive all their lives "forward and upward", not being distracted by trifles and not succumbing to any pressure - neither public opinion, nor "authorities" (BP), without shifting to others responsibility neither for victories nor for defeats, remaining honest and frank with oneself and others (LA).

Their books, oddly enough, everyone likes. They are different, and I seem to know them well, and have read them more than once, but if it falls into my hands, it’s hard to tear myself away. And not only because you read “about yourself”, but also because you open a lot of really interesting and valuable thoughts and feelings every time.

From the “educational games” - I love “Fold the Pattern” since childhood, probably because I played a lot with my dad, and drew tasks, and painted the cubes myself. Everything was fun with dad.

I tried to “take” a healthy lifestyle into my own family (simple food, light clothes, barefoot at home and in the yard, sports equipment at home), reading before school, a variety of activities in childhood. Well, and common for many, not only our family, probably - reading aloud, joint housework (cleaning, cooking, etc.), traveling with children. And most importantly, again, it seems not from the “system”, but from just a large and friendly (despite everything) family - a great desire to be friends with your children, to earn their trust and sincere attitude.

What I do not repeat: having many children. I think that this is a very big work, even self-sacrifice, and responsibility, which very few people are capable of. I am not capable. I am ready to the best of my ability to help those sisters and brothers who have decided to do this. But herself, no.

I also consider it very controversial, and in our modern school generally a difficult test, jumping through classes (or earlier, by 1-2 years, education). Not in the sense of learning difficulties (everything is quite simple here), but in the light of social and adaptation problems for the child in the school community. Until the education system and public consciousness are rebuilt in such a way that there will be a calm and friendly attitude towards such things, one must be very careful.

I have two daughters: Nadezhda (1982) and Anna (1984) - as many children as I wanted. Daughters are beautiful - beautiful, smart, friendly. Both graduated from college and got married. Nadia manages a department in the administration of a large Moscow hotel, Asya (Anna) is now on parental leave - she has a wonderful son, Savva, who will soon be 2 years old!

Why do we need a website of the Nikitin family? In order to:

a) experience, reflections, findings, huge information about childhood as the most important period of a person’s life, who collected BP and LA during their life and continued to serve people, i.e. the goal for which they worked, observed, thought, argued, and generally lived. Maybe I'm also a little naive, but people really have nowhere to learn a lot from! And people who think, reflect and are not indifferent should at least know about the experience, thoughts and lives of previous generations. Learn from them, rethink them for yourself and your life.

c) to give reliable "first-hand" information about the Nikitins - both BP and LA, and about ourselves, after all, the stupidity and dirty tricks found on the Internet about their parents and themselves are rather unpleasant. To sue or refute the allegedly truthful information of people who are supposedly familiar with us (realizing that they are obviously dishonorable) people is an extremely thankless task, and for those who want to know the truth, it should be available. And, thank God, thanks to the Internet, it has become much easier.

Anna, 47 years old, I live in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

Graduated from the Moscow Medical School No. 3, specialty "children's nurse", diploma with honors. She worked at the Morozov Children's Hospital, as a procedural nurse in the surgical department of a district hospital in the Perm Region, in a medical school office.

Why medical school? Taking care of small children and playing with them has always been a pleasure, as well as taking care of someone in general. I am very grateful to my school: with the exception of one most boring subject - "raising children":) -special subjects were taught to us by good professionals-practitioners. By their profession - sisters of mercy! – I am very pleased: she helped me out more than once in different situations. The fact that I didn’t enter a medical school (in my youth I wanted to be a doctor!), Now I consider it good luck: a nurse is a much more feminine profession. In recent years, I have been working as a logistics manager in an international transport company - I had to earn money when my husband could not work for health reasons.

The rest of the skills and abilities are tools for the main activity as a mother and grandmother (knitting, hair cutting, sewing, beading, baking “branded” cakes and cookies, staging home performances, guitar and piano, writing poems and songs ...)

Early Development certainly helped me a lot in later life. Visually - blind typing: having learned how to type on a typewriter at the age of 12 (about a month without extra effort - the fingers learned the keyboard), constantly doing this (I had to help a lot in this dad, mom, relatives and friends), this profession often rescued and rescued me. In general, I consider it SKILLS (especially the employment of hands), and not knowledge, as a priority.

My preschool Childhood gave me many necessary "tools" for further education and life in general:

Early expressive reading helped to feel the beauty of their native language and gave normal literacy;

Quick mental counting and daddy's games - practically eliminated problems with mathematics; in addition, games (both intellectual and sports:) ) were rewarded with perseverance and the ability to calculate their strengths and capabilities.

The habit from childhood to move a lot - for a long time did not give a reason to even think about your health, but a great desire to work with your hands and an interest in learning something new - on your own! - all the time helps in any study and gives confidence that “here is the recipient!”, as my granddaughter says.

In general, the FAMILY nourished me with the joy of COMMUNICATION with relatives, trust and interest in other people - this was helped by the difference in the characters of all of us and unconditional trust in each other, the ability to take care of small and large.

Very important for my (and not only my) future was the employment of our parents with interesting things IN THE HOUSE. Even just watching HOW they do something was simply breathtaking! Dad owned many locksmith and carpentry tools - all the simple furniture in the house was made by his hands; and my mother often designed exhibition posters for the library at home - she painted with ink. Common activities and games were very important: for example, harvesting firewood for the winter, or our favorite game of "wolf", or mom's reading aloud - everything was great in its own way!

As a child, I loved to count things:) and read fairy tales. Of course, I liked to play various common games (playing “wolf”, “Indians”, “poor people”), doing concerts together for the holidays (constructing costumes, reading poetry aloud, portraying a gypsy or a French singer ...), somewhere after 12 years - she loved to type on a typewriter and play the piano (she mastered it on her own). I always liked helping dad and mom - draw and draw new tasks for games, rewrite library cards, bake pies ... And I also really liked it when dad or mom told something from their childhood and quietly kissed on the forehead before going to bed ...

From toys I liked small wooden figures (the game "Magic Bag"), and from dad's games - "Attention-Guess!", "Bricks", "Fractions", "Montessori Frames" (yes, all dad's games are interesting, except for "Constructor ”, which for some reason I did not play).

In childhood, the fame of the family interfered - it prevented you from being yourself, somehow immediately put you on display in front of others, as if giving you the right to be interested in all aspects of your life without any hesitation, and this is unpleasant. And now I increasingly find myself in such a position that when people learn about my involvement in the Nikitin family, usually with joy - sincerely! - they say: “Yes, what are you! And your parents' books helped me a lot!..” And now I already perceive the fame of our parents - no, not fame, but the work they did - as a big credit of trust in me and a kind of "bonus" in front of other people. It is especially pleasant to meet those who were at the meetings with B.P. and L.A. or came to our house: these people's eyes immediately begin to glow and they begin to remember dad and mom with such warmth and gratitude that it's hard to convey...

It is very important that wonderful books are written. In general, I bow to the ability of dad and mom to make short and concise notes (including about us children). Unique, in my opinion, is my father's ability to analyze pedagogical and medical books (he constantly studied both the old - until 1917, and modern literature related to the upbringing and development of children) - made extracts, collected clippings on topics ... The amount of special literature from his notes - just huge.

Of course, both were excellent speakers, and their honesty, sincerity, steadfastness and incorruptibility could not but melt other people at meetings and speeches. Therefore, the fact that they did not refuse these meetings is a real feat. They turned a lot of people towards Childhood.

I love Nikitin's books. I can’t single out any - each is good in its own way, although I want to argue somewhere :).

Almost everything that we had in the family, I tried to bring to my family: mutual help in household chores, early self-care and caring for others (in the family and outside it), general trips and games, staging home performances and sports days, love for movement and sports games, walking barefoot, early learning to read, write, math (everything is “in between”), reading aloud, songs together ... - can you remember everything? ..

The only thing that I did not try to repeat was to send the children to school earlier than expected. I myself (I was 2 years younger than my classmates) was lucky with the class - they treated me with care, although they didn’t let me into my “adult world” much - they regretted it, I think. My class - 10 "B" of the release of 1979 - meets every year, and I often go to these meetings - I feel good with my classmates, and I seem to rediscover myself and open them - something that I could not score at school. in my opinion, it is much more important not so much to break out intellectually as to be able to build relationships with others - peers, adults. When you are younger than others, it takes a lot of energy, or you will remain lonely - they listen to you little in anything. When you are older than others, you have more opportunity to surround others with care, to be more generous ... - I think so.

I have four children, as I once dreamed of in childhood: sons Peter and Mikhail, daughters Alexander and Tatyana. Although now, when the eldest is married and my daughters are married, I think that four is not enough for me :) Granddaughter is 1.5 years old.

I consider it important to say that the three elders entered universities and studied in them without any patronage, money, etc. I know that all three are high-level specialists in their field. But most of all I am grateful to my children for their readiness to always help others (this was both at school and in universities), the ability to do this - both in word and deed.

Why do we need a website of the Nikitin family?

I have long had the feeling that our family is sitting on the “chests” of treasures that our dad once skillfully disposed of: he generously shared with all these treasures and filled the “chests” as best he could (how much dad had time to read, analyze, generalize ... - material for more than a dozen dissertations!) - the archives of the parents are simply priceless and huge. And so interesting! And how many simple "pedagogical" solutions they have already found, how many elementary laws of health!..

At the same time, meeting with different families, I see that our family is somewhat behind the times: in some areas, people are families! - went much further and found ways to solve many problems that we have not resolved - I want to gain experience from them. This "flow" of experience into each other, mutual enrichment is vital (in some ways it is similar to the life of the Big Family:) ). In this I see one of the tasks of the site.

In addition, we are tired of the libel* spread on the Internet about our family - it is especially painful here for dad and mom. I don't want to let this mold continue to grow.

Under the words “early development”, as the term that was awarded “education according to Nikitin”, I understand the greatest opportunities for all kinds of early ACTIVITIES of the child - independent, interesting, meaningless and responsible. Together and alone. It is this "early development" that I will support.

*“Love and the System” by S. Samodelova in MK 2000 - first of all.

Julia, born in 1966. 45 years. I live in a small town not far from Moscow. Journalist. I work in the press service of a large enterprise.

In our large family, I most of all appreciate the atmosphere of mutual trust and openness, the readiness to immediately come to the aid of each other.

“Early” development was perceived as normal, I never felt any violence against myself in the family. The advantages of the so-called early development: 1. I went through primary and, in many ways, secondary school easily, on the basis of home knowledge; 2. good health and good physical development. Right up to the institute, she competed in various competitions in athletics and gymnastics with virtually no additional training; 3. the habit of a "healthy lifestyle."

Minuses. 1. knowledge in childhood was given too easily and was not taught to learn. It had to be worked out in adulthood. 2. The age difference with classmates of 2-2.5 years isolated them from their peers and created difficulties in communication. 3. The glory of my parents and the fame of my family had a negative impact on me, an extremely impressionable child and teenager, and prevented me from building my own life.

I have been writing for as long as I can remember, and I have always wanted to write and communicate with people. So, in general, childhood dreams come true.

From the books of BP and LA I like “Are we right”, “We and our children”. Of the “educational games”, I prefer the so-called manuals - tables, geographical maps on the walls, clocks, a thermometer, etc. The games themselves were interesting with dad, with my children I didn’t do them much.

I have two children - daughters born in 1991 and 1995. I wanted a third, but I didn’t “pull” it - neither financially nor psychologically. Children, in my opinion, require a lot of attention, patience and just time. If there are three of them, the woman already needs to forget about herself. Therefore, having many children is the choice of the few, and I think this is normal.

She “transferred” to her family - early breastfeeding; long breastfeeding; early and constant physical education (horizontal bars, etc. in the house), hardening and dousing, walking barefoot, early reading, reading aloud, maps, etc. on the walls of the nursery; various constructors; watching movies together, in general I like to do something “together with the children” - this, of course, is from my parents. I deliberately sent my children to kindergarten and strong schools - waiting for the required age. The ability to find contact with people seems to me more important than advanced intellectual workloads. Moreover, in a modern school they are outrageous in any class.

The appearance of the Site of the Nikitin family at some point became an urgent need. I am very grateful to the main inspirers, my nieces and young mothers, who were able to take a fresh look at the work of BP and LA, and I help them as much as possible.

Although even today it is difficult for me to assess the real contribution of my parents to the study of childhood and the possibilities of the child. Of course, most of the "innovations" with which we lived in the parental home, each of us naturally transferred to our own families. Most of the seven - because it is organic for us. But many of the proposals of BP and LA, which seemed like a revolution in the 70s of the last century, have now become the norm. Like "early attachment" to the breast, gymnastics for newborns or early reading.

Years later, for me, the main thing in the history of our family was not “innovations”, but still something else. Our whole life in the big house was lit up with creativity, energy, openness, light, the exactingness of these two amazing personalities - our father and mother. For all their many grandchildren, they managed to find even more love in themselves. Everyone could come running to grandfather's office at any time. At the same time, Boris Pavlovich seemed to love every baby he met no less than his own. In all conflicts between adults and children (that is, her own grown children - with her little grandchildren), grandmother Lena always takes the side of the “weak” ...

I believe that today all seven Nikitin brothers and sisters, as accomplished individuals (the youngest Lyubov is already 40), clearly do not reach the level of their parents. Although dad was convinced that he had given us everything possible for further creative flourishing. Why is the potential not fully realized?

All the tools that BP offered really work great. But, in my opinion, - only at some stage, and do not guarantee the solution of most problems. The further fate depends on many factors. And from the fact that the child will be “immersed in a developing environment”, and he will learn to read at the age of three, play music at five, and graduate from the university at 12, it is not at all necessary that he will become an Einstein, or simply realize himself as a creator, or simply become happy. Suffice it to recall the tragic fate of Nika Turbina, who beamed early.

Actually, one of the goals of our site is buried here for me. What can parents do for their children? Everything that the Nikitins offered - yes, they can. But the main thing is not the tools, but the essence of the relationship between parents and children. Hundreds of wonderful books have been written about it. And to say this again is one of the tasks of the site.

Ivan, 42 years old, Moscow region, pos. Bolshevo.

Graduated from the Kaliningrad Mechanical College with a degree in Aircraft (red diploma); All-Union Institute for Advanced Studies of Television and Radio Broadcasting Workers, specialty "operator". Various courses for safety instructors in several industrial areas (1997-2001). The main specialties are operator, television director. I chose my profession out of love. “Early development” helped in this - in fact, there were no restrictions, physical and intellectual, in any field of activity. The family in childhood armed with confidence that any puzzle is solved (even if the solution is negative). In addition: a complete sense of inferiority :)- self-criticism, lack of vanity, the desire to get to the bottom, to the meaning of phenomena. Favorite pastime in childhood - to find another solution, unwillingness to follow the beaten path, one might say: technical creativity. For as long as I can remember, I spent most of my free time in our home workshop, where there were all the opportunities to implement my ideas (photo-chemo-physics-radio laboratories, carpentry-turning tools, etc.).

In childhood, I remember such a case - in the pioneer camp of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences "Mayak". I was then 8 years old. It was my first pioneer camp. Dad led a circle for the manufacture of educational games. I was wildly offended that of all the guys, I was the only one who signed up for this circle. I was also childishly ashamed of this situation, presenting my entry into this circle as a kind of humiliation of myself, but not enrolling felt like a betrayal in relation to dad ... Less than a week later, I began to overflow with joy and pride for dad and for myself: the room work was in full swing - the guys from other circles began to join us in such numbers that the director of the camp had to ask dad - because of the complaints of other teachers - to send children to their circles. In addition to joy, I experienced real shame at my first cowardly thoughts.

The main thing in the work of BP and LA as teachers-practitioners, I consider:

1) Scientific, research, the most unbiased approach to the subject of research - whether it is a book, one's own or other people's children ...

2) Meticulous recording of these studies in written and photographic form, indicating all objective indicators (dates, names, place of event, references to sources, etc., etc.).

3) The most careful study of all the latest scientific achievements in applied fields and their thoughtful combination with practice. This made it possible to correctly foresee and predict the result (now time has already confirmed this), to be able to single out the main thing, to put forward promising scientific hypotheses.

Of the books of BP and LA, my favorite is The Hypothesis of the Emergence and Development of Abilities.

God sent five children: Pavel, Boris, Ilya, Julia, Alexander. All but the youngest are schoolchildren.

The site is very necessary. I consider it necessary to move on, developing the achievements of BP and LA. As long as the intentions and movements, at least mine, are small and insufficient.

Love, 40 years old, Korolev.

She graduated from a library technical school, worked for three years in children's libraries in Moscow. I think that “early development” did not play a role in choosing a profession, except for early reading and, as a result, love for books in general. She got married and has been a housewife ever since. In the diaries of the parents it is written that "I wanted to become a mother." And so it happened. I have ten children.

The family gave good health, which I hope to share with their children. And it made it possible to treat children, being at home in general - not as "hard labor within four walls", but simply as life, in all its diversity.

For me, the main thing in the family of my parents is the COMMON life of children and parents. They were interested in us, we were interested in them, and this was IN DEED, not just in conversation. And it is also important that there was no feeling that the parents lived “for us” or we “for them”. A lot of things that dad and mom did united rather than divided (games, competitions, reading, dad's measurements, etc.). This is very relevant now, when both parents and children have most of their interests OUTSIDE the boundaries of the house. Of the educational games, I love "Dice for All" and "Fold the Square", my favorite books by BP and LA are "We, Our Children and Grandchildren" and "Father's House".

In my family, everyone walks barefoot at home and in the yard, the children move a lot, everyone started reading early (the younger ones learned from the older ones), we arrange common readings of our favorite books aloud. We didn’t send the children to school earlier, as well as jumping over classes. Here my negative experience affected: two years of difference with classmates from the very beginning of my studies at school is a lot (I went to the 1st grade at the age of 5). And why save a year or two after school?

I think that the site of the Nikitin family is very necessary: ​​to restore the truth, i.e. an objective approach, memories, communication of good and thinking people (who were among the "followers" - the majority). And as a "maximum program" - steps forward.