On July 1, a grand opening ceremony of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was held in China. The city of Golmud, Qinghai Province, became the main site of the ceremony dedicated to this event. Listen to the report of our correspondent from Gomud. Chinese President Hu Jintao attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He said that the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway would go down in construction history.

The total length of the Qihai-Tibet Railway from Xining to Lhasa is 1,956 kilometers, with an average altitude of over 4,000 meters above sea level. Previously, the main means of transport here was the road and airline from the inner cities of China to Tibet.
After the opening of the road, the number of tourists to Tibet will increase rapidly. However, the local government has already developed measures to protect cultural property and nature. Permafrost was one of the most difficult problems during the construction of the Qihai-Tibet railway. Here it stretches for more than 550 kilometers. When laying the Qihai-Tibet railway line, Chinese specialists used the method of laying a special layer of crushed stone between the line and the permafrost layer to prevent it from melting.

The builders of the Qihai-Tibet Railway worked in a harsh climate. The temperature sometimes dropped to minus 45 degrees. The number of days with strong winds was up to 160 days per year. In addition, the lack of oxygen at such an altitude was a serious problem. During the construction, special attention was paid to the conservation of nature. Along the Qinghai-Tibet railway, 33 special passages for wildlife have been created. Wenga Nature Reserve worker said: “We told the railroad builders where the wild animals often pass and advised them to build appropriate passages for the animals. started construction again.

The opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has embodied the dreams and hopes of many people. Religious figure Neda, who has the status of "living Buddha" in the Tibetan Bon religion, expressed his best wishes for this railway in words taken from Buddhist canons. He said, "The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, like a golden dragon, brings people happiness and prosperity. I wish the Tibetan people and all other nationalities of China good luck and happiness, I wish that this railway works for their benefit, that passengers and goods on it have always been safe and prosperous. I wish fruitful work and success to all those who wish to start their own business in Tibet and good luck and prosperity to those who are going to do business in the interior of the country."

The total length of this road, which connects the administrative centers of Qinghai Province and the Tibet Autonomous Region - the cities of Xining and Lhasa - is 1956 kilometers. The length of the newly constructed Golmud-Lhasa section is 1142 kilometers along the Kun-Lun and Tangla mountains. More than 550 kilometers of the route pass in the alpine tundra zone. 960 kilometers are laid at an altitude of over 4000 meters above sea level, while the highest point reaches 5072 meters.

Tangla station has become the highest mountain station in the world: it is located at an altitude of 5068 meters. The Fenghuoshan tunnel, pierced at an altitude of 4,905 meters, is the highest in the world, and the Kun-Lun tunnel, 1,686 meters long, is the longest of those built in the alpine tundra zone, Xinhua reports.

The maximum speed of trains in the alpine tundra zone will be 100 km/h, in other areas up to 120 km/h. Each car is provided with additional oxygen to prevent oxygen starvation. It also provides protection from solar radiation. Information on electronic screens installed in each carriage of the train is transmitted in three languages ​​at once: Chinese, Tibetan and English.

In the original schedule for new road three pairs of passenger trains will run: Beijing - Lhasa, Chongqing - Chengdu - Lhasa, Lanzhou - Xining - Lhasa. The journey from Beijing will take exactly two days. Ticket prices range from 389 to 1262 yuan ($49-158) depending on the class of carriage.

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, 1,100 kilometers long, was built in uninhabited and deserted areas. 550 kilometers of this road was built in the permafrost zone of the highlands. The construction of such a railway was not yet known to either the Chinese or world history construction of railways. However, the millionth army of builders, showing an innovative spirit and adhering to a scientific approach, was able to overcome the difficulties of construction and successfully solve the most complex technical problems of construction in permafrost, which are of a global nature.

Frozen soil refers to the various layers of the earth and soil containing pieces of ice. Frozen soil increases in volume during freezing, and in summer, when the ice melts, it decreases in volume. The variable state of such soil leads to the destruction of the railway track, the appearance of cracks on it or buildings. According to Russian data from 1994, in the 70s of the 20th century, during the construction of the second Trans-Siberian Railway, 27.5% of the railway track suffered from various negative soil effects. According to Chinese data from 1990, this figure on the Qinghai-Tibet Highway is 31.7%. Due to the negative effects of frozen soil in the world, trains on such railways can only travel at a speed of no more than 50 kilometers.

The Qinghai-Tibetan Railway passes through the Kunlun and Tangla mountains. The highest point of the road is at an altitude of 5072 meters above sea level. The construction conditions were very difficult - the presence of wetlands, frozen soil, heat ground surface in summer. All these were the most difficult technological difficulties.

Although Canada, Russia and other countries also have frozen soil, but due to the fact that they are located in high latitudes, such soil is more durable and stable. And on the sections of the Qinghai-Tibet railway from Geermu to Lhasa, due to the low latitude and altitude of the terrain, high solar radiation, frozen soil has its own most complex properties. The world's tallest tunnel was built in permafrost. The length of the tunnel is 1338 meters, the railway track was at an altitude of 4905 meters above sea level. From this one can judge how many of the most difficult technical problems were resolved, and in what difficult conditions the construction of this railway took place.

This is the highest mountain railway in the world. "Road to the roof of the world" - Train to the roof of the world. Connects the administrative center of Tibet - the city of Lhasa through Golmud and Xining with the rest of the country's railway network.

The railway to Tibet was planned for a long time. Back in 1958, Mao Tse Tung instructed to consider the possibility of building a railway to the Tibet Autonomous Region, despite the fact that no one had experience in building railways in such, without exaggeration, extreme conditions.

Work on the first stage of construction of the Qinghai-Tibet railway began in 1960. By 1962, the documentation was fully developed and approved. The construction was carried out by the prisoners - thus the task was carried out to minimize costs. In 1979, a railway track came to Golmud. The construction of the road further into the mountains, although it was approved, but the health complications of construction prisoners associated with oxygen starvation, as well as the fact that a significant part of the road would be laid in permafrost conditions, forced the construction to be stopped.

In the early years, the Xining - Golmud section was used exclusively by the military, and only in 1984, it opened to passenger traffic. At this, the construction of the railway to the capital of Tibet stopped for more than 10 years ...

In the second half of the 1990s, the country's government instructed to correct the route of the projected line, as well as to conduct new studies in terms of the economic feasibility of its construction. The result of this was the fact that in February 2001, the Chinese state construction approved the continuation of the construction of the highway, announcing its completion as one of the state priorities.

On July 29, 2001, from two ends, from Lhasa and from Golmud, detachments of builders moved towards each other. At the same time, the section of the first stage, Xining - Golmud, underwent a major modernization: a major overhaul of some engineering structures was carried out, the signaling was updated, which made it possible to significantly increase the throughput of the section.

On October 15, 2005, the construction of the railway was completed. Despite the fact that this event was very widely covered in the press, including in the world, for Tibet this did not mean that there was a direct connection along the rails with the rest of the world: the builders requested a few more months to run in and debug the line. This went on for another 15 months.

And finally, on July 1, 2006, regular passenger traffic was opened on the entire Qinghai-Tibet highway. The whole journey from Beijing to Lhasa takes 48 hours.

From a technical point of view, the construction of the second stage of the road was extremely difficult. 80% of the road passes at an altitude of more than 4000 meters above sea level, of which 160 kilometers at altitudes of 4000 - 4500 meters, 780 kilometers at altitudes of 4500 - 5000 meters and 20 kilometers of the line passes at an altitude of more than 5000 meters.

The highest railway station is Tangula Pass. It is located at an altitude of 5068 meters above sea level. This is the highest railway station in the world. Not far from it, trains pass the highest point of the route - 5072 meters.

There is no town or village near the station. Trains stop here infrequently, while passenger cars always remain closed - passengers are prohibited from entering the platform: after all, at such an altitude, the percentage of oxygen in the air is from 60% to 40% compared to sea level. When the solemn opening ceremony of the highway took place, many journalists needed medical assistance. Medical workers accompany passenger trains today.

Another serious problem that the builders faced was permafrost. In such conditions, 640 kilometers of the line are located. At the same time, it is worth noting that the permafrost in Tibet is special, high-altitude. It has some differences from the permafrost so familiar to us in the northern latitudes. Nevertheless, Russian engineers were invited to solve the problems that arose during construction, because our country has a lot of experience in building railways in similar geological conditions, primarily during the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The experience of our engineers during the laying of tunnels also came in handy. The Qinghai-Tibet Highway has the highest mountain tunnel in the world, at an altitude of 4905 meters, and the longest tunnel is more than 3300 meters at an altitude of 4264 meters, 80 kilometers from the final destination - Lhasa.

Often in these places there are storms. In some cases, wind speeds can reach 150 kilometers per hour. Half of the highway is located in a seismically dangerous zone: earthquakes are observed here, with a force of 8 or more points.

Technical characteristics of the line: length 1142 kilometers, 965 kilometers at an altitude of more than 4000 meters, maximum slopes of 20 thousandths, minimum radii of curves 600 meters, vertical - 800 meters. The estimated speed is 100 kilometers per hour. 7 tunnels and 675 bridges, with a total length of almost 160 kilometers. The line is single-track with sidings, not electrified. But at the same time, groundwork has been made for the possible electrification of the line in the future, as well as for an increase in speeds.

Ecology was a separate line of the project implementation. A significant part of the bridges located on the line is made for the unimpeded passage of animals under them. Noise reduction technologies are also used.

Passenger cars were specially designed by Bombardier for the Chinese Railways. The cars are fully hermetic, designed for speeds up to 120 km/h. There are three classes in the carriages: seated, reserved seat and deluxe. The inscriptions are everywhere duplicated in Tibetan, Chinese and English. Under each passenger seat there is a connector for connecting an oxygen tube and an oxygen control panel. In the event of a sudden depressurization, individual oxygen masks are automatically folded back. Diesel locomotives for the line were produced in Pennsylvania at the plants of the General Electric concern.

Restaurant car.

Qinghai-Tibet railway (The Qinghai–Tibet railway) the highest mountain railway in the world, connecting the city of Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province, and through it the entire Mainland China, with the administrative center of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) - the city.

1. Actually, the train itself. (Photo taken in January 2008):

The first half of the first day on the road, in general, is nothing interesting: the endless steppes of Inner Mongolia, the wide Chinese rivers, the web of the Chinese railway.

2. The second day of the journey. Tunnel:

3. This is how the city of Xining looks like from the train:

4. This lake in Russian and Mongolian is called Kukunor, in Tibetan - Tso Ngonpo, in Chinese - Qinghai:

5. A small Buddhist monastery in Eastern Tibet (Amdo region):

The builders of the road had to face many technical difficulties. First of all, these are areas of permafrost (permafrost). Approximately half of the Golmud-Lhasa section is built on permafrost. In summer, the top layer of soil thaws, and the earth turns into liquid mud. To solve this problem, some areas had to be covered with a large amount of stones and rubble, the most vulnerable areas had to be raised to bridges.

6. Engineering structures along the road:

7. Here it is, the highest section of the railway in the world, Tanggula Pass, height - 5072 m.:

8. Martian landscapes of the Tibetan plateau:

9. Tibetan mountain village. There are many of these along the way:

The construction of the Golmud-Lhasa section was completed in October 2005, the first train was launched in July 2006. The construction of the road continues: in 2013, the opening of the Lhasa-Shigatse section was announced, the project is estimated at 13.3 billion yuan (approx. 2.2 billion dollars). Plans are being discussed for the construction of sections Lhasa - Nyingchi (a district in Western Tibet), Lhasa - Kathmandu, and even Lhasa - Calcutta.

10. Building bridges and good roads in Tibet is not an easy task:

11. This is how our train looks from the side:

12. Hang Tso Lake:

13. Mountain range Samdan Kangsam (Samdan Kangsam), the highest point of the range - 6590 m.:

14. In some places, Tibetan landscapes resemble the Arctic:

15. Some more Martian landscapes:

16. Tibetan Plateau:

17. Passengers:

18. Railway Station in Lhasa:

19. The air in Tibet is rarefied, partial pressure oxygen is 35% - 40% lower than at sea level, so all cars are equipped with oxygen masks. "Life support system" in a railway car:

Trains are specially designed for the highlands: locomotives by the American company GE, passenger cars by the Chinese corporation Bombardier Sifang Transportation (BSP).

Pressurized cars, individual oxygen masks for each passenger, specially designed locomotives, endless flyovers on permafrost, dozens of deserted stations against the backdrop of snow-capped mountain peaks - all this is the unique Qinghai-Tibet railway. In just five years and three and a half billion dollars, China built a 1,150-kilometer highway connecting the "Roof of the World" with the main territory of the country.

Back in the early 1920s, the revolutionary Sun Yat-sen, in his programmatic “Plan for the Reconstruction of China,” proposed building about 100,000 kilometers of new railways in the country, including lines on the Tibetan Plateau. For objective reasons, the idea of ​​the “father of the nation” could only be returned to in the 1950s under Chairman Mao. The railway project to the capital of Tibet, Lhasa, was approved by 1960, but its construction was frozen for almost a decade and a half - China hardly reaped the benefits of the Great Leap Forward.

Only in 1974, the construction of the first section of the future highway, from the capital of Qinghai Province, the city of Xining to Golmud, already on the Tibetan Plateau, was resumed. 814 kilometers of the railway were built by the army and prisoners in five years, by 1979, but passenger traffic was opened here only in 1984.

Work on the second, high-altitude section to Lhasa was associated with particularly complex engineering tasks: the builders had to work in conditions of permafrost, lack of oxygen, and, moreover, the unique Tibetan ecosystem, the preservation of which was declared by the Chinese party and government as a matter of paramount importance.

It was only at the beginning of the 21st century that the country reached a level of technological readiness that made it possible to start implementing a large-scale infrastructure project. Moreover, the construction of the railway to Lhasa has become a key stage in the development program of Western China, the purpose of which is to eliminate the disproportion in the development of the eastern and western regions of the country. Another important, and perhaps the main, task of the PRC government was to strengthen the ties of the Tibetan autonomy, control over which was re-established only in 1950, with the main Chinese territory.

According to the project, approved in 2000 by Chinese President Jiang Zemin, the total length of the new railway was to be 1,142 kilometers. 45 stations were organized on this section, 38 of which were automatic, without attendants. The Tibetan highway from Golmud rose from a height of 2800 meters above sea level to the Tang-La pass (5072 meters) and then again descended to Lhasa (3642 meters).

Golmud Station.

Final terminal in Lhasa.

About 80% of the entire new section (960 kilometers) passed through difficult high-mountainous regions at an altitude of over 4000 meters above sea level, of which about 550 kilometers were located in the permafrost zone.

Building a railroad there presented a major engineering challenge. The fact is that the upper layer of permafrost tends to thaw in a short summer period, sometimes turning into an impenetrable swamp. In this regard, soil movements posed a real threat, which could lead to deformation and destruction of the track. In order to eliminate such a risk, the designers of the Qinghai-Tibet road developed a special scheme for its construction, which actually isolates any impact of the highway on the environment and vice versa.

The rails were laid on a special embankment of cobblestones covered with a layer of sand. In a transverse projection, the embankment was perforated with a through network of pipes to ensure its better ventilation, and its slopes were covered with special metal sheets that reflect sunlight and thereby further prevent its heating. In some areas, wells filled with liquid nitrogen were also arranged. All these measures actually froze the embankment under the road, preventing the heating of the upper layer of permafrost, its thawing and subsequent deformation of the railway track.

To compensate for elevation differences in the construction areas, a significant part of the highway was laid along flyovers. In total, 675 bridges were built on its 1142 kilometers, with a total length of 160 kilometers. The supports of these overpasses are essentially piles, the foundations of which rest deep in permafrost, due to which seasonal thawing of its upper layer does not have any effect on the stability of the structure structure. The gaps between the supports-columns do not prevent the free circulation of air under them, which allows minimizing the additional thermal effect from the railway.

In addition to the technical component, an important advantage of the overpass sections is the fact that they do not interfere with the free movement under the highway of sometimes unique representatives of the local fauna. The negative effect of foreign inclusion in the Tibetan ecosystem is thus reduced to a minimum.

Sections of the Qinghai-Tibet road, laid on an embankment on the surface of the earth, are fenced along their entire length, and special tunnels and bridges are regularly built for the passage of migratory animals.

After the completion of construction, the Tibetan Highway set several railway construction records at once. 350 kilometers from Golmud, at an altitude of 4900 meters above sea level, the highest mountain railway tunnel in the world was built, called Fenghuoshan (Wind Volcano Tunnel).

The Tang-La station on the mountain pass of the same name became the highest mountain railway station in the world. The mountains surrounding it seem more like hills, but this is a deceptive impression. In fact, the three-track Tang La is located at an altitude of 5068 meters, only four meters below the highest point of the entire highway (5072 meters).

Although trains stop here, in fact it is just a siding on a single-track highway. The station is fully automatic and is controlled from Xining, where the central office of the whole road is located. There are no settlements nearby, which, however, did not prevent the Chinese from building a rather large station here, worthy of a record-breaking station.

In most cases, the doors of the carriages do not even open here. For an unprepared person to be at such a height where the pressure of the atmosphere is only about 35-40% of the standard at sea level, poses a certain threat to health.

In order to make traveling through the highlands with their stunning landscapes a pleasure for passengers, a special rolling stock has been developed for the Qinghai-Tibet road. The American corporation General Electric designed NJ2 diesel locomotives for the line, modified for operation in high-altitude conditions, with a capacity of 5100 hp. With. each. Locomotives are capable of speeds up to 120 km/h with a train of 15 cars. In permafrost zones, their speed is limited to 100 km/h.

The wagons for the maintenance of the road were built at the Chinese plant of the Canadian concern Bombardier in the amount of 361 pieces (308 ordinary and 53 special tourist cars). All of them are actually hermetically sealed from environment, an oxygen pressure close to standard is maintained inside.

Despite this, attacks of altitude sickness caused by a lack of oxygen occurred among passengers. To prevent them, each seat in the carriages is equipped with individual oxygen tubes, similar to hospital ones. Tinted windows of cars with a special coating protect passengers from excessive solar radiation, again characteristic of the highlands.

Standard cars are divided into three classes familiar to us: seated, reserved seat and compartment. In addition, there are dining cars on the trains.

The throughput capacity of the line is eight pairs of passenger trains per day (excluding freight trains). At present, Lhasa is connected by regular passenger traffic not only with the neighboring “regional” center of Xining, but also with major cities countries are Beijing and Shanghai. The Beijing-Lhasa Express is on the way for 44 hours. The cost of tickets, depending on the class, ranges from $125 (reserved seat) to $200 (compartment).

Construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway began in 2001. About 20,000 workers who simultaneously began laying the highway from both endpoints (Golmud and Lhasa) completed the party's demanding task in just five years, spending $3.68 billion. According to official figures, no one died, even despite long-term work in not the most comfortable conditions for this.

Over the seven years of operation, more than 63 million passengers and 300 million tons of cargo have been transported along the road. Annual passenger traffic increased from 6.5 million people in 2006, when the line was put into operation, to 11 million people in 2012, and annual freight traffic increased from 25 million tons in 2006 to 56 million tons in 2012. It is already obvious that the new railway has significantly intensified economic development Tibet and the neighboring province of Qinghai.

The cost of delivering goods to Tibet, including energy carriers that are especially valuable in mountainous conditions, has become significantly cheaper. The tourism industry has also received a new impetus to development, although it is still impossible for anyone who wants to leave, for example, to take the Beijing train to Lhasa. To visit Tibet, the Chinese government, as before, requires a special permit, without which you simply will not be put on the train.

Skeptics, on the other hand, consider the Qinghai-Tibet railway to be just another stage in the gradual Chinese colonization of a kind of autonomous region and the locomotive of its development. natural resources. Geologists have already discovered deposits of copper, lead and zinc in the highlands of Tibet, raw materials badly needed by China's booming industry. Ecologists, of course, fear that the presence of a modern railway in the region will only spur the Chinese government to the speedy development of these deposits, with unpredictable consequences for the fragile ecosystem of the region.

However, so far these are just unsubstantiated fears. On the other hand, it is hard to deny the popularity of the road among the inhabitants of Tibet, who got the opportunity to easily and quickly reach the highly developed eastern regions of the country, and especially among tourists, for whom the highway is a wonderful attraction created with typical Chinese tenacity, literally turning mountains.

Getting to Tibet is not as easy as it might seem. First you need to get permission. It is given exactly at the time for which you book the tour. You can't just come to Tibet. Tour prices bite. We paid $1800 for 3 people for 3 days. This is for an individual guide, entry permit, train tickets and temple tickets. Everything. Good hotel - at least another $ 150 per night per room. In fact, you pay for an entry permit and a guide.

How do the Chinese authorities explain why foreigners need to get permission to travel to Tibet? Very simply: "Tibet is a specific region of China."

Therefore, the Chinese State Council (government) decided that

Based on folk traditions and cultural heritage;
. according to the requirements of environmental protection;
. based on the characteristics of traffic and the reception capabilities of the tourist infrastructure

non-Chinese citizens must obtain permission to enter Tibet.

Like this! That is, the point is not at all that you can unfurl the banner "Free Tibet!" and shouting "Dalai Lama - for president!". Rather, the thing is that foreigners are used to shitting everywhere. They have polluted all the rivers and air of China, all the entrances have already been pissed on! Therefore, to Tibet - only with permission! This is the last clean piece of land.

By the way, foreign diplomats and journalists are not allowed to travel to Tibet as tourists. They need special permission. It is also impossible to go to Tibet without a guide. You can only get to the region as part of a tourist group (even if you are traveling alone).

You have to either fly to Lhasa by plane or by train. Well, you can still go by car, but it's generally tough. By the way, if you are a foreigner, then formally you cannot get to Tibet driving a car, only as a passenger (and, again, a member of a tourist group). Although there were precedents.

The main problem here is height. Lhasa is located at an altitude of 3490 meters. The train crosses the Tang La pass at an altitude of 5072 meters (the highest point of this railway), and many die from altitude sickness on it. There is another problem: to make passengers comfortable, oxygen is supplied to the train. They say that because of this, the body then does not acclimatize well, since it takes oxygen for a day on the train. In general, all the room experts on the Internet strongly advise against traveling by train.

But this is the highest mountain railway in the world! How can you miss such a miracle? And we went by train. Here it is necessary to note one more point. At the height of the tourist season, it is almost impossible to buy train tickets. They need to be brought! You must have a special person who will get you a ticket at the last moment. In the process of obtaining a ticket, the price may double - of course, all this is unofficial.

Tickets were delivered to us the day before the train departure. So let's go!

01. Xining Main Station, from here it takes 21 hours by train to Lhasa! The station is about the size of Vnukovo Airport.

02. Tickets cannot be bought online. More precisely, you can buy, but then with the reservation number and documents, you must definitely go to the cashier and pick them up. To get tickets, you need to show permission to enter Tibet. In general, the process is approximately the same as when buying train tickets from Moscow to Kaliningrad (although we do not give permission to travel). Russian authorities, but Lithuanian).

03. We received tickets in advance. The livery of ordinary wagons is the same as we had under the Union. The wagons themselves are, of course, new.

04. The waiting room at the station. How are you? To enter the station, you need to show tickets, passport and permission. All this will be scanned, then you will be searched and only then will they let you into the building. No mourners and greeters have the right to enter the station.

05. Since Xining is the gateway to Tibet, and Tibet is China, at the station, all the screens show how Comrade Xi Jinping circles the troops. The videos are on all screens without stopping, and there is a reason - 90 years of the Chinese army.

06. It's time for the train! They are allowed onto the platform immediately before its departure.

07. The train to Lhasa is additionally decorated. See what a beauty!

08. The train to Lhasa takes 21 hours. There are three classes of cars: seated, soft sleeping and hard sleeping. With a seated one, everything is clear, the layout of the seats is 3 + 2.

09. Soft sleeper is an analogue of our coupe. 4 shelves, bed. Due to the fact that there are no upper shelves for luggage, there is more space between the shelves. And the coupe seems more spacious than ours. Each compartment has an outlet.

10. If you decide to repeat my feat with a trip by rail, then I strongly recommend that you take tickets for the evening train. At the beginning, the road is not very beautiful: steppe and steppe all around. But in the morning, at 9 o'clock, the Tang-La pass begins with a height of more than 5000 meters. This is already beautiful. Passengers of the morning trains do not see all this beauty, as they overcome the pass at night.

11. Snow!

12. There is an oxygen supply valve near each shelf.

13. Landscapes

14. Restaurant car, on the left, fresh salad grows in boxes.

15. An automobile road runs along the railway, loaded trucks slowly drag along it. According to my feelings, 80% of all transport is trucks. Speaking of which, someone might want to go to Tibet by car.

16. High mountain architecture settlements primitive and dull.

17. Basically, these are some trailers and tents standing in the mud.

18. Let's get back to our train. Amenities include a toilet. According to my feelings, it is not washed during the movement, so the further, the sharper the aromas. It is difficult to sleep near the toilet because of the strong smell.

19. Every third car has a toilet for the disabled! It is spacious and cleaner, as few people go into it.

20. Along the road, almost every kilometer there are booths with the inscription "People's Guard of the Road." A soldier sits in each booth and salutes passing trains. There are really a lot of these booths, it is not very clear why they are. Maybe they are afraid of sabotage?

21. Although, perhaps, these are railway workers, not soldiers.

22. In some places there are no booths, so a dude in uniform comes to the tracks by car and, instead of saluting, speaks on the phone.

23. Beautiful

24. As I said, the train has a dining car. But that's not all! Have you ever seen a karaoke car on a train? Here! And he is here! A whole carriage of unrestrained fun. Here you can buy booze and sing any songs.

25. Despite the fact that it is strongly not recommended to drink alcohol at a height, the local people eat themselves in the trash.

26. How much beer does it take to get drunk? Here we must take into account that the strength of Chinese beer is usually 3-4 degrees, so you need to try very hard.

27. The train, by the way, is well decorated.


29. And sheep are grazing outside the window.

30. And yaks! The yak is the main animal here, there are some innumerable herds of them. I have never seen so many yaks. By the way, they say that in Tibet half of the dishes are prepared on the basis of yak meat (how to say in Russian, "yachina"?).

31. In the sitting class, the people also turn sour.



34. The train is gradually descending, and the snow disappears, green meadows begin.

35. There are no sockets in the sit-down cars, so people charge their gadgets near the washbasins through numerous extension cords and power banks.

36. A new highway is being built outside the window! Construction has just begun, but somewhere they have already begun to make flyovers and tunnels.

37. As I understand it, this is protection so that the path does not cover up in winter? And what about the grid of stones in the foreground? Why is she?

38. There are few stops, and they are mostly used by locals. A tourist will not be able to get off at a half-station, because the Chinese have thought of everything! As soon as you board the train, your ticket is confiscated, and instead they give you a plastic card with your seat number. To get off at any train station, you need to show a ticket! And there is no ticket - there is no exit in the wrong place! The ticket will be returned to you just before you arrive at your stop. Like this! In general, everything is strict.

39. The local people carry some giant bales with them. In general, it is not clear how they move with them at such a height. It is difficult for an unprepared person to breathe. Labor migration is very common in China. People constantly travel to work in more developed regions, that is, from the west to the east of the country. They are forced to carry a huge amount of belongings with them, with the help of which they settle in a new place. For example, they can carry a mattress with them, on which they sleep at a construction site where they were hired to work.

40. Interior of a seated car


42. Incredible beauty outside the window!

43. It's worth going just for the sake of the scenery. You sit and constantly shoot out the window.

44. Isn't it a miracle? And yaks are grazing around!


46. ​​On every camera pole! And how did you want? Difficult area.



49. A minute of advertising my good friend! Remember Moishe from New York? He worked as a paparazzi and I did his hard work. By the way, if you haven't read it, be sure to read it, it's cool. So, Moishe got tired of running around New York for the stars, and he decided to sell tea! Tea is very good, delivered all over the world. If one of my readers is in the subject, then remember the site. Especially if you live in the USA. Enjoying black tea on a train is not so easy: at altitude, the water does not heat up to 100 degrees, and black tea is difficult to brew.


51. In the morning local drunks started playing cards. The Chinese are very big fans of card and gambling games, this is a very common pastime. At the same time, gambling for money in China, of course, is prohibited, but still everyone plays, no one cares for a long time.

52. Clouds gathered over our train.

53. How many yaks are there!

54. What about food? Well, firstly, there is a restaurant car - you already understood that. And secondly, conductors with carts constantly walk around the cars.

55. They sell all sorts of inedible junk like chocolates and chips, as well as soda. I highly recommend taking food with you.

56. In the morning, a cart with milk rides.

57. This is all the construction of the road is planned. Soon a highway will be built in Tibet!



60. Unlike Russian trains, the washbasin in China is not in the toilet, but separately, right next to the vestibule instead of one of the compartments. Very convenient: when everyone goes to brush their teeth in the morning, there is no need to queue for the toilet.

61. Each car has free boiling water.


63. We are approaching Lhasa.

64. Active construction of historical and cultural heritage is underway.

65. Trains are very clean, carpets everywhere! And the doors between the cars are always open, and you can safely walk. By the way, the couplings are sealed, nothing makes noise. You can stand in the vestibule and talk in a whisper.


67. Another station.

68. Sign on the road: "Let's build in an exemplary way to save the last clean piece of land in the world!"

69. At each station there are people in uniform and keep order

70. Passengers line up in neat queues.


72. And here it is, Lhasa Station! Huge!

73. Foreigners need to register with the police. Once again, the permission is checked and the passports are scanned.

74. Tomorrow I will start telling you about Tibet! Interestingly?