Is it possible to go to college with unsatisfactory results of the OGE? This is not possible, however, if you received negative marks for the exam, you have the opportunity to re-attest within a certain time frame. If you fail to retake the exams, you will be asked to retake the test only for the next year. Some colleges may require additional entrance examinations on the basis of the educational institution itself. Therefore, when choosing a future place of study, be sure to check all the information on the exams. What documents are needed Any applicant must take a responsible approach to the preparation of the main documentation for applying, since late submission of documents to the selection committee can nullify all chances of enrollment.

How many colleges can I apply to after finishing 9th grade?

For example, if an applicant chose a construction college, the admissions committee has the right to ask for a number of drawings and offer to pass additional exams (usually drawing). Without additional training, it is almost impossible to pass such tests.
It is recommended to hire a tutor a few months before the exams, enroll in graphics and drawing courses, and also try to spend more free time drawing at home to fill your hand. Competition of certificates Practically the last stage of the introductory campaign is the compilation of ratings of applicants.
Of course, applicants, first of all, want to enter state-funded places, and in most cases they succeed. There are quite a few places in the secondary school, but still the college is not able to accept all applicants.

College admission rules: list of documents and deadlines for their submission 2018

To decide which colleges you can go to after grade 9, you need to look at the student's current progress diary:

  • if a child is fond of natural sciences, then perhaps he should think about a medical school or a pedagogical one;
  • it is worth focusing on a polytechnic or construction profile if there are inclinations towards exact disciplines;
  • the humanities, as a rule, choose a pedagogical or legal college;
  • girls often pay attention to colleges, where you can get the profession of an accountant, hairdresser, make-up artist.

List of entrance documents When enrolling in a college, there are no special differences from applying to a university. It is only necessary to have the necessary documents, bring them to the selection committee and fill out an application for admission there.

How to get into college after 9th grade

In addition, there is another positive point - graduates of an incomplete secondary school, if they fail the entrance exams in the secondary school, do not miss the season, but can return to school. In two years, there is a real chance to raise the level and try to get a job at the chosen university again.


How to determine where to study? What college to go to after 9th grade? In modern Russia, there are many colleges, and you can get a diploma in almost every profession. A graduating student needs to correctly determine his own abilities, it will be determined how to enter college after grade 9.

Often, schools offer psychological and career guidance tests to detect a child's craving for a particular profession.

Should I go to college after 9th grade?

This burning issue for students and their parents is vigorously discussed in the media and, of course, directly opposite opinions are expressed. Let's try to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each of the alternatives.

Our beloved child remained in his native school. Are there any advantages? Certainly! There is no problem of adaptation to a new pedagogical and children's team. All their usual. Negative sides? And you can't do without them.

A lot of items that take a lot of time and effort and which may not find practical application. It can be argued that all subjects develop a person, and knowledge is not superfluous.

And it is true. However, our children are not iron, their brain is not rubber, and the nervous system is not steel. Maybe leave school and go to college after 9th grade? But even here everything is not certain.

All foreign and all foreign.


This date will be the same in all educational institutions, so you should decide. Most often, this date falls in the month of August, so for June - July you should decide what you want: to continue your studies at school or go to college.


Advantages and Disadvantages of College It's worth mentioning the advantages of going to college. In one academic year, you will master the program of grades 10 and 11, this will happen in an accelerated mode.

The main question is whether this is good or bad. In this case, it all depends on the abilities of the student: it will suit someone, but someone will not be able to do it. After college, you will be able to continue your studies at a higher education institution, while you will already have completed your education and be able to work full-time or part-time.

How to enter college after 9th grade on a budget basis?

After the 9th grade, every student has a choice: to continue his studies at school or go to college. The majority doubts for a long time in making a decision, since it directly determines their future fate. Nevertheless, today many graduates prefer college, since this form of education makes it possible to obtain a secondary vocational education in just three years. In addition, college graduates can enter universities and study at them on an accelerated program.

So how do you go to college after 9th grade and what does it take? Entrance Exams Admission to college after grade 9 requires the passing of certain examinations. Since 2004, new examinations have been introduced in all schools in the form of the State Final Attestation (GIA).

College after 9th grade

However, then, with the completion of the loan, it is necessary to work out a certain period in order to return to the company the funds invested in the student during his studies. Most often, rural applicants under a target contract go to a pedagogical or medical college.
Such agreements are received by the administration of a settlement or district. College of Medicine Medical college can be entered after the 9th grade. Enrollment is subject to the same conditions as in other colleges and universities. First, documents are submitted and an application is written. In the event that an applicant has health problems or the grades do not reach the minimum score, college specialists may not accept him for training. There are several entrance tests for applicants after the 9th grade. For example, some colleges require you to take a math exam. For the rest of the graduates of the 9th grade, enrollment in colleges is based on the results of the GIA.
It is rather difficult to talk about what basis, budgetary or commercial, you will be able to enroll in, which course you will be enrolled in. All these questions are individual and are subject to resolution as they become available; in addition, it is worth remembering that the rules are constantly changing, so what is relevant now can change dramatically in 1-2 years.

It makes sense to study the admission rules six months before the submission of documents, that is, before the New Year. You may have to take some college entrance tests after 9th grade, so it makes sense to clarify all the admission rules at the beginning so that you have time to fully prepare.

Your main task is to understand what kind of specialist you want to become, and after that, decide on the place of obtaining this profession. Decide and learn! I wish you good study.
Moreover, the duration of training often depends on the levels of training you choose. If you decide to get basic knowledge in the specialty, then the duration of training will not be more than 2-3 years.

If you intend to take a more in-depth program, then the training period is increased by at least a year. A clear advantage of studying at a college is the possibility of subsequent admission to a university in your specialty.

At the same time, you do not have to take the first year: having assessed your knowledge and experience, the commission can enroll you immediately in the second or even third year of the university. Thus, when you graduate from the university, you will have two diplomas at once, and this is a very worthy advantage that will allow you to find a more prestigious job. Admission to a technical school and a vocational school A good alternative to a college can be such educational institutions as a technical school and a vocational school.

  • Consent to the processing of personal data (adult applicants)
  • Consent of a parent/legal representative to the processing of personal data of a minor

Specialty 46.02.01 Documentation management and archiving.


Full-time education:

  • 110 places - financed from the budget allocations of the federal budget on the basis of secondary general education (11 classes). Admission targets have been agreed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
  • 200 places - on a contractual basis on the basis of basic general education (9 classes).
  • 115 places - on a contractual basis on the basis of secondary general education (11 classes).
Part-time education:
  • on the basis of secondary general education (11 classes).
  • 60 places - on a contractual basis on the basis of secondary vocational, higher, incomplete higher education.
The college does not provide a hostel.


200 places - on a contractual basis, there are no budget places

1. Applications and documents are accepted from June 20, 2020 to 16:00 on August 15, 2020.

The applicant provides the original document of education no later than 16.00 August 15, 2019. Otherwise, he will not be enrolled in the number of students of the 1st year.
3. Admission to the College is based on the average score of the certificate - not lower than "4".

Subject to availability after August 15, 2019, admission to the College is carried out from among applicants with an average grade point of at least 3.5.

4. On the day of submission of documents, parents conclude a contract for training. A copy of the paid receipt must be sent to the College e-mail [email protected] in three days.

5. Ranked lists of applicants who have applied to the College will be posted on the College website daily from June 20, 2020. The list of applicants recommended for enrollment will be posted on the College website on August 17, 2020. The order for admission to the number of students of the first year will be published on the website on August 26, 2020.

6. Students write an English language test to determine their level of knowledge after being enrolled as a student in August.

8. The term of study at the College is 3 years 10 months. Upon completion of training, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued (without issuing a certificate).

9. Cost: 180,000 rubles.
10. Students of the College are assisted in employment, taking into account the rating for the period of graduation.

Dear applicants, we ask you to familiarize yourself with the literature program and read these works over the summer



110 seats - funded by federal budget appropriations
115 places - on a contractual basis

1. Acceptance of applications and documents for studying at the College begins on June 20, 2020 and runs until 16:00 on August 15, 2020.

2. When applying for admission to the College, the applicant submits the following documents:

  • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  • original or photocopy of a state document on education;
  • 6 color photographs, size 3x4.
The applicant submits the original document of education no later than 16.00 August 15, 2020. Otherwise, he will not be enrolled in the number of students of the 1st year.
3. Admission to the College is based on
  • grade point average:
- for places with payment of tuition fees - not lower than "4";
- to places at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget - not less than "4.5".

If the average score of the certificate is equal, the results of the profile disciplines "Russian language", "English language" with grades in the certificate not lower than "good" are mainly evaluated. Individual achievements and the target direction () are also taken into account.

Subject to availability after August 15, 2020, admission to the College is carried out from among applicants with an average grade point of at least 3.5.

4. Admission to places with payment of tuition fees is carried out after the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services and the payment of tuition fees in accordance with the terms of the agreement. A copy of the paid receipt must be sent to the College e-mail [email protected] within three days of payment.

5. Ranked lists of applicants who have applied to the College will be posted on the College website daily from June 20, 2020. The list of applicants recommended for enrollment will be posted on the College website on August 17, 2020. The order for admission to the number of students of the first year will be published on the website on August 26, 2020.

6. Students write an English language test to determine their level of knowledge after being enrolled as a student in August. Test preparation materials.

7. For all questions related to admission to the College, applicants can contact the College Admissions Committee (tel. 8-495-951-04-71) and the Chairman of the Admissions Committee Igor Yuryevich Gavryushin (tel. -32).

8. The term of study at the College is 1 year 10 months. Upon completion of training, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued.

9. Cost: 180,000 rubles.

10. College students are assisted in employment, taking into account the rating for the graduation period.

11. Not later than three days after enrolling in the College (until 08/29/2020), all students of the first course must provide:

  • a medical certificate (form No. 086 / y) and a certificate of preventive vaccinations (form 156 / y-93);
  • a certificate from a narcological dispensary (without taking tests);
  • a copy of temporary registration for students who do not have permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region;
  • notarized consent to protect the rights and legitimate interests of minors residing in Moscow or the Moscow region. without parents (legal representatives);
  • copies of TIN, SNILS and a copy of the paid receipt.


60 places - on a contractual basis

1. Acceptance of applications and documents for studying at the College begins on June 20, 2020 and runs until August 30, 2020.

2. When applying for admission to the College, the applicant submits the following documents:

  • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  • original or photocopy of a state document on education;
  • 6 color photographs, size 3x4.
The applicant submits the original document on education and (or) document on education and qualification no later than 16.00 August 30, 2020. Otherwise, he will not be enrolled in the number of students of the 1st year.
3. Admission to the College is carried out after the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services and the payment of tuition fees in accordance with the terms of the agreement. A copy of the paid receipt must be sent to the College e-mail [email protected] within three days of payment. The order for admission to the number of students of the first year is issued until September 01, 2020.

4. For all questions related to admission to the College, applicants can contact the College Admissions Committee (tel. 8-495-951-04-71) and the Chairman of the Admissions Committee Gavryushin Igor Yuryevich (tel. -32).

5. The term of study at the College is 2 years 2 months. Upon completion of training, a diploma of secondary vocational education is issued.

6. Cost - 108,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 3 installments).

  • a copy of the paid receipt.


60 places - on a contractual basis

1. Acceptance of applications and documents for studying at the College for part-time education on the basis of higher education, incomplete higher education, secondary vocational education begins on April 20, 2020 and runs until August 30, 2020.

2. When applying for admission to the College, the applicant submits the following documents:

  • original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;
  • original or photocopy of state documents on education and (or) document on education and qualifications;
  • 6 color photographs, size 3x4;
  • certificate of employment (if any);
persons studying in other educational organizations additionally provide:
  • certificate from the place of study;
  • record book (original) + 1 copy.

3. The term of study at the College is 1 year 10 months.

4. The cost of training - 108,000 rubles. per year (payment is made in 3 installments).

5. Enrollment in the College is carried out after the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services and the payment of tuition fees in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The order for admission to the number of students of the first year is issued until September 01, 2020.

6. For all questions related to admission to the College, applicants can contact the College Admissions Committee (tel. (tel. 8-495-953-08-32).

7. Not later than three days after enrolling in the College, all first-year students must provide:

  • medical certificate (form No. 086/y);
  • a copy of temporary registration for students who do not have permanent registration in Moscow or Moscow Region;
  • copy of paid receipt

When entering colleges and technical schools, applicants should prepare and submit sets of certain documents. In general, all secondary vocational educational institutions of the Russian Federation have the same requirements for this package.

The lists of documents for admission to technical schools and colleges are the same. Special items are contained in the lists of documents that must be provided for admission to Russian secondary specialized educational institutions:

  • stateless persons;
  • citizens of other states;
  • Russians living abroad.

There are certain differences in the conditions for accepting documents from adults and minors.

The admission of documents to colleges in 2017, as well as the submission of documents to technical schools in 2017, is carried out in the summer, from July (in rare cases from June) to August inclusive.

Citizens of the Russian Federation

For admission to a technical school or college, you must submit:

  1. An identity card or a document confirming the presence of Russian citizenship.
  2. Medical certificate 086 / y.
  3. Document on education (school certificate, NGO diploma).
  4. Six photos 3x4.
  5. A copy of the medical insurance policy.
  6. Pension insurance certificate.
  7. A copy of the military ID.

Admission of documents to colleges is carried out only in accordance with federal law.

Some of the documents listed, such as an insurance pension certificate or a military ID, are optional and subject to availability. It is permissible to submit to the educational institution not originals, but copies of documents.

In addition to the documents already mentioned, the applicant submits a questionnaire, the content of which is determined by the leadership of the educational institution. As a rule, the questions of the questionnaire relate to the personal data of the applicant, the level of his education (meaning the average score of the certificate, the results of the Unified State Examination), knowledge of languages, availability of completed courses, participation in social and creative activities, victories and participation in competitions, olympiads, competitions, and so on. Further.

If the applicant is under the age of 18, at least one of the parents, guardians or other legal representatives of the applicant must be present when submitting documents.

Each applicant fills out an application for admission and concludes an agreement on education. Contracts for adult and minor students have slight formal differences.

Stateless persons and foreign citizens

For admission to college, you must provide:

  1. An identity card issued to foreign citizens in the Russian Federation, or a copy of an identity card (internal passport of the state, international passport, Schengen passport, etc.). This item is regulated by Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002.
  2. A document confirming that the applicant has a sufficient level of education. It can be an original or a copy if it is certified by the competent state bodies of the Russian Federation. Not only a diploma, certificate or certificate from the educational system of the Russian Federation is suitable, but also the original or certified copy of the document on education received in a foreign state, if the education confirmed by this document is recognized in the Russian Federation as equivalent to that required in the Russian Federation for admission to colleges. In some cases provided for by Russian law, a copy of the certificate of recognition of the equivalence of the submitted foreign educational document may also be required.
  3. Written translations of foreign documents on education and their annexes, certified by the competent state authorities of the Russian Federation.
  4. Copies of evidence legally and factually confirming that a Russian living abroad is a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  5. Six photos 3x4.

A minor applicant - a citizen of a foreign state, when submitting documents must be accompanied by his legal adult representative.

The deadlines for submitting documents to technical schools and colleges are determined separately in each case and can be extended by the management of educational institutions. As a rule, admission ends with the start of entrance exams.

How do colleges enter after grade 9 on a budget basis

Going to college for today's students seems to be a more productive pastime than studying in grades 10-11. This is the acquisition of basic general education simultaneously with the profession. Kind of two in one. So, in itself it is beneficial, at least in a temporary sense.

In society, mastering a working profession is becoming more and more relevant and popular than getting a higher education just for the sake of keeping a diploma on a shelf in a closet.

Simplified was the admission to colleges. To become a college student, you must contact the admissions office, write an application and attach to it:

Passport or birth certificate;


GIA results;


Medical certificate;

6 photos 3*4.

If your specialty does not imply the presence of specific talents, abilities, then you do not need to take exams.

It is quite logical that everyone is trying to submit documents to the budget. However, the allocated number of free places is not always able to provide everyone. And then comes the selection of certificates.

In this case, the holders of certificates with a higher average score either in the certificate as a whole or in specific subjects will get to the budget.

In addition to the general competition, beneficiaries can apply for a place paid by the state. These include the following applicants:

1) orphans;

2) disabled people;

3) military personnel;

4) brought up by one disabled parent, if the family income is below the subsistence level.

Naturally, the right to benefits must be documented.

If the certificate is good, there should be no problems with enrollment in a free place. But not everyone got excellent grades in school. Therefore, if the document on education is not particularly competitive, and financial opportunities do not allow studying on a contract basis, it is still possible to enter the budget.

To do this, you need to choose a specialty for which there is no competition. It may not be the most prestigious profession, but for many students it will be a chance to unlearn for free. In some colleges there are shortages of students for budget places. Here you can get there without any competition and exams.

Each region has its own popular and unclaimed specialties, information on the shortfall for the last year can be found on the Internet, or ask the admissions office.

Entering after the 9th grade and getting a free vocational education is quite affordable for everyone, subject to the desire and aspiration.

As already noted in the previous article Features of admission to college / technical school after grade 11, the procedure for admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education is established:

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2014 No. 36 "On the procedure for admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education" and

    Article 68 "Secondary vocational education" of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (as amended on August 03, 2018).

In accordance with the specified legislative norms, in order of admission to study at educational institutions of secondary vocational education:

    Admission to a college / technical school after grade 9 requires passing the main state exam (OGE):

    • The OGE is mandatory for all ninth graders and serves as the main criterion for passing to grade 10 or for admission after grade 9 for further education in colleges and technical schools;

      The state final certification for educational programs of basic general education (GIA 9) consists of four exams, including two compulsory subjects, such as mathematics and Russian, and two disciplines at the discretion of the student;

      9th grade students are allowed to pass the OGE, whose annual grades in all disciplines have a mark of at least 3. If a student has 2 in one of the disciplines, he also has the right to pass the exam on the condition that he will take this particular subject. In addition, students of previous years who have not received a certificate are allowed to the OGE.

    With unsatisfactory results of the OGE, it is impossible to enter a college / technical school. However, if you receive negative marks for the exam, there is the possibility of re-attestation at a certain time. In case of an unsuccessful attempt to retake the exams, the student will be asked to retake the test only for the next year.

    Secondly, apply for budget education (budget places) in several colleges/technical schools.

    To date, there are no restrictions on the number of applications submitted, which gives applicants additional benefits:

      Firstly, the chances of being enrolled in one of the educational institutions increase;

      Secondly, future students with successful results have the opportunity to choose between the best colleges / technical schools in the city.

    There are cases when an applicant cannot immediately decide on a future specialty/profession and applies for several specialties/professions. As a rule, the decisive choice here is the direction of further education in which the applicant shows his best results. The absence of restrictions on the number of applications is an excellent safety net for applicants.

    If you decide to apply to more than one secondary vocational education institution:

      specify in advance what you need to enter a college / technical school,

      and also find out the dates of the selection committees and prepare several identical folders with documents.

    Thirdly, observe the deadlines for submitting documents.

    It should be borne in mind that the applicant has no more than 2 months in stock. Documents for admission begin to be submitted from the moment the school issues a certificate of basic general education - usually this is the beginning of summer.

    The admission committee of the college / technical school generates lists for enrollment at the end of August, so by the middle of this month, admission to the main areas of study is usually already closed. The exact deadlines for accepting applications along with the required documents must be clarified at the admission committee of the selected educational institution.

    It should be borne in mind that the chances of successful enrollment in budget places depend on:

      from the popularity of the direction of study,

      as well as on the school performance of the applicant (if there is a competition, the average score of the certificate is taken into account).

    If academic performance is low or average, the specialty / profession most in demand among applicants may not be available, so it makes sense to consider several options for admission.

    In addition, you should not categorically refuse the idea of ​​being trained at the commercial department:

    • the cost of studying at a college / technical school is usually quite low, any student can master it, provided that he combines study and work.

    Documents to be submitted to the admission committee of the college/technical school

    For admission to budgetary education (budgetary places) in a college / technical school after grade 9, the following documents must be submitted to the selection committee of the college / technical school:

      certificate (or its copy) of incomplete secondary education;

      an application, the form of which is issued by the selection committee and filled out in its presence;

      a copy of the passport (it is necessary to make copies of all pages of the passport);

      certificate (or its copy) on passing the OGE;

      medical insurance policy;

      4 photos in 3x4 format (in black and white or color);

      medical certificate (form 086U).

    As a rule, graduates receive a medical certificate while still at school during the medical examination. Such a certificate can also be issued in special medical institutions after the necessary examination and identification of the absence of contraindications in the chosen specialty.

    To enroll in a college/technical school after grade 9, the admission committee may offer the student to provide additional certificates and diplomas or pass additional entrance tests.

    How is the selection of applicants for budget education (budget places) to college / technical school after grade 9

    After submitting the documents and passing the tests, the enrollment of applicants begins. Naturally, most often schoolchildren apply for budget places. Unlike universities, there are quite a lot of them in educational institutions of secondary vocational education, especially for 9th grade graduates. But, nevertheless, all those who want to accept an educational institution still cannot.

    In accordance with Article 68 "Secondary vocational education" of the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation, if the number of applicants exceeds the number of budget places, the educational institution takes into account the results of the applicants' mastering the educational program of basic general education (9 grades), indicated in the submitted documents on education , the results of individual achievements, information about which the applicant has the right to provide upon admission

    The admissions committee of the college / technical school reviews the documents of each applicant and displays the average score of his school performance:

      the higher it is, the more likely it is to enroll;

      those who do not have triples in their secondary education documents can automatically be awarded a scholarship.

    As a rule, lists of applicants with points are published on the website of the educational institution and posted on a special stand, next to the office where the admissions committee is located.

    Thanks to new technologies in most colleges/technical schools, the admission procedure is completely transparent, which allows you to track admission via the Internet.

    Who is entitled to benefits when applying for budget-funded education (budget places) to a college / technical school after grade 9

    • brought up by a single father or mother (if the parents have a disability group, and the income in the family per person is below the subsistence level);
    • military personnel;
    • orphans;
    • invalids.

    Out of turn, you can enroll in budget places when sent to study under a target contract:

    • but after graduating from college / technical school, you will need to work for several years to cover the cost of education;
    • most often from rural areas, under such targeted contracts, schoolchildren are sent to study at a pedagogical or medical college / technical school. Such contracts are drawn up in the administration of the village or city.