Latitude: 33°55′33″S
Longitude: 18°25′23″ E
Height above sea level: 25 m

Cape Town coordinates in decimal degrees

Latitude: -33.9258400°
Longitude: 18.4232200°

Cape Town coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes

Latitude: 33°55.5504′S
Longitude: 18°25.3932′ E

All coordinates are given in the world coordinate system WGS 84.
WGS 84 is used in the global positioning and navigation satellite system GPS.
Coordinates (latitude and longitude) determine the position of a point on the Earth's surface. The coordinates are angular quantities. The canonical representation of coordinates is degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use the representation of coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.
Latitude takes values ​​from −90° to 90°. 0° - latitude of the equator; −90° - latitude South Pole; 90° is the latitude of the North Pole. Positive values ​​correspond to north latitude (points north of the equator, abbreviated N or N); negative - southern latitude (points south of the equator, abbreviated S or S).
Longitude is measured from the prime meridian (IERS Reference Meridian in the WGS 84 system) and takes values ​​from −180° to 180°. Positive values ​​correspond east longitude(abbreviated E or E); negative - west longitude (abbreviated W or W).
Height above sea level shows the height of the relative sea level point. We use a digital elevation model

What part of the continent is it in? What are the coordinates of the city of Cape Town, and how does it attract tourists?

A city on the shores of two oceans

Cape Town is a unique city. 20 kilometers south of it is the same one that delimits two oceans - the Indian and the Atlantic. Thus, the city is located on the banks of two reservoirs of a planetary scale at once!

Cape Town is one of the three capitals, namely the legislative one. The country's parliament is located here. In addition, it is the most important economic and financial center of South Africa. It houses the offices of major banks and companies.

The city originated in mid-seventeenth century. The history of its appearance is closely connected with the search for a sea trade route to India. And when it was found, there was an urgent need to organize some kind of "transit point" along the way. This is how the port city of Cape Town appeared on the map of Africa. The coordinates fully contributed to this: here merchant ships could replenish their supplies of provisions and water.

About 3.7 million people live in modern Cape Town. It is the second most populous city in South Africa. The metropolis is also among the most beautiful and most visited cities on the African continent.

What are the coordinates of Cape Town? You will find the answer to this question further in our article.

Cape Town: geographic coordinates

The city is located in the southwestern part of South Africa, within the Cape Peninsula. A peculiar and very spectacular background for it is Table Mountain, which rises more than a thousand meters above the ocean level.

Cape Town is located on the shores of Table Bay - one of the most picturesque in Africa.

The table below shows the exact coordinates of Cape Town:

But to designate geographical location of this or that city of the planet, degrees are not always used. Therefore, below are the coordinates of Cape Town in the so-called decimal fractions.

Cape Town has its own airport. From here there are regular flights to Johannesburg, other big cities South Africa, as well as to some cities in Europe.

Cape Town: interesting facts

To make the story about Cape Town as complete as possible, we bring to your attention the 5 most interesting facts about this city:

  • Cape Town is called the most favorable place in Africa for doing private business.
  • It houses the largest oceanarium in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Among the sister cities of Cape Town are the French Nice and the Russian St. Petersburg. Worthy company!
  • Cape Town is the largest (by area) city in South Africa.
  • Members of the world-famous musical group Die Antwoord live in Cape Town, playing in a rather unusual rave style.

Excellent beaches, a fairly large number of architectural and historical monuments, combined with a highly developed infrastructure, attract tourists from all over the world. Cape Town is one of the best places in Africa for surfing and shopping. Cape Town's main attractions include the Aquarium of Two Oceans, the Cape of Good Hope, Table Mountain, the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, the South African National Gallery, and Robben Prison Island.

Cape Town is located in the southwest of South Africa (South Africa). It is located on the coast Atlantic Ocean near the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town is also the capital of the Western Cape.

Cape Town coordinates:

33°55′ S

18°29′ East

Cape Town on the world map, which can be controlled (zoom and move the mouse)

Facts about Cape Town:

  1. The second largest city in South Africa, after Johannesburg.
  2. Almost all government offices are located in the city.
  3. Cape Town is famous for its harbour.
  4. One of the main attractions is Table Mountain.
  5. Cape Town is the most visited city in all of South Africa.
  6. The climate of Cape Town is subtropical Mediterranean.
  7. The population of the city is 2,893,251 people.
  8. The area of ​​the city is 2,499 km².
  9. The oldest building in the city is the Castle of Good Hope.
  10. Since 1980, the Goodwill holiday has been held annually.
  11. The 2 Oceans Aquarium is located in Cape Town.

Cape Town is on the list: cities

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Cape Town is an amazing, distant, exotic city, which is the capital of South Africa. It is located at the very end of Africa, the next object is Antarctica. Cape Town is the second largest city in the country with a population of 3.5 million. He is probably known to every person, although the well-known song "In the Cape Town port, with a hole in the board." Every year tourism in this city develops, and more and more people want to visit Cape Town.

In contact with

cape town wikipedia- a city that is famous for many attractions. Table Mountain is called the brightest and most famous. There are many other unique objects in Cape Town. In particular, these are the oldest buildings in South Africa, the Cape Town stadium, which hosted the noisiest World Cup in 2010, as well as a huge aquarium, considered the largest in the southern hemisphere.

No less interesting is how the capital of South Africa, Cape Town, developed. Initially, it was just a transit point so that Dutch sailors could rest while traveling from Europe to the eastern countries. This purpose of the city was preserved for two long centuries, until the Suez Canal was opened in 1869. Interestingly, the city itself was founded back in 1652 on the initiative of the colonists, led by Jan van Riebeeck. Today Cape Town is The largest city country, considered the most popular among tourists.

History of Cape Town

Before looking for where Cape Town is located on the world map, you should familiarize yourself with the historical information of its formation. The earliest finds in this area date back over 12,000 years ago. However, this time in Cape Town is considered practically unexplored. The known story has just begun in 1486 from the first written evidence. It was then that Bartolomeu Dias first arrived at the Cape of Good Hope.

Some time later, namely in 1497, the same soap rounded Vasco da Gama. However, regular contacts with Europeans began to be maintained only from 1662, when Riebeck arrived in Cape Town. She worked for the East India Company in Holland, and his visit to the city was to provide a full stop for European ships. At that time, the Hottentots and the Xhosa lived here.

Initially, Cape Town grew very slowly. The main reason was the lack of workers. For this purpose, slaves were brought to Cape Town from Madagascar and. Many of them became full-fledged participants in colonial society, taking local women as wives. Due to the mixture of Europeans, Indonesians and local people different ethnic groups emerged s - "colored".

Until the events of 1795, the city was under the rule of Holland. However, the Battle of Meisenberg disrupted the measured rhythm of life in Cape Town. Until 1814 the city passed from Holland to the British Empire, in the colony of which he subsequently remained. The British Empire created the Cape Colony with Cape Town as its capital.

In 1869 began here Golden fever after the discovery of diamond deposits. As a result, immigrants flowed into the city en masse. This later became one of the causes of the Anglo-Boer War. The winner was the British Empire, which further consolidated control of the city and expanded gold and diamond mining. In 1910 they created the Union of South Africa, and in 1961 - Republic of South Africa. Cape Town retained its position as the capital.

Where is Cape Town located?

Those who plan to visit a distant African city are interested in its position. It is located in the northern part of the Cape Peninsula, being at the same time extreme point. The main relief is Table Mountain with sheer cliffs, including Lion's Head and Devil's Peak. Often there is a "tablecloth" over the mountain, which is a thin cloud. The exact geographic coordinates of Cape Town:

  • 33° 55' 33" (33° 55' 55) south latitude;
  • 18° 25' 23" (18° 25' 39) East.

Peninsula itself has a mountain range on the map. It has over 700 peaks with a height of more than 300 meters each. The peninsula and the mainland are connected by the Cape Flats, which also contains numerous urban suburbs. The main landscape of the plain is sandy soils, as previously these were shoals.

Climate in Cape Town

Cape Town climate is a separate topic for those who are planning their own trip to the northern point of Africa. Here prevails subtropical mediterranean climate. The best time to visit the city is in autumn and spring time - October, November, May and April. In summer it is quite hot here, as the temperature does not fall below 25 degrees. The winter period in Cape Town is considered the rainiest and coldest, when the temperature at night reaches +5 degrees.

What to see in Cape Town?

Cape Town attractions are ready to offer a wide variety. Main remains table mountain, which majestically rises above the city. This name was given to her because of the steep slopes. The height of the mountain reaches 1087 meters. If you wish, you can climb to its top using the cable car.

Another significant attraction of Cape Town, South Africa - castle of good hope. This is a defensive building, which was erected by the first settlers. In 1936 it turned into a museum and today it is ready to receive visitors. You can also visit the following objects in Cape Town:

Cape Town - unusual city, which at first sight strikes with its exoticism. Interestingly, it even has its own winery. The cellars of the Vaughan Johnson Way Shop store over 500 brands of wines made in South Africa. It is also worth taking a ride along the Wine Route. In this city, every traveler will find something to his liking that will interest him and make him fall in love with the city.

Sights of Cape Town

South Africa, Cape Town

On this page you can find out the geographical coordinates of Cape Town (South Africa) in all existing formats: in decimal degrees, in degrees and decimal minutes, in degrees, minutes and seconds. This information will be useful for travelers, sailors, tourists, pupils and students, teachers and teachers, and for all other people who for some reason need to know the geographical coordinates of Cape Town.

So, below are the geographical coordinates of Cape Town in different formats, as well as the height of Cape Town above sea level.

City of Cape Town

Coordinates of Cape Town in decimal degrees

Longitude: 18.4232200°

Coordinates of Cape Town in degrees and decimal minutes

-33° 55.55′ S
18° 25.393′ E

Coordinates of Cape Town in degrees, minutes and seconds

Latitude: S33°55"33.02"
Longitude: E18°25"23.59"
The height of Cape Town above sea level is 25 m.

About the coordinate system

All coordinates on this site are given in the world coordinate system WGS 84. WGS 84 (English World Geodetic System 1984) is the world system of geodetic parameters of the Earth in 1984, which includes the system of geocentric coordinates. Unlike local systems, WGS 84 is a single system for the entire planet. The predecessors of WGS 84 were the WGS 72, WGS 66 and WGS 60 systems. WGS 84 determines coordinates relative to the center of mass of the Earth, the error is less than 2 cm. east of the Greenwich meridian. An ellipsoid with a larger radius - 6,378,137 m (equatorial) and a smaller one - 6,356,752.3142 m (polar) was taken as a basis. The practical implementation is identical to the reference basis of the ITRF. WGS 84 is used in the global positioning and navigation satellite system GPS.

Coordinates (latitude and longitude) determine the position of a point on the Earth's surface. The coordinates are angular quantities. The canonical representation of coordinates is degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). In GPS systems, the representation of coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes or in decimal degrees is widely used. Latitude takes values ​​from −90° to 90°. 0° is the latitude of the equator; −90° is the latitude of the South Pole; 90° is the latitude of the North Pole. Positive values ​​correspond to north latitude (points north of the equator, abbreviated N or N); negative - southern latitude (points south of the equator, abbreviated S or S). Longitude is measured from the prime meridian (IERS Reference Meridian in the WGS 84 system) and takes values ​​from −180° to 180°. Positive values ​​correspond to east longitude (abbreviated east or E); negative - west longitude (abbreviated W or W).