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sodium chlorate

sodium chlorate

Traditional names sodium chloride
Chem. formula NaClO 3
Physical Properties
State colorless crystals
Molar mass 106.44 g/mol
Density 2.490; 2.493 g/cm³
Thermal properties
T. melt. 255; 261; 263°C
T. kip. dec. 390°C
Mol. heat capacity 100.1 J/(mol K)
Enthalpy of formation -358 kJ/mol
Chemical properties
Solubility in water 100.5 25; 204 100 g/100 ml
Solubility in ethylenediamine 52.8 g/100 ml
Solubility in dimethylformamide 23.4 g/100 ml
Solubility in monoethanolamine 19.7 g/100 ml
Solubility in acetone 0.094 g/100 ml
Reg. CAS number 7775-09-9


Reg. EC number 231-887-4
RTECS FO0525000
Data is based on standard conditions (25 °C, 100 kPa) unless otherwise noted.

sodium chlorate- inorganic compound, sodium metal salt and chloric acid with the formula NaClO 3 , colorless crystals, highly soluble in water.


  • Sodium chlorate is prepared by the action of chloric acid on sodium carbonate:
\mathsf(Na_2CO_3 + 2\ HClO_3\ \xrightarrow(\ )\ 2\ NaClO_3 + H_2O + CO_2\uparrow )
  • or by passing chlorine through a concentrated sodium hydroxide solution when heated:
\mathsf(6\ NaOH + 3\ Cl_2\ \xrightarrow(\ )\ NaClO_3 + 5\ NaCl + 3\ H_2O )
  • Electrolysis of aqueous solutions of sodium chloride:
\mathsf(6\ NaCl + 3\ H_2O \ \xrightarrow(e^-)\ NaClO_3 + 5\ NaCl + 3\ H_2\uparrow )

Physical Properties

Sodium chlorate - colorless cubic crystals, space group P 2 1 3 , cell parameters a= 0.6568 nm, Z = 4.

At 230-255°C it passes into another phase, at 255-260°C it passes into a monoclinic phase.

Chemical properties

  • Disproportionates when heated:
\mathsf(10\ NaClO_3 \ \xrightarrow(390-520^oC)\ 6\ NaClO_4 + 4\ NaCl + 3\ O_2\uparrow )
  • Sodium chlorate is a strong oxidizing agent solid state when mixed with carbon, sulfur, and other reducing agents, it detonates on heating or on impact.


  • Sodium chlorate has found application in pyrotechnics.

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  • Chemical Encyclopedia / Ed.: Knunyants I.L. etc. - M .: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1992. - T. 3. - 639 p. - ISBN 5-82270-039-8.
  • Handbook of a chemist / Editorial board: Nikolsky B.P. and others. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.-L.: Chemistry, 1966. - T. 1. - 1072 p.
  • Handbook of a chemist / Editorial board: Nikolsky B.P. and others. - 3rd ed., corrected. - L.: Chemistry, 1971. - T. 2. - 1168 p.
  • Ripan R., Chetyanu I. Inorganic chemistry. Chemistry of metals. - M .: Mir, 1971. - T. 1. - 561 p.

An excerpt describing sodium chlorate

It was eleven o'clock in the morning. The sun stood somewhat to the left and behind Pierre and brightly illuminated through the clean, rare air the huge panorama that opened before him like an amphitheater along the rising terrain.
Up and to the left along this amphitheater, cutting through it, the great Smolenskaya road wound, going through a village with a white church, lying five hundred paces in front of the mound and below it (this was Borodino). The road crossed under the village across the bridge and through the descents and ascents wound higher and higher to the village of Valuev, which could be seen six miles away (Napoleon was now standing in it). Behind Valuev, the road was hidden in a yellowed forest on the horizon. In this forest, birch and spruce, to the right of the direction of the road, a distant cross and the bell tower of the Kolotsky Monastery glittered in the sun. Throughout this blue distance, to the right and left of the forest and the road, in different places one could see smoking fires and indefinite masses of our and enemy troops. To the right, along the course of the Kolocha and Moskva rivers, the area was ravine and mountainous. Between their gorges, the villages of Bezzubovo and Zakharyino could be seen in the distance. To the left, the terrain was more even, there were fields with grain, and one could see one smoking, burned village - Semenovskaya.
Everything that Pierre saw to the right and to the left was so indefinite that neither the left nor the right side of the field fully satisfied his idea. Everywhere there was not a share of the battle that he expected to see, but fields, clearings, troops, forests, smoke from fires, villages, mounds, streams; and no matter how much Pierre disassembled, he could not find positions in this living area and could not even distinguish your troops from the enemy.
“We must ask someone who knows,” he thought, and turned to the officer, who was looking with curiosity at his unmilitary huge figure.
“Let me ask,” Pierre turned to the officer, “which village is ahead?”
- Burdino or what? – said the officer, addressing his comrade with a question.
- Borodino, - correcting, answered the other.
The officer, apparently pleased with the opportunity to talk, moved towards Pierre.
Are ours there? Pierre asked.
“Yes, and the French are farther away,” said the officer. “There they are, they are visible.
- Where? where? Pierre asked.
- You can see it with the naked eye. Yes, here, here! The officer pointed with his hand at the smoke visible to the left across the river, and on his face appeared that stern and serious expression that Pierre had seen on many faces he met.
Oh, it's French! And there? .. - Pierre pointed to the left at the mound, near which troops were visible.
- These are ours.
- Ah, ours! And there? .. - Pierre pointed to another distant mound with a large tree, near the village, visible in the gorge, near which fires were also smoking and something blackened.
"It's him again," the officer said. (It was the Shevardinsky redoubt.) - Yesterday was ours, and now it's his.
So what is our position?
- Position? said the officer with a smile of pleasure. - I can tell you this clearly, because I built almost all of our fortifications. Here, you see, our center is in Borodino, right here. He pointed to a village with a white church in front. - There is a crossing over the Kolocha. Here, you see, where rows of cut hay lie in the lowlands, here is the bridge. This is our center. Our right flank is where (he pointed steeply to the right, far into the gorge), there is the Moskva River, and there we built three very strong redoubts. The left flank ... - and then the officer stopped. - You see, it's hard to explain to you ... Yesterday our left flank was right there, in Shevardin, over there, you see where the oak is; and now we have taken back the left wing, now out, out - see the village and the smoke? - This is Semenovskoye, yes here, - he pointed to the mound of Raevsky. “But it’s unlikely that there will be a battle here. That he moved troops here is a hoax; he, right, will go around to the right of Moscow. Well, yes, wherever it is, we will not count many tomorrow! the officer said.
The old non-commissioned officer, who approached the officer during his story, silently waited for the end of his superior's speech; but at this point he, obviously dissatisfied with the words of the officer, interrupted him.
“You have to go for tours,” he said sternly.
The officer seemed to be embarrassed, as if he realized that one could think about how many people would be missing tomorrow, but one should not talk about it.
“Well, yes, send the third company again,” the officer said hastily.
“And what are you, not one of the doctors?”

The invention relates to the production of sodium chlorate, widely used in various areas industry. The electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is carried out first in chlorine diaphragm cells. The resulting chloride-alkali solutions and electrolytic chlorine gas are mixed to form a chloride-chlorate solution. The resulting solution is mixed with the mother liquor of the crystallization stage and sent to non-diaphragm electrolysis, followed by evaporation of chloride-chlorate solutions and crystallization of sodium chlorate. The products of diaphragm electrolysis can be partly diverted to obtain hydrochloric acid from chlorine gas for acidification of chlorate electrolysis and the use of chloride-alkali solutions for irrigation of sanitary columns. The technical result is a reduction in power consumption and the possibility of organizing autonomous production. 1 z.p.f.

The invention relates to the production of sodium chlorate, widely used in various industries. World production of sodium chlorate reaches several hundred thousand tons per year. Sodium chlorate is used to produce chlorine dioxide (bleach), potassium chlorate (Bertolet salt), calcium and magnesium chlorates (defoliants), sodium perchlorate (an intermediate for the production of solid rocket fuel), in metallurgy during the processing of uranium ore, etc. A known method for producing sodium chlorate by a chemical method, in which sodium hydroxide solutions are subjected to chlorination to obtain sodium chlorate. According to its technical and economic indicators, the chemical method cannot compete with the electrochemical method, therefore, it is practically not used at present (L.M. Yakimenko "Production of chlorine, caustic soda and inorganic chlorine products", Moscow, from "Chemistry", 1974, p. .366). A known method for producing sodium chlorate by electrolysis of a sodium chloride solution in a cascade of non-diaphragm electrolyzers to obtain chloride-chlorate solutions, from which crystalline sodium chlorate is isolated by evaporation and crystallization (K. Wihner, L. Kuchler "Chemische Technologie", Bd.1, "Anorganische Technologie", s.729, Munchen, 1970; L.M. Yakimenko, T. A. Seryshev "Electrochemical synthesis of inorganic compounds, Moscow, "Chemistry", 1984, pp. 35-70). This method is the closest The main technological stage, diaphragmless electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions, proceeds with a current output of 85-87%. hydrochloric acid.Before entering the stage of separation of the solid product, the electrolyte is alkalinized to an excess of alkali of 1 g/l with the addition of a reducing agent to destroy the corrosive sodium hypochlorite, always present in the products of electrolysis. A side anode process in the electrolysis of chloride solutions is the release of Cl 2 , which not only reduces the current efficiency, but also requires the purification of electrolysis gases in sanitary columns irrigated with an alkali solution. The implementation of the process is therefore associated with a significant consumption of hydrochloric acid and alkali: 1 ton of sodium chlorate consumes ~120 kg of 31% hydrochloric acid and 44 kg of 100% NaOH. For the same reason, chlorate production is organized where there is chlorine electrolysis, which supplies caustic soda and electrolytic chlorine and hydrogen for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, while there is often a need for autonomous production of sodium chlorate at points remote from chlorine production. But even where chlorine production and chlorate electrolysis are located nearby, when chlorine electrolysis is stopped and turned off for one reason or another, a forced shutdown of chlorate electrolysis occurs. Thus, the known method has significant drawbacks: high energy costs (not very high current efficiency ) and the impossibility of organizing autonomous production. The objective of the invention is to create a method for producing sodium chlorate by electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions with reduced energy costs. The problem is solved by the proposed method, in which sodium chloride is first processed in chlorine diaphragm electrolyzers to produce gaseous chlorine gas and electrolytic lye compositions of 120-140 g/l NaOH and 160-180 g/l NaCl, which are then fully or partially subjected to interaction between itself with obtaining a chloride-chlorate solution of 50-60 g/l NaClO 3 and 250-270 g/l NaCl, sent to bezdiaphragm electrolysis. The process of chlorate non-diaphragm electrolysis is carried out by acidification with hydrochloric acid. The resulting chlorate solution, which also contains sodium chloride, is sent to the stage of evaporation, and then crystallization of the chlorate. The mother liquor from the crystallization stage, together with the products of the interaction of alkali and chlorine from diaphragm electrolysis, is sent to non-diaphragm chlorate electrolysis. Before entering the stage of isolation of the solid product, the electrolyte is alkalinized to an excess of alkali of 1 g/l with the addition of a reducing agent to destroy sodium hypochlorite. With partial withdrawal of electrolysis products from chlorine diaphragm electrolyzers, chlorine is used to produce hydrochloric acid, which is used to acidify chlorate electrolysis, and alkali is used to irrigate sanitary columns during the purification of electrolysis gases. With this scheme, 30-35 g of sodium chloride out of 300-310 g contained in each liter of the initial solution is processed under the conditions of chlorine electrolysis. Such a scheme causes a reduction in energy costs, because. the current efficiency of chlorine electrolysis is higher, and the voltage on the electrolyzers is lower than in chlorate electrolysis, and when partially electrochemically oxidizing sodium chloride to chlorate under conditions of chlorine electrolysis, the performance of the whole process improves. In addition, when using the described scheme, the cost of electrolysis cooling is reduced, since chlorine electrolyzers do not need cooling. Note that a deeper activation of chloride under the conditions of chlorine electrolysis than specified (about 10%) leads to the impossibility of balancing the technological scheme for chlorides, chlorates and water and therefore does not make sense. Within the framework of the proposed scheme, it is possible to obtain an additional effect when applying solutions with an increased NaClO 3 concentration to chlorate electrolysis, obtained from alkali solutions more concentrated in NaOH than diaphragm lye, for the chlorination of which chlorine containing inerts can be utilized. Electrolytic chlorine electrolysis can be mixed with chlorine gas not completely, but partially. At the same time, part of the electrolytic lye from diaphragm electrolysis, not directed to chlorination, is diverted for use in sanitary columns, and the equivalent part of electrolytic chlorine can be used for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. The direction of electrolytic alkalis from diaphragm electrolyzers to sanitary columns, and electrolytic chlorine gas to produce hydrochloric acid solves the problem of autonomous chlorate production, since the supply of alkali and acid from outside will no longer be required. The proportion of sodium chloride processed in chlorine electrolyzers is determined by whether the resulting products will be used only to obtain chloride-chlorate liquors as a result of their interaction, after mixing with the mother liquor from the crystallization stage to non-diaphragm electrolysis, or the electroliquor of chlorine electrolyzers will be used only for alkalization, and electrolytic chlorine - for the synthesis of perchloric acid for acidification in the chlorate electrolysis circuit, or part of the products will be used in one direction, and part in another. The advantages of the proposed method are: 1) reduction of energy costs due to the initial stage of electrolysis with a high current output and at a lower voltage than in conventional chlorate electrolysis: current output 92-94% and voltage 3.2 V in chlorine electrolysis versus 85 -90% and 3.4 V and above, respectively, in chlorate; 2) the possibility of obtaining simultaneously with the main product - sodium chlorate - alkaline solutions required by the technological scheme for alkalization and irrigation of sanitary columns; 3) the possibility of using chlorine produced in chlorine electrolyzers to produce hydrochloric acid in situ for acidification of chlorate electrolysis. Example In an experimental cell, chlorine diaphragm electrolysis of a sodium chloride solution with a concentration of 300 g/l is carried out on ruthenium oxide anodes at a current density of 1000 A/m 2 and a temperature of 90 o C. The resulting electrolytic liquors containing 140 g/l NaOH and 175 g/l NaCl, mixed with anode chlorine gas and receive chloride-chlorate solution composition of 270 g/l NaCl and 50 g/l NaClO 3 . This solution is then fed to a non-diaphragm chlorate electrolysis carried out in a cascade of 4 electrolyzers with ruthenium oxide anodes at a current density of 1000 A/m 2 and a temperature of 80 o C to obtain a final solution of the following composition: 105 g/l NaCl and 390 g/l NaClO 3 . Thus, from one 1 liter of the initial chloride solution, taking into account a 10% decrease in the volume of the solution due to the entrainment of water vapor with electrolysis gases and the evaporation of 355 g of sodium chlorate, of which 50 g (14.1%) was obtained after mixing the products of chlorine diaphragm electrolysis , and 305 (85.9%) were produced in the process of chlorate electrolysis. The voltage across the chlorine cell was 3.3 V with a current output of 93%. The average voltage across the chlorate cell was 3.4 V with a current output of 85%. Specific power consumption W (kWh/t) calculated according to the experimental data using the formula W = 1000E/mBT, where E is the cell voltage (B); m - electrochemical equivalent (g/Ah); BT - current output in fractions of a unit,
amounted to 2517 kWh / t for chlorine electrolysis, and 5996 kWh / t for chlorate electrolysis, which, taking into account the share of chlorate produced as a result of mixing chlorine electrolysis products, gives 5404.9 kWh / t. Electricity consumption without the use of a chlorine electrolyzer was 6150 kWh/t at the same plant. Thus, the reduction in energy costs amounted to 12.1%.


1. A method for producing sodium chlorate by electrolysis of a sodium chloride solution, followed by evaporation of chloride-chlorate solutions and crystallization of sodium chlorate with the return of the mother liquor of the crystallization stage to the process, characterized in that first the electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride is carried out in chlorine diaphragm electrolyzers to obtain alkali-chloride solutions and electrolytic chlorine gas, which are mixed to obtain a chloride-chlorate solution and sent after mixing with the mother liquor of the crystallization stage to non-diaphragm electrolysis. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the products of diaphragm electrolysis are partly removed to obtain hydrochloric acid from chlorine gas for acidification of chlorate electrolysis and the use of chloride-alkali solutions for irrigation of sanitary columns.

Sodium perchlorate is crystalline substance colorless and odorless. It is hygroscopic and forms several crystalline hydrates. FROM chemical point vision, is the sodium salt of perchloric acid. Not combustible, but has a toxic effect. Chemical formula sodium perchlorate - NaClO 4 .


The described substance can be obtained both chemically and electrochemically. In the first case, the usual exchange reaction between perchloric acid and sodium hydroxide or carbonate is usually used. Thermal decomposition of sodium chlorate is also possible. At 400-600 °C, it forms perchlorate and sodium chloride. But this method is quite dangerous, since there is a threat of an explosion during the reaction.

Theoretically, it is possible to carry out chemical oxidation of sodium chlorate. The most effective oxidizing agent in this case will be lead (IV) oxide in an acidic environment. Typically, perchloric acid is added to the reaction mixture.

Most often in industry, the electrochemical method is used. It gives a cleaner product, and is generally more effective. The same sodium chlorate is used as a raw material, which, when oxidized on a platinum anode, gives perchlorate. For the economy of the process, sodium chlorate is obtained on cheaper electrodes such as graphite. There is also a promising method for obtaining sodium perchlorate in one stage. Lead peroxide is used as an anode.

Mechanisms for electrochemical production

The mechanism of the oxidation of chlorate to perchlorate has not yet been fully studied; there are only assumptions about it. Research is still ongoing.

The most reasonable option is based on the assumption of electron donation at the anode of the chlorate ion (ClO 3 -), which results in the formation of the ClO 3 radical. It, in turn, reacts with water, forming perchlorate.

This assumption is expressed in a number of authoritative scientific works. It is also confirmed by the results of studies of the processes of oxidation of chlorates to perchlorates in aqueous solutions labeled with heavy oxygen isotopes 18 O. It was found that 18 O is first included in the composition of the chlorate and only then, during the oxidation process, passes into the composition of the perchlorate ion. But it must be taken into account that changing the anode material (for example, from platinum to graphite) can also change the reaction mechanism.

The second variant of the process flow consists in the oxidation of chlorate ions with oxygen, which is formed when electrons are donated by the hydroxide ion.

According to this variant, the reaction rate directly depends on the concentration of chlorate in the electrolyte, i.e., with a decrease in its concentration, the rate should increase.

There is also a variant based on the simultaneous donation of electrons by both the chlorate ion and the hydroxide ion. The radicals formed as a result of reactions are highly active and are oxidized by oxygen, which is released from OH - .

Physical Properties

Sodium perchlorate is very soluble in water. Its solubility is much stronger than other perchlorates. For this reason, in the production of perchlorates, sodium perchlorate is first obtained, and then, if necessary, it is converted into other salts of perchloric acid. It is also highly soluble in liquid ammonia, acetone, hydrogen peroxide, ethanol and ethylene glycol.

As mentioned above, it is hygroscopic, and upon hydrolysis, sodium perchlorate forms crystalline hydrates (mono- and dihydrates). It can also form solvates with other compounds. At a temperature of 482 ° C, it melts with decomposition into sodium chloride and oxygen. When using additives of sodium peroxide, manganese (IV) oxide, cobalt (II, III) oxide, the decomposition temperature drops to 150-200 °C.

Chemical properties

The sodium salt of perchloric acid is a very strong oxidizing agent, so much so that it oxidizes many organic substances to carbon dioxide and water.

The perchlorate ion can be detected by reacting with ammonium salts. When the mixture is calcined, the reaction proceeds:

3NaClO4 + 8NH 4 NO 3 → 3KCl + 4N 2 + 8HNO 3 + 12H 2 O.

Another detection method is an exchange reaction with potassium. Potassium perchlorate is much less soluble in water, so it will precipitate out.

NaClO 4 + KCl → KClO 4 ↓ + NaCl.

It can form complex compounds with other perchlorates: Na 2 , Na, Na.


Due to the formation of crystalline hydrates, the use of sodium perchlorate is extremely difficult. It is mainly used as a herbicide, although recently it has become less and less. Almost all sodium perchlorate is converted into other perchlorates (for example, potassium or ammonium) or perchloric acid and is used in the synthesis of many other compounds due to its strong oxidizing properties. It can also be used in analytical chemistry for the determination and precipitation of potassium, rubidium and cesium cations, both from aqueous and alcoholic solutions.

The thermal decomposition of all perchlorates releases oxygen. Due to this, salts can be used as a source of oxygen in rocket engines. Some perchlorates can be used in explosives. Potassium perchlorate is used in medicine to treat hyperthyroidism. This disease is caused by an increased function of the thyroid gland, and any perchlorate has the ability to reduce the activity of this gland, which is necessary to bring the body back to normal.


Sodium perchlorate itself is non-flammable, but it can cause a fire or explosion if it interacts with certain other substances. In a fire, it may release toxic gases or vapors (chlorine or chlorine oxides). Extinguishing can be done with water.

Sodium perchlorate practically does not evaporate at room temperature, but when it is sprayed, it can enter the body. When inhaled, it causes coughing, irritation of the mucous membranes. Redness appears on contact with the skin. As a first aid, it is recommended to wash the affected area with copious amounts of soap and water, and to get rid of contaminated clothing. With prolonged exposure to the body, it enters the bloodstream and leads to the formation of methemoglobin.

When animals (particularly rodents) were injected with 0.1 g of sodium perchlorate, their reflex excitability increased, convulsions and tetanus appeared. After administration of 0.22 g, the rats died after 10 hours. When the same dose was administered to pigeons, they developed only mild symptoms of poisoning, but after 18 hours they died. This suggests that administration of sodium perchlorate develops very slowly.

Sodium, calcium and magnesium chlorates are still used as non-selective herbicides - for cleaning railway tracks, industrial sites, etc.; as defoliants in cotton harvesting. Acid decomposition of chlorates is used in the production of chlorine dioxide "in place" (on-site) for bleaching high-strength pulp.

K2 Unfortunately, a serious disadvantage of this method is the low quality of household disinfectants and bleaches. After softening the "mandatory standardization" policy, manufacturers of "whiteness" products began to use their own specifications, lowering the hypochlorite content in the product from the standard 5% wt. up to 3% or less. Now, to get the same amount of chlorate in a good yield would require not only using up a lot more "whiteness" but also removing most of the water from the solution. Perhaps the most convenient may be to pre-concentrate the "whiteness" by partial freezing.

Professional liquid neutralizers for marine effluents contain up to 40% sodium hypochlorite.

K3 The disproportionation of hypochlorite to chloride and chlorate proceeds at a high rate at pH
K4 Indeed, a high-efficiency power supply of significant power for electrolysis is half the success of the case and a topic for special discussion.

Here I would like to remind you of the need to follow the rules of electrical safety.

Works related to electrolysis on a significant scale are considered especially dangerous in terms of destruction. electric shock. This is due to the fact that contact of the experimenter's skin with the conductive electrolyte is almost inevitable. Gassing at the electrodes causes the formation of corrosive electrolyte aerosols that can deposit on electrical equipment components, especially when forced air cooling is used. The consequences can be very sad - from corrosion of metal parts and failure of the power supply to insulation breakdown with mains voltage on the cell and all the consequences for the experimenter.

Under no circumstances should high-voltage parts of the plant be installed in the immediate vicinity of the electrolytic cell. All components of the power source should be located at a sufficient distance from the cell and in such a way as to completely exclude both the ingress of electrolyte on them in the event of an accident of the cell, and the deposition of conductive aerosols. In this case, high-current wires from the source to the electrolyzer must have a sufficient cross section corresponding to the process current. All conductors (and their connections) directly connected to the mains must be hermetically sealed with moisture-resistant insulation.

Mandatory galvanic isolation of the cell from the mains. A conventional transformer provides adequate insulation, but it is strictly forbidden to power the electrolyser directly from autotransformers such as LATR, etc., since in this case the electrolyzer may be directly connected to the phase wire of the network. However, LATR (or household autotransformer) can be used to regulate the voltage on the primary winding of the main transformer. You just need to make sure that the power of the LATR is not less than the power of the main transformer.

For long-term operation of the installation, protection of electronic components from overheating and short circuits would be useful. To begin with, it is quite possible to limit yourself to installing a fuse in the primary winding of the transformer for a current corresponding to its rated power. It is also reasonable to supply power to the cell through an appropriate fuse (better - an adjustable electromagnetic release), bearing in mind that a short circuit in the cell is quite possible.

The question of the need to ground the installation in this case is not so simple. The fact is that in many residential premises, grounding is initially absent and it is not easy to arrange it on your own. In some cases, instead of grounding, cunning electricians organize "zeroing", connecting the ground bus and the network neutral directly at the consumer. In this case, the "grounded" device is directly connected to the current-carrying circuit of the network. Under our conditions, it can be recommended to give priority to the high-quality isolation of the electrolyzer from the network and the experimenter from the entire installation.

Safety rules should not be neglected for the reason that a long experiment in an amateur laboratory always attracts the attention of other people whose skills and behavior the experimenter cannot control. Be aware of those around you and work safely.

Also registered with: USA

Basic information:

Type of pesticide Herbicide, Soil sterilantChemical structure group Inorganic compoundsNature of action Registration number CAS 7775-09-9Code KF (Enzyme Code) 231-887-4International Collaborative Pesticides Review Council (CIPAC) code 7United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) chemical code 073301Chemical formula ClNaO 3SMILES .Cl(=O)=OInternational Chemical Identifier (InChI) InChI=1/ClHO3.Na/c2-1(3)4;/h(H,2,3,4);/q;+1/p-1Structural formula

Molecular weight (g/mol) 106.44IUPAC name sodium chlorateCAS name chloric acid sodium saltOther information -HRAC herbicide resistance Not knownInsecticide resistance according to IRAC Not determinedFungicide resistance according to FRAC Not determinedPhysical state
Broad spectrum, systemic that travels to all parts of the weed. Phytoxic to all businesses.
White powder


sodium chlorate: behavior in the environment

650000 A5 High Insoluble A5 - Most organic Solvents - 255A5- Decomposes to boil A4 - 260A3- Flammability is not high A5 - P: 1.26 X 10 -03 Calculated -Log P: -2.9 A5 Low 2.499 L3--2 A4 - 5.2 X 10 -06 A2 Intermediate state 5.2 X 10 -09 A3 - Not volatile 3.50 X 10 -16 Calculated Not volatile DT50 (typical) 200 F3 StableDT50 (laboratory at 20 o C): 143.3 A5 StableDT50 (field): - - -DT90 (laboratory at 20 o C): - - -DT90 (field): - - -Note: Value: Stable A5 StableNote: Value: Stable A5 Very stableNote: - - - - - - 6.90 Calculated High Leaching Value: 4.51 X 10 +01 Calculated -Note: - Average is calculated 10 F3 Very mobile kf:- - 1/n: - -Note: - - -
Index Meaning Explanation
Solubility in water at 20 o C (mg/l)
Solubility in organic solvents at 20 o C (mg/l)
Melting point (o C)
Boiling point (o C)
Decomposition temperature (o C)
Flash point (o C)
Partition coefficient in octanol/water at pH 7, 20 o C
Specific gravity (g/ml) / Specific gravity
Dissociation constant (pKa) at 25 o C
Note: Very strong acid
Vapor pressure at 25 o C (MPa)
Henry's law constant at 25 o C (Pa * m 3 / mol)
Henry's law constant at 20 o C (dimensionless)
Decay period in soil (days)
According to laboratory studies of the European Union, DT50 is 46.7-314.6 days
Aqueous photolysis DT50 (days) at pH 7
Aqueous hydrolysis of DT50 (days) at 20 o C and pH 7
Not sensitive to pH
Water precipitation DT50 (days)
Water phase only DT50 (days)
GUS washout potential index
Concentration growth index in groundwater SCI (µg/l) at an application rate of 1 kg/ha (l/ha)
Potential for particle bound transport index
Koc - organic carbon partition coefficient (ml/g)
pH resistance:
Freundlich adsorption isotherm -
Maximum UV absorbance (l/(mol*cm))

sodium chlorate: ecotoxicity

BCF:- - CT50 (days): - -- Calculated Low> 5000 A5 Rat Low(mg/kg): - - (ppm food): - - 2510 A5 Mallard Duck Low - - - 10000 G2 Unknown species Low 500 A5 Danio rerio - 919.3 A5 Short 500 A5 Daphnia magna (Daphnia large, Water flea large) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 134 A5 Lesser duckweed Short 1595 A5 Green algae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) Short - - - > 75 A5 Oral Moderate> 750 A5 Moderate - - - Other soil macro-organisms, e.g. Springtails LR50 / EC50 / NOEC / Action (%) - - - LR50 (g/ha): 84.4 A5 predatory mite Moderately hazardous at 1 kg/haAction (%): - - - LR50 (g/ha): 250.6 A5 Rider Moderately hazardous at 1 kg/haAction (%): - - - Mineralization of nitrogen: -47Action (%)
Carbon Mineralization: 10.4Effect (%) A5 [Dose: 1.67 g/kg soil, 100 days] - NOEAEC mg/l: - - -NOEAEC mg/l: - - -
Index Meaning Source / Qualitative indicators / Other information Explanation
Bioconcentration factor -
Bioaccumulative potential
LD50 (mg/kg)
Mammals - Short term food NOEL -
Poultry - Acute LD50 (mg/kg)
Birds - Acute toxicity (CK50 / LD50)
Fish - Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)
Fish - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg/L)
Aquatic Invertebrates - Acute 48 hour EC50 (mg/L)
Aquatic Invertebrates - Chronic 21 day NOEC (mg/l)
Aquatic crustaceans - Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)
Bottom microorganisms - Acute 96 hour CK50 (mg/l)
NOEC , static, Water (mg/l)
Bottom microorganisms - Chronic 28 day NOEC , Sedimentary rock (mg/kg)
Aquatic plants - Acute 7 day EC50 , biomass (mg/l)
Algae - Acute 72 hour EC50 growth (mg/l)
Algae - Chronic 96 hour NOEC , growth (mg/l)
Bees - Acute 48 hour LD50 (mcg/individual)
Earthworms - Acute 14-day CK50 (mg/kg)
Soil Worms - Chronic 14-Day Maximum Inactive Concentration, Reproduction (mg/kg)
Other Arthropods (1)
Other Arthropods (2)
Soil microorganisms
Available data on the mesoworld (mesocosm)

sodium chlorate: human health

Main characteristics:

> 5000 A5 Rat Low> 2000 A5 Rat -> 3.9 A5 Rat - Not defined A5 - Not defined A5 - 0.35 A5 Rat, SF=200 - - - - - - - - - - General: Professional:
Index Meaning Source / Qualitative indicators / Other information Explanation
Mammals - Acute oral LD50 (mg/kg)
Mammals - Dermal LD50 (mg/kg body weight)
Mammals - Inhalation CK50 (mg/l)
ADI - acceptable daily dose (mg / kg body weight per day)
ARfD - average daily intake (mg/kg body weight per day)
AOEL - tolerable systemic exposure level for an operator
Skin absorption (%)
Hazardous Substances Directive 76/464/EC
Types of restrictions
by category
Examples of European