New Year- the only holiday that unites millions of people with one wonderful tradition - making wishes.

After all, it's great, standing by a decorated Christmas tree, surrounded by loved ones, to close your eyes and whisper something very secret and desirable to yourself under the chiming clock. At a moment when even the air itself is saturated with magic, I want to believe that all my wishes will come true. However, there is a belief that for maximum effect, you need to perform a certain ritual.

Knews offers several options:

  • you need to write a wish on a piece of paper in advance and burn it to the sound of the chimes. Then throw the ashes into a champagne glass and drink. This method is the most famous. It is used even by Western stars of show business.
  • Another way is more capricious and works in a certain weather: when it snows. To do this, you need to go outside and catch a snowflake. If it does not dissolve before the clock strikes midnight, the wish will come true.

  • For the next ritual, an ordinary thin candle is needed. It should be lit at midnight and whisper the cherished words over the flame. Then the candle should be placed on the festive table. If the candle lasts until the end of the evening and does not go out, the wish will surely come true.

  • Psychologists say that in order for the conceived to come true, it is important to formulate the words correctly and clearly. It is worth avoiding “not” particles, for example, when it comes to health, do not say “I wish not to get sick”, on the contrary, say “I wish to be healthy”. It is equally important at this moment to try to feel all the emotions. For example, if a person has thought of a new house, imagine what it is like, how many rooms there are and what design should be there. Not only the details are important, but also the feeling that you already live in it.

  • The chiming clock carries a certain message of "miracle". You can stand on a chair, make a wish, and at the moment of the last blow, jump off the chair into a new life, where all dreams have already come true.

  • Letter to Santa Claus: this magic works not only for children. It is enough to write a cherished desire on a piece of paper, wrap it in a beautiful envelope and leave the letter under the tree. After the holidays, you need to remove the envelope in a secluded place, but constantly repeat the thought to yourself. Exactly one year later, print the letter and read last year's wishes. Thus, to check whether the ritual works or not.

  • To the sound of chimes, you need to open a window or window in the house and voice your desires directly to the Universe. A special atmosphere and faith in what is happening will contribute to their quick execution.

You can also come up with your own rituals. Faith in magic remains unchanged. It is important to remember that miracles happen, and dreams tend to come true.

New Year's Eve is a special time! And even those who are skeptical about signs and rituals still believe in the New Year's miracle. There are quite a few ways to make a wish for the New Year. We have chosen the most unusual ones. By the way, do you have proven ways to whisper a wish under the chiming clock? Share them in the comments!

1 Way numismatic

Collect a handful of gold-colored coins (the denomination and country of issue are not important - only the shade of the metal matters!) And put them under each plate on the festive table. If you celebrate the New Year in clothes that have pockets (for example, in jeans), then they should by no means be empty. Before the chimes, fill your pockets with coins. Now you can safely drink champagne and wish each other financial well-being - come true!

2 way trendy

Another way to attract financial luck! According to esoteric practices, to attract money on New Year's Eve, you need to change clothes at least twice. But let us remind you that the thrifty Dog - a symbol of the coming year - does not like extravagance, so outfits should not cost fabulous money. For example, at midnight you can be in a beautiful new dress, and then, if you are not going to sleep, change into everyday clothes a couple more times - the main thing is to follow the ritual.

3 way love

How to make a wish for a love character for the New Year? Keep in mind, the New Year's love spell has a special power! Take a piece of paper, on one side write the name of the man you like, and on the other - yours. Roll it up into a tube, put it in a jar. On New Year's Eve, after the chimes strike, start pouring liquid honey into the jar and at the same time say the "spell": "Let my name be sweet not only on the tongue, let it sigh for me." Then hide this jar in a secluded place until Christmas. On Christmas Eve, you need to eat all the honey, and put the paper with the names back in an empty jar and hide it. May you live happily ever after!

4 Way astrological

Astrologers never tire of repeating that different signs of the zodiac have their assistants in making wishes. Oveins, Leo, Sagittarius, your main assistant is fire. The best way to make a wish is to look at the flame of a candle. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, your helper is water. You can make a wish by looking at the water. On New Year's Eve, make a paper boat, make a cherished wish and let the boat sail - at least in the bathroom. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, your assistants are… money. Make wishes (one per coin) and carry with you until now until the wish is fulfilled. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, your main assistants are clouds. Making wishes while looking at the bizarrely shaped clouds is a pleasure!

5 way generous

Do you want to make a wish aimed at material wealth? Appease fate: prepare small symbolic gifts in a beautiful wrapper in accordance with the last two digits of the coming year! That is, in the coming year of 2018 there should be exactly 18. You can put nuts, sweets, tangerines in bundles. To the sound of the chiming clock, mentally say a wish, and then go outside and give gifts to anyone you meet with the wishes of money abundance in the coming year.

6 Way American

Every year, on December 31, more than a million people gather in New York in the vicinity of Times Square and wait for a crystal ball to descend from the 23-meter spire of one of the skyscrapers. It touches the earth exactly in the first second of the new year. And special confetti - Wishfetti - is poured on the heads of the audience! Desires, of course, are written in advance - by hand on a piece of paper, which are mixed with millions of messages from other people. If you have no plans to visit New York yet, there is still a chance to become a part of this magical night! Post your dream on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #confettiwish- and it will also fall into this waterfall of wishes.

7 way Christmas tree

So, we found out the most interesting ways to correctly make a wish on the New Year. But what if you didn’t have time to think of anything in the festive bustle? Don't despair! You still have a great chance for magic on the day when it comes time to remove decorations from the Christmas tree. Do not rush to put the last Christmas decoration in the box. Slowly removing it, make your most cherished wish! Surprisingly, this method works almost one hundred percent! Checked!

There is very little left until the most magical New Year's Eve of the year. It's time to make a wish for the New Year, but so that it will come true. We will meet. Many people will make wishes using different methods. Someone will write on a piece of paper and burn it, someone will say something on a glass of champagne and drink it.

Someone mentally makes their cherished wish. Be that as it may, people have always believed that New Year's Eve is magical, and that dreams will come true next year.

Most Russians traditionally make a wish when the Kremlin chimes strike. It is interesting to know what do residents of different parts of the world do on New Year's Eve to make their wish come true?

  • Bulgarians believe that their fulfillment of desires depends on a kiss while the clock strikes. So, the men and women of Bulgaria must turn off the light, find a loved one in a dark room, and kiss him. Then everything that a person desires will come true, 100%.
  • Latvians are convinced that a wish will come true if you eat peas before the clock strikes.
  • Brazilians, having made their dreams, send small boats to the sea, on which candles are installed. They look: the sea accepted the gift, which means that the desire will soon come true.
  • The English follow this tradition. They open the door to the house wide open so that all the negativity accumulated over last year, left the house, and all the good things went into the housing.
  • The Indians do this: they fly a kite into the sky, making a wish.

  • The Japanese do this. On Christmas Eve, they have to put a picture of a sailboat under their pillow. Then the Gods of happiness (there are 7 of them!) Will definitely come to the house.
  • The French, when they bake a cake on December 31, put a pea (or a bean seed) in the dough. They serve cake to guests. The man who got a piece of the bean pie, the dream must come true.
  • The Spaniards and Mexicans, under each blow of the chimes, like to eat 1 piece of grapes, and think about desires.

Russians most often write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it when the chimes strike 12 times, throw the ashes into a glass, and quickly drink champagne. Read more about how to make a wish so that it comes true for sure, will be discussed in this article.

How to make a wish on New Year's Eve

Most importantly, follow the tips below.

Never talk about dreams in the past, future tense. For example, "I want to have a good salary." The word "was" is a block. Higher powers answer: "Yes, you had a good salary." Accordingly, this dream will not come true. We must say: "Thank you for my wealth, which is growing every day."

Thinking about the innermost - be positive. Drive all negative thoughts away from you.

Also get rid of words that slow down your intentions: I must, I will, maybe at least. Don't use negative particles: no, no. Just imagine, you doom yourself to failure, with such desires: “I have at least a small corner, but my own.” As a result, you get a small room in a family hostel.

Do not draw vague pictures in your head, formulate very clearly what you want, then all your plans will come true.

Important! Make your own wishes. Only you can get the point right. Otherwise, if others dream for you, everything will not come true the way you wanted.

What wishes can you make on New Year's Eve

Almost any - with the condition that you approach this matter very responsibly, everything that you want will be fulfilled. Just do not make a wish on the machine or because everyone at the party does it. It makes absolutely no sense!

Do not make wishes for the New Year that can somehow harm people. Don't wish bad on others, don't wish what already belongs to someone, don't wish revenge...

Do not forget that the New Year is kind and bright holiday, and your desire should also be bright and kind. Only in this case it will be fulfilled!

And also consider:

  1. Think only about what can really come true within the next year.
  2. Your desires must be specific and you must necessarily consider their possible outcomes.
  3. Your desires must be formulated clearly, while recording them, you must imagine their fulfillment.

What wishes can not be made on New Year's Eve

Taboo on the particle "not". They say that the Universe does not perceive negation. Those. the hidden “I don’t want to get sick”, she perceives as “I want to get sick”.

Accordingly, frequent female desires: “I don’t want to work like a horse”, “I don’t want to grow old early”, “I don’t want my beloved to cheat”, read without this insidious particle and you yourself will understand why so far:

  • plow at an unloved job;
  • you grow old not by the day, but by the hour;
  • and the beloved walks to the left.

You need to correctly make a wish for the New Year. There are restrictions that must not be violated. It is forbidden to wish grief to any person, no matter who he is and no matter what bad he does for you. You can not think of someone else's property as your own.

Higher powers will not help in fulfilling the following desires:

  • Get a prestigious seat as a result of foul play.
  • Separate a husband or wife, take one of the spouses out of the family.
  • To wish an incurable disease to another.
  • Make sure someone is dead.

The boomerang law works in life. Both bad and good return to a person, but only in an enhanced version. Therefore, any desire will someday return to you, so you should think carefully so that the magic of the holiday is only bright and does not overshadow the life of others.

Wishing Rules:

1. Sincerity and honesty. The desire must be sincere, its realization must be actively wanted with all your heart! It should not be someone else's, not imposed, not "what I need to want", but "what I really want!".

2. Kindness and peacefulness. Desire should not carry negativity or malicious intent. Yes, it should be personal, but taking into account the interests of other people, not implying any evil. It would be nice to always add the phrase “This desire benefits me and all people” at the end of each desire.

3. Written form. The desire must be written down on paper. it Golden Rule, which cannot be neglected not only in the matter of making wishes, but also in formulating goals, making plans for the future.

4. Present tense. The desire must be formulated in the present tense. People are used to making a wish, starting with the phrases "I want", "I would like", "I will become ..." and so on. But it is more correct to formulate the desire as if it has already been fulfilled and continues to be in the present. For example: "I am slim and attractive" and not "I want to lose weight."

5. The absence of denials, categoricalness and particles of “not”. For example: “I am a healthy and cheerful person”, instead of “I do not get sick”, “I would give everything not to get sick” or “I stopped getting sick”. Many have probably heard about the fact that the brain does not perceive the “not” particle, but about the fact that the spoken negative thoughts are also perceived by it as something that needs to be put into practice - no. We need to think and talk less about troubles, illnesses and problems so that they recede.

6. Conciseness and clarity. No ambiguity, abstraction, incompleteness. There can be no “if”, “when”, “almost”, “at least a little” in desire - no “around and around”.

7. Gratitude and love. Desire is better to start with the words "I am grateful / grateful that ...", and then enter what you want. This gratitude and love for life should be felt by a person already now, even at the time of the formulation of desire.

8. Visualization. When the desire is written down, you need to close your eyes (you can not close it - as it is more convenient for you), imagine it embodied, feel it and yourself in it. If at the same time goosebumps ran all over the body, the heart beat faster, a smile appeared on the face, the soul was seized with delight, joy, euphoria and feelings of happiness, then the desire was made correctly and ... has already begun to come true!

New Year's rituals and traditions to make a wish come true

The easiest way to fulfill your wish in the New Year is to ask for help from a smart holiday tree. The ritual itself takes place during the decoration of the tree. With each toy, say your desire. How many toys - so many desires.

When you hang a star on top of your head, be sure to say your most cherished desire, the fulfillment of which you are waiting for in the coming year. The final stage ritual - decoration of spruce with a garland. Before you turn on the New Year's illumination, say: "The lights light up - wishes come true."

Desire under the chiming clock with champagne

Whisper your desire over the first glass of champagne and drink. This New Year's ritual is recommended to be performed at the moment when the chimes strike. This rite works like a toast at the table, only with much more power. Champagne "charged" with your words will fulfill your dream in the New Year. You need to drink in one gulp and always to the bottom.

How to make a wish with paper and champagne

Prepare a small piece of paper, preferably yellow color and write your wish on it. Place a bottle of champagne, a glass and a lit candle on the table. When the clock starts counting the last minute of the old year, you need to burn the paper with the written desire, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and have time to drink the contents before the last chime.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish on New Year's Eve

Before you go to bed on New Year's Eve (or morning), write down your desires on pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. When you wake up, first of all, put your hand under the pillow and pull out the first leaf that comes across. The wish written on it will come true in the New Year.

magic lanterns

For a dream to come true, she needs to be given wings. They will take your dream into the hands of a wizard who will make your wish come true. Take an ordinary paper lantern, tell it your wish, light a candle and release it into the sky. Such a ritual can be performed both on the eve of the New Year 2020, and on the first day, January 1.

Get rid of everything old!

It is important to do a spring cleaning on New Year's Eve, removing from your home all the things that you no longer use. This will help you get rid of problems in all areas of life. It is advisable to do the cleaning together with relatives and in the most friendly atmosphere.

The more garbage and unnecessary things you can collect, the stronger your joy and positive emotions will be in the New Year.

To enhance the effect of this method, you need to pronounce the following magic words at the end:
"Down with trouble and disappointment,
All sadness and sorrow stay behind
We get rid of tears and lamentations
And only joy and happiness await us ahead!”
Proper home decoration

When all the rubbish is expelled from your home, you can begin to attract what you want into your life. To do this, use the items at hand: Christmas tree garlands, balls, multi-colored pieces of fabric, bells and any other beautiful trinkets.

If you want to improve your financial situation, hang banknotes on the New Year tree (moreover, the larger their denomination, the better). New coins will do too!

Single people who seek to create a happy relationship are encouraged to hang images of hearts and happy lovers in prominent places in their home (photos or pictures of animals also count);

Multi-colored garlands with red balls will help to attract happiness and good luck to you, while placing at least one bell on the door.

Rite of receiving gifts

Would you like to receive a lot of gifts right on New Year's Eve? Then perform such an interesting ritual (it is done no earlier than seven days before this solemn event).

In the afternoon, at exactly 12 noon, sit down at a large table, on which there should be a glass of water. Lower a golden ring on its bottom and say:
“Just as the table is filled with expensive dishes, so may my house be full of various gifts. Guests will come to me, they will bring gold and silver, they will treat me with dishes, they will show their generosity.

The words are repeated 12 times, then the face should be washed with spoken water and wiped with the hem of your clothes.

with grapes

Grapes in Italy is a symbol of success, happiness. On the festive New Year's table, there must be clusters of these sweet berries without fail.

The ritual is quite simple - prepare 12 seedless grapes, at the time of each chime, eat one berry and whisper a wish. It is important to pronounce the same desire without changing the word order of the spoken text. Thus, for 12 chimes, you need to say your desire 12 times and eat 12 grapes.

Make a wish with a candle

There is another opportunity to bring happiness into the house. An ordinary, low and thin candle can help with this. Exactly at midnight, it should be lit, whisper the cherished words over the burning flame, and later moved to the festive table. If the candle lasts until the end of the evening and does not go out, then the wishes must come true.

Wish for the New Year with tangerines

Pretty fun ritual. All that is needed for him is 1-2 tangerines. Peel the fruit / s in advance and divide into slices. At the time of the chimes, eat one slice of tangerine, then jump up and say a wish in a whisper. Thus, repeat these steps exactly 12 times (for each chime).

Ritual for what you want on New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, you can write a letter to your future self, which indicates what goals you want to realize, what you would like to attract into your life. Put the written sheet in a red envelope and pack it in an empty bottle of sparkling wine that you will drink tonight. It is necessary to keep the prediction until the next year - you will have a great opportunity to verify its effectiveness.

It is worth starting work with a desire in advance, at least a few days before New Year's Eve. It is important that you have enough time to think about all the details and feel the joy of fulfilling your dream.

It is very important to correctly make a wish for love for the New Year, otherwise you may not get the result you dreamed of.

Therefore, give yourself enough time to take into account all the nuances. First of all, it is necessary to correctly and accurately formulate the desire for love. There are no trifles in this case, so pay attention to the wording.

  • Eliminate negation

Write down your desire and pay attention that there are no negative particles in the phrase. That is, the wording "I'm not alone anymore" is incorrect. It would be more correct to say "I love and I am loved."

  • We use the present tense

We exclude the use of the future tense, it is wrong to think “I will meet my love”, with such a desire we postpone the meeting with a loved one for an indefinite period.

  • Set a goal

Think about what you want: just to meet love or start a family. And already, based on your desires, you should make a wish.

  • Let's turn on emotions

Thoughts uncolored by emotions are dead. Therefore, it is necessary to include emotional coloring in the wording. Correct wording: "I am happy with my loved one." And if you make a wish: “I met my true love”, then it may happen that you really love a man, but he will not pay attention to you or will be married ..

  • We take care of security

You can’t make a wish if you understand that with this desire you are harming other people. For example, the desire “Petya left his wife and came to live with me” cannot be called right.

  • We concretize

You need to try to imagine a person with whom you will be comfortable next to. To do this, you need to think about what traits and habits are categorically unacceptable for you, and what you could ignore. But you shouldn't limit your choice too much.

For example, you want your loved one to be blond with brown eyes. With this desire, you "cut off" from yourself a large number of men who are ideal for you in all respects, except for the color of hair and eyes. It is strictly not recommended to indicate a specific person. That is, the wording "Peter loves me" is incorrect.

You can only make wishes about yourself, and not about other people. After all, the same Petya may have opposite aspirations.

  • Don't block

It is very important that you do not mentally consider yourself unworthy of love. If you periodically have such thoughts, you need to get rid of them. You can’t say to yourself, “I will find love when I lose weight (I start earning more, get a new wardrobe, etc.). These are the blocks that prevent the wish from being fulfilled.

How to make a wish for the New Year for wealth and money

Miracles constantly happen at the turn of the old and new years, hence the wonderful tradition of making a wish on New Year's Eve originates.

You can't measure happiness with money and luck, but let's not dissemble: it becomes much easier to live with them. And on New Year's Eve, under the chimes, anything can happen. This is the time of real miracles, when even the most inveterate skeptic believes in the power of the New Year. Your dreams will come true on New Year's Eve if you know how to make a wish correctly.

But you do not need to spend your wishes, thinking of a good year or a lot of money. There is a way to get it at the same time - these are effective conspiracies that we advise you to adopt. With their help, in the New Year, luck and money will go into your hands, and you can think of something else.

The magical power of the New Year to attract money to the house

Conspiracies in themselves are effective and powerful, so they do not need advertising. Now multiply the power of any ritual by five times, and you will get a New Year's conspiracy. And this is not an exaggeration, but a statement of facts, because in the New Year, surprises and gifts await us at almost every step. There is only one explanation for this - this is a real fabulous holiday of change and new beginnings.

This is a must to use. If you dream of something, then in the New Year it will certainly find its way into your life, the main thing is to lure it correctly. From January 1, a new life begins for everyone, and it is new, because the whole past remains behind. But in order to enter the New Year completely renewed, with new hopes and dreams, it is not enough just to sit down at the festive table. To do this, you need to know how to improve your life, or at least try to get rid of problems with luck and money.

Ritual on New Year's Eve with a piece of paper for money

Arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen and rewrite the text of the plot:

“At the junction of two years - old and new - my failure rushes about. The old one will leave, he will take everything bad with him. All my troubles, illnesses, ruins, difficulties and troubles will be carried away and burned. Everything that was bad with me will burn in a blue flame. The new one will come and bring me only happiness, joy, good luck and success in everything and always. As said, so done."

On New Year's Eve, take out a piece of paper, put a chair in the middle of the room, light a candle and read the plot exactly 7 times. After that, burn the sheet with the text of the conspiracy, and with it your troubles. You will be protected from failure for the whole next year.

New Year's conspiracy for money

Money luck is the most capricious luck in the world. And, as you know, money attracts money, but their absence, on the contrary, makes a person unhappy and poor. Therefore, anyone who says that it is almost impossible to earn good money is usually right, because money will not come where it is not expected. Money needs a special approach, because it can be attracted or repelled by the power of thought alone.

On the night when the new year replaces the old one, it is easiest to increase the financial flow. To avoid difficulties, prepare for the ritual in advance. To do this, take a coin of any denomination and wash it thoroughly, because then it will shine at the bottom of your champagne glass. Don't forget to find red velvet fabric - it's a symbol of abundance. You will wrap a coin in it, turning it into a money talisman.

Wish for the New Year with a coin

As we have already said, on New Year's Eve, toss a coin at the bottom of your glass, clearly indicating the desired level of your income in the new year. Then mentally read the plot (it is advisable to learn it, otherwise one missed word will spoil the whole ritual):

“A glass of money is poured to the brim, so let wealth find its way to me in the new year. Let the money sparkle and flow like a river. I call for an endless financial surf. As a coin sparkles in a glass, so let the money constantly flash before my eyes, let it fill my wallet, as this champagne filled my glass. All that is said will come true."

Drain the glass, remove the coin and wrap it in a cloth. After that, your money talisman should be put in a separate place in your wallet. For 12 months, do not part with him, then monetary luck will not take long.

Splashes of champagne

Another simple ceremony with a coin, which should be carried out at the time of the New Year. You will need a glass of champagne and any coin. Of course, the larger and more beautiful the coin is, the better the ceremony will go.
We throw a coin into a glass, pour champagne into it and drink a glass with the last blow of the Chimes. A coin charged in this way should always be carried in your wallet.

May the New Year bring you only new opportunities, victories and happiness. Of course, many problems cannot be avoided, but this should not be taken as a defeat. Difficulties are also necessary, they help us become stronger, better and wiser. Wean yourself from the habit of making plans for the future every new day, because the future has its own plans for you.

How to make a wish for good luck

How to attract money and good luck in 2020 to your home. Probably, many have noticed that often working capacity alone is not enough for good luck and money to settle in the house.

And indeed it is. Because, a person must rely on his own strength, but also with help higher powers he has no right to ignore.

There are special rituals that, if performed correctly, can attract good luck or money, and now we will dwell on them in more detail.

How to make a wish "Bill of happiness" with an envelope and a Christmas tree

This simple ceremony will not require much effort and time, but will bring good luck and financial well-being to the house for the whole year.
On December 31, you should put any banknote in a clean envelope, add a colorful holiday card there, seal the envelope and sign your own address and name on it.

Then put the envelope under the tree. The envelope should be opened already on the first of January, and the money should be carried with you as a talisman.

Remember that the rat does not like the greedy, and therefore the larger the bill enclosed in the envelope, the more successful the year will be financially.

Wish for good luck "Magic felt-tip pen"

This ceremony is held on Saturday night on the Friday closest to the new year. In 2018 it will be December 28th.

We take a blank sheet of thick paper and a felt-tip pen. We light a candle on the table, always white.

  1. Then we concentrate our thoughts on cherished desires, and try to transfer them to a felt-tip pen.
  2. You should mentally imagine the fulfillment of each desire, and imagine that it is this felt-tip pen that will now make the necessary entry in the book of fate. And then write down the desire on paper.
  3. Then, in the same way, make a second wish. In total, you can write down three cherished desires.
  4. After the desires are formalized, four symbols should be put on a piece of paper - a piece of bread (prosperity, abundance), a candy (sweet, happy life), a coin (wealth, financial well-being), a rose (love).
  5. Then the leaf is carefully folded and tied with a red thread. On the knot it is necessary to drip hot wax from a white candle.
  6. The resulting magic package should be placed under the pillow, where it should lie for exactly seven days. After that, the package should be hidden in an inaccessible place.

The ceremony will last exactly one year. You can make wishes about love, money, luck, prosperity.

Remember that only sincere and benevolent desires that come from the heart are fulfilled. Choose your words, act according to the call of your heart, ask only for what is really necessary and, of course, do not forget to thank fate later.
May all your dreams come true!

During the change of the calendar year, a special atmosphere of goodness and miracle is created, which is why wishes made on New Year's Eve very often come true.

In order for the plan to be fulfilled exactly, it is necessary to formulate your dream in advance as fully as possible, but briefly. In order not to get lost in the pre-holiday bustle, it is better to write down a wish for the New Year on a piece of paper. Moreover, this note can be used to conduct a ritual.

Correctly guess

Few people know that it is not so easy to make a wish for the New Year correctly. The fact is that you need to state your dreams in as much detail as possible, but you won’t write a treatise on several sheets! Therefore, you will need to try to fit your desire into a few words.

Basic Rules:

  • you need to guess the final, not the intermediate result, that is, if you want to relax in an expensive resort, then you need to think of a vacation trip, and not “more money”. You may have more money, but they will only go to other needs;
  • it makes no sense to make wishes about other people, they should concern you personally. For example, it is pointless to think “I want my husband to find a well-paid job”, you need to formulate it like this: “The financial situation of my family is high and stable”;
  • desire should not contain negativity and evil directed at other people;
  • there should be no negation in the wording, that is, make sure that the particle “not” does not occur among the words.

It is better to start thinking about a desire a few days before the holiday, so that you can think it over without haste. Worth writing on paper possible options, and then choose what is especially important and valuable to you.


There are many interesting rituals that need to be carried out on New Year's Eve using a piece of paper with a desire written on it.

The most famous and often used is the one in which you need to burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, and throw the resulting ashes into a glass filled with champagne and drink in one gulp.

A few notes about this ritual:

  • you need to formulate and write down your plans on paper in advance, it is very difficult to have time to do all the actions in a minute, so you should make your task a little easier;
  • use thin paper and take a small piece of paper, remember that the smaller the piece of paper, the less tasteless ash you will have to swallow;
  • attract assistants while you make a wish for the New Year, burning a piece of paper, someone will have to open a bottle of sparkling wine and fill the glasses;
  • even if the last blows of the chimes sound, be careful, trying to swallow the wine in one gulp. If you choke, then the desire may become irrelevant;
  • If you don't drink alcohol, it's okay. This ritual can be performed with any carbonated drink - lemonade, Coca-Cola or even mineral water.

In addition, you need to properly burn a piece of paper with a wish for the New Year, that is, by following the fire safety rules. Be extremely careful with open fire, as a fire on New Year's Eve will not bring joy to anyone.

If it so happens that it is impossible to set fire to a piece of paper (forgot matches, you are afraid to set fire to the festive table, etc.), then you should use a simpler version of the ritual. It is enough just to eat a leaflet with a written desire and drink it with wine.

Not everyone is happy about the prospect of swallowing paper or paper ashes, even in the name of fulfilling a wish. However, you can do without it. It is enough to open the window simultaneously with the twelfth strike of the chimes and scatter the resulting ashes from the paper into the wind, straightening your dream into the information field.

If there are many guests and everyone wants to make a wish, then it is hardly advisable to organize mass burning of papers, after all, this is not safe. Therefore, distribute white paper napkins and scissors to guests in advance. Let everyone cut out an openwork snowflake for themselves and write their desire on it. At midnight, open the window and throw snowflakes out into the street to the friendly cries of the guests: “Happy New Year!”

There is another interesting ritual with papers that helps get rid of negativity in your life. Write on small pieces of paper everything that makes you unhappy (illness, lack of finances, lack of love, bad relationships in the work team, etc.). Then start collecting old unnecessary things in it - cracked plates, worn clothes, broken combs. In a word, we begin to consistently clear our house of debris. There should be no less old things “to throw away” (if you get more, it’s not scary) than it turned out to be pieces of paper with the negative that is present in your life.

We stick the prepared notes to the old things with adhesive tape (or attach them in any other way) and put the things in a large bag made of fabric (however, you can also take a plastic bag).

Carry the bag on your back and take it to the trash cans. Throw away and feel relief, release from negative events in your life. Such a ritual does not have to be performed on New Year's Eve, it is better to do it the day before, during the New Year's cleaning.

For the rituals performed to work, it is not necessary to follow all the instructions exactly. It is much more important to believe that everything will work out, and also to be positive. If you perform the ritual in a bad mood or with thoughts: “What nonsense is this!”, Then you should not hope for the fulfillment of desires.

At one single midnight in the year, when the clock strikes twelve, it is highly likely that a wish will come true. It's about, of course, about New Year's midnight, and a wish come true for a long time in the coming year.

There are many ways to make wishes for the New Year, like. It is better to take the simplest path: to choose as many ways as possible so that the cherished dream will surely come true.
True, it all depends on the speed of the reaction. Indeed, in most ways, you need to have time to make a wish during the chiming clock. This article contains ten ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve that will help you get what you want.

How to make a wish for the New Year:

1. The most common and not very tasty way. It is necessary to stock up in advance with a small piece of paper and a pen. A secret dream during the chiming clock must be written on a leaf, which is set on fire and thrown into your glass of champagne. A sparkling drink, along with ashes and desire, to drink in one gulp.

2. This is a more pleasant and tasty way. You need to prepare for yourself twelve grapes. During the chiming clock, you need to mentally express your desire, and have time to eat all the grapes. The tradition of making wishes in this way first appeared in Italy.

3. The power of self-hypnosis. Psychologists say that everything that a person would not want to receive in life, he must represent in his surrounding reality. For example, if you want to get married next year, then during the magical New Year's Eve, just repeat "I'm married." The energy of the festive night should help to make the wish come true faster.

4. In this method, you must ask the Christmas tree for the fulfillment of a wish. A few days before the new year, you need to make a small box with your own hands, in which you put leaves with a desire written on it. Hang the box on the Christmas tree - as a decoration. On a festive night, go to the Christmas tree, take off the box with the desire, hold it in your hands and ask that the desire come true. After this ritual, hang the box back. It remains only to wait.

5. It is not known where this tradition came from. Perhaps it was formed from the understanding of our ancestors that whoever is taller is closer to God. It is necessary during the battle of the chimes to jump as high as possible and make a wish.

6. For those who love to do needlework and are going to celebrate the New Year in a big company, this way of making a wish would be an excellent option. Cut a lot of paper snowflakes: different shapes and magnitude. Distribute to each guest so that he writes his desire on a snowflake. After the chiming clock, throw all the snowflakes out the window: let them circle and bring good luck.

7. They say that a generous person always gets double. To make your New Year's wish come true, on a festive night you can go outside and wholeheartedly treat passers-by with sweets and cookies, and give them to your relatives.

8. This is one of the most difficult methods to prepare. On the hem of your festive attire, you need to embroider your desire with threads. A couple of stitches and, most likely, New Year's Eve will definitely give you what you want. Do not forget to put your hands on the place of embroidery at midnight sharp and say the wish out loud.

9. Ways to make a wish on New Year's Eve are full of variety. Many require not only the presence of desire, but also the presence of certain skills. For example, this option suggests drawing or making a collage of your happiness. On paper, you need to schematically depict everything that you want to get next year. Moreover, simple images will suffice. If you want love - draw a heart, if you want a separate apartment - draw a house. The finished collage must be tied with a ribbon and stored for a whole year in a secluded place.

10. Desires under the pillow. During the chiming clock, all your desires prepared in your mind must be written on pre-prepared leaves. Put everything that you managed to write under the pillow. In the morning after waking up, pull out one leaf - it is this desire that will certainly come true in the new year!

Now you know how to make a wish on New Year's Eve. Each person decides for himself whether to believe in the miracles of a festive night or simply treat the process as a game. Be that as it may, no one has yet canceled the miracles in our life! Merry and magical New Year's Eve to you!

And if you can't figure it out