Version 1. What does the middle name Yakovlevich mean

These are modest, inconspicuous men, hiding in themselves a lot of undeniable virtues. They are very hardworking and determined. These are excellent, executive workers who can be entrusted with any business.

In family life, it is sometimes difficult with them: they are somehow femininely curious, trying to keep abreast of all events, and besides, they are stingy and rude. But they are great hosts, they will do any homework.
They lack softness and tenderness, or maybe they just don’t know how to express their feelings, which is why they are harsh.

Version 2. What does the middle name Yakovlevich mean

Yankelevich from the Jewish name Yankel or, which is often replaced by it, to the name Yakov. Especially this replacement was widely accepted in Russia, where there is still a peculiar attitude towards the Jews.

Table of declensions of patronymic Yakovlevich by cases

case Question declination Prepositions
Is there anyone? Yakovlevich
No one? Yakovlevich with, at, from, to, from, without, for, around, about, near, except
Glad to whom? Yakovlevich to, by, thanks to, in spite of, according to
I see who? Yakovlevich under, for, about, through, in, on, in
Satisfied with whom? Yakovlevich with, with, behind, over, under, between, before
Thinking about who? Yakovlevich in, oh, about, on, at, by

Patronymic Yakovlevich in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write the name, then the patronymic Yakovlevich in Latin letters, and only then the surname. You may need to write the middle name Yakovlevich in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Your version of the meaning of the patronymic Yakovlevich

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If you have looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Jacob.

What does the name Jacob mean?

The name Jacob means - following on the heels (Heb.)

The meaning of the name Jacob is character and destiny

A man named Jacob is by nature practical, prudent and self-serving, somewhat slow, do not rush to make decisions, first he seriously considers everything. Sometimes he may look slow-witted, but he does not allow rash acts and always wins. Cautious in choosing friends, even with loved ones is not always frank. He does nothing without personal gain. He prefers old, proven friends to new, even very interesting friends, regardless of how useful they can be to him. Jacob is sensitive, merciful, happy to help those in need, sympathizes with the poor, often becomes the patron of talented, but insolvent people. Prefers smart, independent, meaningful and beautiful women. He may be married twice and have children in each marriage. Painful divorce. He is engaged in business, is fond of alternative methods of medicine, experiments in this area, has a certain gift of a healer. His second marriage is late and happy. A man named Yakov marries a woman with whom he has known for many years and has maintained a close relationship all this time. He does not forget the children from the first marriage and brings them up in the same way as the children from the second, without singling out anyone from them.

The meaning of the name Jacob for sex

At the moment of intimacy, Jacob experiences a deep feeling of tenderness and gratitude for his partner, he is soft and delicate, capable of strong emotional outbursts. However, for Jacob, a strong sexual attraction is usually associated with a long and strong attachment. Only then can he, having rejected all prohibitions, feel free. Jacob is caring and patient with a woman, he likes to gradually kindle passion in her and bring her to a frenzy. The "winter" man named Jacob is somewhat different from the others. He enjoys when a partner takes the initiative in her own hands, tends to idealize and follow her. Prefers women who are very sexually experienced.

The nature and fate of the name Jacob, taking into account the patronymic

Name Jacob and patronymic ....

Yakov Alekseevich, Yakov Andreevich, Yakov Artemovich, Yakov Valentinovich, Yakov Vasilievich, Yakov Viktorovich, Yakov Vitalievich, Yakov Vladimirovich, Yakov Evgenievich, Yakov Ivanovich, Yakov Ilyich, Yakov Mikhailovich, Yakov Petrovich, Yakov Sergeevich, Yakov Fedorovich, Yakov Yurievich honest and fair. Shows great interest in politics, social sciences, has a philosophical mindset. At the same time, he is practical, he will not do anything that does not promise him personal or material benefits. A man named Jacob is not too energetic, slow, even seems phlegmatic, very cautious and prudent, it is impossible to deceive him. Friendly with women, but does not allow them to use it, avoids making any promises. Jacob is a responsible person, he has a highly developed sense of duty, so he takes the choice of a wife very seriously, trying to marry in such a way that he does not regret it later, does not leave children. Strongly attached to the family, loves comfort in the house. In everyday life, he is accommodating, avoids conflicts, it is easier for him to give in to his wife than to listen to moralizing. But in matters of principle he is stubborn, he can force anyone to reckon with his opinion. In the house, he is a leader, but without pressure and dictate, it goes without saying. The kids love it, and rightly so. Jacob is an excellent father, takes part in the upbringing of children, although the main part of it lies on the shoulders of his wife. Yakov is passionate about his work, knows how to provide for his family, enjoys the fact that his children do not need anything. In love, Jacob is gentle, delicate, feels a deep sense of gratitude to his wife, if he feels reciprocity. He is capable of strong emotional impulses, like no one else needs female affection and attention. Able to appreciate the support of his wife, her loyalty and devotion to him.

Name Jacob and patronymic ....

Yakov Alexandrovich, Yakov Arkadyevich, Yakov Borisovich, Yakov Vadimovich, Yakov Grigorievich, Yakov Kirillovich, Yakov Maksimovich, Yakov Matveevich, Yakov Nikitich, Yakov Pavlovich, Yakov Romanovich, Yakov Tarasovich, Yakov Timofeevich, Yakov Eduardovich, Yakov Yakovlevich very sociable, but few people are allowed into his inner world. Friendship for him is a sacred thing, he is never guided by mercantile considerations when choosing friends. She loves beautiful women. With his beloved, he is gentle and delicate, soft and obliging. With pleasure surrounds them with attention. But he marries only an intelligent, businesslike and at the same time a homely, economic woman, moreover, a beautiful and temperamental one. In everyday life, he is non-conflict, he will never offend his spouse even by chance, but you should not use this - he is quick-tempered, jealous. In important family matters, a man with the name Jacob will always insist on his own, and because of the little things he will not spoil his nerves, it is better to give in to her, to be condescending to her whims. Jacob is not averse to having fun with other women, which can lead to a divorce. It is difficult for him to refuse the lady, the wife must be vigilant, not to allow the rival to take him away from the family. Jacob is an exemplary family man, economic, thrifty, practical. He devotes a lot of time to children, spends holidays with his family with great pleasure. He loves sports, he is a virtuoso on the tennis court. Skillfully drives a car, versed in technology, a jack of all trades. He is especially good at plumbing. Willingly helps his wife with the housework, if time permits. Most of his life he is engaged in a career, is passionate about his profession, has a broad outlook. He loves his parents very much, he is especially strongly attached to his father, he is emotionally attracted to him. He wants to become the same authority for his children. More often sons are born to Jacob.

Name Jacob and patronymic ....

Yakov Bogdanovich, Yakov Vilenovich, Yakov Vladislavovich, Yakov Vyacheslavovich, Yakov Gennadievich, Yakov Georgievich, Yakov Danilovich, Yakov Egorovich, Yakov Konstantinovich, Yakov Robertovich, Yakov Svyatoslavovich, Yakov Yanovich, Yakov Yaroslavovich- a practical, independent, freedom-loving, easily carried away person. Very hardy, well developed physically. Noble and decent with women. He perceives an innocent hobby as a serious romance, is strongly attached to his beloved. But when choosing a wife, he also pursues mercantile goals: he tries to choose a wife from a wealthy family, with good manners, a decent education. Necessarily business, independent. He often marries a young, inexperienced girl, takes care of her for a long time and himself makes her a good wife, an exemplary housewife, an attentive mother. He is a good helper to his wife when children are born. Knows how to handle babies. He establishes warm relations with his wife's parents, the mother-in-law does not praise them enough, and the father-in-law is always glad to see him.

Name Jacob and patronymic ....

Yakov Antonovich, Yakov Arturovich, Yakov Valerievich, Yakov Germanovich, Yakov Glebovich, Yakov Denisovich, Yakov Igorevich, Yakov Iosifovich, Yakov Leonidovich, Yakov Lvovich, Yakov Mironovich, Yakov Olegovich, Yakov Ruslanovich, Yakov Semenovich, Yakov Filippovich, Yakov Emmanuilovich emotional, capricious, selfish, grouchy, ambitious, conflict. Impatient, wants everything at once. Does not tolerate objections, difficult to communicate, a great debater. Does not know how to lose, gets very angry, becomes unbalanced. Such Jacob's requests often do not coincide with his capabilities, so he is often haunted by failures. But none of his ideas is embodied in reality, because it has no material basis. Yakov is looking for wealthy partners, trying to convince him of the profitability of the enterprise, but Yakov’s personal benefit is felt in everything, the desire to use a gullible like-minded person. A man named Jacob considers himself smart and dexterous, but this is possible only with simpletons. Any more experienced person will immediately recognize his selfish plans. Jacob lacks a sober mind, logical thinking, and patience. His assessment of his abilities, especially mental ones, is too high, which makes it impossible to correctly assess an opponent, an opponent. With women, this Jacob is arrogant, dodgy, easily slips out of the hands of any girlfriend, it is impossible to wrap him up. A family acquires in adulthood, but the first marriage most often ends in divorce. The second time, Jacob will not marry soon, he lives in a civil marriage. In both marriages, he has sons. He formalizes his second marriage only when his son has grown up and Yakov realized that this family is his last refuge. But the relationship with the second wife is complicated. Jacob's emotions do not allow for family harmony. He thinks more about his problems, holds the family budget in his hands, is scandalous, jealous, self-serving. Yakov loves comfort, but does nothing to make the house even cozy. He is stingy, cautious. For himself, he regrets nothing. He is unfaithful to his wife, but he never explains to her where he was, why he was not at home for several days. He demands that he be accepted as he is, but the requirements for the wife are completely different: she must be a good housewife, clean, hardworking, and earn money herself to support the family. He brings into the house only what he wants to see for dinner today.

Name Jacob and patronymic ....

Yakov Alanovich, Yakov Albertovich, Yakov Anatolyevich, Yakov Veniaminovich, Yakov Vladlenovich, Yakov Dmitrievich, Yakov Markovich, Yakov Nikolaevich, Yakov Rostislavovich, Yakov Stanislavovich, Yakov Stepanovich, Yakov Feliksovich intractable and unyielding. It is hard to get along with people, quick-tempered, nervous, ambitious. He breaks up even with very close people without regret, but this is always preceded by a grandiose scandal, the conflict occurs through his fault. In a state of intoxication, he is completely uncontrollable, a bully, every party he ends in a fight. Likes to drink, but rarely gets drunk. In a sober state, he is practical and enterprising, but due to his difficult nature, he cannot realize his abilities. Often gets into unpleasant situations. A man named Jacob does not take anyone's instructions, does not listen to advice. He loves to teach others. This Jacob pays a lot of attention to his own person, his appearance. He dresses well, imposing, noticeable in any society, he attaches great importance to trifles: cufflinks, watches, a hairbrush - all this was bought in the best stores and selected with great taste. He loves everything beautiful, including beautiful women. He chooses for his wife exactly the one who should also be cheerful, sociable, everyone likes. In marriage, he attaches great importance to sexual harmony. However, often the first marriage is unsuccessful. He is unhappy, quick-tempered, hard to please. He is a gourmet, but cares little about where the spouse should take scarce products to feed him. He is demanding in everyday life, his wife does everything wrong, does not know how to run a household, manage money. The family budget does not let go.

Name Description: The name Jacob is the Russian form of the name Jacob, and in Hebrew means "following on the heels."

As a child, little Yasha is distinguished by practicality and prudence. He is a little slow, it is difficult for him to get used to new circumstances and strangers. He has a special spiritual connection with his father, which does not break until the end of his life. Yasha is hardworking and has a commercial streak, has the ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts.

The name inclines Yasha to great love of life, appeasement. He is not firm, but he knows perfectly well how to get his way from others with softness and fun.

Usually Yasha is proud, but this quality is manifested in his concern for his own well-being. He will not miss his own, because it is no accident that Russian gypsies love this name so much. Most of the bearers of this name are purely earthly people, they are not looking for abstract spiritual values.

Yasha is not particularly upset when he loses friends, he easily finds new ones. It can also be in a family to which the convenience of living together binds him much more than deep feelings. It is quite possible that Yasha will seek pleasure on the side, while believing that he does not do anything reprehensible, because all real men do this. Nevertheless, Yasha prefers to keep novels on the side secret from his wife.

As a life partner, Yasha chooses a serious, intelligent and economic woman. She should not be imperious, since he himself treats women gently, delicately. In serious matters, he is able to insist on his own, but because of nonsense, he will not spoil anyone's nerves.

He tries to see friends more often, he will always help out in trouble. However, his wife Yakov should not rely on his deep affection and be prepared for the fact that another woman can take him away, playing on his pity.

Surname: Yakovlevich, Yakovlevna

Date of birth according to the Orthodox calendar: December 9, November 5, November 3, October 22, July 7, May 18, May 13, April 24, April 6, April 3, January 26

Personality Character: practical, prudent, hardworking, purposeful, delicate, gentle, sociable, kind

Name abbreviations: Yakovka, Yasha, Yakunya, Yakusha, Yashunya, Yashuta, Yana, Yasya

Suitable middle name: Vladimirovich, Glebovich, Zakharovich, Innokentevich, Rubenovich, Yakovlevich, Svyatoslavovich

Suitable for boys or girls: just for guys

Name pronunciation: hard

Name nationality: Jewish

Most suitable for zodiac signs: Gemini, Leo, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn

Good name compatibility: Gloria,

The male name Jacob is revered in many cultures and religions of the world. Its roots lead to the Hebrew language. It came from Yaakov (Jacob) and is translated from Hebrew with the phrase “holding on to the heel”, “following on the heels” or “protected by the Lord”. The biblical hero named Jacob, from whom the modern name originates, along with the famous twin brother Esau, were the sons of Rebekah and the patriarch Isaac. Their life is described in the book of Genesis.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Ruler Planet: Moon
  • Talisman Stone: Red Jasper
  • Color: red
  • Wood: chestnut
  • plant: purslane
  • Animal: yak
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The name Jacob is characterized by optimism, peacefulness, resourcefulness, cheerful disposition, skepticism. Its owner receives vital energy from the outside, he loves the bright sides of life, is not at all interested in the depth of feelings. Such a person needs to be seen. He attracts people's attention with creativity, non-standard behavior, carelessness and lightness.

The owner of the name Jacob is a perspicacious and prudent man. Despite this, he strives to be independent and free in life. Owns the character of a ringleader, but can not stand quarrels because of petty intrigues, conflicts. This is a patient and hardy person. Such a guy will not take revenge on his environment for secular gossip, envy and even meanness. He is above such base feelings.

In his temperament there is no deep introspection, the desire for solitude, uncertainty in actions and decisions. Yakov does not suffer and does not self-flagellate, even if he realizes that he made a fatal mistake. He courageously and proudly carries his cross through life.

The pronounced openness of his character contains many negative features. He is capable of a reckless act, unscrupulousness and even betrayal. Constantly high spirits, a thirst for activity, plus innate prudence create contradictions in the behavioral style of such a person.

The representative of the name Jacob does not strive for well-being, but can covet someone else's good. He does not tolerate control and moralizing, but feeling guilty, he is ready to quickly make amends for the conflict. He is mercantile. For the sake of money and wealth, he is ready to take risks, break the law, and commit an unexpected act.

Interests and hobbies

Such a witty fellow and an entertainer always finds something to do. He likes to take part in competitions, competitions, can be a wedding toastmaster, volunteer, sports fan. Jacob is fond of social work, is a constant participant in rallies, political debates, strikes. He is lucky: he is lucky in casinos and cards. He can even win the lottery.

Profession and business

Jacob realizes himself best in a creative direction. Due to her restless nature, she experiences many professional ups and downs. Easily carried away by ideas, he is an excellent organizer. But in the work he “burns” as long as he sees interest in it. He does not like to delve into the intricacies of the profession, so he often changes it.


The state of health causes a lot of problems for Jacob because of the passion of character, unstable nervous system, and imbalance. He lives on energy supply from the crowd, positive energy of laughter and fun. In sports, he is also looking for a collective activity. Feeling unwell, he must listen not only to the signals of the body, but also to the brain. Yoga helps him a lot.

Sex and love

The secret of the name Jacob hides a very sexy man. He is like a volcano: if the relationship with a woman is excellent, he admires, falls asleep with compliments, strives for gratitude; if the date is unsuccessful, he is loudly indignant, does not hide true feelings and does not choose words. As a lover, he always uses "bouquet and candy" tactics.

Family and marriage

In family life, Jacob is lucky if his wife is endowed with the talent to endure, listen to an endless stream of speech, forgive and understand. Such a husband, the more he receives, the more he demands. In marriage with this man, a competent compromise is needed between spouses in duties and relationships.

The name of a person is given to him at birth and accompanies him throughout his life, reflecting his personality and even forming an idea about him.

Basically, most names have a full form and an abbreviated one. As a rule, an abbreviated, diminutive form is used in an informal setting, in everyday life and everyday life.

Unofficial names happened as follows: earlier, at baptism, the name of the child was recorded in the church book in the form of a full name, but when a birth certificate was issued to parents or in a metric, they already indicated the derivative name that the parents themselves wanted to indicate.

The use of diminutive names is quite reasonable, because sometimes official names are long and difficult to pronounce. If we are faced with rarely used names, we often wonder what the full name is. Yasha, for example, in the official version sounds like Yakov. Here we will consider the meaning of this name and its characteristics.

Name Yasha: full name and meaning

Just the name Yasha is an abbreviated form of the name: in full it sounds like Yakov. At present, the name Yasha is quite rare.

The full name Jacob has Jewish roots and comes from the popular name Jacob among this people. The biblical meaning of this word is defined as "follower" or "following on the heels." The name was common in the 19th century, as well as in the first half of the last century. Of all the male names, Jacob has the most ancient origin, often this name is mentioned in the Bible.

Derivatives from the name Jacob

So, we found out that Yakov is the full name, Yasha is the male name reduced from him. Along with Yasha, derivative names are such diminutives as Yanya, Yakovka, Yashunya, Yasya, Yanik. There are the following varieties in different languages ​​​​of the name Yasha: the full name of the Arabs is Yakub, the French - Jacques, the British - Jacob, the Italians - Giacomo.


The ancient Jews revered precisely the first-born - there was a special cult of those who were born first. Based on the biblical legend, Jacob at the time of his birth grabbed his twin brother, who was born before him, by the heel. He did this because he was afraid to fall behind Esau - his brother, who nevertheless became the firstborn.

Later, when the brothers grew up, a situation happened to them. Once Esau returned from hunting and asked Jacob to give him food, for he was very hungry, but the brother put forward a certain demand. It consisted of Esau giving up his firstborn status in exchange for food, to which he agreed.

Symbols and character of the name Yasha (full name Yakov)

The name is associated with a male rider. Brave, strong and strong-willed person.

Color - red. The patron planet is the Moon. Amulet - red jasper. Plants - nettle and chestnut.

In relations with people, first of all, he manifests himself as a pragmatist. Deprived of romanticism and manifestations of sentimentality. The main character traits are prudence and pragmatism.

Once in a new situation, as well as in the circle of new people, he does not immediately adapt to the changed environment. Of the positive features in him, one can note the mind and diligence. If he gets down to business, he tries to bring it to the end and not quit halfway. He can defend his opinion, but at the same time he does not like to bring matters to serious conflicts.

In relationships with women, he shows respect. Soft and delicate, trying not to offend. He loves children, and he will marry a smart and businesslike woman who can create comfort at home. It will be difficult for him to get along with a powerful woman, since he himself prefers to be gentle and equal in relationships. It is difficult for him to refuse people their requests.

He loves traveling and being on the move all the time. He is looking for profitable acquaintances, but if he understands that he will not receive any benefit in the process of communication, then it is better to stop it.

In childhood, he is distinguished by great mobility and difficult character. He grasps new information well and has a lively mind. He does not accept advice, relying only on himself. It is not very easy for him to make new friends; he prioritizes old, time-tested friends on whom he can rely.

He keeps his word, you can trust him in this. Simple and easy to communicate. Jacob loves to please people. He has developed intuition, and he can predict future events. Has good health. In the chosen profession, he often reaches heights, becomes an authoritative and famous figure.

In relations with his parents, first of all, he has a closer connection with his father - he treats him with respect and reverence.

Of the celebrities who bore this name, one can note the statesman of the Soviet era Sverdlov, the conductor and Soviet scientist Perelman, the poet Polonsky and the major industrialist Sannikov.

Professions in which he can potentially achieve success

Journalist, writer, hairdresser, jeweler, tailor, comedian, business, director, inventor - the best choice of profession for Jacob.

Thanks to good commercial skills, a pragmatic mindset and the ability to smooth out conflicts, he could become a good businessman.

Compatibility with female names

He feels comfortable in dealing with Alla, Galina, Alice, Vera, Inna. A happy union can develop with Lyudmila, Inna, Galina, Claudia, Tamara and Polina. An alliance with Catherine, Raisa and Dina is considered unfavorable for him.