Temple in the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region. Belongs to the Nizhny Tagil diocese, Nadezhdinsky deanery.

The temple is located on the square called Preobrazhenskaya, in the very center of the city. The temple was inaugurated on February 9, 2006. During the construction of the temple, several marathons were held to support the construction of the temple, as a result of which more than 2 million rubles in donations were collected from the residents of the city. The main assistance was provided by the UMMC company, as part of the implementation of its social program. The temple has an iconostasis 7 meters high and 15 meters wide. It was manufactured at the metallurgical plant named after A. K. Serov.

Name history

The new temple is named after the Transfiguration Cathedral, which was located in Serov at the beginning of the 20th century and which was blown up in 1931 by order of the Bolsheviks.

The construction of the temple took about 5 years.

Address history

Now a square with flower beds, trees and the first fountain in Serov is being organized around the temple. Although the temple is located at the intersection of Lenin and Zelenaya streets, the postal address of the temple will include Preobrazhenskaya Square, since the confessors refused to accept the address, the street in which bears the name of the main “Bolshevik executioner”. So they came to the decision to organize Preobrazhenskaya Square in the city.

Jan 02 2014

We open our city. Temples of Serov-Nadezhdinsk.

Hello, friends. As I promised, I continue the series of articles "". Today I will talk about temples our city Serov , in past Nadezhdinsk .

The first church in the village of Nadezhdinskiy Zavod, Vsekhsvyatskaya, was built in 1898 according to the design of St. Petersburg architect Vladimir Nikolaevich Pyasetsky. All Saints Church was located on Tserkovnaya Street, which is now called st. People's revenge.

Bookmark of All Saints Church

Judging by the materials of the Information Agency of the Yekaterinburg Diocese, the wooden Church of All Saints for 500 people, built in the then fashionable “pseudo-Russian” style, was a real decoration of the village. On June 4, 1908, a fire broke out in the church, and the building burned to the ground.

In 1905, the construction of a stone cathedral according to the project began at the Nadezhda plant. The cathedral was built with donations from residents and the money of the owners.

On November 30, 1908, the built Transfiguration Cathedral was consecrated. The amazingly beautiful building, elongated from east to west with red brick walls, was crowned with a majestic five-domed structure and a stepped vertical bell tower 46 meters high. The Transfiguration Cathedral became one of the centers of Orthodoxy in the Urals. Burials were located on the adjacent territory.

Transfiguration Cathedral. 1930

In 1931, the Transfiguration Cathedral in Nadezhdinsk, like many other churches in the USSR, was destroyed by the Soviet authorities, which pursued an anti-religious policy. The same fate befell the two chapels that were located at the cemeteries, the first was not far from the metallurgical plant, the second on the "hill" in the current Soviet village. Everything has gone into oblivion. Only the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior could not be "wiped off the face of the earth"; large blocks of stones, brickwork, piles of debris and reinforcement left after the explosion remained in that place, as if they had grown into the ground. They tried to blow them up again already in the 60s, covering them with a special box. But it was not possible to clear the place, there were already multi-storey buildings around, and it was not possible to organize a full-fledged explosion. So these remains are piled up in one of the city courtyards as a harsh reminder of ... deeds.

As a child, I heard from my parents that we had a large beautiful church in our city. But where it was, they themselves did not know, because it was destroyed even before their birth. And two years ago I accidentally saw these, they are located in the courtyard of a residential building - Metallurgists Square, 2. They are almost hidden by rows of garages built end-to-end. On one of the boulders on the western side, a memorial plaque is attached, telling about what was at this place. I think this board appeared here recently.

Ruins of the Transfiguration Cathedral.

For many years there was not a single church in Serov. Believers secretly took their children to be baptized for 104 km. Probably, there were no active temples closer. Only in 1988, a small church was built in Serov in honor of the Prophet of God Elijah (Prophet Elias Church) on the street. Karl Liebknecht, 39.

Well, after perestroika, temples began to be built in Serov, as if asking for forgiveness for those destroyed. In 1999, next to the central entrance of the Metallurgical Plant, a small wooden chapel appeared in the name of the Holy Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. It was built at the expense of OAO Metallurgical Plant. A. K. Serov "by the creative workshop of this plant. The chapel is located at st. Agglomeratchikov, 6.

Following the chapel in the name of the Holy Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye, the construction of a large Temple in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord began. But the construction was slow due to lack of funds, so several charity marathons were held, the funds from which significantly advanced the construction of the temple. And on February 9, 2006, the Temple was solemnly consecrated and opened in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. A white-stone five-domed temple 37m high now adorns the center of the city of Serov.

It is interesting that the square on which the Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord stands now has always been empty: they tried to start building administrative and residential buildings on it, but the matter did not go beyond laying the foundation. For as long as I can remember, there has always been an overgrown and swampy wasteland here. A temple could be built here. Maybe this place was only for the temple and was intended? The area was called Preobrazhenskaya. And the address at the Temple is Preobrazhenskaya Square, 1.

In February 2012, the only student church-chapel in the Sverdlovsk region in the name of the Holy Archangel Michael, built in the village of Energetikov on the square in front of the Nadezhdensky Palace of Culture, was consecrated and opened. The address of this chapel is St. Lomonosov d. 1 a.

Photo from the site "Work and rest"

In Serov there are not only Orthodox churches, in November 2011 the construction of the cathedral mosque was completed. This event was long-awaited for the Muslims of the city, the mosque was built for 17 years. The long-term construction was associated with a lack of funds. And in Serov, charity marathons were held to raise funds for the construction of a mosque, as well as for the construction of the Temple in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. And now the snow-white mosque with a copper dome, five-sided windows and a 26-meter minaret has become a real decoration of the city.

Mosques in Serov, like churches, were banned during the Soviet period. And at the beginning of the 20th century in Nadezhdinsk (now the city of Serov) there were two mosques, they were located on the territory of the old city market. The mosques were wooden, one two-storied with a minaret, and the second, built later, one-storied. During the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government, the mosques were closed, one - in 1929, the other - in 1931. They were given to the metallurgical plant (under the office) and the police. The buildings have not survived. It is possible that the place for the construction of the cathedral mosque was not chosen by chance not far from the old city market. The address of the mosque is st. R. Luxembourg, 30.

Like these ones temples were and are in our city Serove , in past Nadezhdinsk .

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The holiday was established in memory of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ before the disciples on Mount Tabor. It is told about in three Synoptic Gospels: Matthew (17:1-6), Mark (9:1-8), Luke (9:28-36).

In the last year of His public ministry, being in Caesarea Philippi, the Lord, on the eve of the coming sufferings, began to reveal to the disciples that “He must go to Jerusalem and suffer much from the elders and high priests and scribes, and be killed, and rise on the third day” ( Matthew 16:21). The words of the Teacher greatly saddened the apostles and especially Peter, who began to rebuke the Savior, saying: “Be merciful to yourself, Lord! let it not be with you!” (Matthew 16:22). Noticing the sorrow of the disciples and wanting to alleviate it, Jesus Christ promises some of them to show the glory in which He will be clothed after His departure: His kingdom” (Matt. 16:28).

Six days later, the Lord, accompanied by the disciples, set off from the region of Caesarea Philippi to the borders of Galilee. Stopping at Mount Tabor, He took with him three disciples - Peter and the Zevedeev brothers: James and John - and went up with them to the top to pray. However, the apostles, being tired, fell asleep: “But Peter and those who were with him were weighed down with sleep” (Luke 9:32).

During their sleep, the Lord Jesus Christ was transformed: “And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became white and shining” (Luke 9:29). Waking up from a dream, the apostles saw Him in bright clothes with a bright light emanating from him. Christ talked with two men - the prophets Moses and Elijah about the coming sufferings. When the conversation of Christ with Moses and Elijah was coming to an end, the apostle Peter was imbued with boldness and said: “Master! it's good for us to be here; Let us make three tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” (Luke 9:33). Peter, who is destined to be one of the founders of the Church of Christ in the whole universe, was going to build "three tabernacles" (three tents) for the Teacher and the prophets who appeared to them. He still looks at Jesus Christ in an earthly way and puts Him along with Moses and Elijah. “But Jesus,” writes Rev. Ephraim the Syrian, - immediately shows him that he does not need his tabernacle, that He is the One Who for forty years made in the wilderness a tabernacle from a cloud for his fathers. “When he was still speaking,” says St. evangelist, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold, a voice from the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Hear him” (Matthew 17:5).

At these words, the apostles fell on their faces in great fear. At this time, the glory of the Lord, and with it the prophets, hid from them. The Lord approached the disciples, who were lying on the ground, saying: "Get up, do not be afraid" (Matt. 17:7). Lifting up their eyes, the apostles saw no one but the Lord Jesus. They began to descend the mountain. On the way, the Lord commanded them not to tell anyone about the vision until He accepted suffering and death and resurrected on the third day. The apostles fulfilled the request of the Savior and remained silent for the time being about what they saw.

However, the greatness of the Transfiguration is not limited to the miraculous contemplation by the disciples of the Divinity of Christ, shining through the veil of His Flesh. In the light of Tabor, the whole dispensation of God about the salvation of the world is revealed to us at the same time, which the holy hymnologists, compilers of stichera and canons on the day of the Transfiguration, displayed very clearly in their creations. “Having united in Himself Divinity and humanity inseparably. You showed us on Tabor the coal of the Godhead... and thereby amazed Moses and Elijah and the chief of the apostles" (2nd canon, ode 5, troparion 3rd). Therefore, having seen “the Deity in the flesh, shining on Tabor”, Moses and Elijah recognized in Him the One “Whom they proclaimed in ancient times as the true God” (1st canon, song 5th, troparion 1st), and who has now come "from the Virgin Maiden ... by a man for deliverance" (on the verse of the stichera at the small Vespers). Now everyone has understood who Jesus is, the Son of the Living God. He is the One who once appeared to Moses covertly “in fire and bush”, and then “on the mountain of legislation ... in ancient times in darkness”; immediately opened in reality, “in the unapproachable light of the Divine” (2nd canon, ode 1, troparion 3rd).

Moses and Elijah approached the Transfigured Christ on Tabor. It is "the law and the prophets" who stand before their Master as servants who have carried out His commands. Having accomplished all that He pointed out at Sinai and Horeb, and at other places of Theophany, they now, as it were, resigned their powers before the Lord. They are full of holy awe: the Lord is coming to Jerusalem to complete their work and accept the cross for the salvation of people. The prophets left. The ancient transformations are over, the prophecies have been fulfilled. The light of Tabor shone. On earth - the Beloved Son, the Finisher of the law and the Builder of the salvation of people.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord teaches us many theological truths. “The immaterial fire, which did not burn the bodily substance, was visible when You, Master, one of two natures, in two perfect natures appeared to Moses, the apostles and Elijah” (2nd canon, song 4th, troparion 3rd), - this is how the Holy Church sings about the revelation of the incarnate Son of God on Mount Tabor. And the prophet Elijah, and Moses, who once contemplated the burning bush on Horeb, and St. the apostles now saw in the radiant Face of Jesus Christ God and the perfect Man - in a single hypostasis, two natures, "inseparably and inseparably" united. On Tabor, the sublime dogmatic truth about the incarnate Word of God was presented to all people with their own eyes.

The voice of God the Father: "This is My Beloved Son," testifying again, as with the Jordan, about the Sonhood of Jesus Christ, revealed the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The apostles who presented themselves to the Lord Jesus “from the earth, as if from heaven - Elijah the Thesbitian, and from the dead - Moses” (2nd canon, song 8, troparion 3rd) - according to the creator of the canon on the Transfiguration, st. John of Damascus, - pointed out the greatness of His power: He possesses the living and the dead, being the Lord of heaven, earth and the underworld.

The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord has been celebrated by the Orthodox Church since the 4th century, from the time of the construction of St. equal to ap. Helena on Mount Tabor temple dedicated to this event.

In the Russian folk tradition, the Transfiguration is called the Second or Apple Savior, because. it is celebrated simultaneously with the ripening of apples. In Rus', especially for this day, apples were brought in cartloads, and every more or less wealthy person considered it his duty to distribute the fruits to the poor and sick. Until that day, it was not supposed to eat apples and all garden vegetables, except for cucumbers. In the Orthodox calendar, the holiday falls on the Dormition Fast, but starting from this day, it is allowed to eat apples and fruits, the consecration of which is held at the end of the festive Liturgy.

Diocese Moscow Architectural style classicism First mention 1706 Foundation date 18th century Construction - years Status transferred to the ROC State recovering

Coordinates : 55°22′36″ s. sh. 39°12′51″ E d. /  55.376667° N sh. 39.214167° E d.(G) (O) (I)55.376667 , 39.214167

Temple in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village. Spass-Leonovshchina of the Yegoryevsky district of the Moscow region was founded in the city. It belongs to the Yegoryevsky deanery district of the Moscow diocese. Spiritual center of Leonovshchina.


The church was founded at the request of the owner of the estate of the stolnik Ivan Ivanov, son of Leontiev, in his estate in the Krutinskaya volost of the Kolomna district with the blessing of the Kolomna Bishop Anthony. It was originally made of wood. In the parish of the temple were the villages of Vasilevo, Ivanovo, Inshino, Sukhanovo, Kamenskaya, Larinskaya, Low, Panino, Panovskaya. In May, parishioners from. Spassky with the villages asked for permission to build a new temple of the former temple name with side chapels of the Archangel Michael and Florus and Laurus. It was planned to use part of the materials from the old, dilapidated church for the construction. On June 11, the church was consecrated by Archpriest Pavel Ozerkovsky. The temple was wooden, on a stone foundation, upholstered with wood on the outside. On the head is an eight-pointed cross made of red copper and gilded through fire. The church inside was upholstered with canvas and painted with oil paints. In 1807, a second church was built - a stone one in the name of the Holy Trinity. The Trinity Church in the city was rebuilt; in the city, central water heating was installed in it. There were three altars in the Trinity Church - the middle one in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, the right one in the name of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Iberian Icon, and the left one in the name of Archangel Michael and other Heavenly Powers and St. Nicholas of Myra.

On September 25, by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Moscow Regional Council of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies, they were closed with a recommendation to use them as cultural institutions. A club was set up in the Church of the Transfiguration (later burned down), and later the logs of the church were used in the construction of an elementary school. In the 1990s, the remains of the school were sold to local residents for firewood. In the stone building of the Trinity Church, the Vasilevsky Metallist plant was organized. In 1957, numerous brick additions were made to the church, which destroyed the graves closest to the church. Economically, the production was inexpedient due to the technological backwardness of the equipment, low quality and lack of demand for manufactured products. Already in the late 1990s, the remaining tombstones were barbarously destroyed. CJSC "Nina" (which privatized the former "Vasilevsky metallist") carried out work on the same equipment, violating all safety standards. In 2011, having worked out the last resources (even the highly artistic floor slabs of the church were destroyed (melted)), CJSC "Nina" abandoned the church building.


In 2007, on the initiative of M. B. Zheltov, the process of returning the building of the Trinity Church of the Russian Orthodox Church began, while the church itself received a new temple name in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In December, hegumen Mitrofan (Efremov) was appointed rector of the temple. On August 29, restoration work began (headed by Mikhail Nikolaevich Geraskin). On January 13, the church was consecrated, and on January 14, the first divine service was held by the Dean Abbess Nikodim of Yegoryevsk.

The preservation of the temple

The main building of the temple is well preserved. Only the apses were lost. Fragments of the southern wall have been lost in the refectory. The bell tower has survived to the second tier. Fragments of highly artistic frescoes have been preserved in the temple: Archangel Michael, Sergius of Radonezh, Basil the Great, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Metropolitan Jonah of Moscow, Theodosius of the Caves.


  • Nikita Grigoriev (up. 1722)
  • Matthew Maximov (up. 1742-1744, had a son Maxim)
  • Maxim Ilyin (b. 1783, died in 1788)
  • Mikhail Gerasimov (born in 1793)
  • Vasily Nikitin (born in 1795)
  • Simeon Matveev (up. 1795 - 1808)
  • Ermil Simeonov (up. 1799 - 1828)
  • Lavrenty John (Spassky) (up. 1805 - 1810)
  • John Mikhailov (Petrovsky) (born July 17, 1810, 1835 - 1840)
  • Vasily Simeonov Pavelsky (from September 22, 1830 to 1847)
  • Nikolay Dmitriev (out of state in 1840)
  • Procopius V. (packed in 1847)
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Cheltsov (consisted from November 2, 1847, died August 30, 1901, freelance priest from 1901)
  • Petr Ioannov Petrovsky (from March 16, 1851 to 1882)
  • Pyotr Iakovlevich Minein (compiled from July 22, 1882)
  • Ioann Ioannovich Vertogradov (up. 1901)
  • John Ioannovich Rozhdestvin (up. 1898 - 1910)
  • hegumen Mitrofan (Efremov) (appointed on December 27, 2007, decree of Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Yuvenaly No. 4266)



  • Feoktist Ilyin (up. 1797 - 1798)
  • Karp Fedorov (1832-1840)
  • Grigory Timofeev (packer of the Ponomar vacancy - 1835-1836)
  • John Lvovich Kobozev (up. 1874)


  • Ivan Ivanov (pack. 1719)
  • Nefed Ivanov (up. 1737-1738)
  • Semyon Vasiliev (up. 1742)
  • Lavrenty Ivanov (up. 1798)
  • Alexey Andreev (up. 1832-1847)
  • Karp Fedorov (pack 1835)
  • Evdokim Petrov (up. 1835-1840)
  • Ivan Vlasov (up. 1858)


  • Ilya Mikhailov (up. 1719-1742)
  • Andrey Egorov (up. 1797-1798)
  • Fyodor Petrov (up. 1832-1840)
  • Nikolay Rozhdestvin (up. 1838)
  • Nikolai Zakharov (up. 1847)
  • Sergey Rozhdestvin (up. 1858)
  • Mitrofan (Efremov), hegumen - rector of the temple
  • Dorofeykina Raisa Nikolaevna - Treasurer
  • Zheltov Sergey Alexandrovich
  • Maksimov Anatoly Ivanovich
  • Korovina Tamara Petrovna
  • Vorontsova Ludmila Aleksandrovna
  • Skorodumov Veniamin Mikhailovich
  • Mukhina Galina Vladimirovna
  • Malkina Larisa Nikolaevna
  • Khizhnyak Nadezhda Vasilievna

Ekaterinburg. Church of the Transfiguration. Stone, three-altar. Laid down in 1808

The temple was closed in 1937 and its building was given to the factory of ebonite products, as a result of which it was severely mutilated - the bell tower was demolished and the dome was disfigured.

In 1995, the temple was returned to believers and its active restoration began.

In the church are particles of the relics of St. Oleg Bryansky, Abbot Job of Pochaevsky, St. Dalmat of Isetsky, as well as the Kiev-Pechersk and Optina elders. There is also a revered icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa".

Initially, on the site where the temple now stands, the oldest city church in the name of St. Nicholas at the Uktus plant was located. The wooden St. Nicholas Church, built in 1712, served only 95 years, since in 1807 it was completely burned down as a result of a fire. Therefore, in 1808, a stone church was already laid, with a division into warm and cold. In the warm temple on the south side there was a chapel in honor of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, on the north - in the name of St. Nicholas. By the 1860s, due to crowding due to the large number of parishioners, the right and left aisles were abolished and in 1863 they were laid in a new place.

After the October Revolution and the beginning of the persecution of the Russian Church, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord was devastated. On March 25, 1930, the temple domes were demolished. In 1937, the church was closed completely, and in 1942 the workshop of the Sverdlovsk factory of ebonite products was located in its building.

In 1995, on Easter, a service was held in the building of the plant, which had not yet been transferred to the diocese. At the end of the Easter festivities, work began on the restoration and restoration of the church. The temple was completely handed over to believers for the patronal feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the same 1995. Beginning in 1996, daily services began.

Information source - http://www.ekaterinburg-eparhia.ru/temples/action/at176

In 1712, with the blessing of John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk, on February 12, a wooden church was built in Uktus in honor of St. Nicholas. In 1807 this temple burned down. In 1808, with the blessing of Justin, Bishop of Perm, a one-story stone church was laid, with a division into warm and cold. Altars were placed in the warmth on the sides: on the south - in honor of the appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, on the north - in the name of St. Nicholas. The main Church of the Transfiguration was consecrated in 1821; the southern altar - on January 3, 1809, and the northern one - on April 21, 1830. Due to the narrowness of the temple, on May 12, 1863, new aisles were laid on both sides of it, where, after the completion of construction, the above-mentioned altars were transferred; Kazansky consecrated on 27 Sept. 1864, and Nikolsky on April 30. 1867

In 1867, the Rostov 1st guild merchant Alexei Mikhailovich Pleshanov arranged a large two-story stone house for the school at his own expense and left a capital of 2838 rubles, % of which should go to the maintenance of the school. It currently houses a parochial school.

There are 3 wooden chapels in Uktus: one at the entrance to the village, and the rest - on the mountains of Preobrazhenskaya and Voznesenskaya.

The clergy consists of a priest, a deacon, and a psalm reader.

With the blessing of Metropolitan John of Tobolsk (later canonized and canonized as a Saint), in 1712, on the high bank of the Patrushikha River, on one of the peaks of the Uktus Ridge, a wooden St. Nicholas Church was built, the very first on the territory of the future city of Yekaterinburg, which united the scattered settlements of these places . Consecrated on February 12, 1712, it stood for almost a hundred years. For almost a hundred years, our great-grandfathers lived under the blessing cross of St. Nicholas Church. However, in 1806, on September 27, the temple burned down - the fate of many wooden churches of old Rus'. A 40-pood bell melted from the fire; church utensils, however, were saved: a silver bowl and diskos, the Gospel, a cross, a monstrance, lampadas, candlesticks, vestments. A year later, with the blessing of the Bishop of Perm Justin, whose diocese included Yekaterinburg, a new stone three-altar church was laid, with a division into warm and cold. “I blessed the church chapel in the Uktussky plant in the name of the Kazan Mother of God to Archpriest Nikolai of the Vologda Cathedral, according to the rank of the church, to consecrate ...”. In 1809, on January 3, the altar of the southern aisle was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In 1821, the central Transfiguration Altar was completed and consecrated. For all these years, around the temple, on the mountain, the cemetery also grew. By 1830, the construction of the northern aisle in the name of St. Nicholas was completed (consecrated on April 21). In addition, three chapels were built at the Uktus plant, as this place was then called, as if protecting the settlement from different sides. One was at the bridge at the entrance to the village, stone. Nikolaevskaya. Destroyed. Another, built in 1850, not far from the temple, towered almost on top of the Ascension Mountain. (The name of the Uktus mountain - Voznesenskaya, as well as Preobrazhenskaya, arose long before the merger of the Uktus plant with Yekaterinburg. It so happened that now in our city there are, as it were, two Ascension Hills. One is in the center where the Ascension Cathedral rises, and the other - on Uktus, practically invisible, built up with modern buildings). The chapel, of course, was not preserved. On the other side of the Patrushikha River, high on the mountain, at a height of 286 meters, on stone pillars instead of a foundation, a third chapel was built, consecrated in 1836 in honor of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Destroyed to the ground. In the spring of 1863 (May 12), new aisles were laid on both sides of the temple, where the altars were also moved. Kazan altar, consecrated again on September 27, 1864, and Nikolsky on April 20, 1867. Here is some information obtained from the reference books of the Yekaterinburg diocese for 1904 and 1915 for the village of Uktus: 1904: “S. Uktusskoye from vil. Elizabeth. The Church of the Transfiguration with the chapels of the Transfiguration, Voznesenskaya and Nikolaevskaya - in the village. In the village of Elisavetskaya, the Prokopievskaya chapel. 1915: “The village of Uktus. Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya, stone, built in 1808, thrones - 3; from the consistory in 7 versts, from the railway station "Uktus" in 1 1/4 in. The parish consisted of about 2500 people. population. The church had 2 stone houses, 17 acres of hay land and 629 estates. The clergy consisted of 1 priest, 1 deacon, 1 psalmist. Salary of the priest 295 rubles; deacon 150 rub. psalmist 59 p. 48k., Prof. 24 p. 50 k. Income 1310 rubles. 30 kop. The cash composition of the clergy: Priest: Iason Vasiliev Frolov; 40 years old, Perm Seminary in 1896, was awarded a skufia in 1903, in 1908 - a kamilavka, in 1914 - a pectoral cross. Deacon: Nikolai Vasiliev Efremov; 32 years old, Raven. theological school in 1907 Psalm reader: Arkady Mikhailov Vasiliev; 34 years old, 4th grade of the Ekaterinburg Theological School 1897 Elisavetskaya village: Deacon: Evgeny A. Maksimov, graduated from the theological school 1897 Psalmist: Arkady M. Vasiliev - the highest department of the theological school 1899 Benefactors: 1868 merchant of the Rostov First Guild Alexei Mikhailovich Pleshanov built a stone house for the parish school for the church. He also donated "for eternity" 300 rubles of capital, the interest from which went in addition to the content of the clergy. The parish guardianship and private benefactors helped maintain the school. In 1910 V.P. Zlokazov donated 250 rubles for the maintenance of the school. The Uktus church school has always been in good standing. Priest Iason Vasilyevich Frolov was known as a talented teacher of the Law of God. The success of students in church singing, Russian language and arithmetic was known in the city. The parish school regularly held religious and moral readings for the people. It is known that in 1910 a sobriety society operated at the Uktus plant, funds were allocated for the construction of a “sober people's house”. “In 1914, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, a pilgrimage took place from other churches in Yekaterinburg, led by a bishop. The walls of the temple could not accommodate everyone, the service was held on the square. The prayer service was accompanied by the distribution of teetotal literature...” So, the temple acquired its final form. Uktus, meanwhile, continued to expand and grow. The paper and cardboard and cloth factories started working. Qualitative clays, found in abundance in the Uktus region, give development to pottery, and soon more than thirty pottery establishments supply almost the entire Urals with their products. The Church of the Transfiguration is being improved and spiritually strengthened. The chronicle has preserved for us the names of priests in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior in the village of Uktus. According to the surviving clergy records, one can trace the fate of the following: Dmitry Fedorovich Garyaev - was born in 1763, did not study at the seminary, was promoted to a priest in 1792. Konstantin Dmitrievich Garyaev - was born in 1787, studied at the seminary, was promoted to the priesthood in 1807. At the parish, he replaced his father. He died no later than 1833. Pyotr Vasilyevich Udintsev - born in 1809, graduated from the seminary, in the Uktus church since 1834, teacher of the law at the Uktus mining school. Stepan Vasilievich Udintsev (Peter Udintsev's brother) - was born in 1806, studied at the seminary. He served in Uktus since 1848. He had a bronze pectoral cross on the Vladimir ribbon in memory of the war of 1853-56. He died no later than 1876, having served on Uktus for more than 25 years. Frolov Iason Vasilyevich - was born in 1873, studied at the seminary. Priest since 1898. Awarded with a gaiter. After the revolution he served in Aramil. In 1937 he was repressed and sentenced to 10 years in the camps. Here are some statistics and facts characterizing the life of parishes in those years. “... A message to the Chief Head of the Yekaterinburg Mining Plants German, about the blessing in the Uktus plant of the church chapel in the name of the Kazan Mother of God - Archpriest Nikolai of the Vologda Cathedral, according to the rank of the church, to consecrate, in which case the blessed letter and Antimins signed by Bishop Justin of Perm are ordered to send the consistory to Ekata ¬Ringburg spiritual board under the decree” (the style, phrases and spelling of those years are preserved; note by the author). Information about the fire of a wooden temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. 1806 On the 27th of September, the temple burned down. A 40-pound bell melted from the fire, but church utensils were saved: a silver bowl, diskos, the Gospel, a cross, a monstrance, lamps, candlesticks, robes, books. The names of the clergy, their wives and children are listed, and who was born in what year... Residents, parishioners of the Church of St. Nicholas testify that the priest Dmitry Garyaev is always respectable in behavior and in the performance of his office is serviceable and diligent. The second priest, Yakov (surname is not clear), has now been exiled by the resolution of His Eminence to the Verkhotursky Monastery in order to pacify his behavior. Deacon Vasily Neuimin, deacons Efim Mutin, Afanasy Napitin, sexton Artemy Maksimov, (name not clear) Burial Grounds are also serviceable in their positions. Good Confessions. For which they are given this certificate from us. And we subscribe to it. January 8th day, 1807. Signatures." Two collections of church records of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, Yekaterinburg district of the Uktus village, the first for 1872. A number of questions are presented and the answers to them recorded. When the church is built, what kind of building and bell tower (wooden or stone), how many Thrones, provision of utensils. How much is a clergy, how much land is arable and hay at this church, and how much is given to the use of a priest, deacon, psalmist. What are the houses of the clergy and clergy. The amount of money from the treasury assigned to the priest, deacon, psalm-readers. The amount of interest received from the bank on money donated to the temple, money from philanthropists. When an inventory of church property was drawn up; on the maintenance of the income and expenditure book, on the preservation of copies of registers of births for previous years. Accounting report: how much money was received in 1872, how much was spent, where, what is the balance ... Next, about the clergy of the church. 1) Who exactly was born where, what rank comes from, where and what he studied, when and by whom he was promoted to what rank and to what place; what positions he held, when he was awarded what and whom he has in the family. Summer from birth. 2) Who knows how to read, sing, catechism. Of the scientists, how many sermons were delivered per year. There are ratings: mostly “good” or “very good”. 3) Who is what behavior, and children studying in schools, how they behaved during holidays at home (assessments). 4) Who to whom in what relationship. 5) Who, when, was tried for what and what was fined, or whether he is not under trial or investigation. 6) Orphans. 7) The number of households, the number of souls (male, female). How far from the church (courtyards) and are there any obstacles in the communication. And it ends: “Priest Stefan Vasiliev Udintsev signs Deacon John (last name is not clear) signs the First Psalm Reader Alexander Mikishev signs the Second Psalm Reader Alexander (last name is not clear) signs” Bulletin of the Church of the Transfiguration in the village of Uktus, Yekaterinburg district for 1896. (The name of the graph is already printed in Slavic letters, filled in by hand in Russian). The content of the columns and questions is similar to the book for 1872. , but there are additions. 1) About the reckoning: years, months and dates of birth. 2) Do you have real estate yourself, your wife, parents and what kind. 3) For example, in the question of convictions and fines, there is the following answer: “... He was tried for drunken behavior and by decree of the Spiritual Board of December 5 (no year) No. 1124, he was subject to a 3-week penance at the Bishop's Church. For an unsatisfactory recommendation in knowledge for 1881, the Perm Spiritual Consistory was fined 3 rubles. By Decree of the Holy Synod No. 2044 of May 13, 1892, the criminal record was removed.” 4) A column appears about supernumerary clergy and clergy, their widows and orphans. On what occasion was he dismissed for the state, how many years he was in the service, equally widows have husbands, and orphans have fathers; in what ranks and because. Whether he receives a pension or an annual allowance, from what source (Treasury, Holy Synod, guardianship of the poor of the clergy). Again, the general financial estimate of the year and signatures: “Priest Simeon Popov - signed by Deacon Andrei Vasiliev Andrievsky - signed by Psalmists Alexander, Maxim Pereberins - will sign” For history, it is interesting for us to know what strictness, orderliness in all church affairs and documents have already in those years, to rediscover the names of those who dedicated themselves to the service of the church. According to old documents, we can trace how, in modern terms, the system of the “personnel department” is being improved: from the first modest data about the land, about chapels, about clergy and income, to detailed information about the state of the temple, its financial balance, about the formation of a sacred place. ministers, their marital status, their way of life and good manners, as well as such valuable things as accounting for provincial clergy, orphans, widows, and their livelihood, etc. The terrible years of repression, destruction and closure of churches, starting from 1917-1918, did not bypass the Church of the Transfiguration. From 1926 until closing, the temple became Gregorian in orientation. In 1937, the destruction of the temple began. It was defiled, the top of the dome and the bell tower were destroyed. The temple was closed. In 1938, by order of the Presidium of the Sverdlovsk Regional Executive Committee, the devastated Transfiguration Church was handed over to the Tire Trust. (The act of transferring the former church in the village of Uktus to the tire trust. Order No. 2331 of November 26, 1938). The cost of the building (taking into account wear and tear) in 1932 prices was determined at 114,500 rubles. (Resolution of the Presidium of the Sverdlovsk City Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the KD of June 4, 1937). Almost from the beginning of the war in the former temple, transferred to the tire trust, they placed "object No. 2". It was part of the evacuated Moscow plant of technical rubber and ebonite products, an object of military importance. All these products made of rubber and ebonite were parts of tanks, self-propelled guns, and air transport. The facility has become a closed enterprise. The temple was hastily and ruthlessly refurbished, shredded for factory needs. Huge iron 2-leaf gates were cut into one of the walls, the openings of old church windows were changed to standard factory ones, the brick walls of the temple were pierced for heating pipes, pipes of the so-called “hot steam”, which in winter, breaking out of the connecting joints, froze , hanging down with red ice growths-icicles. Inside, through the entire temple, from Kazansky to Nikolsky aisles, a crane walked at a great height. The domed part of the temple was divided into 3 floors. The roar of working machines, the smell of burnt lubricants ... A boiler room was built in the temple, where harmful production was carried out using powdered sulfur and soot. A nitrogen pipeline was laid from Vtorchermet. But with all this horrifying picture of the destruction of the temple, it still cannot be said that during the war it was defiled. Yes. Ruthlessly redrawn, rebuilt, replanned to suit the needs of the shop. But for a good cause. Victory was forged in the temple. The walls of the temple themselves blessed their hungry, half-dead from fatigue and stress workers, as in ancient times in Rus' during the attack of enemies, Saints, abbots of monasteries blessed their soldiers for the battle for the Fatherland. On May 26, 1944, a monstrous fire broke out inside the temple from the ignition of soot and other fuels and lubricants. In the church, by this time, a lot of valuable, unique equipment had accumulated, and all this had to perish. The factory buildings adjacent to the temple, the material warehouse, the preparatory and ebonite workshops were blazing. With terrible exhausts, like firecrackers, packages with sulfur soared up, carrying fiery jets of flame behind them, scattered with sparks and created new sources of ignition. The suffocating smell of all this burning chemistry deprived people of the remnants of strength. A huge amount of fire equipment, it seemed, was unable to stop the raging elements of fire, for which there were so many “tidbits” inside the building. Only complete calm did not allow the fire to spread to the entire village. Everything would burn. The Lord did not allow. Tanks with nitrogen, located right there, became hot, burst, nitrogen, escaping to freedom, instantly filled the room and ... covered the fire. The fire has subsided. Most of the unique equipment was preserved, and production was quickly resumed. It can only be called a miracle that the expert commission that came to investigate the fire did not see malicious intent, arson, etc. in its occurrence. How many innocent heads could fly then! The commission found only a number of facts of improper storage of combustible materials, the remoteness of containers with water and fire extinguishers ... This was at the height of the war, when most of the plant burned down (!), And the perpetrators received only reprimands, but no more ... Isn't this a miracle? ! But something else happened: from a huge temperature difference, the brick arch of the dome of the temple itself could not stand it and cracked. As it turned out much later, although the crack was not through and rather narrow, it was long, 6-7 meters. Years passed. On June 1, 1993, the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Melchizedek gave God's blessing on the organization of the Orthodox community and the restoration of the church in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the Uktus microdistrict of Yekaterinburg (Decree No. 161). And in 1994, in the Yekaterinburg diocese, a decision was made to create a monastery for men. The Church of the All-Merciful Savior in the village of Elizabeth was more suitable for this purpose than others. Almost at the same time, it turns out that the ruins of the Transfiguration Church, freed from the factory equipment, the very one about which the soul of the priest mourned, the plant managers plan to transfer to the rightful owner - the Russian Orthodox Church. This is how, by the Will of the Lord, separate, seemingly unrelated events cause a whole thread of decisions, changes, both in the fate of temples and in the fate of people. The parishioners of the Elizabethan Temple, its activists, and the already dissolved parish council asked Fr. Nicholas to go to the ruined Church of the Transfiguration and see with a master’s eye whether its restoration is realistic, especially since the priest already had experience with Elizabeth in reconstruction and economic construction. His administrative abilities turned out to be very useful (as for any leader, be it secular or spiritual). At the invitation of the factory management, Fr. Nicholas, Archdeacon of the Church of the Savior, Fr. Anatoly Golovin and chairman of the church council Vladimir Maksimovich Didkovsky came to the factory, or rather, to the temple, to look at what was left of it. The impression was not for the faint of heart: in the bluish-dead light of mercury lamps, dilapidated rusty machines were piled up in disarray, concrete destroyed foundations from them with broken fittings sticking out in all directions, like spikes, broken gearboxes, some pieces of iron - parts of the former equipment. All this was covered by the acrid, thick smell of burnt engine oil, the smell of electric welding and burnt rubber. This was the first floor of the main part of the temple, where the main altar is located. Next - a concrete floor, the next floor - with approximately the same interior, and behind it the third, upper, almost under the dome - and everything is the same. The side aisles were a little better, but they also looked stunningly gloomy. The walls are covered with finger-thick soot, and under the ceiling there are crane rails. The arches of the chapels with broken bricks are so mangled that they only vaguely resemble the shape of the arches. On the cement floor, cracked and uneven, some holes were wound (probably from the fastening of machine tools), gutters were punched, in some places oiled concrete pieces of slabs were preserved. The work now had to take place in two directions: the first was the official transfer of the temple to the Russian Orthodox Church, while, as usual, a lot of all sorts of approvals, signatures, etc. An important and negative role here was played by the ill-fated crack in the dome: they were afraid of collapse, and no one wanted to take on such responsibility. Another front of work is the immediate putting the temple in order. Since March 1995, Vladimir Maksimovich Didkovsky has been inviting everyone to a subbotnik. Of course, it was decided to start restoration work from the aisles, while not touching the central part. Despite the fact that the main machines were taken away by the workers of the plant, the remaining factory economy also led those who came literally into a daze. The main contingent - elderly women, but a few men. And you need to pull out such weights, electric motors in several girths, huge beds and other iron. “All with God's help; but a lot is already being forgotten,” they say now. They broke partitions, dismantled blocked church windows, laid factory windows; hauled heaps of bricks. And wash the walls, wash them from ingrained soot, which after washing appears again and again ... The floor brought many difficulties: somewhere there are grooves for draining the waste liquid, somewhere the remnants of sawn pipes protruding and hopelessly oily fragments of concrete slabs. Something was covered with sand, somewhere they were laid with boards, sheets of plywood. A part was fenced off from the Kazan chapel, where a temporary refectory for workers was located. And the time was approaching Easter. And so I wanted to. Nicholas to spend this brightest holiday in the newly found temple, even if it is under repair conditions. The bishop blessed. But there is still so much to be done for the holiday. With the seething energy of the father and Vladimir Maksimovich Didkovsky, they achieved the most important thing, to equip the altar. Factory carpenters laid the floors in the altar, on the salt and protruding pulpit. The partition of the iconostasis, made of plywood and painted with white enamel, was installed in a few hours. The carpenters from the Monastery of the All-Merciful Savior made the altar and the altar with high quality and installed it in compliance with all the rules. Two sheets of a conveyor belt were laid on the floor along the chapel, emitting, however, a suffocating smell of rubber. Another great difficulty arose at this time. There was no cross on the roof. A church without a cross is impossible! For a long time they did not know how to hoist the cross already knocked together and painted on the dome. After all, it is so high, and a very old staircase leads there, even loosely adjacent to the roof. Work for climbers. Two guys: Sergey Privalov and Oleg Ladyuk - under the guidance of Andriyanov Mikhail Romanovich, blessed, easily climbed this shaky, rotten, falling apart staircase and installed the Cross where it should have been - on the dome of the temple. So, the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ in 1995 took place in the long-suffering church. Unexpectedly, many people came, and although poverty was visible from all the cracks - not to mention the walls, floors, windows, but the vestments of the temple were, as they say, "from the world by thread", and the icons, mostly paper - but such jubilation filled the souls of those present and the temple itself, which received the first life-giving sip of the church service, and even on Easter. Two more important events soon took place. Father Nikolai received the blessing of the bishop to hold a solemn prayer service with a memorial service (May 9) right next to the church and the plant management at the monument to the dead employees of the plant. How many people gathered, how many veterans of the war, and how this service was unexpectedly sincere and touching, after the crackling parades, rallies and Stalinist demonstrations. Indeed, they have gathered at the behest of the soul, which is beginning to thaw the souls. The feast of the Holy Trinity was approaching, for which the bishop also had a blessing in the church. True, the temple was not officially transferred to the Orthodox Church, because. there was no expert opinion regarding the dome crack. But prepare for the holiday. The parishioners Nina Vlasova, Maria Kuznetsova, who had already been working almost from the first days, and a little later Evgenia Lebedinskaya, took up the matter; Kuzovnikova Maria Alexandrovna is a good organizer, she tried to gather a large number of parishioners and spiritual children of Fr. Nicholas. From the first days of the restoration of the temple, Nina Alexandrovna Vorobyeva has been working. This is a man of crystal honesty, has a special financial sense and thrift. She carefully saves every ruble, every penny for the needs of the temple. Closer to summer, Koroleva Valentina Isaevna came to the temple and is still working in it. There are so many works for both female and male forces. I would like to say a special word about Nikolai Pavlovich Parfentiev. A man of the most difficult fate, who went through the front, received a miracle of salvation from the Lord during the execution, in peacetime he gave all his strength for the good, for the benefit of the Orthodox Church. Came for about. Nicholas from the Church of the All-Merciful Savior, he worked on the restoration of the Church of the Transfiguration from the first days to the last minute. There is no object or thing in the temple that his kind, skillful hands would not touch, where his labor would not be invested. Being an excellent carpenter, he took part in all temple work. Always unfailing, welcoming and friendly. Even when the temple was financially a little stronger and could pay its parishioners for some work, Nikolai Pavlovich never took money. He worked for the glory of God. The Lord sent him an amazing death: on the eve of confessing and partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, the next day he died, barely climbing the stairs of the temple, in the first few minutes, preserving in the hearts of his brothers a bright grateful memory and an example to follow in labor, in prayer, in a bright pure Orthodox life. Morozov Vladimir Nikolayevich and his son came almost every day. Vladimir Nikolayevich from the first days took the most lively and active part in all temple affairs. When necessary, he is a loader, when he is a carpenter or a digger, and then a plasterer-painter; if necessary - and the watchman of the temple, and at the same time he fixes in his memory the processes of restoration, successes and failures, he knows by name everyone who devotes his strength to the holy cause of work in the church. A parishioner of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior Andriyanov Mikhail Romanovich appeared in the temple, Paderin Nikolai Romanovich - an experienced and skilled carpenter. Sergey Meleshkov, as he came, has remained to work in the temple until now. And, of course, the permanent Vladimir Maksimovich Didkovsky supervised, gave tasks, followed the process of work. A week before the feast of the Holy Trinity, they decided to whitewash the walls of the altar. In addition to bleach, there are no other materials. Having suffered a lot and whitened some places with an ordinary garden sprayer several times, they achieved quite decent cleanliness, and the smell of chlorine disappeared by the holiday. A new difficulty: since the service was coming with kneeling, it was necessary to bring the floors into a decent condition. Rescued all the same plywood. They spread large sheets all over the floor and the issue was resolved. The Trinity is such a joyful, reverent celebration of light, greenery ... There were no birch trees, but the overgrown maple thickets around both the plant and the temple, which had already sprouted shoots into the foundation of the building, did an excellent job. A mass of maple branches filled the temple. They covered up imperfections, hid the modesty of decoration, and the temple was filled with wondrous freshness and the unique aroma of spring and joy. Believers gathered even more than the first time. What did not do in these two summer months. One was broken, the other was built anew, door locks were cut in, steps and ladders were knocked together. So much is needed for the life of the temple, and yet they started from scratch. The Feast of the Transfiguration, Apple Savior and the planned consecration of the temple were approaching, but there was still no act on the transfer of the temple into the hands of the Russian Orthodox Church. All some unforeseen circumstances and obstacles... The long-awaited transfer of the temple to the Orthodox Church was a big event that gave a new impetus to the work on the temple. The labor collective of the Ural-Elastotekhnika plant, headed by the gene. director Gritsele Yu.A. transferred the church building to the parish. Father Nikolai became the official head of the temple - rector. V.M. Didkovesky - Chairman of the Church Council. The expert commission on the crack in the dome of the temple came to the conclusion that it does not threaten the collapse of the dome, because. it was erected (at one time) with such a multiple margin of safety that it, this crack, only diminished this margin. Regular Divine Services became possible, and restoration work went faster and more successfully. The first sponsors appeared. One of the first benefactors, sponsors of the temple was Klevtsov Konstantin Viktorovich. It was he who, seeing how Father Nikolai and the newly formed parish were struggling in the grip of poverty, almost poverty, extended a helping hand. Everything, literally everything at the initial stage: the necessary work, building materials were paid for by him. These are both plastering and painting (and the areas are huge), conducting heat, establishing the first iconostasis, the first doors and partitions, in order to somehow divide the temple into separate rooms, turned into a workshop. Finally, new lancet frames and glass of real church architecture, which adorn the temple to this day. Thanks to his sponsorship, the floor of the temple was covered with marble tiles (about 400 sq.m. of the total area). A team of builders who previously worked in the Pochavskaya Lavra, experienced and qualified, took up construction improvement. These are people who own a variety of technical specialties and, what is so important, believers, conscientious, and so hardworking and enduring that the parishioners were only surprised. As they say: “You go early in the morning, it’s not even 7 o’clock yet – they are already working.” They slept right there, at the temple. Their efforts plastered both the Kazan chapel and the altar itself. Help, of course, and their own, and even just visiting people who wished to work for the Glory of God. The first stable incomes began to appear, which Father Nikolai immediately used for the construction and purchase of church utensils. The walls of the central hall with its semicircular vaults and the northern aisle of St. Nicholas have already been plastered. Thanks to the sponsorship of Yuri Achimov, the temple acquired a new carved iconostasis in the Kazan chapel and some temple icons. The iconostasis was designed and built by architect Grigory Shcherbakov. The icons for the iconostasis were painted in the canonical style by Tatyana Vodicheva with the financial assistance of V.G. Saveliev. In 1997-98, the second iconostasis was already installed in St. Nicholas side-chapel, created by the same group of artists. Large carved icon cases for old and newly painted icons appear in the same style as the iconostasis. A font (with full immersion) was placed in St. Nicholas side-altar. And the choir! Find people who know church singing, with good voice data. After all, real church singing, as Archbishop Clement said, "greatly contributes to the high mood of the entire service." From the very first days of service in the Transfiguration Church, its permanent regent is Elena Amelkina. The choir also takes part in city concerts of sacred music. The choir is quite professional. Consists of musicians with good voices. We also need Sunday School, for adults and for children. For almost 80 years, people have lost all church foundations, knowledge, traditions. More than one generation has grown up, completely detached from the church and Orthodox rules and knowledge, previously absorbed with mother's milk. Who, if not the church and its ministers, should fill this gap? You also need a library. There are a lot of books of spiritual content now being sold, but not everyone is able to acquire them as property, and a knowledgeable librarian will teach, tell you what to read on a particular issue. And you also need to feed, support the poor, sometimes only existing thanks to the help of the temple. Problems big and small, questions, deeds, rise in a string, displacing one another... From the very beginning of the restoration work, it was decided not to touch the huge domed part of the temple with the main altar. It is impossible to embrace the immensity. Again, patience and patience. But all this is a huge room, from the appearance of which even now one can speculate what state the whole church was in (after the factory left), and this room is gradually being transformed and fulfilling certain functions. And in recent years, just colossal work has been done here. Renovated in the annex adjoining the central aisle 3 rooms for Sunday school classes; one of them has a piano, which helps with music lessons. The rooms are comfortable and beautiful. Crystal chandeliers hung. And the dome of the temple is already clean, white, so huge!!! It's just amazing - when did they ripen ?! A few years ago I came to Fr. Nikolai Bobyleva Evdokia Alekseevna, a teacher by education. She offered her strength in the arrangement of the temple library, working for the Glory of God. This proposal was accepted with joy and gratitude. The fund of books, which initially consisted of 300 units, began to expand and grow. There is also the five-volume "Philokalia", the works of John Chrysostom, the 2-volume work of Gregory the Theologian, Ephraim the Syrian, as well as "Selected Places", Justin the Philosopher, the Monk Simeon the New Theologian, the writings of St. Dmitry of Rostov, Theodore the Studite, the writings of Pavel Florensky, Theophan the Recluse, a collection of letters from the Optina elder Macarius, the work of the Nile of Sinai. A large volume of educational literature, sections on culture, art, icon painting. As well as sections on topics: the creations of the saints (sermons and teachings), the basics of Orthodoxy, help on the eve of confession, the history of the church and Russia, spiritual warfare, the section "For parents and children", about the icons of the Mother of God, the theme of the Royal Passion-Bearers, doctrinal topics, poetry and a lot others. The Sunday school at the church has been operating for several years. There are already graduates of the school who work in the temples of the city and the Relief Society. There is a class for adults, led by Druzhinina Inna Konstantinovna, and children's classes, with which Lazareva Irina Alexandrovna, Belogurova Lyubov Anatolyevna, Nasibulina Natalia Nikolaevna are engaged. How many adults and children, coming to the temple at the call of the soul, now understand the meaning, order, content of the Orthodox service. They get acquainted with the main shrines of Orthodoxy: the Bible and the Holy Gospel. They learn certain rules and traditions of the Orthodox Church. The benefits of this are great. In the Sunday school, the program was developed according to the course of the Sunday parochial schools: 3-year education for adults with final exams. For children, the program has been expanded. Introduced such subjects as painting, church singing. Children will have to be trained for 4 years. In the Church of the Transfiguration, for the first time in the city, boys aged 7 to 13 began to be involved in Divine services and help in the altar as altar servers, sexton. This requires a lot of attention and care: to teach, follow, instruct young, restless guys. But as faith is strengthened in them, a sense of responsibility is brought up, of one's participation in the Divine service. This gives an impetus to spiritual growth and, perhaps, educates the future generation of clergy. Two former altar boys are already studying in seminaries. Simultaneously with all the worries about the internal improvement, in various sections of his educational activities, the attention of the priest also switches to the appearance of the temple. It's time. How much money and physical strength is required for this. Gradually, the roof of the temple is covered with new iron. Almost all the outer walls, which had so recently been gaping with chipped bricks, have been plastered. Above the Kazan chapel there is an onion dome with a gilded cross. Thanks to the help of OAO Stroyplastpolimer (general director Anatoly Ivanovich Melnik and his deputy Svetlana Vikentievna Eshmolova), a new bell tower was laid out in a few months, and now the ringing of the Preobrazhensky bells is spreading around the district even louder and juicier. The bell tower, which has already been built, has been put on a construction "shrinkage" so that by next summer it would be possible to plaster it too. And, of course, the most difficult, expensive and very exciting thing was the construction of two gilded onions (thanks to the financial assistance of Andronik Gevorkyan and his family). The family of Andronik Gevorkyan is a permanent sponsor of the temple. The contributions of this family are very large: in addition to the metal, they also installed beautiful fundamental doors on the porch of the temple, and two internal bells were cast to cover the second bulb, new convenient equipment was purchased for the book and icon shops, and a chandelier was purchased for the future central part of the Transfiguration Church. The hoisting of bulbs on the central dome and the bell tower is the traditional completion of the roof of Orthodox churches; they mark the altar and the bell tower if it is built into the temple, and does not stand as a separate belfry. On July 12, 2001, on the day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, an onion crowning the bell tower was raised. Now the temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord is one of the most revered in Yekaterinburg. On holidays and Sunday services, up to a thousand or more parishioners are present. The shrines of the temple attract many pilgrims. The requests of residents of other cities to put a candle near the icon of the Mother of God in the “temple with a trumpet” does not cause great difficulties for the townspeople. The chimney of the boiler house near the temple has become a kind of landmark. A small lawn on the site of a landfill with industrial waste, started by the efforts of Mother Vera and turned, thanks to the labors of Elena Alferova, into one of the most beautiful flower gardens in the city, is also a landmark of Orthodox Yekaterinburg - in competitions for the improvement of the surrounding area, the temple has repeatedly won prizes.
The text uses materials from the book by O. G. Ponomareva "Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord"

The site of the temple in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord http://www.preobrazgenie.org/index.php?pagelink=history&min=0&tab=1&id=1