A man who bears the beautiful male name Akim is distinguished by decisiveness, straightforwardness and a bright personality, which to a large extent explains the very meaning of the name Akim.

If we consider the most common interpretation of the name, then it means "God's protege." Agree, a person named like that simply cannot be too modest or doubtful. And this should certainly be taken into account by parents who dream of seeing a man with a capital letter in their child.

Considering the meaning of the name Akim for a child, it is worth noting that from childhood you will have to face a fairly strong, albeit somewhat secretive character. Little Akimka is smart enough to learn easily and make good friends. But there are also big secrets in it that can be revealed only by considering the meaning of the name Akim for the boy more fully.


Akim is naturally endowed with a very strong charm, and he does not even have to make an effort to charm people, whether they are men or women. These are real minions of fate and the lucky ones who are always lucky in love, battle and ordinary life.

In romantic relationships, Akim is quite picky, he is attracted to exceptionally bright, talented and beautiful women. It is of great importance for him that they have their own individuality and their own opinion, have a great mind and creative inclinations.

And this does not mean at all that the chosen one should be easily accessible. The instinct of the hunter makes itself felt very quickly. He will protect the conquered lady from other people, because in a man there is a lot from the owner.


In the family, an excellent owner and husband Akim can take both a leading position and obey his wife. But the latter is more likely from great love, and not from weakness. But you don’t need to constantly cut and teach him, he himself marks the limits through which you should not cross. For in anger this man is really terrible.

An ideal marriage awaits with Anna, Akulina, Evdokia, Nika. Claudia, Yana and Thekla. He arranges more complex and contradictory relationships with Joanna, Eugenia, Irma and Regina.

Business and career

Still quite a small Akimka shows unprecedented stubbornness and straightforwardness in his judgments. With age, these features may soften somewhat, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to permanently get rid of impulsiveness.

The external restraint of this person can be misleading, but serious passions often rage in the soul, which one day can erupt in the form of a serious conflict. And although a career means quite a lot to him, it is precisely this behavior that often causes her collapse.

However, Akim can show quite impressive leadership abilities and even rally people with his own idea. He can be both a demanding boss and an ideal performer. And it doesn't matter to him in any way. It is best to realize your potentials in the professions of a programmer, physicist, doctor, journalist and designer.

Has a penchant for making money in extremely unusual and even risky ways. In business and entrepreneurship, it will definitely not be boring with him, because a man easily takes risks, which is due to some characteristic features.

origin of the name Akim

In general, the origin of the name Akim is considered a big mystery, because it is in a slightly modified form in Russian, Jewish, Muslim, Tatar and even Japanese culture. Therefore, it has not been established for certain where it came from.

The most common story says that it was originally a derivative of the Hebrew Joachim and translated as "God's protege." And its meaning is indeed quite close to God, whose name is Yahweh.

It is believed that the etymology was borrowed from ancient Hebrew, and then adapted in many countries according to their canons. So the Arabic Hakim somewhat changes its meaning and is translated as "scientist", "independent", "skillful" and even "doctor". Actually, it is in such diverse meanings and strange origins that the secret of the name lies.

Characteristics of the name Akim

Due to such an extraordinary origin, an accurate description of the name Akim is almost impossible. After all, children can have a completely different character depending on the time and even place of birth. In general, these are brave people with very strong qualities, both positive and negative. Briefly list the pros and cons, they look like this:

The advantages include high intelligence and extraordinary thinking, intuition, ingenuity, high vitality. In addition, great resistance to adversity and problems, such a person invariably meets the most serious blow of fate with a smile.

The disadvantages include some recklessness, sometimes arrogance, intolerance to other people's opinions. Even excessive firmness and inability to compromise can do not a very good service.

Some differences in character depend on the time of birth. For example, a boy born at the beginning of winter will be brave, but when raising him, you should not use force or moral pressure. All beliefs are based only on common sense and logic.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - hyacinth, carnelian, chresoprase.
  • Color - red, brown, orange, green, blue.
  • The patron tree is hazel.
  • The treasured plant is heather.
  • The animal is a dog.
  • The patron saints are the Godfather of the Most Holy Theotokos Joachim, Joachim of Novgorod.
  • Name days - February 23 - the day of St. Joachim, who was the first bishop of Novgorod, September 22 - the day of the holy righteous Godfather Joachim, the pious parent of the Most Holy Theotokos, and also August 29 - the day of Jokim of Osagovsky and September 30 - Patriarch Joachim of Alexandria.
  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius and Virgo (depending on the time of birth).
  • The planets are Mars and Mercury respectively.

Notable people named Akim

  • Salbiev (born 1962) - film director, actor, singer, screenwriter, producer;
  • Tamirov (1899-1972) - American actor of Armenian origin;
  • Levich Yakim - artist, author of the Menorah monument of sorrow in Babi Yar in Kyiv.

Name Akim in different languages

The translation of the name Akim from different languages ​​\u200b\u200bis sounds somewhat different. From Hebrew - “Erected by God”, from modern Hebrew - “approved”, “resurrection of the Lord”, from Arabic - “scientist, sage, well-read”. In the Old Russian language, it was used only as a simplified from Joachim, it is not known for certain how the Japanese Akihito is translated.

  • In English - Joachim (Joachim;
  • In German - Joachim (Joachim, Joachim);
  • In Chinese - 阿基姆
  • In Japanese - アキム

Name Forms

  • Full - Akim.
  • Derivatives - Joachim, Yakim, Yachim, Joachim, Joaquin, Akihito.
  • Diminutive - Akimka, Akimushka, Yakimka.
  • Abbreviated - Kim, Kim.
  • Declination of the name - Akimu, Akima, with Akim.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Yakim, Jacob.

The name Akim is now very rare and refined. Parents who named the child so, strive to emphasize his individuality, uniqueness. The character and fate of Akim depend on many factors, often on the season in which he was born.

origin of the name Akim

Where the name Akim comes from is not known for certain, because it is present in various variations in Russia, Tatarstan, Japan, Israel and other countries.

Versions of the appearance of this name:

  • the form of the name Joachim, of ancient Jewish origin, in translation means “created by God (Yahweh)”;
  • version of the Arabic name Hakim, which means "smart and educated man";
  • version of the Japanese name Akihito.
In Hebrew Akim (Yehoyakim) - "raised up by God"

Forms of the name Akim

Briefly, Akim can be called:

  • Kim;
  • Akimka;
  • Akimych.

Diminutive forms of the name:

  • Akimochka;
  • Akimchik;
  • Kimosha;
  • Kimochka;
  • Kimosha;
  • Kimonka;
  • Kimchik.

related names:

  • Joachim;
  • Yakim;
  • Hakim;
  • Ekim;
  • Joaquin.

Patronymics from the name Akim:

  • Akimovich;
  • Akimovna.

Patronymics, combined with this name:

  • Sergeevich;
  • Grigorievich;
  • Petrovich;
  • Olegovych.
  • mika;
  • Akim;
  • Akimka.

Table: name Akim in other languages

According to the latest transliteration rules for government agencies in Russia, the name Akim is written as AKIM.

Name days and patron saints

In Orthodox canons, the name Akim looks like Joachim. He celebrates his name day on August 29, September 22, September 30, February 23.

One of the patron saints is the Godfather Joachim, father of the Most Holy Theotokos. He is the protector of all carpenters and happy spouses.

Saints Joachim and Anna are the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Joachim of Novgorod - the first bishop in the city of Novgorod. He built several churches, including the wooden Hagia Sophia, the stone church of Joachim and Anna, and the St. Sophia Monastery. Locally venerated Saint since 1981.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits of the name Akim:

  • originality;
  • resourcefulness;
  • ingenuity;
  • resourcefulness;
  • durability.

Negative traits of the name:

  • recklessness;
  • narcissism.

According to B. Khigir, Akim is an open, honest person. Akim is very conservative, he considers his opinion to be the only correct one. He does not trust anyone, in life he relies only on himself, while he loves to give advice. In life, Akim is not boastful and does not like it when there are overly boastful people nearby. A man quickly solves even the most difficult problems thanks to his ingenuity.

Akim loves to give advice to others

The nature of the child

As a child, Akim is very mobile, restless, so he has problems with his studies. At the same time, the exact sciences are always easy for him, but the boy does not like to read.

Little Akim is very brave and resolute, he always defends those who are weaker, practically does not shed tears, since childhood he has honed stubbornness in his character. He carefully looks at people so that there is not a single unreliable person in his environment, communicates with those who he really likes and benefits. Akim is not afraid to point out the shortcomings of his comrades, without smoothing out sharp corners, and if he is punished, one can provoke aggression in response. In the upbringing of little Akim, one should not use the carrot and stick method, it is better to use the power of persuasion.

Akim, there are few like you,
You are the best of men
Walking on the chosen path
You are the master of this life.
I loved you deeply
And I won't give it to anyone
I forgot all the others, believe me,
I won't betray you, my love.



Akim is a very smart and active child

Teen Akim

In adolescence, Akim has a love for training and various sections, so the young man is very developed physically. He does not like drastic changes, hates to change his habits and beliefs, which develops an ultra-conservative nature. Despite the calmness of his appearance, inside the teenager there is a storm and a hurricane of emotions that can occasionally break out.

Teenage Akim is very laconic, but a wonderful listener. From his youth, he already dreams of serious love and is looking for the girl of his life.

Adult Akim

In adulthood, Akim is very stubborn, has great willpower. If he has set a goal for himself, he will go to the bitter end. Intolerant of other people's shortcomings, which leads to problems in communicating with people.

Akim is very easy to navigate in complex and even extreme life situations, it is almost impossible to take him by surprise.

Akim is intolerant of other people's shortcomings, and this often leads to conflicts with others.

Talents and hobbies

Akim is fond of travel and outdoor activities, he likes various studies. Engaged in inventing and designing something new, so he can become a very talented engineer. It is not uncommon for Akim to develop a talent for drawing, music, or acting.

Business and career

Akim has excellent organizational skills, which he uses very well in his work, quickly climbing the career ladder. At the same time, he is not angry and not authoritarian, he prefers mild persuasion to punishment, he always helps his colleagues.

Professions most often chosen by Akim:

  • scientist;
  • programmer;
  • military;
  • investigator;
  • constructor;
  • inspector;
  • doctor;
  • director;
  • HR Specialist;
  • journalist.

Akim is quite capable of building his business, but his impulsiveness can undermine the business. Sometimes he does not weigh his strength and takes on too much, and eventually goes bankrupt.

Akim is perfect for the professions of a scientist and inventor


Akim has a very strong immunity, thanks to constant sports and a healthy lifestyle. Due to irascibility, a man may experience problems with nerves, frequent stress, and depression. Elderly Akim may develop diseases of the heart and blood vessels. He also has a vulnerable head region, it is possible to perform operations on the jaw and teeth, remove tonsils and adenoids.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday Akim!
Always love your wife
Be always faithful to success
And I want trust
For children to respect
So that friends do not forget
To be high
And calm and easy!
For mom and dad to live
For a long time, do not grieve,
So that the family is always in harmony
Another hundred years in a row.



Love and marriage

Akim falls in love with charming, attractive, intelligent women. It has a mystical attraction, girls just hang on to it. He always treats his beloved with respect, does not play with their feelings. In relationships, he does not tolerate betrayal, in intimacy he always thinks about his partner and tries to give her maximum pleasure. As a boyfriend, Akim is gorgeous, knows how to present himself, knows how to choose the perfect gifts. Despite a large number of love exploits, Akim does not seek to share his successes with friends.

Akim knows how to take care of girls, often makes pleasant surprises

Akim's family life usually develops quite well, as he is conscientious in all matters of relations. His life partner is a woman whom Akim sincerely loves and will respect all his life. For him, not only intimacy is very important, but also the closeness of souls, so Akim marries already at a mature, conscious age. He is not a walker, he becomes a faithful and good family man, his wife is always surrounded by support and love. Often, Akim follows his wife's lead, is ready to obey her and does it at will.

Akim loves his children very much, supports them, wants them to achieve everything they aspire to, tries to give them an excellent education.

Table: compatibility with female names

Significant years of Akim's life

Fateful events in the life of Akim usually occur at the age of:

Table: name matches

PlanetMarsA symbol of moving forward, striving to achieve goals. It symbolizes nobility, getting rid of boredom, but at the same time rudeness, destructive influence.
Zodiac signSagittariusSuccess, fame, material wealth, a rich inner world, a tendency to introspection.
ElementFireImpatience, irritability, occasionally open aggression, but at the same time fairness and sincerity. In a man of the fiery element, energy simply boils.
Number1 Born leader, ambitious, purposeful, arrogant, optimistic.
ColorRed, brownPassion, physical activity, determination, firmness, kindness, inconsistency, occasionally short temper.
totem animalLoyalty, the ability to protect, sacrifice and protect.
TreeHazelSymbol of magic, victory, justice.
PlantVitality, cheerfulness.
Stonecarnelian, chrysopraseSymbols of good luck, success, sexuality.
Day of the weekWednesdayStriving for justice, peace and harmony.

Photo gallery: Akim's talismans

Dog - Akima's totem animal Hyacinth in esotericism - a flower of long-term memory
Carnelian is considered a stone of love, family happiness and fidelity.

Interpretation of the letters of the name Akim

Each of the letters of the name endows a person with certain character traits:

  • A - purposefulness, striving for physical and spiritual perfection, innate leadership;
  • K - firmness, maximalism, diplomacy, natural elegance, sexuality;
  • And - a rich imagination, spirituality, a sense of harmony, skepticism, honesty, directness;
  • M - kindness, philanthropy, curiosity.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signMeaning
AriesEnergetic, thirst for adventure, struggle for justice, quick passion, desire to receive unforgettable emotions.
TaurusReliability, charm, striving for the best, tenderness and sincerity.
TwinsLiveliness, curiosity, objectivity, the spirit of collectivism.
CancerEmotionality, desire to express their feelings, initiative.
a lionKingship, arrogance, selfishness.
VirgoTendency to exaggerate, criticize, analyze.
ScalesTemperament, inconstancy, the ability to convince, sociability.
ScorpionThirst for crazy love, power, change of mood.
SagittariusPurposefulness, love for everything new, patience, attention to detail.
CapricornCloseness, unwillingness to talk about oneself, mystery, purposefulness.
AquariusUnpredictability, love of freedom, willfulness.
FishWisdom, susceptibility, responsiveness, susceptibility to other people's influence.

Characteristics of the name according to the seasons

The character of Akim directly depends on the season in which he was born:

  • in winter - bold, makes all decisions himself, never listening to anyone. He never succumbs to other people's influence, does not allow himself to be pressured. Akim builds his life the way he wants to see it himself;
  • in autumn - behaves eccentrically and is conservative. Inventive, able to quickly cope with difficulties;
  • in the spring - he is inclined to give advice to everyone, his opinion is considered the only true and correct one. To those people whom he appreciates and respects, he treats with gentleness and tenderness;
  • in summer - the most courageous and resolute. He does not tolerate the manifestation of physical force in relation to himself.

Name signs

On the day of the Holy Father Joachim on September 22, the fire in the furnace is changed in the huts: the old one is extinguished and a new one is lit. On this day, snakes like to bask on the roads, so you should not go out. All of their relatives come to visit the newlyweds.

Notable people named Akim

In history, people with the name Akim are known:

  • Akim Beresten (1877–1926) - politician in Belarus, many streets in his native country are named after him;
  • Akim Tamirov (1899-1972) - Hollywood-Armenian actor who reached great heights, received many awards and his star on the Walk of Fame;

    Akim Tamirov started his career in Hollywood in the 1930s

  • Akim Laveretsky (1805–1888) – famous sculptor and painter;
  • Akim Zolotarev (1853–1912) - Russian general, war writer;

    Akim Zolotarev is the author of a number of special works, of which the most famous are Notes of the Military Statistics of Russia, Military Statistical Sketch of Persia, Military Statistical Sketch of Finland, Military Geographical Sketch of the Outskirts of Russia

  • Akim Levich - the author of the memorial of sorrow "Menorah" in Babi Yar in Kyiv
  • Akim Volynsky (1861–1926) – literary critic, art critic, ballet critic

Akim is persistent, strong, quickly orients himself in difficult situations, in relation to relatives he is gentle and respectful. An excellent leader, always moving towards his goal, despite the difficulties.

Unfortunately, there is no single established version of the meaning of the name Akim. We list several popular options, and you decide which one is the most convincing.

The most popular option is that the name Akim is a short form of the name Joachim. In turn, the name Joachim has Hebrew roots, and sounds like Yehoyakim (יהוֹיָקִים‎). If this version is correct, then the meaning of the name Akim is "created by Yahweh" or "set by Yahweh" because that is the meaning of the name Yehoyakim.

The second option is that the name Akim is again a short form of the name, but this time the name Hakim. This name is of Arabic origin and this version is more popular among Muslims. If this version is correct, then the meaning of the name Akim is "smart" or "thinking", since this is the meaning given to the name Hakim in Arabic culture.

The meaning of the name Akim for a child

Little Akim is a mobile and purposeful child. He grows up as a mischievous boy who, already at preschool age, demonstrates considerable determination. Akim also has good leadership inclinations and often becomes the center of attention of his peers. The boy is very independent, which makes his upbringing quite difficult. He does not recognize the authorities of adults and teachers if their words are at odds with their deeds. Another difficulty of Akim's character can be called cockiness. The boy, unfortunately, easily crosses the line of acceptable (demonstrative) aggressiveness, which of course becomes a serious problem. You need to be very careful about this feature of the child, and if necessary, then turn to a child psychologist.

Studying Akim is hard, like many other mobile children. Akim learns most successfully if he has already satisfied the need for physical activity. He copes more successfully with the exact sciences, but the humanities are difficult for him. The child has good athletic inclinations and a craving for competitions, so Akim can achieve great success in this direction. It should be noted that Akim will benefit from sports for the nervous system. The boy should be given the opportunity to direct energy in a positive direction.

Akim's health is quite good, and if he also goes in for sports, he will become even stronger. The weak point of Akim can be called the nervous system. Akim is quick-tempered and irritable, which of course negatively affects his health. If in childhood it is almost imperceptible, then as he grows older, his experiences increasingly affect the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Abbreviated name Akim

Aka, Akimka, Akimych, Kim, Kimka, Yakim, Yakimka.

Diminutive names

Akimchik, Akimochka, Akimushka, Akimonka, Akushka, Kimchik, Kimochka, Kimushka, Yakimushka, Yakimchik.

Patronymic of children

Akimovich and Akimovna. The colloquial form of the male patronymic is Akimych.

Name Akim in English

In English, the name Akim is written as Akim.

Akim name for passport- AKIM.

Translation of the name Akim into other languages

in Belarusian - Yakim
in Ukrainian - Yakim

Church name Akim(in the Orthodox faith) - Joachim. This is how the name Akim sounds in church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Akim

Adult Akim can be described as a persistent and strong-willed man. He knows how to achieve his own, although this often happens to the detriment of relationships with others. Akim is clearly a fan of the phrase "the end justifies the means." He is still intolerant of other people's shortcomings, which makes him a difficult person to communicate with. It is worth noting that if Akim needs it, then he knows how to like it. Akim has had good leadership skills since childhood, and in order to achieve a goal, he knows how to interact favorably with other people. At the same time, one should not hope that working relations can become friendly. He does not need a large number of friends, and he is not interested in superficial communication.

If we talk about work, then surprisingly, Akim's communicative talents and his ability to work in a team are manifested here. Akim knows how to establish interaction between people in order to achieve results. At the same time, he is very efficient and successful. Despite his successes, Akim's relationship with his superiors is often strained. He is not an amateur flatterer, and he will not hide his displeasure with the actions of the leadership.

Akim's family relationships are usually successful. He is very careful in matters of relationships, but if he has already decided, then this is for a long time. True spiritual intimacy is important to Akim, and this takes time and effort. He is monogamous and they really become "one whole" with his wife. It often happens that the leader in life, at home, Akim occupies a subordinate position. He so rests and at the same time shows love for his soulmate. He loves children very much, although he is quite strict with them. At the same time, it can overindulge, so it’s worth keeping an eye on it.

The secret of the name Akim

The secret of Akim can be called his inner world. He is an introvert by nature, which means it is quite difficult to find out what is in his soul. His motives often surprise his loved ones, and sometimes even himself.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

totem animal- Dog.

Name color- Blue.

Tree- Hazel.

Plant- Heather.

Stone- Hyacinth.

According to one version, the name Akim has Hebrew roots and is derived from the old form Joachim. Akim (Joachim) is translated as "affirmation", "God's protege", "God set". At the same time, there is a second version, which means the name Akim. It is derived from the Arabic Hakim, which translates as "independent", "skillful", "doctor", "scientist".

    Element: fire.

    Charm stone: hyacinth.

    The planet Mars.


The meaning of the name Akim is determined by the fact that its bearers are distinguished by a calm and balanced disposition. They are sedentary and restrained outwardly, but this can hide a huge vital energy. Excessive isolation and seriousness form stable internal emotions that can persist for a long time. Once born feeling can become the only one for life.

The secret of the name Akim lies in the fact that he is resolute and used to always get his way. Hidden, but strong charm, patience and endurance allow you to achieve great success in all areas of life. In general, representatives of this name are courageous and strong-willed people who are able to become a leader. Akims can lead people by infecting them with their ideas. However, these ideas often give rise to not entirely healthy emotions.

Akims grow up calm and at the same time quite stubborn. They are demanding of themselves and others, and are also selective in choosing friends. A distinctive feature of their character is intolerance to shortcomings and injustice. Therefore, in accordance with the meaning of the name Akim, the child should be brought up without excessive rigidity.

You can not resort to physical force or moral pressure. This is due to the fact that childhood grievances can provoke a long confrontation with others. It is necessary to educate a child with conviction based on logical thinking and justice. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of diplomacy and compromise skills.

Education, career, hobbies

In his studies, Akim is quite persistent and is able to achieve great success. They may be most successful in areas related to the exact sciences. Bearers of this name actively help close people and colleagues. A zealous attitude to the success of others allows you to achieve leadership positions. They completely rely only on their own strength, showing arrogance and ruthlessness. The name Akim means that courage, good organizing abilities, ingenuity and strong will allow him to achieve significant success in his work. However, a pathological reluctance to adapt to the style of higher management makes career growth difficult.

Akims usually choose the profession of a designer, programmer, physicist, doctor, journalist, personnel department inspector, etc. Creative and intellectual directions prevail among hobbies. Alternatively, it could be clay work or sculpture.


One of the secrets of the name Akim indicates that in childhood they are distinguished by poor health. However, with proper hardening, Akims become hardy and quite healthy people.


Joachim - Jewish king, son of Josiah; Akim Volinsky - art historian and literary critic; Akim Levich - the author of the Menorah memorial in Babi Yar, artist; Akim Tamirov - famous Hollywood actor; Akim Zolotarev - Russian general, senator, professor and military writer; Akim Salbiev - actor, film director, singer; Akim Arutyunov is a writer, historian, researcher, scientist and publicist.

The male name Akim is quite rare today and therefore attracts special attention. This name has Hebrew roots and origin.

In the original version, the name sounded like Joachim, which translates as “raised by the Lord” or, more simply, “approved by God.” This is the main meaning of the name Akim, but there is also a second version, which means the name Akim, namely, “wise man”. According to this version, the name comes from the Arabic language.

This unusual name has several more versions of where it came from, as evidenced by Wikipedia, and it can be argued for sure that it is ancient and common among many peoples. It turns out that it is both Muslim and Orthodox at the same time, and its exact origin is difficult to determine.

It has many other forms and synonyms: Joachim, Joaquin, Yakim, Yachim, Joachim, Joaquin and others. These forms can be found in various parts of the world. Affectionately, Akim can be called Kim, Akimka, Akimushka, Kim.

The unusual meaning of the name Akim and its tangled, ancient roots - all this gives reason to believe that the owner of the name himself is an extraordinary nature. And it is true!

Even in childhood, surrounding adults see that this little boy is different from his peers. He is more serious, observant, selective in friendship, thoughtful and calm.

It is extremely important for a boy who to communicate and play with, he does not get close to other children just like that, but first looks at them and decides whether to be friends or not. For this, some consider him unsociable, but this is completely untrue. Little Akim has friends, and they are for life.

Akim prefers not to waste his energy in vain and is more inclined to intellectual work than to external physical activity. Likes mental games, puzzles, books and does not have strong cravings for sports or active games.

He grows up as an extremely attentive, diligent and intelligent child, he does an excellent job with his studies, often becoming the best student in the class and even the whole school. But he is not a bore, the boy has a great sense of humor, he has something to talk about. True, he will only talk and joke with friends, and he simply does not waste time on unfamiliar or uninteresting people.

Character and fate

The guy, whose name is Akim, seems to many at first glance shy and timid, because he is often silent, does not participate in noisy fun or disputes, watches more from the side than is in the center of events. But inside, behind the shell of a calm and shy guy, there is a great power.

This young man always knows what to say, what and how to do, and almost never makes mistakes. He is fearless, but he never rushes "in the pool with his head" and does not risk in vain. Because of these unusual character traits, Akim always remains a winner in any situation, he knows perfectly well what he wants, and, undoubtedly, achieves it.

He chooses a profession exclusively himself, it is useless to impose or advise him on something. He will become an excellent physician, scientist, programmer, researcher, inventor. In his work, he will reach the very heights and will either save many lives, or make a world discovery, or somehow leave a mark on history, because his life should not be in vain.

In Akim's work, the result is important, but human relations also play a significant role. This person is not able to betray, go over the heads or achieve his goal at the expense of other people. Honor and dignity are not empty words for Akim.

In people, Akim appreciates upbringing, intelligence, honesty, clear views. Among his friends there may be the most simple people who have a humble origin, but an open heart and a sharp, lively mind. He values ​​true friendship, and usually stays in touch with his childhood friends for life, even if they are separated by vast distances.

Family ties are also important for Akim, and he never leaves his family and friends unattended. He is a little stingy with emotions, but this is only externally. But he is capable of great deeds for the sake of those who are dear to him, he will always help, will not leave him in trouble.

About personal...

And what is this man in private life? In relation to girls, Akim is a very serious young man. You can get married quite early, but still consciously.

The family will be strong and will never fall apart, because this man chooses his wife wisely, thoughtfully and makes a decision consciously, as he does everything in his life. He is not a romantic, but a woman will be happy with such a man who can be relied upon, who will not betray, never leave, always protect and take care.

The one who bears the name Akim celebrates the name day:

  • February 23.
  • 26 July.
  • 16 and 29 August.
  • 9, 22 and 30 September.

It is difficult to find another man with such an excellent set of personal qualities as Akim. Of course, there are no ideal people in the world, but this man is very close to the ideal. And the most interesting and happy life is prepared for him, as well as for those people who will be close to him! Author: Vasilina Serova