The Scarlet Flower

Once upon a time there was a rich merchant and he had 3 beautiful daughters, and the youngest was the most beloved of all. He began to gather on trade affairs overseas. He called his daughters and asked: "What can I bring you as a gift?" The eldest asked for a golden crown of semi-precious stones, so that there would be light from them; the middle toilet is made of oriental crystal, so that looking into it does not age, but beauty is added; the youngest is a scarlet flower, the most beautiful of which would not be in the world. The merchant went on his way. He sells his goods at exorbitant prices, buys others at exorbitant prices, "exchanges goods for goods with the addition of silver and gold."

He bought gifts for the eldest and middle, but not for the youngest. He saw scarlet flowers, but he didn’t know if they were the most beautiful of all in the world.

On the way home, the robbers attacked. The merchant fled into the forest (better to be torn apart by animals than captured). He walked through the forest and sees: the palace is on fire, silver, gold. I went into it, and there everything was cleaned, richly. The merchant went for a walk in the outlandish gardens and saw a scarlet flower, which is not more beautiful. He tore it off and in an instant a terrible, shaggy monster appeared. It let the merchant go home, but he or his daughter had to return of his own free will. The monster gave him a ring. The merchant put it on his right little finger and found himself at home. I told my daughters everything. Daughters: "Let that daughter rescue her father, for whom he plucked a scarlet flower." The youngest daughter put a ring on her right little finger and in an instant found herself in a rich palace. She lived well there, but she wanted to see and hear the monster. The monster agreed, but Nastenka nearly killed him.

Title of the work: The Scarlet Flower

Year of writing: 1858

Genre: story

Main characters: Nastenka- the youngest and beloved daughter of a merchant, her father, monster.


The merchant, leaving for distant lands, asked his daughters what they wanted to receive from him as a gift. Nastenka asked to bring a scarlet flower. Returning home, the merchant, due to a terrible storm, fell on desert island where he discovered a wonderful flower. The merchant plucked it, but at that moment the Monster appeared and demanded a terrible payment: either the merchant himself must return to the island and die there, or his daughter must come and atone for her father's guilt. Nastenka, having accidentally learned about her father's contract with the Beast, immediately went to the island. Here she became friends with the Boss, but she missed home a lot. After some time, the owner of the island let the girl go home to stay, but asked to return just in time. Nastenka's envious sisters, having learned about how well she lives on the island, moved the hands of the clock, and when Nastenka returned a little late, she saw the Beast lying on the ground with no signs of life. The girl tried to revive him and confessed her love for him. At that moment, the Beast turned into a young man, the evil spell cast on him dissipated, and the young people lived in happiness and contentment.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Aksakov's tale, written down from the words of the serf peasant Pelageya, like all folk tales, teaches that only by going through trials and difficulties can true happiness be achieved.

Fairy tales similar in plot:

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" and their characteristics

  1. The youngest daughter of a merchant, the kindest and most beautiful. She had a kind and sympathetic heart, loved her father very much and fell in love with a monster
  2. A monster, but in fact an enchanted prince, with a terrible face, but kind and noble.
  3. Merchant, widower, who was ready for anything for the sake of his beloved daughters
  4. Older sisters, greedy and envious, but in their own way loved their father and sister.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"
  1. The merchant is going on the road
  2. Daughters orders
  3. Robber attack
  4. magic castle
  5. The Scarlet Flower
  6. Promise to return
  7. Youngest daughter
  8. fire letters
  9. Conversations in the garden
  10. Behemoth Form
  11. Home again
  12. translated hours
  13. dead monster
  14. royal
  15. Wedding
The shortest content of the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The merchant sets off and his daughters order gifts for him.
  2. The merchant finds gifts for his elder daughters, but robbers attack the caravan and the merchant escapes from the magic castle
  3. The merchant picks a scarlet flower and promises the monster to return himself, if the daughters do not agree to go to the monster
  4. The youngest daughter goes to the monster and lives in a magical palace, talks and sees the monster
  5. The youngest daughter visits her father and is late to return because of her sisters
  6. The youngest daughter loves the monster and then turns into a prince.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"
Loyalty and kindness are the most precious things in the world.

What does the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" teach
This tale teaches you to always keep your word, teaches you not to pay attention to appearance and trust your heart. It teaches that even in the most terrible body a beautiful and kind soul can live. To teach that envy is bad, but responsiveness is good. Teaches that you should always believe in the best.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"

  1. Magic helper - ring for movement
  2. The bewitched prince is a monster
  3. Fairytale castle, invisible servants
  4. Victory of good over evil
Review of the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"
I liked the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" very much. It is extremely beautiful and a touching story about how the beauty fell in love with the monster and thereby disenchanted him. I really liked the image of the youngest daughter, who was both faithful and kind, and ready for anything for the sake of her loved ones. She did not want gold and jewelry, but she wanted those who were dear to her to be happy.

Proverb to the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"
Good man and someone else's disease to the heart
A good end to the whole thing crown.

Summary, brief retelling Fairy tales "The Scarlet Flower"
There lived a rich merchant and he had three daughters, whom he loved more than life itself.
Once a merchant is going on a journey and asks his daughters what gifts to bring them from distant lands. The elder sister asks for a precious crown, the middle sister asks for a crystal toilet, and youngest daughter asks for a scarlet flower.
The merchant went on his way. I found a precious crown, and a crystal toilet, I can’t find a scarlet flower.
The robbers attacked the caravan and the merchant ran into the dense forest, but the path led him to the golden palace. A merchant walks around the palace, surprised. He ate, slept, went out into the wonderful garden. And the merchant sees a scarlet flower. He plucked a flower, but then a forest monster appeared, but it began to threaten.
The merchant prayed, told why he picked the flower, and the monster let him go, but on the condition that either his daughter would come of his own free will, or the merchant himself would die fiercely.
The merchant put a magic ring on his right little finger and found himself at home. The daughters rejoiced, only the youngest trembled.
Everyone had fun for a day, and the next the merchant called his daughters and told them about the monster. The older sisters refused to go to the monster, but the younger one agreed.
She put on a ring and found herself in the palace. She admired the palace, and the monster wrote fiery letters to her on the marble wall. He even pulled his beloved hay girl out of the house so that she would serve her youngest daughter.
The youngest daughter wanted to talk to the monster, the monster agreed, they began to talk in the arbor.
Then the girl wanted to see the monster, and the monster seemed to her. At first the girl was frightened, but then she got used to it and they began to talk again.
But then the youngest daughter wanted to go home, to visit the sick father, and the monster let her go for three days, but said that the girl would not return on time, then the monster would die of love.
The youngest daughter put on a ring and ended up at home. Everyone rejoiced at her, and the sisters envied her and the clock was moved an hour so that she would be late for the monster.
The youngest daughter returned to the monster, and the monster was already dead. The girl cried and said that she loved the monster, and then thunder and lightning happened.
The girl woke up, and she was sitting on the royal throne, and next to him was a young prince, and a father with his sisters. It turned out that she had disenchanted the monster, so it became a prince again.
They played a wedding and arranged a great feast.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"

A wealthy merchant is going to a faraway kingdom, a faraway state, on business. Before leaving, he asks his three daughters what gifts to bring them. The eldest asked for a golden crown, the middle one was made of crystal, and the youngest - the most beloved - a scarlet flower, which is not more beautiful in the whole wide world.

A merchant travels to overseas countries, buys and sells goods. He found gifts for his older daughters, but he couldn’t find them for his younger daughter. He sees many scarlet flowers, but no one can guarantee that there is no more beautiful flower in the whole world.

The merchant is going home, and robbers attack his caravan. The merchant abandoned his goods and ran into the dense forest. A merchant wanders through the forest and suddenly sees a palace in silver, gold, semi-precious stones. He went inside, and there the decoration was royal everywhere, but there was no one. As soon as the merchant thought about food, a table appeared in front of him, cleaned and disassembled. The merchant wants to thank the owner for the bread and salt, but there is no one.

The merchant rested, slept, and decided to take a walk in the garden. And in that garden, beautiful flowers are blooming, birds are flying like never before, and songs of paradise are being sung. Suddenly the merchant sees a scarlet flower, of unprecedented beauty. The merchant plucked a flower, at the same moment lightning flashed, thunder struck, and a beast appeared before the merchant, not a beast, a man not a man, a terrible and furry monster. The monster roared at the merchant. How he thanked for the hospitality, plucked his scarlet flower, the only joy in his life! The merchant fell to his knees, began to ask for forgiveness, he did not want to be ungrateful, he wanted to bring a gift to his beloved daughter. He released the monster of the merchant, but on the condition that the merchant would send one of his daughters instead of himself. The girl will live in honor and freedom, and if no one wants, then let him come back. The monster gave the merchant a ring: whoever puts it on his right little finger will in an instant find himself where he wants.

The merchant put on a ring and found himself at home, and caravans with goods entered the gates. The merchant told his daughters about the monster. The eldest daughters refused to help out their father, only the youngest, beloved, agreed. She took a scarlet flower, put a ring on her little finger and found herself in the monster's palace.

The girl walks through the palace chambers, the green garden, she cannot be surprised at a wonderful miracle. And fiery inscriptions appear on the walls - this monster talks to the girl like that.

And so the girl lives in the palace, every day she tries on new clothes, such that they have no price, every day the treats are excellent and the fun is different, and most often she talks with the owner. He writes fiery inscriptions on the wall.

The girl wanted to hear the owner's voice. She began to beg him, to ask him to talk to her. The monster did not agree, he was afraid to frighten the girl with his terrible voice, but the girl begged him. At first the girl was frightened by the terrible, loud voice, but she listened to his gentle words, reasonable speeches, and her heart became light. They talk like that all day long.

The girl wanted to see her master soon. For a long time he did not agree to show the monster, everyone was afraid that she would be frightened of his disgusting, ugly. Still, the girl did. A forest beast appeared to her. When the beauty saw him, she screamed with fear in a heart-rending voice, fainted. But she mastered her fear, and they began to spend time together.

The girl dreamed that her father was unwell. She asked the monster for permission to visit her home. The forest beast let her go home, but warned that if she did not return in three days and three nights, he would die of mortal anguish, because he loved her more than himself.

The girl swore that she would return in three days and three nights, put on a golden ring on her little finger and found herself in her native house. Her father was unwell, he yearned for his beloved daughter. The girl told how she lived in the palace with the monster, the merchant was delighted for his daughter, and her sisters became envious.

The time has come for the girl to return to the monster. Persuade her sisters to stay, the girl does not give in to persuasion, she cannot betray the forest beast. Her father praised her for such speeches, and the sisters, out of envy, moved all the clocks in the house back an hour.

The real hour has come, the girl’s heart aches, she looks at her watch, and it’s too early to return. She could not stand it, put the ring on her little finger and found herself in the palace of the monster. The monster does not meet her. She walks around the palace, calling the owner - there is no answer. And in the garden the birds don't sing, and the fountains don't beat. And on the hillock, where a scarlet flower grows, lies a lifeless forest beast. A girl ran up to him, hugged his ugly, nasty head and screamed in a heart-rending voice: “Get up, wake up, my hearty friend, I love you like a desired groom!”

The earth shook, lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the girl fainted. When she woke up, she sees herself in a white marble chamber on the throne, around her retinue on her knees and her father and sisters. And next to her, the prince is sitting, a handsome man.

“You fell in love with me in the form of a monster, so love now in the form of a human. The evil sorceress was angry with my father, the mighty king, kidnapped me and turned me into a monster. She put a curse on me to be a monster until a girl in a terrible image loves me. You alone loved me, for my good soul, so be my wife.

The retinue bowed, and the merchant gave his daughter's blessing for a legal marriage.