In one small principality, power changes and all fairies are expelled. Only one manages to stay. One day she meets a peasant woman with a son who is very ugly. She takes pity on the kid and, with the help of magic, makes it so that all the merits of others are attributed to him, and his vices to others.

Thus the dwarf becomes a minister and even becomes engaged to the professor's daughter. However, the magician and the former lover of the freak's bride manage to break the spell. The dwarf hides from others in a jug in which he drowns.

The story teaches that it is necessary to look deep into things, and not be blinded by a superficial gloss.


The ruler of a small principality, Demetrius, allows his subjects to do whatever they want, as long as it does not cause inconvenience to others. Since all magical creatures value freedom the most, they moved to a small principality long ago. However, the death of Demetrius ends the era of freedom - new ruler decided to introduce new orders in the state. Accordingly, to his views, he orders to eliminate magic by any means and to do more useful things - for example, cut down forests and plant potatoes. After the introduction of the new order, all the fairies were sent to their magical country, and only one managed to persuade the ruler to allow her to stay in the principality - the Rosabelverde flower fairies.

Once this fairy meets a peasant woman Liza in the forest, who fell asleep from fatigue. Beside her, her son, an ugly dwarf with spidery limbs, sleeps in a basket. The fairy takes pity on the freak and combs his hair for a long time with her magic comb. Waking up, Lisa took the baby and went on. Near the village she was met by a pastor who was so captivated by the beauty of the boy that he asked to take him to his upbringing. The peasant woman gladly gave away the freak.

At this time, at the University of Kerpess, a melancholic poet named Balthasar is gnawing at the granite of science. He is unconsciously in love with the lovely daughter of his teacher - Candida. The girl is flattered by the attention of a young romantic, and she coquettishly accepts his courtship. However, a new person appears in the already established university order - little Tsakhes, who now bears the name Zinnober. In a strange way, people of the most diverse warehouses are drawn to him. Appearing in the professor's house, he charms both the owner and his daughter. Now he is invited to all parties, where he gains no small popularity. As soon as someone expresses a witty thought, or reads poetry of his own performance, everyone believes that this is the merit of Zinnober. But if he meows disgustingly or stumbles, someone from those present will be the culprit. Only two people - Balthazar and his friend Fabian - see the real face of Tsakhes. Using his strange talent, the dwarf gets a position in the ministry, and also becomes engaged to the professor's daughter.

One day, Dr. Prosper Alpanus, who is also a magician, arrives in Kerpes on a crystal carriage. Only Balthazar immediately sees his true face. With the help of a magician, he learns that Zinnober is an ordinary freak who is helped by some kind of magical power. Soon Alpanus manages to calculate this power, and he meets with the Rosabelverde fairy. The magician informs her that, according to the horoscope, her ward can destroy the entire principality. He also steals and breaks her magic comb by cunning. The fairy agrees to leave the dwarf without patronage. She confesses that with the help of her combing, three fiery hairs appeared on the head of Tsakhes, thanks to which all the merits of other people were combed to him, and the vices of the dwarf to others. These three hairs had to be destroyed, which Balthazar did. As soon as everyone learned the truth, he was kicked out of the house, and hiding from people, he drowned himself in a jug. However, taking pity on him, after his death, the fairy returned him a beautiful appearance. Balthasar married Candida.

A picture or drawing of Baby Tsakhes

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Prince Demetrius ruled in a small state, each inhabitant of which was given complete freedom in any of his undertakings. And magicians and fairies put freedom and warmth above all else, therefore, under Demetrius, a large number of fairies from their magical country Dzhinnistan moved to a small blessed principality. But after the death of Demetrius, his heir Panfutius decided to introduce enlightenment in his principality. Some of the most radical were his ideas about enlightenment: all magic should be abolished, fairies engaged in dangerous witchcraft, and the cultivation of potatoes, inoculation of smallpox, deforestation and planting of acacias were paramount under his reign. This enlightenment dried up the flowering land very quickly, and all the fairies were sent back to Jinnistan, while they did not strongly object, in the whole principality there was only one Rosabelverd fairy left, who managed to persuade Pafnutius to leave a place for her in the shelter of noble maidens.

She was the mistress of flowers and in general a very kind fairy, one day she noticed a peasant woman Lisa on a dusty road, who was sleeping on the side of the road. Liza walked out of the forest with a basket of brushwood, and in the same basket she carried her son, the freak Tsakhes. The dwarf had the face of an old man, legs like twigs and arms like a spider. The fairy took pity on the evil freak, and began to comb his tangled hair while smiling very mysteriously, and then disappeared. As soon as the woman woke up and set off on the road again, she met a pastor along the way. He was very captivated by her freak, and, repeating that the boy is very pretty, he decided to take him to be brought up. Lisa was glad to get rid of the burden and did not understand at all why people liked her baby.
At that time, the poet Balthazar was studying at Kerepes University, he was a very melancholy student, in love with the beautiful Candida, the daughter of Professor Mosh Terpin. Mosh Terpin was simply possessed by the ancient Germanic spirit, in his understanding: heaviness, coupled with vulgarity, he was even more unbearable than the mystical romanticism of Balthazar himself. Balthazar fell into all the eccentricities of romanticism, which were very characteristic of many poets: he wandered alone and sighed and avoided various student revels. Candida, on the other hand, was the embodiment of gaiety and life, and with her healthy appetite and youthful coquetry, she was a very funny and pleasant student admirer.

In a very touching university reserve, there were typical enlighteners and typical Burches and typical patriots and typical romantics, they were all the personification of the disease of the German spirit, and a new face suddenly invaded there: little Tsakhes had an amazing gift to attract people to him. When he got to the house of Mosh Terpin, he charmed Candida herself. Now his name was Zinnober. As soon as someone read poetry or expressed wit in his presence, everyone who was present was convinced that this was the merit of Zinnober. He had only to stumble or meow, and someone else was necessarily to blame for what was happening. Everyone was delighted with the dexterity and grace of Zinnober, and only two students Fabian and his friend Balthazar see both the dwarf's malice and his ugliness. But in the meantime, he has to take the place of a freight forwarder even in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the position of Privy Councilor for Special Affairs, and he achieved all this with the help of deceit, because Zinnober always managed to appropriate the merits of the most worthy.

It was such that in his crystal carriage on a goat with a pheasant, as well as on the heels with a golden beetle, Dr. Prosper Alpanaus visited Kerpes, he was an incognito wandering magician. Balthasar instantly recognized the magician in him, and Fabian was spoiled by his enlightenment, and at first began to doubt. But Alpanus was able to quickly prove his power to his friends when they saw Zinnober in the magic mirror. As it turned out, the dwarf was not a dwarf, not a wizard, but just an ordinary freak who was helped by an inexplicable secret power. The magician could easily unravel the secret of his secret power, which is why the Rosabelverde fairy decided to quickly pay him a visit. The magician said that he had compiled a horoscope for the dwarf, and in the near future this Tsakhes - Zinnober would soon be able to destroy not only Candida and Balthasar, but in general the entire principality, where he had long been his man at court. The fairy was forced to agree and refuse patronage to Tsakhes, especially since Alpanus cunningly broke the magic comb with which she once combed his hair. After these combing, three fiery hairs appeared in the head of the dwarf.

It was they who endowed him with the magical power that he began to possess. They not only endowed him with witchcraft power, but could also attribute to him other people's merits and at the same time all the vices inherent in him were attributed to other people. Few people could see the truth. The hairs had to be pulled out and burned that hour. And then the boom thundered and then all the people could see what the dwarf really was. They began to play with them instead of the ball, kicking it with their feet, and then they simply threw it out of the house. Being very angry, he fled to his luxurious palace, presented to him by the prince, but confusion grew among the people every day. Everyone around learned about the transformation of the minister. The unfortunate ugly dwarf died from being stuck in a jug, where he just wanted to hide from everyone, and the fairy returned the appearance of a seductive handsome man to the dwarf after death. The fairy, too, could not forget the mother of the unfortunate old peasant woman Lisa, in Lisa's garden a very sweet and wonderful onion began to grow, so she became a personal supplier to the enlightened court.
And Candida and Balthazar also lived happily ever after.

A summary of the story “Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober” was retold by Osipova A.S.

Please note that this is only summary literary work"Little Tsakhes, called Zinnober." This summary omits many important points and quotations.

In a small state ruled by Prince Demetrius, each inhabitant was given complete freedom in his undertaking. And fairies and magicians value warmth and freedom above all, so under Demetrius, many fairies from the magical land of Dzhinnistan moved to a blessed little principality. However, after the death of Demetrius, his heir Paphnutius decided to introduce enlightenment in his fatherland. He had the most radical ideas about enlightenment: any magic should be abolished, fairies are busy with dangerous witchcraft, and the ruler's first concern is to grow potatoes, plant acacias, cut down forests and instill smallpox. Such enlightenment dried up the flowering land in a matter of days, the fairies were sent to Jinnistan (they did not resist too much), and only the Rosabelverde fairy managed to stay in the principality, who persuaded Paphnutius to give her a canoness position in a shelter for noble maidens.

This kind fairy, the mistress of flowers, once saw on a dusty road a peasant woman, Liza, asleep on the side of the road. Lisa was returning from the forest with a basket of brushwood, carrying in the same basket her ugly son, nicknamed little Tsakhes. The dwarf has a disgusting old muzzle, twig legs and spider arms. Taking pity on the evil freak, the fairy combed his tangled hair for a long time ... and, smiling mysteriously, disappeared. As soon as Lisa woke up and set off again, she met a local pastor. For some reason, he was captivated by the ugly baby and, repeating that the boy was wonderfully good-looking, decided to take him up. Liza was glad to get rid of the burden, not really understanding how her freak began to look to people.

Meanwhile, the young poet Balthazar, a melancholy student, is studying at Kerepes University, in love with the daughter of his professor Mosh Terpin, the cheerful and charming Candida. Mosch Terpin is possessed by the ancient Germanic spirit, as he understands it: heaviness combined with vulgarity, even more unbearable than the mystical romanticism of Balthazar. Balthazar strikes at all the romantic eccentricities so characteristic of poets: he sighs, wanders alone, avoids student feasts; Candida, on the other hand, is the embodiment of life and gaiety, and she, with her youthful coquetry and healthy appetite, is a very pleasant and amusing student admirer.

Meanwhile, a new face invades the touching university reserve, where typical burches, typical enlighteners, typical romantics and typical patriots personify the diseases of the German spirit: little Tsakhes, endowed with a magical gift to attract people to him. Having wormed his way into the house of Mosh Terpin, he completely charms both him and Candida. Now his name is Zinnober. As soon as someone reads poetry in his presence or expresses himself wittily, everyone present is convinced that this is the merit of Zinnober; if he meows vilely or stumbles, one of the other guests will certainly be guilty. Everyone admires the grace and dexterity of Zinnober, and only two students - Balthazar and his friend Fabian - see all the ugliness and malice of the dwarf. Meanwhile, he manages to take the place of a freight forwarder in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there a Privy Councilor for Special Affairs - and all this is a deception, because Zinnober managed to appropriate the merits of the most worthy. It so happened that in his crystal carriage with a pheasant on the goats and a golden beetle on the backs, Dr. Prosper Alpanus, a magician wandering incognito, visited Kerpes. Balthasar immediately recognized him as a magician, but Fabian, spoiled by enlightenment, doubted at first; however, Alpanus proved his power by showing Zinnober to his friends in a magic mirror. It turned out that the dwarf is not a wizard or a dwarf, but an ordinary freak who is helped by some secret power. Alpanus discovered this secret power without difficulty, and the Rosabelverde fairy hurried to pay him a visit. The magician told the fairy that he had made a horoscope for a dwarf and that Tsakhes-Zinnober could soon destroy not only Balthazar and Candida, but the whole principality, where he became his man at court. The fairy is forced to agree and refuse Tsakhes her patronage - all the more so since Alpanus cunningly broke the magic comb with which she combed his curls. The fact of the matter is that after these combing, three fiery hairs appeared in the head of the dwarf. They endowed him with witchcraft power: all other people's merits were attributed to him, all his vices to others, and only a few saw the truth. The hairs were to be pulled out and burned immediately - and Balthazar and his friends managed to do this when Mosh Terpin was already arranging the engagement of Zinnober with Candida. Thunder struck; everyone saw the dwarf as he was. They played with him like a ball, they kicked him, he was thrown out of the house - in wild anger and horror he fled to his luxurious palace, which the prince gave him, but the confusion among the people grew unstoppably. Everyone heard about the transformation of the minister. The unfortunate dwarf died, stuck in a jug where he tried to hide, and as a last blessing, the fairy returned to him the appearance of a handsome man after death. She did not forget the unfortunate mother, the old peasant woman Lisa: such a wonderful and sweet onion grew in Lisa's garden that she was made the personal supplier of the enlightened court. And Balthazar and Candida lived happily, as a poet should live with a beauty, whom the magician Prosper Alpanus blessed at the very beginning of his life.

(Short story, 1819) Prince Demetrius ruled in one small state. In this state, each inhabitant was given complete freedom in his endeavors. Fairies and magicians put freedom above all else, so under Demetrius, many fairies from the magical land of Jinnistan moved to a small principality. But after the death of Demetrius, his heir Paphnutius decided to introduce enlightenment in his fatherland, which seemed to him that all magic should be abolished. Pursuing his goal, he sent all the fairies to Dzhinnistan, and only the fairy Rosabelverde managed to stay in the principality, who persuaded Paf-nutia to give her a place as canoness in an orphanage for noble maidens. The result of the expulsion of the fairies was the drying gardens of this fertile land. And then one day the Rosabelverda fairy, the mistress of flowers, saw a peasant woman Lisa asleep on the side of the road. Lisa was returning from the forest with a basket of brushwood, carrying in the same basket her ugly son, nicknamed little Tsakhes. This dwarf had a disgusting old face, twig legs and spider arms. Taking pity on the evil freak, the fairy combed his tangled hair for a long time and, smiling mysteriously, disappeared. good-looking, I decided to take him in. Liza was glad to get rid of the burden, although she did not understand why people could like her freak. At the same time, the young poet Balthazar, who was in love with the daughter of his professor Mosh Terpin, Candida, was studying at Kerpes University. was possessed by the ancient Germanic spirit, as he understands it: heaviness combined with a vulgarity even more unbearable than the mystical romanticism of Balthasar.Meanwhile, a new face invades the touching university reserve: little Tsakhes, endowed with a magical gift to attract people. then once, having got into the house of Mosch Terpin, he completely fascinates both him and Candida. Now his name is Zinnober. It is worth someone in his presence to read poetry or about to put it sternly, as everyone immediately thinks, that this is the merit of Zinnober. As soon as he mewed vilely or stumbled, one of the other guests turned out to be guilty. Everyone admires the grace and dexterity of Zinnober, and only two students - Balthazar and his friend Fabian - see all the ugliness and malice of the dwarf. Meanwhile, he manages to take the place of a freight forwarder in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there also a Privy Councilor for Special Affairs, and all this is a deceit, for Zinnober managed to appropriate the merits of the most worthy. Once the city was visited by Dr. Prosper Alpanus, a magician wandering incognito. Balthasar immediately recognized him as a magician, but Fibian, spoiled by enlightenment, doubted at first. However, Alpanus proved his power by showing his friends Zinnober in a magic mirror. It turned out that the dwarf is not a wizard or a dwarf, but an ordinary freak who is helped by some secret power. Alpanus discovered this secret power without difficulty, and the Rosabelverde fairy hurried to pay him a visit. The magician told the fairy that he had made a horoscope for a dwarf, and that Tsakhes-Zinnober could soon destroy not only Balthazar and Candida, but the whole principality, where he became his man at court. The fairy is forced to agree and refuse Tsakhes her patronage, especially since the magic comb with which she combed his curls, Alpanus, not without intent, broke. However, after these combing, three fiery hairs appeared in the head of the dwarf. They endowed him with witchcraft power: all other people's merits were attributed to him, all his vices to others, and only a few saw the truth. The hairs had to be pulled out and immediately burned, and Balthazar and his friends managed to do this when Mosh Terpin was already arranging the engagement of Zinnober with Candida. Thunder struck, and everyone saw the dwarf as he really was. He was played like a ball, he was kicked, he was thrown out of the house. In wild anger and horror, he fled to his palace, which the prince gave him, but confusion among the people grew. Everyone heard about the transformation of the minister. The unfortunate dwarf died, stuck in a jug where he tried to hide, and as a last blessing, the fairy returned to him the appearance of a handsome man after death. She did not forget the unfortunate mother, the old peasant Lisa. In Lisa's garden, such a wonderful and sweet onion grew that she was made the personal supplier of the enlightened court.

The fairy tale "Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober" by Hoffmann was written in 1819. The main idea of ​​the book is a satirical demonstration of the vices and social imperfections not only of Germany of the 19th century, but of society as a whole.

main characters

Baby Tsakhes (Zinnober)- the son of a poor peasant woman, an ugly dwarf who, thanks to magic, could attract people to himself and appropriate other people's merits.

Balthazar- a student, a romantically inclined young man.

Fairy Rosabelverde- a kind, compassionate fairy who endowed little Tsakhes with magical powers.

Other characters

Fabian- a student, comrade of Balthasar, a realist and a merry fellow.

Mosh Terpin- respected person, professor natural sciences, whose lectures Balthasar attended.

candida- the professor's daughter, with whom Balthazar was in love.

Prosper Alpanus- a wandering magician, a healer who helped Balthasar to dispel Zinnober's spell.

Chapter 1

A beggar, ragged peasant woman sat by the road and complained about her misfortunes, among which one was especially terrible - her own ugly son, whom she gave birth to "to the shame and ridicule of the whole village." By the age of two, he still could not walk and talk, and ate so much, "like an eight-year-old big man." The poor woman was pitied by “Fräulein von Rosenschen, canoness of the nearby orphanage for noble maidens”, who was in fact a good sorceress. She combed the hair on the head of little Tsakhes in a special way, and he immediately spoke and skipped. The village pastor, seeing the boy, decided to take him to his upbringing, and the peasant woman happily agreed.

Chapters 2-5

Two students, the modest Balthazar and the merry fellow Fabian, while walking through the forest, witnessed how an ugly dwarf fell from a horse to the ground - it was little Tsakhes. Soon, friends were surprised to find that no one in the city sees the true appearance of a freak. Balthazar was invited to a dinner party with Professor Mosh Terpin, with whose daughter Candida he was in love. There was also a dwarf who introduced himself to everyone as Zinnober. All those present in every possible way praised his subtle mind and deep knowledge in the sciences. Zinnober, on the other hand, "proudly accepted the praises pouring in from all sides." When Balthazar saw how Candida "kissed his nasty mouth, right on the blue lips", he thought he had gone crazy and left the professor's house.

In the forest, Balthazar calmed down a little. Soon he noticed the violinist Sbjock and the referendary Pulcher, who suffered from the ugly dwarf. Suddenly, enchanting sounds were heard in the forest, and a chariot in the shape of a shell, carried by snow-white unicorns, drove past the comrades in misfortune. The wagon was driven by a pheasant, and at the back was a huge golden beetle. In the same wagon sat a man in Chinese clothes. Balthasar immediately realized that this was a powerful sorcerer who would help dispel the "cursed spell of little Zinnober".

Meanwhile, thanks to his amazing influence on people, the freak easily became a privy councilor and was about to marry Candida. Balthazar learned from Fabian that the forest spell is Dr. Prosper Alpanus, who “loves to surround himself with mystical darkness, to put on the appearance of a person who is privy to the innermost secrets of nature.” Fabian accused the sorcerer of quackery, for which he was punished.

Chapters 6-9

Balthazar's friends began to spy on the dwarf, and saw how the sorceress carefully combed his hair. When the freak found out that his secret was revealed, he fell ill from experiences. But even then, he wouldn't let the doctor touch his head.

Rosabelverde came to Prosper Alpanus, and a heated argument broke out between the sorcerers. Prosper showed her a horoscope that clearly stated that Tsakhes was not worthy of such honors. The sorceress was forced to admit defeat. Prosper Alpanus visited the suffering Balthazar, and revealed to him the secret of the freak, which consisted of "three fiery sparkling hairs on the crown of the head." He advised the young man to pull out these hairs and immediately burn them. The wizard left Balthazar his estate and flew off to distant India.

Balthazar managed to pull out the magic hairs from the dwarf right during his engagement to Candida. The inhabitants of the city realized that they were besotted. Fleeing from shame and human anger, little Tsakhes tried to hide in a chamber pot, and choked in sewage. Finally, Rosabelverde again turned Tsakhes into Zinnober, and his burial "was one of the most magnificent that has ever been seen" by the inhabitants of the town.


Hoffmann dressed his mockery of the hypocritical sanctimonious society in a fabulous form. However, in the plot, fairy-tale events are so closely intertwined with real ones that the work is more perceived as a story, and not as a fairy tale.

After getting acquainted with brief retelling“Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober” we recommend reading the work in full.

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