As a result the strongest hurricane village in the Kurgan region Small Pesyanoe Mokrousovsky district turned out to be practically razed to the ground, residents of the settlement told about it.

In the village from the wind collapsed the roof of one of the houses, a 33-year-old local resident and children aged 5 and 12 were hospitalized with injuries, said the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Kurgan Region.

Roofs damaged due to strong winds over 150 buildings in 5 municipalities: Shadrinsky, Mokrousovsky, Vargashinsky, Mishkinsky districts and the city of Kurgan. An operational headquarters has been deployed in the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Kurgan Region to eliminate the consequences of bad weather," the Ministry of Emergencies added.

According to eyewitnesses of the incident, the authorities of the district did not react at all to the problem.

“I myself got into this storm yesterday, I just drove past the village. After the hurricane, there generally not a single building remained "alive", there are about 20 houses in the village, and they all fell into this funnel yesterday. Furniture, things, roofs - everything was blown away by the hurricane. Today I took them things there, essentials, products. In the morning the head of the district was there- there is no help from him. Residents are already preparing a letter to apply to Malakhov’s program “Let them talk,” because the local authorities are not doing anything,” said Natalya Prudnikova, a resident of the Trans-Urals.

Natalya said that the head of the district Vladimir Kizerov sent people to abandoned houses in another settlement, but the residents of the affected houses did not agree.

"We have now published posts on social networks with bank card numbers, people need support, we don’t even have the most necessary things - soap, water, shoes, electricity poles are lying, there is no light, we are barefoot on the street. How to continue to live is not clear. Who will support us is also unknown,” said local resident Elena Maslova.

In the press service of the governor of the Kurgan region, this situation did not comment.

"There was a meeting of the Civil Defense and Emergency Commission, but the press service did not participate in it," the media relations department said.

The phone number of the head of the Mokrousovsky district, Vladimir Kizerov, is unavailable.

Immediately several districts of the Kurgan region are recovering after a devastating storm that swept over the Trans-Urals on Sunday afternoon. A severe thunderstorm was accompanied by the emergence of a tornado, hurricane-force winds, heavy rain and large hail. The elements caused the greatest damage to Mokrousovsky, Mishkinsky, Kurtamyshsky, Kargapolsky and Shadrinsky districts.

A tornado hit the village of Maloe Pesyanovo in the Mokrousovsky district. “The whole village was destroyed. Around six in the evening there was a tornado, there was no electricity, all the wires were cut off, poles were knocked down, people were injured,” one of the residents said.

Similar information comes from other places. In particular, residents of the regional center Mishkino could observe a phenomenon similar to a tornado. The wind was so strong that it felled trees and scattered poorly fortified parts of buildings and roofs around the district.

To monitor the situation during the period of bad weather in the municipalities of the Kurgan region, the work of operational groups from among the employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and administrations was organized, the press center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies for the Kurgan Region reported. In order to promptly inform about the current situation in rural settlements and timely identify possible emergencies, interaction was organized with the elders of settlements, who are in constant contact with the unified duty and dispatch services.

The governor of the Kurgan region, Alexei Kokorin, personally supervises the elimination of the consequences of the hurricane that swept through the Trans-Urals last weekend. June 20 First Deputy Governor - Head of the Commission of the Government of the Kurgan Region for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Ensuring fire safety Viktor Sukhnev summed up the interim results of the destructive natural phenomenon. In the village of Maloye Pesyanovo, the destroyed buildings are being dismantled by the forces of the airmobile group of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Since June 20, the airmobile group of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Kurgan Region has been working on the territory of the settlement of Maloye Pesyanovo, where an emergency mode was introduced due to bad weather. 25 buildings and structures were damaged here. Emergencies Ministry units of Russia in the amount of 50 people, promptly sent to the disaster zone, were actively involved in the work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. This is, first of all, targeted assistance. Rescuers carry out work to clear the streets, adjacent territories and roads from fallen trees, carry out rubble removal, help the population to cover the roofs of houses, restore windows. Specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia provide invaluable assistance to socially unprotected segments of the population - the disabled, the elderly, the poor and large families in restoring order in private courtyards.

The first deputy governor of the Trans-Urals, Viktor Sukhnev, said that the issue of providing housing to those affected by was being considered. Power lines, residential buildings and social facilities were damaged in 8 districts of the region. Among the serious accidents are power outages in settlements. The Mishkinsky district was especially affected on June 17. But within a few hours after the emergency, electricity appeared in the houses of the Trans-Urals, by 22.00 it was restored. Now experts calculate the damage and determine how much money is needed for restoration. The elements struck the most serious blow to the Trans-Urals on Sunday - June 18. Storm wind captured the eastern part of the Kurgan region. The hurricane hit the Ketovsky, Lebyazhevsky, Vargashinsky districts, the Mokrousovsky district became the epicenter.

More than ten towers of power lines with a voltage of 110 kilovolts were destroyed - they were simply bent. The South Ural Railway was de-energized; there was no voltage on the segment from Vargashi to Lebyazhye for more than three hours. But restoration work was organized immediately, energy was quickly supplied to Vargashi in three hours, and other stations were powered according to a temporary scheme. Trains are currently running as normal. 62 settlements were disconnected from electricity, after a few hours all the necessary work was carried out, by Monday morning only 18 settlements remained without electricity. On the this moment only six are de-energized: three of them in the Lebyazhevsky district and three in the Mokrousovsky district. All work should be completed within the next few days. In the region, 250 residential buildings were partially affected by the hurricane. Four houses in the Mokrousovsky district were completely destroyed. Now the state of emergency has been introduced in the Mokrousovsky and Mishkinsky districts. Bread, candles, water and construction film were brought to the residents.

In the village of Maloye Pesyanovo, Mokrousovsky district, which was most severely affected by the hurricane, specialists from the Department of Construction, State Expertise and Housing and Communal Services of the Kurgan Region, as well as the regional Department for Rehabilitation of Territories and Population Protection, calculate the damage and help victims of the hurricane draw up Required documents. The results of the work will be announced on June 21 at a meeting of the Commission of the Government of the Kurgan Region for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Ensuring Fire Safety. It will be hosted by Governor Alexei Kokorin.

08:54 — REGNUM Energy workers of the Kurgan region continue emergency recovery work after the storm on June 18. Hurricane winds, endless rain and hail three centimeters in diameter de-energized 62 settlements in the east of the region and 18,600 electricity consumers, the correspondent was told. IA REGNUM in the press service of PJSC SUENKO.

Vladimir Vasiliev © IA Krasnaya Vesna

According to preliminary estimates, it will take at least three days to fully restore power supply in the eastern districts of the Kurgan region. On the basis of the Kurgan Electric Networks branch, an operational headquarters was created, headed by the director of PJSC SUENKO Danil Anuchin. 12 brigades and more than 20 units of specialized equipment were involved in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters.

The element continues to rage on June 19. In the Vargashinsky, Lebyazhevsky and Mokrousovsky districts of the Kurgan region, the hurricane led to catastrophic damage to the 0.4-10 kV distribution network.

A decision was made to send part of the additional diesel generators available to PJSC SUENKO to the Eastern Energy District.

According to, in the Kurgan village of Maloe Pesyanovo, Mokrousovsky District, the hurricane tore out poles and trees from the ground, destroyed outbuildings to residential buildings and demolished the dome of an old church. A piece of roof torn off by the wind injured a resident of this village and her children, reports According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as a result of the disaster in five settlements - Mishkino, Kurtamysh, Kirovo, Sorovskoye, Ostrovskoye - there were isolated cases of damage to parts of the roofing of residential buildings and buildings. According to IA KURGAN.RU, lightning killed a woman in the village of Vvedenskoye. In the capital of the region, the streets of Karl Marx, Krasin, Polovinskaya, Dzerzhinsky, Mashinostroiteley Prospekt and others were flooded with heavy rain, Oblast45 reports.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Kurgan region warns that abnormal weather will continue in the region until June 20.

As previously reported IA REGNUM, this is the second June storm in the Urals: on June 3 and 4, the hurricane wind hit the Kurgan, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. Then the Middle Urals suffered the most from the elements.

The wind knocked down trees, demolished roofs, loose structures, and cut wires. In Nizhny Tagil, a resident of Yekaterinburg, who came to visit his mother, died under a fallen tree. Also, eight Sverdlovsk residents, including a child, were injured. In Chelyabinsk, scaffolding collapsed on a woman. As a result of the disaster 42 settlements left without electricity. Traffic was interrupted railway. Dozens of houses were damaged. Trams stopped in Nizhny Tagil. The authorities of the Sverdlovsk region estimated the damage caused by the disaster at 100 million rubles.