On this topic

"Main and secondary members of the proposal"

1. The subject and the predicate are ...

A. Parts of speech. B. The main members of the proposal. C. Secondary members of the proposal.

2. Indicate non-common sentences:

A. A cold wind blew. B. There is deep silence all around. C. The moon shone in the sky.

D. Birds fly away. E. Winter has come. G. Twilight was gathering.

3. Subject in the sentence: The clearing in the morning is illuminated by the bright sun.

A. sun; V. in the morning; S. glade; D. illuminates.

4. Secondary members in the sentence: A bright sun is shining in the sky.

A. in the sky; V. sun; S. shines; D. bright.

5. Specify common sentences:

A. Streams run. V. Evening. C. Birds sing merrily. D. Deer live in the north.

E. Clouds appeared in the sky. G. Snowstorms are raging.

6. Indicate the grammatical basis of the sentence: The wind brought with it dust particles from the black earth.

A. brought with him B. from the black earth C. brought dust particles D. the wind brought

7. Indicate the grammatical basis in the sentence: In spring, hillocks and valleys were full of flowers.

A. in the spring they were full of flowers B. the hillocks and valleys were full of flowers

S. full of valleys D. full of flowers

8. Syntax is a section of the language that studies:

a) lexical meanings of words; b) stress and pronunciation of words;

c) spelling of words; d) phrases and sentences.

9. Phrases are:

a) principal and dependent; b) verbal and nominal;

c) one-piece and two-piece; d) pronominal and adverbial.

10. The phrase is not:

a) walk along the alley; b) sunlight; c) a letter from a friend

d) it snowed.

11. Find an incentive offer:

a) Why haven't you left yet? b) Today was a great day.

c) It would be nice to take a walk in the park! d) What an amazing holiday turned out!

12.Find an uncommon sentence:

a) We went to the forest. b) Olya and Petya are on duty today.

c) Days and nights fly and flash. d) Suvorovites achieved this.

13. Which sentence has homogeneous members:

a) Forget-me-nots bloomed in the field outside the village;

b) A strong wind blew, and the first drops of rain fell, and leaves flew from the trees;

c) A strong wind blew, and spun the leaves around the garden, and carried them in a round dance.

d) Through the foliage of trees, shining from the rain, morning rays made their way.

14. In which sentence is the predicate expressed by the verb?

A. Lily of the valley is fragrant and fresh. B. The sky is high and clear.

S. Bullfinch is a plump red-breasted bird. D. In the evenings, fog spread over the river.

15. In which sentence is the grammatical basis incorrectly emphasized?

A. Travelers saw only the sea around.

V. We made the ship with our own hands.

S. Skvorushka now disappeared for days on end.

D. The forest was lit up by a bright light of lightning.

16. Find an error in the description of the offer. The sky was covered with thick clouds.

A. according to the purpose of the utterance, narrative B. according to intonation, non-exclamatory

S. by the number of grammatical bases simple D. uncommon

17. Which sentence has a definition?

A. The wind shakes the trees. B. Darkness creeps under the bushes.

C. A light flickered between the trees. D. A light beam ran along the trunk.

18. What part of the sentence is the highlighted word: Masha opened the atlas of geography.

19. What part of the sentence is the highlighted word: The guys launched boats along the river.

A. subject B. predicate c. definition e. addition f. circumstance

20. What member of the sentence is the highlighted word: Russia is our Motherland.

A. subject B. predicate c. definition e. addition f. circumstance

Test on the section "Main and secondary members

I option

Indicate the numbers under which the main members of the proposal are listed:

1) subject;

2) definition;

3) addition;

4) circumstance;

5) predicate.

1) The subject can be expressed by a pronoun in the nominative case.

2) The subject can be expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.

3) The subject can be expressed by a short adjective.

4) The subject can be expressed as a numeral.

Specify the correct statement:

1) The definition can be expressed by a noun in the indirect case.

2) A definition can be expressed by a participle.

3) The definition can be expressed by a gerund.

4) A definition can be expressed by a verb in an indefinite form.

Where do conscience and truth dwell?

1) Noun in the nominative case (conscience).

2) Noun in indirect case (with truth).

3) Phrase (word with truth).

4) Verb (live).

In a sentence Vladimir Dahl's grandmother was a translator predicate:

1) simple verb;

2) compound verb;

3) compound nominal.

In what sentences should a dash be placed between the subject and the predicate?

1) Five five twenty five.

2) The summer nights of St. Petersburg are a continuous evening dawn.

3) Twenty is divided by two.

4) The snow at the porch is like quicksand.

1) Handsome man;

2) giant plant;

3) winter is a sorceress;

4) Moscow River.

Where does a rose without thorns grow?

1) Adverb (where);

2) noun (rose flower);

3) a noun in the indirect case (without spikes);

4) verb (growing).

What is the complement in the sentence We asked the girl to sing?

1) pronoun (we);

2) verb (asked);

3) indefinite form of the verb (sing);

4) noun (girl).

1) Metaphor;

2) personification;

3) epithet;

4) comparison.

Read the text and do tasks B1-B5.

(1) While studying at the gymnasium, Gogol played in many plays staged on the stage of the student theater. (2) The female roles were successful in his performance, especially the role of the landowner Prostakova in Fonvizin's "Undergrowth".

(3) The plot of The Government Inspector was suggested to Gogol by Pushkin. (4) The comedy was written within two months, and subsequently the playwright, who was worried about the future of the play, attended rehearsals, giving the actors valuable advice. (5) His satire was as sharp as a knife that cuts the enemy.

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which there is a circumstance expressed by adverbial turnover.

Indicate the numbers of sentences in which the compound occurs nominal predicate.

Indicate the means of linguistic expressiveness found in sentence 5.

Indicate the numbers of the sentences containing the participial phrase. What part of the sentence is he?

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the derived preposition occurs.

Key: A1 - 1, 5; A2 - 3; A3 - 1, 2, 4; A4 - 3; A5 - 3; A6 - 1, 2; A7 - 1; A8 - 3; A9 - 3, 4; A10 - 3 (4); B1 - 1, 4; B2 - 2, 5; B3 - comparison; B4 - 1, 4, 5, definition; B5 - 4.

II option

Indicate the numbers under which the secondary members of the proposal are listed:

1) subject;

2) definition;

3) addition;

4) circumstance;

5) predicate.

Specify an incorrect statement:

1) The predicate can be expressed by a gerund.

2) The predicate can be expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.

3) The predicate can be expressed by a short adjective.

4) The predicate can be expressed as a numeral.

Specify the correct statement:

1) The circumstance can be expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

2) The circumstance can be expressed by the participle.

3) The circumstance can be expressed by a gerund.

4) The circumstance can be expressed by a verb.

What is the subject of the sentence Five people reached the Pole on skis?

1) Verb (reached).

2) Numerals (five).

3) Phrase (five persons).

4) Noun in the indirect case (human).

In a sentence I began to study English language in the fifth form predicate:

1) simple verb;

2) compound verb;

3) compound nominal.

In which sentence should a dash be placed between the subject and the predicate?

1) Life is an endless exam.

2) Clouds are like fancy castles.

3) Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty.

4) I am a teacher.

Which application uses a hyphen incorrectly?

1) Butterfly-cabbage;

2) general practitioner;

3) boletus mushroom;

4) stag beetle.

How is the circumstance expressed in the sentence And the sounds will fly, showing off and playing?

1) Verb (will fly);

2) gerund (showing off);

3) gerund (playing);

4) noun (sounds).

What is the definition in the sentence The command was given to set sail?

1) Verb (sounded out);

2) noun (team);

3) noun (sail);

4) phrase (raise the sails).

What means of linguistic expressiveness most often contains a definition?

1) Metaphor;

2) personification;

3) epithet;

4) comparison.

Read the text and complete tasks B1-B5.

(1) The stomach of a crocodile is an infernal chemical plant that digests everything: wool, horns, hooves. (2) Even iron hooks are gradually corroded in his stomach.

(3) Crocodile does not avoid sushi. (4) His favorite occupation is to bask on the sandy shore of a reservoir. (5) In case of obvious danger, he rushes into the water, bending his body, throwing his hind legs far forward. (6) Here he is the master.

In what sentences is it necessary to put a dash between the subject and the predicate? (No punctuation marks.)

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the predicate is expressed by the noun in the nominative case.

Indicate the number of the sentence in which the predicate is expressed in the indefinite form of the verb.

What means of linguistic expressiveness are found in sentence 1?

Specify the number of the proposal containing participial turnover. What part of the sentence is he?

Key: A1 - 2, 3, 4; A2 - 1; A3 - 3; A4 - 3; A5 - 2; A6 - 1; A7 - 3; A8 - 2, 3; A9 - 4; A10 - 3 (4); B1 - 1, 4; B2 - 1, 6; B3 - 4; B4 - metaphor, epithet; B5 - 5 circumstance.

Russian language test The main and secondary members of the sentence for students in grade 8 with answers. The test consists of 2 options, each option has 3 parts (Part A, Part B, Part C). In part A - 10 tasks, in part B - 3 tasks, in part C - 1 task.

1 option


1) Two five-year-old children rushed around the round table standing in the center.
2) Who called you?
3) And on the shore it is pouring with might and main rain and knocks on the leather roof of the tent.
4) Already- obsolete adverb.

A2. Which sentence has a compound verb predicate?

1) I went down the cliff to the river and immediately caught four large trout.
2) We would like to know the secret of the Bermuda Triangle.
3) The teacher will help the children in solving this problem.
4) I went upstairs and put the fish on the grass.

A3. Which sentence has a compound nominal predicate?

1) He wanted to breathe clean air.
2) The earth was like a snow-white carpet.
3) Now he will scoop up a bucket of cold water and pour it on his head.
4) Do not hope for a miracle.

This question is now completely unnecessary.
1) turned out
2) turned out, now
3) turned out to be unnecessary
4) turned out to be completely unnecessary

A5. In which sentence should a dash not be used instead of a gap?

1) Spring… my favorite time of the year.
2) With a friend and grief ... it doesn’t matter.
3) The essence of life...love.
4) An affectionate word ... the sun is in bad weather.


1) Taxi stopped near the entrance.
2) This car is Taxi.
3) I will call Taxi by phone.
4) B Taxi we will continue the conversation.


1) the door to the balcony
2) striped fabric
3) a window to the garden
4) leather gloves

Due to the drought, the river became shallow.

1) circumstance of the course of action
2) circumstance of time
3) cause circumstance
4) condition circumstance

A9. In which answer option are sentences indicated in which a hyphen should be between the application and the noun being defined?

A. A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of the giant's cliff.
B. The book was called "The Miracle Bogatyr Suvorov."
V. The old woman was snoring behind the partition.
G. The old monk followed him.

1) A, G
2) B, C
3) A, B
4) C, D

His the briefcase lay on the table for a long time.

1) definition
2) circumstance
3) addition
4) application

(1) It has long seemed to me that the reading of books has passed that brief period when it was general entertainment.
(2) The cinema, no matter how well it was filmed, could not compete with all the desire - going to the cinema was a separate event, and the book is always at hand.
(3) The TV, even having acquired color and large screens, did not satisfy everyone at once.
(4) Then the video and the computer struck.
(5) Cinema is reading for the poor in spirit. (6) For those who are unable to imagine the war of the worlds, imagine yourself on the bridge of the Nautilus.
(7) Almost the same with computer games. (8) This is a suddenly revived book in which you are free to choose which side you are on.
(9) And the reading returned to its original state. (10) By the time it was the entertainment of the smart. (11) Books have become more expensive, circulations have become smaller - about the same as in the 19th century. (12) For me, it’s better to admit that reading is not a pleasure for everyone. (13) And not even just pleasure, it's work.
(S. Lukyanenko)

B1. Write out the grammatical basis from sentence 5.

IN 2. From sentence 1 write out the direct object.

AT 3. Among sentences 5-7, find an offer with an application. Write the number of this offer.

C1. How do you understand the words of S. Lukyanenko: "... Video and computer dealt their blow"?

Option 2

A1. In which sentence is the subject highlighted incorrectly?

1) Five cautiously enter the water.
2) Passers-by bent into three deaths, walking against the wind.
3) It rose from the sea several flat stones.
4) Evil with evil fiddling, but both fell into the pit.

A2. In which sentence is the predicate compound verb?

1) The mother was alarmed by the long absence of her daughter.
2) I will drive the bike for a long time.
3) His expression became stern.
4) Nobody wanted to leave the square that night.

A3. In which sentence is the predicate compound nominal?

1) He decided to wait a few minutes.
2) Deniska wanted to stay at home for a few days.
3) Sergei could not step on his injured leg.
4) The house was built by the builders within the terms specified in the contract.

A4. Which answer option correctly lists the words that are predicates in the sentence?
My grandfather was a man: not rich.

1) was
2) was, man
3) was, not rich
4) was, a person, not rich

A5. In which sentence should a dash not be used instead of a gap?

1) She is ... a girl with character.
2) My rule is… to tell the truth.
3) The sun ... a fireball.
4) Courage... Vital energy souls.

A6. In which sentence is the underlined word an object?

1) Almost all Coast occupied by fishermen with fishing rods.
2) On Coast sea ​​threw a few jellyfish.
3) Coast this river is a complete swamp.
4) An amazing creation of nature - Coast this mountain stream.

A7. Which of the inconsistent definitions cannot be replaced by a synonymous agreed one?

1) wool sweater
2) plaid jacket
3) first grade student
4) beige dress

A8. Determine the type of circumstance in the sentence:
The second day it rains.

1) circumstance of place
2) circumstance of time
3) cause circumstance
4) condition circumstance

A9. In which answer option are sentences indicated in which a hyphen should be between the application and the noun being defined?

A. Most often, I met with a grouchy grandfather basket-maker.
B. An old Ukrainian hastily opened a creaky wattle fence in front of the lathered horses.
B. An evil dog grumbler is tied to an iron chain.
G. A small village near Moscow on the steep bank of the Moskva River was very cozy.

1) A, G
2) B, C
3) A, B
4) C, D

A10. What part of the sentence is the underlined word?
Them son went to study in Moscow.

1) definition
2) application
3) addition
4) circumstance

Read the text, do tasks B and C.

(1) Somehow Grishka Garin tried to bring to work a questionnaire from the English magazine Life.
(2) According to the results of the questionnaire, the characters were revealed: Sasha is a fighter for the truth with a bourgeois bias, Zheleznov, no doubt, a gloomy tyrant, Irka is just a child with an undeveloped taste, Grishka is a black man by nature, without philistinism, but I am an offended layman.
(3) There was another character for which I did not have enough plus - this is an intelligent person.
(4) The most I can do is run away from work and go to the cinema for an afternoon session.
(5) My wife's name is Masha, my daughter is Vitka. (6) Vitka differs from other children in that she is my daughter. (7) I don’t doubt for a second that my daughter is the most talented creative being and in the future, something that didn’t come out of me will come out of her.
(8) Vitka loves me. (9) I am the most intelligent and beautiful for her, and she will never exchange me for anyone. (10) Vitka is a reliable person.
(According to V. Tokareva)

IN 1. Write down the grammatical basis from sentence 1.

IN 2. Write out an agreed definition from sentence 3.

AT 3. Among sentences 1-3, find an offer with an application. Write the number of this offer.

C1. Who can be called an intelligent person?

Answers to the Russian language test Main and secondary members of the sentence
1 option
IN 1. Cinema - reading
IN 2. period
AT 3. 6
Option 2
IN 1. Grishka Garin tried to bring
IN 2. intelligent
AT 3. one

Target: establishing the level of formation of subject, meta-subject and personal results of students on the topic "Main and secondary members of the proposal".

Standard requirements :

Personal results:

formation of a responsible attitude to learning,

the formation of the ability to self-esteem and self-control.

Metasubject results:

ability to consciously choose effective ways solving educational and cognitive problems,

the ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task.

Subject Results:

consolidation of knowledge about the main and secondary proposal members,

the ability to distinguish secondary members of a sentence from the main ones,

the ability to distinguish between common and non-common sentences,

strengthening the ability to determine the ways of expressing the main and secondary members of the sentence.

Work instructions

All work is assigned to30 minutes.

The work consists from 6 tasks . Among them: 1 task with an alternative answer (task 1), 1 task with multiple choice (task 2), 1 task for correspondence (task 4), 1 task with a given structure of the answer (task 3), 1 task of a creative nature for making sentences requiring the application of knowledge in practice (task 5), 1 task advanced level with a free answer (task 6).

Exercise 1 . Of the two proposed answers, you must choose one correct. For a correct answer - 1 point.

Task 2 . Of the three proposed answers, you must choose one correct one. For a correctly specified sentence - 1 point.

Task 3. A task with a given response structure. It is necessary to write out the grammatical basis from the given sentence. For a correct answer - 1 point.

Task 4 . You need to match. The maximum score for the task is 6.

Task 5 . Free answer task. Compose and write down a sentence in which the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case. For a correctly composed sentence - 2 points.

Task 6 . You must answer the question, arguing your point of view. The maximum score for the task is 3.

The maximum number of points for the entire work is 14.

Test on the topic "Main and secondary members of the proposal"

1. Mark which members of the sentence express the grammatical basis:

A) subject and predicate; B) addition and definition.

2. Check the uncommon sentence:

a) Winter has come. b) We went to the forest. c) A book is your best friend.

3. Identify and write down the grammatical basis in the sentence below.

In the morning the wind dispersed the mists.

Answer: __________________________________.

4. Match the words from the example below with the members of the sentence and parts of speech, write down the answer in an empty table.

A wonderful gift was sent to me by a brother from Moscow

Part of speech

Member of the proposal







to me









from Moscow

Part of speech

Member of the proposal



to me



from Moscow

5. Come up with and write down one sentence in whichpredicate expressednoun in the nominative case.


6. Do you think it is possible to convert an uncirculated proposal into a widespread one? What members of the sentence will help you with this transformation? Give examples.

Criteria for assessing the test control of knowledge

Rating "excellent"

85 - 100% correct answers

12 - 14 points

Rated "good"

64 - 84% correct answers

9 - 11 points

Grade "satisfactory"

43 - 63% correct answers

6 - 8 points

Grade "unsatisfactory"

42% or less correct answers

0 - 5 points









Max. score



The ability to distinguish the main members of the proposal from the secondary ones.



Understanding and determining the type of proposal. Recognition of common and non-common sentences.




The ability to find the main and secondary members in a sentence and correlate them with the parts of speech by which they are expressed.



Ability to correctly grammatical basis of the sentence.



The ability to compose sentences in which the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case.



Ability to justify your answer and give examples.

Answers and evaluation criteria






the wind dispersed

Task 4

Part of speech

Member of the proposal







to me









from Moscow

noun with preposition


Task 5 - 2 points are given for a correctly composed sentence in which the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

Task 6 - 1 point is given if the student answered positively (yes) to the question asked. 1 point can be obtained for the given argument:

When converting an uncommon sentence into a common one, we will need secondary members of the sentence, such as a definition, an addition, a circumstance, since they complement and clarify the grammatical basis.

Examples (1 point): Dad came. Dad came home. Joyful dad came home. Joyful dad came home with a Christmas tree.


Criteria for evaluation



the correct answer is written;

other cases;

for six correctly performed correlations;

for five correctly performed correlations;

for four correctly performed correlations;

for three correctly performed correlations;

for two correctly performed correlations;

for one correctly performed correlation;

other cases;

correctly completed task;

other cases;

correctly completed task (the answer is positive, arguments and examples are given as evidence);

partially correctly completed task (the answer is positive, or arguments are given without examples, or examples without arguments);

partially correctly completed task (a positive answer is given);

other cases.