During the course of study, every student of a college or technical school faces the completion of an essay. This work is a detailed presentation of material from scientific sources on a given topic. It is noteworthy that the more of these sources will be used in the course of the study, the better the report will be.

But the quality of such a document is assessed not only by the completeness of the material presented and the compliance with the topic set by the teacher, but also by other parameters - the uniqueness of the text, the achievement of the goals and objectives, the correct design, taking into account all the requirements, as well as other parameters.

This article will focus on writing one of the sections of the report - the title page - in accordance with all accepted requirements (or according to GOST).

If you encounter difficulties with writing the abstract itself, contact the portal specialists who provide services for writing essays and term papers.

Correctly formatted title

The title page is the first page of any work, because it is the verifier who sees it first. That is why it is so important to write this part of the work correctly.

This section of the work should:

  • be written without errors;
  • include all necessary information;
  • be performed in accordance with GOST.

So, the title is part of the abstract document, so it must be written without spelling errors. But what should be included in it?

Any first page of the research should contain data on:

  • educational institution where the author is studying;
  • the department where the report is being made;
  • type of work and its topic;
  • the author and the verifier, as well as the reviewer;
  • city ​​and year of execution.

General requirements for registration

This section must be done in black Times New Roman text. Mostly 14 font size is used, but in some cases, which will be discussed later - 18. This page is not numbered, but is taken into account in the general numbering.

Let's consider each of the elements of the title in more detail.

  • Information about the educational institution

In this case, you must specify the full name of the college or technical school - the data is located at the top of the page. When performing this paragraph, the standard font size is used and it is allowed to write it in capital letters (but not required). The name of the SSUZ should be center aligned.

  • Department where scientific work is written

Information is located under the name of the college or technical school, is written in a standard font and is separated from the name of the educational organization by a line. Data about the department are aligned "in the center".

  • Type of work and its theme

This item is located in the middle of the sheet. It is also centered, but the font size in this case should be 18. The type of report and its topic are written in bold.

  • Information about the author, reviewer and reviewer

Please note that there may not be a reviewer - this is not necessary for papers written in secondary schools.

In this paragraph, you must specify the name of the student, his group and course, as well as the name and position of the inspector. If there is a reviewer, indicate his full name and position. The text of this paragraph should be aligned "from the right edge".

  • year and city

Here it is necessary to indicate the year of the scientific research and the city in which the secondary school is located. The data must be centered.


Indents are also an important point in the design of the title in accordance with GOST. The indent on the right should be 1.5 centimeters, and the rest should be 2.

Abstract title page - where to find a good example?

In order to complete the first page of the report correctly, many students struggle to find a good ready-made form. You can download a sample of the correct execution of the title on the Internet, but be sure to check it for compliance with GOST before filling it out. It is not recommended to take the titles of classmates as examples - thus, you can copy the error without even noticing it.

Among other things, it can be downloaded on our portal in a free format (see the first section).

This article discussed in detail the title page for a college essay and all the issues related to its writing and design: what needs to be indicated in the title, how to format it correctly, and where to find a quality sample that will help speed up the process of its implementation. After reading this article, you will be able to write a really good title for your work.

There is a lot of information about writing a term paper. In this article, let's take a closer look at the design of the title page.

What is a title page

The title page of the course project is the first page of the work that precedes its content. Title pages are drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001 “Research report. Structure and design rules” and GOST 2.105-95 “Unified system for design documentation”. This standard applies to Russian Federation since July 1, 1996. It has also been adopted in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

GOST does not regulate the type of font in any way, but it is customary to use Times New Roman with a character size (size) for typing the title page 14 pt. In this case, you can use both lowercase and uppercase (uppercase) letters.

The words “MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (or any other country), the name of the educational institution and the topic of work are typed in capital letters, the rest of the information is in lowercase. However, the requirements for the design of title pages may vary depending on the university, so you need to be careful.

For example, here is a sample design for the title page of practical work, where there are no words "Ministry of Education and Science ...".

The indication of certain words depends not so much on GOSTs, but on the requirements of individual educational institutions. So be sure to read the manual before you take on the design of the title page of practical work or any other project.

The examples of title pages from other years presented in this article are also suitable for the design requirements in 2019!

Rules for the design of title pages in accordance with GOST

Despite these differences, there are certain rules for the design of title pages that are the same for all educational institutions. Any "title book" of the course project must contain the following information:

  • the full name of the educational institution;
  • name of the department;
  • name of the academic discipline;
  • topic of work;
  • FULL NAME. the author of the work;
  • course or class number;
  • type of form of education (full-time, part-time, evening);
  • group number;
  • FULL NAME. teacher indicating his position;
  • locality;
  • year of writing.

You also need to take into account that even though the page numbering of the work begins from the title page, the serial number does not need to be put on it.

The procedure for the design of the title page

The design process looks something like this:

  1. In capital letters, we type the name of the university with all the “caps” at the top of the page. Highlight in bold, do center alignment (recall, Times New Roman font, single spacing).
  2. Specify the type of student work (term paper, diploma, control, essay, etc.).
  3. We write the topic of work.
  4. Next, we indicate the author and teacher (as a rule, using the words “performed” and “checked”).
  5. At the very bottom, we write the city in which the educational institution is located, and the current year.
  6. We set the sizes of the margins of the title page (the size of the margins for the title page: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm).

By the way! It doesn't matter, you only need to issue a title page for practical work college or write an entire university diploma from scratch. For our readers there is now a 10% discount on any kind of work

The result should be something like this title:

Title page designs may vary significantly depending on the guidelines compiled in different universities. However, if you design your title page according to the above pattern, no one should find fault with you, because. this will be the design strictly according to GOSTs.

Title page of the thesis

Here is an example of a title page thesis:

There is only one thing left to add. If you don’t want to mess with the “title book” yourself, download the thesis title page template, in which all the basic design rules are already taken into account.

Title page of the course work

Below is just an example of what a title page might look like. term paper.

Can download the template for the title page of the term paper and just enter your personal data into it.

Very often, schoolchildren, students, and, sometimes, teachers themselves are faced with how to properly draw up a particular document for submission for verification. Most often, these are small author's works on any scientific topic, samples and examples of which can be downloaded from various sources. There are frequent cases when, after receiving the assignment, the student cannot clearly imagine where to start the work and how to arrange it correctly.

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Almost everyone faces this issue. It is not enough to write correctly, you also need to correctly draw up a document in accordance with GOST. The student begins to get nervous, choosing the right options for himself in search of the right answer, in connection with this, he loses the precious time allotted for writing the paper. Even having written a work, hoping that he wrote it "perfectly well", he perfectly understands that a lot depends on how the title page is correctly designed.

Rules and requirements

The main requirements for the correct design of the title page of the work lie in the fundamental sample documents, that is standards defined in GOST 7.32–2001. In this regard, before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them in detail, having correctly studied the detailed instructions.

How to draw up the title page of an essay, college, university, you can find on the Internet. You can also download examples for college students. Almost always, the sample turns out to be correct, but nevertheless, information on the design of the title page of the abstract in accordance with GOST can be found only from official GOST documents intended for students to write scientific papers.

Fundamental points

One of the main parts of the abstract is its content. The author is obliged to arrange his work so competently that all the information that he wants to convey is clear and understandable, clearly structured and presented in the right style. It is desirable to write good subheadings and section titles that will clearly express the purpose of a particular topic.

Title page of the abstract according to GOST

For example, the student needs to write the topic of the chapter. After that, you must specify the paragraph and page number, in other cases, you can use subheadings.

In the event that there are more chapters, enter their titles, if there are none, subtitles. After that, a description should be made, that is, bibliography and conclusion. In case you need to write summary, all subheadings should be removed from the text.

The foregoing concerned the structure of the abstract, yet it is worth returning to the main topic of the article - this is the design. According to the established standards, it is possible to describe the correct location of all the details on it.

Title page layout

  1. Top center is the full name of the educational institution and the name of the department, faculty. The phrase “Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation” is also written here, which can sometimes be excluded when forming the title page.
  2. In the central part or just below the type of work title is indicated (report, abstract, project, message). But the name of the discipline is also indicated. You can write the title using quotation marks.
  3. On the right side - author and scientific director. This block should be located 7–9 intervals below the topic of the abstract.
  4. At the very bottom in the center there is a block with the name of the city and the year of the work.

To get high grades, you need to study well and have a high level of knowledge. Writing a term paper is no easy task. But it can be made much easier by learning how each structural part of the work is written and formatted correctly. About the most, we talked about in a previous article.

About, how to format a title page it is best to ask the teacher or the department, since even the teachers themselves are not always familiar with the new changes in the rules for designing the title and require it according to the old models. Therefore, in order to avoid all sorts of inconsistencies and ambiguities with the teacher for whom you are writing the work, the most optimal and winning option would be to ask title page sample from your leader. But if you do not want to waste your time on all this routine, then you can easily transfer it into the hands of our authors, and they will write yours with joy and great responsibility, and you will do your own thing.

But many excellent students prefer to do everything themselves. Therefore, this article may be useful to some of them. Let's take a step-by-step look at writing a title.

How to properly format the title page of a term paper?

That's actually all the work on the title. But once again, we note that some items may change, so it is best to ask your supervisor for all information down to the smallest detail. Each teacher always goes towards a responsible student.

Proper design in the student's abstract is an important step in completing the entire task, so students of a college, institute, should take the design theme seriously.

If you do not take into account such important factor, as the design of an abstract, then even the best work can go for revision. And during the session period, when timely delivery is required, this can become a problem. We will analyze what a title page is and how to draw it up according to the rules.

There are developed rules that recommend how to write the title page of an abstract in accordance with GOST. Freshmen should pay attention to them, especially before the first session. This topic is easy. Except general rules, GOST, yes guidelines, in which the topic is disclosed in detail, how to properly format the title page.

Title page example

The design of the abstract should begin with the study of GOSTs. Each university develops its own teaching aids, where there is an example of a title page for a student's work. You should carefully study the manuals.

The first page of the work, as a rule, is designed in a style that is designed for this purpose. Each student must adhere to the rules that indicate how to properly format the title page.

Important! The first page is always a presentation of the student's entire work. It can create both a positive and a negative impression on the teacher.

The thing is that if the title page of the essay at the university is drawn up incorrectly, then the teacher will not even read the text, but simply return it for revision.

There are two types of scientific papers:

  1. The first one is called the "Research Report". Its number is 7.32-2001. It refers to scientific work This section of GOST describes in detail all the conditions for preparing a report, and what information it should contain.
  2. The second is called the "Unified System for Design Documentation". His number is 2.105-95. This document is distributed not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries. It regulates the execution of documents: the format of the main sheet, how to write the name of the university, the personal data of the student and the inspector.

If you draw up the title page of the abstract in accordance with GOST, then the teacher will have less chance of returning it for revision.

Basic Rules

Of course, the university management can put forward their own requirements and approve them in methodological manuals. But there are general developed rules on how to arrange the title page of an abstract. First of all, you should set the size of the sheet margin.

Title page sample

The indentation should be like this:

  • right - 15 mm;
  • left - 30 mm;
  • top - 20 mm;
  • below - 20 mm.

Important! For insurance, you can check with the teacher this information, since he has the right to change it. Even if it goes against the accepted norms of registration.

Basic information on the front page:

  1. Country (sometimes this information is not required).
  2. Department name. It can be complete or abbreviated. This should be clarified with the inspector.
  3. Discipline.
  4. Topic title.
  5. Basic information about the student.
  6. The type of training used (day hospital, extramural, evening form).
  7. Information about the reviewer, what is his name and what position he holds.
  8. City.

Title page sample

Elements of the presentation page of the work:

  1. Data about educational institution. They must be indicated in full, without abbreviations, at the top of the page. When entering information, a regular font is used, writing in capital letters is allowed. But this is not a prerequisite. The phrase is centered.
  2. The name of the department should be written using Times New Roman, size 14. It is centered. To distinguish it from the name of the university, you can draw a line.
  3. The title of the topic is located in the middle of the page. The font is already in use 18. Bold font is used when writing the theme.
  4. When entering data about the performer, verifier, the text should be placed on the right edge. Be sure to indicate the position of the reviewer.
  5. Data relating to the year the work was written and the city are centered on the page.

Digression is an important point when writing a paper. If GOST is taken into account, then 1.5 cm is receded on the right, and 2 cm on the left.

Essay title page sample

When designing the first page, students look for an example of already designed work. The sample is downloaded from the Internet, but how correct it is should be checked by comparing it with GOSTs. It should not be considered as an example of the work of other students, as it is easy to copy someone else's mistake.

We must not forget that even though the numbering starts from the first page, the number should not be on the title. Not a single GOST recommends which font should be used when writing. The most common is Times New Roman. Sometimes 18 pin is used.

The text is typed in black. If the student does not know exactly how to correctly issue the title page of the abstract, then you need to contact the department to your teacher for clarification.

Since the main page presents the entire work, you need to type it without errors, correctly, in accordance with the general requirements:

  1. No spelling errors.
  2. Complete provision of information.
  3. Compliance with GOSTs.


Provided that the reviewer has not put forward special requirements, you can use GOSTs to formalize the work. First, you should delimit the page into 4 sectors: top, center, right and bottom. Each segment is designed in accordance with the developed requirements.

If the student is not sure, then he can always clarify the information on how to issue the title page of the abstract at his department.

For example,


Samara State University

Department of Information Innovation

Creating a database "Library storage"

Completed: NAP student

group KI-521 Ivanov A.A.

Checked by: Associate Professor Anikin S.E.

To control the assimilation of the topic, teachers ask students to write abstracts on the topics covered. When completing a task, you have to study the subject in more detail, increasing your level of education.

The work should have a clear structure, from the introduction to the final part. It is good when the text is diluted with diagrams, diagrams, tables. The student not only explores the topic, but can also express his point of view on the issue under consideration.

Title page requirements

An abstract is a written text that highlights a topic with the help of several sources. It is drawn up on A4 paper. You can write by hand or type on a computer. The font size used is 12/14 and the name is Times New Roman.

Be sure to respect the line spacing and indentation of the fields. The title never ends with a dot. The text is located on one side of the sheet. The entire abstract must be numbered. The title page is included in the numbering, but the mark is not put on it.

The student must list the sources in order of their importance:

  • basic,
  • periodicals,
  • the Internet.

To get a positive assessment, the student must fully consider the topic, research it, give examples. The work is carried out according to the plan and is executed according to the established rules. On the main sheet, the student indicates all the key points: what topic is revealed, who wrote, which department, who will check the work.

Useful video

Summing up

It is important that the first page be designed in accordance with GOST, so for safety reasons the student can use a sample title page, which is easy to download from the Internet space, or you can find a photo of the work already submitted to be sure of the correct design.

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