Podolsk province of 12 povets (districts) was formed in 1796 (by Decree of December 23, 1796) during the territorial transformations of Paul the First from the lands of Podolsky and the Bratslav governorships, the territory of which, in turn, previously constituted the Bratslav, Podolsk and Volyn Voivodeships of Rech Commonwealth, included in the Russian Empire as a result of the 2nd partition of the Commonwealth in 1793. In 1832 - 1915. Podolsk province was the so-called. South-Western Territory, otherwise the Kiev Governor-General, ruled by the Governor-General, which also included two more provinces of the Right-Bank Ukraine - Kyiv and Volyn.

Map with borders for 1821

  • maps of Baltsky uyezd
  • maps of Braslav district
  • maps of Vinnitsa district
  • maps of Gaysinsky district
  • maps of Kamyanets-Podilsky district
  • maps of Letichevsky district
  • maps of Litinsky district
  • maps of Mogilev district
  • maps of Novoushitsky uyezd
  • maps of Olgopolsky uyezd
  • maps of Proskurovsky district
  • maps of Yampolsky district

    In the Podolsk province, in whole or in part
    There are the following maps and sources:

    Trehverstka Podolsk province
    Topographic map showing longitudes and latitudes on a scale of 1 inch = 3 versts or 1cm = 1260m
    The maps are black and white and very detailed. The purpose of the map is to show the boundaries of land plots with reference to the terrain.

    Pyativerstka, Podolsk province, 1910
    Topographic map showing longitudes and latitudes to scale 1cm = 2000m. This card was broken into pieces (rectangular sheets) and has a prefabricated sheet.
    Maps in color, very detailed, from the Austro-Hungarian Atlas of 1910. (so all names settlements indicated in Latin).

    Podolsk Governorate bordered on the following governorates: Kherson Governorate, Kyiv Governorate and Volyn Governorate, as well as Bessarabia Oblast and the Austrian Empire.

    To late XIX centuries, the Podolsk province, as before, included 12 counties, more or less equal in territory: Baltsky, Braslavsky, Vinnitsa, Gaisinsky, Kamenetz-Podolsky, Letychevsky, Litinsky, Mogilevsky, Novoushitsky, Olgopolsky, Proskurovsky, Yampolsky. The exceptions were Baltsky uyezds, the largest uyezd in the province, and Yampolsky, the second largest uyezd. The smallest of the districts of the Podolsk province was Proskurovsky district. The administrative center of the province until 1914 was the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky, and since 1914 - Vinnitsa.

    If there is an error or suggestion, what can be added to this
    page, please let us know - we will try to do it

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  • photographs of the city of Vinnitsa region of the middle and end of the 19th century (usually of the 1870s, 1880s, 1890s) - the so-called. very old photographs (you can also call old ones);
  • Soviet photography (photos of the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, early 90s);
  • pre-revolutionary photograph of the city of Vinnitsa region (until 1917);
  • military retro photographs - or photos of the times of the war - this is the First World War (1914-1918), Civil War(1917-1922/1923), second World War(1939-1945) or in relation to our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), or the Second World War;
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Coat of arms of Podolsk province

In 1793, as a result of the second partition of Poland, Right-Bank Ukraine became part of Russian Empire.
On March 27, 1793, Catherine II issued a manifesto on the inclusion of the Right-Bank Ukraine into Russia.

May 1, 1795 formed Podolsk province.
On July 5, 1795, it was transformed into a governorship.
On December 12, 1796, the provinces were newly formed: Volyn and Podolskaya.

The center of the Podolsk province is the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky, since 1914 - Vinnitsa.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 12 counties, 154 volosts, 17 cities and 7261 other settlements in the province.

Announcement by the governor-general of the regions ceded to Russia, M.N. Krechetnikov of the manifesto of Empress Catherine II.
Drawing by R. Stein, engraving by Y. Shübler.

. 1820

Decree 17.634. Paul I of December 12, 1796 "On the new division of the State into Provinces"
.... 6. From the former Polish Ukraine, Volhynia and Podolia, annexed to Our Empire, after separating a sufficient number of souls and a circle to form the Kyiv Province, make two provinces:Podolskaya and Volynskaya.

Civilian Podolsk governors:

Yanov Petr Nikolaevich, s.s. 26 Apr. 1797 - 1798
Yuzefovich Aleksey Evstafievich, Ph.D. July 10, 1798 - April 17 1800
Tenzen Ivan Petrovich, Doctor of Science 17 Apr. 1800 - 1801
Chevkin Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Science 1801 - 1808
Berg von Petr Ivanovich, Ph.D. 1808
Litvinov Petr Maksimovich, Doctor of Science 1808 - 1811
Saint Prix Karl Frantsevich, c. d.s.s. 1811 - 1816
Pavlovsky Stanislav Ivanovich (d.s.s.) 1816 - 1822
Groholsky Nikolai Martynovich, gr. s.s. Dec 31 1823 - 22 Feb. 1831
Lubyanovsky Feodor Petrovich, t.s. Feb 22 1831 - May 14, 1833
Lashkarev Grigory Sergeevich, Doctor of Science Oct 15 1833 - July 25, 1834
Turchaninov Pavel Petrovich, Lieutenant General Dec 15 1834 - 17 Oct. 1835
Lashkarev Grigory Sergeevich, Doctor of Science Oct 17 1835 - 27 Jan. 1839
Petrov Pavel Ivanovich, general-m. Jan 27 1839 - 13 Nov. 1840
Fliege Karl Yakovlevich, general-m. Nov 13 1840 - 30 Nov. 1841
Radishchev Alexander Afanasyevich, general-m. May 3, 1842 - Nov. 14 1846
Sotnikov Vasily Semenovich, general-m. Nov 14 1846 - 22 Nov. 1849
Annenkov Vladimir Egorovich, general-m. Nov 29 1849 - 9 Dec. 1852
Vyazemsky Andrey Nikolaevich, Prince. gen.-m., I.d. Dec 9 1852 - June 13, 1854
Stepanov Mikhail Vasilyevich (approved March 19, 1855) June 13, 1854 – Nov 6 1856
Pfeller Vladimir Filippovich, Doctor of Science Nov 23 1856 - 3 Apr. 1860
Braunschweig Rudolf Ivanovich, s.s., etc. (approved 23 April 1861) 3 Aug. 1860 - June 12, 1864
Sukhotin Nikolay Nikolaevich, general-m. July 13, 1864 - Jan 1 1866
Goremykin Alexander Dmitrievich, Colonel (approved with promotion to major general on January 1, 1867) Jan. 1. 1866 - 5 Oct. 1869
Meshchersky Ivan Vasilievich, Prince. in sound chamberlain, d.s.s. Nov 14 1869 - May 11, 1873
Mukhanov Alexander Sergeevich, in the sound. chamberlain, d.s.s. May 11, 1873 - Aug 8 1877
Gudim-Levkovich Sergey Nikolaevich, in sound. chamberlain, s.s. (d.s.s.) 23 Aug. 1877 - May 23, 1879
Miloradovich Leonid Alexandrovich, in the sound. kam.junker, s.s. (d.s.s.) June 15, 1879 - June 18, 1882
Batyushkov Dmitry Nikolaevich, Doctor of Science July 8, 1882 - July 19, 1884
Val von Victor Wilhelmovich, St. E.V. gen.-m. July 24, 1884 - June 5, 1885
Glinka Vasily Matveevich, Doctor of Science June 5, 1885 - Aug. 31 1892
Naryshkin Alexander Alekseevich, Doctor of Science 23 Sept. 1892 - Jan 31 1894
Baumgarten Alexander Pavlovich, Doctor of Science Feb 17 1894 - 25 Nov. 1895
Semyakin Mikhail Konstantinovich, Doctor of Science 9 Apr. 1896 - 9 Feb. 1901
Euler Alexander Alexandrovich, in the sound. chamberlain, d.s.s. Feb 14 1901 - 12 Sept. 1911
Ignatiev Alexey Nikolaevich, Count, 12 Sept. 1911 - 1915
Myakinin Alexander Petrovich, Doctor of Science 1915 - 1917

Counties of Podolsk province
Kamyanets-Podilsky district
Baltsky county
Bratslav county
Vinnitsa district
Gaysinsky district
Letichevsky district
Litinsky county
Mogilev district
Olgopolsky district
Proskurovsky district
Ushitsky district
Yampolsky district

Map of the Podolsk province. 1914

(23 cards in one archive)

Download "Podolsk province - a set of military topographic maps» free of charge, and you can also download many other maps in our map archive

Podolsk province (formed in 1795) - borders in the west - with Austria-Hungary (Galicia), and for about 170 miles the border is the river Zbruch or Rodvoch, the left tributary of the Dniester; in the north - with Volyn province, in the east - with Kyiv province, in the southeast and partly in the south - with Kherson, in the southwest - with Bessarabian province, from which it is separated by the Dniester River. The space of the Podolsk province 36910 sq. versts (according to Schweitzer - 37293 sq. versts). The relief of the surface is very complex due mainly to the eroding activity of rivers. In general, the area of ​​the lips. represents an elevated plateau, slightly lowering in the direction from the northwest to the southeast and crossed by numerous and deep river valleys; this plateau continues north into the Volyn province, northeast into Kyiv, in the west it merges with the Galician Upland, but has no orographic or geological connection with the Carpathians. ...

*** Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Podolsk province is an administrative unit of the Russian Empire. The center is the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky (since 1914 - Vinnitsa).

General view on Podolsk province in military statistics

Podolsk province lies between 49° 49" and 47° 18" north latitude and 23° 50" and 28° 34" longitude along the Paris meridian. The surface of the entire province is 36,910 square meters. verst, by calculus of General Vietinghoff. The largest stretch of the province from the northwest to the southeast is 348 versts, and the largest extension from the north to the kyugu is 260 versts.

The Podolsk province is located on the border with the kingdom of Galicia, from which it is separated by the Sbruch river and borders in the north with the Volyn province in the northeast with Kiev; in the east and southeast with Kherson, in the southwest also with Kherson province, separated from it by the Dniester River.

This province, as a border province, is important militarily during Russia's offensive military operations against Western Europe and will then serve as a gathering place for the troops of the southern region; large masses of cavalry settled from it to the east will have to pass along the poi; not to mention the case when Russia will be at war with Turkey. The western border of Russia is divided into two parts by the Pripet marshes. These swamps have an influence on the Podolsk province because advantageous invasion routes for the enemy lead along the northern side of these swamps, to St. Petersburg and Moscow; and the swamps of Pripetsky, as it were, close the Podolsk province with themselves, from the enemy heading north of them, otherwise, if this enemy wished to take possession at the same time of the most fertile provinces of the southern region, he would inevitably undergo a perfect division of forces, and therefore this case can only be allowed with an unreasonably large superiority of his forces compared to ours, as was the case in 1812. Consequently, the land border of Russia south of the Pripet swamps is already of secondary importance, as well as the Podolsk province. adjacent to it, to have already the second place in its relative importance, compared with other provinces lying along the western border of Russia.

The value of the Podolsk province for the Military Ministry.

The province of Podolsk is one of the most fertile provinces of southern Russia, covered with a network of roads and very important in terms of food. It, due to its population and abundance in grain, can provide more funds for quartering troops than other provinces adjacent to it. In addition, it always has good water in abundance, enough forests and many small plains for training and viewing places. However, for the quartering of the cavalry in it, due to the lack of meadows, there are few convenient places; these few places are in Baltsky, Litinsky, Olgopolsky, Gaisinsky, Vinnitsa and Letichevsky counties. The most fertile district, Proskurovsky, is also inconvenient for quartering cavalry, and for the same reason; in general, in the meadows, in almost all counties, there is a shortage, with the exception of the Baltic, and therefore a small amount of hay obtained is sold at a high price and is saved by the landowners only to feed the Spanish sheep in winter .......


The border of the Podolsk province with the kingdom of Galicia runs along the Sbruch River, which is described specifically in the Hydrographic Review. The Dniester River, bordering Bessarabia, is also described in a special way.

Without being distracted by an excessive calculation of all the insignificant streams flowing along the provincial borders, let us consider the State Border in relation to its importance.

1-e) With regard to local objects, the Sbruch River, flowing along the border, does not constitute an obstacle in the depth and width of its waters in almost any place; and along the height of its banks, often sheer, it can be useful as a ravine, behind which troops can take up defensive positions…….

Surface and soil.


The province of Podolsk has 36,910 1/2 square versts and occupies a place in the category of the non-extensive provinces of Russia. It is similar in space to the provinces of Vitebsk, Sloboda-Ukrainian, Oryol and Petersburg. Of all the provinces of Russia, only 9 are smaller in space than Podolsk. In terms of population, the Podolsk province is second only to Kursk.

The province of Kamenetz-Podolsk includes branches of the Carpathians, whose middle node is located at the northwestern corner of its border with Volyn province and forms an elevated plateau between Byalozurka and Manachin. The well-known geologist Eichwald calls this plateau Avratynsky, and it is more correct to call it Volyn-Podolsky. The sources of the Bug, Pripyat and Dnieper run from it.

The largest diameter of the circle of this plateau is up to 60 versts; its elevation above the level of the Baltic Sea, according to the observations of General Tenner, at the nearest signal of Basalia, is 157.45 sazhens.

a) From the Avratyn plateau there is a flat hill to the south of the Volyn province and for the most part along its border with Podolsk, heading from west to east and at the village. Ilyashovka; begins to walk along the border of the Podolsk province.

In with. Babin, it has an elevation above the level of the Baltic Sea 157.28 sazhens; in Ternopil 147.06 sazhens - at the Bold signal 143.67 sazhens. …….