What is this calculator?

Professional calculator that calculates solar time and variable (or popularly "rubber"). It is used to select favorable dates for the start of important events, activations, analysis of birth charts, professional practices of bazi, feng shui, qi men dun ja.

Why is this calculator needed?


AT different systems In Chinese metaphysics, time is of great importance, the dimensions of which differ from what we are accustomed to - European. AT Ancient China, from which all Chinese metaphysics came to us, the sun's shadow and a device called the "gnomon" were used to measure time. Namely such measurements showed the true solar time in that territory.

The day was divided into 12 equal parts. Each part corresponded to two European clocks. This is where the concept of Chinese two-hour clocks came from.

For example, the hour of the tiger lasts from 3 to 5 o'clock, and the hour of the horse from 11 to 13 o'clock, and so on.


Now the knowledge of Chinese metaphysics is applied not only in China, but throughout the world. However, there was a need to recalculate the duration of Chinese two-hour clocks, in relation to a particular area, because there is such a thing as time zones, which is not related to real geography, but depends on geopolitics. For example, in neighboring cities separated by administrative boundaries, the time may differ up to 2 hours, although geographically it should be the same, because true solar time is not related to administrative territories, but is calculated based on the movement of the sun across the sky.

Thus, there is a difference between the time on the clock and the true solar time.

This difference is called "correction for solar time".

There is a mathematical formula for such a calculation. I talked about it in detail in the second part of the 1st Lesson of the Bazi Correspondence Course. “Be the architect of your own destiny. Part 1". You can see this part in the section " Free materials» after registration on the website www.sakhranova.ru

Such calculations are quite complex and time consuming.

Section "SOLAR TIME" Our calculator allows you to find out in 1 second the duration of Chinese two-hour periods for any locality without complex calculations of corrections, time zones, sun movements, and so on. For example, in Moscow, the hour of the tiger lasts already from 3:30 to 5:30, and the hour of the horse from 11:30 to 13:30 (that is, an amendment of 30 minutes), and so on.

In addition, the original two-hour measurement system was created in an area where day is approximately equal to night throughout the year, and all measurements were made on the basis of sun and sun shadow, sunrise and sunset.

In our more northern latitudes, the length of day and night varies greatly during the year. Based on this understanding, our colleague Alexander Anishchenko put forward a theory about the so-called "variable branches of the hour" (popularly - "rubber time").

The calculation of "rubber time" is an attempt to further refine the duration of the Chinese two-hour clock for a particular area.

Section "RUBBER TIME" Our calculator allows you to perform this calculation without delving into the wilds of studying the length of the day in different seasons at different latitudes.

Who created this calculator and who owns it?

True solar time is related to the movement of the true sun. The true solar day is taken as the unit of time. From practical considerations, we agreed to consider the moment of the lower climax of the true Sun, i.e., the moment of midnight as the beginning of a true solar day on a given meridian (Fig. 3.4). This is due to the fact that it is more convenient to count the beginning of the day not from noon, but from midnight. Otherwise, you would have to change the date in the middle of the day. The time interval between two successive lower culminations of the center of the visible disk of the true Sun on the same meridian is called the true solar day. At the time of the lower culmination of the true Sun, its hourly angle is 180°, and the true solar time is 0. Due to the rotation of the Earth, the hourly angle will increase and its change can be used to judge the time of the lower climax of the true Sun.

Thus, the true solar time is the time that has elapsed from the moment of the lower climax of the true Sun to any other of its positions and expressed in fractions of a true solar day. The true solar time on a given meridian at any moment is numerically equal to the hour angle of the true Sun expressed in time, and changed to

If the Sun is not obscured by clouds, then you can directly measure its hour angle and then calculate the true solar time. At the moment of the upper culmination (at true noon) and, therefore, the true solar time at noon is always 12 hours.

Rice. 3. 4. True solar time

Rice. 3.5. Effect of the tilt of the ecliptic on the length of a true solar day

As can be seen from this, it is easy to measure time with true solar days. True solar time is consistent with natural light conditions, but still use it in Everyday life just as uncomfortable as stellar. The difficulty of using this time in everyday life lies in the fact that the length of the true solar day varies throughout the year. And although this change is small, it is practically impossible to take it into account, since for this it would be necessary to adjust the clock daily so that it shows the true time.

The true solar day changes its length during the year for two reasons. The first reason is that the uneven motion of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun determines the irregularity of the apparent motion of the Sun along the ecliptic. AT summer time it moves more slowly than in winter. Therefore, true solar days are longer in winter and shorter in summer. The maximum difference in the duration of a true solar day is approximately 51 s.

The second reason for the change in the duration of a true solar day is that the Sun does not move along the celestial equator, in the plane of which hourly angles are counted, but along the ecliptic, which is significantly inclined to the celestial equator. Therefore, even if the Sun moved uniformly along the ecliptic, then even then the duration of the true solar day would not be the same. From fig. 3.5 shows that equal arcs ecliptics projected onto the celestial equator form segments that differ in magnitude from the corresponding segments of the ecliptic. Near the equinox points, the projected segments are smaller than the corresponding segments of the ecliptic, and near the solstice points, they are larger. The decrease in segments near the equinoxes is due to the inclination of the projected arcs of the ecliptic to the celestial equator, and the increase in segments near the solstices is due to the divergence of hour circles as they move away from the poles.

These reasons lead to the fact that the true solar day is not constant in its duration and therefore cannot serve as a measure of time, since the main property of a unit of measurement is its constancy. Since the true solar time is not uniform and the duration of the true solar day is not constant value during the year, it is inconvenient to use the true solar time in everyday life. Therefore, to measure solar time in practical life, the average Sun was introduced, which ensures the constancy of the duration of the solar day and at the same time connects them with the movement of the true Sun.

How to convert solar time to local time?

In the Eastern calendar, a day consists of 12 parts, each of which lasts 2 hours, and is under the auspices of a certain animal according to the Chinese horoscope. To calculate the magical time in Feng Shui, it is precisely this, the so-called "solar time", that is taken. Often it is different from the local one, and it needs to be calculated for your region.

At first glance, it may seem that converting solar time into local time is a whole epic of numbers and mathematical operations. However, everything is not so complicated as it seems at first glance. And on top of that, having calculated your local solar time once, you can easily use our Feng Shui forecasts later: for example, go for a good luck walk or arrange magical gatherings. Let `s start?

Converting solar time to local time (on the example of the city of Moscow):

1. Determine the geographical longitude of your village or city. To do this, you can use the site geonames.org.
In our case, for Moscow it will be equal to 37 degrees.

2. Find out your GMT (using worldtimezone.com for example). For Moscow it is GMT+3.

3. Our planet consists of 24 meridians, each of which is equal to 15 degrees. You need to calculate your base meridian, for this we multiply our GMT by 15. For Moscow, it turns out: 3 * 15 = 45

4. Calculate the difference between the received base meridian and geographic longitude our locality. For Moscow: 45 (base meridian) - 37 (longitude) = 8 (degrees).

5. The speed of rotation of the Earth around the Sun is 4 minutes per 1 degree. Therefore, we need to multiply the degrees obtained in the 4th paragraph by 4 minutes. For Moscow: 8 * 4 = 32 minutes.

Thus, the difference between Moscow time and solar time is 32 minutes. For example, if the ritual starts at 11.00 solar time, then for Moscow it will be 11.32. Make similar calculations for your region.

Anastasia Volkova for the site

How to calculate true solar time for your area?

In the Chinese Calendar, the day is divided into 12 equal parts lasting 2 hours, and each is under the influence of a specific Earthly Branch. The day begins exactly in the middle of the hour (Rat). Therefore, it is this Chinese two-hour clock that is divided in half into the Late Rat and Early Rat:

To calculate the ba zi card, as well as for most of the actions related to and qi less dong jia, we need to recalculate civil time to the true. The difference between civil and true time is mainly due to time zones that unite entire regions. Wherever the time zone is the same, noon occurs at the same time. Whereas noon according to true (solar) time at different points in the same region happens in different time: east - earlier, west - later.

Thus, to calculate solar time, you need geographical coordinates your locality, or rather, longitude. This information can be easily found on the Internet.

In a day, the Earth turns around its axis by 360 °, which means that in 1 hour it passes 15 ° (360/24 \u003d 15). It is at a distance of 15 ° from each other that the base meridians are located, which determine the time zones of UTC (universally coordinated time). The 0° meridian is UTC ± 0, the 15° meridian is UTC+1, the 30° meridian is UTC+2, and so on. If your locality is located directly on the meridian, then the civil and true time will most likely coincide (although you need to check in any case, because in Russia often too large spaces are united by one time zone!).

Let's determine how many minutes the Earth moves 1°. There are 24 hours in a day, and during this time our planet rotates 360 °. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so there are 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes in a day. Divide 1440 minutes by 360° to get 4 minutes. It takes 4 minutes for the Earth to rotate 1°.

To calculate solar time, let's take the time zone in force in your city. For example, UTC+4 is currently in effect in Moscow. The meridian corresponding to UTC+4 is at 60° East. However, Moscow is located at 37°37′ east longitude.

Now we need to convert 37′ to degrees. It's simple: 1 degree is divided into 60 fractions, which are called "minutes". And each minute in turn contains 60 "seconds". In order to convert the angle value specified in the format (degrees minutes) into decimal fractions of a degree, add the number of minutes divided by 60 to the number of whole degrees (we will round the seconds at the same time, we do not need such accuracy).

So, 37′ divided by 60, we get 0.6167. Let's round up to 0.62. Moscow is located at 37.62° East.

Find the difference between the longitude of the base meridian 60° and the longitude of Moscow:

37, 62° - 60° = -22.38° .

Moscow is located 22.38° west of the 60° base meridian. We multiply this difference by 4 minutes, during which the Earth moves 1 °:

-22.38°x4 = -89.52 minutes.

Which is equal to 1 hour 29.56 minutes. That is 1 hour. 30 minutes, rounded up. This is the difference between civil (local) and true (solar) time in Moscow.

What time, for example, does the hour 巳 (Snakes) begin in Moscow? In solar time, hour 巳 is from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Moscow is located to the west of the base meridian, which means that hour 巳 will start there later than on the meridian itself. Late 1 hour 30 minutes (the difference between civil and solar time for Moscow, which we calculated above). That is, the hour 巳 in Moscow on this moment starts at approximately 10:30 and ends at 12:30 Moscow time. The next hour 午 (Horse) starts at 12:30 and ends at 14:30 Moscow time. And so on with all the Chinese two-hour clocks.

When the UTC+3 time zone operated in Moscow, we calculated the difference between the longitude of the base meridian 45° and the longitude of Moscow. This difference was

37.62° - 45° = -7.38°.

Convert to minutes:

-7, 34°x4 = -29.52 minutes.

That is, in Moscow, Chinese two-hour meetings started about 30 minutes later.

If the difference were with a + sign, this would mean that Moscow is located east of the meridian, relative to which we determine the time zone. And Chinese two-hour clocks would start 30 minutes earlier, that is, the hour 巳 would start at 8:30 and end at 10:30 local time with a difference of +30 minutes.

Due to the irregular, elongated shape of the earth's orbit, the length of the day may vary at different times of the year. There are also calculation methods for this, but we will not consider them here. I just advise in practice and qi less to retreat from the borders of the Chinese two-hour clock for about 15 minutes, in order to definitely get to the right one.

If after reading the article something is not clear, write in the comments below. I'll try to answer everyone as best as I can!

True solar time

local solar time- in astronomy, called true, the objective position of the Earth in the solar system is associated with it. True time is determined by the position of the sun. For example, true noon always occurs when the sun crosses the meridian of the place where we are, that is, when the sun is exactly in the south (when the sun is in the south, it is noon).

True time is determined by the position of the sun

It is the position of the sun that determines the true time. Well, our clock shows the time, which is only approximately related to the position of the sun. Civil time is conditional.

True time is not uniform

For a modern urban dweller, true time is rather an astronomical abstraction that has no of great importance in his life because it is uneven. Indeed, it is difficult to make a clock that runs at a variable rate throughout the year. But ordinary time, on the contrary, is organized evenly and accurately and, therefore, is easier to account for.

Pros and cons


Calculation of mean solar time

Civil time in all time zones is shifted by an integer number of hours relative to the local Greenwich Mean Solar Time, which is called universal and is denoted by GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Actually, this is its versatility.

Assume that the universal time is 9 am - 09:00 am. Then, according to civil time in Moscow, it will be noon: GMT + 3 = 9:00 + 3:00 = 12:00. But in three hours the sun moves 15° × 3 = 45°. Therefore, the true solar noon will be at this time at 45 ° east longitude (for example, in Penza), and not in Moscow. To find out the mean solar time in Moscow, you need to convert the longitude of the place (about 38 °) into hour units. Therefore, at 9 o'clock GMT, the mean solar time in Moscow will be 9:00 + 2:32 = 11:32. The calculation was made for Moscow, but, for example, in Balei, you can independently calculate the mean solar time, bearing in mind that Eastern longitude Balei city is 116°38", and the time zone is considered as GMT+9.

Real Time Calculation

  • At the North Pole, the question "What time is it?" is devoid of any meaning: the day lasts six months, while the sun changes its height imperceptibly, and any direction is a direction to the south. A sundial at the North Pole will quite objectively show the true time during the summer half of the year. Just choose the day as the unit of measure. Such is the natural rhythm of life beyond the Arctic Circle, and the peculiarities of the perception of time among the polar peoples can be traced in lunar calendar and in ancient rites. Thus, the conventionality of civil time can be most clearly understood at the North Pole.
  • The value of longitude for a point located west of Greenwich can be calculated by subtracting the value of the local solar time, determined by astronomical observations, from the value of universal time received from the radio signals of the exact time.
  • Using the equation of time (in the form of a yearly graph), civil time can be calculated based on the position of the sun.