Boris Zakhoder composed his poems in such a way that anyone who took his book did not put it aside after one fairy tale, but continued on and on. Witty, funny, sometimes quite a bit sad, however, invariably funny stories that everyone loves.

Reading Boris Zakhoder's poems is an incredible joy. It is rare that poems are remembered almost instantly so that, having read them when they were still small, adults remember them all their lives and tell them to children. Actually, these are the poems of Boris Zakhoder. For a number of generations, they love to read fairy tales that tell about the playful Peter Pan, the strict Mary Poppins, the touching Alice in Wonderland, the glorious Winnie the Pooh. Did you know that it was Boris Zakhoder who retold them to us? Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, Karel Chapek were also translated by him! Zakhoder adored animals and many of his stories are dedicated to them. In these poetic tales, animals behave like people and the stories about them, although fabulous, are very reminiscent of human ones. And the characters in them are exactly like people: kind, naive and smart, harmful, stupid and cunning...

Poems by Boris Zakhoder are rhymed in a wonderful language and composed by a man with a childlike soul. It is easy to prove this: you just need to open a book and read poetry.


Southeast District Office of Education

State budgetary educational institution Moscow city


109559, Moscow. Upper fields, st., 47, kor. one

Summary of the lesson "Funny poems by Boris Zakhoder"


  1. To acquaint children with the work of the writer, the main characters of stories and fairy tales, whose animals are.
  2. Develop expressive reading skills, the ability to reflect on what has been read and answer questions; give characteristics to the heroes of the work, draw conclusions, argue their opinion.
  3. To cultivate a reasonable attitude to the surrounding reality, the ability to notice interesting events in Everyday life; the ability to hear and listen to each other.


  1. portrait of B. Zakhoder; sheets “Biography of the writer. B. Zakhoder;
  2. subject pictures: heroes of the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder “The Gray Asterisk”;
  3. the text of the fairy tale “The Gray Star”; exhibition of books by B. Zakhoder; cards

Children enter the hall to the song "Colorful Game" and sit on chairs.


A wise man gave advice:

Laugh and dream more

Read funny poems

And then you will live a hundred years.

Guys, do you like to listen to funny children's poems?

Today we continue to get acquainted with the work of the remarkable Russian poet and translator Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder.

Presentation about the work of B. Zakhoder.

Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder.
(September 9, 1918 - November 7, 2000)
As a child, Zakhoder's main hobby was animals.
He was very fond of reading and early began to invent fairy tales, poems, riddles.
Boris Zakhoder is not only a poet, but also a storyteller. The heroes of his fairy tales are "our smaller brothers" - birds, animals, fish.
According to the scripts or based on the fairy tales of the writer “The Little Mermaid”, “The Whale and the Cat”, the Gray Star” animated films were shot.
Boris Zakhoder is also a translator. With his help translated into Russian famous works, such as: A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”, A. Lindgren “The Kid and Carlson who lives on the roof”, L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins” .
For the translation of L. Carroll's book "Alice in the Wonderland" Boris Zakhoder was awarded Andersen's honorary diploma. This is the best reward for any writer.
Many composers wrote songs based on B. Zakhoder's verses. The most famous of them are the songs of Winnie the Pooh, Mary Poppins, Alice from Wonderland.
Did you know that there are a lot of books in Zakhoder's house - 60 shelves!

Question: - Guys, what did you learn about the work of B. Zakhoder?

Children: Boris Vladimirovich wrote many poems, fairy tales for children: “The fly is clean”, “We are friends”, “A fairy tale about everyone in the world”, “Shaggy alphabet”.

- You also read more than one poem by B. Zakhoder, learned by heart and today you will recite poems to your comrades.

Teacher: Guys, look at the book exhibition. Here are not only books written by Zakhoder, but also those that he translated. After all, B. Zakhoder wonderfully translated the fairy tale by the English writer A. Mill "Winn the Pooh and all-all-all", the fairy tale by the English writer L. Carroll "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland".

Dramatization of the poem "Kiskino grief"

crying pussy in the hallway

She has a lot of grief

Evil people poor pussy

Do not let them steal sausages.

Guys, do you want to become a pussy yourself, who wants to steal a sausage?(Yes) .

Educator: Let's try to play pussy. Get up from your chairs. Imagine that you are a pussycat who wants to take a sausage off the table. Get up like a pussy on your paws. The pussy goes to the kitchen. You spin around the table, rub your back against its leg, stand on your hind legs and inhale a pleasant smell with pleasure. But then the hostess came out of the kitchen. You stretch your paw to the sausage, and here it is in your paws. But here comes the hostess. Kitty throws the sausage and runs away.

- How many skills, professions one person has. Let's listen to the poem "Builders" and see what the children can do.

(Staging of the poem "Builders")

I need things like this:
Hammer, vise and tongs,
Key, file and hacksaw,
And all you need is skill!

I'm flying, I'm flying
At full speed.
I myself am a driver. And he is a motor.
I press the pedal
And the car rushes into the distance!

I've been sewing all day today.
I dressed the whole family.
Wait a bit, cat, -
There will be clothes for you too!

Master, master, help -
The boots were worn out.
Hammer the nails harder -
We're going to visit today!

Don't let your parents get angry
That the builders will be smeared.
Because the one who builds
That one is worth something!
And no matter what for now
This sand house!

Boris Zakhoder has a large number of poems, where the main characters are cats, cats, kittens, dogs and puppies.

I suggest you play. Here are excerpts from these poems. Can you guess where it is about cats and where it is about dogs?

  1. He was black as a raven
    From mustache to tail.
    Black on top, black on bottom...
    Everything is pure black!

    2. In the forest, over the river,
    A cottage has been built.
    Lives in a cottage

    3. Now natural science.
    Let's write two tasks:
    "Where the crumbs are collected"
    And "How to save yourself from..."

    4. I am ready to punish myself
    Those who torment...!

    8. In the dark, a sharper look,
    Happy mouse...
    Going well in the dark
    Dark things!

    9. …Honestly,
    They rarely bark in vain!

    10. We have one law:
    Drowners - save!
    Attackers - bite!

    11. Yes, life is bad
    Without a friend - the owner!
    Therefore we all
    And howling desperately...

    12 . Oh,
    Bad for the homeless
    Bad hungry
    So defenseless
    So ruthless!...

Zakhoder wrote poems for children in such a way that after reading or hearing them once, you immediately want to get acquainted with all his work. Poems by Boris Zakhoder are both funny and sad, sometimes simply perky, but more often with deep meaning, in the fable genre.

Both children and adults like to read Zakhoder’s poems, because sometimes he managed to put so much subtle humor and worldly wisdom in just two or three lines that not only the guys, but also their parents memorize the author’s words that have already become aphorisms. Zakhoder's children's poems are written in such an understandable language that it seems as if he looked at the world around him with children's eyes and understood everything.

In this section, we present you the best poems by Boris Zakhoder, in which you will find excellent counting rhymes, for example, “Kady-Mady”, poems about animals, about professions, the most popular poems by Zakhoder, including “Shaggy ABC”, “Kit and Cat ”, “Muzzle, tail and four legs”, “Letter I” and others.

Poems Zakhoder read

Boris Zakhoder. Biography in interesting facts

On September 9, 1918, Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder was born on the territory of present-day Moldova. Being very young, together with his parents he moved to Odessa, and then to Moscow.

In many ways, the life of the future writer was predetermined by his mother, who introduced Boris Zakhoder to German literature. Already in his adult life, he completed many translations of foreign children's authors, which brought him popularity. This is Winnie the Pooh, and Mary Poppins, and other works. When Boris was 14 years old, she committed suicide, causing the child severe psychological trauma from which he could not get rid of until his death. Boris Zakhoder's father was not a great example either, the last of his wives burned family books, belongings and almost all photographs.

Boris Zakhoder received a musical education as a child, was fond of animal life, but love for high literature conquered all other interests. After graduating from a literary institute, in 1947 Zakhoder wrote a wonderful poem "The Letter I", from which, apparently, his creative way. For a long time it was not possible to read Zakhoder's poems to the general public. The author was on the unwritten list of writers with a "non-round" surname, because he was a Jew.

Zakhoder tried to publish poems for children, but he was not only not helped, but often hindered. Even the meeting with Marshak, which the poet sought for several months, did not bear any fruit. He heard kind words and a good description of his works, but nothing more.

In 1966, Boris Zakhoder moved to Komarovka, and already in 1967 he got married. The author received in his house famous people, with many friends and supported a good relationship. Eduard Uspensky, Vladimir Shainsky, Arkady Raikin, Maxim Shostakovich visited his house.

In 1969, the list of poems by Boris Zakhoder was replenished with the poem "Counting" - one of the most beloved by children.

Interestingly, the most talented mathematician Kolmogorov lived next to Zakhoder, who adored Goethe's poetry no less than Boris Zakhoder, who translated from German language. The accuracy and capacity of each word - that's what the author successfully achieved in his translations.

Looking from the side, it may seem that Zakhoder's life was filled with his favorite work and happy meetings with friends. Zakhoder's children's poems, fairy tales, songs - there was plenty of everything, but he only dreamed of a completely different, adult work, but his path was cut off there.

Already after the death of Zakhoder, his wife wrote a sincere story of their life with gratitude to her beloved husband, a brilliant poet and just a kind, but principled Man - Boris Zakhoder.

DOG DISTRESSES. Boris Zakhoder

A dacha was built in the woods above the river.
A small dog lives in the cottage.
The dog is happy with both the forest and the cottage,
But there are sorrows in the life of a dog.

Firstly, the dog is slightly offended
The high fence that surrounds it.
After all, if not for this nasty fence,
That would be a different story with cats!

It upsets her that people have forgotten
Invent dog cars.
The dog does not want to endure insults:
She barks desperately at cars!

She is sad to look at the flower beds:
They have owners in such a mess!
Once a dog dug them up nicely,
And to her, imagine, for this horrible!

The owner does not put the dog at the table,
And this, of course, offends her:
Not so nice for a decent dog
Sitting under the table, waiting for handouts!

But give the dog a piece of biscuit -
And all the grief will end immediately!

Dad gave me
Oh, and I chickened out at first!
me two days
He was afraid
And on the third -
He broke!

Artists: E. Almazova and V. Shvarov

Pussy crying in the hallway.
She has
Great sorrow:
Evil people
Poor Pussy
Do not give

Fly Cleaner

Once upon a time there was a Clean Fly.
The Fly was bathing all the time.
She bathed
On Sunday
In excellent
On Monday -
In cherry liqueur.
On Tuesday -
In tomato sauce.
On Wednesday -
In lemon jelly.
On Thursday -
In jelly and in resin.
On Friday -
In curdled milk
In compote
And in semolina ...
On Saturday,
Washed in ink
- I can't do it anymore!
Terribly, terribly tired,
But it seems

The wisest bird in the world is the owl.
Everyone hears
But very stingy with words.
The more he hears
The less he talks.
Ah, this is what many of us miss.

B. Zakhoder

Fox and mole

nice house,
cute mole,
Only painfully narrow entrance!
- Fox entrance,
Just right:
He won't let
To your house!

B. Zakhoder

song of the frogs

The frogs were asked:
- What are you singing about?
After all, you, forgive me,
Sit in the swamp!
The frogs said:
- About that and sing,
How pure and transparent
Native reservoir.


Ah - ah - ah - ah - ah - ah!
Among the toys - panic!
All dolls in tears -
Vanka fell down - Stand up!

Matryoshkas drag iodine,
Bandages, cotton bags,
And Vanka suddenly gets up
With a wicked smile:

Believe me, I'm alive!
And I don't need a babysitter!
We do not fall for the first time -
That's why we are Vanka - Stand up!

Question song

If a
A cat meets a dog
A business -
Usually! -
Ends in a fight.

Same -
Usually! -
The case ends
If the dog
Dating a cat!

Oh why
Ah, why
Ah, what for
Is that how it works?..

Zakhoder. Rain.

The rain sings a song:
Cap, cap...
Only who will understand it -
Cap, cap?

Neither I nor you understand
But flowers will understand
And spring foliage
And green grass...