Hello! Rabbit problems. Recently, a small bump the size of a cherry appeared on his cheek. Then it increased in size. We took the rabbit to the veterinary clinic, the doctor said it was an abscess. There, the abscess was opened, the wound was washed and sent home. At home, we also washed with chlorhexidine for several days and applied levomikol ointment. A week later, there was no trace of the abscess. But after some time a new bump appeared, as I understand it, again an abscess. What is it for? Did we treat badly the first time?

Elena Samoilova, Rostov Region, Volgodonsk

Abscesses on the muzzle in rabbits appear most often due to improper tooth growth - malocclusion. With malocclusion, the teeth are not erased properly, forming sharp ends (hooks) that injure the tongue, cheeks and gums of the rabbit: wounds and ulcers are formed that are seeded with pathogenic microflora. As a result, an abscess develops. At the clinic, you have been treated effectively for an abscess. They opened it surgically, removed all the pus and prescribed further treatments until complete healing. But the fact is that until you eliminate the cause that causes abscesses, you will find more and more “bumps” every time.

What should you do? The first step is to take an x-ray of your rabbit's head. The fact is that examining the molars of a rabbit is impossible without special equipment. It is impossible to determine the presence or absence of hooks by touch or simply by looking into the rabbit's mouth.

Grinding of molars is performed only by a veterinarian. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

You can try to slow down this process by providing the animal with proper nutrition. In the rabbit's diet, 50% of all feed should be roughage: hay and branches. At the same time, many rabbits are particularly picky about store-bought hay. Therefore, it is better to harvest hay yourself. In addition, you can give rabbits germinated grass. It has the same effect on the teeth as hay.

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Unfortunately, discarded rabbits can often be found on the streets. These are the victims "great love for children" our citizens, who in a momentary impulse buy "those lovely creatures" For a present. The rabbit turns out to be a rather problematic and complex animal, and, moreover, not cheap to maintain. For a long and high-quality life, a rabbit must be properly fed and maintained. It turns out that the treatment of rabbits also costs a pretty penny. From malnutrition and maintenance, rabbits begin to get sick, few people are going to treat them for a lot of money either, they immediately arise "sudden allergies and urgent moves" and ... the rabbit is thrown into the street. Volunteers find rabbits in any condition (often painful), at any time of the year - there are no obstacles for people: rabbits are thrown into the cold, frost, heat, like unnecessary trash in the trash heap and even in the cemetery. Alas, children's love for the eared passes very quickly, well, but adults, of course, have no time. Blame, of course, in this situation, the rabbit.

To prevent the same from happening to you or your friends, we highly recommend reading QUICK FAQ on our forum about the competent maintenance of rabbits at home. This will save you from unnecessary movements, bring clarity to the overall picture and will not harm the rabbits, as they will not get to owners who will not love and care for them.

If you want to give your rabbit in good hands, then this can take a little longer. Rabbits, alas, are often bought to feed snakes - be careful! Also, rabbits can get to the flayers. The best option is to adopt rabbits through rabbit shelters or place your pet in a Hotel (paid overexposure), where he will be properly cared for until he finds a new loving owner. Some resent this turn of events: “How! Do I still have to pay? After all, I give him with a cage and food! In this case, the rabbits find themselves on the street, where their age is short. Any dog, cat, crow, rat - the rabbit will have practically no opportunity to escape and death in torment is guaranteed to him.

Please treat with prudence the momentary desire to have, maintain, and then give away this difficult animal! Below we give a list of shelters that pick up unfortunate rabbits, treat them and place them in good hands. You can help these shelters directly with money or by overexposure of the animal, or buy some delicious food from the range of our platform (preferably by agreement with the animal curator) and send it to any rabbit or shelter you like as a gift.

Our site tries to help rabbits in trouble with food or take one or another animal for feasible supervision. You can see information about our help in our group in VK: THEY have already helped the rabbits in trouble - help YOU too! If you have any questions, we are waiting for you on our forum in the section

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Rabbits endure hot summer weather much worse than winter cold, because thick fur warms them in cold weather. In summer, being in natural conditions, they spend a lot of time in burrows where it is not hot. In addition, rabbits do not have sweat glands on their bodies, and they transfer heat through their long ears - however, rabbit ears are not large enough to cope well with overheating. Therefore, domesticated animals need human help in the heat.

Optimum temperature

The best room temperature for rabbits is between 16°C and 22°C, while fattening is 14–20°C. They can tolerate a temperature range of 5–28°C without harm to health, although temperatures above 25°C already cause them discomfort.

Animals begin to seek shade, huddle against cooler walls and floors, and drink a lot. The critical temperature for them is 30°C - at it heat stroke already becomes possible, and at 35°C such overheating of the body becomes inevitable.

If the humidity is high, or the animals are kept in cramped stuffy cages, the maximum allowable high temperature is reduced by several degrees, since in such conditions they tolerate heat even worse.

Overheating dangers:

  1. There is a tendency to infectious diseases and digestive disorders, which are also fraught with negative consequences.
  2. Reproductive abilities are deteriorating.
  3. Weight gain slows down and young animals grow.
  4. Possible death of the animal.

Important! The worst effect of the heat is on pregnant and lactating females, as well as on rabbits, so it is not worth planning a round in a hot summer.

How to help rabbits in the heat

When the thermometer rises to 30 ° C, measures should be taken to save rabbits from the heat. It should be borne in mind that in the cells where they are kept, the temperature can be even higher. The heating of their place of residence in the summer should be carefully monitored.

At this time, the immunity of animals decreases greatly due to overheating, so it should be strengthened with drugs such as Catozal, Gamavit and others. But the main thing is to reduce the temperature to an acceptable level.

One of the simple and affordable ways to reduce the ambient temperature and overcome the summer heat is to use plastic bottles with frozen water.

The water bottle is cooled in the freezer and then placed in the cage. After the ice has melted, you should replace the bottle with a new one.

Do not worry that the animals will catch a cold. They will be delighted with such a cold object and will snuggle up to it. Ice bottles should be placed in the cage for the nursing rabbit, but a little further away from the baby rabbits.

This method is not suitable if you have many heads, as there may not be enough space in the freezer for all the bottles.

Cold accumulators

Cold accumulators can be used instead of water bottles. They heat up more slowly due to the presence of a thermally capacious liquid in them and they need to be changed less often. Products weighing 200-400 grams are well suited for use.

Rabbits suffering from hot weather literally lie down on these batteries and lick them. But, again, with a large number of rabbits, the costs will be too high. In addition, there may not be enough space in the freezer.

Water procedures

Water, when evaporated from the surface of the body, cools it. Therefore, in hot weather, in the aviary or in the cages where the rabbits are, mini-pools should be arranged in which they can refresh themselves. It is necessary to monitor the purity of the water in such baths and change them periodically. But animals often overturn water containers, or start drinking from them.

If you do not want to mess with the baths, you can simply periodically dip the rabbits in a container of water. At the same time, you should also moisten your ears with it, since heat exchange occurs mainly through them, but water should not enter the inside of the ear. Bathing water should be cool, but not cold. For such a water procedure, 2-3 minutes for each individual is enough.

Spraying rabbits

To cool the body temperature, these animals can simply be sprayed with water. With this procedure, it is important not to miss the ears; you can even spray only them. Spraying should be done 2-3 times a day.

Important! In hot weather, cages and rooms with rabbits should have good shading. Even a small amount of direct sunlight raises the indoor temperature.

Watering cages with a hose

In hot weather, some rabbit breeders water the cages directly from the hose. However, it is better to install a fine spray irrigation system - such a system will work more efficiently and economically. This method is especially relevant in hot and dry weather.

In conditions of high humidity, it is better to use a different method, since too much humidity and evaporation may not improve the situation much.

Fans in the rabbitry

In the room where the rabbits are kept, you can place fans. It should be noted that the rabbits themselves should not be in a draft - this can lead to colds. It is especially important to monitor the air flow if the air conditioner is running in the room.

Give more water

During the hot season, it is important to ensure that rabbits always have access to water so that they can get enough to drink. It is advisable to pour cold water. The purity of drinking water should be monitored, as dirty water is a source of intestinal disorders.

In addition, the water heats up quickly, so it is best to change it 2-3 times a day. For one adult, 1–1.5 liters of drinking water is enough.

It is recommended to add more juicy vegetables and greens (cabbage, carrots, etc.) to the feed.

Before the haircut, you need to comb the animal's hair. Take it off from the back. Then they cut the fur on the sides and stomach, and the haircut on the stomach is done only in rabbits, since rabbits are likely to damage the nipples.

Did you know? A healthy rabbit will have a body temperature of 38.3-39.5°C. To measure it, a thermometer (preferably electronic) is inserted into the anus of the animal by 1 cm. In this case, the patient should be taken on his knees and fixed well.

For this procedure, scissors with rounded ends are used so as not to damage the animal if it twitches. When clipping, you should also use a comb to lift the hair and cut off the top.

If the pet is not afraid of the clipper, you can use it - it will be faster.

Signs of heat and sunstroke

An animal gets heatstroke when the body overheats due to high ambient temperature. This situation often happens with close cages, transportation, in poorly ventilated places. A rabbit gets sunstroke when the head is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. This leads to overheating of the brain and its subsequent paralysis.

The fact that the rabbit has overheated and received heat or sunstroke can be seen by the following signs:
  1. At the very beginning, the animal behaves excitedly. It may shiver and will try to find shade and a cool place. Although usually in the heat, rabbits move little and constantly drink water.
  2. Redness of mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth).
  3. Refusal to eat.
  4. Respiratory failure. At the very beginning, the animal breathes rapidly and abruptly, and then, if help is not provided, breathing becomes deep. Shortness of breath appears.
  5. Temperature increase. It rises above 40°C.

How to save a rabbit from overheating

If it is noticed that the rabbit has become unwell from the heat, you must act immediately:

  1. You need to immediately wipe his ears with a damp cloth, and do this procedure for several minutes.
  2. Ears can also be sprayed with a spray bottle. In this procedure, care must be taken - water should not get into the ears. You can simply blot his head and paws with a cool wet towel or napkin. It is necessary to ensure that the cooling occurs gradually.
  3. The rabbit should be given water to drink. If he is unable to drink on his own, water must be dropped into his mouth from a pipette or syringe without a needle.
  4. The affected animal must be immediately moved to a cool room.

If the rabbit is very ill from overheating, after first aid it must be taken to the veterinarian. At the same time, you should take care that during transportation by car the temperature in the passenger compartment is within 20–22 ° C and the air conditioner does not blow on it. The veterinarian must examine the animal and listen to it.
In this case, a saline solution is prescribed and immediately put in order to normalize blood circulation. In some cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. They also constantly monitor body temperature.

Important! In case of overheating, do not bathe the rabbit in cool water. Such a temperature difference will be too much stress for the body.

In the summer heat, rabbits often get a runny nose. This is noticeable by the way they rub their noses with their front paws, sneeze, and nasal discharge also begins. Experienced veterinarians in this case are advised to mix 10 drops of iodine with glycerin and gently lubricate the spouts with a piece of cotton wool. Animals improve immediately.

When the thermometer is just starting to reach 30 ° C, you should check the temperature of the pets' housing, their well-being, appetite, drinking, shade, and ventilation. Particular attention should be paid to pregnant and lactating rabbits, young and obese individuals.

The ground around the cells can be watered regularly to keep it moist all the time.

Did you know? In their natural habitat, rabbits live on average for about a year. But at home, with proper care, this eared pet can live 8-12 years.

So, heat and sunstroke pose a significant threat to the health of rabbits. You should not wait for the appearance of their symptoms - at critical temperatures, measures must be taken in advance to protect pets from overheating. And if alarming signs are found, the injured animal should immediately receive first aid.

How to save rabbits from the heat: video