If you are interested in the English language of business communication and basic, standard business phrases, then you have come to the right place by visiting our website. Here you can find a lot of diverse and interesting material that deals with business English vocabulary, writing business letters and many phrases for business communication in English.

As you have already seen, the English language is a kind of world of norms and rules. The English language of business communication also has its own laws and rules: nothing personal, just business. Today we will take a closer look at those phrases and expressions that are suitable for business communication, which have become standard for business correspondence and conversations. If you're interested, then let's get started.

How to start a business conversation?

So, you want to contact the interlocutor. There are several types of business address, you choose the one you need, it all depends on how closely you know the person. So, you are addressing the interlocutor in English, you will need the following vocabulary:

  • Mister / Missis / Miss + surname - Mr / Mrs / young lady ...
  • sir - sir
  • Dear Sir - dear sir
  • Dear mister + surname - dear mister ...
  • Doctor + surname - doctor ...
  • Dear friend - dear friend
  • Ladies and gentlemen - ladies and gentlemen

Any conversation begins with a greeting, a business conversation is no exception. Greeting the interlocutor, you show respect for him and set up a dialogue in a friendly and polite way. Pay attention to these expressions in English and their translation:

  • How do you do? - Hello
  • How are you? How are you doing/feeling?
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening/day - Good morning/afternoon/evening/day
  • Glad to see you / meet you - Glad to see / meet you
  • You are welcome - Welcome
  • Welcome, dear guests - Welcome, dear guests
  • Happy to receive you / see you - Happy to receive / see you
  • Let me introduce you ... - Let me introduce you ...

To express a request or petition, use standard phrases in English, such as:

  • Please, can you ... - Please, could you ...
  • Please, give me ... - Please, give me ...
  • Please, be so kind to...
  • Would you like to ... - Would you like to ...
  • Can I trouble you? — Can I disturb you?
  • Can I ask you? — May I ask you?

How to continue a business conversation?

Pay attention to the phrases that business English offers us, with which you can invite the interlocutor somewhere and their translation:

  • Please, come to my place ... - Please, come to me ...
  • Can you come to me? — Could you come to me?
  • I would like to see you at my place - I would like to see you at my place ...
  • I would like to invite you ... - I would like to invite you ...
  • Shall we go there together? - Can we go there together?

Now let's look at what phrases the business vocabulary of the English language offers to express consent. Please note that answers can be short:

  • certainly - of course
  • Willingly - willingly
  • With pleasure - with pleasure
  • All right - good
  • You are right - you are right
  • I agree with you / this - I agree with you / with this
  • It sounds well - it sounds great

It happens that in a business conversation we need to apologize, ask for forgiveness. Pay attention to how business vocabulary in English allows you to do this and how you can answer:

  • pardon - sorry
  • I beg your pardon - I apologize
  • Excuse me - sorry
  • sorry - sorry
  • I am sorry - I'm sorry
  • It's my fault - this is my oversight
  • Please, forgive me - please forgive me
  • It's all right - everything is fine / it's okay
  • Never mind - don't worry
  • Be more attentive - be more attentive
  • Forget it - forget about it
  • No need to be sorry - it's okay

Now let's look at common phrases in business English vocabulary and their translation. Such expressions will help you in the general conversation of business communication.

A fairly common phrase in English that can be found in business communication is:

  • Nothing personal, just business - nothing personal, just business

Let's look at it in an example: I don't understand what your hints mean! Why do you ask about my husband? - Excuse me, you didn't understand me. Nothing personal, just business. "I don't understand what your hints mean!" Why are you asking about my husband? Sorry, you didn't understand me. Nothing personal just business.

Word " Just " in English can be expressed in different ways:

  • Just - just, only
  • Simply - simply
  • Nothing in it - just like that
  • Nothing to it - just like that

Business conversation on the phone

Telephone business conversation is also a special vocabulary in English. Certain expressions in English are required here, as in other business situations. Here are some of them:

  • Hello! — Hello!
  • Yes? - Yes?
  • Speaking! - talk/listen
  • Could I speak to…, please? “Can I speak to… please?”
  • Hello! Is that Mr Green? Hello, is this Mr Green?
  • Mr Green, is that you? Mr Green, is that you?
  • Sorry, wrong number - Sorry, wrong number
  • Wrong number, I'm afraid - I'm afraid you have the wrong number
  • Is Mr Green there? — Is Mr Green at home?
  • I want to speak to Mr Green - I would like to talk to Mr Green
  • Call Mr Green, please - Call Mr Green, please

As you understand, such vocabulary requires a special approach, behavior and courtesy. Be correct about business English, and you will definitely succeed! Soon we will publish new phrases for business communication in English, follow the news of our website.

In English Translation into Russian
Mr. Archer: Good afternoon, Mr. Bloom. It's good to see you again in our conference hall. How are you doing?Mr Archer: Good afternoon, Mr Archer. Glad to see you again in our conference room. How are you?
Mr: Bloom: Good afternoon, Mr. archer. I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?Mr Bloom: Good afternoon, Mr Archer. I'm fine, thanks. And how are you?
Mr. Archer: I'm very well. I was hoping we can discuss our latest issue today.Mr Archer: I'm fine. I was hoping that we would discuss our recent issue today.
Mr: Bloom: Yes, of course, with pleasure. Let's get down straight to business.Mr Bloom: Yes, of course, with pleasure. Let's get straight to the point.
Mr. Archer: By the way, would you like anything to drink?Mr. Archer: By the way, would you like something to drink?
Mr: Bloom: I'd like a cup of coffee, please. The flight was rather hectic, so I need an additional boost.Mr Bloom: I'd like a cup of coffee, please. The flight was quite hectic and I could do with a cheer up.
Mr. Archer: As soon as we finish the discussion, my driver will take you to your hotel. I hope you'll enjoy your stay at San Francisco.Mr. Archer: Once we have finished our discussion, my driver will take you to your hotel. Hope you enjoy San Francisco.
Mr: Bloom: Thank you, Mr. archer. I appreciate your concern.Mr Bloom: Thank you Mr Archer. I appreciate your concern.
Mr. Archer: So, speaking about the rates for the euro, they seem to be changing every day. That's why it's hard to appoint the final price for the goods.Mr. Archer: So, as far as the euro tariffs, they seem to change every day. Therefore, it is difficult to indicate the final price of the product.
Mr: Bloom: I understand that, Mr. archer. For that reason I've asked our accountant to make some corrections. Here is the latest pricelist. Have a look at it, please. If you'd like to make some changes, we'll gladly consider them.Mr. Bloom: I understand that, Mr. Archer. For this reason, I asked our accountant to make some changes. Here is the latest price list. Look here please. If you want to make any changes, we will be happy to consider them.
Mr. Archer: Let me see. This price for each box seems to be fair. We are ready to pay the total amount. And, we will also cover all the delivery expenses.Mr Archer: Let's see. This price per box seems fair. We are ready to pay the full cost. And we will also cover all shipping costs.
Mr: Bloom: I'm glad you like it. You should also decide which logistics company you want to cooperate with.Mr Bloom: I'm glad you like everything. You should also decide which logistics company you want to use.
Mr. Archer: That's not easy to decide, you know. We are getting new offers every day. Do you have any suggestions?Mr. Archer: It's not easy to decide, you know. Every day we receive new offers. Do you have any ideas?
Mr: Bloom: Yes, we do. We use the services of one company for quite a while and I should say we are fully satisfied with their work.Mr Bloom: Yes. We have been using the same company for a long time and I must say that we are absolutely satisfied with their work.
Mr. Archer: Could you, please, give me their contact info?Mr. Archer: Could you please give me their contact information?
Mr: Bloom: Yes, sure. Here it is.Mr Bloom: Yes, of course. Here, take it.
Mr. Archer: Thank you. Is there anything else we should discuss today?Mr Archer: Thank you. Are there other topics that need to be discussed today?
Mr: Bloom: Just a couple of more issues. We've typed the new conditions of our contract, including the new prices. Can you have a look and make sure everything suits you?Mr Bloom: There are a couple more questions. We have printed new terms for our contract, including a new price. Could you take a look and make sure everything suits you?
Mr. Archer: Let me see. I have no objections. The contract is all the same, just the prices were adjusted. When do you want me to sign it?Mr Archer: Let's see. I have no objection. The contract is still the same, only the prices have been adjusted. When do you want me to sign it?
Mr: Bloom: Today, if possible. I'm leaving tomorrow, so I need a signed copy of this contract.Mr Bloom: If possible, today. I'm leaving tomorrow and I need a signed copy of this contract.
Mr. Archer: I see. I'll sign it a bit later today. I need to show it to my lawyer as well. My secretary will hand it to you personally.Mr Archer: Understood. I'll sign it a little later today. I need to show it to my lawyer as well. My secretary will give it to you personally.
Mr Bloom: That will do. Thanks for having me at your headquarters. It's my pleasure to conduct business with you.Mr Bloom: Agreed. Thank you for welcoming me to your head office. I enjoy doing business with you.
Mr. Archer: You're welcome anytime, Mr. Bloom. Have a rest now and enjoy your stay in San Francisco.Mr. Archer: You are welcome at any time, Mr. Bloom. Now rest and enjoy your visit to San Francisco.
Mr: Bloom: Thank you, Mr. Archer for your hospitality.Mr Bloom: Thank you Mr Archer for your hospitality.

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Business telephone conversation in English is one of the most difficult tasks that employees of international companies have to perform. The point here is the language barrier, and the fear of not understanding the interlocutor. Therefore, we will tell you what phrases can be used in a telephone conversation in English in different cases, and give general advice on how to properly communicate on the phone with native speakers in order to understand and be understood.

We have written a simple travel phrasebook that contains dialogues, phrases and a dictionary on 25 essential topics. Go on a journey with the main character and improve your English. You can download the book for free at.

Useful phrases for talking on the phone


The theater begins with a hanger, and a telephone conversation in English begins with a greeting. In addition to the usual Good morning/afternoon/evening, you need to introduce yourself. According to the rules of etiquette, you need to immediately tell the interlocutor who is bothering him. In this case, it is advisable to give not only your full name, but also the company that you represent.

Welcome phrases in English on the phone:

This is Ostap Bender calling.This Ostap Bender worries.
It's Ostap Bender here.This is Ostap Bender.
It's Ostap Bender from "Horns and hoofs" here.
This is Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs”.This is Ostap Bender from Horns and Hooves.

And after the person greets you, be sure to ask a simple but very important question:

Is it convenient for you to talk at the moment?Are you comfortable talking now?

If the person is busy, immediately ask when you can talk to him. Consider the following phrases:

Can I call you back?Can I call you back?
I'll call back later.I'll call back later.
Could you tell me when the best time to call is?Can you please tell me when is the best time to call you back?

It may also happen that you dial the wrong number. In this case, you can use the following phrases:

How to respond to a greeting

And now imagine the opposite situation - they called you and introduced themselves. How to answer the interlocutor correctly?

First, be sure to say hello in the usual words Good morning/afternoon/evening, then, depending on your position and the specifics of cooperation with foreign partners and clients, you can use the following phrases to talk on the phone in English:

Horns and Hoofs. How can I help you?"Horns and hooves". How can I help you?
Thank you for calling “Horns and hoofs”. Ostap Bender speaking. How can I help you?Thank you for calling Horns and Hooves. Ostap Bender on the phone. How can I help you?
“Horns and hoofs”, Ostap Bender speaking. How may I be of help?"Horns and Hooves", Ostap Bender on the phone. How can I help you?
“Horns and hoofs”, Ostap Bender speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?"Horns and Hooves", Ostap Bender on the phone. Can I help you?

Are you busy at the moment? Politely ask the person to call you back later.

Did the person have the wrong number? Tell him about it with one of the following phrases.

What number are you calling?What number are you calling?
What number did you dial?What number did you dial?
I'm sorry, but we don't have Mr. Koreiko here.Unfortunately, Mr. Koreiko does not work for us / we do not have an employee with that last name.
Sorry, you must have the wrong number.Sorry, you must have the wrong number.
Sorry, you've got the wrong number.I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
You must have misdialed.You must have dialed the wrong number.

There are situations when a person did not make a mistake with the number, but his call is unpleasant for you, for example, if he obsessively offers you unnecessary goods or services. How to politely answer an unwanted call?

I'm sorry, I'm not interested.Unfortunately, I'm not interested.
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment.I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.
We have no interest in your services.We are not interested in your services.
Please, accept that I do not want any more telephone calls.Please note that I do not want you to call me.

How to check caller information

Let's say you get a call, but you don't introduce yourself. In this case, you need to avoid pauses in the conversation and immediately clarify who is calling and for what purpose. In this situation, use the following phrases:

Who is calling, please?Please, introduce yourself.
Could I ask who's calling?May I know who is calling?
May I ask who's calling?May I ask who is calling?
Can I take your name, please?May I know your name please?
Where are you calling from?Where are you calling from?
Could you tell me what it's about?Could you tell me the purpose of the call?
Who are you calling?Who are you calling?
Who do you want to speak to?Who would you like to talk to?
The name of the person you are calling, please?Please state the name of the person you are calling.
What company are you calling from?What company are you calling from?

How to ask to be connected to the right person

You call the firm, but you get to the secretary or the general phone of a large department. In this case, you need to ask the employee to call the person you need to the phone. You can also ask to be connected to the internal phone of a specific employee. Use these phrases:

Can I speak to Mr. Koreiko?May I speak to Mr. Koreiko?
Can I get Mr. Koreiko, please?
May I speak with Mr. Koreiko, please?May I speak to Mr. Koreiko, please?
Could I speak to Mr. Koreiko, please?May I speak to Mr. Koreiko, please?
I'd like to speak to Mr. Koreako, please.I'd like to speak to Mr. Koreiko, please.
Is Mr. Koreiko there, please?Can you please tell me if Mr. Koreiko is there?
Could you put me through to Mr. Koreiko, please?Could you connect me to Mr. Koreiko, please?
Could I have extension number 635?Could you connect me to number 635?

How to ask to wait for a connection with the right person

And again the opposite situation - they call your company, and you understand that the interlocutor needs another employee. In this case, you need to ask the person not to hang up and wait for the connection. In a telephone conversation in English, depending on the specifics of your activity, the following phrases are used:

I "ll put him on.I will connect you with him.
I'll put you through.I will connect you.
Hold the line, please.Please stay on the line.
One moment please.One minute please.
Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.Please wait and I will connect you to his office.
One moment, please. I'll see if Mr. Koreiko is available.One minute please. I'll see if Mr. Koreiko can answer the phone.
Do you know what extension he"s on?Do you know what line he is on (internal phone)?

What to do if the connection is bad

Interference on the line is the main phobia of any person who needs to conduct a telephone conversation in English. However, don't be discouraged, a few simple phrases will help you deal with this situation. These phrases will help you out in case of technical problems:

Can you hear me?You hear me?
I can't hear you.I can not hear you.
It's a bad line.Bad connection.
This line is so poor.Very bad connection.
Could you please speak up a little?Could you speak a little louder, please?
Could you please speak a little slower? My English isn't very strong.Could you speak a little slower, please. I don't speak English very well.
Could you speak a bit louder, please?Could you speak a little louder, please?
Sorry, I didn't quite understand that.Sorry, I didn't quite understand what you told me.
Sorry, I didn't catch you.I'm sorry, I did not catch you.
Could you please repeat that?Could you repeat that?
I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please?Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Could you repeat, please?
Could you repeat your last phrase, please?Could you repeat your last sentence, please?
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please?Sorry, I can't understand. Could you repeat this one more time, please?
Could you repeat, please, what did you say?Could you repeat what you said?
Did you say Saturday 9 a.m.?Did you say Saturday 9 am?
You said his name was Ostap, right?You said his name is Ostap, right?
Would you mind spelling that for me?Please spell it out. / Would you mind spelling this?
How do you spell that?Please spell it out.
Could you please call me back? I think we have a bad connection.Could you call me back? I think we're having communication problems.
Let me read this back to you.Let me read what I wrote down from your words (to make sure it's correct).
Let me repeat that just to make sure.Let me repeat to make sure I understand everything correctly.

Sometimes not a bad connection, but a call on another line prevents you from talking. If a call on the second line is more important than a call on the first, you can apologize to the interlocutor and ask him to enter into your position. Use these phrases:

How to make an appointment

If you are calling a person to make an appointment with them, use the phrase templates below. They sound polite and will help you quickly negotiate with the interlocutor. Use the following phrases to make an appointment:

I'd like to arrange an appointment.I would like to arrange a meeting.
When is it convenient for you?When is it convenient for you?
Would next Friday be okay?Is next Friday convenient for you?
I could make it after five.I can meet you after five o'clock.
I wonder if you would mind if I visited your office next week?I would like to know if you mind if I visit your office next week?
Shall we say 5:20 next Friday, in “Horns and hoofs’s” office?So at 5:20 Friday at the Horns and Hooves office?

How to politely interrupt a person

During a telephone conversation with a foreign partner or client, it is better not to interrupt the interlocutor, but there are times when this is necessary. You can do this politely with the help of such phrases:

And you will find even more similar phrases in the article “How to masterfully interrupt an interlocutor? Dealing with interruptions".

How to ask to tell the person that you called

Have you called your foreign partners, but the person you need is not in place? Ask him to tell him about your call and do not forget to leave your contact details. Politely ask for a call in the following ways:

Could you please tell him Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” called?Could you please tell him that Ostap Bender from "Horns and Hooves" called?
Could you ask him to call Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” when he gets in?Could you tell him to call Ostap Bender from Horn and Hoof when he arrives?
Tell him I will call tomorrow, please.Please tell him that I will call tomorrow.
Please, tell him Ostap Bender phoned and I'll call again at half past five.Please tell him that Ostap Bender called. I'll call back at 5:30 pm.
Do you have a pen handy? I don't think he has my number.Do you have a pen handy? I don't think he has my number.
Thanks! My number is 777-5555, extension 13.Thank you! My number is 777-5555, extension 13.
Could you ask him to call me back?Could you ask him to call me back?
He can reach me at 777-5555.He can contact me at 777-5555.

If it's more convenient for you to call the person back yourself, say the following:

When will he be in?When will he be there?
That's okay. I'll call back later.Everything is fine. I'll call back later.

How to take a message to someone

Did you get a call and were asked to hand over the phone to a colleague, but he is not in place or is he busy? In this case, you should politely inform that the person cannot answer the phone and offer to leave a message. In this case, do not forget to specify the name of the caller, as well as his contact phone number. Learn these phrases:

I "ll let him know you called.I will tell him that you called.
Can I take your number?May I know your phone number?
What is your number?What's your phone number?
Can I take your message?May I receive your message?
Is there any message?Anything to give him?
I'll pass on your message.I will pass on your message to him.
I'm afraid he's out. Would you like to leave a message?I'm afraid he's gone. Would you like to leave a message?
I "m sorry, Ostap" s not in at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?Unfortunately, Ostap is not there. May I know who is calling?
He "s on meeting right now. Who"s calling please?He's in a meeting right now. Can you please tell me who is calling?
He's busy right now. Could you please call again later?At the moment he is busy. Could you call back later?
I'm sorry, he's not available at the moment.Unfortunately, he can't answer the phone right now.
I'm sorry, he is not in the office at the moment.Unfortunately, he is not in the office right now.
I'm sorry, he's on another call.Unfortunately, he now speaks on a different line.
Not'll be back in 20 minutes.He will be back in 20 minutes.
Can I take a message or shall I ask him to call you back?Can I send him a message or ask him to call you back?
What message would you like to leave?What would you like to convey to him?
I'll make sure he gets the message.I will definitely pass on your message to him.

You can also ask the other person to call you back later by using these phone phrases in English:

How to leave a message on the answering machine

If you only got through to the answering machine, do not rush to hang up. Leave a message so that the person can call you back as soon as they are free. You can leave a simple message like this:

What message to write for your answering machine

Do not neglect the auto answer function in your own phone, because this option will allow you not to miss any important calls. Take 5 minutes and record a simple text for the caller. The text might look like this.

Hello, this is Ostap Bender. I "m sorry I"m not available to take your call at this time. Please, leave me a message and I"ll get back to you as soon as I can.Hello, this is Ostap Bender. I'm sorry, but I can't take your call right now. Please leave me a message and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling. There's no one here to take your call at the moment. Please, leave the message after the tone, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.Thank you for calling. There is no one near the phone to answer your call. Please leave a message after the beep and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling “Horns and hoofs’s” office. Our hours are 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Monday-Sunday. Please, call back during these hours, or leave the message after the tone.Thank you for contacting the Horns and Hooves office. We work from 9 am to 9 pm from Monday to Sunday. Please call us during business hours or leave a message after the beep.


Have you successfully talked on the phone, resolved all the issues? Then the time has come to say goodbye, and this must also be done correctly: without sentimentality and politely. You can say goodbye to the interlocutor like this:

It's been nice to talk to you.It was a pleasure to talk with you.
I hope to have been of help to you.I hope I could help you.
Have a nice day.All the best.
Thanks for calling. Bye for now.Thanks for your call. Goodbye.
Thanks for calling. goodbye.Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
Bye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.
Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.

And to see and hear what a telephone conversation in English looks like in practice, we recommend watching the following video:

Successful telephone conversation in English: general tips

1. Write a conversation plan ahead of time

If you are going to call your partner or client abroad, your task is simplified, because you can think in advance what you will talk about, what words and phrases to use. Do not be too lazy to write a short plan of your conversation on paper, in this way you will kill not even two, but three birds with one stone: study the phrases while writing them, make the most accurate and complete plan of the conversation and save your nerves, because during the conversation you will know what to say and when.

2. Try rehearsing the dialogue

To sound confident, try saying the dialogue a few times in front of a mirror or on the phone with a friend. This way you will remember the phrases faster, and during the conversation you will not have to check your plan.

And if you are learning a language online, try to study with your teacher without a camera. This will be a complete imitation of a telephone conversation. Try acting out a dialogue with the teacher using your plan. If you practice this way at least a few times, then when talking on the phone it will be easier for you to understand the person on the other end of the line.

3. Don't worry

Excitement affects understanding in the same way as poor communication: if you listen to interference (or an inner voice that says you will not understand anything), they will interfere with you, and if you do not pay attention to them, you will be able to understand the interlocutor . The more relaxed you are about a telephone conversation in English, the easier it will be for you and the person on the other end of the line.

4. Be formal

The formal style of communication is different from the usual conversational. We communicate politely with business partners, avoid slang, word abbreviations, etc. You can read more about the features of the formal style of English.

5. Be as polite as possible

The concept of "politeness" in our country and abroad is quite different. Pay attention to the phrase templates we have proposed: in almost every one of them there is a “Could you please” construction, in every sentence there is the word “please”. Moreover, in translation into Russian, the word “please” does not even always fit logically into the phrase. It sounds like obsessive politeness to us. In sentences in English, be sure to use words such as “please” and “thank you”, otherwise you may seem rude to the interlocutor.

6. Keep an electronic dictionary handy

Are you unable to understand a certain word that plays an important role in your partner's speech? Ask the interlocutor to spell this word and look up its meaning in the dictionary. It is impossible to learn all the words from the English dictionary, so your partner will normally react to the request to repeat the word. So before every business conversation on the phone in English, turn on the computer and open one of the electronic dictionaries.

7. Ask to repeat what you don't understand.

Remember, even when we have a telephone conversation in Russian, sometimes we don’t understand the interlocutor or we can’t hear some words due to poor communication. In this case, without a shadow of embarrassment, we ask the interlocutor to repeat what was said. What prevents us from doing the same when talking on the phone in English? Your partner or client understands that you are speaking a non-native language, so they will calmly accept a request to repeat a phrase.

8. Develop Your Listening Skill

The more often you listen to foreign speech, the faster you will get used to it and begin to understand (if you also study grammar and new words at the same time). Therefore, listen to podcasts and audio books, watch videos and news in English. And you can check your understanding of the language by ear and at the same time listen to sample dialogues on the phone in English on the Simple English website. Choose one of the dialogues, turn on the audio recording and try to insert the missing words into the exercise under dictation. And also read our articles "" and "".

9. Work on pronunciation and intonation

Take care not only of yourself, but also of your interlocutor. Try to speak clearly, take your time, pronounce words and sounds correctly. Fluent speech is good in a normal conversation, but not in a dialogue on the phone with business partners. It will be ideal if you try to adjust to the pace of your interlocutor’s speech, in which case you will be “on the same wavelength” with him. If you know that your pronunciation is not yet perfect and you may not be understood, speak at an average pace. A measured pace of speech will allow your interlocutor to understand you and give your words a confident sound. Be sure to read the article "". Keep an eye on your intonation: speak confidently, but in a calm, friendly tone.

10. Learn useful phrases for communication

Those phrases that we presented in the article are excellent "blanks" for your speech. It is best to learn them by heart, so that when you call, do not pick up words, but speak in patterns you already know.

11. Read examples of dialogues in English on the phone

To see how the phrases you have learned "work" in a natural conversation, study examples of telephone conversations, for example, on the official website of the BBC company. On the pages of the resource, you will see several examples of telephone conversations on various topics and pass a test for knowledge of "telephone" vocabulary.

12. Study professional vocabulary

To leave a positive impression of yourself after the conversation, study not only the phrases we have presented, but also the professional vocabulary of your field of activity. Understanding between you and the interlocutor will arise when you speak the same language both literally and figuratively.

Complete list of phrases for download

We have compiled a document for you that will make it easier for you to conduct a dialogue over the phone. You can download it from the link below.

(*.pdf, 292 Kb)

Now you know how to successfully conduct a telephone conversation in English. Engage in listening, learn the phrases we have proposed in English for a telephone conversation and improve your pronunciation, then the interlocutor will understand you, and you will understand him. We wish you successful telephone negotiations!

And if you want to thoroughly study business English with a competent teacher, we suggest studying in. Our teachers will help you master the business style of communicating in English, teach you to understand the speech of the interlocutor and speak so that you are understood.

Phrases for partners and colleagues are an integral part of the success of any businessman.

Conversation in English during negotiations or in the office should be conducted easily and naturally. The outcome of the transaction almost always depends on the overall impression of the company representative present at the business meeting.

Always go into meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself you "re going to make this the best deal for all parties.

Always participate in business meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself that this will be the best deal for all parties.

~Natalie Massenet

In the article, we have already outlined what phrases and expressions should be avoided when communicating in English with business partners.

This article contains key phrases for communicating with business partners in English. Having learned them, you can easily strike up a conversation, direct it in the right direction, and, of course, emerge victorious from a business meeting.

Business greeting in English

Compliance with etiquette is the hallmark of any company.

The whole course of negotiations will depend on how you start the conversation. Be decisive and extremely polite, do not forget to smile.

Remember that business etiquette for the British and Americans may differ. We advise you to read the article to know how to properly address a colleague from the UK and the USA, what to wear and how to behave during a business meeting.

Phrases for finding out details in English

If during the conversation you need to clarify something, then be sure to use these phrases:

Intermediate phrases in English Translation into Russian
I'd (We'd) like to clear up one more point I would like to ask one more question
Now comes the next point And now the second question
What about...? How about...? And how about …?
Let's get on (pass on) to … Let's move on to the question of...
Is there anything else you'd like to take up? Is there anything else you would like to discuss?
On the one hand …, on the other hand … On the one hand on the other hand …

Phrases for summing up the results of a business meeting

At the end of any business meeting, regardless of its outcome, be sure to thank your partner and express your hope for further cooperation.

During debriefing, speak key points and clarify terms implementation of agreements.

Final phrases in English Translation into Russian
I believe we can consider the matter closed I think the issue can be considered resolved
All right, I'll get in touch with my friends (colleagues, people) and consult them Okay, I will contact my colleagues and consult with them
All right, I'll be expecting to hear from you (your reply, your next visit) Okay, waiting to hear from you (your response, next visit)
I'll phone you (ring you up, call you up) today (tomorrow, in the afternoon) I'll call you today (tomorrow afternoon)
Does it suit you? Yes, quite Does it suit you? Yes, it is quite
My (Our) decision is final My (Our) decision is final
We'll think your proposal over We will consider your offer
We'll think it over We'll think it over
We'll be expecting your confirmation We will wait for your confirmation
In conclusion I'd like to say … In conclusion, I would like to say
Let's sum up the discussion Let's summarize the discussion

Phrases for expressing agreement and disagreement in English

Every day, in life and work, we must decide whether we agree or disagree with other people's ideas.

In the office, you must be ready to respond to other people's suggestions. It could be a serious discussion about who to hire or how to cut costs, or a simple conversation about where to go for lunch.

And here you just need phrases in English, how to agree or disagree with the proposal of your colleagues.

Expression of consent, confidence, approval

When you hear an idea you like, you want to show your support, right? Learn the necessary phrases in advance, how to agree in English and show approval and interest.

Expression of consent, confidence, approval in English Translation into Russian
Of course/certainly Certainly
Yes, certainly Yes, sure
It is true It's right
Quite right / Exactly so / Quite so Quite right
You are quite right You are absolutely right
It is a fact It is a fact
There is no doubt about it There's no doubt about it
I am sure of it I am sure about that
It is very probable It's very likely
I agree with you I agree with you
I (We) quite agree with you Completely agree with you (agree)
I fully agree with your point of view Agree with your point of view
I don't mind I don't mind
I don't object I do not mind
I have no objection I have no objections
I have nothing against it I have nothing against it
That's all right / All right / Good Fine
Very good! Very good!
Excellent! Amazing! / Great!
Fine! Wonderful!
That's fair enough It's quite fair
I'm glad of that I'm happy about it
I'm glad to hear it I am glad to hear it
I agree I agree
I agree to it I agree to this
Agreed / Done / Settled Agreed
We agree to your terms We agree to your terms
It suits us (quite) all right It suits us (quite) / It suits us
You may be sure You can be sure
You can rely upon what I tell you You can rely on what I tell you
You may rely on me you can rely on me
I'll surely do all I can I will definitely do my best
I'll do my best / I'll do my utmost I will do my best
By all means Of course, by all means
With pleasure With pleasure
With great pleasure With great pleasure
You are welcome! Please!
I'm at your disposal I'm at your service
I'm at your service I am at your service

Expression of disagreement, disapproval, refusal

In the business world, it is very important to be categorical and decisive. If something does not suit you, do not be afraid to refuse, but at the same time be polite so as not to offend the interlocutor, be sure to follow his reaction to your words - this will help to avoid all sorts of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Expression of disagreement, disapproval, refusal in English Translation into Russian
I don't think so Don't think
I'm afraid not I think no
No, not quite Not certainly in that way
It isn't (quite) so It's not (at all) true
I'm afraid you are wrong I'm afraid you're wrong
No, not usually Usually no
I don't see any advantages I don't see any benefits
It's very kind of you but … That's very kind of you, but...
I'm afraid we can't meet your request I'm afraid we can't accommodate your request.
I'm sorry to say no Unfortunately I have to say no
I can't agree with you I can't agree with you
I can't agree with that I can't agree with this
I object to that I object to this
I don't agree I disagree
I disagree with you/I don't agree with you I don't agree with you
Certainly not Of course not
It's not fair It's not fair
That does not depend on me It does not depend on me
It can't be done It can't be done
It's out of the question It is completely out of the question
It's quite impossible It's completely impossible

To learn how to disagree, see the video “How to Disagree with Ideas in English,” from the same Business Podcast series of business video podcasts.

Phrases in English for communication in the office with colleagues

In a closed room like an office, it is very important to control your emotions and carefully select phrases in English so as not to offend any of the partners.

We have our own opinion on this or that situation, and, often, it does not coincide with the opinion of our friends, partners, colleagues.

In such a situation, it is important to simply advise a certain solution, and not impose your own opinion. Do not forget that a person always has the right to choose, and no one has the right to take it away.

Expression of regret, sympathy, sympathy

When communicating with colleagues, it is important to remember the human factor. After all, you see, it is difficult to make important decisions if something happened to you.

Sometimes elementary words of support and sympathy can calm and help in further work.

Expression of regret, sympathy, sympathy in English Translation into Russian
What a pity!/Too bad! What a pity!
How unpleasant! How unpleasant!
That's bad Very sad (bad)
I regret it I'm sorry about that
I sympathize with you I sympathize with you
It's nothing much, I hope I hope there's nothing wrong
There's nothing to worry about Nothing to worry about
Don't worry Don't worry
What's wrong? What's happened?
Don't worry, it'll be all right Don't worry everything will be alright
Oh, we'll think of something ok we'll figure something out
Unfortunately things haven't improved Unfortunately the situation has not improved.

Expression of uncertainty, doubt, hesitation

It often happens that it is difficult to make a decision at lightning speed. In such cases, it is important to gain time and at the same time not look indecisive in the eyes of partners.

Pre-learned phrases and your persuasiveness will partially help with this.


In the business world, we need to talk to different people every day, hold meetings, negotiate. To achieve heights, you must always maintain firmness and determination. At the same time, do not forget to be polite and follow the rules of business etiquette.

For greater confidence when communicating with foreign partners, we suggest taking our course and be sure to learn the key phrases presented in this article.

In contact with

Conducting business negotiations in English is often a double stress. Indeed, in addition to demonstrating the best business qualities and business acumen, it is also necessary to monitor foreign speech. And here it is important not only to hear and understand, but also to express yourself correctly. To develop your listening skills, practice listening, repeating and learning.

Oral speech can only be improved by speaking directly, which will help you, for example, as well as viewing and discussing in English. Using ready-made clichés for conducting business negotiations in English, you will never be taken by surprise by an unexpected offer or question. You will also reduce the risk of using inappropriate or out of place phrases and expressions. Today we will learn the most common stable phrases of greeting, goodbye, gratitude and others, without which no business negotiations can do.

no. greetings. greetings
1 good morning. Good morning.
2 good afternoon. Good afternoon.
3 good evening. Good evening.
4 How do you do? How are you? (at the first meeting, acquaintance)
5 Pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you.
6 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
7 Good to see you again. Nice to see you again.
8 It's been a long time since I last saw you. It's been a long time since I last saw you.
9 How's business? How are you? (How's your work?)
10 Not bad, thanks for asking. Not bad. Thank you for your interest.
11 Fine/it's okay/OK. Everything is fine.
12 We're doing quite well. We are doing pretty well (about my company).
13 And what about you? And what about you?
no. meeting. Acquaintance
1 Hello, my name is….Nice to meet you! Hello, my name is…Nice to meet you!
2 And you! And me with you.
3 And what's your name? And what is your name?
4 Nice to meet you too! I am also pleased to meet you!
5 Where are you from? Where are you from?
6 I'm from… I'm from…
7 I'm on business. I (came) for work.
8 I don't think we've met. I don't think we've met.
9 What company are you from? / What company are you with? What company do you work for? / What company do you represent?
10 Who do you work for? Who do you work for?
11 I work for…(company name) I work for…
12 What do you do? What do you do? (field of activity)
13 I'm a/an… I (followed by the name of the profession) ...
14 I'm with… I (work for…company name)
15 I'm in sales. I'm in sales. (I work, I'm responsible for)
16 What are your job responsibilities? What are your job responsibilities?
no. Negotiations. Negotiation
1 Let's get started. Let's start. Let's get our meeting started.
2 Let's get down to business. Let's get down to business. We have little time so let's get down to business!
3 How is the project coming along? How is the project going? You've been working on this project for three weeks. How is it coming along?
4 Let's get to the point. Let's get to the point. We're running out of time. Let's get to the point.
5 Go ahead! Go on! There's no need to explain. I understand you very well.
6 Go ahead! Here you are! Here you are!; Here is what you need! You required the report on carrying out of that survey. Here you are!
7 24/7 (twenty-four seven). Seven days a week. I'm ready to provide you with the answer to any question twenty-four seven.
8 The first item on the agenda is… First item on the agenda. The first item on the agenda is modernization of our equipment.
9 We can then move to the less pressing matter. Then we can move on to a less urgent matter. Have we finished discussing the issue? We can then move to the less pressing matter.
10 This is out of the question! It's out of the question! We can't afford to donate money to this hospital. This is out of the question!
11 ASAP (as soon as possible) As soon as possible. They're demanding our decision ASAP.
12 This question is off the point. This question is not substantive. I can't answer the question because it's off the point.
13 Could you clarify that? Could you clarify (explain) this? Could you clarify that item to avoid misunderstanding?
14 What are your feelings about this project? What are your feelings about this project? (we are talking about premonition, intuition). I'm concerned about the profitability of this project. What are your feelings about it?
15 I'm afraid this is not sufficient reason for us. I'm afraid that this is not a sufficient reason for us. I'm afraid your arguments are not sufficient for us to bring the idea into life.
16 Glad to hear that. Glad to hear that. So you've made a profitable investment.
17 Glad to hear that. That's a good idea! This is a good idea! I agree that buying this company is a good idea because it would give us the opportunity to get a long-term profit.
18 You have a good point. You have a good (correct) point of view! After all is said and done you have a good point! Nothing left to say
19 Do we all agree? Does everyone agree? Let's have a vote on it. Do we all agree?
20 I have no objection to that. I have no objection to this. Since we don't have any protesters I have no objection to that either.
21 Easy come easy go. What is easy to get is easy to spend. Easy come easy go. That statement doesn't agree with our company policy.
22 Fifty-fifty. Fifty fifty. We came to an agreement to go fifty-fifty on the expenses.
23 In this situation is quite natural … In this situation, it is quite natural ... In this situation it is quite natural to admit a claim.
24 The conclusion is… The conclusion is... The conclusion is we should buy this company at a specified price.
25 In summary,… Eventually… In summary, don't freeze your assets.

When conducting business negotiations in English, also remember to show respect for colleagues and partners, using polite words and phrases, for example, please (please), excuse me (I'm sorry) and others.

no. Polite Forms.
polite forms.
1 Could you…, Would you… Could you…
2 Could you call me later, please? Could you call me later please?
3 Excuse me, could you take a look at my report? Excuse me, could you take a look at my report?
4 Who would you like to talk to? Who would you like to talk to?
5 Would you like a cup of coffee? Would you like a cup of coffee?
6 Can I help you? Can I help you?
7 Shall I help you with these documents? Can I help you carry these documents?
8 May I turn on the lights? Can I turn on the light?
9 Would you mind changing your seat? Could you (do you mind) changing seats?
10 Let me start by explaining the reason of this meeting. Let me start by explaining the reason for this meeting.
11 I'm very sorry about that. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
12 I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear this.
13 Sorry, could you repeat that? I'm sorry, could you repeat that?
no. Saying goodbye.
1 see you later. See you later.
2 See you soon. See you soon.
3 It was nice talking to you. It was nice to talk to you.
4 It has been a great pleasure to meet you! It was very nice to meet you!
5 I've enjoyed meeting you too! I also enjoyed talking with you!
6 It has been great! This (meeting) was great!
7 What a pity you have to leave! What a pity you have to leave!
8 Well, all good things must come to an end. But I'm sure we'll meet again! Well, all good things must come to an end. But I'm sure we'll see each other again.
9 Good luck with your business! I'm sure it'll go well! Good luck with your business! I'm sure you'll be fine!
10 We should keep in touch. We need to keep in touch.
11 Here is my card. This is my business card.
12 Well, I'd better get going. Well, I'd better go.
13 Goodbye! until next time! Goodbye! Until next time!

Business negotiations in English. Dialogue exercises.

To consolidate the material studied above, test your knowledge by choosing the correct answers in the dialogue exercises.