Crafts for the garden - mushrooms - naturally fit into natural corners. But, when it comes to the implementation of this idea for the garden, bowls, small evenings immediately come to mind.

The stock of such containers is not unlimited, moreover, there may not be any old dishes of such a plan in the household at all. But you can always find plastic bottles. And working with them is much easier than with metal material. In addition, the dimensions plastic bottles are such that the mushrooms will turn out approximately the same as the real ones. Maybe a little more, a little more, but that's good - among the greenery they will be better visible.

Beautiful flowers, handmade jewelry and unique gifts. Recycling is amazing and fun, offering fantastic ideas for kids and adults to help protect the planet. Recycling plastic bottles for colorful and beautiful flowers allows you to create amazing home decorations on a penny. Recycling egg boxes offer fantastic art and craft ideas to prepare unique gifts and decorations for your eco home.

Beautiful flowers painted in bright colors look spectacular. Recycling plastic bottles for these impressive home decorations is simple and easy. Acrylic paint and empty plastic bottles, candles and scissors are all you need to make bright and beautiful flowers.

In principle, the embodiment of this idea for the garden is elementary.

1. Cut off the bottom and top of the plastic bottle with a neck (about half of the entire bottle).

2. The upper part of the bottle will become our foot of the mushroom, and the bottom will become a hat of a bright craft for the garden.

How to Make Beautiful Flowers Recycling Plastic Bottles

Cut out simple flower shapes and use a candle flame to heat and shape unique flower petals. The melted edge of the plastic flower petals is soft and safe to use beautiful flowers to decorate your home or create unique gifts.

Twist the flower petals a little to add charming accents to the floral patterns. All imperfections are great for nature-inspired designs. Recycling plastic bottles for handmade floral designs. How to make plastic flower arrangements Recycled crafts, ideas for making flower patterns. Painted plastic flower ornaments.

3. At this stage, you need to color the crafts from plastic bottles. We use acrylic paints. We paint the elements of the craft from the inside so that the paint subsequently turns out to be protected by plastic (it will get wet less in the rain - it will last longer).

4. In general, the photo clearly shows how to paint such mushrooms. A hat-bottom is best suited for a fly agaric, everyone knows what this mushroom looks like.

How to process champignons

Papear mache decorations make wonderful little gifts and holiday decorations that turn clutter into treasures. Nature-inspired Christmas decorations and holiday decor are great recycled craft ideas for kids and adults.

For crafts you will need

Egg boxes are a great material for papier mache designs that are easy to make. Egg boxes are great for creating a solid material that can be used to cover a variety of surfaces or formed onto a variety of objects. It is often used in arts and crafts to make various sculptures, fruit bowls, puppets, puppets and more. Mushrooms, recycled crafts and household items.

5. Although, options are possible. For example, make the leg partially green, which will allow it to organically sit in the grass, or gold, yellow, brown, white, blue, etc. In principle, all the same, pordelki for the garden are fantasy mushrooms, one might say, fabulous, and in fairy tales, mushrooms can be of any color.

We fasten the details of the craft in the middle with a piece of wire or twist it with a bolt (it will turn out very neatly in general).

The surface is easy to paint, allowing you to add patterns, bright colors, and interesting patterns to finished home decorations that recycle egg cartons. Here is a detailed tutorial that walks you through how to make basic papier mache mushrooms that can be used for any interior decorating project or unique eco-friendly gifts you have in mind. How to make papier mache crafts Painting papier mache decorations Mushrooms, recycled crafts and homemade decorations Papier mache mushrooms, craft ideas for kids and adults Papyrus mache mushrooms, recycled crafts.

7. And, of course, you need to do not just one fungus, but a whole family. By the way, you can use bottles of different sizes in the manufacture, then you will get both “adult” mushrooms and “baby” mushrooms.

Dear readers! I am glad to present you another master class sent to our new one. Oksana Belousova with her son Artem(he is 2 years and 8 months old) from wonderful Altai city Biysk waited for publication for 10 whole days (while I was doing the first one). And finally, we present instructions in verse on how to do fairytale house from an ordinary plastic jar.

The guide below will get you started growing your own oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms can grow quite large and produce a lot of food using a small amount of space. Dry them out or store them in the fridge if you won't be using them right away so it doesn't get moldy. A grass dryer can be great for this purpose. Mushroom caviar. Spicy Mushroom Caviar can be bought online from Amazon or from a mushroom lab near you. Plastic packaging. Mudguard to gently brush off your mushrooms. If the coffee grounds in your bucket are dry, you should add some water to them and let them dry. If you filled a large bucket, you may need to drill holes in the side to allow air to enter the backing. Optional: Cover the bucket with plastic wrap, but add some holes in the plastic to keep carbon dioxide from building up. The plastic helps protect them from direct sunlight and keeps the bucket wet. Once the mushrooms begin to grow, you can remove this plastic.

  • Container for growing mushrooms.
  • Our offer is, of course, a five-gallon pail.
  • Used coffee grounds, up to about half the volume of your container.
  • You can almost always get them for free at a nearby cafe.
  • Start by filling your bucket with the coffee grounds you have collected.
  • Take the mushroom caviar and mix it all through the coffee soil.
After you follow the instructions, you need to keep the mushrooms moist, so spray them twice with water.

There were a lot of ideas on .
But my son and I said to ourselves: “Stop.”
and decided to make it big mushroom house.
So that the forest dwellers live comfortably in it.
Windows and doors were inserted into the plastic jar.
So that animals can enter and exit the house.

The future house was painted with white paint.
My son and I were fascinated by the fairy tale.

The paint dried up and we painted flowers.
Yellow and blue are of extraordinary beauty.

After a few days, you will see something white start to appear that looks like this. The white stuff you see is your mushroom spawn coming alive and starting to colonize the substrate you fed it. The fibers themselves are called "mycelium" and function like plant roots. When you see this, it's a sign that your work is starting to pay off!

After a while, you will start to see tiny young mushrooms emerging from the bucket. Final result, a mature oyster mushroom, would look like this. These mushrooms look ready to hit the plate! Here you can see the result of our first harvest.

The pumpkin roof was quickly put up.
We did not leave the house without a roof.
It turned out a fabulous mushroom house!
The cat Tom even wanted to live in it.

Grass was cut out of green cardboard.
And they put the mushroom house on a stand.

How would you like the automatic bacon maker? You can also grow mushrooms from spores. However, an autopsy is usually preferred over spores, as spores need to be environment which has been carefully sterilized to avoid contamination.

Method of growing poor people

Believe it or not, you can buy mushrooms from the supermarket and have them grow in your own bucket! This method is not very simple, but it explains.

Mushrooms for medicinal purposes

Oyster mushroom naturally contains lovastatin. Lovastatin is a natural statin, substances that are used to prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. Other mushrooms have other beneficial health effects. Daily consumption of porcini mushrooms is believed to significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Moss was placed around the mushroom.

And small trees were planted.
Also herbs and plants.
Our spirits lifted immediately.
Fern added, leaves, physalis.
It turned out a green, fabulous oasis.

My suggestion is to regularly eat a variety of mushrooms. You may also want to consider taking dried mushroom supplements. One application available online contains a powdered blend of seven various kinds medicinal mushrooms. Have you ever quit cold coffee?

Watch our new video for more ideas. This article is full of craft tutorials with plastic and glass recycling bottles. Some are easy, while others take longer to get the best results.

And snags were also very useful to us.
It turned out beautifully, we were even surprised!

Bottle Crafts: Incredible Plastic Mushrooms

The idea is to create two large mushrooms from several bottles of water. Plastic is a very easy material to recycle and thus helps the environment. Learn how to create fun big mushrooms and decorate your kids' bedroom or give them to whoever you want.

How to make a decorative vase with a plastic bottle

In the tutorial, we will learn how to turn a plastic container into a special vase. The idea is to cut the bottle and make strips without breaking them. Watch the video to see all the steps.


Another photo of driftwood. We found her on the banks of the Katun River in the village of Askate craftsmen in the Altai Mountains. It took a long time to clean it. And now it came in handy for the autumn crafts for me and my son Artem.

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How to make a bottle vacuum

The only thing I really like is the idea of ​​putting little tips of Porexpan on the ends of each strip of plastic. It makes the snow effect and even seems to be turned on. In the center of the bottle, you can put one or more colors of false or real. This type of vacuum cleaner is great for a car or for use in small spaces. The truth is that it has good power for other types of small vacuum cleaners sold in the markets.

Decorate with vintage glass bottles

To do this, we only need a bodybuilder and bitumen. The idea is that they look like old sticky duct tape residue and then add bitumen for its age. These bottles can be used to decorate any corner of your home or a beautiful centerpiece.

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Vase with flowers from a plastic bottle
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Christmas balls from a plastic bottle
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Put the boat in a bottle!

The boat is hand carved from wood and meticulously carved and sanded. If you liked the template you used, you can find it by clicking on: Tree Tree. There are different ways to fit the boat into the bottle, in which case you can also cut out the glass. Very carefully you have to cut out the bottle to fit the boat inside. This is done with a rope, some heat, something sharp and water. Then we will glue the cut bottle again. So that you do not notice the cut, you can put a rustic rope and decorate at the same time.

New Year's toys from plastic bottles
New Year's toys from plastic bottles Probably, you have already familiarized yourself with the options for simple ...