The kingdom of mushrooms is very large. All its representatives are divided into certain categories. For example, mushrooms are edible (russula, chanterelles) and inedible (fly agaric, pale grebes). Of course, you should stay away from the latter species. They are poisonous. But about edible mushrooms you can collect a lot of interesting and useful information.
For example, mushrooms can be collected even by inexperienced mushroom hunters. External structure the fungus cannot be confused with a poisonous row or toadstool. The boletus has a massive, thickened leg at the base, a velvety rounded hat. In general, an incredibly solid and beautiful mushroom.
Today we will make a mushroom from improvised materials.

For crafts you will need:
  • white yogurt bottle
  • green and brown plastic bottles
  • cocktail tubes
  • plasticine
  • scissors
  • colored paper
  • toy plastic eyes
  • button
  • groats.

  • First, we will turn the lower part of the green bottle into a land plot on which our boletus will grow. The height of the wall of the bowl is about 5 cm. To make the stand look more interesting, decorate the edges with sharp teeth.

    Next, cut out the mushroom cap from the bottom of the brown bottle. Wall height 3-4 cm.

    On the surface of the yogurt bottle we glue toy eyes and a button - a nose. We set aside the finished boletus leg to the side to do the hands of the craft.

    Since our mushroom is unusual, we will issue fairy tale character hands from cocktail tubes and colored paper. We suggest cutting gloves from a brown sheet (to match the color of the hat).

    Using plasticine balls, we attach the parts to the body - the mushroom leg. Hands can be given any position thanks to the corrugated part. We liked that the palms were up. This boletus welcomes the guys.

    It remains to attach the hat and put the boletus on the stand.

    The neck of a white bottle can be fixed to the bottom of the stand with superglue or a large piece of plasticine.

    From above, we fill the bowl with any bulk material: sand, earth, pebbles. We decided to use peas as soil.

    This completes the work on other improvised materials. We hope that everyone liked the boletus.

    Such a mushroom will perfectly fit into the interior of the hallway. kindergarten where the guys lockers are located. A bright craft will attract the attention of all parents.

    One very pleasant, energetic old woman told: “... In 1985, after two operations, I was discharged from the Moscow Oncology Clinic and sent home to die, taking, as it turned out later, 10 days of life. At home, after lying in bed for two days, I remembered the recipe for treating the whole organism with a composition where the main component is aloe. The paper with the description got stuck somewhere, and began to cook from memory. I cut off all the leaves from two 4-5 year old plants, washed them, wiped them with gauze, cut off the thorns and passed them through a meat grinder. It turned out 2 liters along with the pulp. She took out 3 kg of honey, 2 bottles of Cahors from the cellar. I poured all this into a clean enameled bowl, stirred it well. Enough for two three-liter jars. She closed it tightly, wrapped it in black sweaters and put it in the cellar on the cement. How much to insist and how to take, I forgot. After 10 days, I took out one jar, shook it up and, bottling it, began to drink 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day one hour before meals. She kept the bottles in the refrigerator, wrapped in black. I took this drug for a long time, and in October I went for a consultation. It was then that I found out what the doctors predicted for me. As a result, an extract from the oncology clinic signed by its director appeared. It said that with a diagnosis of “uterine cancer in the stage of gangrenous tissue decay,” I was discharged as incurable, and when I was examined in the fall, I turned out to be completely healthy and gained 22 kg in weight. The following described the treatment method I used with some clarifications: do not water for 5 days before cutting the aloe. Use red wine with a strength of 16-18 degrees or port wine (0.5l). Leave the mixture for 5 days. Take 1 teaspoon for the first five days, then 1 tbsp. spoon at least 2-3 weeks, but the desired course is 1.5 - 2 months. It is important that from the first days patients have an appetite. The same mixture in the same dosage is recommended for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, as well as mental disorders and chronic blood diseases, female ailments, paralysis, toothaches and headaches. The method is universal in the fight against chronic and acute lesions of the stomach, liver, intestines, heart. And it can be not only curative, but also preventive. For prevention, aloe is enough - 350 g, honey - 600 g, wine - 350 g. Every five years, since I was cured, I have been making such a tincture for prevention. I am already 78 years old, but I am not in a hurry to die. I collect various medicinal herbs, drink tea from them, in the morning I do exercises for 40 minutes. If you don't want to die from blood clots, just drink this drink Traditional medicine offers a versatile cocktail for many diseases. It is necessary to mix pharmacy tinctures in one bottle (preferably dark glass): 100 ml each. motherwort, valerian, hawthorn, evading peony, 50 ml. eucalyptus leaf and 25 ml. peppermint herbs Add 10 clove buds (you can omit the spice if you are intolerant) corvalol if desired.. Infuse the mixture for 2 weeks. Take 3 times a day for 1 tsp. in 1/3 glass of water. The cocktail simply saves from noise in the ears and in the head, helps with headaches, especially when the head hurts due to changes in the weather. The tincture prevents the formation of blood clots. All cardiovascular diseases are treated with this drug. It is useful for those who suffer from arrhythmia, various disorders of cerebral circulation. As a sedative for neurosis (in this case, it is better without cloves). This tincture reduces intracranial pressure and strengthens the nerves, which has a beneficial effect on the healing of all body systems.

    Crafts for the garden - mushrooms - naturally fit into natural corners. But, when it comes to the implementation of this idea for the garden, bowls, small evenings immediately come to mind.

    The stock of such containers is not unlimited, moreover, there may not be any old dishes of such a plan in the household at all. But you can always find plastic bottles. And working with them is much easier than with metal material. In addition, the dimensions plastic bottles are such that the mushrooms will turn out approximately the same as the real ones. Maybe a little more, a little more, but that's good - among the greenery they will be better noticeable.

    In principle, the embodiment of this idea for the garden is elementary.

    1. Cut off the bottom and top of the plastic bottle with a neck (about half of the entire bottle).

    2. The upper part of the bottle will become our foot of the mushroom, and the bottom will become a hat of a bright craft for the garden.

    3. At this stage, you need to color the crafts from plastic bottles. We use acrylic paints. We paint the elements of the craft from the inside so that the paint subsequently turns out to be protected by plastic (it will get wet less in the rain - it will last longer).

    4. In general, the photo clearly shows how to paint such mushrooms. A hat-bottom is best suited for a fly agaric, everyone knows what this mushroom looks like.

    5. Although, options are possible. For example, make the leg partially green, which will allow it to organically sit in the grass, or gold, yellow, brown, white, blue, etc. In principle, all the same, pordelki for the garden are fantasy mushrooms, one might say, fabulous, and in fairy tales, mushrooms can be of any color.

    We fasten the details of the craft in the middle with a piece of wire or twist it with a bolt (it will turn out very neatly in general).

    7. And, of course, you need to do not just one fungus, but a whole family. By the way, you can use bottles of different sizes in the manufacture, then you will get both “adult” mushrooms and “baby” mushrooms.

    Dear readers! I am glad to present you another master class sent to our new one. Oksana Belousova with her son Artem(he is 2 years and 8 months old) from wonderful Altai city Biysk waited for publication for 10 whole days (while I was doing the first one). And finally, we present instructions in verse on how to do fairytale house from an ordinary plastic jar.

    There were a lot of ideas on .
    But my son and I said to ourselves: “Stop.”
    and decided to make it big mushroom house.
    So that the forest dwellers live comfortably in it.
    Windows and doors were inserted into the plastic jar.
    So that animals can enter and exit the house.

    The future house was painted with white paint.
    My son and I were fascinated by the fairy tale.

    The paint dried up and we painted flowers.
    Yellow and blue are of extraordinary beauty.

    The pumpkin roof was quickly put up.
    We did not leave the house without a roof.
    It turned out a fabulous mushroom house!
    The cat Tom even wanted to live in it.

    Grass was cut out of green cardboard.
    And they put the mushroom house on a stand.

    Moss was placed around the mushroom.

    And small trees were planted.
    Also herbs and plants.
    Our spirits lifted immediately.
    Fern added, leaves, physalis.
    It turned out a green, fabulous oasis.

    And snags were also very useful to us.
    It turned out beautifully, we were even surprised!


    Another photo of driftwood. We found her on the banks of the Katun River in the village of Askate craftsmen in the Altai Mountains. It took a long time to clean it. And now it came in handy for the autumn crafts for me and my son Artem.

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