The Unified State Exam in social studies can be safely called the most popular among elective exams. Firstly, most of the students consider this test to be simple, especially in comparison with the exact sciences. And secondly, a certificate with points for social studies is required for a humanitarian and social profile. Among the most popular specialties are political science, sociology, cultural studies, law, psychology, economics, pedagogy, personnel management and management.

Many eleventh-graders believe that this exam can be passed without preparation, having determined the correct answers based on a logical approach, and in part of the essay, simply expressing their thoughts. Let's just say that such a mistake cost a lot of points to many students. Social science is a subject in which a simple knowledge of terminology is not enough. Only the ability to correctly operate with concepts and understanding the deep essence of social, legal and philosophical concepts will help you successfully pass this exam.

In addition, the national examination in social science involves a rather high primary score, and in recent years, tests with a choice of one answer from several proposed options have been finally removed from the tickets. However, all this is not a reason for panic! You just need to figure out what requirements the members of the commission put forward when evaluating work, and also find out everything about the changes in KIMs in 2018 in time.

Demo version of the USE-2018

USE dates in social studies

Rosobrnadzor will publish the final dates for the USE in social studies only in January, however, when preparing for the USE, students can focus on the approximate periods of time allotted for testing:

  • the early stage of the exam will be held from mid-March to mid-April and starts on 03/22/2018;
  • the main USE exam will begin at the end of May (05/28/2018) and will last until the beginning of June 2018;
  • the period of additional delivery of the exam is scheduled for September 2018. Most likely, it will be possible to retake items from 09/04/2018.

Recall that you can apply for the exam ahead of schedule:

  • schoolchildren who graduated from a general education institution (ordinary or evening school, lyceum, gymnasium) before the 2017/2018 academic year;
  • conscripts who decided to serve in the ranks before entering the university;
  • students entering a foreign university, changing their place of residence or coming to study from abroad;
  • children leaving for national or international competitions, competitions and competitions of a sports, cultural or scientific nature. In this case, you will need not only an application, but a call to the training camp (or an invitation to an event) indicating the exact dates of its holding and the name of the student;
  • schoolchildren who need treatment, rehabilitation or rehabilitation on the dates of the main exam. In this case, the application must be accompanied by a document issued by a medical council or commission.

USE statistics in social studies

In 2017, 318 thousand students chose social studies for themselves, i.e. about half of all students who took the exam. However, after the exam was made more difficult, the number of those wishing to take social studies decreased markedly - back in 2016 there were 40.4 thousand more such students. We also note that the proportion of children who could not score even the minimum passing score on this USE has noticeably decreased: in 2017, there were about 13.8% of such poor students, which is 3.3% lower than in 2016.

However, in 2013, only 5.3% of students did not pass this exam, and in 2011 - 3.9%. Teachers explain this by the fact that a few years ago schools began to abandon the practice of specialized study of social science, although it is mandatory for admission to 1/3 of Russian universities. Assignments become more difficult, and in the school curriculum, social studies takes only 1-2 lessons per week. Nevertheless, with an average score of 59.5-60.0, the number of guys who scored the maximum points is growing - last year there were about 500 such gifted graduates.

When passing the exam in social studies, the percentage of failures is quite high - 13.8%

Exam regulations in social studies

In 2018, students will have 235 minutes to complete the exam paper. The regulation strictly prohibits bringing any foreign objects with you into the examination room. These include not only cheat sheets, but also smartphones, cameras, headphones, tablets, smart watches and any other equipment. And do not think that you will be able to use something from the above list if you go to the toilet or the first-aid post! It will be possible to leave the audience only with an observer.

Remember: you can be taken out of the classroom and cancel the test result if you not only cheat, but also change seats, consult with your neighbors or turn your head to peep the answer in someone else's work. About 20,000 teachers-observers will keep order in the examination rooms, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to hide from their watchful gaze.

Structure and content of the ticket

This discipline studies all kinds of aspects of the life of modern society. Students will demonstrate their knowledge in the following sections:

  • "Human and society". This section studies the biosocial evolution of people, modern society, the factors and stages of socialization, the principles of the functioning of society and the place of the individual in social relations;
  • "Social Relations"- here it will be necessary to demonstrate an understanding of the problems of interaction between various social groups, knowledge in the field of conflictology and the systemic structure of modern society;
  • "Economy"- one of the most difficult blocks of the exam. Schoolchildren will have to show their skills in reading charts, knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and market economy, the ability to calculate economic indicators and analyze information;
  • "Right". This section will require you to be able to operate with the laws of the Russian Federation, understand the various branches of law and the specifics of regulating legal relations, including the basic rules and mechanisms;
  • "Policy". In this section, you need to demonstrate an understanding of the modern state structure, political regimes and institutions.

In KIMs in social studies, there are no tasks for choosing one answer from the options provided. Basic level tasks will test the ability of students to recognize, reproduce, extract, classify, systematize and compare information, evaluate it and explain trends. In tasks of an increased level of complexity, you will need to show your skills in complex cognitive activities. The ticket, consisting of 29 tasks, is structurally represented by two parts:

  • part 1 - consists of 20 tasks for which you need to give a short answer in the form of a word, several words or numbers. 10 tasks belong to the basic level of difficulty, another 10 tasks - to the advanced one. For this part of the work, you can score 35 primary points, which is 54.7% of all points for the test;
  • part 2 - consists of 9 tasks to which you need to give a detailed answer. Tasks numbered 21 and 22 are basic, and numbers 23 to 29 are tasks with increased complexity. For this part, you can get 29 points (45.3% of all points). This part also includes writing a short essay on one of the 5 topics given to the choice of the student.

Innovations in new type CMMs

The exam in social studies has not undergone significant changes in the content, however, some structural points have been optimized.

  1. The grading system for task number 28 has been changed;
  2. The wording of task number 29 was revised, changes were made to the system of its assessment;
  3. The maximum number of primary points per ticket has been increased by 2 points to 64.

Preparation for the exam in social science includes the development of a number of disciplines. Among them are political science, economics, sociology and law.

How are scores converted into grades for a graduation certificate?

In 2018, the points received for the exam will have an impact on the final mark in the certificate. Students who wish to enter a university or simply raise their GPA must prepare well for the exam. The distribution and transfer of points are made as follows:

  • 0-41 points scored on the exam mean that the student "wiped his pants" throughout the entire training. These points are equal to the mark "unsatisfactory";
  • 42-54 points indicate satisfactory knowledge. A graduate deserves a mark at the level of the school "troika";
  • 55-66 points - a good result, which is equivalent to a "good" rating;
  • 67 points and above mean that the student passed the subject with excellent marks.

The minimum score you need to score to pass the test is 42, which is equal to 19 primary scores. The experience of past years has shown that for this it is necessary to solve at least 13 basic tasks. The maximum number of points for the USE is 100. As last year's statistics show, in order to enter a university, you need to score at least 55 points in this subject. Alas, this does not guarantee you income on the budget. Only applicants who have a certificate with 84 or more points can apply for budget places at prestigious universities.

How to prepare for the exam?

Specialists from FIPI say that the first thing you should pay attention to when preparing is knowledge and understanding of the terms of such disciplinary blocks as economics, philosophy, law, sociology and political science. Very often, the student cannot solve the task correctly, because he does not relate it to a certain scientific field, using the wrong method of analysis.

Another important point is the choice of methodological and educational sources. Today, many authors are trying to make money by publishing materials to prepare for the exam in certain subjects. But do not rush to buy everything in a row! Choose books published in 2015-2017 and recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. FIPI experts recommend using the developments of L.N. Bogolyubov and A.I. Kravchenko.

Be sure to take the time to study the demo version of the exam - this will help you understand the structure of the ticket, understand the requirements of the examiners and reduce the time to work with a real ticket. You can download the demo version of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies from the links at the beginning of the article. In addition, specialists from the educational department determined the amount of time it would take to solve each of the proposed tasks:

  • tasks numbered 1-3 and 10 are solved on average in 1-4 minutes;
  • tasks numbered 4-9 and 11-28 require from 2 to 8 minutes;
  • for task 29, you need to leave about 45-55 minutes.

What should be considered when preparing an essay?

Practice writing essays often to create a decent essay

Writing a short essay is an exam task that causes the greatest difficulty for students. This is because it requires both fundamental knowledge of the subject and the ability to correctly and beautifully express your thoughts. Mini-you can write on one of the five topics proposed in the ticket. The topic is formulated as a statement made by a well-known representative in the field of social activity, politics, science or culture. There are a few things to keep in mind when writing an essay:

  • leave at least 50 minutes for this part of the work;
  • do not write a full-fledged essay on a draft - no one checks this form anyway. If you get too carried away with the rough work, then you may not have enough time to rewrite the text. Just sketch out the theses, which you then arrange into a single whole;
  • do not rush to choose a topic - take only the one that will be easier for you to argue;
  • it is important to immediately determine what branch of knowledge the topic you have chosen represents. Students are not forbidden to express their thoughts based on several social sciences, but examiners really do not like it when essays are written in vague phrases and generalized formulations;
  • don't forget to make an introduction. It should focus on the relevance of the problem;
  • Demonstrate your knowledge by briefly talking about the author of the statement. Describe other approaches to the problem, indicate alternative points of view or provide supportive statements;

control measuring materials
for holding the unified state exam in 2018

1. Appointment of KIM USE

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a form of objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of secondary general education, using tasks in a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The USE is conducted in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Control measuring materials allow to establish the level of development by graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in social science, basic and profile levels.

The results of the Unified State Examination in social science are recognized by educational institutions of higher education as the results of entrance examinations in social science.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM USE

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

The main purpose of the exam is to assess the quality of training of graduates of educational institutions of secondary general education in social science.

The objects of verification are skills, methods of cognitive activity, determined by the requirements of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education. The list of content elements to be checked is compiled on the basis of the section "Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs" of the Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in social science (basic and partially specialized levels).

To achieve this goal, a set of tasks has been developed and used, which differ in nature, focus, and level of complexity. It is aimed at differentially identifying the levels of training of students in the subject within the framework of a standardized test.

The examination work model is based on an activity approach that allows for a multi-aspect test of a wide range of subject skills, types of cognitive activity and knowledge about society in the unity of its spheres and basic institutions, about the social qualities of a person and the conditions for their formation, about the most important economic phenomena and processes, politics and law, social relations, the spiritual life of society. The content of the examination work reflects the integral nature of the social science course: in the aggregate, the tasks cover the main sections of the course, the basic provisions of various areas of social science.

KIM tasks differ in nature and level of complexity, which is determined by the method of cognitive activity necessary to complete the task. The performance of KIM tasks involves the implementation of such intellectual actions as recognition, reproduction, extraction, classification, systematization, comparison, concretization, application of knowledge (according to a model or in a new context), explanation, argumentation, evaluation, etc. Tasks of increased and high levels of complexity, unlike the basic ones, they provide, as a rule, cognitive activity that is complex in nature.

The main principles for selecting specific objects of verification include:

  • the inclusion in the KIM USE of didactic units and basic skills formed during the course at the basic level, with the exception of those that are defined in the standard as being studied, but not subject to verification as part of the final certification, as well as requirements that cannot be identified using tools used (project activities, oral presentations, etc.);
  • uniform representation in KIM of all content sections of the course, taking into account the degree of their disclosure in textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of secondary general education in 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2018 academic years;
  • maintaining a balance between formalizable knowledge elements and those verification components that require a freely constructed response.

The main principles for selecting task models and forming the KIM structure, in addition to general requirements and approaches, include:

  • use for checking the main objects of tasks of various types and levels of complexity, which allows the examiner to more fully demonstrate his level of mastery of this content component, skill, type of cognitive activity;
  • observance in each part of the work of the principle of a gradual transition from tasks of a basic level to tasks of an increased and high level.

The specificity of the subject and social and humanitarian knowledge as a whole is also taken into account when selecting sources of information used in the examination work. These are, as a rule, the results of sociological research, unadapted texts from publications of a popular science, socio-philosophical nature. For tasks to distinguish between judgments reflecting facts and evaluative statements, small texts are constructed that are close in style to media information messages.

4. The structure of KIM USE

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 29 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 contains 20 short answer tasks.

In the examination paper, the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

Tasks for choosing and recording several correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

The task of identifying the structural elements of concepts using tables;

Task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets;

Task for differentiation in social information of facts, opinions and theoretical positions;

The task is to define terms and concepts that correspond to the proposed context.

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word (phrase), a number or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating characters.

Part 2 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer. In these tasks, the answer is formulated and recorded by the examinee independently in expanded form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the highest level of social science training.

The results of completing Part 1 tasks are processed automatically. The answers to the tasks of part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts on the basis of specially developed criteria.

Initially demonstration versions of the exam in social studies for grade 11 consisted of three parts. The first part included tasks in which you need to choose one of the proposed answers. The tasks from the second part were required to give a short answer. To tasks from the third part it was necessary to give a detailed free answer.

In 2013 in demonstration version of the exam in social studies the following changes:

  • was task B5 is complicated: the total number of judgments given in the task condition increased from four to five; it became necessary for the examinees to distribute them into three, instead of the previous two, groups: judgments-facts, judgments-evaluations, judgments-theoretical statements;
  • Topics, proposed for writing an essay, grouped into five blocks instead of the previous six. The themes revealed taking into account the provisions of sociology and social psychology were included in one general direction;
  • were adjusted the requirements of task C9.

In 2014 in demonstration version in social studies were changed wording, assessment criteria and maximum score for completion tasks C5(from 2 points to 3 points), and, as a result, maximum score has changed for the performance of all work (from 59 to 60 points).

In 2015 in social studies demo were significant changes have been made:

  • Option became be in two parts(part 1 - short answer questions, part 2 - open-ended questions).
  • Numbering assignments has become through throughout the variant without letter designations A, B, C.
  • Was the form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer has become necessary to write down the number with the number of the correct answer (and not mark with a cross).
  • Each of the five content blocks-modules included reduced by one task to choose from and write down one correct answer from the proposed list of answers;
  • Tasks to appeal to social realities ( 4, 9, 16, 20) in the blocks "Man. Society. Cognition. Spiritual culture”, “Economics”, “Politics” and “Law”, as well as task 12 in the "Social Relations" block, aimed at searching for social information presented in various sign systems (table, diagram), given as a multiple choice task(similar to the former B4 and B7).
  • A block of tasks aimed at testing certain skills (former B1-B8), reduced by 2 tasks(former B4 and B7).
  • Number 21 task entered, testing knowledge of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, as well as the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
  • Total number of jobs demo version was reduced by 1 task (36 instead of 37).
  • Increased maximum primary score for doing all the work (62 instead of 60).
  • Increased time performance of work from 210 to 235 minutes.

IN demo version of 2016 in social studies happened significant changes compared to the previous year 2015. In the demo version, the structure of the examination paper has been optimized:

  • The tasks of Part 1 became focused on testing certain skills (requirements for the level of graduates' training) on ​​various content elements.
  • Part 1 excluded tasks with a short answer in the form of 1 digit, corresponding to the number of the correct answer, the rest of the tasks are regrouped. General the number of tasks in part 1 has been reduced by 7.
  • Maximum primary score for doing all the work did not change.

IN demo version of 2017 in social studies compared to the previous year 2016 was changed the structure of the block of tasks of part 1 of the section "Law":

  • .Added task 17 for the choice of correct judgments.
  • The numbering of tasks 18 and 19 has been changed (former 17 and 18).
  • The former task 19 was excluded from work.

IN social studies demo 2018 compared to the previous year 2017, the following changes:

  • The wording of task 29 has been detailed.
  • The grading system for assignments 28 and 29 has been changed.
  • Maximum primary score for doing all the work increased from 62 to 64.

IN social studies demo 2019 compared to the previous year 2018, the following changes:

  • The wording was detailed and the grading system for task 25 was reworked.
  • The maximum score for mission 25 has been increased from 3 to 4.
  • The wording of tasks 28, 29 has been detailed, and the systems of their assessment have been improved.
  • Maximum primary score for doing all the work increased from 64 to 65.

IN demo version 2020 in social studies compared to the previous 2019 were again the wording of tasks 28, 29 was detailed and changes were made to the assessment system for these tasks.

The purpose of the demo version of the USE 2018 in social studies is to enable any exam participant and the general public to get an idea about the structure of future KIM, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity.

There are documents that regulate the structure and content of KIM - codifiers and specifications.

Demo version of the Unified State Examination 2018 in social studies from FIPI with answers

Item Download demo
Social science Demo + Answers
Codifier download
Specification download

Changes in KIM 2018 in social studies in comparison with KIM 2017

The scoring system for task 28 has been redesigned. The maximum score has been increased from 3 to 4.

The wording of task 29 has been detailed and the system of its assessment has been changed. The maximum score has been increased from 5 to 6.

The maximum primary score for completing the entire job has been increased from 62 to 64.

The duration of the USE 2018 in social studies

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination paper. The approximate time allotted to complete individual tasks is:

1) for each of the tasks 1-3, 10 - 1-4 minutes;

2) for each of tasks 4–9, 11–28 - 2–8 minutes;

3) for task 29 - 45 minutes.

Total tasks - 29; of them by type of tasks: with a short answer - 20; with a detailed answer - 9; by difficulty level: B - 12; P - 10; AT 7.

The structure of KIM USE 2018 in social science

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes 29 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 contains 20 short answer tasks.

In the examination paper, the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

- tasks for choosing and recording several correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

- a task to identify the structural elements of concepts using tables;

- a task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets;

– a task to define terms and concepts that correspond to the proposed context.

The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating characters.

Part 2 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer. In these tasks, the answer is formulated and recorded by the examinee independently in expanded form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the highest level of social science training. The results of completing Part 1 tasks are processed automatically.

The answers to the tasks of part 2 are analyzed and evaluated by experts on the basis of specially developed criteria.

Promised three years waiting? No, this is not about the work of our beloved FIPI this summer! As promised, in mid-August, we had at our disposal the main documents regulating the conduct of the Unified State Exam 2019 in social studies - a demo version and a codifier. Curious what's new?

The exam in social studies has become more difficult!

So, the codifier, that is, the list of topics that are checked for the exam and that need to be prepared for the exam, has not changed at all. This is due to the fact that the country's high school students have not yet switched to the so-called "new standards", and follow the old BUP-2004 Basic Curriculum. That is, the content of the basic general education in social science has not changed. Here are the assignments...

And now let's look at the demo version of the exam in social studies 2019!

Let's turn our attention to the test part first. Once again, we note that there are NO test items for the choice of an answer, only for multiple choice! Only the content (filling) has changed pointwise tasks 4.

Let's work through the issues of the demo version of part 1.

Basic social institutions

As you can see, all of the above terms refer to the concept (but only factorial, of course, should have been clarified by the compilers of the assignment from FIPI, in my opinion).

ANSWER: INCOME(they ask for a word, mind you!!!).

By the way, compare the challenge from the 2016 demo!

The understanding of the term was also checked. The task is similar to the first one, in fact, but the information is presented in a different sign system - not a table, but a list of key properties. So, you need to choose the most general (least particular) concept.

You can give another definition using our glossary of terms:

  1. this is the basic sign of any of his independence!
  2. Same thing with the territory. People have not yet learned how to create states in the air.
  3. Priority of human rights and freedoms this is a basic sign About democracy more in
  4. The collection of taxes is the monopoly right of any state, otherwise, how will it support the apparatus,
  5. Publicity means that all the people of the country know who controls them. Sign of any state!
  6. - a basic feature, for example, it is not inherent.

Answer: 32311.

First of all - WITHOUT SPACES AND COMMA! Follow the demo below!

The understanding of modern trends, namely its humanization, is checked:

Here fit options 3, 4, 5(morality is in principle equal to humanism, also a moral category). Option 1 is about education, 2 is about humanization (do not confuse with humanization, this means special attention to the study of 6 about computerization. Answer: 345.

We are looking for the essential features of the market - laws and (option 2), (option 4), freedom (option 5). And let's remember that in everyone its main problems are solved - infinity with limited (option 3 is not suitable). See more Our answer: 245.

Task 8 USE 2019 in social studies

First, let's recall the difference between fixed and variable costs. The main thing here is whether their volume changes with changes in production volumes.

So, not any changes(1 is not correct) ; 2 is true (it is just logical, for example, and doctors will fall into the same group, so both of them receive a salary from; 3 is exactly right, exactly a socially important sign; personal qualities have nothing to do with it(good people are both rich and poor), 4 is not true; in variant 5, the definition is simply given correctly.

Answer: 235.

Task 12 USE 2019 in social studies

This task of interpreting the graph of the results of the social issue is not difficult, just carefully by the selection method. Considered a task of the basic level of difficulty, is valued at 1 point.

1. Yes, 50% is half. 2. Yes, the shares are equal. 3. Yes, more respondents think so among girls. 4. It’s not even logical, usually men are more inclined to this, for them a career is more a priority, and it’s not true anyway. 5. Both boys and girls answered the same here. No.

Answer: 123.

In 2018, the task was prescribed as follows and was preserved in the USE 2019.

Task 13 of the demo version of 2019 in social studies

The main thing to remember here, besides the concept itself, are the three main types of legitimacy (according to

Legal legal legitimacy- type legitimacy by subordinating the population to an elected leader

Traditional legitimacy- type of subordination of the population of the leader who inherits

Charisma- a set of personal qualities (oratorical, military leader to political intrigue), which endows his population and which allow him to come to and keep it. In theory, one of its types.

Therefore, 1 is true, 2 is not (this is about a democratic leader), 3 is yes (pure theory), 4 is yes (correct logical definition), and 5, of course not. What if there are no parties in the country at all? Such exclusionary language (mandatory, always, never, none, never, only) usually not true, be careful!

Answer: 134.

Now what?

Classics of the genre. The question is on the knowledge and competencies of public authorities. Only solid knowledge will help you here. So let's remember that

  • the upper house of ours is engaged in approving changes in the boundaries between
  • - supreme body