It is good if you lend a helping hand to others, even if things are not going quite smoothly for you yourself. Subsequently, you will see that this course of action is very beneficial. During this period, you can hardly count on the recognition of your abilities and achievements by your superiors, which, of course, is unpleasant. You long for circumstances to change, but the time is not right now. Modest desires can be fulfilled even now, but big ones cannot. Oddly enough, your current financial situation is not so bad.

In the previous situation, all the exhausted forces had to be found again. But it was impossible to find them surrounded, because the environment itself, the situation itself, was characterized by exhaustion of forces. Therefore, a way out of the previous situation (that is, what happens in this situation) can only be found if the search for forces is directed inward to get out of the previous situation. He should not go anywhere for them, but should look for them in himself.

In other words, this position must be clothed in an image that, on the one hand, has only internal mobility. And the authors of the Book of Changes found this image when they talked about the well. Indeed, the well does not move from place to place, but the water that gives life can stay and decrease in it. That is why here we see a situation called the Well. However, the image of the well is such that one can never be sure of the possibility of acquiring those forces that were lost in the past.

There are many different circumstances due to which the water in the well may or may not be, and if it is, then it is undrinkable. In a word, it may not always have the necessary water in it. Dahlia, even if a well is a field of water, in other words, if a person finds these forces in himself, then he still has the question of how to reveal these forces outside, figuratively speaking, how to get water from a well. The very manifestation of forces, in turn, requires forces, in other words, a rope and a tub are needed in order to scoop up water from a well.

In this image, there can also be difficulties for a person. Therefore, the edifying text here says the following:

Well. They change cities, but they don't change the well. You won't lose anything, but you won't gain anything either. You will leave and you will come, but the well will remain a well. If you almost get water, but there is still not enough rope, or if you break the tub - misfortune.

The lowest first position is figuratively expressed in the very bottom of the well. The bottom is covered with silt, the softness of which is symbolized by a weak line. If there is nothing in the well but silt, and it is still impossible to talk about anything else in the first position, then it is clear that such a well is an old, neglected, dried-up well. But in this position, the influence of the previous one continues. Such an old well not only has no people, but also animals bypass it. That is why the text here only says:

Weakness in the beginning. There is silt in the well - you can’t feed on them. When the well is running, there will be no painting.

In the second position, the well is not yet deep enough; if there is water in it, then it has fallen so much that it can hardly be scooped up, even if there was enough rope. The water is so shallow that the fish can see through it. So the text says that the forces that can be restored here are not yet enough to take action with their help. Moreover, the preparation for the manifestation of these forces is still insufficient here; in this preparation there is too much of the former state, of the state of exhaustion. And this is expressed in the image of a dilapidated current tub. The text here says:

Strong trait in second place. The water in the well is falling. Shine through the fish at the bottom. The tub is old, and it is leaking.

If in the third position so many forces have already been accumulated that their presence can be expressed in the form of a cleaned well, then, insofar as this position is only transitional and since the person occupying it cannot attract the attention of other people, insofar as it is said here that even such a cleaned well is not used by people. Of course, to the one who cleans the well in this way, i.e. he who has accumulated enough strength for himself, but this amount is still not enough to help others, this situation gives him great grief.

Indeed, it would be possible to use its forces, but these forces must first be revealed. If they were obvious to everyone, then, of course, this could lead to the well-being not only of the person himself, but also of his environment. However, this manifestation is not yet here. So the text says here:

Strong feature in third place. The well has been cleaned, but no one drinks from it. This is the grief of my soul. After all, one could draw from it. If the king were enlightened, then everyone would find their well-being.

But now the crisis has passed, and only what was won during it remains. Forces are collected, figuratively speaking, the well has long been completely cleared. Therefore, we can begin to use these forces to assist the people around us. Therefore, the text of the Book of Changes here says succinctly the following:

Weak trait in fourth place. The well is tiled. There will be no bullshit.

At the position of maximum identification of the characteristic features of this situation, i.e. in fifth position, we find a simple statement of fact:

Strong trait in fifth place. The well is as pure as a cold spring. They drink from it.

Only in the previous position was achieved what is the main goal of this whole situation. Therefore, in the sixth position, the process, despite its tendency to fade, must be supported. If the well is open and water is drawn from it, then at least one must ensure that it is not closed. At the same time, it must be remembered that the image of a well and its water is only an image, and we are talking, in fact, about those internal forces that a person had to gather in himself in a given situation for his further action.

Therefore, here is only the image of a well; in the text itself, this is deciphered as inner truth, i.e. as the power of truth realized by man. So the text says here:

Above is a weak feature. They take water from the well. Don't close it. Owner of the truth - the original happiness.

Hexagram Ching does not portend anything bad, as well as good. But she points to the approach of the “last chance” period, that is, the time when you can still change something in your destiny, something that will not turn into a lump of problems and suffering later. To put it simply, now you are able to repent, to correct mistakes, until they pass into the stage of retribution, until they are tied into a tight knot of karma.

This is the period of life when you can undergo purification, atone for sins. This will give a chance to enter the future renewed and, thereby, create a new future for yourself, and not a repetition of the past. Cleansing is, of course, the cleansing of the soul. You should get rid of negative personality traits, understand that they only prevent you from becoming a happy person. Maybe once they helped to protect yourself from pain, but now it has become a stumbling block on the way, your “weak link”. Try to clear the darkness within you.

Another important point in the positive passage of the current situation is the ability to ask for forgiveness and forgive. Of course, in themselves they mean nothing, since the essence is in the action, not the words. But it is the word that serves as the starting point in any business. To ask for forgiveness or to forgive someone is the beginning, the first impulse, followed by an act. It must be remembered that our psychology directly depends on what we say. Therefore, by saying “sorry” or “forgive”, you free yourself from psychological blocks, and, therefore, free up mental energy to solve more pressing problems, to implement your plans.

Anyone who in this situation does not follow the advice, but continues to persist in selfish aspirations, risks dooming himself to a long period of loneliness. And it will not be just a situation where you will be left alone, but a complete psychological blockade, when neither you can understand someone, nor someone can understand you. Around there will be sheer hypocrisy, deceit, and so on, your soul will simply “suffocate” from total loneliness.

If it is difficult for you to say such simple words as “forgive” and “forgive”, then at least try to do the maximum number of plausible deeds - provide spiritual and financial help to those who need it. Sincerely, and not with the hope that you will return a hundredfold. Return to those moments of humanity that are still in you. Save yourself by saving others.

They change cities, (but) do not change the well. (Nothing) you will not lose, (but nothing) you will not gain. You will leave and you will come, (but) the well (remains) a well. (If) you almost reach (the water), but there is still not enough rope for the well, (and if) you break your bucket, - misfortune.

In the well - silt, (they) you will not be fed. When the well is running, there will be no living creatures.
(Water in) the well falls, fish (at the bottom) shine through. The tub is old, (and it) flows.
The well is cleansed, (but from it) you will not drink. This is the grief of my soul: (after all) it is possible (it would be) to draw (from it. If) the king (was) enlightened, (then) everyone would receive (would) their well-being.
The well is tiled. - There will be no hula.
The well is clean, (like) a cold spring. (From it) you will drink.
They take (water) from the well, do not close it. Whoever possesses the truth is primordial happiness.


Jing (Well): water well; community village well; shared resources; deep structure; in due order, regularly; communicate with others, common needs; water of life, inner source. The hieroglyph depicts nine fields with a well in the center.

figurative row

A well is at the same time a meeting place where people communicate and help each other, as well as a source of water necessary for life. You can do as you please, you can change the face of the city in which you live, but the needs expressed in the form of a well will remain the same. Whether you come or go, the well and the water will remain the same. But if you allow the water to become carelessly turned into mud or go underground, then you will lose the source of life. The symbol of the well indicates the end of exhaustion and limitation. It testifies to free communication and interaction between people. Stay where you are now and clarify your notions of right and wrong. Work for the common good. The well feeds all those who are thirsty and does not run dry.

Outer and Inner worlds

Water and Wind (Wood)

By continually warding off outer danger, you reach the inner base from where the water of life flows.

The center of the well contains the hidden possibility of turning conflicting opinions into creative contradiction.


Limitation beyond necessity turns into its opposite. Realizing this allows you to use the well.


The well means mutual penetration.


a pearl hidden in the abyss.


be content, be yourself.

Stream above the tree. Well.

A noble person works for the sake of the lower, inspiring them for mutual support.

Hexagram lines

First six

There is silt in the well - you won’t use it.
When the well is running, there will be no living creatures.

Time has not been kind to this well. It is no longer of any use to anyone. Walk around him.

Nine second

The water in the well is falling. Shine through the fish at the bottom.
The tub is old, and it is leaking.

Your forces are being restored, but they are still not enough for active actions. You cannot draw water, you cannot establish normal communication. It remains only to wait.

Nine third

The well has been cleaned, but no one drinks from it.
This is the grief of my soul.
After all, one could draw from it.
If the king had been enlightened, then everyone would have found prosperity.

You have accumulated enough strength, but are unable to help others. This causes sadness and grief. If your talents showed up, it could be a boon for everyone.

Six fourth

The well is tiled.
There will be no bullshit.

This is the time to work on yourself, to improve yourself. Figuratively speaking, the well is completely cleared, and you are ready for action.

Nine fifth

The well is clean as a cold spring. They drink from it.

Your knowledge and talents are a pure, clear source. Use them freely for the benefit of yourself and others.

Top six

They take water from the well. Don't close it.
Owner of the truth - the original happiness.

The well accepts everyone and gives to everyone. Do not close or hide it. Your truth is in connection with the spirit. The path is open.

Associative interpretation

  1. The deity in golden armor holds a secret Taoist inscription - a talisman. It means "to send blessings from heaven."
  2. Two women are hugging. The streak won't last forever.
  3. Heaps of coins and gems - wealth.
  4. The man fell into the well. It means "accusing the innocent".
  5. An official saves a fallen person with a rope, which means "avoid danger."

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang.

Well. The city may change, but the well does not change. It doesn't increase or decrease. People come and draw from it. If the rope is not enough to reach the water, or your pitcher is broken, it is bad luck.

Guidelines for interpretation

  1. This is the March hexagram. It is good in autumn, bad in spring, full in summer, and has qi or air in winter.
  2. Jing symbolizes the well.
  3. You are happy just to live, just to wake up in the morning, and you understand that this is the main motivation that never changes and is the same for all people. When something oppresses you and you cannot experience this joy of being, or when it manifests itself weakly, you understand that this is true unhappiness.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou-gong.

First Yao.
Initial six. You don't drink mud from a well, and no animals come to drink from a running well.

  1. You live aimlessly and run your life and see that people leave you in boredom, and in the end no one even knows if you are still alive or not.
  2. The situation is very dangerous.
  3. Your feet get stuck in the mud. Difficult to move; you are in a real trap.

Second Yao.
Nine second. At the well people beat the fish. The jug is cracked and leaking.

  1. You had talents, but you didn't develop them. Now you are so degraded that nothing is left of them.
  2. You work hard but achieve nothing.
  3. It's better to forget about it.

Third Yao.
Nine third. The well is clean, but no one drinks from it. There is sadness in my heart, because people could draw from the well. If the king had a clear mind, everyone could rejoice at this good fortune.

  1. You have a friend with great talents, but he has no connections and cannot find a use for them. You regret it and pray that someday some influential person will see what he is worth and help him find a use for his powers.
  2. With two hands, miracles can be performed.
  3. You will be doing work facilitated by outside help.

Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. The well is lined. There is no guilt.

  1. You feel like your abilities are starting to dwindle and you take a month off to rest and renew your vision. Then you return to work refreshed.
  2. It is difficult to serve two masters.
  3. You will achieve two goals with one action.

Fifth Yao.
Nine fifth. There is a clean, cold spring in the well. You can drink from it.

  1. You realize that most of the places you visit to unwind turn out to be empty from time to time, but there is one place you know that is always invigorating and always full of people.
  2. Most of your friends are sometimes very attractive and sometimes not interesting. But you know one person, meeting with whom always leaves an unforgettable impression.

Sixth Yao.
Top six. You draw freely from the well. He is always good. This is the highest luck.

  1. Among your friends there is one person who is always noble and full of vitality, pouring out to all who are around him. When you think about it, you realize that this person has a huge impact in maintaining a healthy state in your society.
  2. You will have great virtues and impressive achievements.
  3. Having reached the highest point of the flight, every object begins to fall.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

In the previous situation, all the exhausted forces had to be found again. But it was impossible to find them surrounded, because the environment itself, the situation itself, was characterized by exhaustion of forces. Therefore, a way out of the previous situation (that is, what happens in this situation) can only be found if the search for forces is directed inward to get out of the previous situation. He should not go anywhere for them, but should look for them in himself. In other words, this position must be clothed in an image that, on the one hand, has only internal mobility. And the authors of the Book of Changes found this image when they talked about the well. Indeed, the well does not move from place to place, but the water that gives life can stay and decrease in it. That is why here we see a situation called the Well. However, the image of the well is such that one can never be sure of the possibility of acquiring those forces that were lost in the past. There are many different circumstances due to which the water in the well may or may not be, and if it is, then it is undrinkable. In a word, it may not always have the necessary water in it. Dahlia, even if a well is a field of water, in other words, if a person finds these forces in himself, then he still has the question of how to reveal these forces outside, figuratively speaking, how to get water from a well. The very manifestation of forces, in turn, requires forces, in other words, a rope and a tub are needed in order to scoop up water from a well. In this image, there can also be difficulties for a person. Therefore, the didactic text here says the following: Well. They change cities, but they don't change the well. You won't lose anything, but you won't gain anything either. You will leave and you will come, but the well will remain a well. If you almost get water, but there is still not enough rope, or if you break the tub - misfortune.

The lowest first position is figuratively expressed in the very bottom of the well. The bottom is covered with silt, the softness of which is symbolized by a weak line. If there is nothing in the well but silt, and it is still impossible to talk about anything else in the first position, then it is clear that such a well is an old, neglected, dried-up well. But in this position, the influence of the previous one continues. Such an old well not only has no people, but also animals bypass it. That's why the text here only says: In the beginning, a weak trait. Silt in the well - you can’t feed on them. When the well is running, there will be no painting.

In the second position, the well is not yet deep enough; if there is water in it, then it has fallen so much that it can hardly be scooped up, even if there was enough rope. The water is so shallow that the fish can see through it. So the text says that the forces that can be restored here are not yet enough to take action with their help. Moreover, the preparation for the manifestation of these forces is still insufficient here; in this preparation there is too much of the former state, of the state of exhaustion. And this is expressed in the image of a dilapidated current tub. The text here says: Strong trait in second place. The water in the well is falling. Shine through the fish at the bottom. The tub is old, and it is leaking.

If in the third position so many forces have already been accumulated that their presence can be expressed in the form of a cleaned well, then, insofar as this position is only transitional and since the person occupying it cannot attract the attention of other people, insofar as it is said here that even such a cleaned well is not used by people. Of course, to the one who cleans the well in this way, i.e. he who has accumulated enough strength for himself, but this amount is still not enough to help others, this situation gives him great grief. Indeed, it would be possible to use its forces, but these forces must first be revealed. If they were obvious to everyone, then, of course, this could lead to the well-being not only of the person himself, but also of his environment. However, this manifestation is not yet here. That's why the text says here: Strong trait in third place. The well has been cleaned, but no one drinks from it. This is the grief of my soul. After all, one could draw from it. If the king were enlightened, then everyone would find their well-being.

But now the crisis has passed, and only what was won during it remains. Forces are collected, figuratively speaking, the well has long been completely cleared. Therefore, we can begin to use these forces to assist the people around us. Therefore, the text of the "Book of Changes" here says succinctly the following: Weak trait in fourth place. The well is tiled. There will be no bullshit.

At the position of maximum identification of the characteristic features of this situation, i.e. in fifth position, we find a simple statement of fact: The strongest trait is in fifth place. The well is as pure as a cold spring. They drink from it.

Only in the previous position was achieved what is the main goal of this whole situation. Therefore, in the sixth position, the process, despite its tendency to fade, must be supported. If the well is open and water is drawn from it, then at least one must ensure that it is not closed. At the same time, it must be remembered that the image of a well and its water is only an image, and we are talking, in fact, about those internal forces that a person had to gather in himself in a given situation for his further action. Therefore, here is only the image of a well; in the text itself, this is deciphered as inner truth, i.e. as the power of truth realized by man. That's why the text says here: Above is a weak feature. They take water from the well. Don't close it. Owner of the truth - the original happiness.

The symbol indicates the end of the exhaustion and limitation time. It indicates free communication and interaction between people.

Things may not be going very smoothly for you right now, but it will be good if you lend your helping hand to other people who are not doing well.

Such an attitude towards people will return respect and good benefits to you. You will see in the future that such behavior is very useful for you and will subsequently bring serious dividends.

You are in such an unpleasant position when you should not count on the recognition of your achievements by your superiors. You do not receive recognition for your abilities, which does not add optimism.

Time does not contribute to your passionate desire to change circumstances.

Oddly enough, your financial situation is not so bad now.

Now only your humble desires can be fulfilled. Now do not make big wishes, they will not come true. A serious dream will take a long time.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 48. Well

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Jing - the Well.

The hieroglyph depicts a well in the center of nine fields.

village well; water well. Deep Structure; shared resources; regularly, in good order. General needs; communicate with others; the inner source, the water of life.

Semantic connections of hexagram 48. Ching

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of communication and help. A public well is a source of water necessary for life and at the same time a meeting place where people communicate with each other. You can live as you please, change the face of your entire native city, but the needs of the people will remain unchanged, this is expressed in the image of a well. The well and the water in it will remain the same whether you come or go. But you will lose the source of life if you allow water to go underground or turn into mud due to your negligence. Stay where you are right now and clarify for yourself what is right and wrong. Don't stop working for the common good. The common well is not depleted and nourishes all those who are thirsty.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the forty-eighth hexagram.

[They change cities, but they don't change the well. You won't lose anything, but you won't gain anything either.

You will leave and you will come, but the well [remains] a well.

If you reach the water, but there is still not enough rope for the well,

and if you break the bucket, - misfortune!]

I. At the beginning of the six.

There is silt in the well, you can’t feed on it!

When the well is running, there will be no living creatures.

II. Nine second.

The water in the well is falling, the fish are shining through [at the bottom].

The tub is old, and it is leaking.

III. Nine third.

The well has been cleaned, but no one drinks from it.

This is the grief of my soul: after all, one could draw from it.

If the king were enlightened, then everyone would find their well-being.

IV. Six fourth.

The well is tiled!

- There will be no bullshit!

V. Nine fifth.

The well is clean, [like] a cold spring. [From it] they drink.

VI. Top six.

They take [water] from the well; don't close it!

Owner of the truth - primordial happiness!

People have always wanted to know their future or how this or that situation will end, what to expect from a certain person. They asked about all this, referring to the Book of Changes. What is this book?

Book of Changes

In the third millennium BC, Emperor Fu Xi ruled China. He loved long walks in nature, because during a walk, you can calmly think, philosophize, talk about the meaning of life and the structure of the world. One day his path passed by a river where he saw a turtle. On the shell of the tortoise, straight and broken lines were drawn, which were folded into certain symbols. The emperor copied a trigram (half of a hexagram). Then, remaining alone, he created one hexagram each, adding them to the general scheme. This is how 64 hexagrams were obtained, filled with a special philosophical meaning. Arguing over them, the emperor filled them with interpretations that revealed the secret of revealing various situations. And so the “Book of Changes” appeared, which predicts the development of various situations and the way out of them.

Hexagram 48

There are 64 hexagrams in the "Book of Changes", each of them carries a clue to the situation in which a person has fallen. "Book of Changes" - deciphering hexagram 48, is given by the Chinese sages, you can try to interpret it in a more accessible language.

The hexagram is the Ching well - it consists of six lines - three solid and three intermittent, each of them has its own meaning, in the "Book of Changes" the decoding of this hexagram sounds like this:

They change cities, but they don't change the well. You won't lose anything, but you won't gain anything either. You will leave and you will come, but the well will remain a well. If you almost get water, but there is still not enough rope, or if you break the tub - misfortune.

What does it mean these mysterious words? In order to understand, you need to think about it and translate these words into a real situation.

In the Book of Changes, hexagrams alternate, if unfavorable circumstances are encrypted in one, then the next describes actions that help get out of these unfavorable circumstances.

Hexagram 48 is exactly the hexagram that optimistically helps to find a way out of the current situation. She says that this way out will be found if a person can look inside this situation, that is, find its root. And of course, if this person has enough strength for this and they are directed deep into the person, his thoughts, and only there he can find a way out of the situation, understand himself.

This means that all movement takes place inside, so that outside everything is still. And this image just resembles a well, which stands in one place, and all movement takes place inside it, water comes, filling it and giving life, and decreases, taking away hopes. The well is not reliable, it can be deceptive because the question arises, if there is water in the well, is it possible to drink it at all and how to get this water, which symbolizes a way out of the situation. If there is water, you need a rope to tie the bucket and lower it into the well to draw water, but if you miss the bucket, you will not reach the goal, this is what the interpretation of the Chinese sages written above says.

Each hexagram consists of six lines, which symbolize the passage of the path in a given situation. The lines are numbered from the bottom, it is necessary to consider each of them in order to correctly go this way.

The first line is weak, it symbolizes the bottom of the well, the bottom is soft, as it is covered with silt, and if there is a lot of silt, you cannot drink water from this well, everyone bypasses such a well. About this line in the "Book of Changes" it says this:

Weakness in the beginning.

Silt in the well - you can’t feed on them.

When the well is running, there will be no living creatures.

The second line is solid, and it would seem that it should be strong, but there is no need to rely on it. There is not enough water in the well to be able to scoop it up, i.e. there is still not enough strength to solve the problem. Moreover, there is no suitable tub, and you can’t get into the old water, that is, you haven’t gained strength and there is nothing to restore them yet, there is no water and nothing to get it with. In the Book of Changes, this situation is described in the following words:

Strong trait in second place.

The water in the well is falling.

Shine through the fish at the bottom.

The tub is old, and it is leaking.

The third solid strong line - the well is cleared - enough strength has been accumulated, but only for the person who cleaned this well. But as long as the well cannot give water to other people and this does not give satisfaction, therefore this is only a transitional period. Since water could help many, but so far there is not enough strength. The Book of Changes puts it this way:

Strong feature in third place.

The well has been cleaned, but no one drinks from it.

This is the grief of my soul.

After all, one could draw from it.

If the king were enlightened,

then all would find their well-being.

The fourth line is weak, but despite this, it says that all the bad things are behind us, only the experience gained during the crisis remains. Now you can help everyone around you, i.e. the well is completely cleared and you can drink it with the strength of all, so the Book of Changes says the following:

Weak trait in fourth place.

The well is tiled.

There will be no bullshit.

The fifth line is strong, it is concrete and understandable, it does not need to be deciphered, it is described in the "Book of Changes" as follows:

Strong trait in fifth place.

The well is as pure as a cold spring.

They drink from it.

The sixth line is intermittent, completing the hexagram - it is favorable and is the end of the path to the intended goal. The well is full of clean water, people take and drink this water, gaining strength. But you must always be on your guard and make sure that the water is always drinkable and that the lid of the well is open, inviting you to drink - this is an image. In simple terms, one can say this, the well is the truth and its power, which a person has realized in himself, having gone through trials, but this must be protected, therefore the Book of Changes says the following:

Above is a weak feature.

They take water from the well.

Don't close it.

Owner of the truth -

original happiness.

The "Book of Changes" is very informative, if you need to find out how this situation will end, you can use this fortune-telling using coins or online. Guessing according to the "Book of Changes", using the interpretation of hexagrams, you can find the right way out of any situation.

The Chinese "Book of Changes", hexagram 48 is an advice to look inside your soul, because there you can find the truth that is useful not only for yourself, but also for your environment. If you follow the advice of divination, where this hexagram fell out, you can find out that the situation will end successfully. Patience and work on yourself and the current situation will lead to undeniable success. You never need to rush, do everything deliberately, everything has its time, it will judge and reconcile - this is the philosophical teaching of the Book of Changes.