Background of the Mongol-Tatar invasion

By the beginning of the $XIII$ century on vast territories Central Asia the Mongolian state was formed. In $1206$, the kurultai - the all-Mongolian congress of the highest nobility named Timuchin the name of Genghis Khan and proclaimed him the great khan. By uniting all the Mongol tribes, Genghis Khan managed to create a strong state that could not exist without military campaigns.

As a result of the campaigns of Genghis Khan, China, Central Asia, Iran, and the Caucasus were conquered. In $1223$, the Mongol-Tatar troops invaded the territory of the Polovtsian steppe. The Polovtsy Khan asked for help from the princes of Southern Russia, most of whom responded to this request. However, disputes about seniority that began between the princes prevented them from coordinating joint actions. As a result, the Russian army was not united and consisted, in fact, of scattered princely squads that did not have a common command.

$31$ May $1223$ Mongols defeated the combined forces of Russians and Polovtsians on the Kalka River. The Kyiv prince Mstislav Romanovich did not take part in the battle, fortifying himself with his army on a hill. After a three-day siege, Mstislav, believing the promise of the Mongols to honorably release the Russian soldiers, voluntarily laid down his arms. However, after the surrender, he himself and his soldiers were brutally killed.

Remark 1

Most historians note several reasons for the defeat: the flight of the Polovtsian troops from the battlefield; underestimation of the Tatar-Mongol forces, but main reason there was inconsistency in the actions of the princes and, as a result, the lack of a unified command of the Russian troops.

Approximately only a tenth of the troops returned from the battlefield to Russia. The Mongols, having reached the Dnieper, did not dare to enter the borders of Russia and turned back. Returning to the steppe, the leaders of the Mongol army, which had won a victory at Kalka, informed Genghis Khan that there were many rich lands in the west. But the death of the Great Khan delayed further conquests for some time. The heirs of the great conqueror divided parts of his empire among themselves. Under the terms of this section, the eldest son of Genghis Khan, Jochi, was given all the lands west of the Irtysh River, the territory of Khorezm, and besides this, Volga Bulgaria, Russia and Europe, which had yet to be conquered. However, Jochi soon died, and his lands were inherited by the eldest son Batu Khan, who in Russia became known as Batu.

Invasion of the Ryazan land

In $1236$ Khan Batu invaded the territory of the Volga Bulgaria. And in the autumn of $1237$, the Mongolian troops entered the Russian lands. Despite the fact that the Russian princes were well aware of the degree of the impending threat, feudal fragmentation and the internal strife and struggle between the princes generated by it prevented them from joining forces to repulse the insidious and powerful enemy.

In $1237$, the Ryazan Principality became the first victim of the Mongol invasion. The princes of Vladimir and Chernigov refused to help the prince of Ryazan. During the siege of Ryazan, the Mongols sent ambassadors to the inhabitants of the city, who put forward demands for obedience and one-tenth "in everything." This was followed by a courageous answer: "If we are all gone, then everything will be yours." After a six-day siege, the city was taken by storm, and the surviving defenders of the city were killed.

Example 1

An example of the selfless and courageous struggle of the inhabitants of Ryazan served as the basis for the emergence of a legend. According to which, a Ryazan merchant who miraculously escaped during the assault (according to another version of the boyar) Evpatiy Kolovrat having gathered a small detachment, he continued the partisan struggle for a long time in the rear of the Mongolian troops, but died, striking Batu himself with his courage and bravery.

Ryazan was subjected to unprecedented ruin as a result of which the city was never revived in its old place. Modern Ryazan is located $60$ km from its former location.

The defeat of the Vladimir principality

In January, $1238, Mongolian troops broke into the territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. One by one, for a month, the Mongols burned and ravaged the cities, despite the desperate resistance of their defenders.

$4$ February $1238$ Batu came up to Vladimir. For three days the Mongols unsuccessfully tried to take the city. On the fourth day, the invaders managed to break into the city through gaps in the fortress wall. The remnants of the troops, townspeople and the family of Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich took refuge in the Assumption Cathedral, where they were burned alive by the Mongols.

After the capture of Vladimir, Batu divided his forces and subjected the entire North-East of Russia to the most severe ruin. Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, even before the siege of Vladimir, went to the north of his lands to gather troops. The hastily recruited army of the prince was defeated $4$ March $1238$ on the City River. In this battle, Vladimir Prince Yuri himself died.

Campaign to Novgorod

After the defeat of the Russian troops on the City River, the Mongols headed for Novgorod. Along the way, Batu decided to capture the city Torzhok, since according to the intelligence of the Mongols in this city there were large reserves of grain, which was necessary to continue the campaign in the barren lands of Veliky Novgorod.

However, the inhabitants of Torzhok managed to prepare for the upcoming battle with the enemy. On the city walls and gates, they froze an ice shell, which should have prevented them from fixing the assault ladders and setting fire to the city. For two weeks the defenders of the city repelled all attacks of the enemy. And, even having captured Torzhok, the Mongol-Tatars could not replenish food supplies, because the inhabitants set fire to the warehouses where grain was stored. In March, the Mongol troops resumed their campaign against Veliky Novgorod. But Batu's army noticeably thinned out in battles with Russian troops, food supplies and fodder for horses were clearly not enough. Therefore, before reaching Novgorod a hundred kilometers, Batu stopped. Intelligence reported to him that the city has powerful fortifications, and at the head of the Novgorod army was Prince Alexander, who already then had the glory of an experienced commander. After much deliberation, Batu Khan turned south.

In the end March $1238$ Mongol-Tatars approached a small fortress Kozelsk.

Example 2

Another example of courage and stubborn resistance to the invaders was the defense of Kozelsk. The siege of this small town lasted $49$ days. The defenders of the city not only fiercely repelled attacks, but also made daring sorties. During one of them, about three hundred Russian soldiers managed to damage wall-beating machines and destroy more than $4,000$ of Mongols. Kozelsk was captured only after all the defenders and townspeople were killed. The Mongols had no prisoners. Not knowing who to take out his anger on, Batu ordered the heads of the dead Russian soldiers to be cut off, and he ordered Kozelsk to be called the “evil city” and razed to the ground.

The detachments of Batu, exhausted by bloody battles, went to the steppes near the Don, where they spent the whole summer of $1238$. In the autumn of the same year, they launched raids on Murom, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of the North-East of Russia.

Invasion of Southwestern Russia and Eastern Europe

In $1239$ - $1240$, South-Western Russia was subjected to a devastating blow from the Mongols. FROM $5$ September to $19$ November (according to other sources, until $6$ December) $1240$ the siege of Kyiv continued after which the city was taken. This was followed by the plunder of the southwestern lands of Russia, including the Galicia-Volyn principality, by Batu's troops. Although the Mongols could not take some well-fortified cities.

Remark 2

According to most historians, as a result of the invasion of Batu, dozens of Russian cities were destroyed, entire principalities were depopulated, Russian people were driven into slavery by the thousands. In addition, as a result of the establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, Russia was forced to pay tribute to the Mongol-Tatars, which amounted to a tenth of all income, and the Russian princes humbly asked the khan for a label (a written document from the Mongol khans) to reign.

Following this, the Mongols headed further into Europe. By striking at Poland, Hungary and Germany, and then Croatia. However, the fierce struggle of the Russian people significantly undermined the forces of the invaders and forced them to abandon the continuation of the campaign to Europe. In addition, in $1242$, Batu received news of the death of his uncle, the great Khan Ogedei, and decided to turn back.


  • 1123 Battle of the Russians and Polovtsians with the Mongols on the Kalka River
  • 1237 - 1240 The conquest of Russia by the Mongols
  • 1240 The defeat of the Swedish knights on the Neva River by Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich (Battle of the Neva)
  • 1242 The defeat of the Crusaders by Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice)
  • 1380 Battle of Kulikovo

The beginning of the Mongol conquests of the Russian principalities

In the XIII century. the peoples of Russia had to endure a hard struggle with Tatar-Mongol conquerors who ruled in the Russian lands until the 15th century. (the last century in a milder form). Directly or indirectly, the Mongol invasion contributed to the fall of the political institutions of the Kyiv period and the growth of absolutism.

In the XII century. did not exist in Mongolia centralized state, the union of the tribes was achieved in late XII in. Temuchin, the leader of one of the clans. At a general meeting (“kurultai”) of representatives of all clans in 1206 d. he was proclaimed a great khan with the name Genghis(“Infinite Power”).

As soon as the empire was created, it began its expansion. The organization of the Mongolian army was based on the decimal principle - 10, 100, 1000, etc. The imperial guard was created, which controlled the entire army. Before the advent of firearms Mongolian cavalry took up in the steppe wars. She is was better organized and trained than any nomadic army of the past. The reason for success was not only perfection military organization Mongols, but also the unpreparedness of rivals.

At the beginning of the 13th century, having conquered part of Siberia, the Mongols in 1215 set about conquering China. They managed to capture the entire northern part of it. From China, the Mongols took out the latest for that time military equipment and specialists. In addition, they received cadres of competent and experienced officials from among the Chinese. In 1219, the troops of Genghis Khan invaded Central Asia. Following Central Asia captured Northern Iran, after which the troops of Genghis Khan made a predatory campaign in Transcaucasia. From the south they came to the Polovtsian steppes and defeated the Polovtsians.

The request of the Polovtsy to help them against a dangerous enemy was accepted by the Russian princes. The battle between the Russian-Polovtsian and Mongol troops took place on May 31, 1223 on the Kalka River in the Azov region. Not all Russian princes, who promised to participate in the battle, put up their troops. The battle ended with the defeat of the Russian-Polovtsian troops, many princes and combatants died.

In 1227, Genghis Khan died. Ogedei, his third son, was elected Great Khan. In 1235, the Kurultai met in the Mongolian capital of Karakorum, where it was decided to begin the conquest of the western lands. This intention posed a terrible threat to the Russian lands. Ogedei's nephew, Batu (Batu), became the head of the new campaign.

In 1236, the troops of Batu began a campaign against the Russian lands. Having defeated the Volga Bulgaria, they set off to conquer the Ryazan principality. The Ryazan princes, their squads and townspeople had to fight the invaders alone. The city was burned and plundered. After the capture of Ryazan, the Mongol troops moved to Kolomna. Many Russian soldiers died in the battle near Kolomna, and the battle itself ended in defeat for them. On February 3, 1238, the Mongols approached Vladimir. Having besieged the city, the invaders sent a detachment to Suzdal, who took it and burned it. The Mongols stopped only in front of Novgorod, turning south due to mudslides.

In 1240 the Mongol offensive resumed. Chernigov and Kyiv were captured and destroyed. From here, the Mongol troops moved into Galicia-Volyn Rus. Having captured Vladimir-Volynsky, Galich in 1241, Batu invaded Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Moravia, and then in 1242 reached Croatia and Dalmatia. However, the Mongol troops entered Western Europe significantly weakened by the powerful resistance they met in Russia. This largely explains the fact that if the Mongols managed to establish their yoke in Russia, then Western Europe experienced only an invasion, and then on a smaller scale. This is the historical role of the heroic resistance of the Russian people to the invasion of the Mongols.

The result of the grandiose campaign of Batu was the conquest of a vast territory - the southern Russian steppes and forests of Northern Russia, the region of the Lower Danube (Bulgaria and Moldova). The Mongol Empire now included the entire Eurasian continent from the Pacific Ocean to the Balkans.

After the death of Ögedei in 1241, the majority supported the candidacy of Ögedei's son Gayuk. Batu became the head of the strongest regional khanate. He established his capital at Sarai (north of Astrakhan). His power extended to Kazakhstan, Khorezm, Western Siberia, the Volga, the North Caucasus, Russia. Gradually, the western part of this ulus became known as Golden Horde.

The struggle of the Russian people against Western aggression

When the Mongols occupied Russian cities, the Swedes, threatening Novgorod, appeared at the mouth of the Neva. They were defeated in July 1240 by the young prince Alexander, who received the name Nevsky for his victory.

At the same time, the Roman Church was making acquisitions in the countries of the Baltic Sea. Back in the 12th century, German chivalry began to seize the lands belonging to the Slavs beyond the Oder and in the Baltic Pomerania. At the same time, an offensive was carried out on the lands of the Baltic peoples. The Crusaders' invasion of the Baltic lands and North-Western Russia was sanctioned by the Pope and the German Emperor Frederick II. German, Danish, Norwegian knights and hosts from other countries also took part in the crusade. northern countries Europe. The attack on Russian lands was part of the doctrine of "Drang nach Osten" (pressure to the east).

Baltics in the 13th century

Together with his retinue, Alexander liberated Pskov, Izborsk and other captured cities with a sudden blow. Having received the news that the main forces of the Order were coming at him, Alexander Nevsky blocked the way for the knights, placing his troops on the ice of Lake Peipus. The Russian prince showed himself as an outstanding commander. The chronicler wrote about him: "Winning everywhere, but we won't win at all." Alexander deployed troops under the cover of a steep bank on the ice of the lake, eliminating the possibility of enemy reconnaissance of his forces and depriving the enemy of freedom of maneuver. Taking into account the construction of the knights as a “pig” (in the form of a trapezoid with a sharp wedge in front, which was heavily armed cavalry), Alexander Nevsky arranged his regiments in the form of a triangle, with a tip resting on the shore. Before the battle, part of the Russian soldiers were equipped with special hooks to pull the knights off their horses.

On April 5, 1242, a battle took place on the ice of Lake Peipsi, which was called the Battle of the Ice. The knight's wedge broke through the center of the Russian position and hit the shore. The flank attacks of the Russian regiments decided the outcome of the battle: like pincers, they crushed the knightly “pig”. The knights, unable to withstand the blow, fled in panic. The Russians pursued the enemy, “flashed, rushing after him, as if through air,” the chronicler wrote. According to the Novgorod Chronicle, in the battle “400 and 50 Germans were taken prisoner”

Stubbornly resisting the western enemies, Alexander was extremely patient with the eastern onslaught. Recognition of the sovereignty of the Khan freed his hands to repel the Teutonic crusade.

Tatar-Mongol yoke

While persistently resisting the Western enemies, Alexander was extremely patient with the Eastern onslaught. The Mongols did not interfere in the religious affairs of their subjects, while the Germans tried to impose their faith on the conquered peoples. They pursued an aggressive policy under the slogan "Who does not want to be baptized must die!". Recognition of the Khan's sovereignty freed forces to repel the Teutonic crusade. But it turned out that the "Mongol flood" is not easy to get rid of. RRussian lands despoiled by the Mongols were forced to recognize vassal dependence on the Golden Horde.

In the first period of Mongol rule, the collection of taxes and the mobilization of Russians into the Mongol troops was carried out on the orders of the great khan. Both money and recruits went to the capital. Under Gauk, Russian princes traveled to Mongolia to receive a label to reign. Later, a trip to Saray was enough.

The incessant struggle waged by the Russian people against the invaders forced the Mongol-Tatars to abandon the creation of their own administrative authorities in Russia. Russia retained its statehood. This was facilitated by the presence in Russia of its own administration and church organization.

To control the Russian lands, the institution of Baskak governors was created - the leaders of the military detachments of the Mongol-Tatars, who monitored the activities of the Russian princes. The denunciation of the Baskaks to the Horde inevitably ended either with the summoning of the prince to Sarai (often he lost his label, and even his life), or with a punitive campaign in the unruly land. Suffice it to say that only in the last quarter of the XIII century. 14 similar campaigns were organized in Russian lands.

In 1257, the Mongol-Tatars undertook a census of the population - "recording in number." Besermen (Muslim merchants) were sent to the cities, to whom the collection of tribute was given. The size of the tribute (“exit”) was very large, only the “royal tribute”, i.e. tribute in favor of the khan, which was first collected in kind, and then in money, amounted to 1300 kg of silver per year. The constant tribute was supplemented by "requests" - one-time requisitions in favor of the khan. In addition, deductions from trade duties, taxes for “feeding” khan officials, etc. went to the khan's treasury. In total there were 14 types of tributes in favor of the Tatars.

The Horde yoke slowed down for a long time economic development Russia, destroyed it Agriculture undermined the culture. The Mongol invasion led to a decline in the role of cities in the political and economic life of Russia, urban construction was suspended, and fine and applied arts fell into decay. A severe consequence of the yoke was the deepening of the disunity of Russia and the isolation of its individual parts. The weakened country was unable to defend a number of western and southern regions, later captured by the Lithuanian and Polish feudal lords. Rus' trade relations with the West were dealt a blow: only Novgorod, Pskov, Polotsk, Vitebsk and Smolensk retained trade relations with foreign countries.

The turning point was 1380, when Mamai's army of thousands was defeated on the Kulikovo field.

Battle of Kulikovo 1380

Russia began to grow stronger, its dependence on the Horde weakened more and more. The final liberation took place in 1480 under Tsar Ivan III. By this time, the period was over, the collection of Russian lands around Moscow and was ending.

Russia under the Mongol-Tatar yoke existed in an extremely humiliating way. She was completely subjugated both politically and economically. Therefore, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia, the date of standing on the Ugra River - 1480, is perceived as the most important event in our history. Although Russia became politically independent, the payment of tribute in a smaller amount continued until the time of Peter the Great. The complete end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke is the year 1700, when Peter the Great canceled payments to the Crimean khans.

Mongolian army

In the XII century, the Mongol nomads united under the rule of the cruel and cunning ruler Temujin. He mercilessly suppressed all obstacles to unlimited power and created a unique army that won victory after victory. He, creating great empire, was named by his nobility Genghis Khan.

Having conquered East Asia, the Mongol troops reached the Caucasus and Crimea. They destroyed the Alans and Polovtsians. The remnants of the Polovtsians turned to Russia for help.

First meeting

There were 20 or 30 thousand soldiers in the Mongol army, it has not been precisely established. They were led by Jebe and Subedei. They stopped at the Dnieper. Meanwhile, Khotyan was persuading the Galich prince Mstislav Udaly to oppose the invasion of the terrible cavalry. He was joined by Mstislav of Kyiv and Mstislav of Chernigov. According to various sources, the total Russian army numbered from 10 to 100 thousand people. The military council took place on the banks of the Kalka River. A unified plan was not developed. performed alone. He was supported only by the remnants of the Polovtsy, but during the battle they fled. The princes of Galicia who did not support the princes still had to fight the Mongols who attacked their fortified camp.

The battle lasted for three days. Only by cunning and a promise not to take anyone prisoner did the Mongols enter the camp. But they did not keep their words. The Mongols tied the Russian governor and the prince alive and covered them with boards and sat on them and began to feast on the victory, enjoying the groans of the dying. So the Kyiv prince and his entourage perished in agony. The year was 1223. The Mongols, without going into details, went back to Asia. They will return in thirteen years. And all these years in Russia there was a fierce squabble between the princes. It completely undermined the forces of the Southwestern Principalities.


The grandson of Genghis Khan, Batu, with a huge army of half a million, having conquered in the east and the Polovtsian lands in the south, approached the Russian principalities in December 1237. His tactic was not to give a big battle, but to attack individual units, breaking them all one by one. Approaching the southern borders of the Ryazan principality, the Tatars demanded tribute from him in an ultimatum: a tenth of the horses, people and princes. In Ryazan, three thousand soldiers were barely recruited. They sent for help to Vladimir, but no help came. After six days of siege, Ryazan was taken.

The inhabitants were destroyed, the city was destroyed. It was the beginning. The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke will take place in two hundred and forty difficult years. Kolomna was next. There, the Russian army was almost all killed. Moscow lies in ashes. But before that, someone who dreamed of returning to his native places buried it in a treasure trove of silver jewelry. It was found by chance when construction was underway in the Kremlin in the 90s of the XX century. Vladimir was next. The Mongols spared neither women nor children and destroyed the city. Then Torzhok fell. But spring came, and, fearing a mudslide, the Mongols moved south. Northern swampy Russia did not interest them. But the defending tiny Kozelsk stood in the way. For nearly two months, the city resisted fiercely. But reinforcements came to the Mongols with wall-beating machines, and the city was taken. All the defenders were cut out and left no stone unturned from the town. So, the whole North-Eastern Russia by 1238 lay in ruins. And who can doubt whether there was a Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia? From short description it follows that there were wonderful good neighborly relations, right?

Southwestern Russia

Her turn came in 1239. Pereyaslavl, the Principality of Chernigov, Kyiv, Vladimir-Volynsky, Galich - everything was destroyed, not to mention smaller cities and villages and villages. And how far is the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke! How much horror and destruction brought its beginning. The Mongols went to Dalmatia and Croatia. Western Europe trembled.

However, news from distant Mongolia forced the invaders to turn back. And they didn’t have enough strength to go back. Europe was saved. But our Motherland, lying in ruins, bleeding, did not know when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke would come.

Russia under the yoke

Who suffered the most from the Mongol invasion? Peasants? Yes, the Mongols did not spare them. But they could hide in the woods. Townspeople? Of course. There were 74 cities in Russia, and 49 of them were destroyed by Batu, and 14 were never restored. Artisans were turned into slaves and exported. There was no continuity of skills in crafts, and the craft fell into decay. They forgot how to pour dishes from glass, cook glass for making windows, there were no multi-colored ceramics and decorations with cloisonne enamel. Stonemasons and carvers disappeared, and stone construction was suspended for 50 years. But it was hardest of all for those who repelled the attack with weapons in their hands - the feudal lords and combatants. Of the 12 princes of Ryazan, three survived, of the 3 of Rostov - one, of the 9 of Suzdal - 4. And no one counted the losses in the squads. And there were no less of them. professionals in military service replaced by other people who are used to being pushed around. So the princes began to have full power. This process later, when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke comes, will deepen and lead to the unlimited power of the monarch.

Russian princes and the Golden Horde

After 1242, Russia fell under the complete political and economic oppression of the Horde. So that the prince could legally inherit his throne, he had to go with gifts to the "free king", as our princes of khans called it, in the capital of the Horde. It took quite a long time to be there. Khan slowly considered the lowest requests. The whole procedure turned into a chain of humiliations, and after much deliberation, sometimes many months, the khan gave a "label", that is, permission to reign. So, one of our princes, having come to Batu, called himself a serf in order to keep his possessions.

It was necessary to stipulate the tribute that the principality would pay. At any moment, the khan could summon the prince to the Horde and even execute the objectionable in it. The Horde pursued a special policy with the princes, diligently inflating their strife. The disunity of the princes and their principalities played into the hands of the Mongols. The Horde itself gradually became a colossus with feet of clay. Centrifugal moods intensified in her. But that will be much later. And in the beginning its unity is strong. After the death of Alexander Nevsky, his sons fiercely hate each other and fiercely fight for the throne of Vladimir. Conditionally reigning in Vladimir gave the prince seniority over all the others. In addition, a decent allotment of land was attached to those who bring money to the treasury. And for the great reign of Vladimir in the Horde, a struggle flared up between the princes, it happened to the death. This is how Russia lived under the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The troops of the Horde practically did not stand in it. But in case of disobedience, punitive troops could always come and start cutting and burning everything.

Rise of Moscow

The bloody strife of the Russian princes among themselves led to the fact that the period from 1275 to 1300 Mongol troops came to Russia 15 times. Many principalities emerged from the strife weakened, people fled from them to more peaceful places. Such a quiet principality turned out to be a small Moscow. It went to the inheritance of the younger Daniel. He reigned from the age of 15 and led a cautious policy, trying not to quarrel with his neighbors, because he was too weak. And the Horde didn't pay close attention to him. Thus, an impetus was given to the development of trade and enrichment in this lot.

Immigrants from troubled places poured into it. Daniel eventually managed to annex Kolomna and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, increasing his principality. His sons, after his death, continued the relatively quiet policy of their father. Only the princes of Tver saw them as potential rivals and tried, fighting for the Great reign in Vladimir, to spoil Moscow's relations with the Horde. This hatred reached the point that when the Moscow prince and the prince of Tver were simultaneously summoned to the Horde, Dmitry of Tver stabbed Yuri of Moscow to death. For such arbitrariness, he was executed by the Horde.

Ivan Kalita and "great silence"

The fourth son of Prince Daniel, it seemed, had no chance of the Moscow throne. But his older brothers died, and he began to reign in Moscow. By the will of fate, he also became the Grand Duke of Vladimir. Under him and his sons, the Mongol raids on Russian lands stopped. Moscow and the people in it grew rich. Cities grew, their population increased. In North-Eastern Russia, a whole generation has grown up that has ceased to tremble at the mention of the Mongols. This brought the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia closer.

Dmitry Donskoy

By the time of the birth of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich in 1350, Moscow was already turning into the center of the political, cultural and religious life of the northeast. The grandson of Ivan Kalita lived a short, 39 years old, but bright life. He spent it in battles, but now it is important to dwell on the great battle with Mamai, which took place in 1380 on the Nepryadva River. By this time, Prince Dmitry had defeated the punitive Mongol detachment between Ryazan and Kolomna. Mamai began to prepare a new campaign against Russia. Dmitry, having learned about this, in turn began to gather strength to fight back. Not all princes responded to his call. The prince had to turn to Sergius of Radonezh for help in order to assemble the people's militia. And having received the blessing of the holy elder and two monks, at the end of the summer he gathered a militia and moved towards the huge army of Mamai.

On September 8, at dawn, a great battle took place. Dmitry fought in the forefront, was wounded, he was found with difficulty. But the Mongols were defeated and fled. Dmitry returned with a victory. But the time has not yet come when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia will come. History says that another hundred years will pass under the yoke.

Strengthening Russia

Moscow became the center of the unification of Russian lands, but not all princes agreed to accept this fact. Dmitry's son, Vasily I, ruled for a long time, 36 years, and relatively calmly. He defended the Russian lands from the encroachments of the Lithuanians, annexed Suzdal and the Horde weakened, and it was considered less and less. Vasily visited the Horde only twice in his life. But even within Russia there was no unity. Riots broke out without end. Even at the wedding of Prince Vasily II, a scandal erupted. One of the guests was wearing Dmitry Donskoy's golden belt. When the bride found out about this, she publicly tore it off, causing an insult. But the belt was not just a jewel. He was a symbol of the great princely power. During the reign of Vasily II (1425-1453) there were feudal wars. The prince of Moscow was captured, blinded, his whole face was wounded, and for the rest of his life he wore a bandage on his face and received the nickname "Dark". However, this strong-willed prince was released, and the young Ivan became his co-ruler, who, after the death of his father, would become the liberator of the country and receive the nickname Great.

The end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia

In 1462, the legitimate ruler Ivan III took the throne of Moscow, who would become a reformer and reformer. He carefully and prudently united the Russian lands. He annexed Tver, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Perm, and even the obstinate Novgorod recognized him as sovereign. He made the emblem of the double-headed Byzantine eagle, began to build the Kremlin. That is how we know him. From 1476, Ivan III stopped paying tribute to the Horde. A beautiful but untruthful legend tells how it happened. Having accepted the Horde embassy, Grand Duke trampled on the Basma and sent a warning to the Horde that the same would happen to them if they did not leave his country alone. Enraged Khan Ahmed, having gathered a large army, moved to Moscow, wanting to punish her for her disobedience. Approximately 150 km from Moscow, near the Ugra River on the Kaluga lands, two troops stood opposite in autumn. Russian was headed by the son of Vasily, Ivan Molodoy.

Ivan III returned to Moscow and began to carry out deliveries for the army - food, fodder. So the troops stood opposite each other until the early winter approached with starvation and buried all the plans of Ahmed. The Mongols turned around and left for the Horde, admitting defeat. So the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke happened bloodlessly. Its date - 1480 - is a great event in our history.

The meaning of the fall of the yoke

Having suspended the political, economic and cultural development of Russia for a long time, the yoke pushed the country to the back European history. When the Renaissance began and flourished in Western Europe in all areas, when the national self-consciousness of peoples took shape, when countries grew rich and flourished in trade, sent a fleet in search of new lands, there was darkness in Russia. Columbus discovered America in 1492. For Europeans, the Earth grew rapidly. For us, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia marked the opportunity to get out of the narrow medieval framework, change laws, reform the army, build cities and develop new lands. And in short, Russia gained independence and began to be called Russia.

‘Ain al-Jalut. Decisive battle. Part 4

After the death of Kitbuga, all the determination of the Mongol army came to naught. Simply put, the battle scenario for the Mongols has completely changed. There was no other goal left for them but to make their way to the northern exit from the clearing. ‘Ain Al-Jalut to take flight.

And the Muslims began to pursue the Mongols, destroying those who resisted and capturing those who surrendered. The hordes of the Mongols fell slain under the feet of the warriors of Kutuz, like cut leaves of palm trees. The myth was dispelled, prestige fell, and the terrible army of the Mongols was utterly defeated.

The Mongols threw all their forces into breaking through to the exit from ‘Ain al-Jalut. After long battles, with great difficulty and great efforts, they managed to break through the ranks of the Muslims, who blocked the exit from the clearing, after which they hastily fled.

After that, a huge number of Mongol troops hurriedly headed north in search of shelter. Kutuz's troops began their pursuit. Their task was not to win one battle against the enemy, they had a higher goal - to liberate Muslim lands from the invaders.

The Mongols who fled from 'Ain al-Jalut reached Baysan (a town about 20 kilometers northeast of 'Ain al-Jalut). (Al-Maqrizi, " As-Suluk ila ma‘rifati duwal al-muluk ", 1/517)

The Mongol troops that reached Baysan found that the Muslims would not leave them behind and would continue the pursuit for a long time, so their commanders found no other way but to line up their ranks again and repulse the Egyptian army.

All historians agree that the battle at Baysan was more difficult for the Muslims than the first battle at 'Ain al-Jalut. The Mongols offered fierce resistance and fought to the death.

During this battle, the Mongols launched a swift offensive, and for a while the initiative passed to them. The ranks of Muslims wavered, and this moment became a severe test for the Egyptian army for all the time of its existence.

Kutuz watched all this and saw the real state of affairs. He was not somewhere near these events, but in the very epicenter. Qutuz began to inspire his warriors and call them to perseverance in battle. Then came the call: ""

Kutuz said these words loudly three times, and then humbly turned to the Almighty with prayers: O Allah! Grant victory to Your servant Kutuz over the Mongols ". (Al-Maqrizi, "As-Suluk ila ma'rifati duwal al-muluk", 1/517)

Kutuz at this moment confesses to the Lord in his weakness and helplessness. He says "Give victory to Your servant...". " I am not the ruler of Qutuz... not the ruler of the Muslims... not the Sultan of Egypt... I am your miserable slave". Indeed, Allah Almighty will not leave his slave who sincerely asks him for help.

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

قال الله عز وجل: أنا عند ظن عبدي بي، وأنا معه حيث يذكرني، والله لله أفرح بتوبة عبده من أحدكم يجد ضالته بالفلاة، ومن تقرب إلي شبرا، تقربت إليه ذراعا، ومن تقرب إلي ذراعا، تقربت إليه باعا، وإذا أقبل إلي يمشي، أقبلت إليه أهرول

« The Almighty and Great Allah said: "I will be as My servant thinks I am [Allah will do for a person exactly what he will expect from Him], and I am with him [I show him My mercy, which finds its expression in help and assistance] where he commemorates Me.

By Allah, indeed, Allah rejoices in the repentance of His servant more than any of you when he unexpectedly finds his camel lost in the desert. To the one who approaches Me by a span, I will approach by a cubit, to the one who approaches Me by a cubit, I will approach by a fathom, and if someone approaches Me with a step, then I will rush to him at a run "». ( Bukhari 6309 and Muslim 2747)

After all, Kutuz knocked on the doors that open to everyone who knocks on them. He approached the Possessor of Heaven, Earth and everything else. When the rulers on Earth bow before the Lord of earth and heaven, He will certainly show them His mercy.

The sincere obedience of Kutuz became the mountain that fell on the Mongols and doomed them to death. And the hordes, which previously inspired fear and awe, fell on the land of Baysan like dead flies.

This time, the Muslims finally destroyed the myth of the invincible Mongol army. And the moment that Muslims have been waiting for more than forty years has come. The numerous Mongol army was completely destroyed.

An army that was able to conquer half the globe, was destroyed. The army, which shed the blood of millions of people, which devastated hundreds of cities, committed violence and sowed evil on the earth, was utterly defeated.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Qutuz won. After all, Allah Almighty helps His servant. Kutuz did not come to power when everything was quiet and calm in the country. The state at that moment was not strong. When he sat on the throne, there were no untold riches in the treasury. All circumstances were against him.

However, he turned to Allah Almighty for help, did all the work honestly and conscientiously, and encouraged others to do the same. If every Muslim ruler does what Qutuz did, he will certainly achieve what he has achieved. And he will not need much time for these changes, because Kutuz was able to do all this in just ten months.

It is only important to find sincere honest people who will work and work for the benefit of the state. And Allah Almighty will certainly help!

This battle, which had the most important consequences, took place on Friday in September (26th of the month of Ramadan) 1260.

Muhammad Sultanov