In which Cipollone crushed the leg of Prince Lemon

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipollucci and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were not lucky in life.

What can you do: where the bow, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife, and sons lived in a wooden shack a little bigger than a vegetable garden box. If the rich happened to get into these places, they wrinkled their noses in displeasure, grumbled: “Fu, how it carries onions!” - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

Once the ruler of the country, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried that the onion smell would hit His Highness's nose.

“What will the prince say when he smells this smell of poverty?”

- You can spray the poor with perfume! suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately sent to the outskirts to perfume those who smell of onions. This time the soldiers left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered huge cans of sprayers. In the cans were: floral cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.

The commander ordered Cipollone, his sons and all relatives to leave the houses. The soldiers lined them up in rows and sprayed them well with cologne from head to toe. From this fragrant rain, Cipollino, out of habit, had a severe runny nose. He began to sneeze loudly and did not hear how the lingering sound of a trumpet came from afar.

It was the ruler himself who arrived on the outskirts with a retinue of Limonov, Limonishek and Limonchikov. Prince Lemon was dressed in all yellow from head to toe, and a golden bell jangled on his yellow cap. The court Lemons had silver bells, and the Lemon soldiers had bronze bells. All these bells were ringing non-stop, so it was great music. The whole street ran to listen to her. The people decided that a traveling orchestra had come.

Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. They both got a lot of pushes and kicks from those who pushed from behind. Finally, poor old Cipollone could not stand it and shouted:

- Back! Set back!..

Prince Lemon was alert. What is this?

He approached Cipollona, ​​majestically stepping over his short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:

- Why are you shouting "back"? My loyal subjects are so eager to see me that they're rushing forward, and you don't like that, do you?

“Your Highness,” the Senior Chamberlain whispered into the prince’s ear, “it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel. It needs to be taken under special supervision.

Immediately, one of the Limonchikov soldiers directed a spyglass at Chipollone, which was used to observe troublemakers. Every Limonchik had such a pipe.

Cipollone turned green with fear.

"Your Highness," he muttered, "they're going to push me in!"

“And they will do well,” Prince Lemon thundered. - Serves you right!

Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.

“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “his highness thanks you for your expression of devotion and for the zealous kicks with which you regale each other. Push harder, push with might and main!

“But they will knock you off your feet, too,” Chipollino tried to object.

But now another Limonchik pointed a telescope at the boy, and Chipollino considered it best to hide in the crowd.

At first, the back rows pressed against the front rows not too much. But the Senior Chamberlain glared at the negligent ones so fiercely that in the end the crowd became agitated like water in a tub. Unable to withstand the pressure, the old Cipollone turned head over heels and accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His Highness, who had hefty calluses on his feet, immediately saw all the stars of heaven without the help of a court astronomer. Ten Lemon soldiers rushed from all sides to the unfortunate Cipollone and handcuffed him.

- Chipollino, Chipollino, son! - called, looking around in confusion, the poor old man, when he was taken away by the soldiers.

Chipollino at that moment was very far from the scene and did not suspect anything, but the onlookers scurrying around already knew everything and, as happens in such cases, they knew even more than what actually happened.

“It’s good that they caught him in time,” said idle talkers. - Just think, he wanted to stab his highness with a dagger!

- Nothing like that: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!

- Machine gun? In the pocket? It can't be!

"Don't you hear the shooting?"

In fact, it was not shooting at all, but crackling festive fireworks, arranged in honor of Prince Lemon. But the crowd was so frightened that they shied away in all directions from the Limonchik soldiers.

Cipollino wanted to shout to all these people that in his father’s pocket there was not a machine gun, but only a small cigar butt, but, after thinking, he decided that you couldn’t outguess the talkers anyway, and prudently kept silent.

Poor Cipollino! It suddenly seemed to him that he began to see badly - this is because a huge tear welled up in his eyes.

"Get back, stupid!" - Chipollino shouted at her and clenched his teeth so as not to cry.

The tear was frightened, backed away, and no longer appeared.

In short, old Cipollone was sentenced to imprisonment not only for life, but for many, many years after his death, because there were cemeteries in the prisons of Prince Lemon.

Cipollino achieved a meeting with the old man and hugged him tightly:

“You are my poor father! They put you in jail like a criminal, along with thieves and bandits! ..

- What are you, what are you, son, - affectionately interrupted his father, - but in prison there are a lot of honest people!

- What are they sitting for? What wrong have they done?

“Nothing at all, son. That's what they were jailed for. Prince Lemon does not like decent people.

Cipollino thought about it.

“So going to jail is a great honor?” - he asked.

- It turns out that it is. Prisons are built for those who steal and kill, but Prince Lemon has the opposite: thieves and murderers are in his palace, and honest citizens are in prison.

M, "Terra", 1996

Audio fairy-tale story of the Italian children's writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari (1920 - 1980) "The Adventures of Cipollino". From a literal understanding of figurative expressions, the conditional world of Gianni Rodari, who, humanizing plants, created a model of the social structure of Italian society. For the first time in Russian, "The Adventures of Chipollino" was published in 1955 in the translation of Z. Potapova, edited by S. Marshak and since then has been repeatedly reprinted in an abridged version for younger age and totally for older kids..

Audio briefs - summary the fairy-tale story of the Italian children's writer Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" based on the editorial article for the book of the series "Foreign classics for children" of the TERRA publishing house in 1996 by L. Lungina. In the fabulous fruit, berry and vegetable country, created by the imagination of Gianni Rodari, a model is reflected...

Audio fairy tale story by the Italian writer Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 1, "in which Cipollone crushed the leg of Prince Lemon. Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipollochia, Cipolluccia and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family... where there are onions, there are tears... one of...

Audio fairy tale story by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", Chapter 2, How Cipollino made the gentleman Tomato cry for the first time. Listening to an audio fairy tale, at first we learn about how godfather Pumpkin saved up all his life and bought bricks little by little. He received Count Cherry's permission to build a house 30 years ago. When godfather Pumpkin grew old, his ...

Audio fairy tale story by the Italian children's writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" chapter 3, which tells about Professor Grusha, Luka Poreya and the Millipedes and chapter 4 about how Cipollino fooled the dog Mastino, who was very thirsty. Briefly 4 chapters. The tomato cavalier settled a hefty pumpkin in the godfather's house...

Audio fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 5. Kum Blueberry hangs a bell over the door for thieves. "Returning to the village, Chipollino saw that a lot of people had gathered at the Pumpkin's house. People were anxiously arguing among themselves in an undertone ..." No one doubted that the gentleman Tomato would certainly want to take revenge. Chipollino...

Audio fairy tale story by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 6, "which tells about how much trouble and trouble the countesses were given by their relatives - Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin ... There were two relatives: Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin. Baron Orange was a cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess Elder....

Audio fairy tale story by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 7, "in which Cherry does not pay attention to the announcements of Signor Petrushka. The castle of Countess Cherry stood on a hilltop. It was surrounded by a huge park ... Signor Petrushka, Cherry's home teacher and educator .. hung ads all over the park stating that...

Audio fairy tale story by the Italian children's writer Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 8 "How they drove Dr. Chestnut out of the castle ... Cherry even fell ill from grief. He began to have such a chill that the bed shook under him, and the glass in the windows trembled from coughing ... They sent for the most famous doctors. First, Dr. signor Amanita came and ...

Audio fairy tale story by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 9. "The mouse commander-in-chief is forced to give a signal to retreat ... To drive the mice away, Professor Grusha began to play the violin: mice do not like serious music. Hearing the piercing sounds of the violin, they took to their heels, cursing the nasty instrument whose voice is so...

Audio fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 10, Journey of Cipollino and the Mole from one prison to another. At night, Cipollino was awakened by some noise. It turned out that the Mole, exploring the territory underground, dug a passage to Cipollino's dungeon. After a pleasant, polite conversation, Cipollino suggested that Mole conduct research to the right. AT...

Audio fairy tale story by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 11, from which it is clear that the gentleman Tomato is in the habit of sleeping in stockings. Signor Tomato hid from everyone that Cipollino had escaped. He ordered the lemons to speak if they were asked that the arrested person had been transferred to a common cell. Strawberry Girl told Cherry about Chipollino's arrest. Cherry...

Audio fairy tale story by the Italian writer Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 12, in which Leek was rewarded and punished. "The very next morning, Prince Lemon entered the village at the head of forty court Lemons and a whole battalion of Lemons ... Lemons soldiers settled in the park ... they began to trample grass and flowers, to fish ...

Audio fairy tale story by Gianni Rodari The Adventures of Cipollino ", chapter 13 about how Signor Peas saved the life of the cavalier, without wanting it himself. Signor Peas ended up in the cell for the gallows of the prison of the castle of Countess Cherry. The cavalier Tomato was arrested with him for the company. Prince Lemon , not finding the perpetrators, accused the Tomato cavalier of being the one ...

Audio fairy tale story by the famous Italian children's writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 14, which tells how signor Goroshek ascended the scaffold and chapter 15, explaining the previous chapter. A gallows was erected in the village square. In the platform under the gallows, a hatch opened, where it was to be...

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Audio fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 17. Cipollino makes friends with a very pretty Bear. In the forest, where there was a cave in which the fugitives from the dungeons of the castle of Countess Cherry hid, many wild animals lived. Every night hungry wolves came and looked at plump Pumpkin. To drive them away, Cipollino...

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Audio fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 21, in which Mr. Carrot is appointed foreign military adviser. Cipollino's friends, being in the castle of Countess Cherries, were not sure of the situation that had arisen. Kuma Pumpkinka spoke about the fact that they have their own homes, work and their own worries. "You need to know strategy, tactics and...

Audio fairy tale story of the Italian children's writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 20. Duke Mandarin and a yellow bottle. After the countesses and the prince left in the carriage, Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin remained full owners of the castle. The duke heard that in one of the walls of the castle of the countess, the treasures of Count Cherry were walled up ....

Audio fairy tale story by the Italian children's writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 22 about how the baron killed twenty generals, unwittingly, and 23, in which Cipollino meets the postman spider. Chapter 22

Audio fairy tale story by the Italian children's writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" about the adventures of little vegetable men, chapter 24 - Cipollino loses all hope, and 25 - The adventures of the spider Chromonog and the spider Seven and a half. Chapter 24. Cipollino wrote three letters: to Father Cipollone, Mole and Cherry. Spider-postman helped...

Audio fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 26, which tells about Limonishka, who did not know arithmetic. "... On this day, the walk was ... dull ... a fine, cold rain began to drizzle ... - Tell in a circle that in a quarter of an hour we will all be released from prison," Chipollino whispered ... And so it went. On every round...

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Audio fairy-tale story of the Italian writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", chapter 29 - A storm that cannot end in any way. Prince Lemon was safer in the dunghill than in his capital. This arrogant, cruel, but cowardly prince fled from the arena of events, and therefore did not know that his guards had gone over to the side of the people, his ...

Audio fairy-tale story of the Italian children's writer of the twentieth century Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino", Epilogue. From that day on, events moved with unheard-of speed. Signor Tomato rushed to the castle tower to rip off the banner of Liberty and punish the young Count Cherry, who this time "crossed all boundaries". But the Pomodoro got stuck in a narrow door. From...

in which Cipollone crushed the leg of Prince Lemon

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers:
Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia and so on --
the most suitable names for an honest onion family. The people they were
good, I must say frankly, but only they were unlucky in life.
What can you do: where the bow, there are tears.
Cipollone, his wife and sons lived in a wooden shack
more box for garden seedlings. If the rich happened
to get into these places, they wrinkled their noses in displeasure, grumbled:
"Fu, how it carries a bow!" and ordered the coachman to go faster.
Once the ruler himself was going to visit the poor outskirts
countries, Prince Lemon. The courtiers were terribly worried that they would not strike
whether the onion smell in his highness's nose.
“What will the prince say when he smells this smell of poverty?”
“You can spray the poor with perfume!” Senior suggested.
A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately sent to the outskirts,
to perfume those who smell of onions. This time the soldiers
left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered
huge cans with sprayers. In the cans were: flower
cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.
The commander ordered Cipollone, his sons and all relatives to leave
from the houses. The soldiers lined them up in rows and sprayed them well.
cologne from head to toe. From this fragrant rain
Chipollino, out of habit, developed a severe runny nose. He became
sneeze loudly and did not hear how a lingering sound came from afar
It was the ruler himself with his retinue of Lemons who arrived on the outskirts,
Limonishek and Limonchikov. Prince Lemon was dressed in all yellow with
head to toe, and on his yellow cap he wore a golden
bell. The court Lemons had silver bells,
and the Limonchik soldiers have bronze ones. All those bells
they rang without ceasing, so that magnificent music was obtained.
The whole street ran to listen to her. The people decided that they had come
traveling orchestra.
Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. Both of them
I got a lot of pushes and kicks from those who pushed from behind.
Finally, poor old Cipollone could not stand it and shouted:
-- Back! Set back!..
Prince Lemon was alert. What is this?
He approached Cipollona, ​​majestically stepping over his
short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:
- Why are you shouting "back"? My loyal subjects
longing to see me, rushing forward, and you don't like it,
"Your Highness," the Elder whispered into the prince's ear.
Chamberlain, it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel.
It needs to be taken under special supervision.
Immediately one of the Limonchikov soldiers directed at Chipollone
spyglass, which was used to observe
troublemakers. Every Limonchik had one
Cipollone turned green with fear.
"Your Highness," he muttered, "but they
“And they will do well,” thundered Prince Lemon. -- So
you need it!
Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.
“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “his
Highness thanks you for your expression of devotion and for
zealous kicks with which you regale each other. push
harder, push with might and main!
“But they’ll knock you off your feet too, what good,—”
tried to object Cipollino.
But now another Limonchik directed a spyglass at the boy
pipe, and Cipollino considered it best to hide in the crowd.
At first, the back rows pressed against the front rows not too much.
But the Senior Chamberlain looked so savagely at the negligent, that in
in the end the crowd became agitated like water in a tub. Not
having withstood the pressure, old Cipollone spun head over heels and inadvertently
stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His highness, on your feet
who had a fair amount of calluses, immediately saw all the stars
celestial without the help of a court astronomer. Ten
Limonchikov soldiers rushed from all sides to the unfortunate
Cipollone and handcuffed him.
- Chipollino, Chipollino, son! - called, bewildered
looking around, the poor old man, when he was taken away
Chipollino at that moment was very far from the place
incident and did not suspect anything, but onlookers scurrying about
around, everyone already knew and, as happens in such cases, they knew
even more than what actually happened.
“It’s good that they caught him in time,” said the idle
talkers. - Just think, he wanted to stab him
highness with a dagger!
“Nothing like that: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!”
-- Machine gun? In the pocket? It can't be!
"Don't you hear the shooting?"
In fact, it was not shooting at all, but crackling
festive fireworks arranged in honor of Prince Lemon. But
the crowd was so frightened that they shied away in all directions from
Limonchikov soldier.
Cipollino wanted to shout to all these people, what's in your pocket
his father does not have a machine gun, but only a small cigar butt, but,
after thinking it over, I decided that you couldn’t out-argue the talkers anyway, and
prudently kept quiet.
Poor Cipollino! It suddenly seemed to him that he had become ill
to see - this is because he has welled up in his eyes
big tear.
- Get back, stupid! Chipollino shouted at her and squeezed
teeth to keep from crying.
The tear was frightened, backed away, and no longer appeared.
In short, old Cipollone was sentenced to prison
imprisonment not only for life, but for many, many years
after death, because at the prisons of Prince Lemon there were
Cipollino achieved a meeting with the old man and hugged him tightly:
"You are my poor father!" They put you in jail like
criminal, along with thieves and bandits!..
“What are you, what are you, son,” interrupted his father affectionately, “yes
because the prison is full of honest people!
- What are they sitting for? What wrong have they done?
“Nothing at all, son. That's what they were jailed for. Prince
Lemon doesn't like decent people.
Cipollino thought about it.
“So it’s a great honor to go to jail?” asked
-- It turns out that it is. Prisons are built for those who steal and
kills, but Prince Lemon has the opposite: he has thieves and murderers
in the palace, and honest citizens are in prison.
"I also want to be an honest citizen," said
Cipollino, - but I don’t want to go to jail. be patient
a little, I'll come back here and free you all!
“Aren’t you relying too much on yourself?” smiled the old man.
-- This is not easy!
- But you'll see. I'll get mine.
Just then a Limonilka from the guard appeared and announced that
the date is over.
"Cipollino," said the father in parting, "now you
big and you can think of yourself. About your mother and brothers
uncle Cipolla will take care, and you go wandering around
white light, learn mind-reason.
- How can I learn? I don't have any books, and I can't buy them either.
for what.
- It doesn't matter, life will teach. Just look at both - try
to see through all sorts of rogues and swindlers, especially those
who have power.
-- And then? What should I do next?
"You'll understand when the time comes."
- Well, go, go, - Limonishka shouted, - enough
chat! And you, ragamuffin, stay away from here, if not
you want to go to jail.
Cipollino would answer Limonishka with a mocking song, yes
I thought that you should not go to jail until you have time to
should get down to business.
He kissed his father hard and ran away.
The next day he instructed his mother and seven brothers
the cares of the kind uncle Cipolla, who was lucky in life
a little more than the rest of his relatives - he served
somewhere as a gatekeeper.
Saying goodbye to his uncle, mother and brothers, Cipollino tied up
put his things in a bundle and, fastening it on a stick, set off. He
I went where my eyes look and must have chosen the right path.
A few hours later he reached a small village -
so small that no one even bothered to write it
name on a pillar or on the first house. Yes, this house was
in fact, not a house, but some kind of tiny kennel,
which was suitable only for a dachshund. At the window sat an old man with
reddish beard; he looked sadly into the street and seemed to
was very concerned about something.

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Dear parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino. CHAPTER 1" by Gianni Rodari to children before going to bed, so that a good ending to the fairy tale pleases and calms them and they fall asleep. How charmingly and penetratingly the description of nature was conveyed, mythical creatures and life of the people from generation to generation. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them daily in our everyday life. How clearly the superiority of positive characters over negative ones is depicted, how alive and bright we see the first and petty - the second. The story takes place in ancient times or "Once upon a time" as the people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they "breathe life" into creation and the events taking place in it. A small amount of details of the surrounding world makes the depicted world more saturated and believable. The fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino. CHAPTER 1" by Gianni Rodari to read for free online is certainly necessary not for children on their own, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

CHAPTER 1: In which Cipollone crushed the leg of Prince Lemon

Cipollino was the son of Cipollone. And he had seven brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipollucci and so on - the most suitable names for an honest onion family. They were good people, I must say frankly, but they were not lucky in life.

What can you do: where the bow, there are tears.

Cipollone, his wife, and sons lived in a wooden shack a little bigger than a vegetable garden box. If the rich happened to get into these places, they wrinkled their noses in displeasure, grumbled: “Fu, how it carries onions!” - and ordered the coachman to go faster.

Once the ruler of the country, Prince Lemon, was going to visit the poor outskirts. The courtiers were terribly worried that the onion smell would hit His Highness's nose.

“What will the prince say when he smells this smell of poverty?”

“You can spray the poor with perfume!” suggested the Senior Chamberlain.

A dozen Lemon soldiers were immediately sent to the outskirts to perfume those who smell of onions. This time the soldiers left their sabers and cannons in the barracks and shouldered huge cans of sprayers. In the cans were: floral cologne, violet essence and even the best rose water.

The commander ordered Cipollone, his sons and all relatives to leave the houses. The soldiers lined them up in rows and sprayed them well with cologne from head to toe. From this fragrant rain, Cipollino, out of habit, had a severe runny nose. He began to sneeze loudly and did not hear how the lingering sound of a trumpet came from afar.

It was the ruler himself who arrived on the outskirts with a retinue of Limonov, Limonishek and Limonchikov. Prince Lemon was dressed in all yellow from head to toe, and a golden bell jangled on his yellow cap. The court Lemons had silver bells, and the Lemon soldiers had bronze bells. All these bells were ringing non-stop, so it was great music. The whole street ran to listen to her. The people decided that a traveling orchestra had come.

Cipollone and Cipollino were in the front row. They both got a lot of pushes and kicks from those who pushed from behind. Finally, poor old Cipollone could not stand it and shouted:

- Back! Set back!..

Prince Lemon was alert. What is this?

He approached Cipollona, ​​majestically stepping over his short, crooked legs, and looked sternly at the old man:

Why are you shouting "back"? My loyal subjects are so eager to see me that they're rushing forward, and you don't like that, do you?

“Your highness,” the Chief Chamberlain whispered into the prince’s ear, “it seems to me that this man is a dangerous rebel. It needs to be taken under special supervision.

Immediately, one of the Limonchikov soldiers directed a spyglass at Chipollone, which was used to observe troublemakers. Every Limonchik had such a pipe.

Cipollone turned green with fear.

"Your Highness," he muttered, "they're going to push me in!"

“And they will do well,” Prince Lemon boomed. - Serves you right!

Here the Senior Chamberlain addressed the crowd with a speech.

“Our beloved subjects,” he said, “his highness thanks you for your expression of devotion and for the zealous kicks with which you regale each other. Push harder, push with might and main!

“But they will knock you off your feet, too,” Chipollino tried to object.

But now another Limonchik pointed a telescope at the boy, and Chipollino considered it best to hide in the crowd.

At first, the back rows pressed against the front rows not too much. But the Senior Chamberlain glared at the negligent ones so fiercely that in the end the crowd became agitated like water in a tub. Unable to withstand the pressure, the old Cipollone turned head over heels and accidentally stepped on the foot of Prince Lemon himself. His Highness, who had hefty calluses on his feet, immediately saw all the stars of heaven without the help of a court astronomer. Ten Lemon soldiers rushed from all sides to the unfortunate Cipollone and handcuffed him.

- Chipollino, Chipollino, son! - called, looking around in confusion, the poor old man, when he was taken away by the soldiers.

Chipollino at that moment was very far from the scene and did not suspect anything, but the onlookers scurrying around already knew everything and, as happens in such cases, they knew even more than what actually happened.

“It’s good that they caught him in time,” said the idle talkers. - Just think, he wanted to stab his highness with a dagger!

“Nothing like that: the villain has a machine gun in his pocket!”

- Machine gun? In the pocket? It can't be!

"Don't you hear the shooting?"

In fact, it was not shooting at all, but the crackling of a festive fireworks display arranged in honor of Prince Lemon. But the crowd was so frightened that they shied away in all directions from the Limonchik soldiers.

Cipollino wanted to shout to all these people that in his father’s pocket there was not a machine gun, but only a small cigar butt, but, after thinking, he decided that you couldn’t outguess the talkers anyway, and prudently kept silent.

Poor Cipollino! It suddenly seemed to him that he began to see badly - this is because a huge tear welled up in his eyes.

"Get back, stupid!" Chipollino shouted at her and clenched his teeth so as not to cry.

The tear was frightened, backed away, and no longer appeared.

In short, old Cipollone was sentenced to imprisonment not only for life, but for many, many years after his death, because there were cemeteries in the prisons of Prince Lemon.

Cipollino achieved a meeting with the old man and hugged him tightly:

“Your poor father! They put you in jail like a criminal, along with thieves and bandits! ..

“What are you, what are you, son,” interrupted his father affectionately, “but the prison is full of honest people!

- What are they sitting for? What wrong have they done?

“Nothing at all, son. That's what they were jailed for. Prince Lemon does not like decent people.

Cipollino thought about it.

“So going to jail is a great honor?” - he asked.

- It turns out that it is. Prisons are built for those who steal and kill, but Prince Lemon has the opposite: thieves and murderers are in his palace, and honest citizens are in prison.

“I also want to be an honest citizen,” said Cipollino, “but I don’t want to go to prison.” Be patient a little, I will return here and free you all!

Are you relying too much on yourself? the old man smiled. - This is no easy task!

- But you'll see. I'll get mine.

Then some Limonishka from the guard appeared and announced that the meeting was over.

“Cipollino,” my father said in parting, “now you are already big and can think of yourself. Uncle Cipolla will take care of your mother and brothers, and you go wandering around the wide world, learn your wits.

- How can I study? I don't have any books, and I can't afford to buy them.

- It doesn't matter, life will teach. Just keep your eyes open - try to see through all sorts of rogues and swindlers, especially those who have power.

- And then? What should I do next?

“You will understand when the time comes.

“Well, let’s go, let’s go,” Limonishka shouted, “enough chatting!” And you, ragamuffin, stay out of here if you don't want to go to jail yourself.

Chipollino would have answered Limonishka with a mocking song, but he thought that it was not worth going to jail until you had time to properly get down to business.

He kissed his father hard and ran away.

The next day, he entrusted his mother and seven brothers to the care of the kind uncle Cipolla, who was a little more fortunate in life than the rest of his relatives - he served somewhere as a porter.

Saying goodbye to his uncle, mother and brothers, Cipollino tied his things in a bundle and, putting it on a stick, set off. He went aimlessly and must have chosen the right path.

Details Category: Author's and literary fairy tales Posted on 01/05/2017 14:47 Views: 498

This fairy tale by the Italian writer was extremely popular in the USSR. It is one of the most requested children's books today.

Famous children's writer, storyteller and journalist Gianni Rodari was born in Italy (in the town of Omegna) in 1920. His full nameGiovanni Francesco Rodari.

The family of the baker Giuseppe Rodari had three boys: Gianni, Cesare and Mario. The father died early, and the children grew up in their mother's native village - Varesotto.
The future journalist and writer grew up as a sickly and weak boy. He was fond of music and reading. After graduating from seminary, at the age of 17 he began teaching in elementary grades. During World War II, Rodari was released from service due to poor health.
Initially, he was fond of the ideas of fascism, but after the imprisonment of his brother Cesare in a German concentration camp, as well as other circumstances, he revised his views and became a member of the Resistance Movement. In 1944 he joined the Italian Communist Party.

From 1948, Rodari worked as a journalist for the communist newspaper Unita and also wrote for children. His most famous work, The Adventures of Cipollino, was published in 1951. In the Russian translation by Zlata Potapova, edited by Samuil Marshak, the tale was published in 1953.
J. Rodari repeatedly came to the USSR.
In 1970, he received the Hans Christian Andersen Prize, after which he gained worldwide fame.
Many poems by J. Rodari for children were translated into Russian by S. Marshak, Ya. Akim, I. Konstantinova.
Gianni Rodari died of a serious illness on April 14, 1980 in Rome.

"The Adventures of Cipollino" (1951)

The plot is brief

Cipollino is an onion boy. He lived in a large onion family: mother, father Cipollone and 7 brothers: Cipolletto, Cipollotto, Cipolloccia, Cipolluccia, etc. The family was poor, living in a house the size of a wooden seedling box on the very outskirts of the city.
Once this place decided to visit the ruler of the country - Prince Lemon.

The Lemon Court Soldiers urgently began spraying the outskirts with cologne and perfume to eliminate the smell of onions. During the stampede, old Cipollone accidentally crushed the ruler's crooked, thin leg with a callus. For this he was arrested and thrown into prison. When Cipollino got a meeting with his father, he learned that not criminals were sitting in the country's prison, but only decent and honest people. Father advised Cipollino to walk around the world and learn the mind. Cipollino entrusted his mother and his brothers to his uncle, tied his things in a bundle and hit the road.
In one of the villages, he met an old man, Pumpkin, who was sitting in a brick box - this was his house, for the construction of which he saved money all his life and collected 118 bricks. Cipollino began to ask the godfather Pumpkin about his life, but then the inhabitants began to hide in their homes - Signor Tomato got out of the carriage.

He announced to his godfather Pumpkin that he built his "palace" illegally on the land of the landowners Countess Cherry. Pumpkin objected, Chipollino defended him. And then Signor Tomato asked him why he was not working. The boy replied that he was studying - studying scammers. Signor Tomato became interested, and then Cipollino brought a mirror to Signor Tomato. He realized that the boy was mocking him, and became furious. He grabbed Cipollino by the hair and began to ruffle. Immediately, tears welled up from the bow, and he hurried away.
Master Vinogradinka offered Chipollino to work as an apprentice in his workshop. And people flocked to him from everywhere.

He met Professor Grusha, who played a pear violin; with the gardener Luk Porey, on whose mustache his wife dried clothes in sunny weather; with a family of centipedes.
Signor Tomato returned to the village with a dozen lemon soldiers and Mastino the watchdog. They forcefully pushed the poor old Pumpkin out of his house, in which they settled a watchdog. But Cipollino dissolved sleeping pills in water and gave the thirsty dog ​​a drink. When he fell asleep, Cipollino took him to the park of Countess Cherries.
But now everyone was afraid of the revenge of Signor Tomato. The house was carefully loaded onto a cart, transported to the forest and left under the supervision of Bilberry's godfather.
And at that time two guests arrived at the estate of Countess Cherry - Baron Orange and Duke Mandarin. Baron Orange ate all the stocks of his peasants, then he ate all the trees of his gardens, then he began to sell his lands and buy food. When he had nothing left, he asked for a visit to one of the Countess Cherries.

Baron Orange had a huge belly and could not move independently. Therefore, servants had to be assigned to him with a wheelbarrow, on which his stomach was transported. The Duke of Mandarin also caused a lot of trouble. He was very greedy. So he acted out suicide scenes. Countess Cherry gave Signor Mandarin jewelry, silk shirts, etc., to distract him from bad thoughts. Because of these troubles, the Countess Cherries were in a terrible mood.
At this time, Signor Tomato was urgently reported about the disappearance of the Pumpkin house. Signor Tomato sent soldiers to put down the rebellion. Almost all the villagers were arrested. Cipollino and the girl Radish ran away from the soldiers.
The nephew of Countess Cherry, the boy Cherry, lived extremely lonely among luxury. One day he saw village children running down the road with satchels on their backs. He asked his aunts to send him to school. But he was a count! The aunts assigned him a teacher, Signor Petrushka. But the teacher turned out to be a terrible bore: he hung ads with prohibitions everywhere. Once, just on the day of the arrests, Cherry saw Cipollino and Radish behind the fence.

The children became friends. But Signor Tomato heard their cheerful laughter and forbade Cherry to be friends with the poor.

The boy Cherry was very upset and constantly cried. But they laughed at him. Only the maid Strawberry sincerely pitied Cherry. Soon Cherry developed a fever. He began to repeat the names of Chipollino and Radish. Everyone decided that the child was delusional, and doctors were invited. But they couldn't help Cherry. Then Strawberry invited the poor but truthful Dr. Chestnut. He said that Cherry had melancholy and needed to communicate with other children. For these words, Dr. Chestnut was expelled from the castle.
Cipollino was finally seized and thrown into the darkest and deepest cell that was found in the prison of Countess Cherry. But by chance he met the Mole, who was digging a new tunnel. Cipollino persuaded Mole to dig a new underground corridor leading towards the dungeon where his friends were. Mole agreed.
When Signor Tomato discovered that Cipollino's cell was empty, he was furious. He sank down on the bench in frustration, the cell door slammed shut in a gust of wind. The tomato was stuck. At this time, Cipollino and Mole got to the camera of friends. Familiar voices and sighs of Pumpkin's godfather were already heard. But then Master Vine lit a match, and the Mole hated the light. He abandoned Cipollino and his friends.
Cherry learned that Signor Tomato carries the keys to the dungeon in the pocket of his stocking. He slept in stockings. Cherry turned to Strawberry with a request to bake a delicious chocolate cake and give him sleeping pills. Tomato ate the cake with pleasure and snored. So Cherry and Strawberry released all the prisoners. In the morning, Tomato sent an urgent telegram to Prince Lemon that riots broke out in the castle of Countess Cherries.
Then there were many adventures, but the struggle with the rich rulers ended in the victory of the poor. Prince Lemon, seeing the Banner of Liberty, went to the once abandoned dunghill. Countess Cherries left immediately. Signor Peas also left the country. Beans stopped serving Baron Orange, pushing the wheelbarrow with his belly. And without Beans, the baron could not move. Therefore, Orange soon lost weight. As soon as he gained the ability to move, he tried to beg. But he was immediately shamed and advised to work as a loader at the station. Now he is slim. Duke Mandarin did not work, but joined Orange and began to live at his expense. Kind Orange could not refuse him. Signor Petrushka became the watchman of the castle. Kum Pumpkin got a job as a gardener in this castle. And his student was Signor Tomato - however, before that, Tomato had to serve in prison for several years. Master Vinogradinka was elected chairman of the village. The castle was handed over to the children. A school, a room for creativity, play rooms and other rooms for children were arranged in it.

Analysis of the fairy tale by G. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino"

A fairy tale at all times and among all peoples expressed the dream of the triumph of justice and the hope for a better future.
In the fabulous fruit, berry and vegetable country of G. Rodari, everything that grows right on the ground is the people: Cipollino, Leek, Pumpkin, Strawberry, Blueberry. But the gentleman Tomato has already risen above the earth and the people and oppresses him. Lawyer Pea clings to everything with his mustache, just to climb higher, turns out to be a traitor. Countess Cherry, Baron Orange, Duke Mandarin - all these fruits grow on trees, they ascended high, completely cut off from their native soil, what do they care about the troubles and sufferings of those who live below, on earth? The people lived in this country hard, because the ruler there was Prince Lemon. Can life be sweet with Lemon?
Chipollino is a cheerful and smart onion boy. All the characters in the fairy tale are vegetables or fruits: godfather Pumpkin, shoemaker Grapes, lawyer Peas, girl Radish, boy Cherry, music professor Pear, old Cipolla, etc. The author said that in this fabulous garden society, social antagonisms operate, as in life: modest “honest citizens” are oppressed by the evil and greedy Signor Tomato, the swaggering Prince Lemon with an army of Lemons and the proud Countess Cherries.
But Rodari was sure that society could be transformed in favor of ordinary people labor, and by the forces of the people themselves. Supervised the process of Cipollino.
When his father Cipolla and all the poor garden brethren were imprisoned by Signor Tomato on the orders of Prince Lemon, the resilient Cipollino set off to wander in order to “learn the mind” and “study the swindlers and rogues” well. He finds true friends (the clever girl Radish, the kind and smart boy Cherry) and with their help frees his father and other prisoners from prison. Then the entire vegetable village drives its tormentors and parasites Tomato, Lemon and Cherry into prison, and turns the castle of evil countesses into a cheerful Children's Palace, where garden kids, led by Cipollino, go to play and learn.
I would like to end the article with the words of Cipollino: “In this world it is quite possible to live in peace, there is enough space for everyone on Earth.”

"The Adventures of Cipollino" in other art forms

In 1961, the Soviet full-length animated film "Chipollino" was filmed. The music for the cartoon, written by Karen Khachaturian, served as the basis for the ballet of the same name 12-13 years later.

In 1974, based on the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari, an eccentric musical comedy directed by Tamara Lisitsian was filmed at the Mosfilm studio. Famous actors V. Basov, Rina Zelenaya, G. Vitsin and others played the leading roles. Tamara Lisitsian, who worked for some time in Italy, was personally acquainted with Gianni Rodari.