It should be admitted that many researchers of the secrets of the Ural Federal District ignore one very important fact. While most flying saucers are believed to have their origins in extraterrestrial civilizations and government military programs, another possible source could be ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about the flying objects of ancient India, we learned from recorded ancient Indian sources that came to us through the centuries. There is no doubt that most of these sources are genuine. Among them is the world-famous Epic of India, consisting of hundreds of epic works, most of which have not yet even been translated from Sanskrit into English.

The Indian Emperor Ashoka (273 BC-232 BC) founded the "Secret Society of Nine Unknown People", which consisted of the great scientists of India, who were to catalog and describe the basic sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he feared that the scientific achievements described by these people based on ancient Indian sources would be used for destructive purposes of war. Ashoka became an ardent opponent of war and embraced Buddhism after he defeated an enemy army in a bloody battle.

Members of the Nine Unknown People Society wrote a total of nine books. One of them was the book "Secrets of Gravity", it is known to historians, although none of them have ever seen it, and this book mainly talked about "gravity control". Perhaps this book is still kept somewhere in a secret library in India, Tibet, or somewhere else, maybe even in North America. Believing in the possibility of the existence of this book, of course, one can understand the reason why Ashoka wanted to keep such knowledge secret. Imagine what could have happened if the Nazis had this knowledge during World War II. Ashoka knew the devastating effect of such high-tech aircraft and other "futuristic weapons" being used during the wars that destroyed the ancient Indian "Empire of Rama" many millennia ago.

Just a few years ago, the Chinese discovered documents written in Sanskrit in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them to Chandigarh University (India) for translation. University doctor Ruth Reyna recently stated that these documents contain instructions for building interstellar spaceships.

She said that their movement in space was based on the principle of "anti-gravity" using a system similar to that of the "lagima", an unknown internal force existing in the physiological structure of man, a kind of "centrifuge force powerful enough to neutralize gravitational attraction" . According to Indian yogis, it is “lagima” that gives a person the ability to levitate.

Dr. Raina said that according to the documents found, on board such machines, called "Asters" in the text, the ancient Indians were able to send a detachment of people to any planet. It was reported that the manuscripts also revealed the secret of the “antima”, or “invisibility cap”, and described the “garima”, i.e. then “how to become as heavy as a lead mountain.”

Naturally, modern scientists did not take these texts seriously, but they did react more positively to their value when the Chinese announced that they had included the study of a certain part of these ancient manuscripts in their space program! This was one of the first examples of government recognition of the need to study anti-gravity.

The manuscripts do not clearly state that interplanetary flights were ever made, but they do mention, among other things, a planned flight to the moon, although it is not clear from the text whether that flight was made or not. However, the great Indian Epic Ramayana gives a detailed description of the flight to the moon in the Vimana, or Astra, as well as the battle on the moon with the Aswin, the airship of Atlantis.

I've just given some small evidence that has come out recently about the use of anti-gravity and aerospace technology, used in ancient India. In order to more fully understand this technology, we need to turn to the most distant times from us.

The so-called "Empire of Rama" of Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent. It was a nation made up of inhabitants of numerous large cities, many of which are still found in the deserts of Pakistan and Northern and Western India. The Rama civilization actually existed, apparently, it was located during the Atlantean civilization somewhere in the middle of the ocean known to us as the Atlantic. It was ruled by “enlightened Priest-Kings”. The seven greatest major cities of Rama were known in the classical Hindu texts as the "Seven Cities of the Rishis"

According to ancient Indian texts, people had flying machines called "Vimanas". The Indian epic says that these were round flying machines, they had two decks and a tower with embrasures, the overall picture resembles the appearance of a flying saucer. They flew at the speed of the wind, while a “melodic sound” was heard. The epic describes at least four different types of Vimanas: some were saucer-shaped, others were long cylinder (cigar-shaped flying machines). The ancient Indian texts on the Vimanas are numerous and can only be described in many huge volumes. The ancient Indians who made these airships themselves wrote manuals on how to control various types of machines, and many such manuals have survived to this day, some of them have even been translated into English.

The so-called Samara Sutradhara is nothing more than a scientific treatise examining the journey in Vimana from various aspects. 230 sutras describe the design of an aircraft, take-off, flight of a thousand miles, normal and emergency landings, even possible bird strikes. In 1875, the Vaimanika Sastra, a fourth-century BC text written by Bharadvajaya the Wise, was rediscovered in a temple in India. In it, using even more ancient texts, a description of Wiman’s combat mission was given. The text included information on how to operate a ship, precautions for long-distance flights, protection from storms and lightning, and how to switch the ship to "solar power," using a free energy source whose name sounds similar to "anti-gravity."

The Vaimanika Shastra, (or Vimaanika Shaastra) has eight chapters with diagrams describing three types of aerial machines, including those that do not burn in fire or break down. The text also mentions 31 necessary parts of these devices and 16 types of materials used in their construction. These materials absorb light and heat, for this reason they were considered suitable for the construction of Vimans. The document has been translated into English and can be ordered through VYMAANIDASHAASTRA AERONAUTICS Publishing House by Maharishi Bharadwaaja. Translated into English, edited and printed by Josyer, Mysore, India in 1979 (unfortunately, no full address). Mr. Josier is the Director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Studies, which is located in the state of Mysore (India).

It seems that there can be no doubt that the driving force behind the Wymans was some kind of force close to “anti-gravity”. Vimanas took off vertically and were capable of hovering in the sky, like modern helicopters or airships. Bharavajai the Sage mentions seventy authoritative names and ten experts in the field of air travel. But these sources are lost.

Vimanas were kept in hangar-like rooms called Vimana Griha. It is known that Vimanas worked on some kind of yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes a mixture was used that included mercury, which is very confusing for those writing on this topic in our time. It seems that the later writers who described the Vimanas took material from texts written earlier, and therefore it is understandable that they were confused by the principle of movement of the Vimanas. As for the “yellowish-white liquid”, according to the description it is very similar to gasoline. The Vimanas may have flown using a variety of means, including internal combustion engines and even "pulse jet" motors.

It's interesting to note that the Nazis were the first to build pulse jet engines for V-8 rockets, known as "buzz bombs." Hitler and his associates showed increased interest in ancient India and Tibet, where they sent their expeditions back in the early 30s in order to collect esoteric evidence about the flying machines of antiquity. Perhaps the Nazis collected some scientific information during those expeditions.

According to the description given in the Dronaparva (part of the Mahabharata) and in the Ramayana, Vimana had the shape of a sphere and could fly at great speed using a strong vortex formed by the interaction of mercury. It moved like a UFO - up and down, then back and forth, depending on the desire of the pilot. Another Indian source, Samar, states that Vimanas were “iron machines with a smooth surface; they were charged with a mercury mixture, which, upon takeoff, shot out from the tail of the device in the form of a roaring flame.” Another work called Samarangana Sutradhara describes the process of constructing such flying machines. It is quite possible that the mercury was somehow connected with the process of movement of the device, most likely with the control system. It is curious that Soviet scientists discovered devices in the caves of Turkestan and the Gobi Desert, which they called “ancient instruments used in the navigation of spacecraft.” They are technical devices made of glass or porcelain and have a hemispherical shape ending in a cone, and a drop of mercury is visible inside this device.

Obviously, the ancient Indians flew these devices over all of Asia, reaching Atlantis. It is quite possible that they flew to South America. The scrolls found at Mohenjodaro in Pakistan are still not deciphered. This city may have been one of the "seven cities of the Rishis belonging to the Empire of Rama". Similar scrolls were found elsewhere - on Easter Island! They are called the Rongo-Rongo scriptures and they look very similar to the Mohenjo-daro scriptures, they also have not yet been deciphered.

Was Easter Island an airbase on the route of the Vimanas of Rama's Empire? (Imagine that passengers are passing through the Mohenjodaro Vimanadrome field, they hear a soft voice from the speaker: “Rama Airlines Flight No. 7, departing to Bali, Easter Island, Nazca and Atlantis, is ready to fly. Passengers are asked to proceed to Gate N ... ) Announcing a flight over a huge distance to Tibet, it is reported about the “chariot of fire”. Such a flight was described as follows: “Bhima flew, sparkling in the sun, with a roar like thunder. The flying chariot shone like a flame in the summer night sky... it rushed by like a comet. It seemed as if two suns were shining in the sky, and then the chariot rose higher, illuminating the heavens.”

In the eighth century Jain text Mahavira Bhavabhuti, borrowed from later texts and traditions, we read: "The flying chariot of Pushkar, transports many people to the capital Ayodhya. The sky is filled with huge flying machines, black in the night sky, but illuminated by lights, they acquire a yellowish glow.”

The Vedas, the ancient poetic works of the Hindus, were considered the oldest Indian texts, describing Vimanas of various shapes and sizes: the ahnihotra-vimana with two motors, the elephant-vimana which had even more motors. Other types of Vimanas were known, named after birds: kingfisher, ibis and some animals.

Unfortunately, Vimanas, like most scientific achievements, were used mainly for warfare. The Atlanteans used the Vailihi flying machines, similar in design to the Vimanas, in order to conquer and subjugate the world. I think Indian texts can be trusted. The Atlanteans, known as "Asvins" in Indian texts, were apparently even more technologically advanced than the ancient Indians, moreover, they had a warlike temperament. Although it is not known for certain about the existence of texts about the Vailihi Atlanteans, some information about this came from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines. Just like the Vimanas of the Indians, the Vailikhs had a cigar shape and could easily maneuver both in the sky, even in above-ground space, and under water. Their other devices were saucer-shaped and could obviously be submerged in water.

According to Eklal Kieshan, author of the article “The Final Frontier”, which appeared in 1966, the Vahili were first built by the Altlantas 20,000 years ago, and the most common were saucer-like devices, inside of which there were trapezoid intersections with three hemispherical compartments with motors in bottom of the device. They used a mechanical anti-gravity device driven by 80,000 horsepower motors.

The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts tell about the terrible war between the Atlanteans and the civilization of Rama, which happened 10-12 thousand years ago. The war used weapons that would be impossible to even imagine to readers until the middle of this century.

The ancient Mahabharata, being one of the sources describing the Vimanas, continues the story of the terrible destruction that war brings: “the weapon looked like a rocket charged with all the energy of the Universe. A dazzling column of smoke and flame, sparkling as if a thousand suns were shining in all their splendor...

A bolt from the blue! A giant messenger of death, who turned the entire race of Vrishnis and Andhakas into ashes... The bodies of people were burned beyond recognition. Hair and nails fell out, dishes broke without impact, and the birds turned white... After several hours, all food items became inedible. In an attempt to avoid the fire and to wash away the radiation fumes, the soldiers threw themselves into the water...”

It may seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! Similar terrible descriptions are found in other ancient Indian manuscripts. They also often contain descriptions of the use of various fantastic weapons and flying machines. One of them describes a battle on the moon between two flying machines - Viman and Vilix! The above passage very accurately describes what an atomic explosion can look like, as well as the destructive effect of radioactivity on all living things. Only jumping into the water brings temporary relief.

When archaeologists excavated the city of Rishi, Mohenjo-daro, last century, they found skeletons of people right on the streets, some of them with their hands clenched as if they were in mortal danger. These skeletons are as radioactive as those found on the streets of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities with fused brick and stone walls turned into glass can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation for such a transformation except that it is the result of an atomic explosion.

With the cataclysms that occurred, the sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped into the “Stone Age”.

Translation by Galina Ermolina.

On December 12, 1903, in the town of Kitty Hawk (North Carolina), the Wright brothers made the first long-duration controlled flight in history in a self-propelled aircraft. In any case, this is how this event is assessed today.

Was the feeling of flight familiar to man before, hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Some researchers are confident in the existence of data confirming this fact, but knowledge about this is alas! - were lost. Material evidence of flight in antiquity is represented by mysterious artifacts from South America and Egypt, as well as Egyptian cave paintings.

The first example of this kind of object was the so-called Colombian golden airplane. It dates back to 500 BC. e. and belongs to the Tolima culture, whose representatives inhabited the highlands of Colombia in 200-1000. n. e. Archaeologists traditionally consider the discovered drawings to be images of animals and insects, but some of their elements may be associated with the technology of creating aircraft. These include, in particular: a delta-shaped wing and a high vertical plane of the tail.

Another example is a pendant made of tombac (an alloy of gold and copper in a ratio of 30:70), stylized as a flying fish. It belongs to the Calima culture, which occupied territories in southwestern Colombia (200 BC - 600 AD). A photograph of this pendant is in Erich von Däniken’s book “The Gold of the Gods,” published in 1972. The author believed that the find was an image of an aircraft used by unearthly space aliens. Although the figurine, according to archaeologists, was a stylized image of a flying fish, some features (in particular the outline of the tail) have no analogues in nature.

Several more gold objects were made by representatives of the Sinu culture, who lived on the coast of Colombia in 300-1550. and famous for their jewelry art. They wore objects about 5 cm long around their necks like pendants on a chain. In 1954, the Colombian government sent some of the Sinu products, along with a collection of other valuable artifacts, to an exhibition in the United States.

After 15 years, a modern reproduction of one of the artifacts was provided for research by cryptozoologist Ivan T. Sanderson. He came to the conclusion that the object has no analogues in the animal world. The front wings are triangle-shaped with smooth edges and differ, for example, from the wings of animals and insects. Sanderson believed that they were more mechanical than biological in origin, and even went further in his reasoning, suggesting that the object was a model of a high-speed device that existed at least 1,000 years ago.

The appearance of an aircraft-like artifact prompted Dr. Arthur Poisley to conduct an experiment in the Aerospace Institute wind tunnel in New York, and he received positive results: the object could actually fly. In August 1996, a copy of one of the gold models, built at a ratio of 16:1, was launched into the sky by three German engineers Algund Enbom, Peter Belting and Konrad Lebbers. From the results of the study, they concluded that the artifact is more reminiscent of a modern shuttle or Concorde supersonic airliner than an insect.

Most of these amazing South American pendants had four wings (or two wings and a tail). They were not like the insects and birds known today. We can agree that these are stylized models, but their resemblance to airplanes and spaceships seems striking. However, if we assume that the objects are indeed models of certain air vehicles that can fly, many questions arise.

The first problem is that the wings of the models are mostly moved back, that is, they are located far from the center of gravity, which interferes with stable flight. The second is that the nose is completely different from the front of an airplane.

Proponents of the ancient aircraft theory have done surprisingly little research into the origins of the artifacts. Website articles about aircraft from pre-Columbian America generally refer to them as objects found in tombs in South or Central America, but most do not provide information about their origin or dating. Perhaps partly due to the looting of ancient tombs that is still thriving in Colombia, the contents of which then appear on the antiques market in South America.

Most of the Internet sites devoted to South American ancient aircraft are a compilation of an article by Lu-mir J. Iancu (1996), posted on the Anomalies and Mysteries website. In conclusion, it must be said that without establishing the origin of these amazing artifacts and the culture to which they belonged, it would be reckless to consider them models of ancient aircraft.

Another model resembling a small airplane was found in the city of Saqqara in Egypt. Egyptologists consider it a hawk with spread wings and date it to the 4th - 3rd centuries. BC e. It was most likely found in 1898 in the tomb of Padi-Imena in the northern part of Saqqara. The item, made from sycamore, is 14.2 cm long with a wingspan of 18.3 cm and weighs about 39 g. The hieroglyphs on the bird's tail read: "Offering to Amun", and the god Amun was commonly associated with rain in ancient Egypt.

The ancient model was kept in the Cairo Museum until 1969, until it was noticed by professor of anatomy Khalil Messiha, who noticed that it resembled a modern airplane or glider and, unlike images of other birds in the museum, this object had no legs or feathers . According to Messih, the exhibit has a number of aerodynamic characteristics. After his brother, a flight engineer by profession, created a flying model from balsa wood, Dr. Messih's confidence that the Saqqara bird was a scale model of an ancient glider was strengthened.

However, Martin Gregory from Harlow (Essex) disagrees with this conclusion. He has been designing, manufacturing and flying gliders for over thirty years. Experimenting with the design, Gregory concluded that the model could not fly without an elevator (the fixed horizontal tail covering of an airplane), which the object never had. Even after Gregory attached an elevator to the model, the results were not encouraging.

The researcher suggested that it was a weather vane or a children's toy. Larry Orcutt, a user of the Popular Mysteries website, based on data about bird figurines on the top masts of boats and ships, bas-relief images of the New Kingdom period (12th century BC), which can be seen in the temple of Khonsu in Karnak, called a weather vane object that showed the direction of the wind on a ship. Orcutt also noticed traces of paint on the back and tail. This may indicate that at one time the bird model was colorfully painted.

The black eyes, which are actually pieces of volcanic glass embedded in the subject's head, are not visible in most photographs of the subject, giving it the appearance of an airplane. So, although the Saqqara bird has a couple of aerodynamic properties, the idea that it is the only surviving model of an Egyptian aircraft seems unlikely. Most likely (as evidenced by the skillfully crafted game boards and toys) the artifact was a bird figurine or a children's toy.

Perhaps the most controversial evidence of flight in antiquity is the mysterious cave paintings made on a panel of the temple of the 19th dynasty pharaoh Seti I in Abydos. These amazing drawings appear to show a helicopter (possibly a tank) and what looks like either a spaceship or a jet plane. This so-called Abydos temple helicopter has become a legend.

So, can these stunning hieroglyphs be considered evidence that the Egyptians in the 13th century. BC e. possessed 21st century technologies? Unfortunately, some photographs on the Internet have been digitally manipulated to highlight aircraft-like features. However, there are other, unprocessed photographs with hieroglyphs similar to modern flying vehicles.

Katherine Griffis-Greenberg of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, like many archaeologists and Egyptologists, argues that the unusual cave paintings are palimpsests - inscriptions written over old ones. According to Egyptologists, in this case, a layer of plaster was applied on top of some images and other drawings were made.

Over time and under the influence of weather conditions, the plaster began to fall away, leaving fragments of old and new inscriptions, which, overlapping each other, created images reminiscent of modern aircraft. A significant part of the rock paintings are ancient Egyptian: the pharaohs who came to power tried to appropriate the achievements of their predecessors and belittle their authority. In the case of the helicopter depicted on the panel of the temple in Abydos, apparently the following happened: Pharaoh Ramsay II, who was guilty of such a sin, carved his own inscriptions on the stele of his predecessor, Pharaoh Seti I, so hieroglyphs with part of the title appeared in the text Ramses II, which are translated as: “One of the two rulers who conquers nine foreign countries.” This inscription covered the royal title of Pharaoh Seti I, which was originally carved in stone.

Those who believe in the helicopter from Abydos claim that in the rock palimpsests, the images painted on top exactly repeat the old lines - an incredible coincidence. However, there are other facts that deny the presence of aircraft in Ancient Egypt. One of them is the complete absence of references to any flying machines in all known sources of Ancient Egypt. There should be similar images somewhere, but there aren’t!

In addition (this applies to all theories about ancient artifacts), there is no evidence of the existence of auxiliary technical means necessary to create aircraft. Let's assume that representatives of the cultures of Egypt and South America created cars, prototypes of helicopters and airplanes. But then there must be a colossal manufacturing industry, not to mention the extraction of fuel and metals. But what about the equipment of places for storing equipment?

Is that really all there is to it? If ancient people had flown modern airplanes and helicopters, surely much more evidence would have survived than a collection of dubious models and a single panel of hieroglyphs carved into a temple above a doorway. Let us not deny that the human dream of flight owes its origin to many ancient cultures, including Indian literature. Perhaps it was this idea that inspired the inhabitants of South America to create mysterious models. Whether the dream was realized - this question remains debatable today.

Vimana is a flying machine described in ancient Indian literature. Mentions of vimanas and vahanas are found in ancient Indian epics. Translated from Sanskrit, the epithet “vimana” means “measured, extended” and can mean both the royal palace and the chariot.
The image of the vimana goes back to the carts of Indra and other Aryan deities traveling across the sky, which are mentioned in the Vedas and have parallels in the mythology of the Greeks (Helios' chariot), the Germans (the solar cart) and other Indo-European peoples. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada called vimanas “spiritual planes.”
The Rigveda (I 164, 48) gives the following description, which is also an allegory of the year: « There are twelve jambs, one wheel, / Three hubs - who can comprehend this? / There are pegs fastened together in it, / Like three hundred and sixty movable and (at the same time) immovable » .
The Indian Emperor Ashoka (268 - 232 BC) founded the "Secret Society of Nine Strangers" - great Indian scientists who cataloged many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he feared that the knowledge gleaned from ancient Indian sources would be used for evil purposes of war.

"Nine Strangers" wrote six books. One of them was called “Secrets of Gravity.” And it talks about how to control gravity. This book is known to historians, but no one has ever held it in their hands. Perhaps even today it is kept somewhere in secret libraries in India, Tibet or even the USA. In our age, experts share Ashoka's desire to keep such knowledge secret, if it really exists.

Some time ago, in Lhasa (Tibet), the Chinese found a document (several thousand years old) written in the ancient Indian language - Sanskrit, and sent it to the University of Chandigarh (India) for translation. Professor Ruth Reyna, who studied the manuscript, said: that it contains instructions on how to build interstellar ships that use the principle of anti-gravity for movement. “It is a centrifugal force powerful enough to counteract the gravity of the earth,” says the ancient document. The nature of this power is unusual: it is akin to the power hidden in the human psyche and allows a person to fly without any devices. Professor Reina further said that the document states that on board such ships (they were called “Astra”) the ancient Indians could send troops to any planet.

Naturally, Indian scientists were skeptical about the ancient manuscript. It soon became clear that the Chinese, having managed to obtain the document, found in it very important information that they used in the space exploration program and rocket science.
The manuscript does not say what kind of interplanetary travel was made, but it does mention that a flight to the Moon was planned. Whether it was possible to implement it or not is also unknown. Nevertheless, it seems to have been successful: one of the greatest Indian epics, the Ramayana, describes in great detail the journey to the moon on the ship Vimana, or Astra.

In order to understand what kind of ships we are talking about, we will have to delve deep into the checks. Fifteen thousand years ago, the Ram Empire existed in northern India and Pakistan. It was famous for its large, prosperous cities, the ruins of which are today found in the deserts of Pakistan and northern and western India. The Rama Empire developed in parallel with the Atlantean civilization and was ruled by "enlightened priest-kings."
The seven majestic main cities of the empire are called the Seven Capitals of the Rishis in ancient texts. The Indian epic tells that the inhabitants of these cities soared in the air on Vimana flying machines. These were round airships with holes and a dome. This is how we imagine flying saucers. They developed "wind speed" and made "melodic sounds."
"Vimana" is mentioned so often in ancient Indian manuscripts that volumes and volumes would be needed to provide all the evidence.
It is known that the ancient Indians themselves built these ships, although the Mahabharata reports that the manufacturers of the vimanas were the “all-knowing people of the Yona” (ancient Greeks), and also that the four-wheeled vimana of Mayasura was twelve cubits long and was used by the king to throw flaming projectiles . When, during Krishna's pursuit of his opponent, the latter's chariot became invisible to view, Krishna still struck the opponent, determining the trajectory of the vimana by sound.
The poem says that the defeated heroes fall from their horses and elephants, “as the inhabitants of the sky fall down from their vimanas when their good merit is exhausted”...
Descriptions of the construction technology can be found in many manuscripts (some of them have been translated into English). Take, for example, the Samara Sutradhara, a scientific treatise describing all the details of the journey to the Vimana. The 230 verses tell stories of construction, takeoff, a thousand-mile route, normal and forced landings, even bird strikes.
Another text, “Vaimanika Sastra,” written in the 4th century and based on more ancient sources, talks about the management of the “Vimana”, preparation for a long flight, protection of airships from storms and lightning, the use of solar energy and other sources for propulsion, judging by the description, it has an anti-gravity nature.
Vaimanika Sastra has eight chapters, diagrams, descriptions of three types of airships, including instruments that do not burn or break. It also mentions 31 essential details and 16 materials that absorb light and heat, and much more.
These ships took off vertically and were capable of hovering in the sky, like modern helicopters or airships. Unfortunately, the sources used by the author of Vaimanika Sastra are now lost. It’s a pity: the treatise contains references to 80 authorities and specialists of antiquity.

It is also known that the Vimana stood on the ground in hangars. Sometimes there are references to “airships” using a “yellowish-white liquid” or mercury compounds as fuel. True, the authors of the descriptions are not sure about this. This is understandable, because most of them were only outside observers, and not designers. Naturally, they did not understand the essence of what they were writing about, and they were confused by the way these ships moved. However, if you look at all this through the eyes of modern experts, the “yellowish-white liquid” becomes suspiciously similar to gasoline. The Vimana probably had various engines, including internal combustion jet engines and others.
The Mahabharata and Ramayana, as well as other books, describe the Vimana, which had the shape of a sphere and flew at high speed. The ship moved like a modern UFO - freely rushing up, down, back, forward. Here is its verbatim description: “An iron machine, well built and smooth, with a load of mercury that shoots out from the back of the ship in the form of a roaring flame.”
In the Ramayana, Ravana's vimana is called Pushpaka ("decorated with flowers"). This “excellent aerial chariot” resembles the Sun or a cloud shining in the heavenly heights. She is capable of taking the owner to any point on earth and sky. The king of the asuras, Mayasura, was named as the manufacturer of the chariot, and its first owner was the god of wealth Kuvera.
The 13th canto of Kalidasa's poem "The Family of Raghu" describes the same plot as in the Ramayana. Rama, having defeated Ravana and regained Sita, returns to his homeland on the heavenly chariot Pushpaka with his wife. Kalidasa uses this story to describe South India from a bird's eye view: “Look, the celestial chariot flies now along the path of the gods, now in the land of clouds, now in the heights where birds soar; and in its movement it truly obeys the dictates of my thought. ... From a great height, my gaze reaches the waters of Lake Pampa with its shores densely overgrown with reeds, with flocks of cranes barely visible from here, and the former sadness awakens. ... Below, near the mountain, the Mandakini River meanders, flowing its clean and transparent waters; From a distance it seems very thin, like a string of pearls adorning the chest of the earth.”

The poet compares the waters of the Ganges, seen from above, with a necklace of pearls and emeralds, with a garland of white and blue lotuses, or with a pattern of leaves on the floor.
In the seventh act of Kalidasa's drama Shakuntala, Indra's charioteer Matali and King Dushyanta travel on a flying chariot. At first she flies above the clouds, but when she begins to descend, the author emphasizes that she passes through rain clouds and the wheels are covered with splashes.

After this, the author notes the “soft landing” of Indra’s chariot, which was not even noticed by Dushyanta. As philologist B. Zakharyin notes, this description « amazes with the accuracy of purely technical details, accessible, it would seem, only to a modern pilot! »
V. G. Erman exclaims: « the feeling of flight seems to live in the poet’s soul. These descriptions are so vivid and visible that one can imagine that he himself had to fly through the air and look at the earth from a great height » .
In Somadeva’s poem (11th century) “Ocean of Legends,” as philologist I. D. Serebryakov notes, « tells about airships moving with the help of mechanical engines and covering long distances with enormous speed. They are round in shape, similar to a lotus flower, and are used for a variety of purposes, including, for example, transporting elephants » .
In addition, the poem also contains such fairy-tale elements as flying elephants or Brahma's chariot drawn by swans. The main references to "airships" in the poem are as follows:

    Somaprabha, the daughter of the asura Maya, travels on a ship to another city to visit her friend Kalingasena, and then helps her find a husband;

    Raja Hemaprabha builds such a ship and uses it to take his daughter to his son-in-law;

    Rajyadhara builds a ship to help Prince Naravahanadatta fly across the ocean and find his bride on the island of Karpurasambhava;

    The architect Maya teaches the art of creating ships to Prince Suryaprabhu, who, with the help of the ship "Bhutasana", finds a bride and makes a series of journeys;

    When Suryaprabha is at war with Raja Srutasharman, who has elephants in his army, he also orders an army of elephants to be brought in by airship;

    As the pitched battle begins, Suryaprabha orders a force of chariots to be airlifted to his ally Prabhasa;

    The ancient king Pushkaraksha receives a flying chariot as a gift from Rankumalin and thanks to it, as the poem says, he conquers “the whole earth surrounded by four oceans”;

    Shiva gives Prince Naravahanadatta the Padma airship built by Brahma himself. With his help, the hero travels to the city of Vakrapura to his bride. When his army goes on a campaign, he accompanies the army on a ship, “placing wives in its stamens, and ministers and friends in its petals;

    His father Udayana uses the same divine chariot to return to his homeland.

Indian Indologist and historian Vishnampet Dikshitar in his book "Warfare in Ancient India"("Wars in Ancient India") talks about the use of vimanas in ancient Indian wars and argues that vimanas were not mythical objects at all, but real flying machines, "India's contribution to the development of the science of aeronautics."
By the way, at one time, Soviet archaeologists found ancient devices in the caves of Turkestan that seemed to be used in navigation spaceships. These devices had the shape of a hemisphere made of glass or porcelain, and ended in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.
The “Vedas” - a monument of ancient Indian literature of the late 2nd - early 1st millennium BC - describes “Vimana” of various shapes and sizes. They bore the names of various animals and birds: “Elephant-Vimana”, “Ibis-Vimana”, “Kingfisher-Vimana”, etc.
These ships were also used for military purposes. They fought with the "Asvins" or "Atlantins" - the airships of Atlantis. In ancient texts, however, there is no mention of the ships of Atlantis, but information about them can be obtained from esoteric, occult sources.
The Aswins were not like the Vimanas. They were often cigar-shaped and could not only fly through the air, but also swim underwater. It is believed that the “Asvins” were created 20 thousand years ago by the Atlanteans. The most common shape of these ships is a saucer, but a truncated pyramid with three hemispherical engines at the bottom is also mentioned.
The Ramayana and other texts tell of terrible wars that broke out 10-12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and the Empire of Rama. Until the second half of our century, people could not even imagine that there could be weapons of such destructive power as described in ancient manuscripts.

Thus, the Mahabharata talks about the stunning cruelties of war: “... in all its splendor, red-hot columns of smoke and flames brighter than a thousand suns rose... Iron lightning, giant messengers of death, erased the entire race of Vrishni and Andhaka into ashes... the corpses were burned beyond recognition. Nails and hair fell out. The pottery shattered for no apparent reason. The birds have turned grey. After a few hours, all the food became unusable. The soldiers who escaped the fire threw themselves into the water to wash away the ashes...” It seems that the Mahabharata describes an atomic war!
These seemingly ancient tales have found scientific confirmation. When archaeologists excavated Mohenjo-Daro, they discovered skeletons on the streets of the ancient city, many of which lay with their hands raised in the air, as if protecting themselves from something terrible flying from the sky. The level of radioactivity in these remains was tens of times higher than normal. They could be compared with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The stone walls of ancient cities melted and turned into glass. Such vitrified stones were found during excavations of cities not only in India, but also in Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey, and other countries. The only logical explanation for this phenomenon is nuclear war.
Further more. When they managed to free most of Mohenjo-Daro from later layers, a well-planned city with a water supply system - more advanced than in modern India and Pakistan - opened to the eyes of archaeologists. Its streets were covered with “pieces of black glass.” These were fragments of pottery that had melted from the terrible heat.
Many experts believe that after the wars with the use of atomic weapons, which caused the flooding of Atlantis and wiped out the Empire of Rama, a new Stone Age has begun. Modern history began only a few thousand years later.
It can be assumed that not all “Vimana” and “Asvins” were destroyed. As Ashoka’s “Nine Strangers” and the manuscript found in Lhasa testify, they could well have been built in recent millennia; perhaps they plow the sky above us today...
However, skeptics, without whom it would be impossible to live, have their own opinion regarding vimanas.
In particular, Vadim Andreev, in collaboration with Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent Svetlana Kuzina, once wrote an article entitled “Psychic microbes of ancient technologies.” This article was supposed to appear in Komsomolskaya Pravda on September 2, 2004. However, the editor “killed” it, and instead of it another, more “mysterious” and “sensational” one went into print. This article contains the authors' opinions about vimanas, about an ancient device found near the Greek Antifiker, about a battery from Baghdad, about tungsten spirals from the subpolar Urals. Here are the authors' opinions about the source of data on vimanas: “In 1930, the book “Vimanika Shastri”, allegedly kept in the central archive of the city of Delhi, was exhibited at the International Book Exhibition in Czechoslovakia. This did not become a particular sensation - English philologists quite freely translated the vague Indian folklore from Sanskrit. But in the seventies, a new translation appeared, and it turned out that “Vimanika Shastri” is a unique reference book on vimanas - the flying machines of ancient civilization.
The chapters of the book are devoted to a description of the design of vimanas, metals and materials used in their manufacture. The instruments that are located in the cockpit are listed. One of them is somewhat reminiscent of a radar. And the rest of the equipment will probably make modern aircraft designers think twice: “To create vimanas, special light alloys are needed that can withstand the destructive forces of the sky. And also - a mirror for collecting and absorbing energy from the environment with subsequent accumulation; a device for preventing lightning strikes; a mirror external inspection, with the help of which you can monitor the smallest changes in the environment; a device for changing the size and shape of the vimana in flight; a device for creating artificial darkness; a device for detecting disturbances and malfunctions; a device for creating a circular protective field that protects the vimana in flight from enemy forces.
In addition, vimanas can: move in a zigzag, like a snake; generate radiation harmful to all living things; become transparent, invisible, cloud-like; use the energy of the sun and air layers; radiate darkness; burn enemy vehicles with bright light; instantly camouflage; emit rays that paralyze."
This is the kind of knowledge the ancient Hindus possessed - translators determined that the book was written in the 3rd century BC. e. by the sage Maharshi Bharadwaja based on even more ancient manuscripts. It would seem to be an indisputable proof of the wisdom of the ancients.
However, in fact, no ancient manuscript exists. The fantastic text of this book was written down in the 20th century from the words of a certain Subraya Shastri, who claimed that the text of the book was either passed down orally from generation to generation, or was received “telepathically” from the Maharshi himself. And the tendentious translation from Sanskrit did not add accuracy to the “ancient” text...”
Yes, in fact, the history of the creation of this work is briefly outlined in the preface to the translation of the Vaimanika Sastra (in other texts of the Vaimanika Sastra) made by G.R. Joyser. He writes that previously knowledge in India was transmitted orally, but as this tradition died out, records on palm leaves began to be used. Unfortunately, palm leaf manuscripts did not last long in the Indian climate, and huge volumes of ancient manuscript materials were lost due to lack of regular copying.
As Joycer puts it, the lost texts "remained immured in the celestial ether, to be later discovered by a medium endowed with the gift of occult perception." In this case, the medium was Subbaraya Sastry, a “walking dictionary endowed with the gift of occult perception”, who on August 1, 1918, began dictating “Vaimanika Sastra” to one Mr. Venkatachala Sarma. The work continued until August 23, 1923, and the result was twenty-three books. In the same year, on the instructions of Subbaraya Sastri, several drawings of vimanas were drawn.
Mikhail Gershtein, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society, has his own opinion: “References to vimanas, especially taken out of context, really seem very mysterious. In fact, entire flying palaces are described with furniture and canopies, stalls for elephants, gardens, artificial birds and inlays of precious stones. And some “heavenly chariots” were generally drawn by ordinary horses.
Even if the ancient Indians built gliders with jet engines, their perfection was infinitely far from the legendary that is attributed to the vimanas today. According to the Samarangama Sutradhara manuscript, poisonous mercury vapor was used as a source of jet propulsion. And the pilot had to absolutely despise death in order to dare to use such a machine.
Nevertheless, studying vimanas is useful because we are talking about the “blank spots” of human history. And behind the stories, it may actually be that the Indians really mastered some art of aeronautics. Otherwise, their religion would not have such a powerful layer of legends about flying cars.
As for the death of Mohenjo-Daro, it is unlikely that its end came from atomic weapons. In various places in the city, archaeologists found random accumulations of skeletons of men, women and children, some with traces of wounds from swords or axes.
That's it...So where is the truth, and how close is “it”?

Information sources:
1. Andreev A., Kuzina S. “Psychic microbes of ancient technologies”
2. Wikipedia website
3. READMAS website

Vimana- an aircraft, descriptions of which are found in ancient scriptures, for example, in the Vimanika Shastra. These devices could move both in the earth’s atmosphere and in space and the atmosphere of other planets. Vimanas were activated both with the help of mantras (spells) and with the help of mechanical devices.
Vaitmara landed on the mainland, which was called by star travelers Daariya - Gift of the Gods. Wightman- small flying chariot. Wightmana carries the second type of ship - Vimana.
On Whitemara there were representatives of four peoples of the allied Lands of the Great Race: the Clans of the Aryans - the XAryans, that is, the Aryans; Clans of the Slavs - Rassen and Svyatorus. The Aryans acted as pilots with the exception of Piccolo. Vaitmara sank to the mainland, which was named Daariya by the star travelers - a brush-like gift from the Gods. The Kharians carried out space navigation work.
Whitemars are large Celestial vehicles capable of laying up to 144 Whiteman in their womb. The whole vimana itself is a reconnaissance ship.

All Slavic-Aryan Gods and Goddesses have their own whitemans and whitemars, corresponding to their spiritual capabilities. In modern language, the Skyships of our Ancestors are biological robots that have a certain degree of awareness and the ability to transport them both within the worlds of Navi, Reveal and Slavi, and from one world to another. In different worlds they take different forms and have different properties necessary to fulfill their purpose. For example, God Vyshen repeatedly flew to the people of Earth on a whiteman in the shape of a huge eagle, and God Svarog (whom the Hindu Brahmins call Brahma) flew on a whiteman in the form of a beautiful swan.

But this is called the “Vimana of the goddess.” The similarity is striking: human cocoon - pyramid - vimana - pepelats.
Apparently, it is not for nothing that they say that vimanas are alive, because it turns out that they are made in the energetic image of a person. And if so, then a person should be able to fly without vimana!

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual length, we learn that a person named Asura Maya possessed a vimana about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information relating to the conflicts between the gods, who resolved their differences using weapons apparently as deadly as those we can use. In addition to the "bright missiles", the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. The “Indra Dart” is operated using a round “reflector”. When turned on, it emits a beam of light that, when focused on any target, immediately “devours it with its power.” On one particular occasion, when the hero, Krishna, is chasing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Salva's vimana invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately uses a special weapon: “I quickly inserted an arrow that killed, seeking out the sound.”

And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite reliably in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against the Vrish. The narration says:
"The Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw at the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, Iron Lightning Bolt, the giant messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes."

It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

Perhaps the most impressive and provocative information is that some ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions are quite detailed in their own way. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara it is written:

“The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. A mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus under it should be placed inside. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel across the sky over long distances. The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, descend vertically and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to the earth."

Hakafa (the laws of the Babylonians) states in no uncertain terms: "The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from 'those above'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Siphral, ​​which contains over a hundred pages of technical details on the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate to graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures.
The Aryans' rollers were called "Vaitmana", and those that could accommodate and transport several Vaitmana were called "Vaitmara".
It is believed that this picture depicts the Indian Whitemara:

Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Wilixi", a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts. The Atlanteans, known as "Asvins" in Indian scriptures, were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and certainly had a more warlike temperament. Although no ancient texts are known to exist about the Atlantean wailixi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines.
The lifting of the vimana into the air was carried out using the secret energy of sound. The pilot underwent serious training before he was allowed to operate the controls.

Similar to, but not identical to, vimanas, vailixi were typically cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even outer space. Other devices, like vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be submerged. According to Eklal Kueshana, author of The Ultimate Frontier, the Wailixi, as he writes in a 1966 article, were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical housings for the engines below. They used a mechanical anti-gravity unit driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horsepower." The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of a hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was fought with weapons of destruction that readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

Moreover, in Mohenjodaro, a beautifully grid-planned city with a water supply superior to that used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with “black pieces of glass.” It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots that had melted under extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped into the “Stone Age”. ...

This is a fragment of a Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita Sutra", dating from the 10th century and kept in a Japanese museum. The vimanas that you see in the lower right corner surprisingly resemble modern UFOs.

Angels flying in the sky, fragment of the Crucifixion fresco from the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Visoki Dečani in Kosovo, Yugoslavia (fresco created around 1350).
Did the ancients have similar technologies... or is it just fiction, it's up to you to decide.

Whitemans, Whitemars, Vimanas...


Vimanas are far from a fictitious fiction, but a real fact of the existence of highly technical means of transportation. Considering modern progress from the perspective of flying vehicles, to some extent we can come to the conclusion that humanity has achieved certain high results. We learned to fly in the air. We have learned to transport large loads by air. A man was sent into outer space. From the perspective of a modern person, all this looks like progress.

Vimanika shastra

But besides this position, there is always a position of the past tense, from which the point of view changes radically. In one of the holy temples of India, in 1875, the treatise “Vimanika Shastra”, written in the 4th century BC, was found. e., Bharadwaja. The treatise was written on the basis of even earlier texts. The treatise presented various aircraft, called vimanas, whose characteristics exceed our aircraft millions of times. Scientists received detailed information about how they are structured and the principles of their functioning. The book contained descriptions of numerous devices that performed the functions of a camera, radar, searchlight and used, in particular, solar energy. In addition, there were descriptions of various powerful types of weapons. The treatise described not only super-fast, super-strong types of flying ships, but also described how a pilot should act, how to dress, how to eat, in order for the vimana to function like an aircraft.
By switching various types of switches, vimanas could expand or contract, rotate around an axis, modify their shape during flight: form into a cloud for camouflage; emit a powerful glow or form complete darkness around oneself; absorb the sun's rays and become invisible; dive into the water; produce a force capable of paralyzing animals and people; receive on their screens an image of what is happening at an impressive distance.

1. The first category of vimanas is mana-javana. Manna is translated as mind, javana is speed. That is, these are aircraft moving at the speed of the mind.
2. Kapoto-waya. Kapoto translates to dove, vaya translates to aerial, these were bird-like flying machines that had wings attached. The flight was carried out through air currents, using a special engine. The peculiarity of the device is that it was completely silent and could move over enormous distances.
3. Akash-patana. Akasha is translated as ether, pathana - corridor. Those. these are vimanas that moved through etheric corridors. Such ships could visit any point in the universe and naturally they required a certain level of consciousness, both of the pilot and of those who knew how to build such a vimana. The speed in the ether is hundreds of millions of times greater than the speed of light.
4. Tripurari- These are large flying ships, consisting of three levels. Tri is translated as three levels, pura means city. Three large cities intervened in it, and in addition there were hundreds of thousands of small vimanas.
5. Hiranya-pura. These are very large vimanas, flying cities, whose production was based on gold. Their speed of movement was simply stunning (faster than in the ether), due to the type of energy released by this gold.
6. Pushpa-vimana. Pushpa translates to flowers. Vimanas were made from floral materials.
7. Para-vaikuntha-vimana. This is a special type of aircraft. With their help, a living being was able to overcome the shells of the material universe and penetrate for a very short time into the spiritual world, since high spiritual vibrations would destroy material properties.

The treatise Vimanika Shatsra provides information regarding the proper operation of aircraft. Cautions and regulations during long-term flights, protecting aircraft from lightning and storms. Describes how to switch a solar powered engine to another type of energy. But besides this treatise, there are a number of works in Sanskrit that also let us know that these aircraft took place. This is Srimad Bhagavatam, the tenth canto, Bhagavad Gita, Vimana Griha. The Vedas contain a wide amount of information on the topic of flying devices. If we consider non-Vedic works, then vimana is even found in the work of Plato, where Atlantis is described. Today, numerous vimanas have been found all over the world, but scientists still do not know how to activate them. Information is constantly leaking on the Internet that an inexplicable aircraft has been found somewhere - this includes Japan, Siberia, the USA and many other countries.

“Where did the descriptions of the flying machines of the Vimana Gods, reminiscent of futuristic combat aircraft, come from in ancient Indian texts? The so-called vimanas could develop incredible speed, and on board they could carry powerful weapons of the ancient Gods. Some texts even describe the design of the flying machines of the Vimanas Gods and the manual for pilots. The word Viman consists of two words. "Vi" means sky and "Man" means man, putting these two words together makes a man in the sky."

Analyzing the materials, researchers of the theory of “ancient astronauts” came to the conclusion that vimanas are not a product of the imagination of Indian poets, but only messages about real events of the time when the “gods” waged their epic war on Earth. There are reportedly so many ancient texts on vimanas that they could fill several volumes just with descriptions of these vehicles. The authenticity of these written sources is beyond doubt. Unfortunately, most of them have not yet been translated from ancient Sanskrit.

Mentions of vimanas and flying machines

Vimanas in Ancient India

One of the biggest mysteries of the “ancient astronaut” theory is the vimanas - the flying vehicles of the Gods, mentioned in the literature of Ancient India. Gods or heroes flew on vimanas, and the power contained in them made it possible to instantly overcome long distances and destroy enemies. Descriptions of vimanas are often filled with a lot of technical detail, reminiscent of futuristic flying machines, much more advanced than modern airplanes.

Aircraft in the Old Testament

Aircraft are mentioned in the Bible - the Old Testament, in the story of the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel, as an aircraft. When the creation descended, a stormy wind flew in, surrounded by a large cloud, a roar was heard as from a military herd, at the top there was a throne with a seated creature resembling a man, this is how the first mention of the flying machine of the Gods is described. Is this just ancient science fiction? Or, as some researchers believe, we are dealing with documentary information about which there is practically no memory left.



There are references to ancient vimanas in various sources - from ancient to completely modern.

Vimanas in the source: Mahabharata

The ancient Indian epics will seem extremely complex to those familiar with them, representing a wide pantheon of deities accompanied by extensive literature and epics, including one of the largest works, the Mahabharata.

Vimanas in the Rigveda source

The greatest expert on “ancient flying machines” - Dr. Dilip Kumar Kanjilal (born in 1933), paid special attention to the descriptions of vimanas in the Rigveda (circa 18th-12th centuries BC) and the treatise Samarangana Sutradhara "(XI century AD). If we talk about the Rigveda, at least 20 parts of this work relate to the flying machines used by the Asvins (divine twins). This object, described as a three-tier vehicle with a triangular shape in longitudinal section, consisted of three belts, and could carry at least three passengers. The vimana was built from an alloy of gold, silver and iron. Vimana had to have two wings and develop a speed equal to the speed of thought.”

Vimanas at the source: Samarangana Sutradhara

According to the Sanskrit text Samarangana Sutradhara, the vimana should be strong and durable; a large bird made of light material. There must be mercury inside the engine, heated by a heating device. The energy hidden in mercury allows one to fly at great speed, so the pilot can travel long distances through the air. The vimana must rise and fall vertically, obliquely, and can move forward and backward. These machines allow people to travel through the air and celestial beings to come to earth. The verses of the treatise discusses the design of vimanas, the method of transporting goods on them, the ability to fly thousands of kilometers, make normal and emergency landings, and even possible collisions with birds. There is information about the pilot, recommended precautions for long flights, protecting ships from storms and lightning, and instructions on how to switch to solar power from typical (anti-gravity?) power.

Vimanas in the sources: Yukti-kalpa-taru and Raghuvamsha

Kanjilal, an expert on Sanskrit and Pali language, also found much lesser-known sources that mention flying machines. These include: “Yukti-kalpa-taru” (around the 11th century BC) and “Raghuvamsha” (5th century AD). These are works of a different nature - from scientific and technical treatises to poems and legends. What they have in common is that these documents contain references to vimanas, which Kanjilal characterizes them as follows: “The vimana is an aircraft that imitates the flight of birds.

Vimanas in the source: Vimanika Shastra


The Vimanika Shastra gives more detailed information about vimanas, using Sanskrit terms that are not understandable to modern people, particularly non-Hindus. For example, in the chapter “On metals for the construction of machines,” it is said: “There are three types of metal called somaka, soundaalika and murtvika. By mixing them, 16 different heat-absorbing alloys can be created.” From other chapters you can learn how to properly store food on board a vimana, how to avoid hallucinations during a flight, and how to choose the appropriate route from the existing 519,800.

Vimanas in the source: Secrets of pilots

The treatise “Secrets of Pilots” seems even stranger - recommendations on vimanas contained in the said work. These include, in particular, the art of creating a cloud, shooting beams, creating a hologram to detect the enemy and camouflage one's vehicles, and even a method of eavesdropping on what is happening on board the enemy's vimana. European authors such as Däniken (b. 1935), who introduced the Vimanika Shastra to the world, were amazed by this treatise. He talks about truly amazing details, the essence of which cannot be interpreted otherwise, this is truly an ancient guide to vimana pilots. Much that is incomprehensible in the treatise should be explained by the fact that over the centuries this information became less and less clear to people, and the scribes simply did not understand what they were writing about.

Vimanas in the source: the ancient Chaldean work Sifral

The ancient Chaldean work Siphral seems no less fantastic, where there are more than 100 incomprehensible technical details that must be taken into account when building aircraft. There are such concepts as: graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating sphere, etc. Hakata (Babylonian Law) states: the privilege of flying an aircraft is truly great. The science of aeronautics is the most ancient knowledge. This is a gift from “those above”. We got it to save many lives. It seems certain that the ancient Indians traveled on vimanas throughout Asia. Perhaps they even flew to Atlantis and South America. This can be evidenced by a not yet deciphered letter found in the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro (the territory of present-day Pakistan), which is also very reminiscent of the not yet read rongo-rongo tablet from Easter Island.

Atlantean aircraft - vailixi

There is almost no historical evidence about the Atlanteans, but based on esoteric messages, we can conclude that they were a people technologically advanced, like the Indians or, even superior, but more warlike. They used their "Wilixi" flying machines to literally take over the entire world. According to one of the Atlantean authors cited in the Hindu source Ashvinami, they developed their vailixi 20,000 years ago. The power of the mechanical engines of these devices was 80,000 hp.

Vimanas in the source: Ramayana

According to Hindu yogis, people can levitate thanks to laghima. If these documents are to be believed, the ancient Hindus could have sent many people to any planet. The same manuscripts also talk about the secrets of invisibility, and how to become heavy, like a mountain of lead. These sources say nothing directly about travel to other worlds, but the question arises about the planned expedition to the Moon. Here the Ramayana gives a detailed description of the flight to the Moon in the vimana and the fight there with the flying machines of the Ashvins (Atlanteans).

Aircraft in Tibet


Recently, in Tibetan Lhasa, the Chinese discovered documents in Sanskrit, where scientists found instructions for creating interstellar ships. In particular, an anti-gravity engine was described there. This disc is based on a system similar to "laghimi", an unknown ego force that exists in the human psyche and is capable of overcoming the force of gravity. Perhaps this is the same thing that is called the “vril” force.

Sathya Sai Baba talks about Atlantis and flight techniques

Those who respect Satya Sayu Baba, considered the next avatar after Krishna, may be interested in his statement in 1976 during a summer school in Ooty, where information about flying machines of antiquity was to be confirmed. Here is the literal translation: “Ask yourself, is the land we now call Lanka the same as what existed in the Treta Yuga, during the era of King Rama, ruled by Ravana? No. In those days Lanka was hundreds of miles from the southern cape of India - on the equator. Over time, during the transition from Treta Yuga to Kali Yuga, this particular island moved hundreds of miles north from the equator. Observing this island today that we call Lanka, we understand that it was moving north from the equator. But, in Greek history it is recorded that the island, which we now call Lanka, was completely sunk during the oceanic disaster "Atlantis". The Greeks had deep knowledge in science and many other fields. They wrote that Lanka sank into the ocean waters of the ocean. At that time, people were so advanced that they traveled to the moon and developed several types of air vehicles. They have mastered the technique of flight." Sai Baba tells us here, therefore, where Atlantis was located.

Vimanas under Alexander the Great

Another interesting piece of historical information worth noting is that over 2,000 years ago, Alexander the Great invaded India and at one point his troops were attacked by “flying shields of fire.” These "flying saucers" did not use any weapons, and Alexander could continue his conquest of India.


Kanjilal, who analyzed the oldest monuments of Vedic literature, claims that they say that before the civilization that exists on Earth now, there was another, more developed pre-civilization. According to Hindu myths, it was founded by the gods, who had to leave the Earth due to a conflict with the asura demons. Thirty-three celestials, led by the fire god Agni, arrived in India after a period of wandering. Kanjilal bases his conclusions on the views of Sayana, a famous 14th-century chronicler who believed that the Celestials made contact with humans during the ongoing war. After defeating the asuras, 22 gods returned to heaven, while the rest remained on Earth. According to some sources, the idea of ​​vimanas was born at that time. In other words, the gods - advanced aliens who came to Earth in ancient times - arrived on aircraft, which are mentioned in legends and written sources. Another author on this issue, Dr. Srikumar V. Gopalakrishna, was of the same opinion, who wrote about the “traces” of vimanas in the most famous epics:

Weapon of the Gods, reminiscent of a nuclear explosion


In turn, the Mahabharata, the longest epic poem in the world, mentions vimanas among the descriptions of mysterious weapons, the consequences of which to the authors in the field of “ancient aliens” resemble the consequences of nuclear explosions. The epic tells the story of the war between the clans, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, whose last battle took place near Delhi. In particular, the powerful attack of Anea is mentioned:

Weapon of the Gods of Anea


“Ashwatthama, standing firmly on his machine, Summoned the weapon of Aney, which even the gods could not resist. A beam as bright as fire, no smoke, enormous power. All those who fell under its influence were swallowed up by darkness,” says the epic. It is also said that the world shook, and the burned bodies of war elephants were left on the battlefield.


Most of the technical details about vimanas are in the book Vimanika Shastra. In particular, it describes the design of aircraft; a mercury-based engine, and even tips for pilots. However, a big problem arose: it turned out that the Vimanika Shastra, unlike other texts describing vimanas, was the work of a contemporary. Originally attributed to the legendary ancient sage Baradvaji and mystic Subbaraya Shastra (1866-1940), who was supposed to have received the text through “revelation” around 1920. The Hindi version was published in the 1950s, while the Sanskrit original appeared only in 1979. The question still remains as to when we actually came to know about the Vimanika Shastra and whether its author really had no idea about aviation? Physician and writer Arnold Mostovich (1914-2002), raising questions of the “ancient astronauts,” noted that there were four main types of vimanas: Rukma, Sundara, Tripura and Shakuna (besides these, there were more than 110 less common subtypes).

Rukma vimana


The rukma vimana had a conical shape.

Tripura vimana The Tripura Vimana was a three-tiered flying machine.

Sundara vimana


The Sundara Vimana resembled modern rockets.

Shakuna vimana


Shakuna vimana resembled a bird. “The Vimanas of the Shakuna type were the most impressive, the ancient texts even mention 25 main components of which they were supposed to consist: a bottom plate, a fuel tank cap, air control mechanisms, flight direction indicators, two wings, an air intake pipe, clamping screws, solar collectors,” wrote Mostovich.

Pushpaka vimana The epic Ramayana, in turn, describes the Pushpaka vehicle, which belonged to the demon king Ravana, a villain who kidnapped the wife of Rama (the seventh incarnation of Vishnu) and wanted to dominate the gods. According to the description, it was “an aerial vimana that could fly wherever it pleased. A chariot resembling a bright cloud in the sky." Pushpaka is a flying machine described in Hindu myths, the chariot of the god of wealth Kubera, which fell into the hands of the wicked Ravana. In it, Ravana kidnapped the wife of the avatar (incarnation of god) Rama, which led to the disaster of his entire tribe of demons, the Rakshas from Lanka. The fate of Rama and the destruction of the rakshasas is the leading trend of the famous epic Ramayana, where the vimana was presented as a flying cylinder with two decks, portholes and a dome. She moved with the speed of the wind, making a pleasant sound. Here is an excerpt from this epic: “The Pushpaka, resembling the Sun and belonging to my brother, was activated by the powerful Ravana; it is an excellent flying machine that can fly anywhere, it looks like a bright cloud, and then the king (Rama) entered and the magnificent vehicle, at the command of Raghira, soared into the sky.” Mahavira from the Bhagavad Gita, a text dating back to the eighth century and compiled from ancient source material, says: The aerial chariot Pushpaka carries many people to the capital of Ayodhya. There are many amazing aircraft in the sky, dark as night, but distinguishable due to the yellowish glow.

Saubha vimana Another great epic of the Mahabharata in ancient Indian reports that the king of the asuras named Mayasur controlled a vimana, 12 cubits in diameter, and had four massive wheels.

Salva vimana


Elsewhere, Krishna (the next avatar after Rama) is mentioned driving the enemy vimana Salve across the sky. When Salva's vimana, Saubha, became invisible, Krishna immediately sent a special rocket that found the target by sound. “In the Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana there is a description of the Salva vimana - a large military vehicle capable of transporting people and weapons, and the name Salva was derived from the name Maya Danava. These texts also contain many references to smaller single-seat vimanas. As a rule, it was not the main gods who flew on them, but not people at all,” he writes, adding that one of the Sanskrit names for gods is “vaimanikanas” - “traveling on vimanas.”


The War of the Gods is mentioned in ancient Indian sources:

War of the Gods between the Atlanteans and the Empire of Rama

Along with other texts, the Mahabharata describes the terrible war of the Gods that broke out approximately 10,000-12,000 years ago between the Atlanteans and the empire of Rama. Mention is made of the use of such destructive weapons, which, in our opinion, appeared only in the 20th century. Quote from the Mahabharata: “One rocket carried all the power of the Universe. The rising column of smoke and fire is as bright as a thousand suns. Iron lightning burned the cars of the Vrishnis and Andhakas. The bodies were burned beyond recognition, and nails and hair fell out. The explosion occurred unexpectedly, the birds turned white, a few hours later the food became poisoned, to protect themselves from fire, the soldiers rushed into the water to wash themselves and their equipment.” Sounds like a description of a nuclear war. There is a lot of such information in ancient Indian literature.

Traces of the War of the Gods in Mohenjo-Daro


When archaeologists dug up the city of Mohenjo-Daro in the last century, they found many skeletons lying right on the streets, some holding hands, as if at the last moment of the life of the city’s inhabitants something incredible and terrible had struck. There is more radiation in these skeletons than in those that appeared as a result of the explosion of atomic bombs dropped by the United States in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the ancient city, stones and bricks turned out to be literally fused; such, by the way, are found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France and Turkey. It is difficult to explain how such a melting point appeared. Even on the streets of the ancient city, many black pieces of glass were found; later it turned out that these were clay pots, melted under the influence of high temperature.


According to many authors, there are secret organizations, Brotherhoods, which have various ancient flying machines, and are hiding in Tibet or other parts of Central Asia, where increased UFO activity has recently been observed, essentially the same vimanas.


Vimana is still an unsolved puzzle, and Kanjilal recalled that many texts that talk about mysterious aircraft flying on Mercury Vortex Engines are still awaiting verification. Maybe the flying machines and weapons described in the ancient Hindu epics are just the first science fiction? But perhaps these are scenes from real wars of the gods that left a strong imprint in the minds of people who lived in that era. Regardless of what it actually was, in Hindi and several other languages ​​used in India, the plane, like hundreds of years ago, is called “vimana”.