The writing

The story of "The Stationmaster" is the story of human life, which was unceremoniously invaded and ruthlessly trampled on. The story is built according to all the rules of the genre. First, we get acquainted with the scene and the hero - Samson Vyrin. Then the author introduces characters into the development of the plot who are involved in what will happen to the main character. Before us is the tragedy of the "little man", a fourteenth grade official.

The stationmaster Samson Vyrin lives in poverty, with his work, full of insults and humiliation, he earns a livelihood, but he does not complain about anything and is pleased with fate. He is raising a daughter - a sweet, sensitive, beautiful girl who helps him and sometimes smooths out conflict situations that inevitably arise at the station with impatient and strict passers-by. But trouble comes to this small calm world: the young hussar Minsky secretly takes Dunya to St. Petersburg.

Grief shocked the old man, but did not break him - he went to Petersburg for his Dunya, found Minsky and made his way to him. But the old man was thrown out of the house. The stationmaster did not accept the fact that he did not see his daughter, and made another attempt, but Dunya, noticing him, fainted, and they again drove him away. Samson Vyrin resigned himself. He went to his postal station, took to drink from grief and soon died. Offended by fate and people, Vyrin became the embodiment of suffering and lawlessness. Samson Vyrin tried to protest, but, as a man of the lower class, he could not resist Minsky. Such is the sad fate of the "little man", masterfully portrayed by Pushkin. Pushkin poses the question of his fate sharply and dramatically. Humility humiliates a person, makes his life meaningless, corrodes pride and dignity in him, turns him into a voluntary slave, into a victim, submissive to the blows of fate.

In the story "The Stationmaster" A.S. Pushkin refers to the theme of the "little man". At the beginning of the work, the author introduces us to the life of stationmasters, to the hardships and humiliations that they have to endure every day:

* “Who did not curse the stationmasters, who did not quarrel with them? .. Rest day or night ... In rain and sleet he is forced to run around the yards; in a storm, in the Epiphany frost, he goes into the canopy, so that only for a moment can he rest from the screams and pushes of the irritated guest.

But despite the humiliating attitude that they endure from others, these "people are peaceful, naturally helpful ...". Further, the author tells us the story of the caretaker Samson Vyrin. He was a kind man, whose only joy was in his daughter, the beautiful Dunya. But one day a hussar stopped at the caretaker's house. He pretended to be sick and Vyrin's daughter looked after him. For the kindness of the caretaker, the hussar repaid meanness: he seduced and took away Dunya without the knowledge of his father. True, we cannot say that the hussar is an evil person. Everything shows that Dunya left of her own free will and is happy with him. But the poor father cannot know this. But he knows well something else - as in such cases it usually happens:

* “Not her first, not her last, was lured by a passing rake, and there he held her, and left her. There are many of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in satin and velvet, and tomorrow, you'll see, sweeping the street along with the barn's tavern.

What Vyrin is afraid of is reality. The author makes the reader not only feel sorry for the caretaker and sympathize with his bitter loneliness, but also think about the fact that the world in which the Vyrins live is far from being arranged in the best way. In his story, A. S. Pushkin teaches us to deeply respect people, despite their position in society, their social status. Every person deserves to be treated carefully and with respect. The world we live in is cruel enough. In order to change it even a little, we must strive for humanity and compassion.

In this story, A. S. Pushkin tells a story from the life of an ordinary stationmaster - Samson Vyrin. The author describes his difficult fate. In any weather, not knowing rest, he is forced to work and endure the humiliation of travelers who take out all the accumulated anger and annoyance on him.
Threats and curses fall on his head, and he, being a peaceful and modest person, dutifully endures these bullying.

The caretaker's joy is his daughter Dunya, a beauty and helper. Even the most angry guest, seeing her, softens and begins to conduct kind, sincere conversations.

One day, the hussar Minsky drives up to their station. He is fascinated by Dunya and pretending to be sick spends several days with them. Going on the road, he offers to give the girl a lift to the church, Samson, finding nothing wrong in this, lets his daughter go.

Without waiting for her, he goes to church, but does not find the girl there. The caretaker learns that Dunya has gone with the hussar to Petersburg.

The heartbroken father goes to the hussar, but he replies that Dunya loves him and will stay with him.

The author conveys to the reader the suffering of the caretaker. In just a couple of three years, he turns from a fresh and cheerful person into a gray-haired, unshaven, wrinkled, frail old man. He is haunted by his carelessness, he repents and does not understand how he could let his daughter go with a stranger. Samson is afraid that the hussar, having had enough of Dunya, will drive her away and she will be left alone in a strange city. And, like many others, will have to sweep the streets to earn a living.

After some time, the unfortunate Vyrin, who has lost the meaning of life and hope, cannot stand the grief that has fallen on his father's shoulders, becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies.

At the end of the story, the author mentions that the lady - Dunya with three small children and a nurse comes to visit her father and learns about his death. She goes to the cemetery and lies near his grave for a long time. From this, the reader can conclude that the hussar still did not deceive and did not abandon Dunya. He apparently married the beautiful Dunya, they had children and they do not need anything.

A. S. Pushkin in his work conveys to the reader how powerless and full of suffering and injustice is the life of "small" ranks.

The writer defends and sympathizes with the protagonist of the story. He teaches the reader to be humane to people, no matter what position they hold. After all, the main thing is that a person has a pure, sincere and kind soul.

Option 2

The story tells about the fate of a little man - Samson Vyrin. He serves as a stationmaster at an inn. Vyrin has to meet guests at any time of the day and in bad weather. In this he is helped by the only daughter Dunya, whom Samson brings up alone. He can't get enough of her. The girl grows up smart, beautiful and an excellent hostess in the house. She is able to subdue the wrath of the most capricious guest with her charm and tact. Guests also respond kindly to her, give expensive gifts.

One day an officer arrives at the inn and demands that horses be given immediately. He makes a scandal to the caretaker, but when he sees Dunya, he changes his anger to mercy. Later, the hussar pretends to be ill in order to linger at the station and be courted by the charming daughter of the station master. In the soul of an insidious officer, a plan is ripening to steal the girl he likes. On the day of his departure, he offers Duna to give her a lift to the church. The unsuspecting father allows his daughter to ride with the hussar. Since that time, Dunya has disappeared from his home without a trace. Samson cannot forgive himself for such an oversight. Desperate to wait for the return of his daughter, he takes decisive action and goes to look for Dunya in St. Petersburg. Vyrin finds his daughter in the northern capital. She lives on the content of captain Minsky in a luxurious house, looks great and gives the impression that she is content with life. Seeing his father, Dunya faints, and her lover is completely unhappy with the unexpected guest. He throws the unfortunate caretaker out into the street, paying off him with a large sum of money, which Vyrin throws away in his heart. Dunya is not ready to sacrifice her rich and carefree life for the sake of her unfortunate father. The offended and humiliated father refuses to fight for his rights and leaves home with nothing. He still worries about the fate of his daughter, thinking that having had fun with the beauty, the hussar will drive her away. From loneliness and mental suffering, Vyrin becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies.

Subsequently, captain Minsky nevertheless marries the daughter of the stationmaster. Having become a noble lady and mother of two children, Dunya is fully aware of her guilt before her father. She comes to him, but repentance is too late. The daughter can only cry inconsolably at the grave of her father.

Pushkin's work teaches adult children to remember their elderly parents, pay attention to them and take care of them.

6th grade, 7th grade

In the story "The Stationmaster" by Pushkin A.S. the main characters are: an employee Samson Vyrin and his daughter Dunya. This work is very instructive. It deals with the eternal conflict between parents and children. Children want to live independently, but parents do not want to let them leave the family.

Samson Vyrin holds the post of stationmaster. He has a beautiful daughter - Dunya. Samson brings her up without a mother. Vyrin's work is very difficult. He needs to please the passing guests, who are often dissatisfied. After all, there are not always enough horses, and people are in a hurry about their business. Passers-by express their displeasure to the caretaker. Dunyasha, sensible beyond her years, helps her father smooth out conflicts with visitors. After all, she is endowed with natural beauty and charm. And also she creates a cosiness in the house, serves clients. Guests often give gifts to the beautiful girl. Men give compliments.

Samson Vyrin loves his daughter very much. She is the main reason for his life. A young girl dreams of love. Of course, she wants her chosen one to be handsome and rich.

Once a handsome hussar Minsky stopped by their family. Young people liked each other. Minsky decided to take Dunya with him, secretly from his father. Apparently, Dunya was not against this kidnapping.

Samson took his daughter's departure from home very painfully. It seems to him that his naive Dunyasha was taken away by the hussars by force. He believes that the young rake will have fun with his daughter and leave her.

He sets off in search of a fugitive. He managed to find a hussar in the city of St. Petersburg. But he does not want to give him his daughter back. He pays off his father's request with money. Samson also saw Dunya. But she was confused and could not talk to her father.
Samson leaves for his home in complete confusion. He does not know what will happen to his daughter next. A man downtrodden with life does not believe that a poor girl will be happy with a rich hussar. From sorrowful thoughts, the stationmaster begins to drink alcohol.

The work is remembered for its tragic end. Gradually, Vyrin becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies. The grown-up Dunya, apparently having learned about the death of her father, comes to his grave. Of course, she feels deep guilt towards him. She will probably torment her for the rest of her life. Dunya fulfilled her dream. Judging by the description of the end of the work, she became the wife of Minsky.

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  • Pushkin's story "The Stationmaster" is one of the saddest works from the cycle of "Belkin's Tales", ending with a tragic ending. A thoughtful analysis of the work shows that the dramatic separation of relatives that happened is an inevitable problem of class differences, and the main idea of ​​the story is the spiritual discrepancy between father and daughter. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief analysis of Pushkin's story according to plan. The material can be used in preparation for a literature lesson in grade 7.

    Brief analysis

    Year of writing– 1830

    History of creation– The story was created in the Boldin autumn, this period became the most fruitful for the writer.

    Topic– From this work, the theme of disadvantaged people begins to be revealed in Russian literature.

    Composition- The composition of the story is built with generally accepted literary canons, gradually the action reaches a climax, and moves on to the denouement.

    Genre- The story.

    Direction- Sentimentalism and realism.

    History of creation

    In the year of writing The Stationmaster, Pushkin urgently needed to resolve his financial issues, for which he went to the family estate. In 1830, a cholera epidemic began, which delayed the writer for the whole autumn. Pushkin himself believed that it would be a boring and long pastime, but suddenly inspiration descended on the writer, and he began writing Belkin's Tales. This is how the story of the creation of the “Station Master” happened, which was ready by mid-September. The time of the “Boldino autumn” was truly golden for the author, the stories came out from under the pen one by one, and the next year they were published. Under the real name of the author, Belkin's Tale was republished in 1834.


    After analyzing the work in The Stationmaster, the multifaceted thematic content of this short story is revealed.

    The main characters of the story- father and daughter, and the eternal theme of fathers and children runs throughout the story. The father, a man of the old school, loves his daughter very much, the purpose of his life is to protect her from all life's adversities. Daughter Dunya, unlike her father, already thinks differently, in a new way. She wants to destroy the prevailing stereotypes, and break free, from the gray, everyday village life, to the big city, sparkling with bright lights. Her crazy idea suddenly turns into reality, and she easily leaves her father, leaving with the first candidate to possess her.

    In Dunya's escape from his father's house, the theme of romantic passion slips through. Dunya understands that the caretaker will be against such a decision, but, in the pursuit of happiness, the girl does not even try to resist Minsky's act, and resignedly follows him.

    In Pushkin's story, in addition to the main love theme, the author touched upon other problems of society that existed at that time. "little man" theme concerns the plight of minor employees who are considered servants and are treated accordingly. In this regard, to such employees, there is the meaning of the title of the story, generalizing all the "little people" with a common fate and a difficult lot.

    Deeply revealed in the story issues moral relations, revealed the psychology of each of the characters, their point of view, and what for each of them is the essence of existence. In pursuit of his illusory happiness, Dunya puts his personal interests first, forgets about his own father, who is ready for anything for his beloved daughter. Minsky has a completely different psychology. This is a rich man who is not used to denying himself anything, and taking his young daughter from his father's house is his next whim for him. The conclusion suggests itself that each person acts according to his desires, and it is good if these desires are subject to reason, because otherwise they lead to a dramatic outcome.

    The theme of "The Stationmaster" is multifaceted, and many of the problems covered in this story are still relevant. What Pushkin's work teaches still happens everywhere, and a person's life depends only on himself.


    The events of the story are presented from the point of view of an outside observer who learned about this story from its participants and witnesses.

    The story begins with a description of the profession of station employees, about the dismissive attitude towards them. Further, the story moves on to the main part, in which the narrator meets the main characters, Samson Vyrin, and his daughter Dunya.

    Arriving at the same station for the second time, the narrator learns from old man Vyrin about the fate of his daughter. Using various artistic means, in this case, popular prints depicting the return of the prodigal son, the writer masterfully conveys all the pain and despair of an elderly person, all his thoughts and suffering, a person who was abandoned by his beloved daughter.

    The third arrival of the narrator is the epilogue of this story, which ended in a tragic denouement. Samson Vyrin could not survive the betrayal of his daughter, anxiety for her fate, constant worries, had too much effect on the caretaker. He began to drink, and soon died without waiting for the return of his daughter. Dunya came, cried at her father's grave, and left again.

    main characters


    The writer himself calls his work a story, although each creation from the famous Belkin Tales cycle can be attributed to the genre of a short novel, their psychological content is so deep. In the sentimental story "The Stationmaster" the main motives of realism are clearly visible, the main character, who could actually meet, looks so believable.

    This story is the first work that begins the theme of "little people" in Russian literature. Pushkin authentically describes the life and life of such people, necessary, but invisible. People who can be insulted and humiliated with impunity, without thinking at all that they are living people who have a heart and soul, who, like everyone else, can feel and suffer.

    Artwork test

    Analysis Rating

    Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 892.

    In The Stationmaster, Pushkin touches on the eternal problem of the relationship between fathers and children. The protagonist of this story is Samson Vyrin, who served for many years as a stationmaster. He himself raised his only daughter, Dunya. Loved her a lot. She was his joy and comfort. When looking at a smart, economic, beautiful girl, the passers-by became noticeably kinder, behaved more tactfully and gave her various gifts.

    But one day, an attractive officer secretly takes Dunya away from her home. Poor Vyrin goes in search of her and finds her daughter in the capital. She lives on the content of captain Minsky like a real secular lady. However, she does not even contradict her lover when he throws her father out onto the street. After that, the unfortunate humiliated Samson gradually becomes an inveterate drunkard and dies.

    The author emphasizes that, first of all, one should think not about one's own well-being and wealth, but about loved ones, their health and feelings. Parents should be cherished. After all, circumstances may develop in such a way that they will forever leave for another world and it will no longer be possible to ask them for forgiveness, to tell about love. And then the feeling of guilt before them will torment the conscience for a long time and no tears will give relief to the soul.

    Dunya understood all this, but too late.

    Option 2

    The main characters of the story A.S. Pushkin became Samson Vyrin and his only daughter Dunya, who helped him in many ways at work. Her task was to entertain the nobles who stayed with the caretaker while they were waiting for his horses. But due to her frivolity, one day Dunya fell in love with one of those staying with her father and left with him. On this day, Samson Vyrin lost everything he had - his beloved daughter; for a long time he could not find a place for himself and soon fell ill. When he found out where Minsky was going, he sets off on foot to St. Petersburg in search of his daughter. But Minsky hastily escorted him out, giving him quite a bit of money, after which Vyrin left in deep distress.

    This story teaches the reader to treat any person with the deepest sympathy. Samson Vyrin becomes very sorry when he finds himself in such a situation. The man worked, tried, and received from those around him only reproaches addressed to him, and from the closest and dearest person, in general, betrayal. If Dunya had been even a little more compassionate towards her father, she would never have made him suffer and worry so much.

    However, we cannot judge such an act of Dunya without knowing her thoughts and feelings. Who knows, maybe she remembered her father, wanted to write him a letter? And yet, she didn't.

    I believe that the main idea of ​​the story is the relationship to close people. Each person is worthy of an attentive and respectful attitude towards him. This work teaches us to be kinder to others, especially to our relatives, and to appreciate their feelings. We must protect our parents with all our might, because they raised us, gave us love, care and affection. The older generation should be treated with respect.

    Essay 3

    The work "The Stationmaster" introduces us to the story of one man. He lived and rejoiced, raised his daughter, loved and respected her. And therein lies the tragedy of the situation.

    The meaning of Samson Vyrin's life was to raise his daughter. She created comfort and peace in the house, pleased her father, made him happy. He was infinitely proud of her. But this sweet world collapses abruptly when Dunya, without explaining himself to his father, disappears without a trace with the hussar Minsky.

    Sadness and anxiety from ignorance and hopelessness drives the protagonist crazy. Samson Vyrin accepts attempts to meet with his daughter, his heart bleeds and longing. The daughter herself does not want to see her father, or she is ashamed to look him in the eye for her act. For some time, exhausted by nerves and experiences, a healthy man turns into an old man. He begins to drink too much, losing all meaning in his life. Minsky's insulting provocations, the money he throws at the protagonist - this is a very low act. These are actions in order for the main character to finally go crazy and drink himself. Samson Vyrin, as a father, had every right to meet his daughter.

    The old man never looked forward to meeting his daughter. She came only a year later to the grave of her father. It cannot be said that her father was angry with her, he also loved her and waited. Thoughts about her act did not let him live, which will now forever remain in her head. Here all the tragedy and hopelessness of the situation is revealed, showing the impossibility of returning something back.

    Parents are the dearest and closest that God has given us. Appreciate and respect them, talk and think about their feelings too, love them as much as they love you.

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    To understand what the story “The Stationmaster” by A. S. Pushkin teaches, you need to analyze the work from the point of view of the ideological meaning and get acquainted with the history of the creation of this story. The literary text tells a very touching and sad story about a man of low rank who lost his beloved daughter, the meaning of his whole life, which caused his “fall”, death.

    The idea of ​​the work

    The work of A.S. Pushkin is not only a story about family values, human affection, respect for parents and social inequality. This story teaches to respect parents, to appreciate them while they are alive, to be grateful.

    Samson Vyrin saw the meaning of life in raising his daughter Dunya. She created comfort, easily coped with the household, was the pride of her father, his joy. The father does not hide his pride in his daughter: she is smart, beautiful, modest and obedient.

    However, the little world created in the stationmaster's house collapses one day when Dunya escapes with the hussar Minsky. Without asking for her father's blessing, without saying goodbye, without explaining herself, she disappears from her home.

    The fate of the protagonist

    Uncertainty and anxiety for the fate of his daughter drives Samson Vyrin crazy. He makes several attempts to meet Dunya, his heart is breaking from longing and worries about her fate. The father never has to meet his daughter, she does not want to see him, or is ashamed of her act. In a few years, a vigorous and strong man turns into an old man. The hero becomes an inveterate drunkard, not finding a reason to hold on to life and not seeing the point in further existence. Minsky's humiliating attitude towards him, the money he gives to Vyrin - all this is low and vulgar, because Samson, as a father, has the right to meet his daughter.

    The long-awaited meeting never happened during her lifetime, Dunya came to her father's grave a year after his death. The author shows the hopelessness and tragedy of the situation, emphasizing the impossibility of correcting the mistake.