Dinosaur Civilization
According to Bernard Werber

Among the dinosaurs, there was one species about the size of a man that walked on its hind legs. And the brain was about the same volume as ours. Scientists named this species stenonychosaurs.
They could think, hunt together, and grab and throw stones with their forelimbs. And, if not for a small environmental incident, this reptile would eventually learn to drive cars and build skyscrapers. And keep us, unfortunate homo sapiens, in zoos.

Canadian paleontologist Dale Russell was the first to draw attention to the humanoid appearance of Stenonychosaurus in the 70s of the last century. And, using the laws of evolution, he calculated what a dinosaur could look like if he had implemented the foundations laid in it. The result was a creature that colleagues called a dinosauroid, a representative of a race of intelligent lizards.
“They suffered from cancer, like people, which may have ultimately killed them,” says Bruce Rothschild from Northeastern University Medical College about another similarity between “older brothers in mind” and us. He studied the strangely modified bones of some dinosaurs and came to this astonishing conclusion. True, this is just a version. Perhaps the “intelligent dinosaurs” disappeared along with their other brethren 65 million years ago, when the Earth collided with a giant meteorite, or they were killed by the harsh radiation of a supernova.

Intelligence is the main weapon of a predator.

It is not enough to have teeth and claws, you also need to use them skillfully, and this is impossible without intelligence. After all, the hunter’s lifestyle presupposes the need to actively move in order to track and pursue the prey, and to anticipate its maneuvers. So the intelligence and sensory organs of predatory lizards were more developed than those of those who led a peaceful existence. And the higher the intelligence, the larger the brain size, and dinosaurs were no exception to this rule. Fossil skulls show that the brains of theropods were clearly larger in volume than the brains of sauropods - gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs with a long neck and small head. Velociraptor and Deinonychus had large brains, and the absolute champion in brain volume was Stenonichosaurus: its brain was six times larger than that of a modern reptile of the corresponding size. In addition, stenonychosaurs had very large eyes and presumably binocular vision, like birds and humans. With this type of vision, the animal does not see a separate picture with each eye, but the area of ​​​​intersection of images received from both eyes. This allows him to move precisely towards the intended target. Undoubtedly, such an ability - innovative for the fauna of that time - helped Stenonychosaurus more effectively pursue prey.

Troodon/Stenonychosaurus. Troodon /
Stenonychosaurus had one of the largest ratios of brain size to body size (like a chimpanzee), so it is not without reason that it is considered one of the “smartest” dinosaurs. Like humans, they had abnormally developed cerebellum and medulla oblongata. They could understand, think, and develop a group hunting strategy. Troodon was a flightless predatory dinosaur, a theropod. The reptile was no more than 2 meters long, its weight did not exceed 50 kilograms, and it had small sharp teeth. Both the front and hind legs were three-toed, with the front ones being much shorter. Troodon walked on its hind legs. The neck was short, but the tail was long and was equal to the length of the entire body. According to scientists, the phenomenal development of these creatures is not accidental - their excellent physical data clearly exceeds human abilities. See for yourself!
Stereoscopic large, slightly forward eyes indicate that it was a nocturnal creature with excellent perception of the depth of space, and promptly noticed what was happening in front, to the sides and even behind. The reptile had long arms that he could fold back like the wings of a bird. The structure of the Troodon’s claws is also surprising: curved, like sickles, they could retract and move up and down. They could, for example, take a pebble and throw it. Scientists believe that they used group hunting tactics, when each participant acts clearly and harmoniously with everyone else. The Troodon slept like a bird - its head was hidden between the forearm and the body. During sleep, the tail was wrapped around the entire body, possibly helping the “dragon” maintain a high temperature. Canadian professors D. Russell and R. Seguin (Ottawa), who carefully studied stenonychosaurs, believe that the latter had amazing abilities to analyze the surrounding world, surpassing the capabilities of all modern animal species and allowing them, despite their small stature, to become the dominant species of the Mesozoic.

One characteristic feature remains - the presence of a large brain volume.
They were the pelvic and brain at the same time. Some researchers believe that the pelvic brain was the control center for the neural pathways in the back of the body and tail. Like most vertebrates with long tails, the spinal cord has a noticeable thickening in this place. The fact is that the volume of the brain inside the fused sacral vertebrae of the pelvic girdle is 10-100 times greater than the volume of the brain. The question arises, which brain, the hindbrain or the forebrain, was the main one?!

Currently, the question of the existence of highly developed civilizations before the appearance of mammals on Earth is being increasingly considered.
This became clear when paleontologists excavated the remains of Stenonychosaurus, a lizard about one and a half meters tall. He walked on his hind legs and had fairly dexterous “hands” with a well-developed thumb—grasping finger. But most importantly, he had an impressive cranium, into which the brain of a chimpanzee could easily fit. Such lizards, which were somewhat similar to humans, lived more than 100 million years ago. Another example for the first stage of intelligent life is the so-called Cynognathus, which belonged to warm-blooded animals (the fossilized heart of one of the stenonychosaurs was found. The heart is four-chambered, like that of humans and other warm-blooded creatures).

In other words, all the factors were present for the emergence of intelligent dinosaurs. The opinion that a highly intelligent race of reptilians (or reptoids) could not have appeared is the same as the fact that man could not emerge from mammals.

Here are some images of the reptilian.

Rice. 1. Reptoid according to Dale Russell. Master of the Earth 65 million years ago. Huge, half-face-length eyes with vertical stripes of pupils, a convex forehead, thin lips, greenish-gray skin, hands with three claw-like fingers, scales..., carried and hatched eggs.

Rice. 2. Reptoid based on contacts with aliens. A very rare alien species. Large snake eyes. No hair. The skin is scaly, like some lizards. Paul: Not known. Reproduction: Not known. Communication: Not known. Physically, they are thin and lanky, with clawed limbs.

Fig 3. Reptoid in everyday understanding.

Obviously, simulating an intelligent dinosaur in human likeness denies reptile-specific features and leads to misconceptions.
Let us list the most important provisions that lead to a qualitative difference between a reptoid and a human.

1. Strong development of gymnosperms and the absence of ordinary grass (Mesozoic, 230-67 million years ago).
2. Biotic and abiotic factors of the Mesozoic environment.
3. Adaptation of species to the conditions of their existence (determining the “expediency” of the structure of organisms).
4. Specifics of the reptile body for bearing an egg.
5. Development from a common ancestor of several species, the increasing divergence of their characteristics in evolution for humans has an intrauterine character, for reptiles - hatching an egg.
6. Progressive evolution (complication and improvement of organization) of the pelvic brain of dinosaurs. The fact is that in the femoral region of the dinosaur spine there was another, larger cavity for the nerve center. This thickening of the spinal cord represented the second brain. For example, for Diplodocus, the weight of the pelvic brain was 20 times greater than the brain.
7. Differences in cultures, for example, for reptiles, hatching eggs and feeding from the mouth, for humans, the culture of breastfeeding children.

Thus, the civilization of reptiles differs to a certain extent from the creation of earthly evolution, man.
To reconstruct the portrait of a reptoid, let's turn to mammals and take several different species of the Cenozoic (67 million years - our time).

Rice. 4. Tertiary mammals (67-3 million years ago):
5-saber-toothed tiger
6-deer giraffe
7-giant rhinoceros
9-Miocene elephant

Eventually a man appeared.

Rice. 5. Human races. From left to right: Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid.

It is generally accepted that the expansion of the frontal lobes of the brain was the main morphological feature that distinguished people. The growth of the frontal lobes expanded the sphere of higher thinking, and with it contributed to the complexity of social life, the diversity of work activities, and caused the further evolution of the structure of the body, physiological functions, and motor skills.
Thus, the process of evolution shows the presence of similarities in the external and internal structure of humans and mammals. Let us briefly list them: the presence of a head, torso, limbs, hair, nails. The skeletons of both humans and mammals are made of the same bones. The location and functions of the internal organs are similar. Like mammals, humans feed their young with milk. But a person also has significant differences - his mind, a large brain.

Let's return to reptiles.

Rice. 6. Mesozoic reptiles:
1 - pterosaur
2 - pterodactyl
3 - stegosaurus
4 - diplodocus
5 - horned dinosaur
6 - ichthyosaur

To draw up a portrait of a reptoid, we will use the specific characteristics of reptiles and human traits that highlight his mind.

The structure of the reptoid will have external and internal similarities to reptiles. First of all, this is the presence of a tail to support the body and lay eggs, the ability to feed young from the mouth, the absence of breasts, a wide pelvis for a large brain and bearing eggs. Finally, significant differences between a reptoid and its class: upright posture, the ability to grasp with the forelimbs, the presence of a thumb for making and using various tools, the location of the nasal and oral cavities, an elongated pharynx and flexibility of the tongue for the formation of complex speech, and a large brain volume.

Below are prehistoric reptiles that meet these requirements.

Rice. 7. Tyrannosaurus Record holder among dinosaurs for absolute brain size.

Rice. 8. Velociraptor is one of the bird-like dinosaurs. Late Cretaceous period. Length 1.8 m. Weight 150 kg. Opened 1924, Mongolia. Other data - carnivorous; very mobile; a sharp claw on the second toe of each foot; sharp jaws; two-fingered hands; sharp teeth; large brain; a special bone in the wrist made it possible to turn the paws back like birds. Scientists discovered that Velociraptor's brain was much larger in proportion to its body than most other dinosaurs. Therefore, Velosiraptor can be considered one of the most intelligent and dangerous prehistoric dinosaurs.

Rice. 9. Troodon/Stenonychosaurus. Troodon / Stenonychosaurus.

The dinosaur had one of the largest ratios of brain size to body size (like a chimpanzee), so it is not without reason that it is considered one of the “smartest” dinosaurs. Like humans, they had abnormally developed cerebellum and medulla oblongata. They could understand, think, and develop a group hunting strategy. Troodon was a flightless predatory dinosaur, a theropod. The reptile was no more than 2 meters long, its weight did not exceed 50 kilograms, and it had small sharp teeth. Both the front and hind legs were three-toed, with the front ones being much shorter. Troodon walked on its hind legs. The neck was short, but the tail was long and was equal to the length of the entire body. According to scientists, the phenomenal development of these creatures is not accidental - their excellent physical data clearly exceeds human abilities. See for yourself!

Stereoscopic large, slightly forward eyes indicate that it was a nocturnal creature with excellent perception of the depth of space, and promptly noticed what was happening in front, to the sides and even behind. The reptile had long arms that he could fold back like the wings of a bird. The structure of the Troodon’s claws is also surprising: curved, like sickles, they could retract and move up and down. They could, for example, take a pebble and throw it. Scientists believe that they used group hunting tactics, when each participant acts clearly and harmoniously with everyone else. The Troodon slept like a bird - its head was hidden between the forearm and the body. During sleep, the tail was wrapped around the entire body, possibly helping the “dragon” maintain a high temperature. Canadian professors D. Russell and R. Seguin (Ottawa), who carefully studied stenonychosaurs, believe that the latter had amazing abilities to analyze the surrounding world, surpassing the capabilities of all modern animal species and allowing them, despite their small stature, to become the dominant species of the Mesozoic.

One characteristic feature remains - the presence of a large brain volume.
They were the pelvic and brain at the same time. Some researchers believe that the pelvic brain was the control center for the neural pathways in the back of the body and tail. Like most vertebrates with long tails, the spinal cord has a noticeable thickening in this place. The fact is that the volume of the brain inside the fused sacral vertebrae of the pelvic girdle was 10-100 times greater than the volume of the brain. The question arises, which brain, the hindbrain or the forebrain, was the main one?! Obviously, such researchers are influenced by a stereotype: the higher the intelligence, the larger the brain size.

Rice. 10. Reconstruction of an intelligent dinosaur fromfamily Dromeosauridae.

It is also important to highlight Ornithopods - one of the suborders of ornithischian dinosaurs that had an upright posture. Fossil range: 200-65 million years ago.

Rice. 11. Suborder Ornithopods

Many of them were large in size, iguanodon had a length of up to 10 meters, rearing up, reaching a height of up to 6 meters. Their front legs were usually shorter (1.5 - 2 times smaller) and not as strong as their hind legs.
The family Hadrosauridae of this suborder is one of the graceful and dominant families 100-65 million years ago, while hadrosaurs had no defenses against predators. Fossil skin impressions have shown that Lambeosaurus had thin skin with uniform scaly, thin bumps across the body except the abdomen. The teeth were adapted only for feeding on plants or eating soft food. Based on common sense, animals are expected to have good eyesight in order to be able to avoid encountering a predator.
The cranial crest consisted of very thin bone, had a varied shape and depended on the age of the animal. Computer modeling and brain imaging have shown that the sense of smell is poorly developed, the crest's function could be used as a resonating chamber to create strong sounds to communicate with other animals, similar to spirit instruments, and to create strong low-frequency sound to frighten predators. Finally, the cranial crest may have served to identify subspecies, an indicator of sexual maturity, and sexual selection within a family.

Rice. 12. Family Hadrosauridae - sexual dimorphism, or the presence of several distinctly different forms for males, females, and juveniles of the same species.

Rice. 13. Reconstruction of an intelligent dinosaur fromfamiliesHadrosaurs (Hadrosauridae).

Nature wisely took care to concentrate the nerve cells responsible for subtle thought processes in one place and separate them as much as possible from the so-called external stimuli. In addition, the dinosaur's brain is reliably protected from all kinds of blows and shocks not only by the powerful pelvic bones, but also by the buttock muscles. Even in the most brutal fight, when running and various blows, the brain of the dinosaur is protected and can only die last together with its owner. How much better is this than the primitive structure of other living beings and... mammals, whose brain is open to all blows and, due to a simple accident, the entire organism can die.

Thanks to the division of the brain, reptiles were superior to humanity in some respects, namely, they were highly capable of intuition (a function of the tricky center of the brain). However, they also had the disadvantage of the highest (excessive by human standards) love of love, the highest sense of harmony and religiosity (functions of the pelvic brain - prostate and sacral centers).

A description of the method of polarizing the thought process in yoga is worth describing. Troodon or Hadrosaurus would sit on its tail and cross its legs. Due to the reduction in blood flow in them, the blood supply to the pelvic brain sharply increased. An additional source of energy was obtained with this technique by stretching the long neck. Under the influence of gravity, the brain received an additional portion of blood. The eyes, ears, touch and tactile sensory apparatus, which are served by the accessory brain, are blocked. Breathing with this technique should be even and deep for maximum blood oxygenation, which is by no means superfluous in conditions of peripheral blood flow. The prostate and sacral centers are polarized, in accordance with them, the nervous system and psyche for love, tenderness, harmony, intentions, faith, knowledge and conviction. Highest SANYAMA!

The use of new thinking techniques and dominance on Earth for 90 million years largely allowed the Troodon to take a giant leap towards technology and progress.

At the end of the Mesozoic, the physical conditions of the environment changed. In addition, it is important to take into account that it was not only dinosaurs that became extinct. Other land animals, a number of freshwater and marine fish, as well as marine reptiles - plesiosaurs and mosasaurs - did not survive the end of the Cretaceous. Extinction, or severe declines in diversity and abundance, has also affected certain groups of marine invertebrates. There is no doubt that the evolutionary decline of all these organisms was somehow caused by external events.
In most modern studies, a global catastrophe is considered the immediate cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. The climatic consequences that could result from a collision of the Earth with a comet or a huge asteroid are being intensively studied. In many places on the planet, at the boundary between Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks, there is a thin layer of clay with much higher than normal contents of rare metals, including iridium. Many believe that such a high concentration of them with such a wide distribution can only be caused by a collision with a cosmic body, for example, with a giant meteorite, planetoid or comet. Tectonic evidence of colossal impact at the end of the Cretaceous has recently been discovered in the Caribbean region. However, other scientists believe that the extinction may have occurred as a result of intense volcanic activity, which is also recorded in the geological record at the very end of the Cretaceous period.

Rice. 14. Global catastrophe 67-65 million years ago.

However, even if the Earth's habitat did indeed change rapidly due to one or a series of powerful cataclysms, the question of the impact of these environmental shifts on dinosaurs remains open. At the end of the Cretaceous, ammonites, a group of cephalopods that flourished in the Mesozoic, quickly disappeared. At the same time, single-celled marine organisms, foraminifera, changed dramatically. Finally, the facts of discoveries of dinosaurs with unpoisoned food in their stomachs obviously indicate that the cataclysm occurred very quickly, in a few hours, maybe tens of minutes.
One of the latest hypotheses is a shift in the Earth’s orbit to a lower one and an environmental disaster on a global scale.

Rice. 15. Transition of planets to a lower orbit.

It is likely that the basis for the disappearance of dinosaurs and other mass extinctions that occurred in the history of the Earth lies in a complex set of evolutionary transformations of the solar system, namely the connection between the Sun and Jupiter.
It got sharply cold. Living conditions for dinosaurs have become less favorable than before. However, they were ideal for mammals to thrive. The reptilian civilization left planet Earth...

Where to look for artifacts and ruins of an ancient civilization?

Mysterious structures on the Moon, Mars and other planets of the solar system in the form of giant farms, domes and mechanisms could well have been built by our distant ancestors. Finally, being a space civilization, leaving a message to humanity that would help our progress and space exploration is the duty of a pre-civilization.

Research by a Columbia University professorRonald Breslow opens up a new perspective on possible alien life. It is possible that intelligent “tyrannosaurs” with the intelligence and cunning of people may live on other planets, and it is better for us not to meet them.

Ronald Breslow is trying to unravel life's greatest mystery: why Earth's amino acids (which make up proteins), sugars, and the genetic material DNA and RNA exist in essentially the same orientation. There are two possible orientations: left and right, they mirror each other just like human hands. This phenomenon is known as "chirality". In order for life to arise, proteins must contain only one type of amino acid: left-handed or right-handed. With the exception of a few bacteria, the amino acids of living things on earth are left-handed, while most sugars are right-handed. How did this homochirality arise?

According to Breslow, the “seeds of life” (amino acids) are formed in interstellar space, possibly on asteroids. Initially, there are equal numbers of left- and right-handed amino acids. But under the influence of stellar radiation, selective destruction of one of the forms of amino acids occurs. The fact is that stars emit polarized light, and depending on the type of polarization, either left- or right-handed amino acids “survive”. Then meteorites with amino acids fall on the planet and give rise to “left” or “right” life.

Breslow believes that about 4 billion years ago, an unknown meteorite or asteroid fell to Earth and “set the standard” for terrestrial life: left-handed amino acids. Breslow's research shows how important cosmic amino acids are for the development of life. In particular, this means that life in space could be very common, although in a different form from Earth. It is possible that a distant unknown star has a different polarization and gave birth to creatures completely unlike humans based on right-handed amino acids and left-handed sugars.

Are intelligent dinosaurs a threat to humanity?

American researchers have put forward a sensational hypothesis: our neighbors in the Universe are not little green men with big heads, thin limbs and black eyes, but a more “advanced” version of the dinosaurs we know well, who evolved on distant planets and gained intelligence.

According to lead researcher from Columbia University in the United States, Ronald Breslow, the evolutionary process on other planets could well have taken a completely different path than on Earth, and during this process it was dinosaurs that became the dominant species, subjugating mammals.

According to the scientist, intelligence on planets where life originated with the help of D-form amino acids may well be possessed by huge predatory lizards, similar to earthly tyrannosaurs and velociraptors.

Breslow believes that humanity is simply lucky. If it had not been for a collision with a giant asteroid, as a result of which many forms of life died, including the dominant dinosaurs on the planet, and mammals survived, among which were the distant ancestors of modern humans, the Earth could also subsequently become the abode of intelligent reptiles.

It is they - huge, invulnerable, smart, highly developed, equipped with modern weapons and technologies - who can be our real neighbors in the Universe. “It’s better for humanity not to meet them,” the scientist is sure.

Intelligent dinosaurs: were they there or not?

Cases of slowing down the flight of automatic interplanetary stations (AIS) launched into deep space have been observed since the early 1970s. Some unknown force acts on spacecraft, changing the parameters of their movement. According to NASA employee John Anderson, one of the experts in the field of AWS, it is not yet possible to establish the cause of these changes.

The American station Pioneer 10, launched in 1972, was the first to fly through the asteroid belt near Jupiter and conduct their research. When it, having reached the third escape velocity, left the solar system in 1983, the station’s movement suddenly slowed down and the flight trajectory changed.
After Pioneer 11, launched in 1973, approached Saturn, and in 1993 went beyond the solar system, the device also began to “slow down” and “take to the side.”
Similar oddities were demonstrated by the Ulysses and Galileo probes sent into space, as well as Cassini, which flew near Jupiter on December 31, 2000 and then headed towards Saturn.

Based on the laws of celestial mechanics and generally accepted common sense, scientists suggest that the movement parameters of stations may be influenced by an unknown planet or a cluster of large asteroids. If this is so, then they should be located on the very outskirts of the solar system, beyond Pluto, somewhere between the constellations Bull and Gemini.
But there are other assumptions that explain these strange phenomena and, according to the authors of the hypotheses, are based on fairly convincing arguments.

The museum of the city of Bayeux, in northwestern France, displays a unique 11th-century tapestry 70 meters long. The tapestry depicts many memorable events of the era, including the famous Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, between the forces of the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II and the Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror.
There is also a scene on the tapestry dated March of the same year: King Harold II, surrounded by courtiers, observes some kind of celestial phenomenon. But which one?

The Latin inscription below the image reads: 1st! mirant Stella, which can be translated as “They are looking at a star.” It is generally accepted that this is Halley's comet, which was supposed to appear in the sky in March 1066. But on the tapestry it looks very strange, more reminiscent of a badminton shuttlecock than a bright star.
It is known that ancient craftsmen very accurately conveyed the details of plots on fabric. This, in particular, is evidenced by the realistic depiction of everyday details in all the scenes presented on the tapestry. Consequently, there is no reason to believe that in the case of the “star” observed by the king and his retinue, the weavers retreated from their principles.
So what caught Harold II's attention in the skies over England in March 1066? Most of all it looks like... a spacecraft. For example, on a rocket with a photon engine mirror or with a solar sail. Then it turns out that the king saw a spaceship belonging to an unknown civilization that was quite developed in the scientific and technical sense! And this fact is documented on the famous tapestry.

But what kind of civilization is this? For a long time now, various media reports have been reporting the discovery of fossilized traces of human feet (both bare and shod) on different continents. Such traces date back tens of millions of years. One such fossil was recently discovered in the limestone rocks of central Slovakia by Dr. Miloš Jesenský, a Slovak journalist, writer, and anomalous phenomena researcher. The age of the prints, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt, turned out to be... 55 + 5 million years. This means that the person who left the traces could have lived at the same time as the dinosaurs and “communicated” with them!

Well, let's say, theoretically it could. Where's the evidence? They are.
In particular, in the book “The Mystery of Akamba-ro” by Charles H. Hapgood, an American archaeologist and researcher of the unknown. The book, published in New York in 1973 and republished in 2000, tells about clay and stone figurines discovered near the Mexican village of Acambaro (Guanajuato state) (more than 33 thousand pieces were found), depicting people, animals, various objects, genre scenes, as well as... a huge number of different types of dinosaurs. The sizes of the sculptures extracted from the ground range from two centimeters to 1.8 meters. Radiocarbon dating has shown that the oldest artifacts are over 6,500 years old.

But how could people then learn not only about the appearance, but also about the very existence of dinosaurs, which died out tens of millions of years before humans appeared on Earth?
Here's another paradox. Among the thousands of petroglyphs (ancient rock paintings) found in Kazakhstan by professor of zoology Pavel Iustinovich Marikovsky (1912-2008), there are images of “bigfoot” - Bigfoot, as well as animals very similar to diplodocus dinosaurs. This means that the ancient inhabitants of Kazakhstan’s mountain valleys also knew about the existence and appearance of prehistoric animals?

Our older brothers in mind are dinosaurs
In the article “Comet Linear and the Mystery of a Vanished Civilization,” published in 2002, Robert Lesniakiewicz, a journalist and writer, vice-president of the Polish Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (CBZA), puts forward an interesting hypothesis.
Its essence is this. About 65 million years ago, a global catastrophe occurred on Earth - most likely, a huge explosion caused by the collision of our planet with a giant asteroid. The products of the explosion rose into the sky and the atmosphere for a long time - perhaps for several years - ceased to be transparent to sunlight. In the ensuing darkness and in the conditions of a sharp cold snap, many plants and animals quickly died, including numerous species of dinosaurs, but not all. Those of them that were not large in size and had adaptability to climate change survived.

Dinosaurs of this species lived in the circumpolar regions of the ancient Southern continent, which then united Antarctica and Australia, which were a single whole connected by isthmuses to South America.
The mentioned species of dinosaurs also included herbivores, ornithopods that walked on two legs, which were characterized by particularly high “frost resistance.” When the Antarctic winter set in for three to four months and the temperature dropped several degrees below zero, these animals fell into a state of suspended animation - “hibernation.” But they were able to exist in this state for a longer time, so that some of them, quite likely, survived the global cooling. In the course of a further evolutionary process that lasted tens of millions of years, some branch of ornithopods could develop so much that the reptiles acquired the rudiments of intelligence and the ability to abstract thinking, thanks to which over time they turned into Dinosauria sapiens - intelligent dinosaurs, or dinosauroids, which created on our the planet its highly developed scientific and technical civilization. And since dinosauroids, unlike humans, had the natural ability
to remain in a state of suspended animation (which also developed and improved during evolution), this opened the way for them to master space. And they could, even on primitive “low-speed” spacecraft using chemical fuel, reach the planets of the solar system and begin their exploration and settlement. And perhaps they moved on.

And when people finally reach the nearest planets and begin to “look around” at them, then perhaps they will be met there not by representatives of distant galaxies and creatures from other dimensions, but by the descendants of Dinosauria sapiens, who lived on Earth long before the emergence of humanity on it. By the way, among the main types of “aliens” that earthlings allegedly encounter, one of the first places is occupied by intelligent reptiles, according to descriptions very similar to dinosauroids from the sculptural compositions of Acambaro.

And no matter how fantastic the hypothesis of Lesnyakevich and his colleagues may seem, it allows us to explain many mysterious events occurring in near-Earth space, as well as in near and far space.
And everything, as they say, falls into place if we assume that Dinosauria sapiens “had a hand” in the inexplicable phenomena - both in the Solar system and beyond. Not out of malice, but out of a desire to find out what the civilization of their long-time fellow earthlings, which is separated from them by millions of years and kilometers, has achieved in its development.

Reason and civilization [Flicker in the dark] Burovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Feathered intelligent dinosaur?

Feathered intelligent dinosaur?

It is interesting that the existence of an intelligent reptilian creature was described by I. A. Efremov, but not as an earthling, but as an alien. In his fantastic story, an alien ship visited the earth 70 million years ago, when the Sun, and with it the Earth, were closer to the center of the galaxy. One of the aliens died, crushed by the huge carcass of a dinosaur: he shot the beast, but the multi-ton carcass collapsed right on top of him.

The skull of the alien, found in layers that are 70 million years old, is as follows: “The powerful dome of bone - the receptacle of the brain - was completely similar to that of a human, as well as the huge eye sockets directed straight forward ... But instead of protruding nasal bones there was a triangular fossa. From the base of the fossa, the upper jaw, beak-shaped, slightly curved down at the end, sharply moved forward.”

The main character of the story “Starships”, Alexey Shatrov, says about this skull: “The structure of the jaws, nose, hearing aid is quite primitive... And the individual bones... of course, you need to figure them out, but look: a jaw made of two bones: this is also more more primitive than that of humans..."

From which another scientist, Ilya Davydov, summarizes: “This means that their evolutionary path to a thinking being was shorter.”

Having discovered a portrait of an alien alien left on his weapon, scientists see: “From the depths of a completely transparent layer, enlarged by an unknown optical trick to its natural size, a strange, but undoubtedly human face looked at them... And above all, suppressing all other impressions, point-blank Huge bulging eyes looked out. They were like lakes of the eternal mystery of the universe, permeated with intelligence and intense will... The big-eyed round head with hairless thick and smooth skin did not seem ugly or disgusting... The absence of ears and nose, the beak-shaped lipless mouth were unpleasant in themselves, but could not destroy the feeling that the unknown creature was close to man, understandable and not alien.”

Reconstruction of dino sapiens

This description is ridiculously similar to the “reconstruction” of the appearance of a “humanosaur”. Dale Russell believed that such creatures “would be taller than a man, would have green skin, large and round eyes. They would not have teeth or ears, nor would they have a tail. They would have a short neck, broad shoulders, and mobile three-fingered limbs. Their brains would weigh on average 1100 grams. It’s impossible to say with certainty, but dinosauroids would undoubtedly have had a fairly developed information exchange system, possibly telepathic. They would make sounds more like the chirping of birds than the roar of predators.”

The heroes of “Starships” did not talk with aliens, and it is difficult to say in which direction Efremov’s imagination would have gone if he had decided to describe the speech of a creature from the center of the Galaxy. But here two circumstances are interesting: firstly, the appearance of the alien I. A. Efremov and the appearance of the “humanosaurs” of American and Canadian paleontologists are strikingly similar.

By the way, the prototype of one of the heroes of Starships, Alexei Shatrov, was the outstanding doctor and paleontologist Alexei Petrovich Bystrov (1899–1959), the author of works that remain of interest today. The description of the appearance of the alien “manosaur” is given in a science fiction novel - but it is quite consistent with the ideas of top-class scientists.

A sculpture of a hypothetical dino sapiens was installed at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa. The image was created by professional sculptor Ron Segun, but based on sketches by Dale Russell. This is quite a “scientific” sculpture. The developments of the 1940s and 1980s - 1990s, carried out in different languages ​​and in different countries, even on different continents, are very similar. At the same time, you can be sure that American scientists have not read Efremov, and especially Bystrov.

Independently obtaining the same results increases the credibility of each development.

Secondly, the obsessive returns of both scientists and science fiction writers to the theme of the “intelligent lizard” are interesting. In Starships, aliens come to Earth in what was understood in the 1940s to be the Age of Reptiles. But who forced Efremov to portray them themselves as creatures whose “evolutionary path to a thinking being was shorter” than that of people?

And in the 1980s, clearly influenced by the work of Sagan and Russell, Harry Harrison's (1925–2012) Eden trilogy appeared. It is believed that dinosaurs went extinct after an environmental disaster approximately 67 million years ago. The most effective and therefore the most fashionable (and furthest from scientific data) cause of the disaster is the fall of a giant meteorite. In Harry Harrison's book, a meteorite does not fall, dinosaurs did not become extinct, they evolved into intelligent creatures and created their own advanced biological civilization.

The Yilans are descendants of predatory marine reptiles, mosasaurs. Females dominate, oppressed males take care of the babies. Their young develop in the ocean and then come to land. The language is so complex that not everyone can master it. Some become iilans, and some become slaves - fargs, or are expelled to the outskirts of cities.

Stone Age people live in parallel with them, and all this happens in Africa and Europe.

And in North America, according to Harrison, there were neither dinosaurs nor iillans; developed mammals live there, some of which have evolved into humanoid intelligent primates. Harrison also calls them “people,” although they do not have common ancestors with the inhabitants of the Old World, this is a different branch of evolution.

The glacier is advancing, intelligent lizards and people are fighting each other for resources. The main character of the book, the son of the leader of the people, Kerrick, after the extermination of the Iilan tribe, is captured by them, learns their incredibly complex language, after which he manages to disappear and help his people avoid total extermination. But the Yilans are also gradually colonizing North America...

Already at the beginning of the 21st century, the Krasnoyarsk writer returns to the topic of intelligent lizards. He does it so beautifully that I readily recommend Alexey Baron’s book - it is not only well-written science fiction, but also good science.

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Research Bernard Werber showed that on Earth there was race of intelligent dinosaurs, who were the original inhabitants of the planet. Of course, not all dinosaurs fit the definition of intelligent.
Among the dinosaurs, there was one species about the size of a man that walked on its hind legs. And the brain was about the same volume as ours. Scientists named this species stenonychosaurs.

This species is considered intelligent dinosaurs. It is believed that they could think, hunt together, and grab and throw stones with their forelimbs. And if not for a “small” environmental incident, these reptiles would eventually learn to drive cars and build skyscrapers.

The Canadian paleontologist was the first to draw attention to the humanoid appearance of Stenonychosaurus in the 70s of the last century. Dale Russell. And using the laws of evolution, I calculated what it might look like dinosaur intelligent, if only he had implemented the foundations laid in it. The result was a creature that colleagues called a dinosauroid (di sapiens), a representative of a race of intelligent lizards.

The lizards were warm-blooded, adds Dale Russell. - We recently found the petrified heart of one of them. The heart is four-chambered, like that of humans and other warm-blooded creatures.

Another "humanoid" dinosaur - saurornithoid. It was first described in 1924 by Henry Fairfield Osborne from the remains of an incomplete skeleton discovered by the famous Central Asian Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History.
The saurornithoid was 2 meters long and weighed between 27 and 45 kilograms. Some paleontologists believe that in fact Stenonychosaurus and Saurornithoid belong to the same genus and even the same species.

The saurornithoid was a predator. They killed their victims with the claws of their hind legs.
Saurornithoidids appear to have been the most intelligent and bird-like group of dinosaurs.

The size of their brains seems to indicate that they were almost as intelligent as modern emus, and certainly smarter than living reptiles. This degree of brain development served them to coordinate actions during hunting, especially when they hunted small active animals such as Mesozoic mammals at dusk. This also meant that they could care for their young by herding broods of young, as ostriches and emus do today.

In saurornithoidids, the claws on the feet were not so large, but the tail was flexible, and the skeleton was much lighter, like other small predatory dinosaurs.
Saurornithoids and related dinosaurs most likely hunted small mammals at dusk.

The complete skeleton of the saurornithoid has not yet been discovered, and the first remains found were represented by a skull, pelvis, parts of the spine and limbs. This was enough to understand what the animal looked like.

The huge eyes of the saurornithoid were set wide and could look forward like the eyes of an owl: the lizard had stereoscopic vision. Compared to others, he had a very large brain. The mouth had many teeth, which had a sawtooth cut along the edges.

They suffered from cancer, like people, which may have ultimately killed them - speaks of another similarity between the “older brothers in mind” and us Bruce Rothschild from Northeastern University College of Medicine. He studied the strangely modified bones of some dinosaur species and came to this astonishing conclusion. True, this is just a version. Perhaps the “intelligent dinosaurs” disappeared along with their other brethren 65 million years ago, when the Earth collided with a giant meteorite, or they were killed by something else...

Massive cancer? What can cause this disease? Or who? The answer is radioactive radiation, or radiation unknown to us yet, but causing the same effect...