
What is it anyway?

Equator- a line of section of the earth's surface by a plane passing through the center of the Earth, perpendicular to the axis of its rotation. The length of the equator is 40075.696 km. Along the equator, day is always equal to night.

Equator divides the globe into northern and southern hemispheres.

Equator serves as the beginning of the calculation of geographic latitude (the latitude of the equator is 0 degrees).
lat. Aequator - equalizer

/ Yandex Encyclopedia /

EQUATOR m lat. equinox, - equinox; a circle suspended from the axis of the world and dividing the imaginary heavenly firmament and our earth into two equal halves: northern and southern; then the heavenly, and this is the earthly equinox, under which days and nights are always equal, and the latitude of the place is zero. sit on equator, be penniless. equatorial, equatorial, equinox.

/ Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dal /

Equator, an imaginary circle on the earth's surface, spaced at an equal distance from both poles and dividing the globe into two equal hemispheres. The circumference of the earth E. = 5400 geographic. miles = 4070 km., diameter = 12756 km. Heavenly equator .- a great circle of the celestial sphere, whose plane is perpendicular to the line connecting the poles of the sphere, and parallel to the plane of the earth equator . For the inhabitants of the earth equator celestial equator passes through the zenith.

/ Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron /

(Late Latin aequator, from Latin aequo - I make equal) geographical, terrestrial, great circle of the globe, all points of which are 90 from the Earth's poles gr ; a line of section of the earth's surface by a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the earth and passing through its center. Circumferenceequator 40,075.696 km. Equatordivides the globe into two hemispheres - Northern and Southern. Fromequatorgeographical latitudes from 0 to 90 are counted to the north and south gr . The sun is overequatorat the zenith twice a year: on the days of the spring (March 20-21) and autumn (September 23) equinoxes.

We all live on the beautiful planet Earth, about which humanity has already learned a lot, but even more is still hidden from us and is waiting in the wings until a person’s desire for knowledge reveals all the secrets of our world.

General information about the planet Earth

Let's remember what we know about planet Earth. The Earth is the only inhabited planet in our solar system, in fact, the only one on which there is life. The Earth is the third planet in a row, if you count from the Sun, before the Earth there are two more planets Mercury and Venus. The Earth rotates around the Sun and the tilt of the axis of rotation relative to the Sun is 23.439281 °, thanks to this tilt we can observe the change of seasons throughout the year. The distance from the earth to the sun is 149,600,000 km, in order for a stream of light to overcome the distance from the Sun to the Earth, it needs 500 seconds or 8 minutes. Our planet also has a satellite, the Moon, which revolves around the Earth, just as the Earth revolves around the sun. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384400 km. The speed of the Earth in its orbit is 29.76 km/sec. The Earth makes a complete revolution on its axis in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. For convenience, it is considered that there are 24 hours in a day, but in order to compensate for the remaining time in the calendar, one more day is added every 4 years and this year is called a leap year. A day is added in the month of February, which usually has 28 days, in a leap year 29 days. There are 365 days in a year and 366 days in a leap year, this is a full cycle of seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

Earth dimensions and parameters

Now let's fast forward from space to the planet Earth itself. In order for life to arise on the planet, there must be many factors and conditions that create a favorable habitat for countless living organisms inhabiting the Earth. In fact, the more we learn about our common home, the more clearly we understand how complex and perfect the planet Earth is. There is nothing superfluous, everything has its place, and everyone has an important role to play.

The structure of the planet Earth

In total, there are 8 planets in our solar system, 4 of which belong to the terrestrial planets and 4 to the gas group. Planet Earth is the largest terrestrial planet and has the largest mass, density, magnetic field and gravity. The structure of the Earth is not homogeneous, and conditionally it can be divided into layers (levels): the earth's crust; mantle; core.
Earth's crust - the uppermost layer of the solid shell of the Earth, it, in turn, is divided into three layers: 1) sedimentary layer; 2) granite layer; 3) basalt layer.
The thickness of the earth's crust can be in the range of 5 - 75 km deep into the Earth. Such a run-up depends on the places of measurements, for example, at the bottom of the ocean, the thickness is minimal, and on the continents, on mountain ranges, the maximum. As we have already said, the earth's crust is divided into three parts, the basalt layer was formed first, therefore it is the lowest, followed by the granite layer, which is absent from the ocean floor, and the uppermost sedimentary layer. The sedimentary layer is constantly formed and modified, and man plays an important role in this.
Mantle - the layer following the earth's crust, which is the most voluminous, about 83% of the total volume of the Earth and approximately 67% of its mass, the mantle thickness reaches 2900 km. The upper layer of the mantle, which is 900 km, is called magma. Magma is molten minerals, also the output of liquid magma is called lava.
Core - this is the center of the planet Earth, it consists mainly of iron and nickel. The radius of the earth's core is about 3500 km. The core is also divided into an outer core with a thickness of 2200 km, it has a liquid structure and an inner core with a radius of about 1300 km. The temperature in the center of the nucleus is close to 10,000 °C; on the surface of the nucleus, the temperature is well below 6,000 °C.

Earth shape. Earth diameter. The mass of the earth. Age of the Earth.

If we ask the question, “What is the shape of the Earth?”, We will hear the answer options: round, ball, ellipsoid, but this is not entirely true, a special term Geoid was introduced to denote the shape of the Earth. The geoid is essentially an ellipsoid of revolution. Determining the shape of the planet made it possible to accurately determine the diameters of the planet Earth. Yes, it is the diameters of the Earth due to the irregular shape that they are distinguished by several:
1) the average diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km;
2) the equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12756.2 km;
3) the polar diameter of the Earth is 12713.6 km.

The circumference along the equator is 40,075.017 km, and along the meridian is slightly less than 40,007.86 km.
The mass of the Earth is quite a relative value, which is constantly changing. The mass of the earth is 5.97219 × 10 24 kg. The mass increases due to the settling of cosmic dust on the surface of the planet, the fall of meteorites, etc., due to which the mass of the Earth annually increases by about 40,000 tons. But due to the dispersion of gases into outer space, the mass of the Earth is reduced by about 100,000 tons per year. Also, the loss of mass of the Earth is affected by an increase in temperature on the planet, which contributes to more intense thermal movement and leakage of gases into space. The smaller the mass of the Earth becomes, the less its attraction and the more difficult it becomes to keep the atmosphere around the planet.
Thanks to the method of radioisotope dating, scientists managed to establish the age of the Earth, it is 4.54 billion years. The age of the Earth was more or less accurately determined back in 1956, subsequently, with the development of technologies and measurement methods, it was slightly corrected.

Other information about the planet Earth

The surface area of ​​the Earth is 510,072,000 km², of which 361,132,000 km² are covered by water, which is 70.8% of the Earth's surface. The land area is 148,940,000 km², which is 29.2% of the Earth's surface area. Due to the fact that water covers much more of the surface of the planet, it was more logical to call our planet Water.
The volume of the Earth is 10.8321 x 10 11 km³.
The highest point on the earth's surface above sea level is Mount Everest, which is 8848 m high, and the deepest place in the world's oceans is the Mariana Trench, its depth is 11022 m. Well, if we give average values, then the average height of the Earth's surface above sea level is 875 m , and the average depth of the ocean is 3800 m.
Acceleration of free fall, it is also the acceleration of gravity in different parts of the planet will be slightly different. At the equator g= 9.780 m/s² and gradually increases, reaching g=9.832 m/s² at the poles. The average value of the gravitational acceleration is assumed to be g = 9.80665 m/s²
The composition of the atmosphere of planet Earth: 1) 78.08% nitrogen (N2); 2) 20.95% oxygen (O2); 3) 0.93% argon (Ar); 0.039% - carbon dioxide (CO2); 4) 1% water vapor. Other elements from Mendeleev's periodic table are also present in small amounts.
Planet Earth is so big and interesting that, despite how much we already know about the Earth, it never ceases to amaze us with those mysteries and unknowns that we continue to face.

Ecuador is located in the very center of the world. Everyone who comes to this country rushes to the city of San Antonio, which is located near Quito, the capital of Ecuador. Here is a monument symbolizing the Middle of the World. Right under the feet of tourists is the red line of the equator. That is, with one foot they are in the southern hemisphere, where it is winter, and the other in the northern hemisphere, where it is summer. Do you feel the difference when you stand like this, spread out over two worlds? Tourists say no! And the locals feel the difference.

Equator- the main attraction of Ecuador, which is named after this imaginary line that divides the surface of the globe into the southern and northern hemispheres. The main landmark segment is located north of the capital Quito in the town of San Antonio de Pichincha. Everything works here so that a person can realize the greatness of the moment - here it is zero latitude, or, as the Incas used to say, Intinyan. This name, according to some sources, is translated as “the road of the sun”, and some translate it as “the parking lot of the sun”. But as it turned out, there is not one or even two parking lots near the sun, and each has its supporters.

Three hundred meters from the first, main place of designation of the equator - the Middle of the World, there is a museum where another line passes. As the owner of the museum "Intignan" Fabian Veyra says, he has concrete evidence that his line is more precisely defined. He places a portable sink along the equator line No. 2, pours out a bucket of water and, for clarity, throws a few leaves. Water goes vertically down without forming a funnel. Fabian then moves the shell to the right of his equatorial line, to the southern hemisphere, and repeats the action. Leaves in the southern hemisphere begin to curl clockwise. Independent experiments can be carried out on a stone - an indicator of the equator, where a nail is driven in. Fabian gives a raw egg and offers to set it on a nail head. The egg does not fall. It's so easy to make tourists believe in your theory! Fabian explains this by the fact that on the equator line, the mutual annihilation of the forces of inertia of Cariolis occurs and the terrestrial forces of gravity decrease. This allows the egg to be balanced so that it rests easily on the head of the nail. But Fabian does not let up and invites tourists to walk along the equator line with their eyes closed. The force of gravity will pull you to the southern, then to the northern hemisphere. And yet - on the equator line, you will weigh a kilogram less!

Cristobal Cobo, director of the Kitsato scientific project for the study of the modern, real equator, claims that there is a real, scientifically based equator line that was drawn not so long ago.
Cristobal Cobo:“Experiments with egg, shell and water are all tricks for tourists. There are modern instruments that indicate that the real equatorial line now passes here - where it is drawn according to the latest scientific data.

In the center of the Kitsato project, you can check everything yourself: stand on the freshly painted line and turn on the JPS. The system indicates that the zero parallel passes exactly where you are standing - a few kilometers from the first two lines. Cristobal explains this by saying that over time, the poles shift, and the equator follows them. This is a natural process of change and development of the planet. Everyone has the right to choose their own middle of the world.

The only thing that remains unchanged here is that throughout the whole country the sun rises and sets at the same time all year round. Here day equals night, and at noon objects never cast a shadow. And there are no seasons in Ecuador as such. And this is possible only at the equator. The equator occupies only five percent of the land. But there is a very rich flora and fauna.

Ecuador has 11 National Parks, 9 reserves, 4 biological reserves, 1 geobotanical reserve and 10 protected natural areas.
El Cajas National Park in Asuay Province. It was founded in 1996 in the west of the country and has an area of ​​285.4 square kilometers. Translated from Spanish as "gate to the mountains." Here you can see about 300 fantastic mountain lakes, lagoons and waterfalls. You need to drive carefully - alpacas (llamas) periodically jump out onto the road. Llama wool makes very warm sweaters that protect well from mountain winds. The higher the mountains, the more dizzy from lack of oxygen. It gets cold and very windy. The temperature at an altitude of 4000 meters drops to +4 degrees.

Ecuador's highest point - extinct Chimborazo volcano(Spanish Chimborazo). Its height is 6267 meters, according to some sources - 6310 m. Once, before the beginning of the 19th century, the Chimborazo volcano was considered the highest peak on Earth. Now it cannot be compared with the highest Himalayan peaks, but so far the Chimborazo volcano is the most distant point on the surface from the center of the Earth.

The material is partially taken from the program: “My planet. With Anastasia Chernobrovina"
Photo: Len Langevin, Delphine Ménard and also from the Internet. For questions about authorship, please contact the office of the company

Every time we study the world map, the equator seems to us such a significant detail that it can be difficult to believe in its conditional existence.

The equatorial line can be crossed many times without even noticing it, but there is a wonderful tradition among sailors to arrange real festivities when their ship passes the equator across the sea. What is meant by this concept? What is the length of the equator and why did scientists need to draw it on maps?

What does the word "equator" mean?

Term "equator" associated with the Latin word aequator, meaning "balance, balance" . At the same time, its initial interpretation correlates with the more ancient Proto-Indo-European concept of aik, translated as “smooth”.

The term came into Russian speech from Germany, from where our ancestors borrowed the German word Äquator.

What is the equator?

The equator is an imaginary line that encircles our planet and passes through its center. The line is laid perpendicular and is at the same distance from the North and South Poles. Since the planet is not strictly spherical in shape, when designating the equator, scientists adopted a conditional circle, the radius of which is equal to the average radius of the Earth.

All lines that pass south and north of the equator are called parallels and are inferior to it in length. In the region of the equatorial line, hot summer always reigns, and the day equals the night. Only here the Sun can be at its zenith, that is, shine strictly vertically with respect to the earth's surface.

Where is the equator?

The equator divides the Earth into the southern and northern hemispheres and acts as the starting point for the geographical latitude. The conditional line stretches through 14 countries, including Ecuador, Brazil, Indonesia, Kenya, Congo. In some places, the equator passes in such a way that it bisects individual settlements and geographical features.

In particular, the Ecuadorian capital of Quito, the Brazilian city of Macapa and the Ecuadorian Wolf volcano are located directly on the line. In addition, the equator crosses 33 islands in Indonesia, on the African Lake Victoria on the Amazon River.

What is the length of the equator?

To do this, he had to measure the time during which the rays of the Sun reached the well in his courtyard, and then calculate the length of the planet's radius and, accordingly, the length of the equator. According to his calculations, the equatorial line was equal to 39,690 km, which, with a small error, practically corresponds to the modern value.

Subsequently, astronomers and mathematicians from many countries of the world tried to calculate the length of the equator. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Dutch scientist Snellius proposed to determine the length of the line without taking into account the obstacles located on it (hills, mountain ranges), and in 1941 the Soviet surveyor Fyodor Krasovsky managed to calculate the length of the Earth's ellipse, which is currently the standard for scientific research.

The actual length of the equator, which is 40,075.696 km, was taken as a basis by the international organizations IAU and IUGG, taking into account an error of 3 meters, which reflects the existing uncertainty in the average radius of the planet.

Why is the equator needed?

The equator on geographic maps helps scientists make calculations, determine the location of various objects, navigate in the climatic zones of the Earth. Being closest to the Sun, the imaginary line receives the most sunlight, respectively, the further certain territories are located from the equator, the colder they are.

The length of the equator is one of the key metric values ​​of the globe. It is used in geodesy and geography, and is also used in sciences such as astrology and astronomy.

Poles (the northernmost and southernmost points of the planet). The equator also divides the earth into the southern hemispheres, being an important line for navigational purposes, since its latitude is 0°, and all other measurements of parallels north or south to the poles are taken from it.

Since the latitude of the Earth's equator is 0°, this is an important feature on the Earth's surface for navigation and exploration, as it serves as a starting point for studying the features of our planet based on latitude. For reference, the longitude line corresponding to the equator is the Greenwich (zero) meridian.

Geography of the Earth's equator

The equator is the only line on the Earth's surface that is considered a great circle. A great circle is any circle drawn on a sphere (or spheroid, like the Earth) with a center that includes the center of that sphere. Thus, the equator is considered a great circle because it passes through the center of the Earth and bisects it. The other lines of latitude (parallels) north and south of the equator are not great circles, as they narrow as they approach the poles and are not centered on the Earth.

Parallels are also great circles of the Earth, but due to the oblate shape of the planet, their circumference is less than at the equator.

Because our planet is an ellipsoid, slightly flattened at the poles and convex at the equator as a result of gravity and rotation, its diameter at the equator is 42.7 km (26.5 mi) larger than its polar diameter of 12,713.5 km (7,899.8 miles). Like the diameter, the Earth's circumference is also slightly larger at the equator due to the equatorial bulge. For example, at the poles the circumference is 40,008 km (24,859.82 miles), while at the equator it is 40,075.16 km (24,901.55 miles).

In addition, since the Earth is an oblate ellipsoid, the linear speed of its rotation at the equator is greater than anywhere else. This is because the circumference of the planet at the equator is approximately 40,000 km or 24,000 miles (for simplicity), and in 24 hours the Earth makes one complete rotation around its axis. So to find the Earth's linear rotational speed, divide 40,000 km (24,000 miles) by 24 hours to get 1,670 km (1,000 miles) per hour. When moving north or south of the equator, the circumference of the Earth becomes smaller and thus the linear speed of rotation also decreases.

Climate and equator

Equatorial climate zone on the world map

The equator differs from the rest of the globe both in its physical environment and geographical purpose. However, the biggest of these differences is its climate. The equator experiences the same climate patterns all year round, dominated by warm, humid or warm and dry climates. Most of the equatorial region is also characterized by high humidity. These climatic features are due to the fact that the equator receives the highest level of solar radiation.

Countries along the equator

In addition to dense rainforests, the equator line crosses the land and waters of 13 countries. Some of these countries are sparsely populated, but others, such as Ecuador, have a high population and some of their largest cities on the equator. For example, Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is within 1 km of the Equator, and in the center of this city there is a museum and a monument marking it.

In addition to Ecuador, the equator line passes through the territories of the following countries: Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe (by sea near Rolash Island), Gabon, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives (by sea between Suvadiva and Addu atolls), Indonesia, Kiribati (by sea), Colombia and Brazil.