The image of the old Russian warrior is liked by all the boys without exception. A caring mother can please the boy with a real hero costume, which is made by hand. It consists of a helmet, chain mail, armor and boots. How to turn simple things into a heroic entourage? Step-by-step instruction and a detailed master class will help with this.

What to make a helmet for a hero

The costume of a hero without a headdress does not look at all, so a little warrior will need a beautiful helmet. It can be made from simple and affordable materials.

What you need for work:

Five-liter plastic bottle;

Plastic glass 500 ml;

Laundry bag or mesh cut;

Silver or gold paint in a spray can;

Mounting double-sided tape;

Scissors and glue.


1. Cut out the base of the helmet from the top of the bottle. To do this, draw a wide frontal part with a marker, leave the sides even. We cut off everything superfluous.

2. From a plastic cup we make the conical top of the helmet. To do this, cut the bottom of the glass, cut it vertically. From the resulting plastic sheet we cut out a cone, fasten it with double-sided tape.

4. Let's start making chain mail for the helmet. We make it from a laundry bag. This mesh is quite strong and inexpensive. You can use a mosquito net or leftover tulle, but this material is thin and stretches a lot.

5. We paint the grid with spray paint in silver or gold.

7. Cut the mesh and try on the helmet. In the places of fastening we apply double-sided tape, to which we attach chain mail-mesh.

We try on a ready-made heroic helmet for a baby. We proceed to the manufacture of other parts of the costume.

Do-it-yourself chain mail and shirt for a hero

An indispensable attribute of a heroic costume is a shirt with a Slavic pattern and chain mail. To sew a Bogatyr costume for a boy with your own hands, you need to stock up on the following materials:

White loose shirt;

Border cut with Slavic pattern;

Foil substrate under the laminate;

Glue, scissors, double-sided tape.


Step #1 Shirt of the hero

You can turn a simple white shirt or nightgown into a heroic shirt. To do this, it is enough to sew a beautiful border with a pattern along the bottom of the product. Now on sale you can find almost any border. The shirt for the hero is ready.

Step #2 Mail

Chain mail can be made in several ways.

1. A vest is cut out of an old knitted sweater, which is painted with spray paint. To do this, the vest is pulled over the back of the chair. Such chain mail is quite light, but the smell of paint remains.

2. You can make scaly chain mail-shell. For its manufacture, you will need rectangles of the same size, which are fastened in a checkerboard pattern. You need to start work from the bottom row of chain mail. In addition, the rectangles must be painted on both sides. The dried parts are sewn onto a tight sleeveless jacket.

Important! You can make a chain mail-shell from a foil substrate for a laminate, cardboard, a plastic folder or other materials.

How to make boots and pants for a hero boy costume with your own hands

Ancient Russian heroes wore high boots with curved toes and figured tops. You won’t find these on sale, but making them is quite simple from improvised materials.

What you need for work:

Thick fabric for boots;


Dense linoleum or leather for the sole;

Thick threads for decorative work;

Awl, scissors.

Step #1 Pattern of boots

We take the necessary measurements from the child’s leg and draw such a pattern.

We transfer the details of the side and front of the boots to the fabric, not forgetting the seam allowances. We cut out the sole from dense linoleum or leather.

Step #2 Assemble the boots

We iron out all the details. We additionally seal the front of the bootleg with doubler so that the boots keep their shape.

We make holes on the sole with an awl through which the shaft will be sewn.

We fold the details of the fabric boots with the right sides inward and sew on a typewriter. We twist and try on the sole. We distribute the fabric along the side of the sole, pinning with pins. The sole must be sewn by hand, with even and neat stitches.

Boots for the hero costume are ready!

The trousers of the ancient Russian hero are made of plain fabric. For their cutting, a pattern of any sports pants or bloomers is suitable. We transfer the pattern to the fabric and sew the pants along the side and crotch seams, not forgetting to tuck the bottom of the legs and insert the elastic into the belt.

You can use ready-made sweatpants made of knitted fabric in soft colors.

Shield and sword for a hero from improvised materials

The weapon makes the outfit more spectacular. As a rule, a do-it-yourself hero costume for a boy is complemented with a shield and a sword.

To make a sword you will need:

Thick cardboard;

Paint in a can;

Metal and plastic jewelry;

Glue, scissors.

On thick cardboard we draw a sketch of the future sword. We cut out several parts that we glue together. This will give additional strength to the finished product.

We cover the dried blank of the sword with several layers spray paint to get an even and beautiful color. When the paint is dry, proceed to decorate the sword.

To decorate the handle, you can take beads, multi-colored plastic or metal rhinestones, colored foil, and more. Decorations are glued in random order on the handle of a cardboard sword.

A shield for a warrior is made light. In Slavic culture, the shape of the shield was simple, more like a circle or an oval. The shield for the hero consists of several parts:

The main part - 2 circles of cardboard. We calculate the diameter of the circle as follows: we measure the length of the arm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow of the child;

Borders - a cardboard hoop about 3-5 cm wide. The inside of the hoop can be made figured;

Central circle with decoration: dragon head, sun or monogram.

The elements of the cardboard shield for the main part are glued together, then painted and allowed to dry. The border is painted separately, after which it is applied to the main part and glued. Do the same with the central part of the shield. When the shield is ready, an elastic band is glued to it from the inside, which will fix it in the hand.

Working on a hero's costume for a boy, you can give ordinary things a new purpose with your own hands. By connecting fantasy and ingenuity, you can accurately copy all the details from ancient legends. It is important not to overdo it with decorations, because the hero is a rather strict and formidable image.

Not only the kid to school or Kindergarten you may need a carnival costume. Today, in many adult organizations, it is an unspoken rule to put skits at any festive corporate parties that will require appropriate outfits. And on New Year and Christmas, fancy dress is paramount! With your own hands, you can make a lot of beautiful creative and original outfits for both skits and celebrations, you just have to turn on your imagination and have a little patience.

"The Snow Queen" - a fairy tale for children and adults

On New Year's Eve, many of the fair sex want to feel like a queen for a while, even if it's snowy. Yes, and at corporate parties, screenwriters often turn their attention to this wonderful tale. After all, playing a story altered in a modern way is an opportunity to allegorically express one's attitude to reality through a scene, to laugh somewhere, and somewhere to make the viewer think. That's where fancy dress costumes come in!

It is not difficult to create an outfit for the Snow Queen with your own hands. All you need is a crown and a beautiful white or blue dress. You can make a crown yourself by cutting it out of cardboard and decorating it with stars and foil snowflakes. A "lace" crown will look great, as well as sprinkled with semolina, imitating snow. Semolina should be poured onto the place smeared with glue.

Ideas for outfits "insects" for girls and women

A checkered cap indicates that the mummer is imitating a famous Russian. A headdress with balls on top or a rabbit and the same cloak will turn the baby into a magician. If you paste over a cylinder made of cardboard with multi-colored pictures, add a bow and put on a tight leotard with bright applications, then it is easy to get a circus clown.

Funny clown on holiday

This costume will suit both boys and girls, and adult uncles, and even elderly aunts. Young slender girls can use short tutu skirts, and mature matrons with magnificent forms will look quite respectable in wide overalls or ridiculous, wide, short pants. Wigs of various colors will be a bright creative addition to the look of a clown or clowness. It is very easy to make such masquerade costumes with your own hands. Discussion of these outfits, laughter and funny remarks will only add to their rating among all the others presented at the holiday. It will definitely be fun.

Jack Sparrow is a favorite carnival character

You can make a fancy dress for a boy with your own hands. Boys, and sometimes even girls, just love to dress up as sea robbers: pirates, filibusters. Yes, and adults often come up with such ideas for masquerade costumes. With your own hands, the more it is quite easy to make. You will need loose pants, high boots, a shirt and vest, a bandana and a crooked knife made of children's toys or cardboard, covered with foil. Long boots can be made independently by sewing the upper part of the tops out of cardboard. This freebie can even be cut off from old boots that are ready to be thrown away.

It would be nice to decorate a shirt with an extravagant frill with a huge brooch - everyone knows that the legendary Jack loved to dress up beautifully. You can also tie a scarf or a bright bow around your neck. A satin sash at the waist wouldn't hurt either. The skull and crossbones symbol is a mandatory attribute of any pirate, so you should think about where to place it in the outfit.

If the choice falls not specifically on Jack Sparrow, but simply on a filibuster, then it is quite appropriate to replace the bandana with a wide-brimmed hat, you can add a dark cloak to the attire, which is tied under the chin.

Dressing up as a dragon is easy!

There are other examples of masquerade costumes. With your own hands, for example, you can make a dragon outfit. It is not difficult to build it if a boy or even a girl has a black T-shirt with sleeves and tight tights or tight black tights. Wings are made either from thick paper or black fabric. To maintain the shape, you should attach pieces of wire to them. Stripes of "noodles" made of paper or fabric can be sewn onto the sleeves and legs. The tail can be made both from fabric and weaved from an ordinary clothesline by placing a wire inside and painting the part in the desired color.

To complete the image, you can get by with a half mask, consisting of masquerade glasses. It only needs to be painted and ears added. But if you wish, you can build a full-fledged mask by repainting any of the available ones in black. From above, in the forehead area, it is recommended to stick ears and horns on it.

Serpent Gorynych: options for attire for one and three people

The costume of Zmey Gorynych looks very creative. It can be made for one child, and immediately for two. If the outfit is prepared for one, then a couple more heads need to be adapted to the collar on the wire. But for three people they simply sew a wide green or black hoodie with three necks and a long tail. One person puts his hand into one sleeve, another - into the second. Unfortunately, the third will have to be at the "no hands" party. Yes, and sitting at the table in such an outfit is not very comfortable. Therefore, most often it is used only for performances.

SpongeBob and his square pants

Making children's masquerade costumes with their own hands, adults often turn to cartoon characters. All kids today are familiar with Sponge Bob. And every child will want to dress up in it, regardless of gender. You can make such an outfit quite quickly from a simple white pillowcase. You just need to cut holes for the head and arms and paint the "shirt" with ordinary paints. You can, of course, make an application with different fabrics using a sewing machine or an iron and polyethylene. The main thing is to insert a solid wire or stick into the upper seam so that the square shape does not deform.

Animal costumes: how to sew a jumpsuit

As you know, kids just love to dress up as animals. Today you can buy any children's fancy dress in the store. How to sew it at home - this article will tell.

The main part of the outfit is the jumpsuit. It is sewn from fleece or flannel of the appropriate color. The pattern is easy to make from old clothes, which are recommended to be cut. It is necessary to leave allowances for seams and length if the child has already grown out of the attire that is selected as a template. You can also sew not a jumpsuit, but separately pants and a blouse, it will be more practical, because in this case the suit will last more than one year.

If necessary, sew pieces of fur on the collar, the tip of the tail, on the ankles or wrists.

We make masks for animal costumes for adults and children

The easiest way is to sew a mask-hat from the same material from which the jumpsuit is made. For example, a pattern is made from the following parts

  1. The median rectangle is 7 cm wide. The length is calculated from the bottom point behind the back of the head real person and to the virtual tip of the wolf's nose. The corners at one end should be smoothly cut, shaping.
  2. 4 identical triangular parts - ears. They are connected in pairs and turned inside out with seams.
  3. Two identical sides, which include the cheeks, eyes and side parts of the nose. In shape, these parts resemble a semicircle with a wolf's nose in profile. During sewing, tucks or tucks are made into a semicircle in order to give the cap roundness. The median rectangle is sewn to the upper part of the muzzle (along the red dotted line), at the same time the ears are sewn (along the blue dotted line).
  4. Half of the open upper part of the mouth is red or pink. You need to sew on the mouth after the upper part of the mask is sewn (green dotted line). Along the way, you can attach white fangs, which are most conveniently cut out of a rubber insole, or can be sewn from fabric and stuffed with cotton. You can use cardboard.

The eyes are glued onto the finished mask or sewn on with buttons. You can make eyebrows out of fur. The nose is stuffed with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, a button is sewn onto the pipka.

You can make a mask out of paper or papier-mâché. And some even manage to crochet a luxurious funny muzzle from yarn.

In general, there can be no barriers to fantasy when making a costume for a carnival. To the one who invents, let a wide field for activity be opened!

New Year is a magical holiday. For each child, it is special: someone is waiting for a meeting with Santa Claus, receiving desired gifts, many guests and delicious food, and someone is waiting for a real fairy tale - something that does not happen in everyday life. This holiday is the very case when the most unrealizable dream can come true. Become a super hero, fly into space, play the role of a princess, a cute funny animal, a clown, a fairy or even a dinosaur! offers original ideas for a fabulous transformation for your child. After all, a carnival costume is a kind of ticket to a magical land! And the task of the mother is to build a conceived image easily and quickly, using simple means.

space suit

In our childhood, many children dreamed of becoming astronauts. Boundless space distances, alien civilizations and undiscovered worlds - all this is tempting and very attractive. Space has not lost its appeal for modern children. Therefore, an astronaut's spacesuit is an original idea for a New Year's party or carnival.

To make this magnificent space helmet, we inflate a large round balloon to the required volume. Then we put wet paper towels on its surface. The next few layers are small pieces of paper smeared with PVA glue. We are waiting for the glue to dry. We pierce the balloon and take it out through the resulting small holes. We make an oval slot in the helmet.

We glue the blank of the helmet with foil.

To make a visor, you need a transparent thin plastic. This happens on the packaging of children's toys. We cut out an elliptical visor from it. We pierce along two edges and fasten with cheap children's earrings.

To get the most real oxygen cylinders, you need to wrap them in foil. They can be attached to the belt or to the suit itself with double-sided tape.

To make a dashboard on an astronaut suit, we use cardboard, holographic paper, and old CDs. If you are good with electrical devices, you can attach a small garland with a battery to the structure. See how the front panel on the suit glows in the dark.

We make real space shoes as follows: we wrap rubber boots with foil and lightly attach it on top with tape. Our astronaut is ready. Now we only need a space rocket!

To supplement the space meeting of the New Year will help alien costume.

For those who do not want to sew, we can offer a costume of planets and stars. To do this, we make the corresponding bright mask hats from cardboard and colored paper. To keep such a hat at the back, we attach an elastic band to it.

Now it remains to choose the right one, and a bright, memorable holiday is guaranteed!

Bright Columbine - clown carnival costume

How can you do at a holiday without a merry fellow or a clown? We propose to make an unusual move and present a little girl as a clowness. Sweet and beautiful Colombina will appeal to an active, cheerful girl.

For the clown costume we use bright fabrics and accessories. You can wear a white blouse or T-shirt, complementing them with a voluminous colorful skirt made of pieces of fabric. We complement the set with bright socks, golfs, leggings.

We decorate the cap for Colombina with sparkles, tinsel, pompoms. This headpiece can be attached to a headband for clowness speed and mobility - it's easy to take off or put on when needed.

dinosaur costume

The theme of prehistoric reptiles has fascinated children for more than a decade. offers several variations on the dinosaur carnival costume theme.

For example, you can sew a fabric jumpsuit by decorating it with spikes along the spine and tail.

You can make a costume-house "Dinosaur" from cardboard boxes. Such an outfit is easy to make and will definitely be remembered, although it is not very convenient to move in it.

You can “upgrade” your existing sports or knitted suit and balaclava by adding rubber boots and gloves. Look what a colorful lizard turned out!

Carnival costume "Amanita"

The main detail in the fly agaric costume is, of course, a bright hat with white peas. It can be made by covering an old hat with a large brim or a cardboard blank with a suitable red fabric. At the same time, it is good to add a soft frame-foam rubber or fabric inside. Then you get a real mushroom hat.

To make an owl costume, we need a beige and brown range of clothes. We attach large eyes to the U-shaped hat. We sew feathers from colored fabric onto a jacket.

Eastern sage

To make this costume, you will need bright bloomers, a T-shirt and two colored scarves. You can decorate the sage's headdress with a brooch or feather.

The theme of the Indians is bright, colorful and romantic. And although modern children no longer read novels about the Wild West, every boy is ready to dress up as an Indian.

Indian clothing was made from homespun linen. Therefore, we choose a fabric that is suitable in color and texture. Sew on braid and fringe.

We make special "overlays". We decorate them with braid, lacing and wooden buttons.

For the headdress, we use a wire frame with feathers or a cardboard frame with paper feathers. You can also use a fabric base.


Carlson's mischievous costume is a bright green shirt, banana pants with suspenders, a red wig and a propeller.

If you want to make a spinning propeller, arm yourself with a base from a CD and an old CD drive (we will need a bobbin). We pierce the fabric with a pin, fasten the propeller and close it with a plastic cap. Now our propeller is spinning!

Costumes Duckling, Ladybug, Butterfly, Dog

On the basis of a jumpsuit pattern, you can create a variety of carnival costumes. See what options you can get:

A simple and colorful strongman costume can be made from a sailor shirt. Add a funny mustache - and you're done!

Masha and the Bear

The heroine of a Russian folk tale and a cartoon beloved by everyone - a cheerful playful girl Masha - we will create from a completely real girl with the help of a sundress and a pink scarf. To complete the image, you can pick up a teddy bear.

Fairy, butterfly, ladybug - these costumes can be made according to a single pattern: a bright fluffy skirt, a headband with horns, wings and a magic wand.