December 10, 2012, 17:38

I ask those to whom all this seemed to be a complete absurdity, to culturally comment and go further;) The first part is here - http://www.... 11. Consumer. The consumer is selfish, flattering, two-faced, likes to interfere in other people's affairs and manipulate others. He is there when he needs you. If he sees money, he does not hear his soul. These people are capable of anything for their own success. They need friends in order to benefit, otherwise they throw a person away from themselves without hesitation.
When communicating with the Consumer, the method of open protest is one of the ways out. This method allows you to make it clear that you feel used and offended. In some cases, resistance on your part makes the Consumer feel remorse for his nasty things. If the Consumer cares about your friendship and respect, he may look at himself and your reactions in a different way. If you can manage to remain calm, the way of open protest will allow you to start a dialogue that will help restore a damaged relationship. If you feel that they are trying to manipulate you, to use you in this situation, say directly and harshly: “No, it won’t work. I won't let anyone do that to me, I don't like it." Another option is to leave and no longer give the consumer the opportunity to use you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. Evil upstart tyrant. This is a caustic, bilious, hostile person. He is looking for flaws in you, fraught with a threat, prone to cruelty. He ranks first in the strength of his hatred of other people. They like to mock people, to see how they cower in fear. In addition, the “Evil Upstart Tyrant” is a verbal terrorist and stubborn know-it-all, his motto is: “Either I am right, or no one.” Hot-tempered and unpredictable, they stick their nose everywhere.
Very often these dictators, when fought with the same weapons, are both astonished and disgusted at their conduct. In fact, by fighting back their anger, you can once and for all protect yourself from such attacks. By shouting louder than they do, you will regain your courage. In addition, the way of scandal is suitable in dealing with the Upstart-tyrant. Don't let him torture you with his "quirks" and enjoy your humiliation. On the contrary, act boldly and coolly. If you put him in his place, Upstart may even start to respect you. Do not give him the pleasure of seeing your fear. Your tyrant boss will also feel respect for you, although he may explode even more. You will win either way: even if he unleashes his fury on you, you will at least retain your dignity. Another possibility is to move away from the Upstart Tyrant and stay as far away from him as possible. A humorous way will help too. There are many cases when good-natured humor saved the situation and the ardor of the tyrant died down.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13. Joker. The joker is tedious, frivolous, ignorant, obsessive and indifferent to others. They always say free, often stupid and rude jokes about others, hoping that they will be considered the height of wit. These wise sayings of theirs often run into silence. It is not possible to speak seriously with them, they will joke and laugh, causing you only irritation.
The method of open protest immediately lets the Joker know that you do not consider him witty and do not intend to be the object of vile jokes and stories. It is necessary to maintain a firm tone in order to silence him. Do not be afraid to talk to the Joker in this way, because in a good way he does not understand. When the Joker releases a venomous joke at you and justifies himself by saying that he was “just fooling around”, or trying to provoke you with the remark: “Don't you understand jokes?” - put it in its place immediately. Tell him that you understand the jokes, but do not find anything funny in what he spun. Don't worry about hurting him or hurting his feelings. After all, this person doesn't really care about your feelings. Since the Joker builds a wall of jokes in front of him to protect his frail self-esteem, you may not be able to break his offensive demeanor. The joker can just give up on you and continue in the same spirit. In such a case, refer to the method of scandal. Also remind the Prankster, using the method of open protest, that today's plight in the world will quickly put an end to his jokes, especially if they are dangerous from the point of view of the norms of interracial or sexual behavior.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14. Ignorant. He is tactless, touchy, unpredictable. Ignorance is impossible to understand. Completely ignorant of themselves and others, they often make questionable remarks with absolutely no consideration for your feelings. Even if it turns out that they are smart and succeed at work, the lack of kindness and tact on their part only breeds disrespect for others. These people cause quarrels, so they usually change jobs often.
In dealing with the Ignorant, all the variety of methods is at your disposal. Which one you choose depends on how ignorant or stupid you are. Start with a way to relieve tension if the opponent seems so unbearable to you that you can only hold your breath to contain your anger. It's usually not enough to take your anger out on the Ignorant. Therefore, you can influence him using the method of open protest, explaining, like a small child, that his actions are completely inappropriate.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15. Madman. Lunatics can be erratic, overwhelmed by emotions, or completely devoid of them. Communicating with the Madmen is dangerous. They are mentally (or emotionally) upset or suffer from some type of mental illness, often seem strange and out of control. Crazy people can change their behavior before our eyes. They are the most difficult to deal with, as it is difficult to predict what kind of surprise their behavior is preparing.
Lunatics work best with stress relief and quiet questions. The more calm you are, the less you provoke the Madman and the easier it will be for you to communicate. Ultimately, you can always get away from the Lunatics and do more enjoyable things, because without professional help, they will never be able to change their difficult behavior. Do what you can to send such a person to a doctor, and if you fail, save yourself. Even if you are beside yourself and ready to strangle someone who does you nasty things, always suppress your aggressive impulses and do not do anything that can ruin your future and put your life in danger. When faced with the Madmen, never try to take matters into your own hands, but try to find legal ways. Then, no matter how painful it is, tell yourself, "I won't think about it," to deal with the bitterness in your heart sown by the Madman.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16. Shameless liar . The “shameless liar” cannot be trusted, he is impudent, obsessive, shameless. They usually do not know for themselves whether they are lying or telling the truth. These people lied so much, tried so hard to reinforce their low self-esteem, that they themselves finally began to believe what they were saying. These people are inveterate manipulators. Liars are very difficult to deal with, as it is impossible to trust them and truly communicate with them. Since trust is the basis of communication, they cannot be respected and their souls should not be opened to them. The best way to deal with the Shameless Liar is to ask calm questions. If, suspecting him of a lie, you begin to pour questions, the Liar will eventually be cornered and appear in the open. Then comes the turn of the method of open protest, which lets the Liar know that you have seen through him, as some Liars withhold the truth just to impress you. You may want to help them save their reputation, even though you know they are lying. Adopt a way to relieve tension, and let the Liar weave anything. And if he wants to impress you with harmless fiction, use a humorous way. A slight grin on your face often shows the Liar that you are aware of the true state of affairs, but are not inclined to humiliate him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17. Dirty . Dirty self-confident, unfriendly, heartless. Such people invade someone else's life and set to work with the goal of turning it into hell. These are the people who, unlike Gossips, will themselves arrange a meeting in order to tell others about your misfortunes and rejoice. The dirty trick only does what gives others trouble and cripple someone's life, the reason for this is the envy of those who live an active, interesting and eventful life.
The dirty trickster should unambiguously make it clear that his nasty things are by no means welcome and look disgusting. The method of scandal, and then the method of retreat, will best explain the mischief of this type of your attitude towards him. You should not be polite and friendly with the Dirty, as this, as a rule, does not impress them. These manipulators are too dangerous, so after you give them a pepper, leave immediately! Don't let bad guys into your life.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18 The miser. They count every penny, selfish, undeveloped, stubborn. The misers have so little self-respect that they think they deserve only what is cheap or free in life. All their conversations invariably come down to money. These people are so petty that they miss the most important thing. Usually they are stingy with compliments and expressing feelings.
Miser are a classic type of mischievous creatures, because they have an unusually low self-esteem. In communicating with the Miser, the method of calm questions can help you. By asking certain questions, you will let him know how unpleasant stinginess is. Most likely, the Curmudgeon will be embarrassed to learn of your point of view. And the answers will shed light on his hidden fears, which will make you more understanding and patient with your opponent, even if he behaves unworthily. Another way is the method of open protest. The necessary conditions are compassion and understanding, therefore, when communicating with the Miser, keep a friendly tone. The way of love and kindness will best demonstrate your empathy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19 .Fanatic. The motto of the whole life of the Fanatic, regardless of the opinions of others, is “Everything is wrong!”, He also believes: it’s either me or no one is right. The fanatic is passionately devoted to his beliefs and tries to persuade you to his way of thinking. Unable to give up their intentions, they use any, sometimes inhuman, means. It is impossible to have a detailed, meaningful conversation with him, since he does not want to listen to anyone but himself.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20 .Slick. A tomboy - a typical manipulator - will flatter you to the point of insanity, just to get what you want. He pleases you with beautiful speeches and behaves as if you are his eternal friend and is ready for anything for you. In fact, Podliza is pursuing his own selfish thoughts. Despite the fact that Slickers are shameless manipulators, you do not have the courage to blame them for everything, because deep down you still believe that at least the smallest of what they say is true. When the sugar flattery just starts to pour over the edge, a way to relieve tension will help you cope with unpleasant emotions. If this is not enough to overcome the dislike, seize on a humorous way to put a stop to the Slicker's desire to please you. You can smile and say good-naturedly: “Come on, continue, am I really like you say? Maybe you need something from me." This combination of humor and outright protest can cause an outburst of denial, followed by other hilarious remarks such as "If you don't stop talking in that honeyed voice I'm going to get diabetes" or "Are you pouring that sweet syrup on me to watch?" , how will the ants stick around me?”, or “Are you tired of it yet?” Show them that you can see through their sycophantic "things". If you can't stand the Podliz and their flattery anymore, try the mirror method. Talk to them just like them, imitating their sweet voice. They usually figure out what's going on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21. Smug Despot . A person of this type is confident that he is perfection itself and contemptuously looks at you from a height. Stupid, narcissistic, picky, he expects everyone else to live by the laws he has set. It is extremely difficult to communicate with him and even more difficult to live with, since there are few people who meet his requirements. His own life is so miserable that the despot cannot allow the whole world to amuse himself. He usually boils with anger, indignation and disgust, because he is not distinguished by tolerance for others.
When confronted by the Smug Despot, immediately show him, using calm questions, how unpleasant and boring he is to you. If, on the other hand, the Smug Despot is in an unassailable position and you find it dangerous to use the mirror mode, settle for the substitutive fantasy mode so that you can spend time with the Despot without harming yourself.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you , read, learn, use :)

Our hunting dog, Laika, came to us from the banks of the Biya, and in honor of this Siberian river we named it the Biya. But soon this Biya for some reason turned into Biyushka, everyone began to call Biyushka Vyushka.
We did not hunt much with her, but she served us well as a watchman. You will go hunting, and be sure: Vyushka will not let someone else in.
This Vyushka is a cheerful dog, everyone likes it: ears like horns, a tail with a ring, white teeth like garlic. She got two bones from dinner. Receiving a gift, Vyushka unfolded the ring of her tail and lowered it down with a log. This for her meant anxiety and the beginning of the vigilance necessary for protection - it is known that in nature there are many hunters on bones. With her tail down, Vyushka went out onto the grass-ant and took up one bone, while she put the other next to her.
Then, out of nowhere, magpies: lope, lope! - and to the very nose of the dog. When Vyushka turned her head to one - grab it! Another magpie on the other side grab! - and took away the bone.
It was late autumn, and the magpies hatching this summer were quite mature. They stayed here with the whole brood, in seven pieces, and from their parents they learned all the secrets of theft. Very quickly they pecked at the stolen bone and, without thinking twice, were going to take the second one from the dog.
They say that the family has its black sheep, the same happened in the magpie family. Of the seven, forty-one came out not exactly stupid, but somehow with a leap and with pollen in her head. Now it was the same: all six magpies launched a correct attack, in a large semicircle, looking at each other, and only one Upstart galloped foolishly.
- Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta! - all the magpies chirped.
This meant to them:
- Jump back, jump as it should, as the whole magpie society needs!
- Tra-la-la-la-la! - answered the Upstart.
This meant to her:
- Download as you need, and I - as I myself want.
So, at her own peril and risk, Upstart jumped up to Vyushka herself in the expectation that Vyushka, stupid, would rush at her, throw away the bone, but she would contrive and take the bone away.
Vyushka, however, understood the Upstart’s plan well and not only did not rush at her, but, noticing the Upstart with a slanting eye, she freed the bone and looked in the opposite direction, where six smart magpies were advancing in a regular semicircle, as if unwillingly - lope and think.
That moment, when View turned her head away, Upstart took advantage of her attack. She grabbed the bone and even managed to turn in the other direction, managed to hit the ground with her wings, raise dust from under the grass-ant. And if only one more moment to rise into the air, if only one moment! That's just, if only the magpie would rise, as Vyushka grabbed her by the tail and the bone fell out ...
The upstart escaped, but the entire rainbow long magpie tail remained in Vyushka's teeth and stuck out of her mouth like a long sharp dagger.
Has anyone seen a magpie without a tail? It is hard to even imagine what this brilliant, motley and agile egg thief turns into if her tail is cut off.
It happens that mischievous village boys will catch a horsefly, stick a long straw in his ass and let this large strong fly fly with such a long tail - terrible disgusting! Well, so, this is a fly with a tail, and here - a magpie without a tail; whoever was surprised at a fly with a tail will be even more surprised at a magpie without a tail. Then nothing of the magpie remains in this bird, and you will never recognize in it not only a magpie, but also some kind of bird: it is just a motley ball with a head.
Tailless Upstart sat down on the nearest tree, all the other six magpies flew towards her. And it was evident from all the chirping of the magpie, all the fuss, that there is no greater shame in the magpie's life than to lose a magpie's tail.

Olga Chekhova. The secret role of movie star Hitler Gromov Alex Bertrand

Hitler - "noisy upstart"?

At first, Olga Chekhova had to earn extra money by making chess pieces, but then cinematic success came. Although, by her own admission, at first she did not know at all what cinema was. "One day a friend takes me to visit friends. They, in turn, invite me to a small party, which should be attended by filmmakers. I have no idea about filmmakers; in Russia, I played only in the theater ... I meet people from the world of cinema, in including with Erich Pommer, an outstanding film producer in Germany... In Russia, I have not seen a single film. From the stories I know that in my homeland for artists this is an additional extra income, which educated actors usually do not go to. In short: I have never been to the cinema ... So, in order to gain experience, I run in Berlin from one cinematic temple to another and watch everything indiscriminately: detectives, dramas, educational, historical, love, adventure films and all sorts of crafts.Most of the films I am not at all enthusiastic about. exaggerated, unnatural movements! What pathetic, ridiculous gestures!.."

But nevertheless, she was able to quickly learn the principles of the new visual art, which helped her become a star of the still silent cinema of the "golden twenties".

At the same time, she did not have so many illusions, the “golden twenties” did not seem to her a heavenly time, even when they passed: “I don’t understand why they were called that. Like never before, yes, however, and then these years are closely gloss and poverty, real and imaginary, idleness and hard work, wealth and need, despair and hope, madness and reason, spiritual and soulless are intertwined.And there is almost everything that will appear later, after the Second World War, only slightly updated: mini - skirts, night and strip clubs, drugs, Charleston, jazz ... With the exception of a few really rich, in the "golden twenties" there is no wide prosperous layer, on the contrary: a million-strong army of unemployed grows by tens of thousands every week.

But even the unemployed are sometimes ready to save on food, just to plunge for an hour or two into the sweet oblivion of a dark cinema hall and a shining screen. Therefore, entertainment tapes go for the most part with a bang. Politics is not yet in vogue, or rather, it is considered an occupation suitable only for professional politicians, who not only stir up controversy in the newspapers and sling mud at electoral competitors, but also "send electrified paramilitaries into the streets to give their arguments a literal sense of words of great lethal force: political opponents shoot, cut or beat each other. Daily wounded and killed ... "

The shadow of National Socialism was already hanging over Germany. And still none of the educated people and bohemians took him seriously. Among those who shone in Berlin society, Chekhova noted "Colin Ross, the famous travel writer, publisher Ernst Rowalt, the first race car driver in Berlin Fraulein von Siemens, her famous colleague Hans Stuck; I chat with the "tennis baron" von Kramm, the outstanding conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, Thomas Mann and many, many others. Politically, we are all more or less moderate, or at least we pretend to be so… "The newfangled trends in art from Cubism to Dadaism seemed to be much more important than political trends. Hitler seemed to the majority “just a noisy upstart,” as Chekhova wrote in her memoirs. “And I don’t take the “noisy upstart” seriously. if someone prophesied this to me, I would ridicule him ... "

At that time, she was much more interested in Reich Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann, "an old school diplomat, a connoisseur of the arts, a socialist in spirit and deed, but an amiable and charming person in personal communication." He questioned Olga Chekhova about Russia, saying that "Germany - "the country of Central Europe" and Russia - "the country where Europe and Asia meet" - have no right to oppose each other with hostility. The Reichsminister helped Chekhova obtain a German passport.

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Hitler was born in the Austrian city of Branlau am Inn in the family of a shoemaker. At the age of 16, he finishes school, tries to become a student at the Vienna Academy of Arts, but fails. He leaves for Vienna, where he lives by odd jobs, during the same period he creates a series of watercolors. On

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Hitler One chapter of these notes must therefore be devoted to the man whom I have already called "fate" above, namely Hitler. Who was this man who became the fate of my father, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and of the entire German people? Perhaps it is permissible to go further and

- (inosk.) about jumping out of obscurity into noble people, or jumping forward to show off and curry favor. Wed (Napoleon) upstart, whatever you say. Gr. L. N. Tolstoy. War and Peace. 1, 4. Cf. He hated arrogant upstarts. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Parvenyu, the scoundrel; nouveau riche, from rags to riches, a crow in peacock feathers, from rags to riches Dictionary of Russian synonyms. upstart crow in peacock feathers (colloquial); parvenu (outdated) from rags to riches (colloquial) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. ... ... Synonym dictionary

Upstart, upstarts, husband. and wives. (colloquial neglect). A person who intervenes first before others in something in order to earn approval, to curry favor with someone. || A person who has not rightfully taken some position, social position ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

See chatterer VV Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

- (inosk.) about jumping out of obscurity into noble people or jumping forward to speak out and curry favor Cf. (Napoleon) upstart, whatever you say. Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace. 1, 4. Cf. He hated arrogant upstarts. Leskov. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Genus of fungi; the same as Vesyolka ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

M. and w. unfold 1. The one who interferes in any business, wanting to curry favor, draw attention to himself. 2. trans. One who has not deservedly reached a high social position or occupied a high position. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T.F.… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart, upstart (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words

With an upstart. Kar. Skipping. SRGK 1, 292 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

upstart- upstart, and, genus. n. pl. h. check, husband. and wives... Russian spelling dictionary


  • Upstart
  • Upstart, Sergei Yaroshchuk. She was wonderful. Such women are in a period of love. When she just realized that she loves and the whole essence of a woman becomes one, radiant, filled with joyful awe and ...