Both adults and children love puzzles, and crosswords are no exception, of which there are countless on different topics and different types. The word crossword itself is translated from English as “crossing of words” and is a series of cells that are filled with letters, forming words for the questions asked.

Everyone knows how to solve crossword puzzles, but not everyone is strong in fire safety crossword puzzles. As a rule, crossword puzzles about firefighters or on fire topics are made by schoolchildren or university students as part of tasks on the subject of life safety or preschool children's teachers and primary school teachers to teach fire safety rules to their wards.

In this material you will find ready-made crosswords on a fire theme with questions of varying complexity and answers to them, and at the end of the article you can watch a video that details how to make a crossword yourself.

Attention!!! For ease of use, all the crosswords below are available for download after the article - button "DOWNLOAD" .

Crossword 1

10. If this appliance is left on, a fire may occur.

11. Lack of oxygen due to a lot of smoke.

15. What rules must always be observed.

18. Rescue of people in a fire (bringing them to a safe area).

21. A device for taking water from the water supply network to extinguish a fire.

22. Firefighter in other words…

24. Flammable liquid.


1. Common cause of fire.

2. Device for respiratory protection.

5. A stick made of combustible material, equipped with an incendiary head at the end, which serves to produce an open fire.

6. Flexible pipeline through which water enters when extinguishing a fire.

8. A device with which you can put out a small fire.

9. System of continuous water supply to consumers.

12. Physical phenomenon that can cause a short circuit.

13. A catastrophic situation in which the usual way of life is sharply violated.

14. The beginning of combustion under the influence of an ignition source.

16. Fire warning system.

19. A water source that can be used to extinguish a fire.

20. An animal that helps find and rescue people during disasters.

22. A person carrying out fire prevention, extinguishing and related to them.

23. Fire alert.


Horizontally: 3 - panic; 4 - fire; 7 - quenching; 10 - heater; 11 - suffocation; 15 - safety; 18 - evacuation; 21 - hydrant; 22 - fireman; 24 - gasoline.

Vertically: 1 - short circuit; 2 - gas mask; 5 - match; 6 - sleeve; 8 - fire extinguisher; 9 - plumbing; 12 - electricity; 13 - disaster; 14 - fire; 16 - alarm; 17 - drought; 19 - well; 20 - dog; 22 - fireman; 23 - siren.

Crossword 3


1. Flammable liquid.

4. Type of fire covering the crowns of trees.

5. The process of movement of people from the danger zone of a fire.

6. Fire alert.

8. Fire hose in the common people.

10. A person carrying out fire prevention, extinguishing and related rescue operations.

12. A particle of a burning or incandescent solid.

13. ... - not a toy for children.

14. A water source that can be used to extinguish a fire.

16. Mobile (wearable) device for fire extinguishing.

19. Deliberately, with criminal intent, caused a fire.

21. Flexible pipeline for the supply of fire extinguishing agents to the fire site.

22. Tool located on the fire shield.


Horizontally: 2 - sand; 3 - grassroots; 7 - machine; 9 - oxygen; 11 - fireman; 13 - match; 15 - fire; 17 - ladder; 18 - hydrant; 20 - fire; 23 - fire.

Vertically: 1 - gasoline; 4 - riding; 5 - evacuation; 6 - siren; 7 - lightning; 8 - hose; 10 - fireman; 12 - spark; 13 - match; 14 - well; 16 - fire extinguisher; 19 - arson; 21 - sleeve; 22 - an ax.

Crossword 4

10. The most common means for fighting fires.

11. Fire hose through which water enters.

14. Notifies of a fire.

15. He is on the beach, and in the sugar bowl, and in the box next to the fire shield.


Horizontally: 1 - fireman; 2 - matches; 4 - telephone; 5 - flasher; 7 - fire extinguisher; 8 - combat; 9 - tower; 11 - calculation; 12 - fire; 13 - helmet; 15 - flame; 16 - leggings.

Vertically: 1 - gas mask; 3 - fireman; 6 - hydrant; 8 - hook; 10 - water; 11 - sleeve; 14 - siren; 15 - sand.

Crossword 5

Crossword No. 5 (


1. The substance is volatile
With a pungent odor and without color
It flows from the burner in the kitchen,
You strike a match - it will immediately light up.

2. Tourists will come to their camp,
He will be divorced in the evening.
It will burn for a long time
Warm them up with your warmth.

3. Gray cloth
Stretches out the window
Curls, rises,
Rushing into the sky.

4. In a shirt in bright red,
In work trouble-free.
Device named OP-5
Every student must know!

5. In a canvas jacket and helmet,
Forgetting about chain mail armor.
Decisively and without fear
The knight throws himself into the fire!

6. Too hot all of a sudden
electric iron,
What should you do, kids?
Remove plug from...


1. With an iron point,
with bent hook
Fire equipment.
You don't know him?

2. Carbon monoxide smoke swirled,
Gary's room is full.
What does a firefighter wear?
What can't you do without?

3. I run along the paths,
I can't do it without a path.
Where am I, guys, no,
Lights won't come on in the house.

4. Hisses and gets angry,
Afraid of water.
With the tongue - and not barking,
Without teeth - but does it bite?

5. It can melt, but not ice.
Not a lantern, but gives light.

6. If you want to save property
Don't leave when it's hot...

7. Here the clouds sprinkled with rain,
It suddenly became light, as if it were daylight.
that sparkles dazzlingly
Thunder deafening gives birth?
Does it set fire to trees in the forest?

8. Both shirts and panties,
He strokes for you, kids,
But remember friends
You can't play with him!


Horizontally: 1 - gas; 2 - fire; 3 - smoke; 4 - ; 5 - fireman; 6 - sockets.

Vertically: 1 - ; 2 - gas mask; 3 - current; 4 - fire; 5 - candle; 6 - oven; 7 - lightning; 8 - iron.

Crossword 6

Crossword number 6


1. Deliberate criminal act, as a result of which ignition and fire occur.

3. It rapidly spreads throughout the territory during a fire.

4. Damage to the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract of a person from exposure to flame.

5. What is a common cause of fires in the forest due to the negligence of vacationers?

8. Serious consequences for a person poisoned by smoke from a fire.

10. What must not be left switched on unattended to avoid fire?

14. A means of protecting a person from harmful gases in case of fire.

15. Stress reaction of a person, unacceptable in a fire.

17. With the help of which they are transported to different points of the fire.

18. What can happen due to faulty or old electrical wiring?

19. The sound signal of the notification about the arisen fire.

22. A cylinder with which you can extinguish a fire at the primary stage of ignition.

23. A flammable substance that may cause poisoning, explosion and fire.

24. The point of initial occurrence of a fire.


2. It is no less dangerous than fire in a fire.

3. Uncontrolled burning of vegetation or buildings.

6. Elimination of fire.

7. The design used by fire services to rescue people from a burning multi-storey building.

9. What must be observed to prevent a fire?

10. What is the most common cause of a house fire?

11. A professional firefighter.

12. Rescue of people from a burning room.

13. Small sticks with incendiary heads.

16. From what can a flame flare up?

20. "Soap bubbles", which are used in fire fighting.

21. Wrong name for a fire hose.


Horizontally: 1 - arson; 3 - flame; 4 - burn; 5 - fire; 8 - suffocation; 10 - electrical appliance; 14 - gas mask; 15 - panic; 17 - sleeve; 18 - short circuit; 19 - siren; 22 - fire extinguisher; 23 - gas; 24 - hearth.

Vertically: 2 - smoke; 3 - fire; 6 - quenching; 7 - stairs; 9 - safety; 10 - electricity; 11 - fireman; 12 - evacuation; 13 - matches; 16 - spark; 20 - foam; 21 - hose.

Crossword 7

Crossword number 7 (


1. Waterfowl from the duck family.

3. A fruit and berry drink prohibited for use by firefighters while on duty.

4. Portable-knapsack fire extinguishing system. allowing, when extinguishing a fire, to avoid flooding the lower floors of the house.

6. Flammable liquid.

8. A characteristic feature of the flame, fire.

10. Device for creating water pressure in fire hoses.

12. A bed often turns into “this” for those. who smokes in it.

14. Celebration in 1999 in honor of the 350th anniversary of the formation of the Russian fire department.

15. Room for target shooting.

17. Burn without residue.

18. Stinging insect.

20. Punishment for violation of the Fire Safety Rules.

22. Sports equipment on skids.

23. Triumphal building.

24. Ashes after a fire.


1. Body that allows you to determine the leakage of gas.

2. Marine mammal.

3. The cheapest means for extinguishing a fire.

5. Positive electrode.

7. Official of the State Fire Supervision.

8. Same as life.

9. The main part of the sliding-roller pump of the MP-600A motor pump.

10. Permission-permission to carry out fire hazardous work.

11. An indispensable device. must be connected at the end of the suction hose line before the pump starts working from an open reservoir.

12. One of the most refractory metals.

13. Regular income in the form of interest.

16. The bird of the southern countries of the ankle-footed squad with bare spots on the head and throat, was especially revered in ancient Egypt.

19. Product of incomplete combustion.

20. Large fish of the sturgeon family.

21. Safety rope.


Horizontally: 1 - dive; 3 - wine; 4 - needle; 6 - alcohol; 8 - fever; 10 - pump; 12 - odr; 14 - celebration; 15 - shooting range; 17 - completely; 18 - wasp; 20 - fine; 22 - sleigh; 23 - arch; 24 - ashes.

Crossword number 8 (


1. Night check of a fire-prevention condition of the protected object.

4. The severity of carrying the enhanced version of the service.

7. When extinguishing a fire, it is spilled like water.

9. Nastya snap fire shield.

11. An element of firefighter combat uniforms.

12. The attack of firefighters on the fire.

13. Responsible for fire safety in the ship's kitchen.

15. Time of existence of the magazine "Fire business" in Russia.

16. A literary work worthy of the work of firefighters.

17. Brand of Russian beer, allowed for use by firefighters during combat duty in unlimited quantities.

19. One of the reasons for the New Year's fires.


1. A species of wood that is particularly fire resistant.

2. Detachment of fire gas and smoke defenders.

3. The very place for the ship's arsonist.

5. A device for supplying water when extinguishing a fire.

6. Means for extinguishing burning magnesium.

7. Legal concept used by the inspector of the State Fire Supervision.

8. Vegetation that contributes to the spread of fire in hot weather.

9. Flammable liquid.

10. Flower with fiery coloring.

14. The smile of the arsonist.

17. Signal of a ship on fire.

18. The Old Testament righteous man who escaped from the wicked cities destroyed by heavenly fire.


Horizontally: 1 - patrol; 4 - burden; 5 - rap; 7 - sweat; 9 - scrap; 11 - helmet; 12 - attack; 13 - spinner; 15th century; 16 - ode; 17 - falcon; 19 - salute.

Vertically: 1 - oak; 2 - link; 3 - rhea; 5 - sleeve; 6 - sand; 7 - right; 8 - grass; 9 - varnish; 10 - poppy; 14 - grin; 17 - sos; 18 - lot.

How to make a crossword

Indeed, the division itself is spoken of in many ways: there is a division of the genus into species, then - a division in which the whole is divided into its own parts, another division - when a polysemantic word allows division into its own meanings.

It is easy to see that all cyclic numbers are in direct relationship with the geometric division of the circle: for example, 4320 = 360x12; however, there is nothing accidental or conventional about this division, since, for reasons concerning the correspondence between arithmetic and geometry, it is normal that this division be carried out according to multiples of 3, 9, and 12, while the decimal division directly corresponds to a straight line.

Thus, if we combine the zero division of the vernier with the zero division of the main scale, then the first division of the vernier will “lag behind” the first division of the main scale by the difference in the intervals of the scales, i.e.

Meanwhile, however, for a correct definition, division of species is necessary, and perhaps this is precisely the rule of division and definition: after all, definition is formed along with division.

In addition, it should be emphasized that the division into quarters was superimposed by the division into "tribes"; as can be seen from the etymology of the word itself, it was a tripartite division.

6. The post-industrial society is characterized by: 1) class division of society; 2) the natural nature of the economy; 3) the prevailing ...

This division is traditional, typical for all branches of law, not only Russian, but also foreign, as well as international law. The division of criminal law into two parts has the following premises: 1. This division is a manifestation of legislative technique and allows not to indicate in each article of the Special Part all the signs of the subject of the crime, to formulate provisions on an unfinished crime, complicity and other features of the objective and subjective sides, as well as to disclose the content of punishment, etc.

Bisection of a string (1/2) gives an octave, further division into three parts (2/3) gives a fifth, division into four (3/4) a fourth, etc.

of the last century, is associated with the formation of a global economy based on the creation of a worldwide computer network and a transcontinental financial system. Question 3 International division of labor Answer The international division of labor (MRT) is a process of specialization of workers from different countries to perform specific types of labor operations. There are 3 main forms of international division labor: 1) general (division of countries into industrial, agricultural, raw materials); 2) private (associated with the export of individual goods and services); 3) single (production of individual components and parts at enterprises dependent on TNCs). According to another classification, the international division of labor is manifested in 2 forms of international specialization of production (Fig.

When we work with various expressions, including numbers, letters and variables, we have to perform a large number of arithmetic operations. When we do a transformation or calculate a value, it is very important to follow the correct order of these actions. In other words, arithmetic operations have their own special execution order.

In this article, we will tell you what actions should be done first and which after. First, let's look at a few simple expressions that contain only variables or numeric values, as well as division, multiplication, subtraction, and addition signs. Then we will take examples with brackets and consider in what order they should be evaluated. In the third part, we will give the correct order of transformations and calculations in those examples that include the signs of roots, powers, and other functions.

Definition 1

In the case of expressions without brackets, the order of actions is determined unambiguously:

  1. All actions are performed from left to right.
  2. First of all, we perform division and multiplication, and secondly, subtraction and addition.

The meaning of these rules is easy to understand. The traditional writing order from left to right determines the basic sequence of calculations, and the need to first multiply or divide is explained by the very essence of these operations.

Let's take a few tasks for clarity. We have used only the simplest numerical expressions so that all calculations can be done mentally. So you can quickly remember the desired order and quickly check the results.

Example 1

Condition: calculate how much 7 − 3 + 6 .


There are no brackets in our expression, multiplication and division are also absent, so we perform all the actions in the specified order. First, subtract three from seven, then add six to the remainder, and as a result we get ten. Here is a record of the entire solution:

7 − 3 + 6 = 4 + 6 = 10

Answer: 7 − 3 + 6 = 10 .

Example 2

Condition: in what order should the calculations be performed in the expression 6:2 8:3?


To answer this question, we reread the rule for expressions without parentheses, which we formulated earlier. We only have multiplication and division here, which means we keep the written order of calculations and count sequentially from left to right.

Answer: first, we divide six by two, multiply the result by eight, and divide the resulting number by three.

Example 3

Condition: calculate how much will be 17 − 5 6: 3 − 2 + 4: 2.


First, let's determine the correct order of operations, since we have here all the basic types of arithmetic operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. The first thing we need to do is divide and multiply. These actions do not have priority over each other, so we perform them in the written order from right to left. That is, 5 must be multiplied by 6 and get 30, then 30 divided by 3 and get 10. After that we divide 4 by 2 , that's 2 . Substitute the found values ​​into the original expression:

17 - 5 6: 3 - 2 + 4: 2 = 17 - 10 - 2 + 2

There is no division or multiplication here, so we do the remaining calculations in order and get the answer:

17 − 10 − 2 + 2 = 7 − 2 + 2 = 5 + 2 = 7

Answer:17 - 5 6: 3 - 2 + 4: 2 = 7.

Until the order of performing actions is firmly learned, you can put numbers over the signs of arithmetic operations, indicating the order of calculation. For example, for the problem above, we could write it like this:

If we have literal expressions, then we do the same with them: first we multiply and divide, then we add and subtract.

What are steps one and two

Sometimes in reference books all arithmetic operations are divided into operations of the first and second stages. Let us formulate the required definition.

The operations of the first stage include subtraction and addition, the second - multiplication and division.

Knowing these names, we can write the rule given earlier regarding the order of actions as follows:

Definition 2

In an expression that does not contain parentheses, first perform the actions of the second step in the direction from left to right, then the actions of the first step (in the same direction).

Order of evaluation in expressions with brackets

Parentheses themselves are a sign that tells us the desired order in which to perform actions. In this case, the desired rule can be written as follows:

Definition 3

If there are brackets in the expression, then the action in them is performed first, after which we multiply and divide, and then add and subtract in the direction from left to right.

As for the parenthesized expression itself, it can be considered as a component of the main expression. When calculating the value of the expression in brackets, we keep the same procedure known to us. Let's illustrate our idea with an example.

Example 4

Condition: calculate how much 5 + (7 − 2 3) (6 − 4) : 2.


This expression has parentheses, so let's start with them. First of all, let's calculate how much 7 − 2 · 3 will be. Here we need to multiply 2 by 3 and subtract the result from 7:

7 − 2 3 = 7 − 6 = 1

We consider the result in the second brackets. There we have only one action: 6 − 4 = 2 .

Now we need to substitute the resulting values ​​into the original expression:

5 + (7 − 2 3) (6 − 4) : 2 = 5 + 1 2: 2

Let's start with multiplication and division, then subtract and get:

5 + 1 2:2 = 5 + 2:2 = 5 + 1 = 6

This completes the calculations.

Answer: 5 + (7 − 2 3) (6 − 4) : 2 = 6.

Do not be alarmed if the condition contains an expression in which some brackets enclose others. We only need to apply the rule above consistently to all parenthesized expressions. Let's take this task.

Example 5

Condition: calculate how much 4 + (3 + 1 + 4 (2 + 3)).


We have brackets within brackets. We start with 3 + 1 + 4 (2 + 3) , namely 2 + 3 . It will be 5 . The value will need to be substituted into the expression and calculate that 3 + 1 + 4 5 . We remember that we must first multiply, and then add: 3 + 1 + 4 5 = 3 + 1 + 20 = 24. Substituting the found values ​​into the original expression, we calculate the answer: 4 + 24 = 28 .

Answer: 4 + (3 + 1 + 4 (2 + 3)) = 28.

In other words, when evaluating the value of an expression involving parentheses within parentheses, we start with the inner parentheses and work our way to the outer ones.

Let's say we need to find how much will be (4 + (4 + (4 - 6: 2)) - 1) - 1. We start with the expression in the inner brackets. Since 4 − 6: 2 = 4 − 3 = 1 , the original expression can be written as (4 + (4 + 1) − 1) − 1 . Again we turn to the inner brackets: 4 + 1 = 5 . We have come to the expression (4 + 5 − 1) − 1 . We believe 4 + 5 − 1 = 8 and as a result we get the difference 8 - 1, the result of which will be 7.

The order of calculation in expressions with powers, roots, logarithms and other functions

If we have an expression in the condition with a degree, root, logarithm or trigonometric function (sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent) or other functions, then first of all we calculate the value of the function. After that, we act according to the rules specified in the previous paragraphs. In other words, functions are equal in importance to the expression enclosed in brackets.

Let's look at an example of such a calculation.

Example 6

Condition: find how much will be (3 + 1) 2 + 6 2: 3 - 7 .


We have an expression with a degree, the value of which must be found first. We consider: 6 2 \u003d 36. Now we substitute the result into the expression, after which it will take the form (3 + 1) 2 + 36: 3 − 7 .

(3 + 1) 2 + 36: 3 - 7 = 4 2 + 36: 3 - 7 = 8 + 12 - 7 = 13

Answer: (3 + 1) 2 + 6 2: 3 − 7 = 13.

In a separate article devoted to calculating the values ​​of expressions, we provide other, more complex examples of calculations in the case of expressions with roots, degrees, etc. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

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A word of 7 letters, the first letter is "E", the second letter is "K", the third letter is "C", the fourth letter is "T", the fifth letter is "P", the sixth letter is "I", the seventh letter is "M", the word for the letter "E", the last "M". If you do not know a word from a crossword puzzle or a crossword puzzle, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

Guess the riddle:

Once upon a time there was one orphan girl in the thicket, she had only two kittens, two puppies, three parrots, a turtle and a hamster with a hamster that was supposed to give birth to 7 hamsters. The girl went for food. She goes through the forest, field, forest, field, field, forest, forest, field. She came to the store, but there was no food there. Goes on, forest, forest, field, field, forest, field, forest, field, forest, field, field, forest. And the girl fell into the hole. If she gets out, dad will die. If she stays there, her mother will die. The tunnel cannot be dug. What should she do? Show answer>>

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Husband and wife lived. The husband had his own room in the house, which he forbade his wife to enter. The key to the room was in the bedroom dresser. So they lived for 10 years. And so the husband went on a business trip, and the wife decided to go into this room. She took the key, opened the room, turned on the light. The wife walked around the room, then saw a book on the table. She opened it and heard someone open the door. She closed the book, turned off the light and closed the room, putting the key in the chest of drawers. This is the husband. He took the key, opened the room, did something in it and asked his wife: “Why did you go there?” How did the husband guess?