Vinokurova Elena Evgenievna, 5th grade

5 years classroom management experience.

The basic principle of work - any communication should be interesting and useful.

She is fond of cooking, growing flowers, walking in the forest. Collects his mistakes.

In the work of the class teacher, I like the opportunity to help the class become more cohesive, I do not like the need to insist on carrying out the instructions of the class teacher.

As a child, she wanted to be a doctor, a secretary, a bookseller.

Favorite writer - Goncharov, artist - Levitan, composer - Tchaikovsky.

“The class teacher is the head of the class,” says Elena Evgenievna.

Mayorova Lyudmila Alexandrovna, 5b class

20 years classroom management experience.

The basic principle of work - do no harm.

He likes extracurricular communication with students, does not like compiling student dossiers.

Enjoys reading. Collects student handmade gifts.

Favorite saying: “In order to live life wisely, you need to know a lot ...” (Omar Khayyam).

Favorite writer - Chekhov, artist - Aivazovsky, composer - Rostropovich.

“The class teacher is the second mother,” says Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Zelenskaya Oksana Yurievna, 6th grade

10 years classroom experience.

The main principle of working with children is cooperation.

He is fond of needlework, collects thimbles.

I like to work in such a way that I feel that the children need it as a helper and friend. I don't like the weekly grading in the diary.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a teacher.

Favorite Quote: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

Favorite artist - Aivazovsky, composers - F. Chopin, V. A. Mozart, writer - V. Stefanyk.

Anisimova Svetlana Veniaminovna, 6b grade

14 years classroom experience.

He builds his work on understanding and trust.

He likes joint trips with the class, extracurricular activities, does not like keeping records.

The main hobby is reading.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a choir director.

Favorite saying: “Nothing costs us so cheaply and is valued so dearly as politeness and kindness” (M. Cervantes).

Favorite writer - N. S. Leskov, artist - P. D. Korin.

Galitskaya Irina Mikhailovna, 7th grade

The principle of the work of the class teacher is “To love children, to be frank with them, to see the positive in each student, no matter how “careless” he may be.”

He loves communication with children, does not like to analyze complaints and scold for bad deeds.

She enjoys solving interesting problems and reading poetry. Collects wooden spoons.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a ballerina.

Favorite Quote: "You can't teach, you can learn."

He loves the work of poets of the Silver Age, Kuindzhi, Tchaikovsky.

According to Irina Mikhailovna, a class teacher is a person who will always support a student at the right time, help solve problems in learning, self-education, and communication.

Dmitrieva Svetlana Borisovna, 8th grade

4 years classroom management experience.

The main thing in working with the class is trust.

He loves communication with children, does not like to scold for bad deeds, study.

Enjoys reading.

Since childhood, I wanted to become a teacher.

Favorite writer - Dostoevsky, artist - Aivazovsky, composer - Brahms.

“The class teacher is the closest person in the school who will help in difficult times,” Svetlana Borisovna believes.

Nikishina Irina Vladimirovna, 8b class

Work experience as a class teacher - 9 years (namely, in Pleskovo).

The principle of class leadership is trust and mutual understanding.

Passionate about travel and design.

In the work of the class teacher, I like communication with children, the response of students, I don’t like “paper work” and parent meetings.

Collects greeting cards from his students.

As a child, I wanted to be a teacher and an artist.

Favorite saying: "Everything God does is for the best."

Favorite writers: Oscar Wilde, Chekhov, artists: Surikov and Claude Monet.

“The class teacher is the second mother,” Irina Vladimirovna believes.

Fomenko Olga Viktorovna, grade 9a

He characterizes the principle of his work with the words: "Everything you undertake, do it as well as possible."

In the work of the class teacher, most of all I like communication with children - “communication with little wise men and geniuses”.

Hobbies: reading, photography, knitting, music. He likes to cook delicious food, dreams of mastering the camera and making a film.

As a child, I wanted to become a pilot, to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute (but my mother did not let me).

Favorite saying: Dum spiro, spero (as long as I breathe, I hope).

He loves Pushkin's poems, the music of Tchaikovsky, Sviridov.

According to Olga Viktorovna, a class teacher is a person who is responsible for the children, supports and tries to understand and help, participates in all the interesting things of the school together with the class.

Fialkovsky Alexander Anatolievich, 9b class

2 years classroom management experience.

In his work, he loves communication, does not like complaints from subject teachers.

Enjoys reading.

As a child, he dreamed of becoming a polar pilot.

Favorite saying: “There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and freedom” (Pushkin).

“Merab Mamardashvili is a writer, an artist, and a musician for me,” says Alexander Anatolyevich.

Bocharova Maria Vasilievna, 10th grade

19 years of classroom management experience.

He defines the principle of his work with the words: "Trust each other, treat the child as an adult, listen to his opinion."

In the classroom, I like to know that the children need you at any moment, I don’t like the very big responsibility to the children, parents, but you can’t get away from this.

Favorite hobby is work. He collects products of various crafts: toys (Dymkovo, Kovrov, Bogorodetskaya, Filimonovskaya).

As a child, I wanted to be a dancer.

Favorite saying: “Where it is simple, there are a hundred angels” (St. Ambrose of Optina).

Favorite writer - Dostoevsky, artists - Ryzhenko, Shishkin, composers - Tchaikovsky, Bach.

“A class teacher is a mother and father to his pupils,” Maria Vasilievna believes.

Pushkova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, 11th grade

The work of a class teacher is based on trust.

He is fond of reading, traveling. She collects figurines of dachshunds, souvenir spoons from the cities she visited.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a glassblower, a veterinarian, and a pianist.

Favorite saying: “In whom your heart is not completely sure, do not cling to it with your heart” (Reverend Pimen the Great).

Favorite writers - Galsworthy, Frederic Bekbeder, artists - Magritte, Escher Corot, composers - Mendelssohn, Rachmaninov.

According to Anastasia Alexandrovna, the class teacher is a kamikaze.


Once I came across aphorisms for non-traditional entries in the diary of high school students, which I like to quote and prescribe as needed. Maybe you guys will find it useful. I wish you success!

Keeping a diary is a difficult and thankless task. Try to make it interesting and educate children with the words of the sages! Let the suggested statements be just the beginning...

    Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts. A. Chekhov

    The world is a mirror, and it returns to each his own image. W. Thackeray

    Only a person who has a good mind and a good heart is a completely good and reliable person. K. Ushinsky

    Looseness of manners always entails looseness of principles. S. Smiles

    A dirty fly can stain an entire wall, and a dirty little deed can ruin the whole thing. A. Chekhov

    A person achieves something only where he believes in himself. L. Feuerbach

    A broken reputation is like a broken vase - it can be glued together, but damaged spots are always visible. G. Shaw

    One of the most common and leading to the greatest disasters of temptations is the temptation to say: "Everyone does it." L. Tolstoy

    If you don't believe in yourself, you can't be a genius. O. Balzac

    The worst disbelief is disbelief in yourself. T. Carnel

    A worthy person is not one who does not have shortcomings, but one who has virtues. V. Klyuchevsky

    To be rude is to forget one's own dignity. N. Chernyshevsky

    With tact, success can be achieved even in cases where nothing can be done with force. D. Lubbock

    Contempt is a mask that hides insignificance, sometimes mental squalor; contempt is a sign of a lack of kindness, intelligence and understanding of people. A. Dobe

    Looking into other people's souls is such an empty exercise as exposing other people to their own spiritual wounds. D. Pisarev

    Never listen to those who speak badly of others and well of you. L. Tolstoy

    Gratitude is not the right of the one who is thanked, but the duty of the one who thanks; to demand gratitude is stupidity, not to be grateful is meanness.

    Strong words cannot be strong evidence. V. Klyuchevsky

    The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is perhaps more curious and more useful than the history of an entire people, especially when it is the result of a mature mind observing itself. M. Lermontov

    Artistic fashion passes like any other fashion. There are favorite phrases that claim to be new, like ladies' dresses sewn by important tailors: they, however, do not last more than one season. A. France

    We pray not to parks and graces, but to fashion: we have it spinning and weaving and tailoring with full power. The main monkey in Paris puts on a new hat, and monkeys all over the world do the same. G. Toro

    You can erase a person, turn into a dirty rag, but still, in the dirtiest folds of this rag, both feeling and thought are preserved, although imperceptible, but still feeling and thought. N. Dobrolyubov

    Fine and beautiful in a person is unthinkable without an idea of ​​the harmonious development of the body and health. N. Chernyshevsky

    Man becomes poorer in thoughts as he becomes richer in feelings. R. Chateaubriand

    There are people who even dress their thoughts according to the requirements of fashion. B. Averbakh

    A person's face always reflects his inner world, and it is a mistake to think that thought is devoid of color. V. Hugo

    Feelings are the brightest part of our life. O. Balzac

    The flexibility of the mind can replace beauty. Stendhal

    External purity and grace should be an expression of internal purity and beauty. V. Belinsky

    This is what happens with cheerfulness and good disposition: the more you spend, the more remains. R. Emerson

    There are many people with a beautiful appearance, who, however, have nothing to boast of inside. F. Cooper

    Beauty is good only when it does not notice itself. V. Klyuchevsky

    No outer beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. V. Hugo

    Life is not so short that people don't have time to be polite. Culture and appearance are completely different things. Good manners are made up of small sacrifices. R. Emerson

    Politeness - benevolence in small things. T. Macaulay

    To have taste is more than to have intelligence. O. Balzac

    We spend three-quarters of our lives on behavior. M. Arnold

    Not every person even has a hussar uniform to face. Kozma Prutkov

    The nobility of manners is brought up by examples. A. France

    The face of a man expresses more and more interesting things than his mouth: the mouth expresses only the thought of man, the face the thought of nature. A. Schopenhauer

    With tact, success can be achieved even in cases where nothing can be done with force. D. Lubbock

    In very many cases, people's behavior seems ridiculous only because the reasons for it, quite reasonable and thorough, are hidden from others. La Rochefoucauld

    Always do the right thing. It will please some people and surprise everyone else. Twain Mark

    There are two times in a man's life that he should not speculate: when he can afford it, and when he cannot. Twain Mark

    It is more difficult to behave with dignity when fate is favorable than when it is hostile. La Rochefoucauld

    There are people whose whole virtues are based on the ability to say and do stupid things appropriately; if they changed their behavior, everything would be ruined; La Rochefoucauld Francois

    When you behave correctly, then they will follow you without an order; when you behave incorrectly, they will not listen, even though you order. Confucius

    We spend three-quarters of our lives on behavior. Matthew Arnold

    Our character is the result of our behavior. Aristotle

    Without learning decency, you will not be established. Confucius

    Ethical behavior should be based on sympathy for people, education and social connections; a religious background is not needed at all. Einstein Albert

    Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his appearance. Goethe

    Re-reading books already read is the surest touchstone of learning. gobbel

    Education is not limited to school. Valerie

    Our actions follow us. Bourges

    Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army. Everett

    Be polite to all, sociable to many, familiar to some. Franklin

    Thoughts, aphorisms (From the book by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful”, M. 1985) -

    You must be honest in the imperceptible and accidental: then only will you be honest in the fulfillment of your great duty.

    One should not think that a good end can be achieved by bad means.

    True friendship helps a lot in sorrow and in joy.

    Unrequited joy is not joy. - What is the biggest purpose of life? I think: to increase the good in those around us.

    Wisdom is intelligence combined with kindness. Intelligence without kindness is cunning.

    Life is first and foremost breathing. "Soul", "spirit"! And he died - first of all - "stopped breathing." That's what the ancients thought. "Spirit out!" It means "died". "Stuffy" happens in the house, "stuffy" and in the moral life.

    The greatest value in the world is life: someone else's, one's own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - both in the past, and in the present, and in the future ...

Keeping a diary is a difficult and thankless task.

Let's try to make it interesting!

Let's educate children with the words of the sages!

Let the suggested statements be just the beginning...

Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts. A. Chekhov

The world is a mirror, and it returns to each his own image. W. Thackeray

Only a person who has a good mind and a good heart is a completely good and reliable person. K. Ushinsky

Looseness of manners always entails looseness of principles. S. Smiles

A dirty fly can stain an entire wall, and a dirty little deed can ruin the whole thing. A. Chekhov

A person achieves something only where he believes in himself. L. Feuerbach

A broken reputation is like a broken vase - it can be glued together, but damaged spots are always visible. G. Shaw

One of the most common and leading to the greatest disasters of temptations is the temptation to say: "Everyone does it." L. Tolstoy

If you don't believe in yourself, you can't be a genius. O. Balzac

The worst disbelief is disbelief in yourself. T. Carnel

A worthy person is not one who does not have shortcomings, but one who has virtues. V. Klyuchevsky

To be rude is to forget one's dignity. N. Chernyshevsky

With tact, success can be achieved even in cases where nothing can be done with force. D. Lubbock

Contempt is a mask that hides insignificance, sometimes mental squalor; contempt is a sign of a lack of kindness, intelligence and understanding of people. A. Dobe

Looking into other people's souls is such an empty exercise as exposing other people to their own spiritual wounds. D. Pisarev

Never listen to those who speak badly of others and well of you. L. Tolstoy

Gratitude is not the right of the one who is thanked, but the duty of the one who thanks; to demand gratitude is stupidity, not to be grateful is meanness. ***

Strong words cannot be strong evidence. V. Klyuchevsky

The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is perhaps more interesting and useful than the history of an entire people, especially when it is the result of a mature mind observing itself. M. Lermontov

Artistic fashion passes like any other fashion. There are favorite phrases that claim to be new, like ladies' dresses sewn by important tailors: they, however, do not last more than one season. A. France

We pray not to parks and graces, but to fashion: we have it spinning and weaving and tailoring with full power. The main monkey in Paris puts on a new hat, and monkeys all over the world do the same. G. Toro

You can erase a person, turn into a dirty rag, but still, in the dirtiest folds of this rag, both feeling and thought are preserved, although imperceptible, but still feeling and thought. N. Dobrolyubov

Fine and beautiful in a person is unthinkable without an idea of ​​the harmonious development of the body and health. N. Chernyshevsky

Man becomes poorer in thoughts as he becomes richer in feelings. R. Chateaubriand

There are people who even dress their thoughts according to the requirements of fashion. B. Averbakh

A person's face always reflects his inner world, and it is a mistake to think that thought is devoid of color. V. Hugo

Feelings are the brightest part of our life. O. Balzac

The flexibility of the mind can replace beauty. Stendhal

External purity and grace should be an expression of internal purity and beauty. V. Belinsky

This is what happens with cheerfulness and good disposition: the more you spend, the more remains. R. Emerson

There are many people with a beautiful appearance, who, however, have nothing to boast of inside. F. Cooper

Beauty is good only when it does not notice itself. V. Klyuchevsky

No outer beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. V. Hugo

Life is not so short that people don't have time to be polite. *** Culture and external gloss are completely different things. *** Good manners consist of small self-sacrifices. R. Emerson

Politeness is benevolence in small things. T. Macaulay

To have taste is more than to have intelligence. O. Balzac

We spend three-quarters of our lives on behavior. M. Arnold

Not every person even has a hussar uniform to face. Kozma Prutkov

The nobility of manners is brought up by examples. A. France

The face of a man expresses more and more interesting things than his mouth: the mouth expresses only the thought of man, the face the thought of nature. A. Schopenhauer

With tact, success can be achieved even in cases where nothing can be done with force. D. Lubbock

In very many cases, people's behavior seems ridiculous only because the reasons for it, quite reasonable and thorough, are hidden from others. La Rochefoucauld

Always do the right thing. It will please some people and surprise everyone else. Twain Mark

There are two times in a man's life that he should not speculate: when he can afford it, and when he cannot. Twain Mark

It is more difficult to behave with dignity when fate is favorable than when it is hostile. La Rochefoucauld

There are people whose whole virtues are based on the ability to say and do stupid things appropriately; if they changed their behavior, everything would be ruined; La Rochefoucauld Francois

When you behave correctly, then they will follow you without an order; when you behave incorrectly, they will not listen, even though you order. Confucius

We spend three-quarters of our lives on behavior. Matthew Arnold

Our character is the result of our behavior. Aristotle

Without learning decency, you will not be established. Confucius

Ethical behavior should be based on sympathy for people, education and social connections; a religious background is not needed at all. Einstein Albert

Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his appearance. Goethe

Re-reading books already read is the surest touchstone of learning. gobbel

Education is not limited to school. VALERIE Our actions follow us. Bourges

Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army. Everett

Be polite to all, sociable to many, familiar to some. Franklin

Thoughts, aphorisms (From the book by D.S. Likhachev “Letters about the good and the beautiful”, M. 1985) -

You must be honest in the imperceptible and accidental: then only will you be honest in the fulfillment of your great duty.

One should not think that a good end can be achieved by bad means.

True friendship helps a lot in sorrow and in joy.

Unrequited joy is not joy. - What is the biggest purpose of life? I think: to increase the good in those around us.

Wisdom is intelligence combined with kindness. Mind without kindness is cunning.

Life is first and foremost breathing. "Soul", "spirit"! And he died - first of all - "stopped breathing." That's what the ancients thought. "Spirit out!" - it means "died". "Stuffy" happens in the house, "stuffy" and in the moral life.

The greatest value in the world is life: someone else's, one's own, the life of the animal world and plants, the life of culture, life throughout its entire length - both in the past, and in the present, and in the future ...