Notable commanders

Named after the first president of the "Chechen Republic of Ichkeria" Dzhokhar Dudayev.


The battalion was created in March 2014 in Denmark. The initiator of its creation was the social and political movement "Free Caucasus", which was created in 2006. On March 3, 2014, the Presidium of the Free Caucasus UPD announced the creation of a battalion to participate in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. . On March 26, it was announced that the 1st company of the Dzhokhar Dudayev International Peacekeeping Battalion would be named after Sasha Bily.

Participation in hostilities

The battalion took part in the battles for Ilovaisk, where it suffered serious losses. In early 2015, the battalion participated in the battles for Debaltseve, where the first commander of the detachment, Isa Munaev, was killed, and the battalion suffered significant losses.

Battalion members

Some people who volunteered for the battalion are known:

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion

But I did not regret... My life was just a grain of sand in an endless sea of ​​suffering. And I had only to fight to the end, no matter how terrible it was. Since even drops of water, falling constantly, are able to hollow out the strongest stone ever. So is EVIL: if people crushed it even by a grain, it would someday collapse, even if not in this lifetime. But they would have returned to their Earth again and would have seen - after all, THEY helped her to survive! .. It was THEY who helped her become Light and Faithful. I know that the North would say that a person still does not know how to live for the future ... And I know - so far this has been true. But it was precisely this, in my understanding, that stopped many from making their own decisions. Because people are too accustomed to think and act “like everyone else”, without standing out or interfering, just to live in peace.
“I'm sorry I made you feel so much pain, my friend. The voice of the North interrupted my thoughts. “But I think it will help you meet your destiny more easily.” Helps you survive...
I didn't want to think about it... Just a little more!.. After all, I still had enough time left for my sad fate. Therefore, in order to change the sore subject, I again began to ask questions.
- Tell me, Sever, why did I see the sign of the royal “lily” on Magdalena and Radomir, and on many Magi? Does this mean that they were all Franks? Can you explain to me?
- Let's start with Isidora, that this is a misunderstanding of the sign itself, - Sever answered with a smile. “It wasn't a lily when they brought it to Frankia Meravingli.

Three-leafed - the battle sign of the Slavic-Aryans

– ?!.
“Didn’t you know that it was they who brought the sign of the “Three-leaf” to Europe at that time? ..” Sever was sincerely surprised.
- No, I've never heard of it. And you surprised me again!
- The three-leafed once, a long time ago, was the battle sign of the Slavic-Aryans, Isidora. It was a magical herb that miraculously helped in battle - it gave warriors incredible strength, it healed wounds and made it easier for those who were leaving for another life. This wonderful grass grew far in the North, and only magicians and sorcerers could extract it. It has always been given to soldiers who went to defend their homeland. Going to battle, each warrior uttered the usual spell: “For Honor! For Conscience! For Vera! While also making a magical movement, he touched the left and right shoulder with two fingers and the last one touched the middle of the forehead. This is what the Three Leaf truly meant.
And so the Meravingli brought it with them. Well, then, after the death of the Meravingle dynasty, the new kings appropriated it, like everything else, declaring it a symbol of the royal house of France. And the ritual of movement (or baptism) was “borrowed” by the same Christian church, adding to it the fourth, lower part ... the part of the devil. Unfortunately, history repeats itself, Isidora...
Yes, history really did repeat itself... And it made me bitter and sad. Was there anything real from all that we knew? .. Suddenly, I felt like hundreds of strangers were staring at me demandingly. I understood that they were those who KNEW... Those who died defending the truth... They seemed to bequeathed to me to convey the TRUTH to those who did not know. But I couldn't. I was leaving... Just like they once left.
Suddenly the door swung open with a noise - a smiling, joyful Anna burst into the room like a hurricane. My heart jumped high and then sank into the abyss... I couldn't believe that I was seeing my sweet girl! life is a terrible misfortune. - Mommy, dear, but I almost found you! Oh, Sever!.. You came to help us?.. Tell me, you will help us, right? – Looking into his eyes, Anna asked confidently.
Sever only smiled at her affectionately and very sadly...
* * *
After painstaking and careful thirteen years (1964-1976) of excavations of Montsegur and its environs, the French Group for the Archaeological Exploration of Montsegur and its environs (GRAME), announced in 1981 its final conclusion: No trace of the ruins of the First Montsegur, abandoned by the owners in the 12th century, has been found. . Just as the ruins of the Second Fortress of Montsegur, built by its then owner, Raymond de Pereille, in 1210, have not been found.
(See: Groupe de Recherches Archeologiques de Montsegur et Environs (GRAME), Montsegur: 13 ans de rechreche archeologique, Lavelanet: 1981. pg. 76.: "Il ne reste aucune trace dan les ruines actuelles ni du premier chateau que etait a l" abandon au debut du XII siecle (Montsegur I), ni de celui que construisit Raimon de Pereilles vers 1210 (Montsegur II)...")
According to the testimony given by the Holy Inquisition on March 30, 1244, the co-owner of Montsegur, who was arrested by the seigneur Raymond de Pereille, the fortified castle of Montsegur was “restored” in 1204 at the request of the Perfect - Raymond de Miropua and Raymond Blasco.
(According to a deposition given to the Inquisition on March 30, 1244 by the captured co-seigneur of Montsegur, Raymond de Pereille (b.1190-1244?), the fortress was "restored" in 1204 at the request of Cather perfecti Raymond de Mirepoix and Raymond Blasco.)

A peacekeeping battalion was created in Chechnya to help Ukrainians

"By the decision of the Presidium of the Social and Political Movement Free Caucasus, it was announced the creation of a volunteer peacekeeping detachment named after the hero of the Caucasus Dzhokhar Dudayev in order to help the Ukrainian people in their struggle against the Russian occupiers, the Chechenews news agency reports.

According to the report, Brigadier General of the Armed Forces of the ChRI Isa Munaev was appointed commander of the peacekeeping battalion of volunteers.

The statement of the Presidium of the GPR Free Caucasus also noted the address to which those who wished could send their applications to participate in the peacekeeping operation in Ukraine.

According to Munaev, only in the last 20 hours after the publication of the statement, dozens of statements of volunteers from Georgia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, England, Norway, Denmark, France, Austria, Finland and even Russia have been sent to the email address of the Free Caucasus Presidium. wishing to be members of the "Volunteer Battalion" them. Dzhokhar Dudayev. To date, 503 applications have been received from representatives of the countries of Europe, the Caucasus, America and Russia. (03/05/2014 14:40)

It is also reported that one of the first volunteers to join the battalion were:

well-known public politician of America Hero of Ichkeria Sergey Melnikoff,

Azerbaijani military-political figure Isa Sadikov,

former commander of the detachment (Boz Qurd") 91-93q Nureddin Ismailov,

military journalist Khasan Isaev (Kazbich Chechensky),

Shamil Tanaka from Japan, Khalid Ataev, Mihai Antonescu, Oleg Shukatka, US citizen Newel Booth, Roman Bukovsky, Regiment Commander, Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Ruslan Eltaev, Battalion Commander of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Ali Magomadov and others.

Applications for joining the peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev were sent by Moldovans Viktor Stamakhov and his friends.

A large group of Chechens living in Ukraine is ready to sign up as volunteers for the peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev. Chechen Said from Kyiv writes about this in his message.

“I live in Ukraine, I am ready to join the detachment named after the hero of the Caucasus Dzhokhar Dudayev, with me, so far there are only two more. I am waiting for further instructions. Dmitry Nats"

Esli nacnyotsya voyna protiv Ukraini ya budu v sostave Cecenskoqo batalyona imeni Dudayeva. Novruz mamedzade

Among those who have written an application for admission to the volunteers there are already two medical workers and dozens of people who, according to them, have experience in conducting military operations against the Russian occupiers.

According to Isa Munaev, he and his associates do not have time to respond to every message from people who have expressed help to the Ukrainian people in repelling Russian military aggression.

In this regard, Isa Munaev asked to convey to all those who expressed a desire to join the peacekeeping battalion of volunteers to wait for a written message from him about the start of the collection of all candidates for volunteers, after the completion of organizational problems associated with the departure and deployment on the territory of Ukraine of the peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev .

Isa Munaev also thanks Musa Chemurziev, who expressed a desire to financially help in the formation of a volunteer battalion to fulfill international duty.

AM The International Association "Peace and Human Rights" supports the peace initiative of the chairman of the "Free Caucasus" UPD Isa Munaev. For my part, I am ready to join the peacekeeping group as an ordinary peacekeeper, and to fulfill any peacekeeping task assigned to me.
Said-Emin Ibragimov.

Meanwhile, the Shatab of the peacekeeping battalion receives letters from Ukrainians with words of gratitude:

US Army Brigadier General James B. LINDER in his message expressed his support for the initiative
creation of the international "International Peacekeeping Battalion" named after Dzhokhar Dudayev
and offered friendship and cooperation to the brigadier general of the armed forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
Ise Munaev.

Hi dear friend, Iam Brigadier General JAMES B. LINDER. I am a UNITED STATES ARMY GENERAL.
From United States of America. I Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend.
I read your profile and pick interest in you. I will like to establish mutual friendship with you.

A group of Georgian doctors is asking to join the volunteer peacekeeping battalion of Iyeni Dzhokhar Dudayev.
Hello, dear Caucasian brothers!
As soon as we started talking about the formed battalion, we Georgians grew our interest and
we have a few questions will you take in your ranks of medical students and will you give us weapons and will there be exercises?

The editors of continue to acquaint its readers with the further activities of the "peacekeeping battalion of volunteers" on its website.
Press service of the "Free Caucasus" UPD

I don't even know what to say. Especially U.S. Army Brigadier General James B. LINDER, Dimitri Nats z Kuevu and Shamil Tanaka from Japan delivered...

Well, in the meantime, stinking Bandera information workers work out the soldering of the oligarchs, winding up hysteria.

EN - TSN managed to talk those who call themselves that - Martians, or little green men. According to them, after the referendum in Crimea, the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be declared bandit formations, and their territories will be occupied by the Russian military. Issue TSN.16:45 for March 14, 2014

I'm wondering where this SMIshny ukrokolkhoz will run?

The Russian invaders plan after the referendum to seize the military units of Ukraine in the Crimea, and then invade the east of Ukraine.

After the referendum in Crimea, the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be declared bandit formations and their territories will be occupied by the Russian military, the TSN report says, Censor.NET reports.

The information war is in full swing. What unity and interaction the Chechen militants and Bandershtat have. And why doesn’t this surprise me ?, as well as the statement of the dill Korchinsky about the creation of a Ukrainian jihad according to the patterns of London Satanists ..
The only thing left to do is to fasten the jidast belts to the flickered morons and send them to blow up the defenders of the Crimea and the "Russian occupiers"..

Battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev
March 2014 - today

Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion or International peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev(ukr. International peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev) is a non-governmental voluntary armed formation taking part in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine on the side of the Ukrainian security forces, consisting mainly of Chechens who emigrated from Russia after the Chechen conflict.

Named after the first president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Dzhokhar Dudayev.

  • 1 Creation
  • 2 Participation in hostilities
  • 3 Members of the battalion
  • 4 See also
  • 5 Notes


The battalion was created in March 2014 in Denmark. The initiator of its creation was the Free Caucasus socio-political movement, which was established in 2006. On March 3, 2014, the Presidium of the Free Caucasus UPD announced the creation of a battalion to participate in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. On March 26, it was announced that the 1st company of the Dzhokhar Dudayev International Peacekeeping Battalion would be named after Sasha Bily.

Participation in hostilities

The battalion took part in the battles for Ilovaisk, where it suffered serious losses. At the beginning of 2015, the battalion participated in the battles for Debaltseve, where the first commander of the detachment, Isa Munaev, was killed, and the battalion suffered significant losses.

Battalion members

Some people who volunteered for the battalion are known:

  • Isa Sadigov, Colonel of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, former Deputy Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan (1993-1995), former head of the Union of Officers of Azerbaijan, put on the wanted list in his homeland. Chief of Staff of the Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion.
  • Photographer Sergei Melnikoff, US citizen, holder of the Order of the Hero of Ichkeria.
  • Nureddin Ismailov, during the Karabakh war, commanded the Gray Wolves detachment.
  • Shamil Tsuneoka Tanaka, a Japanese journalist, converted to Islam in 2001 as part of Gelayev's detachment that took part in the conflict in the Kodori Gorge.
  • Amina Okueva, wife of Adam Osmaev, press secretary of the Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion. During the Euromaidan, she was a nurse for the "Afghan Hundred". After the victory of Euromaidan, she was a fighter of the Kyiv-2 battalion and a candidate for the Verkhovna Rada in the majority district.

see also

  • Sheikh Mansour Battalion


  1. Lessons from Chechnya. What history teaches - Ukrayinska Pravda, 12/30/2014
  2. Kyiv invites terrorists from the Caucasus to participate in the “anti-terrorist” operation
  3. A battalion of Chechens named after Dzhokhar Dudayev is training near Dnepropetrovsk
  4. Adam Osmaev became the new commander of the "Dudaevites" in the ATO
  5. Semenchenko: Donbas killed Isa Munaev, commander of the battalion. Dzhokhar Dudayev - Charter’97:: News from Belarus - Belarusian News - Republic of Belarus - Minsk
  6. Press release of the Presidium of the UPA "Free Caucasus"
  7. The 1st company of the international peacekeeping battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev is named after the Ukrainian hero Sashko Bily
  8. The battalion commander spoke about the survivors near Ilovaisky Chechens
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 "Brigadier General" Munaev was replaced by the failed killer Osmaev. Whom does he command?
  10. Isa Sadygov appointed Chief of Staff of the peacekeeping battalion named after J. Dudayev
  11. Battalion them. Dudayev headed by a Chechen accused of assassination attempt on Putin | Ukrainian truth
  12. Representative of the Free Caucasus UPD Amina Okuyeva, candidate for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev

Near Dnepropetrovsk, in the area of ​​​​the village of Cherkasskoe, fighters of the Donbass battalion and the International Peacekeeping Battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev are based. The camp is secret. Fighters hide from the eyes of idle onlookers and do not like strangers. However, the journalist managed to visit a military base and find out what residents of another state are doing in Ukraine, as well as how they cooperate with Ukrainian colleagues.

To get to the camp, we go by regular taxi, and then we catch a ride. Near the forest plantation near Cherkassky saw the military. “Do you know about the camp?” we ask. They agreed to take us. We passed several hundred meters of the forest belt and saw the camp of "Dudaevites" and "Donbass". We met in the camp cordially - they offered to drink tea.

A Chechen camp is based near the "Donbass". They are more severe, not friendly to everyone, but if they see that a person has come to them with kindness, they respond in kind. Fighters do not like to be photographed, to talk about their inner experiences. And they believe that their war is a just cause.

Deputy battalion commander Amina Okueva talked to us. She told why the Chechens came to the Dnepropetrovsk region.

- How did you get to Ukraine?

As soon as the annexation of Crimea began after the Maidan, we had this idea to help Ukraine. In a fair fight - to preserve your freedom. We had no illusions and knew that Russia would go further until you give it a clear rebuff.

- Who makes up the backbone of the battalion?

The battalion has people who were refugees in Europe. People had to emigrate in order not to be tortured in the dungeons. The public organization "Free Caucasus" came up with such an initiative - to help Ukraine. I have been living in Ukraine for a long time, and since December I have been on the Maidan. And representatives of the organization "Free Caucasus" came to me - it is headed by Isa Munaev.

The battalion is called the International Peacekeeping Battalion named after Dzhokhar Duraev. We act as instructors sharing military experience with Ukrainian fighters.

- What is happening in Chechnya now?

It's hard to exist there. Either you have to be somewhere deep in the forest, or you need to hide. If at least one word is said in the direction of Kadyrov, then this is practically a guarantee that the person will be tortured to death somewhere in the dungeons. There is a totalitarian system.

Honest people were forced to emigrate from there. It was they who created the backbone of the Free Caucasus organization and the battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev. Help must be expressed in some way.

- Are you fighting together with the Ukrainians?

We did not participate in combat operations, but the battalion is involved in special operations. The battalion has three deployments. Now we observe a truce. The Russians, unfortunately, do not.

We are here because not only the fate of Ukraine, but also of other countries is being decided now.

- Are there Kadyrovites in Ukraine?

As far as I know, there is. Judging by the video from the network, there are more Ossetians. But I can't say exactly how much. I think that all this is overgrown with some rumors and fears ...

- Tell us about your commander.

Our commander is the famous General Isa Munaev. He fought in the first and second Chechen wars, he was the Minister of Internal Affairs under Dzhokhar Dudayev and Aslan Maskhadov. When he was wounded in the second Chechen war, he left for Europe. As soon as the opportunity arose, he immediately came here. This is his initiative, which I supported and helped implement. I helped as much as I could.

- Will the battalion expand?

In the event of a resumption, or, even more so, an expansion of hostilities, I think that thousands and thousands will come here, and the battalion will be replenished.

- Why is the battalion not replenished now?

We are not thinking of expanding the state, the government has declared a truce. But people are ready. They came two wars, two Chechen wars. They are standing here. Two hundred fighters. Isn't that enough?!

The headquarters of the anti-terrorist operation said that they know about the Chechen volunteers, but they are not on the staff. “There is no unit named after Dzhokhar Dudayev in the ATO staff. I can assume that they are undergoing combat coordination,” Vladislav Seleznev, head of the ATO press center, told us.

The effect of the so-called Minsk agreements gives reason to pay attention to how the representatives of the punitive battalions who were forced to leave the territory of the so-called “ATO” are “appeased”. Special attention is drawn to the battalion of mercenaries, which bears the memorable name "Peacekeeping Battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev" (for short, we will call it BDD. Of course, we should use the MBDD, but the term "peacekeeping", excuse me, I will allow myself in relation to a handful of bandits not use). In principle, by the name alone it is already quite clear who this battalion is filled with and what goals it pursues. However, it is still worth considering the activities of these "warriors" in more detail.

BDD-shniks in the Donbass were lit up during the fighting against the militias of Novorossia. One of the places where the Caucasian bandits fought was the 35,000-strong town of Dzerzhinsk in the DPR. Here the battalion was led by such a "master" as Isa Munaev, whose personality may also be of interest to readers.

Isa Munaev is one of the so-called "brigade generals" of the so-called "Ichkeria", who, together with his accomplices, got so hard in the teeth from Russian troops during the 2nd Chechen campaign that he was forced to take his feet off the North Caucasus. Munaev decided to settle down in Denmark, then for several years he changed his place of residence, traveling around Northern Europe. Munaev's movements, as well as his "past merits", did not go unnoticed by the European intelligence services. Munaev was made an offer by one of the European special services, which the militant who fled Russia could not refuse.

Munaev once told Azerbaijani journalists about his views on Russia. Let me quote the words of a militant recruited by the European special services verbatim:

The new Russian military aggression launched in September 1999 far exceeded the Russian-Chechen war (1994-96) in its brutality on the part of the Russian troops. As a result, hundreds of thousands of Chechens (hundreds of thousands! - Munaev is clearly at odds with numbers - author's note) were forced to leave for Georgia, Azerbaijan, Europe, the USA and Canada.

If the Azerbaijanis and Georgians, because of their numerous refugees, did not have enough funds to provide full-fledged assistance to the Chechens, then the Western countries - the USA and Canada, turned out to have everything they needed. Providing a residence permit, free education, social benefits and much more, allowed Chechen youth to enter prestigious universities in European countries.

Despite the most severe pressure on relatives from the Russian puppet Kadyrov, groups of Chechens in many countries of the world continue to support the idea of ​​​​independence of the Chechen state (did the Tsarnaev brothers also support? - author's note), arranging annual conferences, demonstrations, rallies condemning Russian colonial policy in Chechnya and the Caucasus.

At the forefront of the Chechen struggle for their freedom and independence is the Free Caucasus social and political movement, formed in 2009 in Denmark, uniting Georgian, Chechen, Azerbaijani and other Caucasian diasporas.

Here Munaev forgets to tell how he receives funds from Danish taxpayers for the activities of the aforementioned "Free Caucasus".

Considering that the struggle of the Ukrainian people against imperial Russia is part of our general struggle for the decolonization of the Caucasus, we decided to express our support by creating the "Peacekeeping Battalion of Volunteers" named after the hero of the Caucasus Dzhokhar Dudayev, in order to help the Ukrainian people defend their state.
We are convinced that the liberation of the Caucasus depends on the freedom of the republics of the former USSR, since their freedom is also ours. That is why it was decided to organize this battalion.


Our battalion, at the first official request from Ukraine, is ready to immediately go there in order to fulfill its internationalist duty in order to defend freedom and democracy in the world.

Considering that the Munayevites still ended up in Ukraine, it turns out that the “official appeal” has been received. I wonder who is this “official” comrade who made Munaev the corresponding proposal?

After several weeks spent by the militants of the battalion, put together by European intelligence services from terrorists who fled from the Caucasus to Scandinavia and Britain, in Ukraine, it turned out that Europe was going to shift the burden of financing Munaev and his rabble to Ukrainian shoulders. Apparently, the BDD (or, to be even shorter and more correct, the BD) had problems with financing after the army of Novorossia began, as they say, to give heat to the enemy. The Europeans did not want to spend money on the "production" of corpses from the database, and therefore Munaev decided to try his luck in the Dnipropetrovsk region - closer to the oligarch Kolomoisky.

According to the latest data, the database is located in the town of Cherkasskoe (Dnepropetrovsk region), where, using the training grounds of the former Guards Tank Division, it is preparing for the next campaign against the Donbass. If it was Kolomoisky who sheltered the Munaevites, then it turns out that it was Kolomoisky who could become the “official” who sent an invitation on behalf of the Ukrainian authorities to the Caucasian terrorists recruited by Western special services.

The other day, Munaev gave an interview to UNIAN, in which he no longer talks about an “official invitation”, but states this:

I left everything, they all (points to other militants) came here to defend Ukraine from the enemy - Kremlin Russia. Many called me and said, “Isa, we must go and help.” Because both Chechens and Ukrainians have never been and never will be under the tsar...

Here, in Ukraine, Russia is acting in the same way as in Chechnya - an information blockade, provocations and harsh cleansings. The Ukrainians did not fight (but what about Sashko Bily and other thugs in Chechnya, who cut the throats of Russian conscripts - did Munaev forget? ..), but we know what an evil it is - Putin's Russia. Therefore, we want to help you, to teach.

And this is already a sensible proposal from Munaev: based on Munaev’s own experience in escaping from the Russian army, teach Ukraine how to sweep away the entire radical terrorist infection along with yourself and the Yarosh-Melnychuks, and, of course, with the Filat-Kolomoiskys, for the country to take a deep breath. Teach where to run all this evil spirits, fearing for their worthless lives, in order to hide from retribution for the deaths of civilians. Such science may soon be useful to all of them ...

Photo with "Dudaev's peacemaker" Munaev:

But it quickly bends under the one who pays, clinging the necessary flag to the camouflage ... And why, then, criticizes Kadyrov? ..

And this is from Munaev's "glorious past":

Isa, many of your comrades, captured in this photo, are just waiting for you...