A percentage is one hundredth of a number taken as a whole. Percentages are used to indicate the ratio of a part to a whole, as well as to compare quantities.

1% = 1 100 = 0,01

The interest calculator allows you to perform the following operations:

Find percentage of a number

To find a percentage p from a number, you need to multiply this number by a fraction p 100

Let's find 12% of the number 300:
300 12 100 = 300 0.12 = 36
12% of 300 equals 36.

For example, a product costs 500 rubles and a 7% discount applies to it. Find the absolute value of the discount:
500 · 7 100 = 500 0.07 = 35
Thus, the discount is 35 rubles.

What percentage is one number of another

To calculate the percentage of numbers, you need to divide one number by another and multiply by 100%.

Let's calculate how many percent is the number 12 of the number 30:
12 30 100 = 0.4 100 = 40%
The number 12 is 40% of the number 30.

For example, a book contains 340 pages. Vasya read 200 pages. Let's calculate how many percent of the whole book Vasya has read.
200 340 100% = 0.59 100 = 59%
Thus, Vasya read 59% of the entire book.

Add a percentage to a number

To add to the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 + p 100)

Let's add 30% to the number 200:
200 (1+ 30 100 ) = 200 1.3 = 260
200 + 30% equals 260.

For example, a subscription to the pool costs 1000 rubles. From next month they promised to raise the price by 20%. Let's calculate how much the subscription will cost.
1000 (1+ 20 100 ) = 1000 1.2 = 1200
Thus, the subscription will cost 1200 rubles.

Subtract a percentage from a number

To subtract from the number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 - p 100)

Subtract 30% from the number 200:
200 (1 - 30 100 ) = 200 0.7 = 140
200 - 30% equals 140.

For example, a bicycle costs 30,000 rubles. The store gave him a 5% discount. Let's calculate how much the bike will cost, taking into account the discount.
30000 (1 - 5 100 ) = 30000 0.95 = 28500
Thus, the bike will cost 28,500 rubles.

By what percentage is one number greater than the other?

To calculate how many percent one number is greater than another, you need to divide the first number by the second, multiply the result by 100 and subtract 100.

Let's calculate how many percent the number 20 is greater than the number 5:
20 5 100 - 100 = 4 100 - 100 = 400 - 100 = 300%
The number 20 is greater than the number 5 by 300%.

For example, the salary of a boss is 50,000 rubles, and an employee is 30,000 rubles. Find by how many percent the boss's salary is higher:
50000 35000 100 - 100 = 1.43 * 100 - 100 = 143 - 100 = 43%
Thus, the boss's salary is 43% higher than the employee's salary.

By what percentage is one number less than the other?

To calculate how many percent one number is less than another, you need to subtract from 100 the ratio of the first number to the second, multiplied by 100.

Let's calculate how many percent the number 5 is less than the number 20:
100 - 5 20 100 = 100 - 0.25 100 = 100 - 25 = 75%
The number 5 is less than the number 20 by 75%.

For example, freelancer Oleg in January completed orders for 40,000 rubles, and in February for 30,000 rubles. Let's find by what percentage Oleg earned less in February than in January:
100 - 30000 40000 100 = 100 - 0.75 * 100 = 100 - 75 = 25%
Thus, in February Oleg earned 25% less than in January.

Find 100 percent

If number x this is p percent, then you can find 100 percent by multiplying the number x on the 100p

Finding 100% if 25% is 7:
7 · 100 25 = 7 4 = 28
If 25% equals 7, then 100% equals 28.

For example, Katya copies photos from her camera to her computer. 20% of photos were copied in 5 minutes. Let's find how much time the copying process takes:
5 · 100 20 = 5 5 = 25
We get that the process of copying all photos takes 30 minutes.

Compared to other online calculators, our solution does calculations with an accuracy of up to 20 decimal places. Regular services display up to 10 characters. This is due to the need for large computing resources. Displaying up to 30 characters requires colossal hardware. Our service has the following advantages:

  • the ability to scale the calculator to a convenient size;
  • adaptation to any display size;
  • calculations are made according to the rules of mathematics, taking into account the priority of operations of various types (addition, multiplication, etc.);
  • the most accurate calculations;
  • calculation of the entire expression at once, and not in parts.

The mathematical calculator makes it possible to accurately calculate any values ​​​​according to the canons of mathematical laws. Does not create subtotals after entering each action, making the calculation take into account the entire mathematical expression, and not all operations individually.

Calculation example

If you try to determine the result of the calculations of the following example 3 + 3x3, then the system will give a result of 12. Other calculators, as a rule, will give a result of 18. This is due to the fact that after each action a subtotal is determined. Our program takes into account the hierarchy of mathematical symbols, first performing the operation of multiplication, and then only addition.

How to count on a simple calculator

A simple calculator makes simple calculations: add up the sum or difference, perform division and multiplication operations. When entering values, use the mouse or keyboard keys. The digital block will be the most convenient for calculations, but you can also use those keyboard buttons that are between the functional row and the letter block. All digital values ​​on the keyboard correspond to the buttons of the online calculator.

To carry out addition and multiplication, division and subtraction, the following keys on the PC keyboard are used:

[*] - multiply;

[/] - share;

[-] - take away;

[+] - add;

- equals;

[.] - decimal separator.

To find out the result of a mathematical operation, you must press on the keyboard or the [=] sign in the calculator interface. To reset values ​​using the keyboard, you can press one of the keys - or . By pressing the key you can delete the last entered value.

What operations can be performed on a simple calculator?

  • (x) - multiplication;
  • (÷) - division;
  • (-) - subtraction;
  • (+) - addition;
  • (C) - reset values.
  • (→) - delete the last entered character.

The history of the development of calculators goes back many centuries. In the Soviet era, enthusiasts call the most advanced model MK-52. The device had a powerful filling at that time and was used for programming, some experts managed to write games and programs on it. The legendary series survived the dawn of mobile technology and is still produced today under the name MK-152.

Used to calculate mathematical expressions online. The calculator visually displays the entered expression and gives the answer with increased accuracy. Performs complex mathematical operations using functions such as trigonometric, logarithmic, factorials, performs calculations with complex numbers, vectors and matrices and also allows solve some simple equations(for example, square type 3x^2-2x+1=0), for which there is a variable in the keyset x. Here are some important tips for using the calculator:

  • With a small screen resolution, the view of the calculator changes with the loss of some functions (for example, cotangent).
  • Button 2nd in the upper left corner allows you to switch to the keys indicated in the upper corners (instead of a sine, go to the arcsine, instead of a parenthesis - to a square, etc.).
  • The calculator has a wide range of well-known constants (click on the button const).
  • Pressing again on = allows you to change the display form of the result. For example, if the answer is received in the form of an exact expression (constants, roots, etc.), then pressing the = will calculate the expression and give a decimal number-answer.
  • In an engineering calculator, angles are calculated in radians. If you want to set the angle in degrees, then use the multiplier: (pi/180). For example, to enter the expression sin(30°), write the expression: sin(30*(pi/180))
  • When working with vectors, write the coordinates of the vector in parentheses: (a1, a2, a3); for operations with matrices - in squares, while the brackets should also separate the rows of the matrix. For example: [,,] is a 3x3 square matrix.

A percent in mathematics is called a hundredth of a number. For example, 5% of 100 equals 5.
This calculator will allow you to accurately calculate the percentage of a given number. There are various calculation modes. You can make various calculations using percentages.

  • The first calculator is needed when you want to calculate the percentage of the amount. Those. Do you know the meaning of percentage and amount
  • The second is if you need to calculate what percentage is X of Y. X and Y are numbers, and you are looking for the percentage of the first in the second
  • The third mode is adding a percentage of the specified number to the given number. For example, Vasya has 50 apples. Misha brought Vasya another 20% of the apples. How many apples does Vasya have?
  • The fourth calculator is the opposite of the third. Vasya has 50 apples, and Misha took 30% of the apples. How many apples does Vasya have left?

Frequent tasks

Task 1. An individual entrepreneur receives 100 thousand rubles every month. He works on a simplified basis and pays taxes of 6% per month. How much does an individual entrepreneur have to pay taxes per month?

Solution: We use the first calculator. Enter the bet 6 in the first field, 100000 in the second
We get 6000 rubles. - amount of tax.

Problem 2. Misha has 30 apples. 6 he gave to Katya. What percentage of the total number of apples did Misha give to Katya?

Solution: We use the second calculator - enter 6 in the first field, 30 in the second. We get 20%.

Task 3. At Tinkoff Bank, for replenishing a deposit from another bank, the depositor receives 1% on top of the replenishment amount. Kolya replenished the deposit with a transfer from another bank in the amount of 30,000. What is the total amount Kolya's deposit will be replenished with.

Solution: use the 3rd calculator. Enter 1 in the first field, 10000 in the second. We press the calculation, we get the amount of 10100 rubles.