01828E Aggression. Faction(s)

Glover Mallory working on Miraak's shrine

He starts his day at 6am with a two-hour breakfast in his house. Then, at 8am, he walks out to his forge and works for twelve hours. At 8pm he heads to the Retching Netch to relax until midnight, then walks to the Earth Stone to work on it for six hours or, if the stone has been cleansed , he'll head back to his house and go to bed.

When you approach him, he may talk about himself as a smith, saying things like, "Glover Mallory"s the name. If you"re looking for a smith, you"ve found one of the best." or "Either you"re here to get showered in sparks, or you"re looking for something to buy. Out with it." or "Steel, dwarven, ebony... if it"s broken, I can mend it." When Raven Rock is still in its sad state of disrepair, he'll say, "A lot of folks around here look to strangers for help. I hope you won"t disappoint them." When the mines are reopened, he "ll say, "You"ve got a good thing going here now that you"ve reopened the mines. Don"t let it go to waste." When he "s free from Miraak" s grasp, he "ll say, "Stealing a man"s mind... it just isn't right. Thanks for saving me from that madman." or "I"ve heard of stealing things from people, but never thought you could steal someone"s mind."

If you ask him how he ended up in Raven Rock, he "ll say, "A fine question, and the one that I hear most often from visitors to our town. I wish I had a more romantic tale to tell, but I was simply seeking my fortune and chose Raven Rock to ply my trade. Besides, knowing how to repair bonemold armor wasn"t very useful in Riften." You can now ask him who taught him how to repair bonemold, to which he "ll reply with, "I had a friend over there, a dark elf named Vanryth ... a very talented armorsmith. Spent a lot of time with the guy swapping smithing techniques. Learned a heck of a lot, including how to repair bonemold. After he moved on to greener pastures, I decided to pack up, move out here and put those lessons to the test. Been here ever since." During the quest Dragonborn, if you ask him if he knows someone named Miraak, he "ll sound dazed and reply, "No, I... Wait. Maybe. I don't know how I know that name..." When you ask him what he means by that, he "ll say, "I... I"m not sure. I don"t want to talk about this." When you ask him about the shrine at the Earth Stone, he'll be perplexed, saying, "It" s a shrine, for ... Err, I don "t remember. I thought I remembered, but now I" m not sure. Is it important, or did I imagine that?" When asked if he wants a drink from Geldis Sadri , he "ll gladly accept, saying, "Perfect! I was just thinking about heading over for a drink. Thanks for saving me the trip." Once the mines are reopened, if you ask him how things are different, he "ll say, "I"ve always had a steady stream of work thanks to the Redoran Guard, so it hasn"t affected me much. However, I"ve seen the smile on people"s faces and there"s hope around here once again.. something we"ve been missing for a long time." If you ask him if he wants to be Neloth "s steward , he"ll find the idea hysterical, saying, "Ha ha ha! Gods, that" s rich. Work for Neloth. Ha ha ha!" However, if you"re in the Thieves Guild, you can ask him if he knows someone for the job, in which case he"ll say, "As one Thieves Guild member to another? Try Drovas over in the Retching Netch. Not too long ago he tried to pawn some stuff off. Seemed kinda desperate for coin." When exiting conversation, he'll say, "Bring your weapons and armor to me. I"ll fix it up right."

If you ask if something "s wrong, he"ll complain angrily, "You haven"t seen Crescius Caerellius have you? That foolish old man "s taken my pickaxe again!" When you ask him why he cares so much about a pickaxe, he "ll say, "No, no, no. This isn't just your run-of-the-mill pickaxe... I"m talking about an Ancient Nordic Pickaxe. They don't exactly grow on trees, you know." If you ask him why he can "t have the guards deal with it, he" ll say, "Um, I prefer to handle these things on my own. Look, if you see Crescius, tell him to give me that pickaxe back and I"ll pay you for the trouble." You can now ask him what an ancient Nordic pickaxe is, in which case he "ll say, "It"s the only tool tough enough to crack stalhrim, is what it is. Not many of those beauties left in the world... forging them is a lost art. The one Crescius "borrowed" came from the Skaal Village up north. I, uh, traded them some goods for it." You can also ask him if stalhrim is a type of ore, in which he "ll say, "Calling stalhrim an ore is like calling my forge a campfire. Some folks say it"s "enchanted ice," but I think there"s more to it than that." When you say that you "re guessing it" s rare, he "ll confirm, saying, "I don"t think I"ve come across more than a chunk or two in my lifetime, and smithing"s my trade. If you"re looking to learn more, you should head over to the Skaal Village. Someone there"s bound to know more about it than I do." During the quest, he "ll greet you with, "Find my pickaxe yet?" and when exiting conversation, he'll say, "You tell Crescius he better give that pickaxe back to me, or else." If you bring him back the pickaxe, he'll say, "So you finally tracked down old Crescius, eh? Quite a character, isn't he. tell you what. Since you went through all the trouble of finding it for me and all, you keep it." When you question the reasoning of his decision, he "ll say, "I just wanted to remind that codger you can"t just go around taking things from other people. Now that you "ve delivered the message, I"m satisfied. Besides, that pickaxe hasn "t done me any good in years. Maybe you can put it to good use." If you let Crescius keep the pickaxe, and lie to Glover that he lost it, he'll say, "Blast! That careless old fool. Well, thanks for trying anyway. Here you go... for your trouble."

When you complete Meet the Family , you can mention the shadowmark by his door, saying, "Well, well. It"s been a long time since someone from the Guild"s bothered to make their way out here. So tell me... how"s my brother Delvin? Still spending his nights at the Ragged Flagon trying to win Vex "s heart?" When you tell him he "s doing fine, he" ll say, "Good to hear. Damn layabout never even bothers to send his own flesh and blood a letter saying how he"s doing. Can you imagine? Anyway, I suppose you "re looking for work. Well, I" ve got bad news. This place is dryer than a damn bone." When you ask him if he "s sure there"s nothing, he "ll say, "Eager to make some coin, eh? That"s the spirit. I"ll tell you what. The Guild"s got a problem out here that I"ve been trying to deal with for years, but haven"t been able to handle." When you ask him if the Guild really has a problem out in Solstheim, he "ll say, Don't look at me like that. I "m all alone out here, with no one to watch my back. And besides, it" s really my problem anyway. I caused it." When you ask him what the problem is, he'll say, "A fellow Breton who went by the name Esmond Tyne showed up on my doorstep about a fortnight ago. He noticed the shadowmarks like you did, and I thought he was one of us." When you ask if he stole something, he "ll confirm with, "That he did. Right out from under my nose. Can you believe it? It"s my own formula for improved bonemold. Took me years to perfect." When you ask where he is, he'll say, "Well, before he ran off, he was talking some nonsense about trying to fence goods to the rieklings at Castle Karstaag . I told him he was crazy to even think about talking to those vicious little buggers, but he wouldn't listen. I "d bet a fat purse of coin that he"s either dead or hiding out up there." When you tell him you "ll get the formula, he" ll say, "You do that, and I"ll make sure you"re set up right. You won't be disappointed." When you return, he'll say, "Any luck tracking down Esmond?" When you tell him Esmond "s dead but you have the formula, he" ll say, "I told him not to head up there. Sounds like the bloody fool got what he deserved. Here, I want you to take this key. Head inside my house and unlock the door in the basement. Help yourself to whatever you like inside. I won't be using it anymore."

Glover can often be seen talking with other Raven Rock citizens:

Adril: "Captain Veleth"s mentioned how valuable you"ve become to the Redoran Guard. The Councilor and I appreciate your assistance."
Glover: "I"m glad to lend a hand."
Adril: "You must be using quite a bit of your raw materials repairing their weapons and armor. I"m sorry we can"t compensate you."
Glover: "Not to worry, Adril. I"ll recover my losses in due time."

Veleth: "I don"t know what your playing at, Glover... but something about you just doesn't add up."
Glover: "Understandable considering the differences between us."
Veleth: "I"m not talking about that. I have a knack for smelling trouble, and for some reason you reek of it."
Glover: "I promise you, I have nothing but good intentions towards everyone in this town."

Glover: "Fethis! How"s that pretty young daughter of yours doing?"
Fethis: "What in the name of the Black Hands is that supposed to mean?!"
Glover: "Nothing... I... I was just making conversation."
Fethis: "Next time you feel like having a conversation, talk to someone else."

Garyn: "So where do you hail from, Glover?"
Glover: "Skyrim. Born and raised."
Garyn: "Have any kinfolk?"
Glover: "Just a brother. Lives in Riften."
Garyn: "That"s quite a distance from here. What "s his trade? He a blacksmith as well?"
Glover: "Nah. He... finds things people are looking for. Makes a good bit of coin doing it, too."

Glover: "So what do you think, Vendil? You think this town will survive?"
Vendil: "I don't know. There are many who would"ve already expected us to leave this place."
Glover: "Sure, but then where would you go?"
Vendil: "A fair question, my friend... a fair question."

Geldis: "How's business, Glover?"
Glover: "The usual. Piles of armor to repair for the Redoran Guard."
Geldis: "Aren't you pleased to keep busy?"
Glover: "These hands were made for bending steel... not mending bonemold. But, it"s certainly better than not working at all." fences anywhere on Solstheim.

Quest conditions: Be a member of the Thieves Guild

This quest can be obtained by talking to Glover Mallory about the shadow mark on his house. Glover will tell an interesting story about how he was robbed. A certain traveler named Esmond Tyne also recognized the secret symbol of the Guild in the sign on his house and Mallory mistook it for his own, and Esmond, taking advantage of this, stole the formula for creating improved bone armor (Improved Bonemold Armor). The blacksmith believes that the thief went to Karstaag Castle to sell the formula to the Rieklings. Glover will ask you to find Esmond and return the stolen goods.

Go to the Castle Karstaag Caverns, where at the very entrance to the ice dungeon you will find the body of the unfortunate thief along with the stolen formula. Read it - it will teach you how to create improved bone armor. Return to Raven Rock.

If at this point you have already completed the quest "Find Kirku" (An Ax to Find), then the blacksmith will give you the keys to the house and allow you to pick up everything that you can carry from the basement. In the basement you will find a set of Black Guard's Armor Set, with effects similar to the Guild Master's Armor Set, but with stronger enchantments (5% higher). Pay attention to the unsent letter from which it becomes clear that Sapphire (Sapphire) from the Thieves Guild of Riften is Glover's daughter.

On the first floor of the house is the safe of the Eastern Empire Company.

When you are passing through Riften, visit Sapphire and give her the letter. For this, she will give you an exquisite sapphire (Exquisite Sapphire).

Raven Rock.

"March of the Dead".

It is, in fact, the very first side quest that can be obtained on this island. We leave the Voronya Gora and go straight along the path. There you will see a fight between a brave Dunmer and ashspawn - one of the new enemies in the add-on. We scatter them, accept thanks from Velet and a request for help. Velet complains that he does not have enough soldiers and no one to send to investigate this case. We call to help. We search the former enemies and find a letter, read it, after that we go to the Frosty Moth Fort to kill General Folks Kariya. Hey Bloodmoon, we missed you. Upon arrival at the fort, we will hear the general's notification that the enemy has invaded the territory and must be killed. We uncover our weapons and fight our way to the general. After that, we kill the general. Do not forget to search his body: he has an excellent enchanted hammer and a letter to the capital of the Empire. After that, we return to Velet - we receive thanks and a bunch of gold, which depends on the level of your ward.

"Decisive Descent".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

To receive this task, go to the Crow Mine and listen to the conversation between the two. After that, approach the old man - Cretius Cerellius and get the task. He will ask you to find the remains of his great-grandfather and for this he will give a letter and a key to the mysterious door.

We go down into the mine, deal with spiders and rats, after that we knock down wooden beams and open the iron door with the key received from Cretius. We pass further, avoid traps and dead ends. After that, we get to the zone where the waterfall is. We jump down and see the remains of great-grandfather Cretius. We search them and get a diary that must be read. After reading, we take the Bloodskal blade, which will help solve the puzzle. To solve the puzzle you need to do the following:

Perform a side power attack, two spot power attacks, another side power attack. After that, the bands will disperse and the door will open.

We go further and meet the dragon priest Zakrisos, kill him and remove his mask. Don't forget to go to the word wall and learn a new word. There will also be a "black book", which was written about in another guide. After that, we go upstairs and get into the "Bloodskal Mound". We pull the chain, kill the robbers, leave the barrow and return to Cretius for a reward.

After this task, the mine will get a "second wind" and will work at full capacity. As a reward for this, we will be allowed to mine ebonite.

"Revenge does not tolerate fuss."

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

To receive this task, you need to complete the following tasks: "March of the Dead" and "Decisive Descent". After that, return to Raven Rock, and wait for Captain Velet to approach you. He will ask you to approach Adril Arano. He, in turn, will share his suspicions about the impending assassination attempt on Advisor Morvayn and ask us for help. We agree.

We go to the tavern "Puke Netch" and talk there with Galdis Sadri. He will tell you that someone is making offerings at midnight in the Ulen family tomb. What you need. We go into the tomb of the Ulens and wait for midnight. A woman comes and says she is making simple offerings to honor her ancestors. But we will not fall for this and we will talk with Arano. He, in turn, will give the key to the Severin estate for a search. We come to the estate and kill the attackers. We search the safe and find evidence - we carry them to Arano. Arano will send us to the Ash Fortress to kill the assassins from the Morag Tong. We come there and clean the fortress. After that, we return for a reward.

"New debt".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

After you find a new manager for Neloth, you will start to have problems. In the market, the orc Mogrul will approach you and say that Drovas Relvi, the new manager at Neloth, owed him money in the amount of 1000 septims. Now this debt falls on us. Think for yourself, decide for yourself. You can, of course, intimidate the orc, but nothing will work and he will send thugs to knock out the debt from you. You can go to Drovas Relvi and he will give you 250 Septims. You can use eloquence to bring down the amount by 500 septims and pay.

"Spread Sujama Sadri".

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Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Go to the Nauseous Netch tavern and talk to the innkeeper about sujam, during the conversation he will ask you to distribute 10 sujam to anyone, just to try. We agree, after that we pester the characters and distribute sujama. We carry out and return to Sadri for a reward.

"Pendants of the Eastern Imperial Company".

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Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

In the market, approach Fetis Alor and talk about the pendants of the Eastern Imperial Company. He will say that he collects them and is ready to generously pay for each pendant he brings.

"Purge the temple of ashen spawn."

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

We go into the temple and speak with Elder Otrelot. He will ask you to clean the basement of the temple from the ashen spawn. We agree, take the key to the basement, go in there and start killing everyone. After that, we return to the elder for a reward.

"Ancient Nordic Pickaxe".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Glover Mallory - the blacksmith will ask us to take the ancient Nord pickaxe from Cretius Cerellius. We come to the old man in the mine or his house, depending on whether you completed the quest to restore the mine or not - and demand to give the pickaxe. After that, we go to the blacksmith and get the same pick as a reward for completing the task.

"Bone Armor Formula".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

This quest can be obtained if you are a member of the Thieves Guild. We go to Glover Mallory and get the task to return the formula. We go to the caves of the Karstag castle, find the body of Thane and take the formula. We return to the blacksmith for a reward.

"Letter Sapphire".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Awarded after completing the Bone Armor Formula quest. We will receive the key from the blacksmith, and he will allow us to take everything that is behind the door, which can be opened with the key. We arrive, take the letter, sail to Skyrim to the thief named Sapphire and give the letter. In return, we get a large diamond worth 5000 septims.

"Cache of seasoned wine."

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

After completing the "March of the Dead" quest, approach the captain of the guard and he will ask you to find a cache of tempered wine. We accept the task. We run to two abandoned houses. There is a barrel between them, we climb into it and pick up the wine. We take it to the captain and get a reward.

Tel Mithrin.

"From the ash".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

When you first visit Tel Mithryn, talk to Neloth's apprentice, Talvas. He will be in the courtyard trying to learn the spell to summon the ash guard. After the conversation, go up to Neloth and immediately exit. Talvas will meet you at the exit and ask for help. He was able to summon an ash guardian, but was unable to control it and is now rampaging. We kill him and decide who to tell - Talvas or Neloth? I advise you to tell Talvas, as he can become your companion.

"Coercive Manager"

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

We come to Tel Mithrin and speak with Neloth, during the conversation he will ask if we have seen his manager - Verona? We answer that we have not seen and go in search of her. We go north and find her body next to the stone of the Sun - we inform Neloth. He asks to find a new manager. We leave for Raven Rock, or rather, for the Vomited Netch and talk with Drovas Relvi. He will accept the job of manager. We return to Neloth and get the money and the key to the staff enchanter's room. There is one of the "black books" in the room.

"Old Friends".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will complain about the constant attacks from the ash spawn, and will share the theory that someone is most likely controlling them. He will give you a ring that will help you find the source of the attacks. We dress him and go to the northern cemetery, open the grave and return to Neloth. He will send us to the Summit Tower to kill his ex-girlfriend from Telvanni. We kill her - we return to Neloth for a reward.

"Healing at Home"

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

We go to the pharmacy of Tel Mitrin and speak with Elenya Matren and volunteer to help fix the house in the form of a mushroom. To repair, you need 3 taproots, and they also need to be moistened near the "Sources of the Harstrad River". Tap roots are removed from the dead bodies of sprigans or bought from alchemists, one way or another, after receiving, we go to the source and moisten the roots. After that, we return to Elenya and give up the roots. She will give us one root and ask us to plant it in Neloth's house. We go into the house and plant a root, after that we return to Elenya for a reward.

"Lost Knowledge".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

The task is issued after completing the main plot of Dragonbron. We go to Neloth and he will tell you where the "black book" is located. White Ridge Mound is our goal. We go there, kill everyone. We meet the dragon priest Dukan - we kill him, remove his mask, learn the new word "Cyclone" and select the "black book". After that, we return to Neloth for a reward.

"Staff of Azra".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask you to get us one of the many staffs of Azra, he will also give a tip. He will send us to Skyrim. Most likely the location of the staff is random. I had this: "Pond of the eyes of the maara." We go there, clean the cave and pick up the staff. We give it to Neloth and get a reward.

"Wind and Sand".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask you to get the ancient Redguard book Wind and Sand. He will send us to Skyrim. Most likely the location of the staff is random. I had this: "Inconspicuous Asylum." We come there, clean it up, pick it up and give it to Neloth for a reward.

"Heart Stones".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask us to get stones - cores that are mined from ore veins. We find the veins, dig them up and take the hearts - the cores to Neloth for a reward.

"The Opening of the Heather Heart".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask you to get us a heather heart. To do this, you have to sail back to Skyrim. We sail to Skyrim, find an outcast - heather heart, kill him, take the heart and bring it to Neloth for a reward.

"Telvanni Studies".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Neloth will ask you to get the ashes from the ashen spawn. To do this, he will give a special tool. We find the offspring, kill it, carry out the measurement and return to Neloth.

Bjolda's Refuge / Thirsk Honey Hall.

Jobs here are divided into two camps. We can take the side of the Rieklings or the side of the Nords. You decide. And I will describe the tasks for both. Go!

"Chief of Thirsk Hall."

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

On the approaches to the Thirsk mead hall, a Riekling will meet us and lead us inside. We go inside and talk to the leader of the Rieklings, he will ask you to find their boar - Bilgelmak. This boar loves meat. We leave the hall and move towards the river. We give the boar meat, and he follows us. We put it in the stall and go for the next task.

Now we need to collect a dozen pests. We collect and go to the leader. After that, he will ask you to kill 7 Nords in Bjolda's Retreat. We kill and return to him. He is afraid that you will be able to take away his title and attacks you. Kill him and you will become the leader of the Honey Hall. Honorable, right? Also, you can call Rieklings to help you.

"Recapture of Thirsk".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

We go to the "Shelter of Bjolda" and talk with Bjolda the Fearless about recapturing Thirsk. She agrees with you and asks for help. We need to kill 19 Rieklings. We kill them and talk to Bjolda. She will ask you to go with her to the Hrothmund mound to receive a blessing to rule Tirsk. We go with her and listen to the conversation during which the spirit refuses to bless her. Bjolda will ask us to keep the secret and tell everyone that the spirit has given his blessing. If you refuse, she will attack you, and then you will be expelled from Thirsk. If you agree, then everything will be fine. But then it will be possible to publicly say that nothing of the kind happened and that she is a liar. Then they will expel her, but you will still be treated coolly.

Hailunda will ask you to bring 50 Riekling Spears. Spears are obtained from Rieklings. One Riekling can have from 5 to 20 copies. We collect spears, take them to Hailunda and get a reward.

"Stalhrim and Ebonite".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Blacksmith Halborn will ask you to bring 10 pieces of stalhrim ore and 15 pieces of ebony ore. Stalhrim ore is in the source, which you will get to on the quest "The New Source of Stalhrim", and there is a lot of ebony in the crow mine after the quest "Decisive Descent". Collect ore, bring it to the blacksmith and get a reward.

Skaal village.

"A New Source of Stalhrim".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

A few days after completing the story quest "The Fate of the Skaal", return to the village. After that, approach Deor and find out about the missing blacksmith. It turns out that he was taken by the Thalmor to an "abandoned hut". Go there, kill the Thalmor detachment next to the hut, and remove the key from the leader. Enter the hut and go down to the basement. We speak with the blacksmith, and we learn that the Thalmor are looking for a larger deposit of stalhrim and they need to be stopped. Go to the "Northern Landing" and talk to the elves. You have a choice: pay them to leave; to threaten with death; kill. One way or another, you will receive a card. Visit the deposit, knock out all the stalhrim from there and return to the blacksmith for a reward.

"Family bonds".

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

We arrive at the Skaal village and speak with the chief hunter. He will say that his brother disappeared and began to hang around with bears - werewolves. We need to find Thorkild, but finding him is difficult. He always comes across in different places. Just explore the island and it will come to you. Thorkild will carry some nonsense and if you approach him, he will attack you, so kill him anyway. Return to the bounty hunter. He will teach you how to shoot, block, use one-handed weapons, and wear heavy armor. Each of these skills will increase by one point.

Dragonborn. Complete walkthrough of side quests

Speak to Morwen in Skaal Village and she will ask you to take the necklace to her mother in Falkreath. We take the necklace, take the necklace to Falkreath Runil, and return back for a reward.

Condition for obtaining: be a member of the Thieves Guild

When you notice that there is a Shadow mark on Glover Mallory's house, he will tell the incredible story of how he was robbed. A certain Esmond Tyne also recognized these signs, and Glover mistook him for a fellow Guild, who stole the recipe for improved bone armor (Improved Bonemold Armor). According to the blacksmith, the "guest" was on his way to Karstaag Castle, wanting to trade with the Rieklings there. Naturally, Glover will ask you to find Esmond and take the formula from him.

The path will take you to the Castle Karstaag Caverns, and literally at the entrance to the ice-covered dungeons favored by the Rieklings, you will find the body of the hapless thief and the note you are looking for. Read it, the recipe will allow you to create improved bone armor. Return to Raven Rock.

If at this point you have already dealt with the ancient Nordic pickaxe, the blacksmith will give you the keys to his house and allow you to take everything you need from the basement. In particular, there you will find a Blackguard's Armor Set, similar to the Guild Master's Armor Set, but even with stronger enchantments (5% higher). Don't miss the unsent letter, from which you learn that Sapphire (Sapphire) from the Guild of Thieves is actually Glover's daughter.

On the first floor of the house you will find the box of the Eastern Imperial Company. Taking a pendant from it is not theft (probably it would be bad to rob a fellow Guild).

Quest consequences: You can go to Riften and give the letter to Sapphire. In gratitude, she will give you an excellent sapphire (Exquisite Sapphire).