Where to download in World of Warcraft? We will tell you what leveling methods are, how to use them, and in which locations it is better to level up at a particular character level.

Completing tasks

The most familiar and common way to increase the level of a character is to complete tasks. You level up by killing monsters and completing tasks. It's really good way pumping.

In Cataclysm, the map has become a little more convenient - now, if you hover over a location, you can see the range of levels that this location is suitable for. If the inscription is gray - this location is already useless for you, if it is yellow and green - this location suits your character, if it is red - it's too early to swing there.

Below you will find a list of WoW locations with indications of the levels at which it is preferable to level in these locations. The list is divided by game add-ons: Classic, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm.

Classic WoW

Eastern kingdoms

Location Level
Dun Morogh 1-10
Elwyn Forest 1-10
Eversong Woods 1-10
Tirisfal Glades 1-10
silver Forest 10-20
ghostlands 10-20
Western edge 10-15
Loch Modan 10-20
Redridge Mountains 15-20
Bolotina 20-25
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-25
Arathi Highlands 25-30
Northern Stranglethorn 25-30
The Cape of Stranglethorn 30-35
Hinterlands 30-35
Western Plaguelands 35-40
Eastern Plaguelands 40-45
Badlands 44-48
Searing Gorge 47-51
Burning Steppes 49-52
swamp of sorrow 52-54
Blasted Lands 54-60


Durotar 1-10
Mulgore 1-10
Azure Haze Island 1-10
Teldrassil 1-10
Bloodmist Island 10-20
Azshara 10-20
northern steppes 10-20
Darkshore 10-20
Ashenvale 20-25
Talon Mountains 25-30
Southern steppes 30-35
Wasteland 30-35
Feralas 35-40
Dust Marsh 35-40
thousand needles 40-45
Felwood 45-50
Tanaris 45-50
Un'Goro Crater 50-55
winter keys 50-55
Silithus 55-60

Burning Crusade

Wrath of the Lich King


Where to level up in the Mists of Pandaria

Recently, a new addition to WoW has been released, and many players have a question “Where to level in the Mists of Pandaria?”. Leveling methods remain the same, and the list of available locations with the desired levels is given below.

jade forest 85-86
Krasarang Wilds 86-88
Valley of the Four Winds 86-88
Kun-Lai Summit 87-89
Dread Wasteland 89-90
Townlong Steppes 89-90
Vale of Eternal Blossoms Level 90

Passage of dungeons

Another way to quickly level up a character is to go through dungeons. From level 15, players can use the Dungeon Finder feature. You can use it by clicking on the button with a green eye on the bottom panel.

Choose a role, and get up in search of dungeons. When your turn comes, you will receive an invitation and will be transferred to the dungeon, where you will swing, killing monsters. Sometimes in the dungeons you will also come across tasks that will also give some experience.

Finding dungeons allows you to level up without even leaving the city. Sometimes you have to wait 5-20 minutes, so it would be wise to complete normal tasks while you are in line.

A big plus of this leveling method is the ability to level up in the best things for your level, since in the dungeons you will knock out a lot of good quality items.


In Cataclysm, it became possible to swing on the battlefields. In general, this method is worse than the others, but it will suit ardent fans of battles with other players.

The fact is that pumping on the battlefields depends not only on you, but also on your team. Experience on the battlefields is only given for completing certain tasks (for example, capturing the flag) or for winning a battle. However, if you do not win all the time, it will take a very long time to swing in this way.

It is worth noting that you can also swing by mining ore, grass, skins, or doing archeology. But all these methods bring very little experience, so we do not consider them - rather, they are a nice addition.

The main ways to gain experience are listed above. We hope that now you will know where to download WoW and choose the most suitable method for you.

Probably no other announcement from Blizzard has caused as much gossip and indignation as the news that bipedal upright pandas, also known as pandaren, will become a new playable race in World of Warcraft. These fat-bellied handsome men fit into the world very organically as Easter eggs, but it was somehow very difficult to imagine them, say, in a battle against the Lich King. Not quite the same type.

But over the past year, passions have subsided, and the community has begun to get used to the new status of pandaren. In the end, an armored panda with a two-handed weapon is no less strange than a cow clad in the same armor. And the tauren have been in the game since its very start and did not bother anyone. The main thing is to get the image created by the notorious Po Bear from the Kung Fu Panda cartoon out of your head. Yes, the theme is the same here, but in WoW everything is much more serious and harmonious.

Don't wake up the Sha in me!

This time the developers are keeping the name of the final boss a secret. Game characters tirelessly repeat that some kind of evil evil is coming, which can only be resisted by all together. But Garrosh the Infernal Krik, the leader of the Horde, goes to war against the Alliance at the wrong time, thereby endangering the entire world. Why is it coming? Yes, he is simply the greatest and wants to prove it! The Alliance, of course, resists, skirmishes take place here and there, and one of them ends with the fact that the Alliance ship with a full hold of captive Horde wrecks on an uncharted land hidden by fogs. Rapid reconnaissance shows that it is the same the legendary Pandaria, from where shaggy monks and black-and-white brewers arrive from time to time. Until then, they had successfully concealed the location of their homeland and behaved like tourists, trying not to interfere in the conflict between the two factions.

This is what Sha looks like in the flesh. Someone else wonders why the monks try once again not get angry?

And now there is no way to intervene. Garrosh sees in southern lands new potential for conquest, the Alliance king Varian Wrynn is not thrilled at the prospect of another "red" continent on the map, so both of them send troops to Pandaria, forcing the peaceful pandaren to clutch their heads. Arriving armies trample on crops, ask for medical and humanitarian aid, and in every possible way agitate for joining. In addition, it turns out that the hatred of the warring parties here can take on a physical form - the pandaren call it "Sha" and all their lives they learn to control their emotions so as not to produce monsters. But the Alliance with the Horde does not know these subtleties, so the Sha begin to pour out of all the cracks, defiling the earth, animals and individual unstable personalities.

At the same time, a certain prophecy pops up in the Pandarian monasteries, the content of which the developers are silent in all interviews. But it follows from it that the pandaren need to acquire allies as soon as possible, because they themselves will definitely not cope with the coming troubles. In a good way, of course, it is better to unite with the whole world, but the political situation does not favor this - volunteers have to decide where to infiltrate: the pandaren became the first race that can choose between the Horde and the Alliance.

All Pandaria is built in the Chinese style - pagodas, lanterns, kites. It is not clear just what Japanese tanuki raccoons do through and through in the local forests.

It is not difficult to predict the further course of events - everything goes to the fact that sooner or later the factions will reconcile and unanimously break in on the so far unidentified threat. The first steps towards this will be outlined in the next update, where Garrosh, in fact, will become the main boss - after the elimination of the conflicting leader, it will become much easier to achieve mutual understanding.

Life at the end of the tunnel

But until then, players still have a lot to do. Pandaria is a full-fledged new continent on the opposite side of the map from Northrend. Getting to it, however, is quite easy. No need to wait for a ship or an airship, stationary portals have appeared in both faction capitals, instantly transferring those who wish to the Jade Forest - the first of seven new playable zones.

The pandaren living here, in general, wanted to spit on all the previous achievements of the heroes. In the process of growing to a new ceiling of ninety levels, players will have to clean out pests from farm gardens, extract jade from the mines to complete the great construction, and prove to the monks that axes and bullets are no less effective than centuries-old martial arts traditions. And at the same time - to eliminate the consequences of their own destructive activity, struggling with the numerous manifestations of Sha. Traditionally, flying on a new continent is not allowed immediately, but only upon reaching maximum level. Well, at least for a license to fly, the pandarens are asking in a divine way - only two thousand gold.

But in general, it is the process of pumping to the stop that now looks completely superfluous. Unlike cataclysm, where most of the effort went into making leveling up more fun, in Mists of Pandaria all the most interesting is concentrated at the end. For example, until you reach level ninety, you will only have access to four out of nine dungeons, in which you quickly get tired of swinging.

Monk is a universal and very mobile class. He can heal, tank, deal damage, and even harass the enemy with constant somersaults and rolls behind his back.

At level ninety, scenarios become available - a new type of instances, a kind of attempt to get away from the well-established "tank + healer + three DPS" scheme. Groups of three players of absolutely any classes and roles can participate in them. Say, in one of the scenarios, we need to help the brewer brew the best beer in the world, and for this we need to: a) drag hops, which are scattered in small portions throughout the island and are guarded by vicious monkeys; b) protect the already brought hops from the same monkeys with the help of bombs and a ship's cannon. Whoever wants - runs to prey, whoever wants - remains on the defensive, and if you wish, you can manage to do it here and there, running with the whole crowd. Fun, fast and not too stressful.

Not rendered, but simplified

However, the latter concerns a lot in Mists of Pandaria. Again, unlike Cataclysm, where in the very first dungeon the player was confronted with the fact “either you know the tactics or you die”, life here is much simpler and more fun: the tank collects everyone in a row, the healer heals him, and the rest with whooping beat opponents. Approximately as in the days of the Lich King, which, we note, saw the peak of WoW's popularity.

To compensate for the lack of a challenge, the developers have added a competition mode in which players get more rewards the faster they run through the instance. And this is quite a reason not to relax and constantly work on improving the result, earning epic equipment not only for raids, but also for ordinary heroes.

The first seconds after the start of the update. The quest giver drowned under those who wanted to be the first to get to Pandaria.

Dressing has also become easier - if only because Valor points (a separate currency for buying valuable items) are now earned even by daily quests. Albeit quite a bit, but with due diligence... Especially since the developers have removed the limit on the number of such quests that can be completed in a day! A real holiday for gold hunters, besides, there is much to spend. To buy yourself a luxurious riding yak, you will have to shell out 108,000 gold - an amount that not every player has even seen in the eye.

This WoW guide covers how to level from 80-90 via Mists of Pandaria or Cataclysm zones. We will tell you the best leveling routes and what zones you shouldn't pass up in our guide! We've even included some fun items to hunt for to give you reasons to check out certain zones over others.

Each section breaks down the questing experience by continent and faction, along with maps and descriptions of interesting things in each zone. We"ve also included a section for dungeons at the end in case you prefer to get some experience that way.

There are other treasures scattered around Pandaria, and finding 20 of them awards . We have a guide to the locations of all of the treasures. These treasures include recipes like Ren Yun's Tablet and Recipe: Banana Infused Rum , as well as fun transmog items like Yaungol Torch , Hammer of Ten Thunders , and Slicer's Staff of Mutation .

In every zone you can find Zandalari Warbringers and Zandalari Warscouts. Both drop various reputation tokens and bags of supplies, however the Warbringers have a chance to drop various Primordial Direhorns: Reins of the Jade Primordial Direhorn , Reins of the Amber Primordial Direhorn , Reins of the Slate Primordial Direhorn .

There are dozens of other rare elites in Pandaria, which can provide experience, reagents, BoP armor, and other fun items! These are all noted in the Comprehensive Rare Elites of Pandaria guide.

Alternate Leveling Route: Cataclysm

In Cataclysm zones, players can address the destruction on Azeroth caused by Deathwing as part of the Shattering. You "ll help reclaim Hyjal from the Elemental Lords, investigate the presence of the Old Gods, and help the ancient Titan civilization, the Tol" vir. These zones have distinct stories, so it doesn't matter which order you complete them in for a narrative flow.

The Alliance have a few interesting quests related to Dwarven Lore:

  • My sister Fanny : You "re tasked with bringing about a political marriage between subsets of the Wildhammer clans, but quickly learn that Fanny Thunderthar has a mind of her own and awesome personality. From turning down your escort aid to enthusiastically talking about the physical attributes of her groom, Fanny has a lot of sass and makes the traditional "wedding planning" quests fun. a fun highlight too!
  • Where are you, Beak? : Beak, Donnelly's pet gryphon, is assumed dead--until your help, which brings about a touching reunion.


As you level up, new dungeons will be available in LFD. Players are eligible to queue up for random dungeons at level 15; at this point, a Dungeon Finder option will appear on your mini-bar (hotkey letter i). Queueing for a random dungeon will reward you with better experience and a Satchel of Helpful Goods containing useful leveling gear.

The following levels listed are when you can queue up for a dungeon in LFD. Don't forget to pick up quests at the start of an instance, as they could be a nice experience boost.

With the changes to zone scaling in Patch 7.3.5, you no longer have to worry about queuing up for a dungeon, completing it, and zoning out to find out you outleveled the zone. This should make leveling faster as you no longer have to travel between outdoor zones to find quests that provide experience. Now, you can just quest, queue, quest, queue and stay in the same zone until 90. You can even be questing in a Cataclysm zone and run a Mists of Pandaria dungeon.

Dungeons are a very efficient way to level in Patch 7.3.5. Look for dungeons which have high amounts of trash as well as high amounts of bonus bosses, to get the most out of kill experience and dungeon completion experience. Stratholme is a good dungeon to run repeatedly as it has 7 bonus bosses. You can also have a max-level friend power level you through the dungeons as well. More details on how dungeon experience works in thorr69"s comment .

1 Blackrock Caverns80-90 187-450 Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms
2 Stormstout Brewery80-90 187-450 Valley of the Four Winds, Pandaria
3 Throne of the Tides80-90 187-450 Vashj "ir, Eastern Kingdoms
4 Temple of the Jade Serpent80-90 187-450 The Jade Forest, Pandaria
About the game:

Download WOW 1.12.1 via torrent

release year: 2006
Version: v.1.12.1
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publication type: License
Interface language: English
Voice language: English
  • 6 GB free hard disk space
  • 1 GB RAM (512 MB Windows XP)
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World of Warcraft (WoW) is an MMORPG with a huge number of players, unique content, original story, and addictive gameplay.
Players from every corner of the Earth have the opportunity to temporarily immerse themselves in the virtual world, and go on a breathtaking adventure, perform incredible feats, and conquer the expanses of Azeroth.
The dimensions of Azeroth and Draenor first showed up in Warcraft I, after which they were improved further strategic games. In the process of evolution, Warcraft I turned into WoW (World of Warcraft).
Download and install WoW 1.12.1 and you are waiting for a lot of innovations such as group dungeons, raids, battlefields, many huge and beautiful locations, 8 unique races and much more!

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade

About the game:

Minimum system requirements:

Download WoW 2.4.3 via torrent

Released: 2007
Version: v.2.4.3
Publication type: License
Interface language: English/Russian
  • 10 GB free hard disk space
  • 1 GB RAM (512 MB Windows XP)
  • Keyboard and mouse required. Other input devices are not supported.
  • Intel® Pentium®4 (1.3 MHz) or AMD Athlon™ (from 1500 MHz)
  • NVIDIA® GeForce® 6800 or ATI™ Radeon™ 7200


This is a continuation of the history of the Warcraft universe! In this World of Warcraft Burning Crusade add-on, you have to send to the world of demons, the homeland of the dark orcs, called "Outland". This will be a serious test for everyone. From the moment you enter the dark portal, you find yourself in Outland, on the Hellfire Peninsula. This is the territory of the Bonechewer Orcs. They are not very friendly, they are wild, and rely on their animal instincts in battle. Next, you have to explore many colorful territories, learn many stories and secrets. You have to fight the true horde, engage in battle with the naga, and defeat the main villains of Illidan and Celthas - the Sunstrider. And after the victory, you have to prevent the coming into this world of the most dangerous demon - Kiljiden.

In WoW Burning Crusade, everything is in your hands, conquer Outland, defeat the main villains, get legendary equipment, and also reach new heights in battles between players!

What's new?

1) Leveling up to level 70. 2) New profession Jewelery. 3) 2 new races: blood elves and Draenei. 4) Added new battlefields. 5) Added arenas for battles 2x2 - 3x3 - 5x5. 6) New continent "Outland".

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

About the game:

Minimum system requirements:

Download WoW 4.3.4 via torrent

Year of release: 2010
Version: v.4.3.4
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publication type: License
Voice language: English / Russian
  • 2 GB RAM (1 GB Windows XP)
  • Broadband Internet connection (MIN 256 kb/s)
  • Keyboard and mouse required. Other input devices are not supported.
  • Windows® XP/Windows Vista®/Windows® 7/Windows® 8 (with latest service pack)
  • DirectX® compatible sound card


Finally, the Lich King is defeated, and the Radiance of Dawn appears in the sky. Everyone was celebrating the victory over the Lich King. However, they did not have long to rejoice. Ancient Evil is gaining strength in the bowels of the earth. He has many different names, but the most famous is Deathwing. He was in the shadows, and restored his strength, while the inhabitants of Azeroth existed relatively calmly, and did not suspect anything about his new coming. And now he is ready to show the whole world his true power. Soon the vastness of Azeroth will be destroyed, and everything will be incinerated to ashes, in the shadow of his wings.
With Deathwing's arrival in World of Warcraft, Azeroth will never be the same again. Deathwing will correct the landscapes of almost all locations, reveal secrets that were very carefully hidden from the whole world. Download WoW 4.3.4 you can on our website. In this World of Warcraft expansion, players will have to rediscover the already familiar world of Azeroth. Fight new monsters, conquer new dungeons, face legendary raid bosses.

What's new?

1) Level cap increased to 85. 2) Two new races: Goblins will side with the Horde, and Worgen will side with the Alliance. 3) New combinations of race and class. 4) New high-level zones. 5) About 3500 new quests. 6) New auxiliary skill - . 7) The possibility of using air means. 8) movement throughout Azeroth, as well as in Northrend and Outland. 9) The possibility of developing guilds, the emergence of guild achievements and awards.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

About the game:

Minimum system requirements:

Download WoW MoP 5.3 via torrent

Year of release: 2010
Version: v.5.3 (Official)
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publication type: License
Interface language: English/Russian
Voice language: English / Russian
  • 25 GB free hard disk space
  • 2 GB RAM (1 GB Windows XP)
  • Broadband Internet connection
  • Keyboard and mouse required. Other input devices are not supported.
  • Windows® XP/Windows Vista®/Windows® 7/Windows® 8 (with latest service pack)
  • Intel® Pentium®D or AMD Athlon™64 X2
  • DirectX® compatible sound card
  • NVIDIA® GeForce® 6800 or ATI™ Radeon™ X1600 Pro (256 MB)


After an epic battle with Deathwing, the Aspects fulfilled their destiny and a new era dawned. The world began to gradually recover from the destruction. However, the flames of war flare up again. The new leader of the Horde, Garosh Hellscream, throws all his strength into exterminating all the enemies of the Horde, and the Alliance, in turn, answers him the same. Not much yet, it will start new war Horde and Alliance.
But suddenly in time skirmishes in the endless sea, and the Horde and the Alliance open new land called Pandaria. The lands of the Pandaria are shrouded in thick fog to hide them and their people from all the inhabitants of Azeroth. It has kept them safe from skirmishes, wars and dissensions ever since the world was torn apart. The local lands are inhabited by various races, mainly Pandaren. When the Horde and the Alliance invaded Pandaria, the Pandaren split in two, one part followed the Horde and the other part the Alliance.
However, clashes between the Alliance and the Horde led to the emergence of ancient evil forces. Awakened all the vices named SHA.
In the struggle for power, you have to defeat all Sha, and find inner harmony in yourself, which will undoubtedly open up new horizons of improvement in the future.
All the answers you have to find on the shores of the mysterious land of "Pandaria"!

By downloading WoW MOP 5.3 you will plunge into the world of pandaren, full of harmony and new dangers. Fight with SHA and get new skills in battle. And also, you will learn new stories related to WoW.

What's new?

1) Changes that will affect all classes: Spellbook will be “cleaned up”, Rotations will be improved, Spells will be learned automatically, Several new spells will appear, Specializations will be more developed, Now the choice of talents will be interesting! 2) New Battlegrounds: Diamond Mines of Stranglethorn - Carrying capacity matters, Vale of Power - Killer game, Azshara Crater - DOTA style game. 3) Dungeons and Raids: Mists of Pandaria will feature 3 new raid dungeons and 9 normal dungeons, 6 of which will be in Pandaria. Battles are not combat satellites. 4) Another innovation in Mists of Pandaria will be a system of battles between non-combat companions. 5) New talent system. 6) Dungeon Challenge Mode Scenarios. 7) New playable race - Pandaren. 8) New - . 9) New locations and new monsters