If military affairs are close to you in spirit or you simply do not want military service to be on a general basis, you should think about entering a military school after grade 9 (for boys and girls).

Our telegram channel has a lot of information about admission to technical and humanitarian universities in Russia. It's time to talk about military schools and other relevant information.

The military school is the basic step in obtaining a military education

Where to apply

In a military school, they receive a general secondary education with a military professional profile. The purpose of such an educational institution is to prepare students for subsequent admission to a higher military educational institution.

You can enroll in the following types of educational institutions:

  • cadet corps or cadet school,
  • Suvorov or Nakhimov School,
  • military music school.

Usually, recruitment of those wishing to classes with a military orientation begins after the 4th grade. At the end of the ninth grade (if there are free places), they can also be enrolled, but there is less chance of enrolling.

It is possible to enter the Suvorov School under the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the 8th grade for the first or after the 9th grade immediately for the second year.

Every year, educational institutions change their plans for the number of enrollments. For information on each educational institution, please visit the website.

Here is a list of current military schools for 2019 after grade 9 for boys where students from Russia can apply (in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of the country):

  1. Moscow and Moscow Region: Moscow Military Music School named after V.I. Lieutenant General V. M. Khalilov, Department of the Military Academy Serpukhov Technical School, Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps of the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  2. St. Petersburg: Cadet School of IT-technologies of the Military Academy of Communications. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, Cadet Sports School of the Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, First Frontier Cadet Corps of the FSB.
  3. Novocherkassk (Rostov Region): Novocherkassk Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  4. Astrakhan: Astrakhan Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  5. Chita (Trans-Baikal Territory): Chita Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. Elabuga (Republic of Tatarstan): Elabuga Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  7. Grozny (Chechen Republic): Grozny Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  8. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Cadet Corps. A.I. swan.
  9. Republic of Bashkiria: Bashkir Cadet Corps.
  10. Krasnodar: Krasnodar Military School named after General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko.
  11. Ivanovo: Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps of the Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  12. Voronezh: Cadet Engineering School at the Air Force Academy. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin.
  13. Plotnikov: Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  14. Kemerovo: Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Police.
  15. Pushkin: First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB.

And here is a list of military educational institutions after grade 9 for girls :

  1. St. Petersburg: Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, Nakhimov Naval School, St. Petersburg Cadet Corps (consisting of the once independent Military Space Cadet Corps, Rocket and Artillery and Railway Cadet Corps), Suvorov School of St. Petersburg;
  2. Ekaterinburg: Ekaterinburg Suvorov School;
  3. Kazan: Kazan Suvorov School;
  4. Kemerovo: Cadet Corps of Radioelectronics.

As for the higher educational military institutions, you can enter them only after graduating from the 11th grade.

When entering military schools after grade 9, they look at grades, so high scores in subjects are the key to a successful military career, even at such an early stage

Admission Requirements

There are many who want to enter military schools. Therefore, among the applicants, a competitive selection is carried out. Here are the main conditions for participation:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • be no older than 16 years, and for the 1st year of the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - no older than 17, for the 2nd year - no older than 18 years;
  • have 1 or 2 health group in physical culture;
  • good school performance;
  • not get in trouble with the law.

If an applicant enters a military music school, he must have certain musical skills (for example, singing, playing a musical instrument, etc.).

To enter a cadet school, you will first have to obtain a sports category in some obligatory sport.

Rights and benefits when entering a military school

As in other educational institutions, military schools are primarily accepted subject to certain benefits.

The following categories of students have an advantage in admission:

  • orphans and children without parental care;
  • children of military personnel (active or retired due to age or health, who have served for at least 20 years);
  • children of military and security officials who died while on duty;
  • children of holders of the Order of Glory and heroes of the USSR.

The advantage in admission will be given to those who have creative or sporting achievements, impeccable studies at school, victories at olympiads and specialized competitions.

What items are for sale

After grade 9, they do not pass the OGE, so students are required to take entrance tests. The admission process consists of the following steps:

  1. Psychological testing.
  2. Exams in general education subjects (interview or testing). Most often it is Russian, mathematics, computer science, physics and foreign.
  3. Physical standards: pull-ups, running (for 1 km and 100 m).
  4. Creative test according to the profile of the institution. For example, when entering a military music school, they are asked to play a solo part on a musical instrument, as well as to perform a written dictation in solfeggio.

How to proceed: step by step instructions

Unlike secondary specialized institutions, military schools begin accepting documents much earlier. Do not forget that you can not do without the participation of parents. Therefore, start preparing in advance, at least from the third quarter, and do not postpone until the last moment.

Here is a detailed action plan to help you on how to enroll in a military school after grade 9.

Stage 1: passing a medical examination

Contact the clinic at the place of registration / residence and undergo an examination by highly specialized specialists.

Medical examination for admission takes place in the form 026u.

Make sure that this document will definitely contain the entry “Recommended for health reasons for admission” and then the full name of the educational institution where you are going to apply.

Stage 2: Formation of a personal file

For a folder with a personal file, you need to prepare a list of documents:

  • An application from the applicant and his parents, the forms of which can be found on the website of the educational institution or directly at the department of interest.
  • Copies of passport and birth certificate (pages 2,3 and 5).
  • Autobiography. It can be written in any form. The document contains information about yourself and your immediate family. You can also list special hobbies, merits and achievements in studies, creativity and sports, if any.
  • Copies of a personal file from the school, certified by the director's seal, a report card with final grades for 3 quarters and current grades for the last quarter.
  • Personality characteristics from a teacher and a psychologist from the school, a recommendation entry for admission.
  • 4 photographs 3*4 in size with space for a print.
  • Copy of health insurance.
  • Copy of medical card.
  • A copy of the certificate in the form 026u with the signature of the doctor and the seal of the health care institution (polyclinic).
  • A copy of the conclusion about the group of physical training.
  • A copy of the history of development and an extract from the history.
  • Copies of certificates from narcological and psychoneurological dispensaries.
  • A copy of the vaccination passport.
  • Certificate from the place of work of the parents.
  • Information about the composition of the family.
  • Copies of certificates, certificates and other documents that confirm special rights and achievements.

All these documents need to be flashed and put in a folder.

Stage 3: submission of documents to the educational institution

Submission of documents to the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out a little earlier. Documents must be submitted no later than April 1.

Documents can be submitted in person or sent by mail with a list of attachments. In this case, if the letter is submitted for reasons beyond your control, the date of submission will be the day when you sent the letter, and not when it was received at the educational institution.

As soon as the selection committee receives the documents, it will review the personal file, determine whether the documents meet the specified requirements.

If you are applying to the cadet school of IT technologies, keep in mind: from June 1 to June 15, all applicants need to pass distance testing.

Stage 4: entrance examinations

From the moment you submit your documents until June 25, you should receive a call indicating the date of the exams. If the educational institution refuses you, a written refusal should come with an explanation of the reasons.

Do not forget to come to the chosen place of the institution with the originals of all documents and the necessary copies.

Remember : even if you passed all the entrance tests with excellent marks, those who have benefits or special rights will be enrolled first. Only then, in turn, go those who passed the exams for the maximum score.

Why enroll in a military school at all, if you can go to a military university after the 11th grade? Yes, because then the competition will be tougher. And you will always have a second chance if your attempt to enter the school fails.

Another plus is that, having studied at a military college, you will already have a great advantage in the form of a stable psyche. Yesterday's schoolchildren will have a breakdown in freedom and problems with discipline. And students from schools managed to survive and get used to local life.

However, our student service will also help you adapt. While you study the local infrastructure and procedures, our specialists will help you with where you have problems.

Russia, which can accept young men of this age and provide them with a good education. We will also try to understand some other aspects of this method of teaching and the opportunities that open up for the cadets.

military school

In the modern education system, you can get a higher education on the basis of a profile, which is very good. This is especially important for military educational institutions. Note that the choice of specialties is quite wide. We will talk exclusively about the cadet corps, and therefore consider what advantages they have:

  1. There is a lot of attention to young people here. This is very helpful, as around this age, a teenager can take a sharp turn off the right path. In the school, he not only falls under a worthy influence, but is also among those like him, with his like-minded people.
  2. Boys are taught to properly manage their time, make decisions, and be responsible.
  3. Also here they are taught to duties. It should be noted that parents, and indeed life itself, will not form such a character and will not provide the base that the guys receive in schools from officers and teachers of the highest category.

Of course, such schools for girls are a serious test of fortitude, but sometimes it is very useful and necessary. If a girl makes her own decision, she will be satisfied with her choice as a result.


So, which cadet schools after grade 9 should be considered? There are 5 main options:

  • Military Space Cadet Corps.
  • Cadet Rocket and Artillery Corps in St. Petersburg.
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics in Kemerovo.
  • Military-technical corps in Togliatti.
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps.
  • Let's not discount the Voronezh Cadet School after the 9th grade.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these options.

Military Space Cadet Corps

Acceptance to this cadet school after the 9th grade began in the summer of 2011. The founder is the Government of the Russian Federation. The school is located in the city of St. Petersburg and has no branches.

At the moment, Tsarev Ivan Nikolaevich, an honored military specialist, is in charge of the military corps.

The corps was created from the merger of the Cadet Corps of the Railway Troops, the Rocket and Artillery Corps and the Military Space Corps. Thus, the 3 best educational associations in the field of military pedagogy formed the basis. This university is distinguished by the fact that there is not only a high quality of education, but also education. It is based on the key principles of patriotism, social values ​​and citizenship. These postulates permeate absolutely all spheres of activity of cadets during their stay at school.

More than 170 teachers are engaged in training and education. Also, 6 candidates of sciences, 2 doctors of sciences, 3 honored teachers of Russia and 40 teachers of the highest category work here.


The training area consists of two buildings. These are large educational buildings with bright and spacious rooms, with a modern material base. There is a sports complex, a large library, a club and a dining room, and in addition, two dormitory buildings in which students live. To be honest, the rooms here are more like rooms in excellent hotels. 2-3 people live in them. Each has a desk and a laptop with Internet access. Bathrooms are equipped with modern shower cabins.

The teaching staff initially sets itself the task of not only giving a certain level of knowledge, but also preparing a graduate for further education in other institutions of vocational education. Thus, a person of high culture and wide erudition comes out of the school.

That is why the educational program, in addition to the main subjects, includes many additional ones. Extracurricular activities of cadets are carried out in such areas as linguistics, defense, sports, science and technology, artistic activity and aesthetics.

The LMS school provides the highest level of all these activities. Thanks to it, there is access to the Internet, local networks, electronic diaries, the ability to exchange information between pupils, parents and teachers. Each parent can go to the website of the educational institution and, using a special password, get acquainted with the diary of their child, his schedule and living conditions.

In addition to the school curriculum, such military disciplines as shooting and tactics are taught here. In September 2012, as a result of the merger of this institution, the Military Space Corps and the Corps of Railway Troops, the St. Petersburg Cadet Corps was formed.

Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps

The idea of ​​creation was proposed by the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. During the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy, it was proposed to create the First Naval Cadet Corps, which was transformed into the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps.

It received the status of a naval educational institution in 1996. At the same time, until 2008, there was a double foundation, which was represented by the government of St. Petersburg and the navy. After 2008, the founder remained here alone - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. And in 2012, a solemn ceremony of presenting the Battle Banner was held in the building.

The peculiarity of this educational institution is that at the time of its creation, the period of study here was 7 years, that is, boys were taken from the 5th grade and taught up to the 11th grade. Priority was given to orphans, as well as those whose parents served in remote garrisons. For all this time, the cadet school of Russia after grade 9 A produced about 16 issues.


More than a thousand cadets graduated from the corps, of which 12 received a gold medal and 16 a silver one. It should be noted that more than 90% of all graduates later got a job in the Armed Forces.

The visiting card of the university is young drummers who have been opening the Victory Parade in St. Petersburg for almost 2 decades. In 2015, young people were awarded a departmental medal for diligence and distinction when participating in military parades. It is important that admission to the cadet school after the 9th grade is available to everyone who really wants to connect their lives with the duty to the Motherland. This corps is one of the best, which is confirmed by its many awards at the state level.

Military-technical cadet corps in Togliatti

The Togliatti military-technical cadet corps is a specialized educational institution that was established in 1997. The educational process here is conducted in accordance with the basic programs of secondary education with additional electives, which provide for the professional training of students in the field of military specialties. All training is 3 years, that is, from 9 to 11 grade.

The military cadet school after the 9th grade released the first young men in 1999. During this time, about 80% of young people who graduated from it continued their studies at the Military Engineering Technical University.

Special conditions

The school accepts young people from 14-15 years old who have completed 8 classes and meet the requirements of professional selection and have passed the competitive selection. But orphans are accepted without exams. Out of competition, children brought up by one parent serving in the army are also accepted here, as well as children of military personnel who died in the line of duty, served in a military conflict zone, served in the army for more than 20 years.

Cadet schools in Krasnodar

After grade 9, education in this region is represented by the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School. This institution opened in 2012 in the Southern Federal District. The purpose of creating this institution was to educate young people who in the future will be able to represent the intellectual and patriotic elite of the country.

For the education of such young people, there are well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, a swimming pool, sports grounds, and an ice palace. There is also a planetarium, which was presented by the President himself.

You can enter a cadet school after the 9th grade on the basis of a competition. This is a pre-university institution that accepts young men from the age of 14. Its founder is the Russian Federation, and the owner is the Ministry of Defense. The total number of students at the expense of budgetary funds is more than 700 people. Note that paid educational services are not provided here.


At the moment, there are enough cadet schools for girls after the 9th grade. We will not dwell on each of them, since this article is not enough for this. We only note that girls can study at the Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics, the Military Space Corps, the Rocket and Artillery Corps, the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps and the Military Technical Cadet Corps.

As you can see, we discussed all these institutions above, which means that they are open not only to boys, but also to girls, which is good news.

One example of a good option for a cadet school for girls after grade 9 is the Voronezh Cadet Corps. Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. It was founded in 1845. At the moment, this is a functioning state educational institution with a rich history and famous graduates, transformed from a non-state institution in 2005.

It implements programs of basic (grades 5-9) and secondary (grades 10-11) general education. Has a boarding school with 250 students. It should be noted that since 2016, education here is paid.

Girls and boys, wishing to have a military rank, enter military schools after the 9th grade.

These guys have a much greater advantage than their fellow citizens from 11 classes, because it is much easier to enter a higher military institution if you have a diploma from a technical school or college.

This article will talk about military schools after the 9th grade and not only.

The main educational institutions of Russia

Military education is divided into two types:

  1. Basic. It is divided into: cadet, suvorov and nakhimov schools.
  2. Higher includes varieties: institutes, academies, higher command schools.

Future warriors can delve into one of their chosen specialties in the following areas of troops:

  • land;
  • airborne;
  • marine;
  • railway;
  • rocket;
  • Cossack;
  • military-technical;
  • military musical troops;
  • military justice troops.

The main cities where the main educational centers are concentrated are: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. Often, parents send their children to a military school because of the prevailing discipline of the barracks walls. When choosing a school, parents are guided by several criteria:

  1. Location of the institution (preferably closer to home).
  2. The age of the future cadet (after grade 9, not all military institutions can be entered).
  3. Requirements for applicants (in order to “pull up” grades in advance to the desired level).
  4. Deadline for submission of documents (reception of documents starts earlier than in secondary schools).

List of the best military educational institutions of the Russian Federation


Cadets start their military career at an early age (grades 4-5), after classes at a military school, the guys go home.

List of the best cadet schools in the Russian Federation (only for orphans and military children):

  • Anti-aircraft missile (Orenburg);
  • Krasnodar;
  • Stavropol;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Vladivostok;
  • Tyumen.


Suvorovites differ from the cadets in that these young guys, who graduated from the 8th or 9th grade, live in barracks, far from home.

The admission criteria are similar for both cadets and Suvorov and Nakhimov students. List of the most famous Suvorov schools:

  • Yekaterinburg;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Moscow;
  • Tverskoe;
  • Ulyanovsk;
  • Kazan.


Nakhimov - cadets of the naval school.

Studying in such an institution is incredibly prestigious.

After graduation, mid-level specialists enter universities without exams.

The best educational institution known throughout Russia is the Nakhimov School in St. Petersburg.

Requirements for applicants

The requirements for applicants who enter in order to become a cadet are not simple, it is necessary:

  • have the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • suitable age;
  • good level of preparation;
  • positive test results (psychological, physiological).

Graduates of the 9th grade cannot start studying at their own request, as without fail, parental consent is required. If all stages of selection are passed, the cadet lives in the barracks. In case of non-compliance with the norms of behavior, he can be expelled.

The admission of girls to military universities is a rather complicated operation, only five out of 26 universities recruit. The rules for admitting girls are similar to the rules for admitting boys, the only difference is the level of difficulty in passing the standards.

After graduating from college, a girl can engage in medicine, control of a missile and ballistic complex, an automated command and control system, ground-based space infrastructure, as well as work. The study of boys and girls is different in that girls learn to work in the communication field related to the personnel department and the military.

Ministry of Emergency Situations

Graduates who dreamed of being firefighters or rescuers, there are also educational institutions according to their customs, for the Ministry of Emergency Situations these are:

  • fire and rescue college in Moscow;
  • fire rescue college in St. Petersburg;
  • Cadet Corps at the Academy of Civil Defense.

In order to join the ranks of the EMERCOM of Russia, it is necessary to pass the standards (shuttle run, 1 km run, long jumps, pull-ups) and exams in the necessary disciplines. Girls can apply equally with boys.


The requirements for students who want to get the title of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are quite high and are no different from the requirements of all military schools.

After graduation, graduates have a complete secondary education, and can already work as operatives, detectives, forensic specialists, and district police officers. The most famous educational centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are:

  • police college in Moscow;
  • Moscow secondary special police school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • training center of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the training of workers of the Higher Military District.

Note: in order to get a job in the Federal Security Service (FSB) in the future, it is necessary to complete 11 classes, pass exams and undergo a medical examination. It is very difficult to enter any specialty in this field.


To enroll in flight, you must complete 11 classes, pass exams in the Russian language, mathematics and physics.

The decisive factor is the indicators of health, psychological tests, as well as good marks in the exam. The most famous flight schools of the Russian Federation are located in Moscow, Ulyanovsk, St. Petersburg and Omsk.

The requirements for admission to the space school are no different from the flight. The best space educational institutions in Russia are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk.

There are a large number of educational institutions of a military nature in Russia. Every year, the state is replenished with new specialists in various fields (the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, as well as institutions that graduate cadets, Suvorov and Nakhimov).

Every ninth-grader has a chance to become a military man, but he must seriously think about the choice of his fate, because defending the state is a difficult task, not everyone can cope with it.

Military school is the first step towards a career in the army. How to enter this educational institution - read in our material. We have collected the most up-to-date information for you and prepared a step-by-step guide.

Military school - the first stage of military education

Where to go?

The military school is the basic level of military education. Here you will receive a general secondary education with a military professional orientation. The main goal of such educational institutions is to prepare for further admission to higher military institutions.

You can get this type of education in cadet corps and schools, Suvorov and Nakhimov, as well as military music schools.

Most often, enrollment in basic military educational institutions begins after the 4th grade. After the 9th grade, you can get in if there are free vacancies. You can enter the Suvorov schools under the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the 8th grade or the 2nd year after the 9th. Every year, each school sets its own enrollment plan. Information about it can be found on the school website or in the admissions office.

We have prepared a list of institutions where they accept after the 8th and 9th grade in 2018.

Name of educational institution


Moscow Military Music School

them. Lieutenant General V. M. Khalilov

Moscow, pos. plant Mosrentgen, st. Hero of Russia Solomatin

Cadet School of IT-technologies of the Military Academy of Communications. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny

St. Petersburg, K-64, Tikhoretsky prospect, 3

Cadet Sports School of the Military Institute of Physical Culture

Saint-Petersburg, Bolshoi Sampsonievsky prospect, 63

St. Petersburg Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

St. Petersburg, st. Kronshtadtskaya, 3

Novocherkassk Suvorov Military School

Rostov region, Novocherkassk, st. Pushkinskaya, 47/63

Astrakhan Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Astrakhan, st. Embankment of the river Tsareva/1st Control, 9/1

Chita Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Trans-Baikal Territory, Chita, st. Truda, 16

Elabuga Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Republic of Tatarstan, Yelabuga, st. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, 25

Grozny Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Michurina, d.189,

First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB

Saint-Petersburg, Pushkin, Sofia Boulevard, 2

You can enter the higher military schools only after the 11th grade, the rules for admission to them and military universities are the same.

Good grades in school can be a bonus when entering a military school

What are the admission requirements?

Among those wishing to get into military schools, a competitive selection is carried out. Mandatory conditions for participation in it:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age not older than 16 years;
  • for the 1st year of the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the age is not older than 17 years, for the 2nd - not older than 18;
  • 1st and 2nd health group in physical education;
  • good school performance;
  • no problems with the law.

When entering a military music school, you must have musical skills (playing an instrument, singing, etc.). A sports cadet school requires a sports category in one of the compulsory sports.

They will only take you to a military school with a good reference from the school

Special rights and benefits upon admission

The following are entitled to the enrollment advantage:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • children of military personnel, including those dismissed upon reaching the age and state of health (provided that they have served for at least 20 years);
  • children of military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies who died in the line of duty;
  • children of Heroes of the USSR and holders of the Order of Glory.

Also, benefits upon admission can be obtained for special sports and creative achievements, excellent studies at school, victory at olympiads and competitions in the profile of the school.

What needs to be submitted?

For admission to any military school, you need to pass entrance tests, which include:

  • Psychological testing.
  • Exams in general education subjects, which take the form of an interview or test. Most often, you need to take the Russian language, mathematics, computer science, physics or a foreign language.
  • Passing physical standards: pull-ups, 100 m and 1 km run.
  • Creative tests depending on the profile of the institution. For example, in a military music school, you need to play a solo program on a musical instrument and pass a written solfeggio dictation.

Admission procedure: step by step guide

Reception of documents in military schools begins much earlier than in secondary specialized institutions. In addition, the participation of your parents will be required. Therefore, do not postpone everything until the last moment, start preparing from the third quarter. We have prepared a detailed action plan.

Step 1. Pass a preliminary medical examination

To do this, contact the clinic at the place of residence or registration. You need to undergo a full medical examination, the results of which are recorded in the 026u card. The document must contain the entry “Recommended for health reasons for admission” indicating the full name of the educational institution to which you are enrolling.

Step 2. Form a personal file for admission

For this you will need the following documents:

  • Statement from you and your parents. Forms and samples can be found on the website of the institution.
  • Copies of birth certificate and passport (2nd, 3rd and 5th pages).
  • Autobiography. Filled in in any form. Provide basic information about yourself and your immediate family members. Don't forget to list your special accomplishments and hobbies. A sample can also be found on the website of the educational institution.
  • Certified copies of a personal file from the school, a report card with final grades for 3 quarters and current grades for the 4th quarter.
  • Pedagogical and psychological characteristics from the school with a recommendation record for admission.
  • 4 photos 3 x 4 cm with space for a print.
  • Copy of medical insurance policy.
  • Copy of medical card.
  • A copy of certificate 026u, certified by the doctor's signature and the seal of the clinic.
  • A copy of the conclusion about the physical education group.
  • A copy of the history of development and an extract from it.
  • A copy of certificates from the psycho-neurological and narcological dispensary.
  • A copy of the vaccination certificate.
  • Certificate from the place of work of the parents.
  • Information about the composition of the family.
  • Copies of documents confirming your special rights and achievements.

All documents must be stapled and placed in a folder.

Step 3. Submit documents to the educational institution

This must be done from April 15 to June 1, to the Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - no later than April 1. Documents can be submitted in person or by mail. When sending by mail, make out a registered letter with a list of attachments. After that, the selection committee considers your personal file for compliance with all parameters. In the cadet school of IT technologies, from June 1 to June 15, you need to additionally pass testing in a remote form.

Step 4. Pass the entrance tests

Until June 25, you must receive a call to the school indicating the date of the exams or a written refusal explaining the reasons. Entrance tests are taking place from 1 to 15 July. Upon arrival at the educational institution, bring the originals of all documents. Based on the results of the exams, all scores are summed up and entered in the list. First of all, candidates with special rights are enrolled, then with higher scores.

Studying at a military school will provide you with a bonus when entering a military university. You will have an advantage in enrollment. Another plus is that it will be much easier for you to study than for yesterday's schoolchildren.


Hello, I am 15 years old, I am in the 9th grade and after the ninth grade I want to enter the Kazan Military School. Can I apply if I have 3 in the certificate?

Anas Yuldoshev, good afternoon! Try to contact the college admissions office and clarify the requirements for applicants. They will be able to give you the most accurate answer.

Hello. I am 16 years old. At the moment I am in the 10th grade, but I want to leave and enter the Moscow College of Music. Certificate of completion of grade 9 with good grades.
Tell me, can I do it?

Tatyana Zaitseva, good afternoon! If the college has no age restrictions, then it will work. There are no other obstacles.

Hello! I am in the 9th grade and this year I am taking my exams. Can I enter the Suvorov Military School if I have 3 in my certificate?

Densema Shirabon, good afternoon! You can try, because the admission rules did not say anything about the number of triples. But you will need to take entrance examinations at the school itself.

Hello again! Thank you for your answer! By the way, I completely forgot to ask. Will I be able to get a higher professional education at MBAA if I leave after the 9th grade?

Andrey Tokarev, good afternoon! Yes, there are two programs of secondary vocational education in MVAA: 02/09/04 Information systems (by industry) and 02/13/11 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)
You will be able to enter them after the 9th grade

Is it possible to enter the Ussuri Military School, after the 9th grade, I'm studying in the 10th grade right now and I want to enter the 9th grade certificate

Andrei Pushkarev, good afternoon! School enrollment starts in 5th grade. term of study - 7 years. Therefore, after the 9th, it will not work out. Try using the search engine for universities / colleges to choose an educational institution that you can enter after the 9th or 11th grade.

Hello, I graduated from the 9th grade, I'm 16 years old. Is it possible to enter a military university after the 9th grade or only after the 11th grade and is it necessary to take a foreign language

Military education among young people is becoming more and more popular every year. This is connected both with the changed status of military personnel and with the change in state policy in terms of material support for the military. In this regard, many young people are looking for information about military schools after the 11th grade that accept applicants. Previously, there were more than 40 such schools in Russia. But after the process of disbanding and restructuring, the situation with military schools in our country has changed radically. Some educational institutions retained the status of a school. Currently, there are 7 such educational institutions in Russia. Below is a list of them.

List of military schools in which you can enter after grade 11

Popular materials

  • Moscow Higher Military Command School
  • Kazan Higher Military Command School
  • Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A. K. Serov
  • Moscow Higher School of Air Defense Radio Electronics (branch)
  • Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V. F. Margelov
  • Black Sea Higher Naval School named after Nakhimov
  • Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A. I. Proshlyakov

Other military schools that entered after the end of 11 classes were transformed and became either independent military institutions or became part of larger military educational institutions. Below is a list of 9 reorganized military schools with the current name:

The list of military educational institutions that previously had the status of schools, and are currently restructured:

St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographic Command School named after General of the Army A. I. Antonov - currently the faculty of the Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky

Balashov Military Aviation Institute (branch) - the former Balashov Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots named after Chief Air Marshal A. A. Novikov - currently the 4th aviation department of the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute

Far Eastern Military Institute named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Rokossovsky K.K. - former Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K.

Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics named after Lenin Komsomol - currently a branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev

Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Institute of the Federal Border Service, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Technical School, formerly Kurgan Higher Military-Political Aviation School

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (NVVKU) - currently the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Novosibirsk branch).

Syzran Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots (Military Institute) - currently the Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin" in Syzran

Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of the Red Banner Navigators - currently the Chelyabinsk Military Aviation Institute of Navigators