August 29, 2017

The actress gave a frank interview to one of the domestic media.

Marina Fedunkiv would like to adopt a "special" child / Photo: globallook

the site has already said that Marina Fedunkiv. “My husband and I separated recently. For me, this is good news. When feelings become obsolete, why continue to exist together? Moreover, I love to live ... After parting, I felt only relief, because we already tolerated each other. This is wrong,” said the actress.

It so happened that Marina Fedunkiv and her husband Mikhail did not have children, but the actress always wanted to experience the happiness of motherhood. Now Fedunkiv is thinking about taking a "special" child from an orphanage. According to the actress, some time ago she worked in a similar institution, so the topic of abandoned children is very close to her.

“I would like to adopt a “sunny” child. Everyone wants healthy children, but everyone has the right to happiness. You see, taking a child right now, especially a “sunny” child who needs constant care and affection, means ending his career at that very moment. For show, I don’t want to do this, I’ll grow old a little more and think seriously about this issue, ”admitted the actress.

As for the relationship with the ex-husband, Marina and Mikhail continue to be friends. According to the Comedy Woman star, she is not used to conflicts.

“When feelings become obsolete, why continue to exist together? Moreover, I do not like to exist, I love to live ... We parted on a good note, without scandals and reproaches. However, it was the same with my first husband, I part with everyone peacefully, as you already understood. I congratulate everyone on the holidays, I help if necessary, ”said Fedunkiv in an interview with the publication“

The Comedy Woman star spoke frankly about breaking up with her second husband, plans to adopt a "sunny" child and buying a dream home.

"I don't think I'm stupid"

- Marina, tell us what it's like to make a living with jokes.

You know, not bad, I love my job. I believe that humor should be in the life of every person, without it in any way. Some people like primitive humor, some people like it aggressive, thank God, on Russian television there are a lot of different humorous programs, in taste and color. Personally, oddly enough, humor on TNT is close to me. When I have time, I watch programs, but not with my participation. I don’t like to evaluate myself from the outside, I have always been a rather demanding person to myself, and to others too.

- I always thought that only very smart people can joke funny ...

Well, I don't think I'm stupid! (Laughs) But, I repeat, I am rarely satisfied with myself. If I like something, then you have no idea how small a part it will be. It may be one word that strikes me as brilliant in a general context. In Perm, I had my own team, and I really regret that I never praised the guys ... Then I realized how a creative person needs support, praise, especially since I was an authority for them. Maybe with age I have become softer, but looking back, I understand what I did wrong, and for this I am very hurt.

Have you ever been taken seriously because of your profession?

- I always have a very serious look in life, when people find out somewhere, they are always surprised, they say that it’s completely different on the screen. And I answer that if I walk all the time and “neigh” with or without reason, this is already a diagnosis!

- What is Kolyan's mother in real life? Is there anything in which you are similar to your Real Boys character?

- With our heroine, we are certainly similar, but it cannot be otherwise. I always say that if there are no coincidences at least in something, this is a split personality. It is impossible to play a completely different person. No matter how much makeup you put on and no matter what costume you pick up, it's still you, even under all this shell. For example, Kolyan's mother, like me, is very fair. I have to admit, this is my negative trait, not a positive one. Because not all people like to hear the truth about themselves.

- Are you a shy person? In what situations are you modest?

- If they put me on stage as Marina Fedunkiv, I will definitely start to be shy, I always need some kind of mask to work. As a child, it was exactly the same, apparently, God directed me. To get rid of some complexes, he gave me a scene where I could feel like a completely different person. No, I was active, I was engaged in amateur performances, I performed in the choir, in the ensemble, staged skits. On stage, I realized myself, there I was a queen.

- You often post videos on instagram where you parody some celebrities. Offended did not accumulate?

This is bad, of course, but I judge by myself. If someone had made fun of me like that, I would have laughed heartily. I do not do or say anything that could offend anyone: I do not offend anyone, I do not affect physiology. After all, it's a joke! It hurts me a little that not everyone is able to understand this, but I think that girls should also be smart. And the idea with parodies was born by accident. Wigs were brought home to me, and I started trying them on, joking at the same time, and so a parody of Olga Buzova was born. People were hysterical, laughed to tears and insisted to put it on Instagram.

"I know I'm far from beautiful"

Some people just don't know how to laugh at themselves. Do you think it makes life difficult for them?

- And how! It's scary when a person has no sense of humor. It happened, I joke, I try to make you laugh, but the person does not understand humor at all. But it also happened when it wasn’t funny to me, this happens when it comes to soldier’s, mundane humor, it’s not close to me at all, therefore I will never laugh at such jokes, simply because I really don’t find it funny.

Have you ever been seriously offended by a joke?

I don't take offense at good jokes. I can be offended when they start talking about physiology, I think that this is superfluous. I myself know where I have what hangs, I have a mirror at home. I'm far from pretty once again I don't need to be reminded of this. Medicine has come a long way, I can cut myself there, sew myself here. For example, I have a big nose, well, I will do rhinoplasty, I will have a nice little, pretty nose, like a million people. But without his charismatic nose, at the same moment, individuality will be lost along with the opportunity to be a comedic actress. I'll just be a pretty aunt.

- Marina, can you call yourself a conflict person or, on the contrary, are you one of those who bypass sharp corners?

- I am completely non-conflict, but if the same nonsense is repeated with respect to me with some periodicity and regularity, then I explode. Then there will be not just a conflict - a real hurricane of emotions!

- Marina, you came to Moscow at the age of 37, why didn't you decide earlier?

- I felt comfortable in Perm, as long as I was tall. At a certain moment, I realized that I had reached the ceiling, and in my city there is no opportunity to realize myself the way I would like. That's when I went to Moscow. The decision was given because the work no longer brought joy, it was hard in a new place, especially at first. Like any newcomer, if no one helps him, she overcame difficult obstacles. There was not enough money for food or housing. Something that I went to the panel, no, there was not. Let's just say that this is not my forte, I'm a big and rare amateur.

“I’m far from a shopaholic, but I don’t suffer from bad taste at all”

- How did you get into the Comedy Woman show?

- Sometimes I came to Sochi for a festival with old people from KVN, this rarely happens, but then it was not an accident. We met there with Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov (general producer of the TNT channel), and he invited me to become one of the participants in Comedy Woman. Then there were already "Real Boys", and I knew Slava for a long time, since the days of KVN, but then I did not take his proposal seriously. And a couple of weeks later I got a call from the TNT channel with a specific offer that I could not refuse.

- I heard that you have a privilege in the show, you create your own stage image, is that so?

“Sometimes I can pick everything up myself, but the costume designers help too. The inconsistency can only be in the color scheme, what the camera does not like, otherwise we have freedom of action.

- Do you like to dress fashionably in life? Do you follow trends?

- I like to dress comfortably. I'm far from a shopaholic, but I don't suffer from bad taste at all. My fetish is bags and shoes, this is my weakness. Nothing has been in my dressing room for a long time, the shoes are on the shelf in a double layer.

- Yes, you are just like the main character of the Sex and the City series, she also could not get past the shoes of her favorite designer. Do you have a favorite brand?

- Of course! Yohji Yamamoto, I love bags from this brand. In general, I like the urban style, although I look rather sad in it, but this does not stop me. I love the classics, but with my life rhythm, I rarely have to resort to things from this category, unfortunately. Basically my style is very reserved. I never liked to stand out, I never had any piercings or tattoos, and I never dyed my hair in bright colors.

- Do you miss home?

- You know, not anymore. Since childhood, she lived in Ukraine, then moved to Perm, then here to Moscow. In general, I’m kind of nomadic, I don’t really stick to any one place. Moreover, here I have already bought an apartment in Sokolniki. My soul, health and hard-earned money are invested in it. For me, this is pride that in a short period of time I was able to buy an apartment in Moscow. And since August 2, I have also been the owner of my own house, which I have been dreaming of for a very long time. I will not say that there is a Hall of Columns. It's a cozy, nice house, just what I wanted. Now a grand renovation will begin, I want the site to have a sauna and a barbecue area.

44-year-old Marina Fedunkiv plans to become a mother for the first time and wants to adopt a "sunny" child.

Recently, the star of the series "Real Boys" 44-year-old Marina Fedunkiv, who played the role of the mother of one of the main characters - Kolyan, announced her desire to become a mother in real life. Some time ago, the actress and her ex-husband Mikhail completed the divorce process after thirteen years of marriage, in which they never had children.

However, according to Fedunkiv, after the divorce, she felt more light and intends to move forward. And now Marina is considering the possibility of becoming a mother on her own, and the artist plans to raise a special, “sunny” child.

“I would like to adopt a “sunny” child. Everyone wants healthy children, but everyone has the right to happiness. You see, taking a child right now, especially a “sunny” child who needs constant care and affection, means ending his career at the same moment. For show, I don’t want to do this, I’ll grow old a little more and think seriously about this issue, ”the actress recently said.

Due to the fact that such a decision will certainly put an end to her career, and she will have to give up a lot, now the actress is weighing all the pros and cons.

Ekaterina Murashova

The Russian comedian and actress broke up with her husband. They have been married for 13 years, but they have no common children .. referring to RosSMI.

Talked about plans for the future

Only talk about the divorce of the famous actress subsided, she gave a frank interview. The star admitted that she was seriously thinking about adopting an unusual baby - a “sunny child”.

“When feelings become obsolete, why continue to exist together? After parting, I felt only relief, because we already tolerated each other. It is not right. I am not 90 years old to live without feelings, especially when there are no common children, ”Fedunkiv told Russian journalists.

The actress of the comedy genre admitted in a frank interview that she is thinking about adopting a "sunny child", but wants to do it not for show and a little later, informs JoInfoMedia journalist Ulyana Ulitkina.

Dreaming of adopting a child

“I would like to adopt a “sunny” child. Everyone wants healthy children, but everyone has the right to happiness. You see, taking a child right now, especially a “sunny” child who needs constant care and affection, means ending his career at that very moment. For show, I don’t want to do this, I’ll grow old a little more and think seriously about this issue, ”the Russian actress spoke about her plans for the future.

It is worth saying that Marina understands what she is talking about. For some time Fedunkiv worked in an orphanage. It was there that she saw the love and care that children without families need.

We previously reported that Comedy Woman star Elena Borshcheva. The media suggest that Elena will again become a mother.